Try taking 150 mg of magnesium citrate along with one capsule of P-5-P (pyridoxal-5-phosphate) in the evening along with your Strontium Boost. Re #1, the specific data you requested does not exist. is he board certified, etc.? All tested doses were well tolerated; the 2 g/d dose was considered to offer the best combination of efficacy and safety. J Bone Miner Res 2000;15:1526-36.) Adults 19-70 years: 15 micrograms (600 IU) Im also taking an EPA supplement that has 1536 mg. Im also thankful I can and I love salmon! If you are a member of The AlgaeCal Community, please check out an #AskLara I taped entitled, What can I believe? In this video, I discuss in detail how to investigate assertions like the one youve sent in. Yogurt is a healthful food supplying healthy intestinal bacteria as well as calcium. You eat lots of fiber. I have seen nothing in the recent research to indicate competition for absorption between strontium and iron or magnesium. ? I have written some blogs for them discussing research related to bone health and have been compensated for this e.g., my blog on the issues surrounding strontium or the blog I recently wrote on the potential dangers of fluoride. Detailed analysis indicates that many transporters (such as PepT1, SGLT-1, GLUT5, MRP2, NT2, and high affinity glutamate transporter) share similar expression levels in both human and rat with regional dependent expression patterns, which have high expression in the small intestine and low expression in the colon. (17 replies) Strontium and thyroid medication. AP/SB, as the research shows (3rd study), can turn this around even in postmenopausal women losing at least 2% or more annually. Many people are increasing their intake of plant-based protein the, Like many people, youve likely been told that bone loss comes wit. A good b-complex product to take with it is B-right from Jarrow Formulas. At this point, AlgaeCal Plus alone would be suitable to help support, and protect bone density moving forward! So you take half the dosage of strontium (1 capsule) Do you still take the full dosage of algae cal plus (4 capsules)? The drugs do not improve TBS., RE below: About to read you response, and thanks. For some drugs, it's advisable to take them with food because the physiological changes that occur in your body create an ideal environment for the absorption of the medication. FYI one tablespoon of ground whole flaxseed is going to provide you with about 25.5 milligrams of calcium. Delighted you are working with a receptive physician! I I have been using algae cal for about 8 months and I also use Drs. And so are my gluten-free sourdough breads you can find the recipes here (add link). I have read your posts to know you are much more aggressive than this. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. Really when I dropped this message at your blog I did not even have 1% hope that someone would reply me in reality, since morning I am smiling feeling good about my health and sharing this fantastic story of a long distance medical help to everyone at office and family. In regards to your question about strontium being taken as a single dose in the COMB study, this is not unusual. After a week or so, you can try increasing to 2 capsules of Strontium Boost again. i do notyetstill egfr in 80s. Just enjoy giving your boxer his sardines. The truth is, strontium does weigh much more than calcium, and its mass does impact DEXA readingsbut only a little. I do much better with starchy whole vegetables like potatoes, yams, corn, beets, winter squash. Osteo-cise: Strong Bones for Life: Protocol for a Community-based Randomised Controlled Trial of a Multi-modal Exercise and Osteoporosis Education Program for Older Adults at Risk of Falls and Fractures.BMC Musculoskelet Disord. Thank you so much, you give an unbelievable amount of time freely to help people who cannot get this kind of help from their doctor. Most importantly, vitamin K2 was not used in Plan 2, but was included in Plan 3 as MK-7 (100 mcg). Hi Lara: You are now my go-to reference for bone health. The PubMed research indicates just the opposite is true. strontium) to bind to Ca3(PO4)2. I shall be coming back to your blog soon. My results have TOTALLY convinced me. Im thin and have trouble gaining weight. In contrast, no correlation was found for the expressions of metabolizing enzymes between rat and human intestine, which indicates the difference in drug metabolism and oral bioavailability in two species. I really want to underscore here the fact that the strontiums beneficial effects on our bones are NOT due to its replacing calcium in our bones! And a large 2 year trial has just concluded using MK-7 to arrest the progression of coronary artery disease. femoral neck] last July, I have been following the Save our Bones programme, taking Raw Calcium, a special over 50 muli- vitamin and other supplements. Thank you for all your help, will run that info by the allergist, and also check with GYN-possibly DHEA could help. Lastly, regarding strontium citrate it has been shown in MANY studies, thousands of women, to be safe and effective. If you have reason to believe YOUR thyroid function might be affected (e.g., you have had other issues with thyroid function prior or currently), why not use a lower dose of strontium for yourself and check its efficacy in YOU after 3-6 months? I typically give my 75lb boxer a can of sardines once a week and I give it to him all at once. Sounds like you are doing lots of good things for not only your bones, but your health overall. . Before starting on Xolair a year ago, I was taking 15 different meds a day to try to control the asthma and had been like that for two years after getting atypical pneumonia. Any ideas as to why I could be high here? Hpital Edouard Herriot, 69437 Lyon, France. If you havent read it, please consider doing so. As always, thanks for what you do. The only issue I have ever heard even anecdotally mentioned re MK-7 is that one woman wrote me that it gave her so much energy, she had trouble sleeping; she has to use MK-4, which clears out of the body much more rapidly than MK-7, for which reason, an effective dose of MK-4 is 45 milligrams per day! Delighted to learn you are taking an organic sea vegetable derived calcium-mineral mix and that this is available in South Africa! If you carry a source of chronic infection, what can you do to lessen the effects on your joints and bones? Strontium measurements were taken at the finger and ankle, representing primarily cortical and trabecular bone, respectively. Both minerals share a common carrier system in the intestinal wall, which will always choose to transport calcium rather than strontium from our digestive tract into our bloodstream. I cannot know your financial situation, but nothing is as important as your health. Supplemental strontium should be avoided in individuals with a creatinine clearance less than 50 mL/minute or who are on dialysis. Biometals. Strontium and calcium share a common carrier system in the intestinal wall, which will. This individual had results that were slightly under 2,000 ng/ml which, in her assessment, is over 4,000 % higher than the upper normal limit of 45.0 ng/ml. Association between DHEAS and bone loss in postmenopausal women: a 15-year longitudinal population-based study. Dear Lara, If something has lots of additives, eliminate it. I am under a functional medical doctor and nutritionist, but wanted to tap into your expertise as well. I will have my blood work done at the end of November for thyroid, calcium, Vit D, and cholesterol. Thank you for all the research you have done on this subject and for answering our questions. Experts now believe strontium is, " an essential trace mineral necessary for the optimal normal development and accretion of peak bone mass, and the sustained health of our bones." I was told that I need an operation for this (I am having a slip disc as well (L4 and L5 with sciatica) and too scared to undergo for an operation. (So it could have been di-Sr, a mixture or something else.) Thanks for looking and for your input. However, make sure you are aware of things like Strontium citrate side effects, as an []. However, population-based longitudinal studies suggest that these loss estimates are not high enough. Hi Debra, After reading your blog Im so excited to be trying something natural to increase my bone density and have purchased the Garden of Life Vitamin Code Grow Bone. (Brand name: Aristo) Strontium ranelate is an osteoporosis medication that can help strengthen your bones and reduce your risk of breaking a bone. These nutrients are FOOD for your bones. If you do have a choice, PLEASE use the natural form of strontium. Take it with water, and don't eat or drink anything else for at least 30 minutes afterward. Good For Bone & Joint Health: Shilajit carries amino acids, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, boron, iron, zinc, copper, calcium, manganese, silicon, and strontium that are of particular interest to the bone and joint health as all of them are involved in the strengthening of the bones and joints. Cao X, Gibbs ST, Fang L, Miller HA, Landowski CP, Shin HC, Lennernas H, Zhong Y, Amidon GL, Yu LX, Sun D. Source: Division of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA. (For more info on this, heres a link to Mayo Clinics discussion of thumb arthritis: This woman does better with MK-4. Strength/stability of apatite crystals Apatite, which is composed primarily of calcium + phosphate, is the basic mineral component used in our bones and teeth. I REALLY want this to work so any insight you have would be gratefully received. If you can locate this paper, please do let me know. Night-time (Anti Aging Protocol) The anti-aging protocol is comprised of ingesting 10 grams of elemental l-arginine only at bedtime on a totally empty stomach, which accesses the delta sleep cycle. Secondly I have recently found reference to Pulsed Signal Therapy which appears to be a recent development of older techniques. I appreciate your knowledge and insight into womens bone health. Why Take Erection Pills On Empty Stomach At the beginning, it must penis enlarging products be adapted to capitalists, otherwise it would be impossible to break through the constraints of thick hard penis pills traditional moral concepts. I have hyponatremia. For my MK-7 needs, I use AlgaeCals AlgaeCal Plus it provides me with not only K2 (as MK-7) at a dose of 100 mcg an amount shown in the research to be effective but a highly bioavailable and effective form of calcium, also magnesium, boron, and a whole mix of trace minerals all of which play a role in bone health. (And he is MUCH happier! We are, each of us, special, unique and irreplacable. After this, a second human trial was run. In contrast, as I stated in the above blog (and backed up with studies conducted over the last 100 yearsthe citations for which are provided in the references) , the natural form of strontium available as a supplement, strontium citrate, has never been shown to produce any of the side effects seen with strontium ranelate. 2012 Jul;51(1):93-7. ) I love both, and try to have an ounce regularly great for a snack with an apple, in omelets, and my familys all time favorite wonderful in tuna melts (I make tuna fish salad with canned tuna, omega-3 rich mayonnaise, lemon juice and a tablespoon of capers or jalapenos, spread it on whole wheat bread, top with a slice of Jarlsberg, spray the top of the sandwich with an organic olive oil version of PAM, put it on a cookie sheet and toast it the oven at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes. Hope this helps, Lara, Hi so glad i found this site , my mom has exstensive bone marrow edema in 234and 5th matataresial bones in her foot also in the landrum of the foot shes 52 her bone density test came back low we are doing more blood work now the injury happened in october not sure how she has no fractures pain has now gone to her knees and she cant walk at all she always has poor eating habits smked and drinked most of her life nothing was helping the pain shes been on high calcium and vitamins for about a month now i started useing bone growth formula for her which she takes a strontium on an empty stomach so we tried Giving her a little more then 1000mg of it and its really gave her pain relief where no pain killer did we also started adding milk thistle and colostrum on an empty stomach first thing in the morning her insurance does not start till may 1st the problem is her xray on 11/19/12 the foot bones were all white next xray on 1/17/13 the bones seem to be turning black or OSTEONECEROIS MAYBE, ALMOST 90 DAYS TO GO IS IT TO RISKY TO WAIT? The thumb joint pain you describe does sound like arthritis. So delighted you have been helped by the information in Your Bones! and how many times a day? Its a very nice material to read and to know, thank you very much. (1977) Toxicology V.7 p. 11-21. Thanks again for your help. Dr. Wright discusses this in Stay Young & Sexy with BHRT. If you take 1,000 mg of calcium a day, split it into two or more doses over the day. Please dont apologize for asking such interesting questions, especially since the answers to them could have very significant practical relevance for human health. The reason for this is that the EPA/DHA in Triple Power will gradually replace the pro-inflammatory omega-6 (arachidonic acid) in your cell membranes, and specifically in your joint capsule, so your inflammation level will drop and your joint will be able to begin to repair. 2012 Jan;112:212-7. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2011.11.005. You are correct that, taken in recommended amounts no more than half as much strontium as calcium strontium adds to the bone matrix and helps not only strengthen bone but improves bone quality and ability to resist fractures. I wish it were less complicated, and we could all just do exactly the same thing, and it would be just right for each of us but this is not how it is. In the research, approximately 50% of the increase seen in BMD over 3 years of treatment with strontium was due to strontiums larger size, AND 50% of the increase seen in BMD was accurate. Hi Tyler, for vitamin D is 400 IUs, but the labels for the plain and plus both show 100% of the D.V. Do I continue to take my Viactive calcium chew and my I-cap multiple vitamins with the Algaecal and Strontium ? In addition to reading your blog I also read a blog from an osteoporosis site. Another quote from this paper on spine BMD improvements being most likely to be over-estimated . Watch acid/alkali balance. You can, however, run another type of test that will show you whether you are continuing to lose bone every month until your results show you are no longer losing bone and are stable. If you have chronic kidney disease, you should not risk taking strontium. I was cautious about the calcium because of Mr. Barr, and was even more cautious when I found out I was in the higher range with no supplementation. I sure wish I could just take 1 pill, but reality is that this would not do the job for me. We definitely care deeply about our mission to provide safe and natural solutions for bone loss! These are very filling and delicious and suit my physiology better than grains. You simply must experiment and see what works best for you. No clinically significant changes in a 43-panel blood chemistry test were found, and neither group reported even one adverse effect. So, I have finally read the paper but I found no mention of a 170 mg dose of strontium being used. In our clinical research, strontium citrate showed no negative side effects, including no evidence was found in cardiovascular risk. Radioactive strontium is formed in nuclear reactors or during the explosion of nuclear weapons. Great to hear that you are definitely in normal range or in the one area you mention having a T score of -0.6, are barely osteopenic! Oct 14, 2007. My results have been excellent after 10 months of using AlgaeCal as my source of supplemental calcium, I had my DXA run. From the research I have seen on algae-derived calcium, it is more bioavailable and more effectively used in building bone than calcium derived from rock. I plan to do so. I also found interesting the researchers comment that iodine insufficiency might have been a contributing factor. I am glad that AlgaeCal has lots of Vitamin D in it, I completely agree that the D.V of 400 and the DRI of 600 is way too low. Strontium ranelate was used in these trials. I mightve read it too fast. Please clear this up and let us know whether taking the two minerals separately just allows both to remineralize bones, or causes strontium to replace the calcium in bones. That supplement is broken up into AM and PM formulations. Thank You for this well-written, researched, and easy-to-understand article. I am not a milk drinker and eat limited dairy products so I am unsure of the additional amount of calcium that I am consuming during the day. Calcium on the other hand, should be taken with food so that when food nutrients are being metabolised, the calcium absorption happens along with the other nutrients in the same digestive phase. I will do my best to help you. The test you want run is for 25(OH)D this is the circulating form of vit D and the best indicator of body stores. Cheese is one of the best food sources of MK-4; Jarlsberg and Emmenthaler cheeses are the richest in K2. You can take Triple Power Omega 3 Fish Oil right off the spoon (it's that tasty.) Also, keeping the food diary will let you see whether your diet (and your bones as a result of it) could benefit from a wee bit of dietary tweaking. Take a strontium break, but please also think about what has changed in the last couple of months that could be causing hair loss. Again, the study says nothing about strontium weakening bone structure. In Your Bones, I provide a listing of the common foods richest in calcium, so you can take a look and estimate about how much calcium your diet is providing you. Finally, plasma total ALP activity and IGF-I were also increased in treated animals, compatible with a bone-forming activity of strontium ranelate. And neither study shows strontium depositing primarily into cortical bone. There was a significant reduction in the number of patients experiencing new vertebral deformities in the second year of treatment with 2 g/d SR [relative risk 0.56; 95% confidence interval (0.35; 0.89)]. We would not expect accelerated bone loss after stopping strontium, and in fact, we suggest discontinuing Strontium Boost after a DEXA reading shows bone density within the normal, healthy range. I am now taking Algaecal for about a month. Hi Lara: , you might benefit greatly from N-acetyl cysteineespecially if you can have your doctor order it as an inhalation solution of Glutathione [60 mg/mL] + NAC [125 mg/mL] to be taken with a nebulizer only compounding pharmacies provide this. PURPOSE: To study the correlation of intestinal absorption for drugs with various absorption routes between human and rat, and to explore the underlying molecular mechanisms for the similarity in drug intestinal absorption and the differences in oral bioavailability between human and rat. Yes, you can take Strontium and Magnesium at the same time. Sorry, I should have explained that venous thrombosis is medical-speak for a blood clot (thrombus) that forms within a vein. The strontium and increase in thyroid weight, that I had reference to, can be found in the thesis paper (cited above) in one of the literature review portions. Thanks again. Experimental results were 11.2 for the Discovery, 9.9 for the Prodigy, 8.6 for the Calscan and 6.3 for the Dexacare G4. Be sure to take it when you are NOT also taking calcium or consuming calcium-rich foods. With exercise, this is reducing the overweight problem and settling a diabetic tendency by assisting metformin; blood sugar is very well in control. While AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost alone are clinically supported to increase bone mineral density, the mediation youve mentioned will likely be safe and beneficial to your efforts as long as the form youre taking is bio-identical, and youre properly monitoring how youre metabolizing your estrogens. Were her blood calcium levels also measured? When it was created, its claim to fame was that it was supposed to be competely inert, and would just zip through our bodies without doing anything, and it was supposed to be completely excreted. AlgaeCal Plus is giving you 350 mg, an amount that perfectly balances the 720 mg of calcium it provides. 2011 May 1;48(5):1095-102. For my post on strontium on, I did review more than 70 studies, but not all the studies I cite there apply specifically to your question about an appropriate maintenance dose of strontium for you. Remember that vit K2 activates a number of important proteins related to calcium regulation in the body the 2 of most interest for you are osteocalcin, which is involved in putting calcium into bone, and Matrix Gla protein, which keeps calcium out of arteries, kidneys, breasts, etc. Secondly, Strontium Boost is strontium citrate. Should the Calcium supplement be taken morning then, evening for better absorption or is the schedule of Strontium Calcium Calcium, with the. PHD, MBA - Head of Research & Development Center of Bone Diseases, Lausanne University Hospital CHUV, Switzerland. Plus, it is well-known that our consumption of plant foods is far below recommended amounts so it is unlikely you are getting sufficient strontium in your diet. They are the result of strontiums bone-building effects on a very wide range of key molecules involved in healthy bone remodeling. This is the best indicator of body levels of vitamin D. Optimal levels are now said in the latest medical journal papers to be between 60-80 ng/mL. For thumb joint pain due to arthritis, my recommendation is the same because magnesium helps dilate our blood vessels and improves blood flow. Two hours after eating is a crude rule of thumb. You may have heard about strontiums effects on DEXA bone scan readings. We can help guide each other towards what is highly likely to be beneficial we cannot be each other. Strontium ranelate (PROTELOS), a new chemical entity containing stable strontium (Sr), was tested for its capacity to influence bone quality and quantity. Ammann P, Shen V, Robin B, Mauras Y, Bonjour JP, Rizzoli R. Service of Bone Diseases, World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Osteoporosis Prevention, Geneva 14 CH-1211, Switzerland. Lis thesis also very nifty I am assuming this was animal research, so results would need to be confirmed in human trials, but his suggestion that calcium will supply nutrition for bone while strontium will display synergistic effects for enhancing bone formation activity and confirmation via the finding that Oral administration of strontium fortified calcium compound significantly increased expression of IGF-I and Runx2 in bone matrix. This test was measured against a Dexa Scan from 2011 when I had also been taking strontium citrate. Im counting on Strontium Boost (and AlgaeCal Plus) to keep my bones in good shape for my, as yet, non-existent grandchildren. AlgaeCal Plus provides 720 mg of plant-based calcium and the average western diet provides another 500 mg. I take 1800 IU of Calcium daily (I will switch to Calcium Citrate since I have been taking the Calcium Carbonate chews and with meds for Acid Reflux I guess this was the wrong type of calcium for me) I also take Vit B12 250 mcg, Vitamin D 2200 IU and Omega 3 Fish oil 1000 mg. Specifically based on strontium levels and safety. Adults above 70 years: 20 micrograms (800 IU) Hi Lara, you have mentioned your improved BMD DEXA results after taking Algaecal products including strontium. For optimal absorption, take on an empty stomach and at least two hours apart from calcium, magnesium or antacids. In additional to calcium-containing foods, foods that contain alginate (found in kelp) lower strontium absorption, and so do certain medications, including quinolone antibiotics, and medications that contain aluminum hydroxide or magnesium hydroxide. Calcium and strontium should be taken separately because they compete for absorption and calcium will always win, so your bones will get little benefit from the strontium you take if you are consuming it at the same time as calcium. If you are taking an aromatase inhibitor, you can safely take Strontium Boost alongside this type of medication. Re strontium the amount you are currently taking is very low! Less than one Ca ion out of 10 was substituted for by one Sr ion in each crystal Osteoclasts: Strontium inhibits the production of these bone-resorbing cells and the rate at which they remove old bone With that assumption the results indicated that around 400 mg of strontium was very effective, but this is still higher than 170 mg. or is the Strontium a must I am 56 years old left hip -2.45. How is your digestion? It is NOT just calcium, but calcium within the matrix of all the trace minerals required by the sea algae to build its bony structure. Based on your previous response to me I should probably add to my K2 amount. So Ive got my algae cal my strontium, Im having my vitamin d levels checked and my doctor was very sympathetic to the regime I wanted to try.I took my 3 strontium tablets (strontium boost) last night and, trying to phrase this delicately, three hours later I was trotting to the loo. Phosphate, as well as calcium, significantly lowers strontium absorption. This is the only change I made to what I had been doing. As a medical editor/writer, I typically spend 3-4 hours every day scanning the research and bone health is my special interest, so thats how I learned about AlgaeCal. I suggest you ask the folks making these claims for references in the medical journals in which research has been published confirming them, and if they cannot supply you with any, do not give them any credence. You should take water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C, B12, and B6 in the morning on an empty stomach. Hi Sylvia, Also, AlgaeCal Plus alone, or with Triple Power, which I definitely recommend especially for you because CKD indicates chronic inflammation, will support your bones ability to rebuild just a bit more slowly without Strontium Boost, which, as its name implies, boosts the rate at which new bone is formed. Servier now had a patentable, exclusive strontium bone drug which was sold beginning in the early 2000s under the trade name ProtelosTM. I am not familiar with the Garden of Life product what are they saying may be harmful to a growing fetus? Which one did you get in French? Please call our friendly Bone Health Consultants at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada, 7 days a week) or email us at [emailprotected] for further support. old and going through menopause, I did research that showed estrogen increases bone mass. That goes for both the density and the tensile quality of your bones. 2. Hope this helps, Lara, I have recently been diagnosed with coronary artery disease AND low bone mass., Strontiums larger size than calciums also affects how quickly strontium is eliminated from the body. The good news here is that you do not need to be stressed out about this! Sr21 is taken up into bone by two different mechanisms: (1) an initial rapid mode, depending on osteoblastic activity, which is eventually saturated, and whereby Sr21 is taken up by ionic exchange with bone Ca21, binding of Sr21 to preosteoid proteins, or combinations of these; and (2) a second slower mechanism involving the incorporation of Sr21 into the crystal lattice of the bone mineral. And stay gloriously well, Thanks so much for reaching out with your question! Conversely, some supplements, and many foods . If you end up finding your vit D3 needs run even higher to 10,000 IU/day you could check out Life Extensions vitamin K supplement, which is what I use for my additional K2 since I must take 10,000 IU/day of D3. Two key points you always want to be consuming around twice as much calcium as strontium. It is overwhelming me to find the right combination of products that will give me the amount of vitamins and minerals recommended to maintain my health, as well as improve my bone density and bone health. Hi David, thanks for your questions! Please ask your doctor to check your thyroid hormone levels (T4, T3, rT3), and if you are hypothyroid, your levels of iodine and selenium should be evaluated. Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry. I needs to spend some time learning more or working out more. thank you Hi Antigone, I have never seen anything suggesting strontium causes hair loss. 1) Boivin G, Deloffre P, Perrat B, et al. If you dont have the book, your library should have it, so you can check it out without having to buy it although it costs less than $10 on Amazon these days. . This dose will help protect and maintain the long-term health of your bones. I would be interested to learn of any further research on Lactoferrin and its positive effects on bone building. 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