what does kyara smell like

I am thinking this is kyara smell but maybe I'm wrong? Today the resin is commonly called Jinko, Aloeswood, Agarwood, and Oud. Tried a bit last night for the evening meditation and was just blown away by the richness and complexity. If theothertheory is true, andKyarais indeed the fruit of a unique combination of events which may take place in any type of Aquilaria or Gyrinops tree, then my original question still remains unanswered. Akigalawood is a perfume note which was fractionated from patchouli oil and is used by Givaudan. That's why I have a lot of Edps, EOs(essential oils), Agarwood, Oudh, Incense, Kyara, Sandalwood, perfume oils/attars, Musk, Ambergris, resins, etc. Kyaras narcotic tone, its medicinal bitterness is my personal benchmark. With some oils its just super clear, the base materials were nuts and the juicing perfect. *Written by David Oller of Esoterics, LLC. I'm missing the frame of reference for black kyara. WebCrack has an unpleasant smell when its smoked its said to smell like a mixture of chemicals and burning plastic. it would seem to indicate that akyaratree could qualify as akyaratree no matter whether it contained anykyaraor even any degree of infection. All the pieces hereare sold askyara, with prices starting in the tensof thousands of dollarsand people who invest this kind of money do their homework. The sweetness mixes in with the other spices in the mixes and isnt really my favorite take on Kyara. The yardstick that gets branded into your minds nose after drinking one too many cups of kinam tea, chewing one too many cuts of chinan, and lighting up way too many of those Hainan skins. The name derives from Miuccia Pradas family nickname, and was established as a more youthful, playful and affordable alternative to the Prada line. Just gotten hold of Kevins plantation Kinam and decided to do a comparison with my selected White, Green and Black Kyara. No doubt. Kyara might have been cheaper, as was all agarwood, back in the day when there was more of it. This review was fantastic! JavaScript is disabled. Proof? I have learned that aloeswood has a huge taste range and each new sample extends the vocabulary a bit. Its not marketing. Her signature scent is a combination of white musk, jasmine, and sandalwood. If whatever-piece-of-wood fulfills certain scent characteristics, it gets the label. The resin created as a natural immune response makes the most sacred oil on the planet. Period.Rasoul / Canada. WebOne thing you do learn from ancient descriptions of kyara is the simplicity: kinam is bitter or smells like a monk. Miu Miu is the sister label to Prada, and was founded in 1992 by Miuccia Prada. Because it just does; Chokoh too. This is a scent years in the making. The scent is beautifully distinct and exquisitely rare; the golden tip at the top of the oud pyramid, regardless of the country its found in. Pull out a pellet of Vietnam Kinam. Anything not harvested in Vietnam, cannot be Kinam. Vietnamese kinam does not smell like other Vietnamese agarwood, even if it be the stickiest, most resinated kind. Of course,Vietnam bittersweet green medicinal did I say bitter and green dragon smoke is the main character in this play. It took me months and months to be able to find joy in sub $700 oils. Reading this you realize these texts werent meant for teaching Kyara stays bitter and medicinal with hints of Purple Kinam in the background. Thanks for taking the time for that! Upon smelling it, one of my brothers in the craft said: Wanna know the first thing I said to Ensarwhen I smelled Kyara? Between my Chinese mentors, our mad Taiwanese kyara guru, and all these years chasing the kyara dragons piercing breath, I believe weve got the dragon in a corner. Duringthe 2017 OudFest, we did a blind test. Unless youre extremely well connected in Japanese and Chinese kyara circles, youll probably waste a ton of time and a lot of money hunting for individual sources. Borneo Kinam is on sale for a short while only. I understand it may vary but I am looking for an incense stick that has the "Kyara" smell and I would like the smell to linger for a bit so my house stays smelling nice. And its the very same scent that is present to various degrees in a numberofrare oud oils. It gets more tricky when you hear that kinam doesnt even need to be agarwood! They dont stand a chance of ever producingKyara. The first time I put the tiniest sliver on the heater, I was expecting wafts of plumy twang or a darker shade of New Guinea filaria. From that point on, incense would become an important facet of Japanese culture.Incense is used for a variety of purposes, including This is not your typical loud Rose Ouds that populate the market today. The truth is, while kyara is made out to be a mystery, its not. I wont blame you if you disagreeour skin chemistries are different. Kinam is hard to find if you dont know where to look, and its expensive wherever its found. We use cookies to deliver you the best experience possible. Anyways, special oil and as far as I see it a must for any and all oud lovers. Although it is commonly referred to as quicksilver, it has no detectable odor. I'm struggling to figure out what people are calling 'kyara' smell. LCG, It's not likely that smelling Kyara will be an epiphany. Ranjatai can be seen there every 10 or 15 years. Now how is this possible? Much appreciated! Humbly speaking, if I was Ensar I would limit the purchase of an oil like this to .5 gr per customer. Just as you would, when talking about kinam, at least have an industry-standard reference like Baieidos on hand (eg. Only bizarre thing is a subtle to moderate note of grilled steak served blue. The amount of wood it takes to transmute into a single drop of oil is enough to keep you heating until youre well high and flying. He didnt warn me that it came with a side of knafeh fresh out the oven. Something folks who havent juiced this kind of oud dont know yet is that for ouds of this caliber, age is everything. The smell packs so much punch, the different batches so sizzlingly synthesized into a new scent, you cant even pinpoint a single note. It reminds me of Westerners who argue about the difference between sushi and sashimi. than the Ryugen, which I will go into below, so I consider it like an Aloeswood Extreme. Generally speaking, these chemical compounds provide a soapy-waxy-lemony-floral touch to a perfume formula. At that level, there is nothing really better, just different. But theres no mystery about its smell. But this oil is old and I confirmed with Ensar whatI am smelling is part of the wood and not process or matter of age. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Id say its about 90% similar to the Nha Trang. Talk about a real superfruit! Kyara is green and medicinal, with a slightly bitter herbal bite and Say the tree is 85 years when harvested. Powerful but poised. Great reading and from my limited listening experience I certainly wouldn't disagree one bit. I then gave them a swipe of oud and asked them to go back and forth between the taste on their tongueand the smell on their wrist. IfKyarais a unique, ultra rare species of Aquilaria tree that only grows in Vietnam, as Baieido maintains, then aKyaratree is aKyaratree irrespective of whether it contains anyKyara, just as an apple tree remains an apple tree even if it never bears a single apple. Others believe that. In this Kyara Kit, weve put together a collection of kinam granules that covers both schools. Its energy. Kyara might have been cheaper, as was all agarwood, back in the day when there was more of it. Youknow its nonsense, buthereally believed this and taught it as truth. It smells like great, if restrained, aloeswood to me, but I don't notice anything Kyara-like but I may be looking for too narrow a definition of Kyara. When was the last time youve seen any kind of Chinese agarwood for sale anywhere? Sour -- Resembles the smell of plums or other acidic foods. You are using an out of date browser. All this cultivated Kinam talkplaced e-bay order on January 31still waiting on it Did you get a tracking number? Reading this you realize these texts werent meant for teaching and, as youll discover after youve delved into this kit, the Kinam is hard to find if you dont know where to look, and its expensivewhereverits found. Lol, For me even without smelling Kyara i know i would prefer say high quality woods mainly due to the cost! The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of cinnamaldehyde as a flavoring agent for direct addition to food. Others believe that one mans kinam is simply anothers sinensis. Because there are many treasures in Shosoin, every year, they change the object of exhibition. It is the most complete and accurate kyara note in oud oil. Their scents will be tattooed into your olfactory memory for life. Fresh, delicate rose petals, floating on a current of sunshine and citrus opening into a deep whirlpool of kyara oil and woods. Shiragoromo, which means veil of the goddess, in truth is a very unisex fragrance. Reading this you realize these texts werent meant for teaching and, as youll discover after youve delved into this kit, the scent of kyara is strikingly simple in its beauty. If youve chewed on a bit of kyara, you know the difference between smelling a piece gently heated and the minty bite you feel when crushing a pellet with your teeth and sucking in the kyara juice. They are expensive and they should be. What may smell supreme to one vendor might very well send you to the nearest sink to reach for the soap. The Kyara is terribly wonderful, among the purest and most intriguing scents I have experienced in my long life. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The Japanese incense houses and Chinese agarwood collectors monopolize kinam because they sought out and bought out all of it over the years, long before others caught on thats why soil kyara is a big thing now, because with no living kyara trees standing, the only place youre likely to find kyara today is underground. But if you insist on Vietnamese kinam being the only kinam out there, youll still be left in awe at how these Brunei, Borneo, and Chinese palettes smell SO out of this world compared to regular varieties from the same regions. Not to mention its taste when you chew it or drink it as tea. Here, another question arises: At what stage of the resination process is akyaratree, akyaratree? It starts off kinamic then slowly morphs to almost like Royal Guallam. Bright, Famous I am grateful there is a guy crazy enough to make these truly beautiful oils. Ryugen is just a lot going on, in a good way. A chip of kyara has layers of enjoyment. That was wonderful. In my opinion, until somebody distil an oil from actual Kyara wood than you can actually know what is that smell you can compare it. Despite how hungry some fakesters are to make a buck, they know theres too much Borneo wood around to compare his Borneo kinam to and get exposed. It's just another lovely piece of Agarwood with a few more special notes. Last comment: this is by far the most incensey oil I have come across. Try for as long as you can to stay clear of it. This is commonly called agar #2. So, thingscanget puzzling. NEW YORK I never knew I could like a smell called cheesy vomit until I visited the Museum of Food and Drink.. As a matter of fact, while on my scent journey, I had to try everything that I could get my hands on. Ants smell the chemicals that make up odors with olfactory receptors on their antennae. Needed an oil to calm me down and help ground me to a sound nights sleep. The cherry tree will not produce apples, as it is its genetic disposition that only allows the tree to yield cherries. That youre reading this means youre into a niche within a niche within a niche. Its length of projection an insanely awesome oil, oud lovers need to figure out a way to have a tiny bit in their scent library. For those who deal in kinam, collect kinam, or routinely indulge in kinam, there is no confusion. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I do know that at first I associated aloeswood with sour caramel and thus failed to notice the dry, spicy kinds of aloeswood in blends for a long time. Most amazingly, it doesnt smell like resin at all! Larry / USA. Bottomless oil that comes across to me and base yanked to the top note. It is believed, the famous piece of aloeswood called Ranjatai was presented by Komyo Emperor for Todaiji Temple in Nara, Japan, in the year 756 A.D. Ranjatai was kept in the Shosoin warehouse of Todaiji Temple. I think something similar may be going on and I just lack the experience with Kyara's range. WebYes, it is possible to smell mold behind drywall. The fact that the Kinam does not measured well against the wild Kyara (in my own opinion) is NOT an indication of its inferiority. You might think, but the Japenese and Chinese differ themselves, so why should I care about what you and your sifus think? True. WebHighly resinous Agarwood will have that acrid effect BUT with more experience your nose will learn to bypass those notes altogether. Is it akyaratree? WebTartaglia probably smells almost like an old person. From the look on Ensars face though, I could tell he was sad I was missing out! I encourage oud heads to secure .3 grams of this oil for it is unlike anything else. Kinam is hard to find if you dont know where. It quickly becomes a big ole clean white floral. WebOne thing you do learn from ancient descriptions of kyara is the simplicity: kinam is bitter or smells like a monk. A teacher in Jordan once told his students about oud and why its so rare and expensive. I find it very deep and meditative for me. The Brunei kinam alone was stored in wax for ten years, and you havent seen wood half this caliber come from China in the last two decades. All he says is: That is Kinam.. At first sniff, one is brought into the presence of kyara, feeling its huge impact, opening up the doors of the mind to a vaster plain. To claim you know anything about kinam, you should at least have smelled the varieties offered by established Japanese houses. Game over oil. Enough with the charts and ancient descriptions. It is a heavy metal and has a silvery-white appearance. Cape May, NJ 08204, document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Scents of Earth LLC. Hmm. Hainan kinam !! If you can acquire some of that, IMO you will own one of the top ouds ever distilled. I love the kinam note. We could use yet another image to help clarify the issue: ALL students of the medical profression have the potential to become a doctor. I hope to experience Kyara and Kinam someday soon. It is fair to say, at this point, thatKyarais a subject we need to agree to disagree about. Press J to jump to the feed. But remember this: If you werestill stuck in that mantra of Oud = Cambodi/Hindi only, youd never have enjoyed the depths of Papuan green or Bruneis blue. This might have been true two hundred years ago, but certainly doesnt apply today. Hot -- Resembles the smell of peppers on a fire. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA. And its the very same scent that WebKyara is a particular odor described as "A gentle and dignified smell with a touch of bitterness. Certainly not as the enviromental factors will be different according to the specific jungle. I understand cheaper = lower quality but can someone shed the light how do these smell and how much of a difference is there between these products when it comes to the quality of smell. I'm yet to experience Kyara and maybe someday will try it out and share my experience. In my opinion, all of Minoriens incenses are great and the Ryugen is like an upgraded version of the aloeswood and kyara. If whatever-piece-of-wood fulfills certain scent characteristics, it gets the label. That youre reading this means youre into a niche within a niche within a niche. Its the aroma that permeates everything I do. I have been waiting for any kind of clarity on this, you are the first to deliver. In serious pain and agony tonight after an earlier long session of prolo therapy in my back. Are the incense houses haording tons of this stuff to drive up the price, is De Beers in on it? Kyara Sayangs crispgreenscent reminds me of a facet of chewing and burning kinam at the same time like few other oilsdo. blue kyara jack chaitman kyara language scent True Woodict Feb 6, 2023 #1 The potency and mesmerizing effects of this psychoactive blissful meditative vibe and aroma is justifying the price of this oil, easy! For $20 a stick Id prefer more but again just could be this companies style. Salty -- Resemble the smell of ocean water when seaweed is dried on a fire. Kyara defines what I do and Kyara is not only as close to kyara an oud oil can get, but one that takes you beyond the wonder of the wood into the labyrinth wonderland of oud oil where red kinam smells green smells purple smells more, all at once. You order will contain kinam pellets, like this: This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Until now, that is. WebIt smelled nothing like Burmese oud, and had none of the 'barnyard' characteristics of Chinese oud. Its scent. !Nazif/ USA. Ten places with distinct smells and aromas you should visit. Just take a whiff of each and youll know! It is the supreme oud oil experience.Raaid / UK, Well it is Memorial Day here in the US. Kinam is massively hyped and marketed Ive gotten slack for this myself (I guess people dont read my blog enough) and the result is a cloud of confusion. Bacterial vaginosis 1 gr Vietnam Kinam1 gr Brunei Kinam1 gr Borneo Kinam1 gr China Kinam. Lisa smells like new books. Google's Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Just like a Malaccensis will not be a Crassna, as it is its disposition to produce this type and not another type. Nor does Brunei kinam smell like any other strand of Brunei agarwood, much like Borneo kinam stands above any other local agarwood species. Fav part is the very impressive evolution to drydown and the overall weight. But its greatest value, and why its such a treasure, is because of its transcendental nature. A teacher in Jordan once told his students about oud and why its so rare and expensive. What might be considered aged by some was barely separated from water to another. or Aquilaria agallocha andis a very popular ingredient in Japanese incense and is often used in traditional Chinese, Unanai, Ayurvedic, and Tibetan medicine. https://www.kyarazen.com/enjoying-kyara-through-mon-koh/. Just so as many people as possible get to try it. We gave our guests a Japanese kyara pellet to chew on. For those who deal in kinam, collect kinam, or routinely indulge in kinam, there is no confusion. Instead of philosophizing about what it is, is not, or ought to be Borneo Kinamshows you what it IS. This stands in stark contrast to the Baieido official stance on the subject, which I have discussed at length way back in the day with David Oller. In comparison on a scale of 1-10, I would rate the plantation Kinam a 6 as It does induce a similar Rather, the closest scent to Vietnamese kinam is Borneo kinam Cambodian kinam Bruneian kinam. Not sure who you ordered from but I usually try giving vendors the botd. Its like not being able to tell the difference between goat yogurt or cows, or the difference between Thai oud and Maroke. Thats why kyara discussions often read like philosophy lectures, and why it makes for a great marketing hook to cash in on the confusion. Ive even been treated to kinam by esteemed distillers only to realize what they generously offered me was notkinam by any standard. Not only that, youre getting the Vietnamese kinam for CHEAPER than buying from the Japanese houses directly (currently, $246/gr LESS to be exact). If you havent, and you got your kinam from Facebook vendors or online circles swapping little splinters of kyara then chances are youre still in the dark about what kinam is all about. That peppery note kept drawing me in and showing me new things. Sun moon and stars have lined up for me and this oil tonight. There are many stories about aloeswood being buried under the ground for hundreds of years. Thatsthe kinam youre getting in this kit. Soulstirring. Ants smell the chemicals that make up odors with olfactory receptors on their antennae. Today, Ranjatai belongs to the Royal family of Japan. Walk into a Baieido showroom in Japan in person and theyll only let you buy 1 gram of kyara, even if youre a known collector. Kinam? **Five associations used to classify aloes wood aromas in ancient Japan. Throw together random batches from Hong Kong, Vietnam and Cambodia, and you wont get this smell. This is an incredibly potent oud! That people arent sure what it smells like; that to them kinam doesnt really stand out from the crowd. It's often associated with relaxation and meditation, and is rich, woodsy, and smooth without being overpowering. Its what I, my teachers, and the veterans at the top of the chain who invest sick amounts of money on kinam, know it to be. Thats the motto. Also, just like someone may adore their 1900 vintage Cabernet, sometimes box Zinfandel sparkles with its own charm! After signing up, please check your email for your coupon. While everyone is unsure about its origin and how exactly it gets produced, theres no mystery about what kyara smells like. So, things CAN get puzzling. Loving this oil. The distinctive element of Middle Eastern perfumery is oud, or agarwood, a precious resin with an opulent aroma of tobacco, leather and honey. A swipe of Kyara hits you with the whole shebang; the kyara top notes as you take your first whiff and feel that lingering cool flush through your nasal; the kinamic prickle as your taste buds feast on the smell. It gets more tricky when you hear that kinam doesnt even need to be agarwood! A w12 engine on a Bentley. For coffee like notes, there's an offering by Shunkohdo, Houshou, which reminds me of spicy and smoky chocolate coffee, and Wabi-Sabi by Awaji Baikundo, which is pretty hard to explain other than it also smells like roasted chicory and coffee. Kiyoko It is profound.Rasoul / Canada, It is, without reservation, a piece of art. Were in 2022 folks. Its pieces like these that Irecognise as kyaratheir smellwhen burned, their taste when chewed, themouth numbingsharpness of their GREEN. Cervical cancer: Symptoms can include a strong, bad-smelling discharge. If you havent, and you got your kinam from Facebook vendors or online circles swapping little splinters of kyara then chances are youre still in the dark about what kinam is all about. Many people report a particular scent appearing around this time of year; some describe it as melancholy, while others associate it with more pleasant harvest-type smells. That people arent sure what it smells like; that to them kinam doesnt really stand out from the crowd. We gave our guests a Japanese kyara pellet to chew on. Deep. And they dont flaunt it. One enthusiast admits being sold Kyaraby the owner of a major Japanese incense company which when shown to the owner of a different company was promptly dismissed as non-Kyara.If the bigwigs of theKyaratrade themselves cannot agree as to what constitutesKyara, who can? Thats what makes thescent of Borneo Kinam such an eye-opener. Borneo Kinam is a testament to this legacy. The generation who first discovered kyara only knew it as one thing. Generally when I buy on eBay I get one. I have some Hainan kinam and it is very nice. Hell point to different batches of wood and tell you: This is Yunnan, that ones Maluku; over here youve got sinking Port Moresby But ask him aboutthosenuggets way at the top and he doesnt tell you where its from. WebThey spent 20 percent more time with the cancerous samples. You can spend ten years reading charts that compare Borneo oud to Cambodian oud, and still be none the wiser. I get dark red cherry Vietnamese notes layered with a spiciness I get from gently heating my Olde Guallam vintage Vietnamese wood. And I feel entitled to it just as anyone else might feel entitled to theirs. One of the longest-lasting oils to date. You can order any of our kinam (Vietnam,Brunei, or this Borneo)right nowand know more than anyone stuck in them charts will in a decade speculating about what this bitter note is theyre talking about. The varieties offered by established Japanese houses Vietnamese notes layered with a side of knafeh fresh out the oven if... Nearest sink to reach for the soap richness and complexity, there no! Of reference for black kyara arent sure what it is the main character in this kyara Kit, weve together... The 'barnyard ' characteristics of Chinese agarwood for sale anywhere skin chemistries are different, the base materials nuts. 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