crazy things that happened in 2005

After John Paul's burial, the world watched in anticipation as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected pope on April 19, 2005. 1 /18. National Geographic. ( Bird Flu ) H5N1 strain of Avian Flu claims more lives in Indonesia and other countries around the globe. Michael Jackson's death at age 50 on June 25, 2009, led to tributes all over the world. Here are nine things we somehow got by without before 2005: 1. People jumped out of moving cars to perform a viral dance in what was possibly the most 2018 thing that happened in 2018. Facebook NewsfeedFacebook was merely an infant at the time of HuffPost's debut, and the now-ubiquitous platform was limited to users at Harvard and other elite universities. The Aviator nabbed the most Academy Award nominations (11) and wins (5), but Leo walked away empty-handed. Then some guy called her back over to the table where he was sitting. In 1944, he was captured in Yugoslavia after the rest of his command was injured or killed by mortar fire. On Oct. 28, Khrushchev agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba in exchange for an American promise not to invade the island, as well as the withdrawal of American missiles from Turkey. But as the examples above show, these killings weren't some kind of systematic cleansing by the Catholic Church to wipe out pre-Christian religions and the women who perpetuated them. All the decor is real and handpicked by a small team of dedicated, very talented, Tennessee men. Oscar survived again and was rescued along with the remaining crew, and given the nickname "Unsinkable Sam." And it was the proto-example of twentysomethings moving to California to create a company and. The popular video sharing website YouTube was created by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim during February of 2005. "Carbon Dioxide's 400ppm Milestone Shows Humans Are Rewriting the Planet's History." Take the Yellowstone supervolcano eruptions, which happened 2.1 million years ago, 1.3 million years ago and 640,000 years ago. (Oct. 21, 2016), Rothman, Lily. 7. But before you know it, local officials are dragging you off to a witch trial where logic doesn't matter and torture is the preferred way to draw a confession. Destiny's Child announced their official breakup, and we cried all the tears. Despite the efforts, the countries most affected are still in the process of rebuilding, and many may never be the same. Leicester Hemingway sailed a barge made mostly out of bamboo, roughly 8 foot by 30 foot, out to sea and declared it a micro-nation that was half independent and half part of the United States. (Getty Images) It's been 10 . Apr 19 Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger elected Pope Benedict XVI on the second day of the Papal conclave. One should always "prepare for the worst and hope for the best". Twitter played a pivotal role in the 2009 Iranian elections, and yet all the popular news feeds were over taken on the day Michael Jackson died. Yellowstone continues to be an active volcanic zone, as its numerous geysers and hot springs attest. One of the soldiers took the bear in and named him Wojtek, and he was trained in part by a civilian refugee. The Tea Party Populist anger had not yet materialized into the Tea Party movement in 2005. Bob Larkin. In order to make it through the daily eight-hour makeup session it took to transform him into the titular character in How the. Then, at midnight, nothing happened. Today it sells that amount every two days, and more than 500 million iPhones have been sold in total. Buckle up kid, 2020 is one big rollercoaster of WTF. Oscar survived that attack as well, and afterward retired to Belfast, where he lived in a seaman's home. 5: Earth Passes Through the Tail of Halley's Comet, 2: The United States Nearly Loses John Glenn and the Friendship 7 Spacecraft, Carlson, Adam. A Concert for Hurricane Relief. We all cried a little harder when the world lost Whiney Houston. Funeral mass of Pope John Paul II on April 8, 2005, Vatican City. 10. I almost drowned. So what was this Y2K bug, and why was it turning otherwise normal people into end-of-timers? As of 2016, the 10 warmest years since 1880 have all happened within the past 12 years. Already with a NBA Finals appearance under their belt and recently-anointed MVP on their team, the Thunder have proved more successful than most new franchises. But curiosity turns to panic as the swell nears land and amplifies into a 100-foot (30-meter) wave hell-bent on destroying everything in its path. Oscar survived that attack as well, and afterward retired to Belfast, where he lived in a seaman's home. Finally, yes, the biggie. Very afraid [source: Shaftel]. Most recently, prosecutors have said that Ana's phone pinged on her home on both Jan. 1 and Jan. 2 when surveillance video obtained during the police investigation revealed that Brian went to. After sacking the city of Antioch in 540 CE, Sasanian Emperor Khosrow I built a new city that looked almost exactly the same and called it "Weh Antiok Khusrau," which, Public Domain / Library of Congress / Via. And everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief [source: National Geographic]. He correctly guessed its arrival in 1759, and the comet dazzled the night sky again in 1835. "Interview with Robert McNamara." Jan. 21, 2011. So the USSR bought billions of dollars worth of Pepsi by trading submarines, military ships, and a lot of vodka for the soda. They influence government policy, disaster response, military strategy, and more. The disaster also prompted the creation of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System. Thinking he had been cut open, the doctor went into shock and died of a subsequent heart attack. Still, the problem played on people's lingering fear of technology, and the belief among some Christians that Jesus might return 2,000 years after his birth only escalated the concern [source: Sheesley]. Less than six months later, Jessop was aboard the Titanic, again as a stewardess, when it sank. Our heart rate increases, blood is redirected to critical body parts, adrenaline spikes, and our strength, stamina and senses are all heightened [source: Taylor]. Multnomah County Chair Linn, Oregon announced the county would begin granting licenses for same-sex marriages. It was so popular Zac Efron even got a tattoo of the saying on his hand. An entire generation grew up along with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, reading thousands of pages in a time where most children are watching TV. Let me tell about all the crazy things that happened to us in 2015. (Oct. 10, 2016), Teague, Matthew. A completely avoidable computer bug. On Dec. 31, 1999, people watched with a little more anxiety and a little less celebration as the clock ticked towards potential Armageddon. In 1997 an unknown writer named Joanne Rowling finally got her break upon the publication of a novel she had been working on for seven years, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. The sudden death of the pop star, a controversial figure mired in sexual abuse allegations and other scandals, was attributed to a cocktail of drugs that stopped his heart. 11th March 2004 Madrid train bombings or Madrid train bombings: Simultaneous explosions on rush hour trains in Madrid, Spain, kill 191 people. Johnson, Bridget. might be totally false. Churches held prayer vigils, and enterprising con-men sold comet pills to ward off the poison's effects. 43rd US President George W. Bush. "What Would Happen if Yellowstone's Supervolcano Erupted?" Mike said that this year has been a rather bad one, especially for the people living in the United States. 1. The 2020s started off pretty rough, you could even say horribly. Katrina Makes Landfall As Category 3 Louisiana. Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Marathon, 1904 St. Louis Olympics. Part of HuffPost Business. Matthew McConaughey was crowned People's Sexiest Man Alive because he's so hot all the time, every year, so why not 2005? One of the biggest problems would be the massive amounts of ash thrown into the air, which winds would carry across the United States. The aftermath 1 week after the catastrophic Indian Ocean tsunami. They scored the tying run, and eventually won the game in the 12th inning. (Oct. 14, 2016), U.S. Geological Survey. The concerts were held in London, Philadelphia, Paris, Rome, Berlin, Moscow, Edinburgh, Cornwall, Johannesburg, and Barrie. Ah, 2005. People began threatening to shoot clowns, and a mob even formed at Penn State University in response to a clown sighting. Their motives were unclear. 6th January African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955-1968) known as American Civil Rights Movement: Edgar Ray Killen is arrested as a suspect in the 1964 Mississippi civil rights workers murders called murders of three civil rights workers. Consider that it took the radio 38 years to reach 50 million users, but it took facebook less than 9 months to reach 100 million users. "Meet the President Trying to Save His Island Nation From Climate Change." 25 October 2016. Tom Cruise jumped on Oprah's couch because of love? We also all laughed a little harder when we found out Zac Efron got YOLO tattooed . Many African counties have also adopted it unofficially and some countries have negotiated usage. What Happened in 2005 Major News Events, Popular Culture, History Prices Live 8 benefit concerts. Here are 16 of the wildest experiences actors and crew had on set: 1. Or maybe you get upset with someone and make a half-joking quip wishing him harm. The search for the missing and involved over 130 people. In just a few months, people had reported more than 100 clown sightings and threats in the United States, and the phenomenon began to spread to other countries, including England, Canada and Australia [source: Shilling]. He was carried across the finish line by his handlers. News of his death, which garnered massive worldwide attention, also revealed a major shift in the news media. Check out the hottest fashion, photos, movies and TV shows! (Oct. 12, 2016), Clark, Stuart. (Oct. 11, 2016), Taylor, Jim. 16 members of the EU are obliged to adopt the euro eventually, with the United Kingdom and Denmark exempt. Retrieved from Following 8 years of legal wrangling in the courts Terri Schiavo's feeding tube is removed and she dies 13 days later. In a nation still bearing the scars of its Jim Crow past, the people of the United States made a huge move toward true racial equality in 2008 by electing Barack Obama, the nations first black president. Rural areas had been completely wiped out. "I was young and stupid," he said in the series. 2020 events: Yep, these things all happened in the year from hell. 6. 42 of 68 43 of 68 Aug. 31, 2005 Express-News file photo Show More Show Less 44 of 68 Sept. 1, . 3. And the cause of all these changes, atmospheric carbon dioxide, has risen to concentrations that are unprecedented in human history. Instead of a traditional press outlet, the celebrity gossip website TMZ broke the story that Jackson died. In preparation, the United States spent millions of dollars updating military, transportation and financial computer systems [source: Rothman]. Oscar died in 1955, a full 14 years after the sinking of the Bismarck. Just two hours later, before the family had been informed of the death, the man's twin brother rode his own bicycle across the exact same stretch of highway. But there may be something more fundamental. It's been a full nine years since The Huffington Post emerged into the virtual world, and in that time the world has become wildly different place. September 11, 2001 Terrorism Attacks on the United States, December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake, November 4, 2008 United States Presidential Election, 10 Hilarious Historic Predictions Of Life In The 2000s, Top 10 Disturbingly Dark Moments In Spider-Man History, Top 10 Actors Who Relived Their Worst Moments On Camera, Top 10 Insane Moments When Animals Robbed People, Ten True Tales from Americas Toughest Prison, 10 Times Members of Secretive Societies and Organizations Spilled the Beans, 10 Common Idioms with Unexpectedly Dark Origins, 10 North American Animals with Misplaced Reputations, Top 10 Creepiest and Strangest Homes on Zillow, Top Ten Worst Book to Movie Adaptations Ever Filmed, Ten Seriously Spooky Unsolved Spring Break Mysteries, 10 Significant Biblical Archaeology Discoveries, 10 Huge Songs You Didnt Know Were Written for Movies, 10 Amazing Animals That Can Detect Human Diseases, 10 Shocking Air Disasters Caused by Birds, Top 10 Reasons You Should March To The Beat Of Your Own Drum, 10 Greatest Alternative Pyramids From Around The World, Top 10 Reasons Humans Are Obsessed With the Apocalypse. A crew member almost lost his life in a car accident while driving to the set. Even if you are a PC, you must admit that Apple was doing something right when they introduced the iPod. From the real (climate change, tsunamis, supervolcanoes) to the perceived (Y2K, creepy clowns, Halley's Comet), scary events are a huge part of our shared human history. Watch on YouTube 2. "Lee Boyd Malvo, 10 Years After D.C. Area Sniper Shootings: 'I Was a Monster.'" These were followed by a large scale ground invasion on four primary fronts. Doritos Locos Tacos This seemingly absurd food mashup -- a taco shell made of Doritos -- has been a smash hit, hauling in over $1 billion for Taco Bell since its creation in 2012. Making things worse, a recently-discovered technique known as spectroscopy was used to analyze the composition of the comet, and scientists learned something unsettling namely that the tail contained a toxic gas known as cyanogen. Probably people dressing up as creepy clowns and scaring the pants off of other people. At the time of Glenn's feat, the Soviet Union was besting the United States in the Space Race, having already sent the first satellite and person into space. All this begs the question: Why clowns? Certainly, popular culture has conditioned us to fear clowns, with fictional portrayals like those in It to actual events like the serial murders committed by John Wayne Gacy, known in the press as "The Killer Clown." 5. During a live television broadcast of the siege, the structure housing members of the cult burst into flames. As Glenn descended, he watched burning chunks of spacecraft fly by his window, unsure whether these were pieces of the critical heat shield. 25 Crazy Things People Believe Could Happen In 2022. December 17, 2020. Steve Jobs didnt invent the mp3 player, but he did revolutionize it. Some of the events that rocked the world in the 2000s continue to reverberate years later. (Oct. 11, 2016), Miller, Laura. He got out shortly before the finish line and crossed it, which fooled some of the onlookers. Before the company's founding in 2006, we had to get through our days without recognizing the 13 Potatoes That Look Like Channing Tatum nor the 14 Cats Who Think Theyre Sushi. From the awe-inspiring to the downright bizarre, below we've handpicked the 22 most amazing things that happened in the UK this year (in no particular order). The Colbert Report premiered on Comedy Central to teach us about truthiness and a very justified fear of bears. "Steam Explosions, Earthquakes, and Volcanic Eruptions What's in Yellowstone's Future?" Not only were feet planted as a hoax, but as far back as 1914, shoes with feet were also reported. The Live 8 benefit concerts are held during July.There were ten simultaneous concerts were organized by Bob Geldof who had run the first Live Aid concerts 20 years earlier in 1985.The concerts were held in London, Philadelphia, Paris, Rome, Berlin, Moscow, Edinburgh, Cornwall, Johannesburg, and . He has been a guest speaker on numerous national radio and television stations and is a five time published author. Carbajal stopped at a roadside orchard for a snack during the race, but the apples were rotten so he was struck with stomach cramps and had to sleep it off. It just goes to show how close the world came to all-out nuclear war during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. ThoughtCo, Aug. 31, 2021, "Transcript of John Glenn's Official Communication with the Command Center (1962)." Coordinates. 4. One guy accidentally swallowed their precious plutonium. Elton John went a little too hard on his piano. If this happened in March, it might have been safe to assume that this was . Murder is one of the most heinous acts a person can commit, and unfortunately, it is all too common in our society. If you're a 10-year-old reading about these things for the first time: Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey were like the Prince William and Kate Middleton of our timebut alastheir love burned too bright and now Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica serves as the sole time capsule to remember what romance is, or should we say, was. He. If Glenn had failed, a struggling space program would have raised some real questions about the United States' national defense capabilities. After that, Jessop became a stewardess for the British Red Cross and served aboard the HMS Britannic during WWI. Katrina claimed 1,836 lives, and 705 people were categorized as missing. They were unable to pick up any incoming radio signals, so they were unsure whether war had broken out or not. So how do we handle these situations? Steve Fossett breaks world record by completing the first non-stop, non-refueled, solo flight around the world in the Virgin Atlantic GlobalFlyer. A Walk to Remember Jan. 25, 2002. Every decade is defined in part by some quirky event or fad. U.S. Geological Survey. Apr 26 Columbia Records releases Bruce Springsteen's 13th studio album "Devils and Dust", May 3 Fall Out Boy's breakthrough album "From Under the Cork Tree" is released through Island Records, May 9 Liberal commentary website The Huffington Post is launched, May 15 "Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith", directed by George Lucas, starring Ewan McGregor, Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman, premieres at the Cannes Film Festival, May 15 Laureus World Sports Awards, Casino Estoril, Portugal: Sportsman: Roger Federer; Sportswoman: Kelly Holmes; Team: Greece Men's National Football team, May 17 Singer Kylie Minogue is diagnosed with breast cancer at 36, May 27 DreamWorks releases computer-animated film "Madagascar" with voices by Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, David Schwimmer, and Jada Pinkett-Smith, May 28 Super Rugby Final, Christchurch: Canterbury Crusaders claim their 5th title with a 35-25 win over the NSW Waratahs; Dan Carter lands 3 conversions & 2 penalties for the winners, May 30 Gordon Ramsay first appears on US television in cooking competition show "Hell's Kitchen" on Fox. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala made history in March by becoming the first African and the first woman to serve as director-general of the World Trade. Perhaps the most annoying of all entries on this list, reality TV has changed the landscape of television over the past decade. The Pacific Northwest and Midwest would be particularly hard hit, resulting in a short-term devastation of agriculture and waterways choked with gray sludge. 11. However, here are the craziest ones about what could potentially happen this year. Let's hop back a decade and remember why your friends couldn't stop quoting Hitch. Rosemary's Baby (1968) Events on the set of the 1968 classic Rosemary's Baby got real pretty quickly once shooting the movie began. Whenever I think of that, still make me chuckle. Got a gun pointed at my crotch by the girl whose apartment the party was at. More for you. Glenn would be the first American to orbit the Earth, but as he prepared to re-enter the atmosphere, he got some bad news from Mission Control: A sensor detected a problem with the heat shield. 2. There was a cat who started in the Nazi navy in WWII, then became a ship's cat in the British Royal Navy, and survived three sinking ships during his naval service. Hurricane Katrina Makes Landfall as Category 3 status at 6:10 AM local time near Buras-Triumph, Louisiana with sustained windspeeds of 140 MPH, Storm Surge in Area Affected up to 22 foot New Orleans, Storm Surge in Area Affected up to 30 foot Biloxi-Gulfport Mississippi, Breaches to 53 different levees in greater New Orleans. Ice sheets, Arctic sea ice, glaciers and snow cover are all retreating [source: NASA, "Climate Change"]. Scientists believe climate change will continue to affect the planet through this century and beyond [source: NASA, "The Consequences"]. Before the dog could realized what happened, all monkeys were gone and the expression on the dog was like what the hell just happened. 14. An Act to deter and punish terrorist acts in the United States and across the globe, to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools, and for other purposes. That first-place finisher, Fred Lorz, hitched a ride in a car to the end of the course after he was struck with serious cramping. Now she has 6 Grammys, a super-cute baby bump, and much better hair. Considering this was the only thing standing between him and certain, fiery death, it was a bit concerning. The coronavirus outbreak caused the whole world to stockpile basic needs. In game 7 however, the Red Sox cut the Yankees loose with a 7 run victory to become the first team to ever come back from a 3-0 series deficit and win. The Y2K bug was big news in December 1999. Having failed at their first attempt, the duo moved on to a grocery store where they killed a man walking across the parking lot. As you can imagine, people were rattled. Both of them were recaptured and remained at the camp until the next year, when German soldiers overthrew the SS and released the prisoners at the camp. "Remember Y2K? Reports of bedbug infestations soared, topping out at an 81% increase in calls for pest control since 2000. The issue at hand was the Soviet Union's use of Cuba as a launching pad for nuclear weapons capable of striking the United States. First off, the entire course was very dusty and breathing in that dust caused all kinds of injuries, including one runner who was hospitalized with hemorrhaging after the dust tore his esophagus and stomach lining. Brandon Lee, a promising actor and son of . The film made instant sensations out of its fresh-faced stars Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint. He even typed up a constitution, which was just a copy of the US Constitution with any occurrences of "United States" replaced with "New Atlantis.". Ultimately, there was a vote among three officers on whether or not to launch a nuke, with Arkhipov being the lone "no" vote. The Oregon Supreme Court nullified nearly 3,000 marriage licenses issued to same-sex couples, Wild Fires Sweep Portugal leaving over 20 dead and thousands of acres destroyed. Jessop was a stewardess aboard the RMS Olympic, one of the Titanic's sister ships, when it collided with another ship in September of 1911. People are in a crazy hoarding frenzy, eventually resulting in a Lysol shortage. Of course what happened to him makes his own crimes seem pretty tame. Joe Morgenstern called it the worlds first globalized masterpiece. Celebrities and teenagers alike took part in the "In My Feelings" challenge, centred around a Drake song of the same name. Feb. 14, 1999. A new cadre of internet citizen has been created since 2005: The social media editor. Not only that, but when the original Antioch was destroyed, all of its remaining citizens were relocated to the "new" Antioch. Nov. 4, 2015. 2012 was the year of many things, because of 2012 we learned that we the Mayan's calendar just happened to end on that date. On June 29, 2009, U.S.forces withdrew from Baghdad, but the situation in the region is still unstable. The winner of the first season was Will Young, who has had a modest career since. A star-studded memorial service took place for the singer at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. Woody Allen (age 56) left his long-term partner Mia Farrow after she discovered his secret affair with her adopted daughter, Soon-Yi Previn (age 21). Earth Passes Through the Tail of Halley's Comet Washington, D.C., Sniper Attacks Cuban Missile Crisis The United States Nearly Loses John Glenn and the Friendship 7 Spacecraft 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami 10: Y2K Perhaps more frightening than Y2K is the size of our old computer monitors. Daniela Jovanovska-Hristovska / Getty Images. It also won 8 Academy Awards, including Best Picture. The Top Ten. 1989: The Berlin War Was Taken Down The Berlin was was demolished in 1989. The Spanish flu virus is reconstructed and shown to be closely related to the Avian flu virus. 8. Those in vulnerable areas, like the low-lying Pacific island nation of Kiribati, are particularly concerned but determined to fight back. People actually believe there will be football this fall. New York City's Transport Workers Union goes on strike for three days, shutting down all New York City Subway and Bus services. Hurricane Stan hits Mexico and Central America killing over 1,620 people. This story happened at Disneyland Paris. The Guardian. 4. The first film was so successful (no surprise there), that Warner Bros. chose to make. Feb. 1, 2005. It was called just a fad, but others insist that social networking sites have become one of the biggest shifts in human interaction since the invention of the telephone. Mercifully, police were able to identify Muhammed and Malvo as suspects and capture them at a rest stop, but not before they killed 10 people and injured three others. For one, clowns are unpredictable: You never know if they're going to squirt water on you or pull something from their sleeve. Final score: Mia Tucker. The devastation prompted a massive global humanitarian response, with more than $7 billion donated to the affected regions. PHOTOS: The most awesome things from the '90s. Whatever the reason for the spree, it remains one of the scariest examples of serial killing in American history [source: White]. So what's the big deal? There are 900 million television sets in use around the world; 201 million are in the United States. #HashtagsThe digital revolution has spawned a seemingly endless range of techy buzzwords with ambiguous meaning. As early as 1705 astronomer Edmond Halley identified its orbit and predicted its reappearance every 75 to 76 years. The 2000s continue to reverberate years later H5N1 strain of Avian Flu claims more in! Continues to be an active volcanic zone, as its numerous geysers and hot springs.. One, especially for the people living in the region is still unstable 400ppm Milestone Shows Humans are the! Members of the crazy things that happened in 2005 burst into flames `` Unsinkable Sam. situation in the courts Terri 's... Didnt invent the mp3 player, but Leo walked away empty-handed feeding tube is removed and dies... Low-Lying Pacific Island Nation from Climate Change. crazy things that happened in 2005 was Taken Down the Berlin war Taken. 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