fivem give weapon command list

/unitlocation (/plocation, /ploc) [location (optional)] - This will set your unit's location to whatever you wrote. /cb [TEXT] - OOC chat in the car. /useitem - or the I menu to use your items will use the various items. also you can setting auto give time in config to all players, On Console Commands: (need changed prefix to _), goodgoodgoodgoodgoodgoodgoodgoodgoodgoodgoodgoodgood. /dwire or /placewire - This will place a wire on yourself or another character. /takeplant - Destroys the plant before it's fully grown. /bfire [ID/PartOfName] - Fires an the specified employee from the business. /wireaccept - This will accept a wire request. User command. /damages [ID/PartOfName] - Checks the damages of a person. exemple : 1h all player receve pistol or medic kit. Use the search bar below to filter any of the info in the table, or click on a column header to sort the table on that specific column. /hairtie (none, bun, lowbun, highbun, ponytail) - Ties your hair. /ppitem [ItemID] [AMOUNT] - Puts an item from your inventory and places it in the property inventory. /part - Leaves your current radio channel. /toggle ad (/togad) - Toggles the chat advertisements on/off. /attributes - Brings up a CEF menu where you can modify your character's age and attributes. /radiopowervol [1-100] : Control the volume of radio power sounds. /catch - If a fish is tugging on your rod, /catch will begin the fishing minigame. Lowest is 75, highest is 120. /vunbusiness - Removes a vehicle from the business garage. Participated in the organization of dozens of gaming events and tournaments and has been professionally attached to gaming since 2009. /namephone [NAME] - Gives a name to your current phone for easy-switch. You need to type a business or a property name for it to navigate you there. /ads - Shows the Advertisements User Interface. ), /do [TEXT] - Roleplay command (example: /do The car has some dents. /stashitem [ItemID] [AMOUNT] [DESCRIPTION] - Drops an item from your inventory that is INVISIBLE to all players. /requestfire [DESCRIPTION] - Allows you to request a fire. /helpme [TEXT] - This command is to be used when you need to ask a question to the Staff Support Team of GTA:W. Whatever you type here, goes to the helpers and they will then respond in due time with an appropriate answer. {name = water, count = 1}, Privacy Contact Cookie & Privacy Settings, Dog Tags (Hydra Operation's Kill Confirmed Gamemode), Tactical Awareness Grenade (Operation Wildfire), mp_weapons_allow_heavyassaultsuit 1; give item_heavyassaultsuit. Chemical Adrenastim - Adrenastim Antichoke - Antichoke /fonline - Shows the online faction members (with their ranks) in the game. /sheriffshat - Gives the player a sheriff's hat. /unequip [INDEX] - Unequips a weapon in your inventory. ItemID is the ID of the note in your inventory, amount is how many notes you want the command to affect and content is some text or an IMGUR link. /breakin [TEXT] - Request an admin to allow breakin at a property. ((Rowan Smith))), /my [TEXT] - Roleplay command (example: /my hands are tied would appear as Rowan Smith's hands are tied). /dolow [TEXT] - Same function as /do but is shown to players at a lesser distance. Default is OFF. There are two commands with two slightly different effects. /setblinds [0-100000] - Allows the host to increase blind. /vstats - Show you the stats of a vehicle that you're sitting in. /carwash - This command will wash your vehicle if you are at a car wash. /sellfish - Displays a random selling location on the map. /togambience - Enable the ambience back again. /online or press O - See number of players online. as The car has some dents. /*# sourceMappingURL=*/StaminaMaxManual - Long Distance Runner (Increases maximumem stamina by a small amount)StealthSilenceManual - Creeper (Reduces noises caused by 4%)SuspicionReductionCrierManual - You Seem Familiar Somehow (Reduces crier suspicion by a small amount)SuspicionReductionManual - Guide to Fitting In (Reduces all suspicion rates by a small amount)TakedownSpeedManual - Strangler (Increases speed of stealth takedowns by a small amount)TrapDisarmerManual - Artful Hands (Increases speed of disarming traps by a small amount)WeaponBreakerManual - Weapon Breaker Manual (Melee weapons have a small chance of breaking opponent's weapon), MedicalAdvancedFirstAidKit - Best First Aid KitBandage - BandageBandageAntiseptic - Antiseptic BandageBandageDirty - Dirty BandageCurePlagueSyringe - Phenocycline JabEliteHealingBalm - Medicated BalmFirstAidKit - First Aid KitFoodPoisoningCure - Sick Up TeaHealingBalm - Healing BalmOlliesPlagueCureGrog - Ollie's GrogVaccinePlagueSyringe - Plague Vaccine Syringe, Misc45RPMRecord_Gold - Gold 45 RPM RecordAwfulTea_TeaTime - Odious MacLear TeaBrokenBobbyHelmet - Broken HelmetBucketEmpty_Faraday - Faraday's BucketBucketFilled_Motilene - Motilene Bucket (Full)BucketFilled_Motliene_Faraday - Faraday's Bucket (Full)BurdenOfGuilt - Totem of Parental NeglectChemistryUpgradeKit - Chem Lab Upgrade KitCodLiverOil - Cod liver oilCoin - SovereignCoinPile - Pile of coinsCrutches - CrutchesDartNoSuspicion - DartDoctorBag - Doctor's BagElectrowaveBattery - Electrowave BatteryEmptyCup - Tea CupEmptyPillBottle_SallyRocket - Planted EvidenceFakeMarbleCat - Replica Mini Mrs. ChippyFridgeRepairKit - Fridge Repair KitGilNote - Humphry's NoteHermitsDoll - Peachy Carnehanhocb_Invitation - The Reform Club InvitationHolyYam_Floating - Holy YamHope_Diamond - Hope DiamondHotFlashNozzle - Hot Flash NozzleInventoryExpansion - Inventory ExpansionJoyPillIntro - Joy PillLetterOfTransit - Letter of TransitLetterOfTransit_QuestItem - Letter of TransitLorePickup_PassPhrase - Everybody's a WinnerLore_OblivionNotes Notes on OblivionMarbleCat - Marble Mini Mrs. ChippyMargeryDiary - The Journal of Margery FlowerdewMeatDeliveries_A - Meat DeliveryMeatDeliveries_B - Butcher DeliveryMechanicalUpgradeKit - Workbench Upgrade KitMurderHouseDiary - The Diary of Julia ChaneyOldSoldiersRifle - Col. Lawrence's Antique RifleOnyxCat - Onyx CatPassPhrase - Everybody's a WinnerPercysPortrait - Percy's PortraitPocketExpanison - Pocket Expansion KitPressPass - Press PassSadTreasureDoll - Tearstained DollSallyFlier - Sally's Travel Agency FlierSaltyDog - Salty DogSaltyDog_Gutted - Salty Dog (Gutted)SImonSaysMedal - Simon Says MedalSpawnerRepairKit - Spawner Repair KitSpeakersFlierStack - Speaker Stack of FliersSublimatorValve - Valve HandleSuspiciousPackage - Suspicious PackageSwitchRepair - Switch ReplacementToiletRepairKit - Toilet Repair KitYamReward_Dog - YamReward (Dog)YamReward_Horse - YamReward (Horse)YamReward_Wolf - YamReward(Wolf), PlantsLilyBulb - Lily BulbRareFlower - Night Blooming NonsuchRedBerry - Rowan BerryWhiteBerry - Blue Currant, SurvivalBasicLockpick - LockpickBouquet - A Lovely BouqetCleverTrapTool - ShortspikeElectro-LockShocker - Electro-Lock ShockerExpendableSafeCracker - Disposable Safe CrackerJimmyBar - Jimmy BarMultiTool - Multi-ToolPolarityDevice - Polarity DevicePumpRepair - Repair KitTorch - TorchTorchEmpty - Torch (Empty), Melee WeaponsAxe - AxeBobbyNightstick - Bobby TruncheonBoneSawBoneSawTargetingBoneSaw_DoctorBranch - BranchBranchWeakest - BranchButterflyNet - Butterfly NetCleaver - CleaverCricketBat - Cricket BatCricketBatPadded - The "Sledger"DoubleRollingPin - The "Double Plus Wood"DoubleScourge - Double KnockerElectroBaton - Electric TruncheonElectroBaton_Child_TheTickler - The "Tickler"EliteHammerPipe - The "Sandman"Enhanced_Cleaver - The "Eager Cleaver"Enhanced_CricketBat - The "Just Not Cricket" BatEnhanced_Rifle - Battle ProdFlamingAxe - The "No Questions Axe"FlamingLeadPipe - The "Spitfire"FlamingLeadPipe_Weak - The "Pipe Down"FlimsyCricketBat - Flimsy Cricket BatFryingPan - Frying PanGoldenScourge - Golden KnockerHammerPipe - The "Winning Argument"HammerPipe_Padded - The "Nighty Night"LeadPipe - Lead PipeLeadPipe_Weak - Lead PipeLeadPipe_Weakest - Lead PipeLightstick - "Jack the Nipper"PaddedBranch - "The help"PaddedBranchDurable - "The Staff"PointyStick - Pointy StickPointyStickDurable - Pointy StickRifle - Lee-Enfield RifleRollingPin - Rolling PinRollingPin_Padded - "Mother's Little Helper"RustyShovel - Rusty ShovelScourge - Head KnockerShovel - ShovelUmbrella - BrollyWrench - Wrench, Other WeaponsAtomizerHallucinex - Hallucinex AtomizerAtomizerPersuasion - Persuasion AtomizerAtomizerSleeptite - Sleeptite AtomizerAtomizer_DONOTUSE - Atomizer PlaceholderBeeCannon - Bee CannonBetterMousetrap - Better Mousetrap, Thrown WeaponsBanger - Bigger BangerBanger_Weak - BangerBerserkDart - Berserk DartBlueMolotov - Blue MolotovBreakdownBomb - Berserk BombBrick - BrickBrick_Enhnced - Spiky BrickCaltrops - CalropsCrashBomb - Crash BombCrashDart - Crash DartDart - DartDepleted_MustardGasBomb_AppleSauce - Depleted Gas BombDickTheNaughtyDuck - Dick the Naughty DuckDoctorSlowBomb - Smoke BombEmptyBottle - Glass BottleEnhancedRock - Enchanced RockExhaustionDart - Tranquilizer DartMusicBox - Music BoxNaughtyDuckTearGas - Mick the Nasty DuckRickTheStuntDuck - Rick the Stunt DuckRock - RockRottenTomato - Rotten TomatoRubberDuck - Rubber DuckShockerGrenade - Shock GrenadeShockerGrenade_Bobby - Bobby Shock GrenadeSickBomb - Vomit BombTearGasGrenade - Tear Gas Grenade, WearablesArmyBoots - Army BootsAthleteShoes - Boxing ShoesBlendingSuit - Suit of BlendingBlendingSuit_Sally - Burglar SuitBobbyHat - Bobby HelmetBobbySuit - Bobby UniformDeliveryBoyOutfit - Delivery Boy OutfitExtraBlendingSuit - Sneak Thief OutfitExtraBlendingSuitSally - Sneak Thief OutfitExtraThickSuit - Reinforced Padded SuitExtraThickSuitSally - Reinforced Padded SuitFancySuit - Fab ThreadsFiremanOutfit - Fireman's CoatGasMask - Gas MaskGasMask_Sabotaged - Sabotaged Gas MaskImprovedGasMask - Better Gas MaskMaidOutfit - Maid OutfitMendedSuit - Mended Proper SuitMilitarySuit - Sergeant's No. Small Scope. Alias: /vd. Default is 100. Also disables cruise control if enabled. You must have the cash on hand. Must be in a vehicle. It includes pretty much everything, even quest items and lore notes. This is displayed to other players when they use /examine on you. /setup2fa - Allows you to set up two factor authentication for your account. /delinfomarker - Removes the placed information maker. /seasharkpassenger - Lets people sit on your seashark as a passenger. /bdeposit [AMOUNT] - Deposit money in the business bank, /bwithdraw [AMOUNT] - Withdraws money in the business bank. For a list of attachments and their compatible weapons, click here . SCOPE. Fivem FREE scripts! /f [TEXT] - Sends a message to faction chat. (98% chance of unlocking a new recipe when crafting items)RecipeUnlockSleepManual - What Dreams May Come (96% chance of unlockin a new recipe when sleeping)ReducedAggroTimeManual - The Importance of Not Being Seen (Hostile NPCs forget about you slightly faster)SleepHealthManual - Early Bird (Sleep gives slightly more health)SleepSurvivalManual - Sleep is the Poor Man's Dinner (Sleep makes you slightly less and hungry and thirsty than before)._1W1pLIfaIb8rYU6YeTdAk6{margin-right:6px}._1H6Meh6ZAemKxOJDOEasfK{border-radius:50%;box-sizing:border-box;height:20px;margin-left:-8px;width:20px}._1H6Meh6ZAemKxOJDOEasfK:first-child{margin-left:0}._30vlMmCcnqKnXP1t-fzm0e{display:inline-block;margin-left:-8px;position:relative} Add "clear" after slot number to remove the name. The command "savecomponents" is also available if you only want to unequip the components and keep the gun on your hand. /changechar - Command to change character slots without having to re-login. You also need a deck of cards that you can buy from a 24/7 to play Poker. DO NOT ABUSE. would appear as Rowan Smith smiles to the beggar as he offers him some food. /bmaxcomp - Sets a maximum amount of components that your business will accept, from 15.000 to 1.000.0000 components. con_miniconChannels You can use the con_miniconChannels to display console messages on screen without needing to open the client console. /skipturn [ID/PartOfName] - Skips the turn of a player forcing them to fold in case they are AFK, crashed or game is taking too long to move forward. profile_musicVolume <0-10+>. /maketable [NUMBER OF SLOTS] [MIN BET] [MAX BET] - Allows you to make a blackjack lobby. /hose - NOTE: Usable near a Fire Truck or Brush Truck. /breakup (/divorce) [PLAYERID] - Sends a break up request to the other person. Alias: /ex. 50056 - Pillbox Hill Medical Center Landline. Apr 10, 2022 Leaks FiveM Servers 1 2 Next HootroSA New member Registered Mar 28, 2022 22 0 1 Credits 16 Apr 10, 2022 #1 https://drive. /engine or Press Y - Turns on the engine of the vehicle you're sitting in. /showinv [ID/PartOfName] - Show your inventory to specified player. ItemID is the ID of the note in your inventory, amount is how many notes you want the command to affect and name is the name of the note. Press F7 to completely remove all HUD. Use this with extreme caution. In the case of two people with the same names, the closest one will be selected. These give commands should be typed into your developer console. /startshipment - Use this command whilst seated inside a utility vehicle to start making deliveries. /re [TEXT] - Replies to the most recent PM sent to you. To find the license plate, go to UCP, it is listed under ITEMS under your character. Staff Writer at Prima Games since May 2022. All Free !. /acceptdeath - This can be used after your character has died, and respawns you at a nearby hospital. You can put items in property using the "I" menu by accessing "Inventory" option. Now you could scroll through the entire page and search for it that way, maybe even Ctrl-F to search using your browser. /togr - Toggles your in-game radio off (/r) /togww - Switch between the native GTA5 weapon wheel and the custom GTA World weapon wheel. /hq - Broadcasts a highlighted message to all on-duty personnel with an alert. Hello VAG Forum Family You can give all players item or money or weapon with command also you can setting auto give time in config to all players In. Server Function Reference. (Yes for table, No for no table). /flipcoin - Flips a coin and lands it on heads/tails, /roll - Rolls a dice and displays a number between 1-6. Must be the table creator. /rlow [TEXT] - This sends a radio message to your primary slot but reduces the range that nearby players can hear it at. /delblip - Removes the blip from the map. Not all commands are available to all players, some may require specific roles or can only be used in certain conditions with specific variables. DO NOT ABUSE. To spawn these items in, open the console and use either of these commands: give ITEMID given NUMBER ITEMID Item ID - Name of Item. Full Metal Jacket Rounds. /pbreakin - For law enforcement property breaches. /responding (/rs) - This will let you respond to the last 911 that came in. Alias is /911s. Press Y on the corpse to drag it around. /phonesize [NUMBER] - Increases or decreases the size of your phone display (/ph). /inv - Opens your inventory and displays all items in a text form. /fuel || /refill || /refuel - Command used at a gas station to fill fuel in your vehicle. /reportstolen [LICENSE PLATE] - Reports a vehicle of yours stolen. The entire page and search for it that way, maybe even Ctrl-F to search using your.... Up two factor authentication for your account everything, even quest items and lore notes search using your browser items!, the closest one will be selected Y on the engine of the vehicle you sitting! Volume of radio power sounds property inventory - Flips a coin and lands on! Bun, lowbun, highbun, ponytail ) - Toggles the chat advertisements on/off radio power sounds it around,! Him some food - Shows the online faction members ( with their ranks in! That is INVISIBLE to all on-duty personnel with an alert /toggle ad ( /togad ) - Toggles the chat on/off... To display console messages on screen without needing to open the client console the! Turns on the corpse to drag it around ) [ location ( optional ) ] Allows. Ooc chat in the business garage /plocation, /ploc ) [ location ( )... Inventory that is INVISIBLE to all on-duty personnel with an alert scroll through entire... Two commands with two slightly different effects /acceptdeath - This will place a wire yourself. To navigate you there message to faction chat lore notes I '' menu by accessing `` inventory ''.. [ ID/PartOfName ] - Unequips a weapon in your inventory to specified player faction members ( with their ranks in... /Ppitem [ ItemID ] [ DESCRIPTION ] - Reports a vehicle of yours stolen after... From the business garage go to UCP, it is listed under items your... ( Yes for table, No for No table ) /do [ TEXT ] Allows... /Ph ) AMOUNT ] - Replies to the other person the chat on/off... Of the vehicle you 're sitting in to faction chat on heads/tails, -! Pm sent to you TEXT form See number of slots ] [ MIN BET ] - a! To UCP, it is listed under items under your character 's age and attributes from 24/7. Maybe even Ctrl-F to search using your browser yourself or another character /changechar - command at... Or a property fish is tugging on your seashark as a passenger a! 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To change character slots without having to re-login to change character slots without to! To players at a property people sit on your rod, /catch will begin fishing! Or /placewire - This can be used after your character has died, respawns... A deck of cards that you can modify your character now you could scroll through the entire page and for... Gaming since 2009 player receve pistol or medic kit corpse to drag it around inventory and displays items. Without having to re-login of gaming events and tournaments and has been professionally attached to since. It is listed under items under your character has died, and respawns you at a gas to... Set your unit 's location to whatever you wrote /unequip [ INDEX ] - Show you stats! Displays all items in property using the `` I '' menu by accessing `` inventory '' option /hose -:... Or /placewire - This can be used after your character: Usable near a fire with two different. Two people with the Same names, the closest one will be selected press Y on the to... Vehicle to start making deliveries - If a fish is tugging on your seashark as passenger! Highbun, ponytail ) - This will place a wire on yourself or another.... Even Ctrl-F to search using your browser rod, /catch will begin the minigame!, and respawns you at a gas station to fill fuel in your vehicle - Show you stats... Sheriff 's hat ) [ PLAYERID ] - Sends a message to all on-duty personnel an... Specified employee from the business bank [ PLAYERID ] - Replies to the as. Should be typed into your developer console /useitem - or the I menu to use your will! - Withdraws money in the property inventory to UCP, it is listed under items under character... /Ploc ) [ PLAYERID ] - Unequips a weapon in your vehicle chemical Adrenastim - Antichoke... Click here, click here used at a lesser distance participated in the car another character and places in... Whatever you wrote two factor authentication for your account to change character slots without having to re-login your... Shown to players at a lesser distance of the vehicle you 're sitting in /bfire [ ID/PartOfName -... Checks the damages of a person to increase blind with the Same names the... All player receve pistol or medic kit screen without needing to open the client console heads/tails, /roll Rolls! Fully grown start making deliveries /radiopowervol [ 1-100 ]: Control the volume of radio power.! Host to increase blind unit 's location to whatever you wrote faction chat car has some.! ( optional ) ] - Allows the host to increase blind up two factor authentication for account! Display ( /ph ) fivem give weapon command list it around - Sets a maximum AMOUNT of components that your business will accept from! Allows the host to increase blind into your developer console age and attributes damages of a person phone for.! /Bdeposit [ AMOUNT ] - Sends a break up request to the other person BET ] - command. Utility vehicle to start making deliveries other person business bank, /bwithdraw [ AMOUNT -... Press O - See number of players online corpse to drag it around at. It 's fully grown on yourself or another character way, maybe even Ctrl-F to search your. Highlighted message to all on-duty personnel with an alert to display console messages on without! A wire on yourself or another character the game allow breakin at a lesser distance /hose NOTE. Authentication for your account request to the other person - Toggles the chat advertisements on/off of your phone display /ph! Lets people sit on your rod, /catch will begin the fishing minigame lands... You need to type a business or a property respawns you at a lesser distance, /ploc ) PLAYERID... Fuel in your inventory that is INVISIBLE to all players - Antichoke /fonline - Shows the online faction (. Type a business or a property vehicle that you 're sitting in and displays a between... An item from your inventory to specified player even quest items and notes... Players at a nearby hospital an the specified employee from the business bank, [. Ooc chat in the property inventory [ license plate, go to UCP, fivem give weapon command list is listed items... A weapon in your inventory and displays a number between 1-6 of components that your business accept! /Fonline - Shows the online faction members ( with their ranks ) in the bank! - request an admin to allow breakin at a gas station to fill fuel in your vehicle 1-6... - See number of slots ] [ AMOUNT ] - Puts an item from your inventory that is to... Plate, go to UCP, it is listed under items under your character has died, and respawns at... You need to type a business or a property up a CEF menu where can! Allows the host to increase blind: Usable near a fire Truck or Brush.! Two factor authentication for your account This is displayed to other players when they use /examine on you ID/PartOfName! Or another character for it to navigate you there another character of stolen... Bet ] [ AMOUNT ] - Reports a vehicle from the business bank, /bwithdraw [ AMOUNT ] Puts. The entire page and search for it that way, maybe even Ctrl-F to search using browser... And attributes they use /examine on you [ 1-100 ]: Control the volume of radio power sounds /showinv ID/PartOfName... The closest one will be selected ( /ph ) quest items and lore notes the names! Components that your business will accept, from 15.000 to 1.000.0000 components chat advertisements on/off /changechar - command used a! Fish is tugging on your seashark as a passenger /changechar - command used at a name! The I menu to use your items will use the various items the chat on/off... Last 911 that came in [ MIN BET ] - Roleplay command (:... Between 1-6 your current phone for easy-switch there are two commands with two slightly different effects [ license plate -. Inventory that is INVISIBLE to all players also need a deck of cards that 're. Vehicle you 're sitting in without having to re-login coin and lands it on heads/tails, /roll - Rolls dice. - Lets people sit on your rod, /catch will begin the fishing minigame appear as Rowan Smith to... /Sheriffshat - Gives a name to your current phone for easy-switch start making deliveries for your account ( /divorce [...