list of scottish prisoners sent to america

(CD), 1659: Dover, NH; Maine, Believed to have died childless.Anderson,Archibald. During its 80-year history 158,702 convicts arrived in Australia from England and Ireland, as well as 1,321 from other parts of the Empire. (CD), of Taunton, MA, and Block Island, RI;yDNA StudyCanade/Kennedy. Even if you think you share some DNA with someone else who is also descended from a SPOW, the segments will be extremely small, and cannot be used to make a definitive case. (CD), of Barnstable and Edgartown, MA.Stewart, Duncan. (CD), of Boston, MAWilliamson, Duncan. Puritan minister John Cotton wrote in his letter to Oliver Cromwell, "The Scots, whom God delivered into your hands at Dunbarre, and whereof sundry were sent hither, we have been desirous (as we could) John Paul (abt. His wife's name was Sisey. names, date and cause of banishment, name of the ship carrying him or her to the colonies, and date and place of arrival in the colonies. (CD)Reed, John. They worked as woodcutters to supply the wood to make charcoal, or as forge hands, as blacksmiths, as miners and farmhands. Other records that we hold may help you find this information: consult our guides to criminals and convicts. (LLNV)Patterson, Edward. HO 10 and HO 11 can be downloaded free of charge from Discovery, our catalogue; however, please be aware that these are very large files, suitable only for download via a fast and unlimited broadband connection. FTDNA sells a popular mtDNA full sequence test. ISTG NOTICE: These electronic pages are Copyright 1998-2023 and may NOT be In 1654, Blacke assaulted and beat up his master, and a court sent him to prison in 1654. William Furbush was in constant trouble for his outspoken comtempt of the English authority. As many as 400 Scottish POWS captured in the Battles of Worcester and Dunbar were shipped to New England in the 1650s as temporary slaves to work in iron mills, saw mills and farms. The work was hard, dirty, hot and dangerous. We must have money; a fathers debts are to be paid, an aged mother to be supported, a brothers ambition to be aided and so the factories are supplied. (IWI), of Lynn and Boston, MAJordan,William. Petitions could be on behalf of persons convicted in courts of any level and for sentences ranging from a few weeks imprisonment to death. (IWI), Lynn and Salem, MAGrimes, Henry. When this Project was started, Y-DNA was the commonest first type of test to take, and autosomal DNA testing was only just taking off. The most recent pleasure I had was to be able to put together complete records for the two ships that came here to Maryland, the Goodspeed and the Friendship of Belfast. List of rebel prisoners: with their rank and the number of witnesses against them, July 17 1746 (SP 54/32/41C). Some of the Scottish POWs like David Hamilton survived Cromwells forces only to die at the hands of Indians. (CD)Moore, Mathew. (CD), of Dorchester, and Rehoboth, MAGray,George. Voluntarily! On September 16Th, the secretary,Gualter Frost, was ordered to confer with the petitioners, to terms under which they would undertake the project. While there is no single index of the names of people transported to Australia, various lists of names exist, both in published books and among our records. Transportation provided an alternative punishment for crimes which were considered serious, but not worthy of execution. 272 of them survived to reach Charlestown, where they underwent the same fate of the Unity prisoners a year earlier. the original by clicking on this line. John Bean wound up in the Exeter sawmill. This is essential so that your matches and you can begin to work out who your shared ancestors may be. In the event you don't have an account Brown and Orr lived for many years in Wells, Maine. Grey paid his wife's fine " for breach of sabbath and for stricking of Patience Everinton". 1671 he had a grant of upland, at York Bridge. William Furbush and Daniel Fergison bought land together in what is now Elliot, Maine. In the aftermath of the English Civil War, for example, Oliver Cromwell transported thousands of Scots soldiers to Virginia, New England, and the West Indies. (J&S), Adams, James. (CD), of Oyster River and Great Island, NH; Kennebec, MEMiller, Games [James]. The Y chromosomes of SPOWs can still be seen in their direct male line descendants today, and can identify a descendant. (CD) 1654: Exeter, NH, see John Beme on the John & Sara listBennett,John. There were 150 Scots who were were sent to New England on The Unity and arrived at Lynn, Ma. (CD)McDougall/Douglas, Alexander. Four separate lists straight from original documents recorded around the time of the voyages. Subscribe now for regular news, updates and priority booking for events.Sign up, All content is available under the Open Government Licence The contemporary English judicial system was harsher than in Scotland, which explains why the Hanoverian government had the Jacobite prisoners taken south to England for trial. As Jonathan Tucker framed his reply in the context of early New England colonies in North America and our history in the USA, I believe your reply to him was more of a personal attack and off point. Your chances of success will be much better if you begin with some information about the person youre looking for. It was then called the Scotsman's House, it had been framed by Samuel Bennett, a master carpenter who also worked on constructing the Iron Works. It records the names and aliases of the convicts who arrived in New South Wales and Van Diemens Land between 1788 and 1842 and also contains an index of ships. However, one member of the SPOW project has already successfully traced his all-female line descent from a SPOW's daughter, and identified her mtDNA - so it can be done. Two months after the battle, 150 Scottish POWs boarded the Unity and sailed to London, then to Charlestown, Mass. Nyven Agnew also called niven Agmeau and niven the Sct was taxed in Dover, in 1659. elem.async = true; Who were the shared Scottish ancestors of the transported men and their modern Scottish relatives. To their miserable condition on arrival was due the foundation in 1657 of the Scots Charitable Society of Boston-the earliest Scottish society in America. (CD)Guthrie/Gutridg, Robert. We can either copy our records onto paper or deliver them to you digitally, Visit us in Kew to see original documents or view online records for free, Consider paying for * Thanks for pointing out the error! (IWI) 3. Many small segments are ancient segments of DNA that become common in a community. (CD), of Dedham, MA, yDNA StudyMcShane, John. Your book is dead wrong. From 1615 to 1870, more than 200,000 criminals were conditionally pardoned, exiled, and transported to penal colonies. Again, many were ordered for transportation and on 8th November 1651, the John and Sarah took sail with around 300 Scottish prisoners on board. The exact number of Scots banished to the Americas may never be known because records are not comprehensive; moreover, some Scottish felons sentenced in England were shipped from English ports. He had at least 2 sons, John and Robert. The English had them buried in mass graves, only recently discovered. For each person cited in this directory, some of the following information is given: name, occupation, place of residence in Scotland, place of capture and captivity, parent's names, date and cause of banishment, name of the ship and the date and place of arrival in the colonies. They were as follows: A few years later, a small group of Scots were brought to Scotland, Maine. The Covenanter Risings of the later 17th century led to around 1,700 Scots being expelled as enemies of the state, and the Jacobite Rebellions of 1715 and 1745 resulted in an additional 1,600 men, women, and children being banished to the colonies. /** reproduced in whole or part in any format for presentation, distribution or profit by var disqus_config = function () { (CD)Philips, Charles. _qevents.push({ [] Just came through on my FB feed thought it might be of interest: How Scottish POWS Were Sold as Slave Labor in New England New England Historical Society []. Around 1715 during events associated with the Jacobite uprising at Preston, five years before the birth of the well known Jacobite Bonnie Prince Charlie whose image we have, we see recorded the individual names of many common people; in prison costing the authorities two pence per diem to feed; on ships costing two pounds per person to transport into exile; and in land records, people recorded as real property and sold for cash. Bostonians viewed them with scorn and classed them with African-Americans and Indians. 1-B. [], [] of Kittery, considered too poor and low to ever form a town. Some of the Scottish POWs sent to New England were sold as a group to work in the Saugus Iron Works or the saw mills of Berwick Maine. Albion's Seed: Four British Folkways in America, Caribbean Migration (To and From U.S.) Prior to 1900, Emigration from Europe - Ports of Departure, Passengers of the ship John and Sara: Scots Prisoners of War, 1651, Directory of Scots Banished to the American Plantations, 1650-1775. After landing in Charlestown, New England, the ones who survived the voyage were indentured for 20-30 each as farm or industrial servants, up to 60 of them to the Saugus Ironworks in Massachusetts. a bill requesting payment from the King for transporting the prisoners on the ten ships. Cromwell and his Puritan followers executed King Charles I in January 1649. Auburn Cemetery. Transcript Show entries. Publishing Company. According to tradition, the English lined up the Scottish POWs in order to shoot every tenth man. Gordon complained to the court of ill-treatment and petitioned for his freedom, apparently without success. Please keep this updated as you discover new information. An incomplete list of Scots who were sent to New England in 1650 appeared in the Iron Works papers in 1653. Contact details can be found using find an archive. Transported Scottish Prisoners of the Civil Wars (1650s). He landed in Ipswich ,Mass, where he was an indentured servent . Firstly, this era is generally something between 8 to 13 generations back in time for today's family history researchers. Prisoners after Culloden View full image 00:00 00:00 List of rebel prisoners: with their rank and the number of witnesses against them, July 17 1746 (SP 54/32/41C). 61 of the men did make it to the iron Works. Such as were sick of scurvy or other diseases have not wanted physick and chyrurgery. His father left him half his property in hopes that he might return, but he never did. SC 373 Ballintine Wm. (LLNV), of Oyster River, NHDanielson [Daniels], James. * RECOMMENDED CONFIGURATION VARIABLES: EDIT AND UNCOMMENT The men worked long hours, 12-hour shifts. Unfortunately, this type of DNA test is not useful for researching ancestors from the 1650s, or from colonial New England. * LEARN WHY DEFINING THESE VARIABLES IS IMPORTANT: Micum McIntyre, the Scottish POW who ran for his life, worked in Cocheco Mills and then got a land grant in Kittery, Maine. Dr. Dobson?s tireless efforts have produced this new second edition of the Directory of Scots Banished to the American Plantations, 1650-1775, containing fully 30% more convict passengers than in the original. Please note, if you believe you have Scottish ancestry but no connection to the Civil War prisoners, the Scottish DNA Project at open to DNA testees who wish to explore their possible Scottish connections. After 1718, approximately 60,000 convicts, dubbed "the King's passengers," were sent from England to America. To Mr Webster [Minister] In Edinr. (CD), of Yarmouth and Satacket, MA.McDonald, Alexander. (CD)Parsons/Palson, Thomas. The records of these appeals can be very useful. Slavery is forever. 1657 he was taxed at Oyster River. For information about Alexander Gordon, we relied on A. J. Gordon: An Epic Journey of Faith and Pioneering Vision By Kevin Belmonte. His daughter, Fanny Kemble Knight, took a famous horseback ride alone along the Boston Post Road. (CD), of Exeter, ME; Dover, NH, yDNA Study, (Updating now, TR)MaGoon, John. The names below are compiled from the following three lists:1. var elem = document.createElement('script'); Alexander Gordon, for example, agreed to seven years of slavery under Samuel Stratton of Watertown. They were captured by the English, taken from their homeland, and sent to Massachusetts Bay Colony to work as indentured servants for seven years. After 1776, all criminal transportation was to modern-day Australia, specifically New South Wales and Van Diemens Land (modern-day Tasmania). (CD), of Oyster River, NHNeal, John. A similar list for the second fleet, which left in 1789 and suffered 278 deaths during its voyage, is included in The Second Fleet Convicts, compiled and edited by R J Ryan. FAQs Contact Us & Complaints |. * PLATFORM OR CMS. 3 went to the company 's local commissioner,17 were sent back to Boston to work for William Awbrey, the company factor and the warehouse he ran there and 2 to 7 men ended up being sold to colonist. A Common Man's Survival After Being Captured at the Battle of Dunbar and Sold into Servitude in America In the winter of 1650-51, one hundred fifty ragged and hungry Scottish prisoners of war arrived at Massachusetts Bay Colony, where they were sold as indentured laborers for 20 to 30 pounds each. Between the march and lack of food, many died along the way. British Convicts In American Colonies. All this means that this Project is a Y DNA project, and we cannot use autosomal DNA (but,, descended from Scottish prisoners transported to New England on board the, descended from Scottish prisoners transported to New England on boardthe, descended from Scottish prisoners who may have been transported on other ships or to other colonies (1640s-50s), descendants from other Scottish exiles from the Commonwealth or Restoration (1650s-60s) eg. It is hoped that DNA can also help to identify relatives of the transported men who still live in Scotland today, to help answer the questions Where in Scotland had these men been taken from? Technically they signed contracts agreeing to indentured servitude, but in reality most spoke Gaelic and many couldnt read or write. Carrying the label Jacobite Rebel he was sold into seven years indenture-ship and so became a piece of real property. They became most respected section of early settlers. His widow Dorothy then married another Scotsman, Micuim Macintire, who bought land from Maxwell. Daniel Blacke, who came over on the John and Sara, probably got sold to the son of the Rev. In 1698 he had a grant of land, 50 acres,in Eastern Massachusetts. - Historum - History Forums, Not Everyone in Salem was a Puritan | Letter from Hardscrabble Creek, The Rise and Fall of Kumbaya - and of the Man Who Discovered the Song - New England Historical Society, Sarah Bagley Avenges the New England Mill Girls - New England Historical Society, The First Town Meeting Still Going in Six States - New England Historical Society, Gordon Bennett, the Madcap, Scandal-Mongering Publisher Who Built the Newport Casino - New England Historical Society. Blacke apparently left prison, married and had children. elem.type = "text/javascript"; (CD); yDNA StudyRankin, John. His was one of several Scottish names that began appearing on . ( Mc Kendra, Mc kandra, Mac Kandra ), Mac Kane John ( Mc Canne , Mac Kane, Mc Kane), Mac Kane patricke ( Mc kane , Mc Cane ), Mac Kannell Daniel ( Mac Connell, Mc Connell ), Mac Kannell Wm. Before 1776, all convicts sentenced to transportation were sent to North America and the West Indies. It gives orders for the transportation of Jacobite prisoners in Liverpool Castle to plantations in America and provides instructions for the care of sick prisoners, 29 February 1716 (SP 35/5/13). (IWI)McWater, William. John Barber was taxed at Dover 1659. They were given very little to eat. (CD), of Ipswich, Massachusetts.Ross, John. If you are descended from a SPOW, you are likely to be descended from other colonial Americans too, and so you cannot be sure. "Between 1650 and 1775 many thousands of Scots were banished to the American colonies for political, religious, or criminal offenses. From "An Incomplete List of Scottish Prisoners of War Sent to New England in 1650" -- According to Colonel Banks' 1927 paper presented to the Massachusetts Historical Society, in the aftermath of the Battle of Dunbar, 900 Scots were to be sent to Virginia. All this means that this Project is a Y DNA project, and we cannot use autosomal DNA (but you can use it to prove relationship to a proven Y line SPOW descendant). The names of convicts transported with the first fleet, which sailed in May 1787 and reached Australia in January 1788, are listed in The First Fleeters, edited by P G Fidlon and R J Ryan. The shipmaster, Augustine Walker, paid five pounds for each man and sold them for 20 to 30 pounds. 4. 1. Late servant. Indenture is ownership of the labor of a person, usually in the form of payment of a debt, and, as the article above indicates, almost always under written contract. Their son George jr. was capturd by Indians and carried off to Canada. (IWI), of Oyster River, NH and Kittery, ME; yDNA StudyGrant, Thomas, (1). along with me). We believe it is an insult to the 26 million slaves in the world today to limit the definition of slavery to Native Americans and African Americans of previous centuries. Few ever returned home to Scotland. Doesnt matter how we try to dress this up, it was definitely slavery. In total, somewhere between 4,000 and 5,000 Scots were banished to the Americas during the Colonial period (whereas England transported around 50,000 and Ireland in excess of 10,000), all of whom contributed to the settlement and development of Colonial America." Daniel Livingston in 1694 was attacked by Indians. Search the index to Tasmanian convicts (archives council of Tasmania) by name to see some digitised records, including conduct records, indents and descriptions. You may read a transcription of this warrant and view scans of (CD)Sinclair, John. There are tens of millions of slaves in the world today. (CD), of Charleston, MA (Updated 22 Feb 2020), Original List of Dunbar Prisoners Profiles, yDNA Study (updates in progress 24 Feb 20), Durham University Scottish Soldiers Project, 35 Scots at Lynn 1653, Iron Works Inventory, Bravender/Braband/Brebner/Brabiner, Alexander, Forbes/Furbush/Farbish/Furbish/Farsbush/Farbuish, John (2), Forbes/Furbish/Furbush/Forbush/Ferbush,William, Livingstone/Levingstone/Lewiston/Levestoon, Daniel. Today is nowhere as near as large and a Historical Site. (CD)Scollay, James. John Stewart was employed by John Giffard , as a servant, for a two year period, in his house, before being put out for blacksmithing. (IWI), of Lynn and Taunton, MA; Block Island, RIIrwin/Erwin/Dulen, Edward. (IWI), of Lynn, MAMcDougall, Allan. (CD), possibly Hugh STEWARD/STUARD of Falmouth/Yarmouth and Chatham, Barnstable, Massachusetts?Stewart, James. Dr. Andrew Millard's list in, Lost Live, New Voices. (LLNV), of Dedham, MAGrant,Peter. A list of the passengers of the John and Sara is given in the Suffolk Deed Records, book 1. pp. Livingstone, John. However, by the time the Scots arrived in Boston, they were in poor health. After being captured, they were marched from Durham to Newcastle. The Iron Works at that time covered over 600 acres, from what is now Saugus Center to Walnut street up towards what is now North Saugus, almost out to where Route one is now and over as far as Lynn Commons. Shelter is thought to be provided only for the sick. Samuel Drake Publisher 1847 Vol 1 - 50 ( Oct 1847 pages 378- 379), Coehon John ( Cowen, Cowan, cowin, Cowing), Edminsteisteire John ( Edminstair, Edmonstair), Mack Alinsten Almister ( Mc Alinsten, Mac Allinsten ), MaKandra Wm. (LLNV),Died enroute from Boston, MA.Denmark,Patrick. Lessons Learned Review of Transgender Individual. In America today there are many who believe themselves descendants of these men, and DNA will be used to explore family links between them. (LLNV), of Charlestown, MAMcCall, Duncan. // Replace PAGE_URL with your page's canonical URL variable In our view, indenture was a euphemism used by John Cotton and others to disguise the cruel fact that the Scots were (a) sold and (b) had no freedom under their masters and had to do everything they were told. DAVID HAMILTON=== (CD)Rose, Tormut. (CD)MacCoon, John. The . They are as follows: Aside from the Scot prisoners, there were other Scots, who also arrived on The Unity. Trevor Schakohl on February 28, 2023. (LLNV), of Oyster River, NH, and ?New Haven, CT.Paul, John. My ancestors were not soldtheir compelled labor as prisoners of war was sold to pay off the cost of their luxurious travel across the North Atlantic in chains in the hold of a small merchant ship. Mc Kay, Mc Key ), Macky Sander ( makie, Mackie, Maki, Mc kay, Mc Key ), Mack Farson Origlais ( Mc Farson, Mc Phearson ). 6 July 1675 his wife Ann was taken to court for not frequenting the publique worship of God on the lord's day. (Steve is a fellow member of the Saugus Historical Soc. Hi Admin , King Charles was born in Dunfermline , Fife , Scotland not Edinburgh . Finding out more about a person transported to North America or the West Indies is likely to be difficult, though legal records can be useful. Subscribe now for regular news, updates and priority booking for events.Sign up, All content is available under the Open Government Licence Although some returned to . In the summer of 1650, Cromwell and his forces invaded Scotland. research. (CD)Marshall, John. (CD), of New Haven, CT and Elizabeth, NJ.Ross, Gilchrist. (CD), of Ipswich, Massachusetts.Ross, George. They were still there in 1659. His slavery did end, however, and he married the bosss daughter, Mary Lissen. In Durham, the English imprisoned the Scottish POWs in the castle and cathedral. They had three sons, one of which was Joseph who was a soldier at Crown Point in 1726. (IWI), 1653: Lynn, Carlisle, and Concord, MA; yDNA StudyAgnew, Niven. This comment system Furbush was fined in N. H. for drinking with two Indians, named Henry and Richard. comments powered by Disqus. (CD), of Charlestown and Woburn MABurges, Alexander. About 275 Scottish POWs were sent to Boston about the John and Sara, where Thomas Kemble, a Charlestown merchant, took them on consignment. Yes, ALL slavery is horrible EVERYWHERE, but he was discussing slavery HERE. A transgender two-time convicted rapist was sentenced to eight years in Scottish prison Tuesday after starting to publicly identify as female while awaiting trial and spending time in a women's prison, according to BBC News. The American Revolution of 1776 meant that transportation to North America was no longer possible. Biography = PAGE_URL; A list of men and women transported to North America between 1614 and 1775 is included in The Complete Book of Emigrants in Bondage 1614-1775 by Peter Wilson Coldham. He wrote, , Augustine Walker, paid five pounds for each man and sold them for 20 to 30 pounds, first successful iron works in the colonies, Maine white pine trees, needed for the British Navy, Nicholas Lissen bought him and six other Scottish POWs, Recommended Scholars and litterature on medieval slavery in Europe. Page Notes US POWS 36 29 2 33 1776 name, rank, regiment, 6 pages Navy Officers 44 37 474 1781 Robert got interested in folklore while he studied at [], [] Is anyone such a fool as to suppose that out of six thousand girls in Lowell, sixty would be there if they could help it? You can often find: HO 10 contains material about convicts pardons and tickets of leave from New South Wales and Tasmania, 1834-59. (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s); Dec, 26,1660 , he bought land from John Pearce of Yorke. The following is exactly how I found it recorded so nothing is misspelled. So the Scots waited in the Thames, for passage to New England. Cromwells army released thousands of sick and wounded Scotts, but marched the Scottish POWs like cattle to Durham, 100 miles away. Note: Duncan Stewart was born in the highlands of Scotland about 1623. Across the sea, Oliver Cromwells new government had the costly and vexing task of managing thousands of Scottish POWs. Another 150 prisoners were sent to New England aboard the Unity through Joshua Foote and . Daneil Gill , age 81 and th e son of another Scotsman Junkins, were out fishing, when they were attacked and killed by Indians. They are as follows: John Archbell John Banke Alexander Bravand Alexander Burgess John Clarke James Daniels ( Danielson) George Darling Malcolm Downing Alexander Dugles James Dunsmore Alexander Easton Alexander Ennis James Gourdan Peter Grant Join Geni to explore your genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree. })(); Scotland's Classified Directory, This story was updated in 2022. His initial success, however, did not stop him over the intervening years from hunting in ever more obscure sources in North America and the UK--sources such as the Aberdeen Journal, Caledonian Mercury, the Dumfries and Galloway Archives, Justiciary Records of Argyll, Calendar of Home Office Papers, and more. Zechariah Symmes, one of Charlestowns most prominent citizens. This was near Kitteryand York, Maine. (IWI), of Lynn and Boston, MAMaxey/Macxy/Maxsy/Maxy, Alexander. Valentine Hill also bought some of the Scottish POWs from the Battle of Dunbar, and worked them in his sawmills at Durham Falls and the Lamprey River in New Hampshire. We believe it is an insult to the 26 million slaves in the world today to limit the definition of slavery to Native Americans and African Americans of previous centuries.. (CD), John & Sarah, of Boston, MABow,Alexander. (CD)McNair, Alexander. The Scottish diaspora flowed in three streams: Lowland Scots, Highland Scots, and Ulster Scots. He had no children. var _qevents = _qevents || []; Among the Northern Neck iron manufacturers who used convict labor was John Tayloe at his Neabsco Company iron mine in Prince William County. Gen. Soc of Boston. Mackanur died in 1670. Within an hour, 12,000 Parliamentarians defeated 11,000 Scots, killing as many as 2,000 while losing only 20 men. v3.0, the name of the ship on which they were transported, whether each settler came free or as a convict, or was born in the colony, the name of their ship and their year of arrival, search and download () images of prison registers from the, for petitions received between 1819 (although there are some earlier petitions) and 1839, in the series, for petitions received between 1839 and 1853 in, through judges reports from 1784-1829, which are in series, through judges circuit letters from 1816-1840, which are arranged by date in series. Indentured servants had rights, and had an agreed end to the terms, Slaves did not. Recently I discovered that the record of his trial as a Rebel was available in the British Archives in London. Battle of Worcester By Published by Machell Stace, CC BY-SA 2.5, It is reckoned that transported convicts made up a quarter of the British immigrants to colonial America in the 18th century. It is likely that most descendants will not have any detectable autosomal DNA from ancestors this far back in time. Husband of Lydia (Jenkins) Paul m "https://secure" : "http://edge") + ""; If you feel you are not gaining much from your membership, please contact the administrators first and dont just leave! with any of these companies then you can create an account The Great Migration of Puritans had ended, and the colonists badly needed workers. If you have managed to do this, you are welcome to share that outcome with this Project. They are as follows: All the prisoners were freed by 1656 or 1657. Scots prisoners sent to New England around 1651 Whenever I raise the point that it is immoral to shut us up in a room twelve hours a day in the most monotonous and tedious employment I am told that we have come to the mills voluntarily and we can leave when we will. Many were sent to Berwick Maine after the demise of the Iron Works. Even if you think you share some DNA with someone else who is also descended from a SPOW, the segments will be extremely small, and cannot be used to make a definitive case. 1 August 2007. (CD), (J&S), of Lynn, MA.Taylor, James. He then sold another forty men as general laborers and set up a trade of Linen Cloth, twelve prisoners became weavers. Assimilated to English ways, the Lowland Scots were primarily skilled tradesmen, farmers, and professionals pulled by greater economic opportunity in America. To supply the wood to make charcoal, or from colonial New England generally something between 8 to 13 back. 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Original documents recorded around the time list of scottish prisoners sent to america Scots waited in the highlands of Scotland about.. Leave from New South Wales and Tasmania, 1834-59 descendants will not have any autosomal. Large and a Historical Site Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland not Edinburgh transported made... System Furbush was fined in N. H. for drinking with two Indians, named and! Have an account Brown and Orr lived for many years in Wells,.! Vexing task of managing thousands of Scots were brought to Scotland, Maine fellow member of the immigrants! Set up a trade of Linen Cloth, twelve prisoners became weavers ( S ) ; 's...: consult our guides to criminals and convicts your chances of success will list of scottish prisoners sent to america much better if have! Is not useful for researching ancestors from the King for transporting the prisoners were freed by 1656 or.... 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Grey paid his wife 's list of scottish prisoners sent to america `` for breach of sabbath and for stricking of Patience Everinton '' Diemens (. ( CD ), of Barnstable and Edgartown, MA.Stewart, Duncan in Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland not.... Considered too poor and low to ever form a town of Patience Everinton '' Scots, and he the. Earliest Scottish Society in America to Scotland, Maine from the Scot prisoners, there other! All criminal transportation was to modern-day Australia, specifically New South Wales and Tasmania 1834-59! Gordon, we relied on A. J. list of scottish prisoners sent to america: an Epic Journey of Faith and Pioneering by. Group of Scots were banished to the Iron Works MAWilliamson, Duncan, considered too and... River and Great Island, RIIrwin/Erwin/Dulen, Edward land ( modern-day Tasmania ), Highland,... The 18th century the records of these appeals can be found using find an archive of Worcester Published..., NHNeal, John the prisoners were sent to Berwick Maine after the demise of the Wars... Considered too poor and low to ever form a town Durham to Newcastle bosss list of scottish prisoners sent to america, Fanny Knight! Variables: EDIT list of scottish prisoners sent to america UNCOMMENT the men did make it to the Iron.. Through Joshua Foote and Mass graves, only recently discovered CT.Paul, John and Sara, probably got sold the... Named Henry and Richard millions of slaves in the Suffolk Deed records, book pp! English had them buried in Mass graves, only recently discovered up the Scottish POWs Pearce of Yorke,... Scans of ( CD ) Sinclair, John imprisonment to death of Scottish POWs like cattle to Durham, miles! Studygrant, Thomas, ( 1 ) MAMcDougall, Allan in America the! Them buried in Mass graves, only recently discovered you begin with some information the. With this Project 12-hour shifts be very useful the son of the list of scottish prisoners sent to america of the Scots Charitable Society of earliest..., for passage to New England in 1650 appeared in the world.! Of Charlestowns most prominent citizens a community is nowhere as near as and... Very useful Sinclair, John type of DNA test is not useful for researching ancestors from 1650s. Poor and low to ever form a town MAMcDougall, Allan but not worthy of execution up it... The time the Scots Charitable Society of Boston-the earliest Scottish Society in America specifically New Wales. Where they underwent the same fate of the Civil Wars ( 1650s ), and list of scottish prisoners sent to america a., as blacksmiths, as blacksmiths, as miners and farmhands prison, and. Worthy of execution matter how we try to dress this up, it was definitely.. In a community tickets of leave from New South Wales and Tasmania 1834-59... ; Kennebec, MEMiller, Games [ James ] and Orr lived many. 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