While some of the pieces shes wearing have more tailored lines and classic styling techniques, her accessories, hair, and overall vibe are definitely natural. Hallmarked Ingenue Sterling. And if I am correct, I think my essences are Ingenue (definitely the majority), Natural, and Classic is tertiary. Individuals with the angelic style essence can pull off fairytale looks with glamour. The angelic style essence is ethereal - it floats and flows. The eyebrows are also often soft and rounded, never really arched. If you can carry off a theatrical, unconventional outfit and look like you mean business, there's a good chance you have some dramatic essence in you. To achieve this look in clothing, Naturals look best when they incorporate the following style principles into their wardrobes: The natural style essence is an unruly, but relaxed essence. This is a serious look, and she can pull it off comfortably. Im healing and feel like I have a new lease on life, so its time to get stylish again and create a new wardrobe. It is this appearance of strength that makes natural clothing look great on them. This is not quite the same effect that we got on Jourdan. Anne, in contrast, doesn't look like she's serious. Individuals of this style essence tend to be short with compact body types, typically have boyish looks, and tend to be energetic and impish. Consequently, individuals with the ingenue style essence tend to create an overall visual impression of youthful femininity and innocence. DRAMATIC style type. She doesn't look like she's wearing a fancy dress costume. It is described as a casual and sportivelook. Pay attention to how separate and disharmonious the clothes on look on Jennifer, whereas on Kate they look like they belong there. They can handle bold textures like the rhinestone mesh Cher is wearing above. Someone who has the dramatic style essence looks powerful and elegant when wearing a man suit. Natural Clothing. Individuals with the natural style essence can pull off casual looks without looking underdressed. Nothing is too unconventional for this essence. However, I think that isnt the true base of his system. Can you pull them off?You probably have the romantic style essence. Vintage styles work incredibly well on the ingenue style essence because of their affinity to small, intricate details and the love for trimmings. In the Kibbe system, I am a full-fledged Romantic body type. Physically, Nicole Kidman meets all the requirements of the Flamboyant Natural with verticality, width, and blunt yang being her physical profile. Creative patterns and prints are a must and the more, the merrier. Hand in hand with unusual textures goes the need for bold colours. She looks stunning, dignified, and very comfortable in the bold looks of the dramatic style essence. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Why? Cheap materials are not appreciated here. Book your virtual style analysis. Although this style essence is balanced and thus neutral, it is not androgynous like the gamine style essence. Individuals with the ingenue style essence tend to look sweet and gentle compared to others. We can see her opt for flowing dresses or relaxed hairstyles on occasion, but most of her style influence is classic in nature. On Gigi, activewear looks stylish, on Kim it looks sloppy - as if she just didn't make an effort. And Kitchener adds in that extra missing puzzle piece of what clothing pieces and clothing styles harmonize with your exact yin/yang balance and overall vibe. The best garments for any style essence are those that mimic and repeat that essence's natural lines, shapes, and themes. Bearing in mind the principles of asymmetry and oversized shapes, the best dramatic animal prints are large, bold, and asymmetrical. Kim doesn't look very put together in these outfits, she looks a bit sloppy. Similar to romantic clothing, ingenue clothing features flowing, rounded shapes. And the lips may have a bowed shape. 0:00 / 20:42 ETHEREAL INGENUE STYLE ESSENCE//Everyday// The Weekend Fairy// Fairycore// Cottage Core 7,632 views Jan 26, 2021 409 Dislike Share Save Rose Colored Glasses 1.7K subscribers I have. Product is not available in this quantity. I suggested black and white photos, simply because they can help you see the shapes of your face more clearly, and help determine your vibe with fewer distractions. They have long since been appropriated by the western world and in the case of body typing and harmonizing style lines represent two distinct concepts. A signature style of the romantic style essence are large, dreamy floral prints. This is a very regal look, and Kate can pull it off comfortably. Textures and materials should convey luxury and quality. A signature style of the ingenue essence is the short, (often flouncy) dress. Im 55 and just emerging from a time of dealing with lots of health issues. The ingenue style essence is another yin essence, but its type of yin is decorative small-scale yin. Remember also what we said about the manifestation of yang. Individuals of this style essence have a youthful, innocent appearance. The angelic style essence looks best in the colours of the cosmos and mythical places - think purple, sea blue and green, creams, taupes as well as gold and silver etc. Trends is not something the classic style essence seeks out. Gamine clothing styles are compact, irreverently colourful with patterned mixes, and include mens fashion items and whimsical accessories. While I have verticality and kibbe-width, I also harmonize with the romantic and dramatic lines and style essences, which makes those popular choices in my videos. Individuals with this style essence create an overall visual impression of innocence and youthful femininity. They look fantastic in luxurious silk textures and fabrics that hug the body. Ingenue, Just the Right Shoe by Raine, #25027, Ivory Boot, Miniature Shoe Collectible. Accessories are also best when they are compact and not overly big. Zoe's best look, on the other hand, is the dramatic style. Kate looks elegant, but Jennifer Aniston looks stiff and uncomfortable in this kind of style. It blends masculine and feminine characteristics in such a way that the result is a neutral essence. Both have youthful appearances. These are yin types of beauty, which are gentler and more delicate. Garments that drape or wrap around the body or have some ruching are ideal. Earthy greens and browns, off-whites etc. Small florals and botanicals are also great choices. In this article, we will explore the spectrum of style essences in more detail. For a complete deep dive on how to dress with an angelic/ethereal essence, check out my video: If you want to have your essences professionally typed and get your exact percentages, John Kitchener offers online analysis here. The balanced style essence is an even blend of yin and yang. She doesn't even look okay in the ruffle dress. Blends of 2 types. However, for a full essence evaluation, you will need to take some videos, color photographs, and even try on the style lines. The Dramatic style essence is the theatrical bold yang essence. (source). The Classic style essence is the formal, traditional essence balancing yin and yang. It's more of a boyishness that let's you know they've been up to no good. This doesn't necessarily read as ultra-skinny - although it certainly can - but simply as a narrow, sharp straightness as opposed to a very soft, rounded, and curvy body type. Love the combined Kibbe/Kitchener approach. With Emma it's the opposite. That can be in the form of dresses or trousers or even just sleeves. Classics are often of average height (neither extremely tall nor very petite). Belle Northropfirst proposed this general concept in 1936 in her article Approach to the Problem of Costume and Personality. Simply put, style essences are types of beauty or the lines and shapes of your body and face repeated in clothing. The three yang essences are dramatic, gamine and natural. Its neither striking nor gentle; classic clothing is simple and timeless. However, in the 70s the fashion industry adopted the natural style lines and morphed them into what we know today as effortless, easy-going, and natural. This essence conjures up images of unspoiled, wild landscapes. Hi! Where other types would look like they were wearing a fancy dress costume, an Angelic almost looks like a goddess or a mythical creature. And while the ingenue silhouette still resembles an hourglass, it's compact. A reader mentioned that Flamboyant Naturals can readily pull off slip dresses and that wasnt an indicator of the romantic essence. I've yet to properly figure out my essence but its looking like I'm not fully a (Flamboyant) Gamine as I initially believed! Even when its pulled back it needs some softness/volume to it. Eyes may be wide-spread and are often round and large. CLASSIC style type. For style, they often embrace irreverent colors with pattern mixes, menswear influences, and whimsical accessories. In todays culture, fast fashion and chasing trends are prevalent. While I certainly cannot pull off traditional Kibbe Romantic suggestions, I can still pull off a more romantic aesthetic from head to toe using my Kitchener Essence blend and my Kibbe ID for the silhouette. They can also wear small-scale florals, puffed sleeves, lace bows, and small or youthful elements to their overall look. Its type of yin is ethereal yin. Yang clothing tends to be stiff and heavy to achieve the required straightness. In addition, we said that the ingenue style essence is associated with youthful innocence and gentle delicacy. Individuals of this style essence tend to be strong-looking with sturdy shoulders and broad faces, sometimes with uneven features. GAMINE style type. The natural silhouette is long like the dramatic, but its relaxed and slightly oversized rather than stiff. This is one of the harder essences to pin down and is especially hard to integrate into your everyday style. They are often tall, thin, oval-faced and waif-like, suggesting mythical creatures. I have done some Kibbe fashion youtube videos, and often ask people to comment on which outfits they like the best. They tend to be energetic and impish and poke fun at fashion. But the ingenue is a feminine, girly essence, whereas the gamine essence is boyish. Welcome! Where other types would look like they're trying too hard in such a style, a Romantic portrays glamour and sensuality. If you can carry off an elaborate outfit and you don't look like you're trying too hard, there's a good chance you have some romantic essence in you. Bags can be slouchy, belts a bit unruly. look best when they are long (yang) but have a fitted waist (yin). She looks glamorous and very comfortable in the sexy looks of the romantic style essence. He aims to have the true you shine, and for you to embrace the person youve always dreamed of. A style essence can be defined as a fashion style or a type of beauty. (source). Frills, bows, and lace are a must. In Kibbe, Tilda Swinton is pure dramatic because she is yang dominant. Mythical creatures best sum up this style essence. Let's take a look at another signature style of the classic style essence: simple dresses with minimal jewellery. Romantic clothing styles include lots of wrapping and ruching, luxurious, tactile textures, tight-fitted garments and sensuous accessories. And ingenue is the opposite. Notice how the ladies in the following examples all have playful appearances and a hint of innocence in their faces. His celebrity example of romantic essence is Julia Roberts, who Kibbe has verified to be a Flamboyant Natural. Compared to others, individuals with the angelic style essence tend to look otherworldly or mysterious. Anne's features, however, don't portray that same intensity. Prime celebrity examples include Emma Stone and Marilyn Monroe. The dramatic style essence is bold. Angelic accessories are ultra fine-weight and may suggest the cosmos. Where other types would look out of place or 'clownish' in such a style, a Dramatic portrays poise and self-assurance. I am all about trends and love them, but I think most people are going about their personal style in the wrong manner. Their features may be beautifully exaggerated to the point where they start looking as if they came from another age or galaxy. Natural clothing styles include relaxed fits, lots of layering, earthy colours, ethnical looks and tribal patterns, and natural materials. The Romantic Essence has a sensual deep yin essence. Pay attention to how separate and disharmonious the clothes on look on Katrina, whereas on Aja they look like they belong there. ingenue style essencefor more information refer to this website! They are seemingly more extroverted, have a highly-expressive nature, a rebellious attitude, and they may be drawn to extreme fashion and costume that expresses their theatrical nature. They have an elegant feel with even features and often exude timeless style. Similarly, dresses, coats etc. Gigi's best look, on the other hand, is the natural style. In the classic essence, yin and yang are blended evenly. Regardless of the shape, their facial features almost always remain delicate and childlike even in adulthood. Consequently, individuals with the dramatic style essence tend to create an overall visual impression of dignity and theatricality. Another example would be Julia Roberts. She looks incredible and very comfortable in the ethereal looks of the angelic style essence. Ingenue clothing lines are large, rounded with delicate, ornate, and often childish detailing. Accessories look best when they retain the original shape of the material they are made out of - such as stones for a necklace. Tactile, luxurious textures - such as silk and velvet - have the desired effect. Pay attention to how separate and disharmonious the clothes on look on Kim, whereas on Gigi they look like they belong there. Individuals with the classic style essence can pull off formal, elegant looks without looking old-fashioned. For the classic style essence that means following the balanced, symmetrical lines of individuals with this style essence. For accessories, this can be in the form of actual winged creatures such as butterflies. Now I need to figure out how to bring all of this together! They can also have a tall, waif-life appearance, and sometimes an oval-shaped face. Please take the elements from the above chart as a general outline (especially the hair color, skin, and eye color). When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Their fashion style is elegant, formal, and timeless. The ingenue style essence is another yin essence, but its type of yin is decorative small-scale yin. I feel I did not explain this fully, and I apologize. This is a serious look, and she can pull it off comfortably. But she looks even more comfortable in the girly dress on the left. It's dark, but partly transparent - concealing and revealing. Don't get hung up on them. Romantics are often of average height (neither extremely tall nor very petite). Each essence creates a certain image, which is designed to enhance a particular type of beauty: The dramatic style essence is the most yang essence, its particular kind of yang being theatrical yang. Individuals of this style essence tend to be tall and have angular features and bone structure, and a straight body frame. $15.00 (15% off) Vintage Ingenue Sterling Silver Round Modernist Clip on Earrings. And while the ingenue silhouette still resembles an hourglass, its compact. Learn more about the classic style essence. Yes, Gigi looks still looks good in shapeless garments. The classic, however, is a blend between these characteristics and therefore a neutral essence. If I went solely off Kitchener I would be in the dramatic and romantic essences only. Someone who has the ingenue style essence does not look like an adult trapped in girls' clothing when wearing such a dress. Individuals with the dramatic style essence may have a sharp, angular jawline, prominent, high cheekbones, or a prominent nose. Katrina Kaif does look a bit like she's trapped in children's clothing. Well, this is not quite the same effect that we got on Zoe. Abstractly, we can associate the classic style essence with the themes of conservatism and aristocracy. The Dramatic essence is the most yang and theatrical style essence.Individuals with this style essence create an overall visual impression of dignity, intensity, and theatricality. She doesn't look like herself in these clothes. Now, both Beyonce and Marilyn Monroe have been verified as Romantics in Kibbe. Individuals with the dramatic style essence tend to have a straight, sharp-edged, and angular body type, as it is this straightness of the body parts that makes dramatic clothing look amazing on them. ), but Id be remiss not to mention that this is hindering your personal style. For the romantic style essence that means following the soft, rounded lines and curves of individuals with this style essence. The ingenue style essence is a petite essence. Part of the reason romantic clothing does nothing for Cara is because she doesn't have a curvy body type. Someone with the natural style essence can wear this and look put together. Ingenue style essence invokes princess energy and has a look that is girlish, innocent, and sweet, think barbie at prom. However, I think this is a grave generalization and understanding of the natural essence. all look natural and harmonious on this type. Dark lace can be incorporated for instance as sleeves or as a whole garment. Small, delicate flowers best sum up this style essence. This doesn't look like a garden party, and again, we get that glamorous effect on her. Their style includes decorative florals, frills, ruffles, and vintage-inspired pieces. We could apply other adjectives to these words as well, but I find it to best be described simply so as not to further confuse or bias your understanding. They are described as high-spirited with a pixie nature. To achieve this look in clothing, Dramatics look best when they incorporate the following style principles into their wardrobes: Individuals of the dramatic style essence often have slightly asymmetric features. I think today it includes natural textures, fibers, abstract shapes, free-flowing hair, and a general reference to mother earth. So unfortunately it's already a huge file, I can see what I can do though. The other two that are repeated the most are your complementary essences. The result is an understated look, and timeless designs are characteristic of classic clothing. Style essences can be a useful tool in exploring your personal style and the vibe you give off to the world. Product is not available in this quantity. To make the effect even more visible, let's look at Scarlett when she's wearing her essences: Wow, this mix of ingenue with romantic looks so amazing on Scarlett. For instance, my hair doesnt look great unless its more natural, and free-flowing. Fine satin and silk that is almost translucent. Gigi looks very natural and comfortable. Often, they also have large, alluring eyes and sensuous, full lips, which deserve to be highlighted. Oh my word! This essence conjures up images of mythical creatures, fairies and mermaids, and the cosmos and galaxies. Both have a childlike appearance. Emma's best look, on the other hand, is the gamine style. They are seemingly more elegant and formal compared to others. Their features communicate innocence and a childlike playfulness. The essence yang is sharper, cooler, and a bit more unapproachable. Aja looks very natural and comfortable. Notice how the ladies in the following examples all have bold appearances and a hint of danger in their faces. But that's only half of the equation. They both use yin/yang, however, they can look at those qualities from a different lens and a different set of characteristics. The child is youthful, and uses both masculine and feminine aspects. Similarly, accessories should be delicate and dainty. For accessories this means materials from the earth that are rare and iridescent - such as pearls but in their natural shapes. Pay attention to how separate and disharmonious the clothes look on Anne, whereas on Zoe they look like they belong there. The romantic style essence creates a sensual, mature image. Take a look at the following ladies and note how their features communicate timeless elegance and class. The angelic style essence is closely linked to mythical creatures - and those creatures often have wings. Can you pull them off without looking clownish?You probably have the angelic style essence. This is only made easier by the cheap and accessible fast-fashion empire. The Angelic style essence is the most yin and ethereal essence.Individuals with this style essence create an overall visual impression of softness and seem to belong to another age.Angelics and their clothing styles can be associated with the themes of otherworldliness and the cosmos. In total, there are 7 style essences (based on John Kitchener's system).Each style essence is defined by whether it is yin (soft, round) or yang (sharp, angular), and which kind of yin and yang it is.In this section, you can learn more about each style essence and access the comprehensive guide to each one. Wild landscapes best sum up this style essence. The plainer, the better. Three essences are yang types of beauty, three are yin types of beauty, and one is a balance between yin and yang. The Natural style essence is the sportive, relaxed, or casual yang essence. Pay attention to how separate and disharmonious the clothes on look on Scarlett, whereas on Emma they look like they belong there. On the contrary, they look nothing short of pretty. Individuals with this style essence create an overall visual impression of innocence and youthful femininity. Adjectives like boyish, rebellious, and creative could be used to describe people of the gamine style essence. Understated is not a word related to this essence. According to Kitchener, the Angelic (also known as the ethereal) essence is the most yin essence. Adjectives like sporty, laid-back, and casual could be used to describe people of the natural style essence. Ingenue is an essence relies heavily on facial features. Individuals with the natural style essence tend to have a strong and sturdy body type. NATURAL style type. This essence is all about a mature, sensual image (not to be confused with the innocent prettiness of the Ingenue). And traditionally, a lot of casting directors use Black and white photos to get an immediate impression, which I thought would help simplify this. While Julia Roberts certainly does have some natural essence to her and fits the FN description very well, we cant negate her romantic essence and how well she looks with romantic influences to her look. Timeless patterns such as houndstooth or even cable knits can work on this style essence. Let's take a look at another signature style of the natural style essence: oversized, shapeless garments. Individuals of this style essence tend to have very symmetrical features, evenly blending masculinity and femininity. Individuals with the gamine style essence can credibly pull off boyish looks. This allows me to pull off slightly more intricate details, textures, and even some romantic style lines. Consequently, individuals with the ingenue style essence tend to create an overall visual impression of youthful femininity and innocence. Dec 17, 2020 - The Ingenue style essence is the decorative small-scale yin essence. A signature style of the romantic essence is the tight-fitted dress (which may be rushed and draped). Can you pull them off without looking clownish?You probably have the dramatic style essence. Angelic designs tend to be flowing but rather plain. Feline jungle animals such as cheetahs and leopards best sum up this style essence. David Kibbe with his book Metamorphosis which came out in 1987, and Kitchener with his Personal Style Consultants (originally founded by Joan Songer). Long and oversized garments will overwhelm this type. (18) $12.75. People with ethereal essences wear a lot of fine textures and draped pieces that almost look like they are floating or have movement. Ingenue clothing styles include decorative florals, vintage clothing and things in miniature. The seven essences are ranked on a scale of Yin and Yang. Angelic clothing has the least concrete shape of all the essences. Physically they can have curvaceous figures and alluring eyes. Crayons best sum up this style essence. On the contrary, they look nothing short of cool. The Classic Essence is balanced yin and yang. Katrina, in contrast, doesn't look very convincing. Can you pull them off without looking clownish?You probably have the ingenue style essence. look amazing on the natural style essence. Fine textures, as well as transparent and iridescent colours, contribute to the ethereal feel. For example, you can get 5 B, 4 E and 2 C. Which means you're a Gamine with Ingenue and a little bit of Natural. This is the only type of beauty that shines through the absence of sentiment. It implies that the look of your clothes is more important than your look. The classic style essence is a balanced essence. Whereas Marilyn Monroe physically is pure yin as a Romantic. Anne does look a bit like she's trapped in men's clothing. Watch. I've always thought Dramatic had an adult vibe. On the contrary, she looks even more classy. Compared to others, individuals with the gamine style essence tend to look 'whimsical.' 43. Fairytale example: Hansel & Gretel. Instead, it reads as gentleness, mildness, delicacy.]. She looks comfortable and like herself. Individuals with this style essence create an overall visual impression of innocence and youthful femininity. Because if we look at Kitcheners definition of natural, I would not fit it at all. The Classic style essence is the formal, traditional essence balancing yin and yang.Individuals with this style essence create an overall visual impression of formality, elegance, and conservatism.Classics and their clothing styles can be associated with the themes of aristocracy, conservatism and timelessness. And one is a balance between yin and yang are blended evenly of individuals the... Bold looks of the romantic style essence does not look like herself in these clothes sensuous, lips! 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