These men insulate the banker from direct involvement in the gambling operation. The latter pair, Joseph Napolitano and Theodore Fucillo, were arrested and charged with conspiracy and violation of Pennsylvania gambling laws. To ensure the smooth and continuous operation of their rackets, they finance political campaigns or bribe and corrupt political leaders and criminal justice personnel - either the policeman, prosecutor, court clerk, or judge, depending on the type of protection desired and also on who is the weakest link of the criminal justice chain. Senate Bill No, 70 providing for investigative grand juries was passed by the Senate and sent to the House of Representatives on February 10, 1969. [203], The Philadelphia numbers bank of William and Louis DiRugeris was raided by Internal Revenue agents in 1967. 215 Final Report, US. 185 Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, March 30, 1967, p. 24. Criminal justice agencies react to a political environment just as all public agencies do, and when influential leaders do not want a particular matter pushed, they see to it that their subordinates do not push it. Later Abe Minker, John Wittig, and Alex and Louis Fudeman were indicted and eharged with blackmail. Ralph Kreitz, the Berks slot machine kingpin, told the committee that anti-vice candidates could not get elected. There were over thirty-five employees on the payroll - stickmen, luggers, tellers, loan sharks, dice detectives, and security personnel, with a weekly payroll of over $7800. Caporegime, Angelo Bruno family. All witnesses testified that they had known Barrow as a law-abiding citizen with a reputation for honesty. Organized crime also strikes directly at the more affluent sectors of Pennsylvania. Abe Minker, the rackets czar of Reading, was known to pay 30% of his numbers profits to members of the Vito Genovese Cosa Nostra family. That's all I take, I don't want the other stuff. It is a chief purpose of this section to demonstrate to the average citizen who places the $2.00 bet that although his contribution to organized crime may be small, it is significant; without his selfish desire to indulge his gambling appetite, the intimidation and corruption that sustain organized crime could not exist. Governmental agencies concerned with areas as diverse as health, horse racing, taxes, zoning, securities, and government contracts should search out thc manipulative influence of organized crime and apply appropriate sanctions. In 1968 an immunity statute was adopted in Pennsylvania. In the 1950's there were three organized crime murders in Southeastern Pennsylvania. 235 Commutation of the sentence of John Wittig, File No. A way of life, it imposes rigid discipline on underlings who do the dirty work while the top men of organized crime are generally insulated from the criminal act and the consequent danger of prosecution.[2]. 16919 (income tax evasion), and 19768 (evasion of wagering taxes). (Pardon file #1836), Many other racketeers have received pardons, Cosa Nostra associate Felix Bocchiccio, a friend of Frank Palermo, Sr., and Frank Carbo in boxing rackets, was pardoned in 1949 for the crime of breaking and escaping prison. [59] Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach reported that from 1961-1965, 158 racketeering cases were developed in Pittsburgh by the U.S. Department of Justice Organized Crime and Racketeering Section and the Internal Revenue Service. 97 U.S. vs. D'Amato, et al. Denaro spoke of an individual named "Dean" who "threw the bomb he used to work for them when he got pinched. James R. Giermanski, Special Agent. 1366-1370, August 1956 Term of Grand Jury. The Section coordinates and completes the necessary documentation to the Federal Agency responsible for the seizure of the property. In 1965 the New York State Commission of Investigation concluded that Cosa Nostra leader John Masiello was the "behind the scenes" power of the association. After hearing both sides in an arbitration proceeding, the Commission decided in favor of deposing Pollina and making Bruno the boss. For example, in Reading the racket czar was Abe Minker, referred to as "The General." 2 Combating Organized Crime: A Report of the Oyster Bay, New York, Conference on Organized Crime, Office of the Counsel to the Governor of New York (Albany: Office of the Governor, 1965), p. 19. Pardoned in 1954 by Governor John Fine for the crimes of larceny, receiving stolen goods, and operating a lottery. Strictly speaking, the "Mafia" was a Sicilian organization of career criminals which was prominent in organized crime in the United States, beginning in the 1880's. (Philadelphia: US. 22254. 21122. Later, word of this spread through the underworld and Donato was kidnapped. ", The nation's most extensive and publicized example of organized crime and political corruption occurred in Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania State Police can focus their activity in those regions where the strength of organized crime is the greatest, and thereby hurt the rackets and prod local authorities into more effective action. 6-7, 388-389; see also, Report on the Activities and Associations of Persons Identified as Present at the Residence of Joseph Barbara, Sr., at Apalachin, New York, on November 14, 1967, and the Reasons for their Presence, State of New York Executive Department, Office of the Commissioner of Investigation (Albany: April, 1958), pp. In underwerld jargon "ice" refers to bribe money, and the disclosure led to the empaneling of a special grand jury in Northampton County. [174] In 1949 Parisi was located in Hazleton, Pennsylvania, at the residence of his friend and associate Joseph Scalleat. [77] Subsequently DeVito was arrested by FBI agents in 1967 for failing to pay his fine, and Narducci was sentenced to a year in prison for violating his parole after he was arrested in Las Vegas for failure to register as a criminal. February 21, 2023. (Sometimes, of course, syndicate-controlled businesses do manufacture or provide sub-standard goods and services, and these matters will also be discussed.). Seized in the raid were numerous records that showed that Fiorini and Minker were under-reporting their wagering income. (Scranton: US. There are approximately twenty-five numbers banks in the city of Philadelphia. The real danger imposed by criminal domination of the legitimate business sector comes from the power and prestige which this status confers. [95] Matthew Whitaker's Terry's Cigar Store in Pottsville was found to be receiving race wire results from Angelo Rosetti's service in Revere, Massachusetts.[96]. 36 Senate Labor-Management Hearings, Pt. 4, p. 1016. In January 2005, a dedicated Child Predator Unit was created using a group of specially trained agents and prosecutors across Pennsylvania to identify and capture online predators before they can harm children. [72] In 1969, Pennsylvania State Police officials arrested a Cosa Nostra member and three major associates for running numbers gambling operations, but indictments were returned against only two individuals; the remainder were discharged. Local 830, the Board found, had used "intimidation and coercion" to force three small independent beer distributors to sign union contracts. [69] In October of that year Erie police raided a $1000-a-day numbers operation of Salvatore Calafato, which was believed to be laying off large bets with organized crime syndicates in Pittsburgh and Youngstown.[70]. (Philadelphia: US. Michael Genovese, Co-boss (probable successor) In Erie the local lieutenants have been James "Westfield Jimmy" Salamone and Anthony Ciotti, who have lengthy criminal records. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania), Criminal No. The harm of corruption and systematic inaction is cumulative. As the years pass, inaction begets inaction and becomes a tradition of tolerating the syndicate. From the three resident Cosa Nostra families in Pennsylvania, the following individuals attended:[36], 1. By that time key witnesses had died or their memories had faded, and Parisi was set free. [145] In 1965, five of the defendants, including Rubino and Munjone, were convicted in U.S. District Court in Philadelphia and given merely token fines and probationary sentences. Peter Joseph, the leading numbers racketeer in the city, was the subject of federal income tax evasion charges in 1952 and wagering tax evasion charges in 1959. On February 11, 1962, DeCavalcante visited Angelo Bruno in Bruno's offices at the former Penn-Jersey Vending Company in Philadelphia. a similar near-monopoly through his ownership of Keystone Amusement Company. He was invelved with slain racketeer Gregory Cownden in West Virginia-Pennsylvania gambling rackets. After she had succeeded in embezzling $191,000, the shortage was discovered by the bank and prosecution was instituted. Pardoned in 1947 by Governor James Duff for the crime af robbery. In order to buy insurance against heavy losses, the bankers "hedge" or "edge off" these heavy bets with individuals who provide this type of insurance. 25-81. out competition. Attorney Hubert Teitelbaum was probing rackets in Erie and Pittsburgh through a special federal grand jury. January 24, 2023. 732-205, 206. [82] There were raids in Covington, Kentucky; Fort Worth, Texas; Des Plaines, Illinois; Revere, Massachusetts; and four locations in Pittsburgh. 2, p. 18. Indicted were Cosa Nostra boss John LaRocca of Pittsburgh, his underboss and former boss, Frank Amato, Sr., and three caporegimes in his family, Joseph Sica, Frank Rosa, and Gabriel Mannarino, Cosa Nostra leaders Salvatore Celembrino, Edward Lanziere, and James Plumeri of New York, and Peter Corrado of Detroit were also indicted. DeGeorge and some friends had been planning to take ever the union leadership. Since the time of that report, numerous state and federal prosecutions have established the Kefauver Committee's findings as accurate. The merchandise was subsequently sold, in violation of federal bankruptcy laws. But, as is rarely understood, organized criminals are also in the business of serious crime - extortion, arson for hire, murder and physical violence, fencing stolen property, hijacking, and narcotics trafficking-about which American society today is angry and fearful. (Pittsburgh: U.S. District Court, Western District of Pennsylvania), Criminal No. . Corroborated by law enforcement authorities, the following statements ean be made about the loan shark racket in Philadelphia: If any individual seeks a large loan - one in the thousands of dollars - he must secure permission from one of the upper-level loan sharks. See, like Magaddino [in Buffalo] will do anything for me. The family structure is as follows:[32]. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania), Criminal No. Two of the brothers (Louis and Joseph) survived and carried their complaint to the newly-formed Cosa Nostra Commission in New York. Chris Woodward writes about industry and technology for . 1, pp. Since anything that san be seen or reached by the consuming public will attract the attention of law enforcement authorities, their efforts must be nullified. The subversion of government which results from bribery or illicit influence creates an atmosphere in which individual agencies become reluctant to pursue organized crime. There are also a number of further motives for organized criminals to acquire legitimate businesses: 1. In some cases a particular operation may actually be run by a Cosa Nostra family in order to provide steady employment and a stable source of income to the family. Murder was one of the earliest tools which criminal syndicates used to eliminate competition and consolidate their power. While in the grand jury waiting room, he assaulted an Alcohol Tax agent who had tried to photograph him, and was convicted in 1959 of the resulting charges. He soon escaped from the abductors and telephoned authorities. In fact, Rosario (Russell) Bufalino was credited with arranging an infamous "Apalachin Convention" of leading organized crime figures in 1957. Linda Neumayer, EDITOR: See 71 Pa.C.S.A. For purposes of illustration, the problem will be discussed first as it concerns infiltration and control of legitimate businesses, and sccond as it involves labor-management racketeering. [150], 5. 20368. Rispo and Marino were later convicted of blackmail and sentenced to 4 1/2 to 9 years in prison. [101] In October 27, 1969, nine of the defendants pleaded guilty and received small fines and probated sentences. Sometimes they remain independent of Cosa Nostra dominance, but often they form coalitions and act in mutual interdependence with Cosa Nostra enterprises. The Section also reviews administrative decisions by the State Police concerning criminal history records and eligibility for firearm ownership. "[161] Fudeman then demanded payments if the independents were allowed to remain in business. [102] Although in a period of one year the State Police made five raids and confiscated millions of dollars worth of equipment and tickets, the racket continued to flourish, Estimates by law enforcement authorities at the time placed Cohen's annual gross at over $20 million per year, with six other independent treasury lotteries each averaging $2 million per year each. 2. In 1958, five of Riccobene's associates in the Philadelphia-Camden area were indicted in both New York and Camden (on separate charges) for operating a narcotics distribution organization. (Scranton: U.S. District Court, Middle District of Pennsylvania), Criminal No. Some stores in New York City keep cough drops behind security bars. In 1951 a minor racketcer in the Northeastern garment area was killed when his automobile was dynamited by unknown assailants. The central, undeniable finding is that there are permanent, ongoing criminal conspiracies operating in Pennsylvania which are controlled in large part, but not exclusively, by La Cosa Nostra families. First comes the so-called "strategic" approach, which is designed to create an atmosphere whereby the criminals can enter and take over a business. Following a violent purge of older members in 1931, a fusion of Sicilian and other Italian racketeers was created which from that time to the present has been known as "La Cosa Nostra," or "Our Thing. The firm subsequently went bankrupt making the payments, and Stirone was sentenced to a term of ten years for the crime. has a lengthy arrest record for numbers gambling, In 1965 he was arrested by Philadelphia Police officers who found 450,000 in numbers bets and 250 coded names of numbers writers and runners in his possession. Often they are welcomed with open arms. 47-51. In 1958 the President of Local 1058 of the Hod Carriers and Common Laborers' Union in Pittsburgh, Thomas Pecora, was convicted of receiving illegal payments from the Black Top Paving Company of Pittsburgh. (Philadelphia: US. Some of the most notorious racketeers in recent American history have been convicted on income tax evasion charges when it was found to be impossible to catch them in the commission of other crimes, (Some of these include Al Capone, Frank Costello, Antonio Corallo, John Dioguardia, and Paul Ricca.) 374 (November, 1967), 119. Ill-, gas and Monzelli were convicted in Philadelphia on local charges of attempting to bribe local officials. He usually has two principal lieutenants, one to deal with sports bookmaking and the other to take care of his numbers operations. 64-415. 49 U.S. vs. DiRugeris, et al. [107] Arrested were notorious racketeers from Pittsburgh, Steubenville, Ohio, and Youngstown, Ohio, areas. The goal was to confirm the belief that gambling in New York State was syndicated and that it posed a serious law enforcement problem. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. There is a weakening of resolve among civic leaders to address their many urban problems. In the investigation that followed, it was revealed that vonZamft arranged the purchase of the stocks through Anthony DiLorenzo, a rising captain in the former Vito Genovese Cosa Nostra family. Philadelphia GVTF is a partnership dating back to 2007, between OAG agents, Philadelphia police officers and detectives and the Philadelphia District Attorneys Office. In addition to the Teamsters 107 murders already discussed in connection with labor-management racketeering, the most recent killings include: 1. DeCavalcante: I don't want to know nothing about it.[6]. Check or add your phone numbers to the Pennsylvania Do Not Call Registry. Through Fudeman, Minker had set up a phony "Berks County Amusement Association. It did have a reputation for a while though. (a) Offense defined.--A person commits organized retail theft if the person organizes, coordinates, controls, supervises, finances or manages any of the activities of an organized . According to the U.S. Bureau of Narcotics, Philadelphia was in 1965 considered as an intermediate distribution point and not a major source of supply: The narcotics traffic in Philadelphia has now more or less stabilized to individual addicts or one individual addict acting for a group making trips irregularly to New York, and obtaining either personal or group supplies of heroin[138]. Never. 139 Annual Report of the Attorney General of the United States for Fiscal Year 1959, U.S. Department of Justice (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1960), p. 222. (Reading: Court of Quarter Sessions of Berks County), Bill Nos. Upon his arrival, the four goons - "one looked like King Kong" - put him in his own car, drove him through an alley, beat him on the head with a club, stopped the car, took him to the back room of a restaurant, beat him with a blackjack, returned him to the car, and knocked out two of his teeth with a whiskey bottle. To fulfill its mandate in a more professional and focused manner, the Pennsylvania Crime Commission reorganized its resources and established Resident Agencies in the major urban centers of the Commonwealth. This results in an intricate network of crimes, again beginning with conspiratorial planning and ending in the commission of individual criminal acts. The brothers were charged in 672 bills of indictment, and in 1967 were found guilty of 209 bills. 68-242. Title 18. 69-569. It is now a matter of public record, acknowledged by the President's Crime Commission, the U. S. Department of Justice, congressional investigating committees, and federal, state, and local law enforcement authorities, that a national conspiracy of organized criminals exists in the United States and operates in Pennsylvania. 50 U.S. vs. Monzelli, et al. : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1957), p. 51. (Pardon file #A-1785), 2. Christopher DeCree, Lieutenant, Chief Inspector's Special Squad, Philadelphia Police Department 137 Traffic in Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs for the Year Ended December 31, 1967, Bureau of Narcotics, U.S. Treasury Department (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1968), p. 6. Known as the "Men of Montedoro," the earliest Pennsylvania Mafia leaders belonged to the LaTorre, Volpe, and Sciandra families, whose sons today continue to fill leadership positions in the Cosa Nostra Organization.[25]. McNally was indicted by a federal grand jury in Philadelphia in 1970 for income tax evasion; see "US, Indicts Gambling Figure in Northeast," Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, April 3, 1970, p. 3. Disclosure in court of eavesdropped conversations of Cosa Nostra bosses Raymond Patriarca and Sam DeCavalcante. Each CDAG reports to the Criminal Division EDAG. On November 14, 1957, a meeting took place in Apalachin, New York, that was to become the best known gathering of Cosa Nostra leaders in American history. 136 Traffic in Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs for the Year Ended December 31, 1957, Bureau of Narcotics, U.S. Treasury Department (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1958), p. 28. They include the following, headquartered in these cities: 1. In 1958 the local was the subject of an extensive hearing before the Senate Select Committee to Investigate Improper Activilies in the Labor-Management Field. They come to appreciate the political contacts of the syndicates, which can offer protection from law enforcement and regulatory agencies overseeing the operations of the business. Cleveland. In 1961, IRS agents raided the plush Colony Inn, a horse parlor operated by Tom Malone, nephew of then Assistant to the Commissioner of Police David Malone. Brooklyn. Abstract [88], 2. Some members serve as advisors and counselors, others as enforcers and executioners, still others as buffers to insulate top-level leaders from direct involvement in criminal operations. 187 Frank McDevitt, "Five Arrested, Three Sought in Bank Loan Racket ," Philadelphia Inquirer, December 5, 1967, p. 1. The sections in the Criminal Law Division are: Appeals and Legal Services (which includes the Capital Litigation Unit) It must therefore be inferred that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss problems relating to these illicit activities. [67] Internal Revenue agents became interested in Joseph's evasion of taxes on $200,000 in income when he attempted to exchange at a local bank $250,000 in molded money he had been storing in his basement. Riccobene was supported in his unsuccessful request for a commutation of sentence by former State Senator Vincent Scarcelli. A long-time associate of Parenti's, Ludwig Iskra, testified that he worked for Parenti in Bethlehem and handled Parenti's numbers operation there.[73]. The corruption and political influence attendant to the operation of numbers banks will be the subject of a following chapter on the nullification of government. The final point on the continuum is filled by organizations which seek to monopolize all forms of highly organized and many forms of less organized crime. [66] Fiorini and Minker were charged with conspiring to evade and defeat collection of federal wagering taxes. 32, pp. [178] In 1970 a trucking company official, Jake D'Agata, was indicted for perjury by a federal grand jury in Philadelphia which was investigating payoffs to officials of the same local, D'Agata was charged with perjury. Another interesting example occurred in Pittsburgh. The indictment was later nol-prossed by the U.S. Attorney. [165] The charges stemmed from the embezzlement of $439,000 from the First National Bank of Exeter, Pennsylvania, of which Lippi was Chairman of the Board. 13: 41; also information supplied by various law enforcement agencies. One of the commonest occasions for pressure applied en behalf of racketeers has been that of the criminal trials or sentence hearings, During trials, community leaders have appeared as defense witnesses, claiming that the defendant is of such impeccable character as to be incapable of the crime for which he is charged. IRS agents seized two whole filing cabinets full of numbers gambling records and $56,000 in cash from his headquarters. In Pennsylvania, as in all of the United States, the organized crime syndicates accumulate much more wealth than do all other criminals combined. The attorneys in the criminal division are organized into thirteen sections with a Chief Deputy Attorney General (CDAG) in charge of each section. A-3209. Significant, but not exclusive, control over numbers gambling in Philadelphia has been exercised by the Cosa Nostra. Fraudulent Bankruptcies. In its final report in 1952 the Special Federal Grand Jury concluded: Soon after we convened we learned of the shocking conditions that existed in the City of Philadelphia with reference to the organized rackets in the numbers and bookmaking operations. DeCavalcante discussed Angelo Bruno's interest in the company, as well as that of John Ignazio "Whitey" Franco of Easton, and New York labor racketeer and Cosa Nostra member Joseph "Joe Stretch" Stracci: DeCavalcante: [Whitey's] always lived in Pennsylvania. Illegal gambling provides a steady source of lucrative profits: which organized crime syndicates then invest in either more profitable or high-risk ventures, such as narcotics smuggling and loan sharking, or in legitimate businesses. 93 Gambling and Organized Crime, U.S. Senate, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations Hearings, 1961, Exhibit 30-C, introduced on p. 333. The growth of the Internet has been astronomical, and regrettably, predators are using the Internet as their primary means of contacting and communicating with their young victims. Accompanying the thousands of honest and hard-working immigrants was a core of hardened Mafia criminals. Johnny went from a jail cell to employment with the Minker mob. Donald Cressey described a vivid example in his book, Theft of the Nation: In Philadelphia, a jeweler with a penchant, for gambling was the valued client of a local usurer because he repaid his loans punctually. 16214. Accounts of the testimony appear in the Pitisburgh Post-Gazette for the following days: June 6, 10, 12, and 15, 1965. The promoters could raise all but $13,500, and for this amount they went to a notorious loan shark in Jersey City, Harold Konigsberg. However, the Office can obtain jurisdiction over an environmental crime by a referral from either a district attorney or a state agency with enforcement duties pursuant to statute. Suspected Cosa Nostra member Frank Monte was convicted in federal court in 1958 along with Delaware County racketeer Max Potnick, for operating an illegal still. Thus, despite the dedication of state and local officials in assembling a picture of organized crime, pieces were missing and the gaps were filled by sensationalism and speculation. State and federal law enforcement agencies have brought a number of other significant prosecutions in Pennsylvania in the following areas: 1. Pittsburgh. Both Ida and Olivetto attended the 1957 Apalachin conclave and were apprehended. It has beeome essential to secure the cooperation of a few top-level officials - high ranking police, mayors, district attorneys, and judges. 7 U.S., vs, Ucciferri, et al. Gonzalez was fatally shot on May 6, 1995 by Robert . In 1963 two enforcers, members of the Philadelphia Cosa Nostra family, were arrested for beating two brothers, Nicholas and George Fiocca, who had earlier borrowed a total of $350 from loan shark Frank Colone. Marshals. This multi-million dollar market has been monopolized by organized crime. [192] Pecora had a record of gambling and labor law violations, and had later business dealing with Cosa Nostra boss John LaRocca. In 1968 he was a partner in United Parcel Service in West Pittston. Joseph Harper: An independent numbers banker in Pittsburgh, was indicted in 1969 for failing to file income tax returns for a five-year period.[63]. Beginning in 1950, the seriousness of the organized crime problem in Pennsylvania caused the Attorney General of the United States to empanel a special federal grand jury in Philadelphia which investigated numerous areas of organized crime activity and political corruption. One scene . At the same meeting Bruno admitted handling the layoffs for independent and Cosa Nostra bankers "The only thing is the layoff. Records showed that bribery of law enforcement authorities was involved in four of the major numbers banks, operated by Francis and Edward Fina, George Illgas, Pasquale Monzelli, and Romualdo Ucciferri and Michael Keilyk. Stromberg was sentenced to a maximum five-year term. Anthony Lima was born in 1905 at Johnstown, Pennsylvania, an industrial city east of Pittsburgh. Earlier in the 1960's, ATTU agents raided a still in Exeter Township, Luzerne County, operated by Cosa Nostra racketeers. 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( Scranton: U.S. government Printing Office, 1957 ), criminal No his headquarters in United Parcel in. With conspiring to evade and defeat collection of federal wagering taxes ) federal bankruptcy.. [ 66 ] Fiorini and Minker were under-reporting their wagering income conspiratorial planning and ending in the 1950 there! With conspiring to evade and defeat collection of federal wagering taxes to competition! Which results from bribery or illicit influence creates an atmosphere in which individual agencies become reluctant to pursue organized and. Three resident Cosa Nostra payments if the independents were allowed to remain in business Quarter Sessions of Berks )... Goods and services that are illegal but for which there of Pittsburgh, one to with. William and Louis DiRugeris was raided by Internal Revenue agents in 1967 in Pennsylvania County Amusement.... From his headquarters 6, 1995 by Robert Monzelli were convicted in Philadelphia on local charges of to. In 672 bills of indictment, and 19768 ( evasion of wagering taxes.... Two principal lieutenants, one to deal with sports bookmaking and the other to take care of numbers.
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