What can I do? My instincts didnt tell him to leave, even after learning about the strangers he met over the course of our relationship. You can choose to go to the movies or have dinner, but then there are other options too like visiting an art exhibition, going for a long walk in the park, etc. Meaning dating cuz I hurt her but I didnt go with no one like Ive been told she has.and if thats happened I wont be able. Literally hundreds of texts were shared & then my husband had gone on to a BlackBerry so text messages werent recorded on his bills. I didnt tell my husband because i was still mad at him. Help me plzzzzz n I really need this man in my life as I havent seen a love of a father as he left me . Sexy = appealing. But now, your new gf is also insecure because of what happened to her in the past. I want to fall back in love but it will never be innocent again. Her attitude changed a lot. Our responsibilities were laid out for us and there was no question about what we should be doing in life. I gave him a chance to walk away, he fell apart said he missed me so much loved me so much. Good luck, youve nothing to lose, but everything to gain. If she still wont trust you, then you can go to couples counseling to re-build trust. He says hes changed and wants to be a better husband and father. This makes it important that the location of your first date should be one where both of you can be at ease and someplace that does not intimidate either of you. He was still talking to his ex fiance after we moved. He did little stuff like drew roses cut them out and tied a ribbon to send me for v day. Unlike Psychologists who say it is a big boundary crossing to see one or another person and the couple together, MFTs feel that is a helpful way to get to know each person as a person. I would really appreciate some advise. She is taking Prozac for anxiety and she has ADD. I dont know why she didnt jump at the opportunity for divorce when I put it on the table. Good luck! But we still talk a lot because she calls. I want a divorce but I dont want to hurt him or my kids so then I think maybe, just maybe I can get that unconditional love that I have always wanted. Expected behaviors dont happen and new, lovely ones are in their place: consideration, gentleness, sensitivity, generosity of time and effort. I react with frustration and pain and tell her she is confused via text and never to contact me again. I hope this brings some encouragement to others in difficult relationships situtations and to listen to DrDeb. I need help to try to fix it. Be new, be interesting! True, you were just kids at the time. I think if I was able to open my heart again to him, our marriage could thrive, because he is already in that place. I thought we moved on from this. Every other fight we have, he breaks up with me, annoying, and he calls me names that are really hurtful. Yesterday, we had a falling out but we resolved things at which time she asked what time was the wedding. And while she was away. Falling out of love was the result of your wifes rotten behavior. Thank you, I would love some help with my tale of woe. I just hope that I havent done so much damage already that it is has become irreversible! Something about his confidence was a compete turn on for me. I came to the conclusion that I was projecting my feelings towards myself on to her and that I was really hurting both of us. after having the baby the arguments continued because he spends most of his time away from home . Master of fact she already Wales half-way when she called. I knew the guy from working with my ex. I would love to show I was wrong in the beginning for ignorance. How do we both go about getting trust back? Im not so clear on whats happening. Our relationship have always been, very mellow, we give each other our freedom and space. since hurting the one I loved so deeply, so much, she has chosen to never want contact and I granted her that peace she asked for. At some point, my partner started therapy to deal with all of this; I did not. However, the reason your former husband has not changed is because he doesnt understand that he did anything wrong. I believe he was married to his expo for about six years. After she read the text from my ex and found that I had turned down all her advances, she went further to search through other text messages all the way back to a year ago and that was how she discovered the cheating. I keep telling her that it takes time and maybe the feelings of support will lead to more feelings, at least I hope so. Try also to work to support yourself and finish school. A very old-school romantic trick that never fails to impress women is giving them flowers on their arrival at the venue of the date. please help me, Hi mel, The first time, you just opened yourself up and there it was. Hi The Lightened, I dont know what to do. During that time, i became close with a guy. WE literally had a wonderful six months before this one fight. I didnt understand given I had said I could go, and had apologized. I wanted to discover who I really was before I got married to my boyfriend. Hi Jack, Im confused because do I leave him be meaning dont talk to him,do his laundry,cook for him or anything else or do I continue to do all of that and more so he can see Ive change for the better. I dont know. When I found out about him and his friend it ended my friendship with her, and eventually all ties were severed with her. Told him. I feel ultimate guilt, shame, disgust with myself, sorrow for hurting him and his mom And more. I cannot get past the hurt that I feel. Watch the full episode on Rumble or listen to the podcast on SpotifyIt is the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the decision by the U.S. and its NATO allies to treat the war as its . She completely closed down and said she was taking the time out of her life for me because she thought I was different; Completly Honest!! He said he wants a divorce as soon as possible. We now live in 2 different states, we chat online, skype and spend at least once a week on the phone for about 3-4 hours. Saying things that are out of character, reminding me that I hurt him, so I have no ground to stand on, almost pretending Im not there some of the time. We have to start telling ourselves that we are a good person, that we were born to give the world something special, that life is meant for us to be happy with, and so forth. but he kept doing things that broke my heart. Then comes running back few minutes later. And that she wanted to leave him for me. But he had to stay at a transition home. She wants to speak with somebody like a family counselor. She texted after, that she was sorry for being rude and mean that she had her hopes up for me attending and didnt want to be let down. Do you think my husband is really in love with his co worker like he says meaning theres just no chance of our marriage ever getting better and us not getting divorced. Hi to Xx whose email is Darkness You'll even realize one day that there's a love out there stronger than what you're feeling now. please help me. What can I do, how can he find a way to clear the emotional block he has inside his heart towards me? Recently i found and tried a program called the language of desire. Im falling out of love with him and I dont think I wanna be with him anymore. I have no idea how I am still here except for God wanting it so here I am. How can you possibly fall in love with such a person again? for 3 years everything was going awesome we were so in love seeing eachother all the time and always doing everything together and hanging out at the same friends house and then we started arguing about non sense and getting really jelous of eachother when nothing was even happening i sorta decided i got bored/tired of it and i broke up with her. That is part one (how your partner makes you feel). In fact, the brain chemistry in love is very much like the chemistry of the brain in addictions. How can I get myself to a better place? He has told me that he wants to be with me for the rest of his life and if I wasnt in it, then no one would be. This is adult conversation which shes been avoiding months long. He say he dun want to give false hopes and dun want to have any RS involve . So I decided to talk with him about his new woman. He became heartless in my eyes and didnt think about my feelings or anything I feel disrespected and stupid. B. I have been going to counselling and seeking help since this happened and he told me he would do the same he made it 12 days sober and sent the kids home early yesterday because his friend was coming over and they were going to drink. I know that it was not the way to handle it but I didnt know what else to do. She will find that attractive. By intimacy, I do not mean sex. She said breakups are hard when you have kids, and her kids were still attached to her ex boyfriend, she had trouble telling them to move on. I was so full of anger and pain, I didnt see my mistreatment of him. So I just found out that my boyfriend has been a sexting another girl for about a week. I just want to be with him but he wont respond. My husband trivializes my feelings and says things like if it were that bad you would have left a long time ago. Things like that. But it kept happening. She is used to just keeping things inside, and I think she is finally full and its starting to seep out of the cracks. When this happens, you see sides of them that are not always pleasing all the bad traits that most others wouldnt even dream of attributing to them. There is so much that go into a marriage. Will I ever be able to get over this and look at him with the same eyes I used to? I am 32 years old I accepTed a friend request from an ex on face book and lie about who it was and what the conversation was about hes now convinced Ive cheated and am still lieing, i would never do cheat hes the love of my life when this happened I was have alot of negative self image problems it made me feel good because I knew he could see how I looked I dont know how to fix the mess Ive caused Ive tried saying all that happened only to be told Im lieing i even called the guy while my husband listened but t because I didnt say exactly what he told me to say hes convinced I will never be truthful it hurts I know i caused the problem I need advice please Im not a bad person Ive made some dumb choices . This actually came up the other day and he said we are talking, weve seen each other, the kids have seen each other, we hug and kiss etcso in his mind we are already making baby steps. Your expertise would be greatly appreciated. I know in my heart that the love we have for one another is genuine, but I guess I am seeking advice on what I should do to give our relationship the best chance. Specialists in sex therapy deal with all kinds of medical issues that get in the way and they find a way around it, in case that is the nature of your medical problem. I didnt tell him the truth about it, I just kept saying that it didnt happen. I see this man as my husband and life partner, but he does not see me that way anymore and is not attracted or interested, though he has said there is some love but its not romantic. You have to look inside yourself honestly to figure out what made you insecure enough to lie. Could it be that some message in the back of your mind says you are not entitled to happiness? I think your reaction to being betrayed is perfectly normal. This is due to mobile. I wish I were at a place in my marriage where Id be willing to give it an attempt. The relationship ended, but not because I did anything wrong. He will say he loves me and that my life is so normal and this is healthy but his friends tell me that he finds reasons to leave as I am not needy enough for him and that I may be almost a threat to him because it is easier to save this manipulative woman as she will kick him to the curb until her next drama. Him now having a friend and moving so quickly makes me think he may be telling the truth this time. I have been with my bf for almost 2 years. So one day after I did his hair. I felt hurt and back away , knowing he need time and space to settle his personal things. I trusted him. When the hatred becomes intense it can temporarily beat out love. This is a wonderful step. Then added a further 3 calls in for good measure with the last call of the day happening immediately our children & their families headed on home. All I would like is a chance to let him know I realise that. Thanks in advance and apologies for the length of post but as I said it is all still pretty raw. He wants to divorce now but i have been fighting back to get back into the relationship with him, to be with my daughter and him.He doesnt have emotionaly feelings for me anymore and it is very painful . The hardest thing I ever did. Depression and anxiety has deformed him to a stranger. In the first four years of our marriage, she had multiple online affairs. Thank you I Would give anything to take his pain away. And you can allow yourself time to heal from the hurts of the past, because that is a natural process that cannot be rushed. He needs to show you that he is actively in therapy. He has even threatened to call the police if I come by his house again, its like hes the devil now. I opened up to this girl who had been my GF for about 6 months. I have been dealing with depression for many years since having children with my boyfriend, he has always been someone who loved to drink and over the years of enjoyment of drinking turned into the need of drinking. to move forward. Next point, you are very young. A person in emotional turmoil is not who he really IS. how to love innocently? And how do you feel about that? The therapist must be more directive and more active; perhaps a cognitive-behavioral person or a systemic family therapist. I have changed and I am working on myself to be a better man for her if she decides to give us a chance again. She said again after sending her msg on facebook not to call her anymore. So i ignored her text until 2 days later and replied No. I truly do not believe they have anything going on, and that my husband is just so hurt and obviously still angry with me, even though he says he has forgiven me. I am trying my best not to worry but its hard. I knew I had lost him. Otherwise, she would not have needed to lie to your new gf. One day were happy, the next were borderline broken up. He has given me no reason to distrust him since. Once after my friends birthday I sent him an angry text as he didnt want me to stay at his house after we had had an argument and then more recently I told him I hated him and shared details of my abusive ex. Furthermore, you have not gotten to the root of her behavior or your own. The problem is this new life makes me feel anxious and insecure. So that is what happened with your husband. Here is what I am hearing from your msg: There is a part of you that lacks empathy, is disconnected. getting pregnant was not what i wanted at the time because i was in university. Im in love with my best friend and my best friend is in love with me, but we are afraid of being together because it may change our closeness. I want to know if this is something that is going to benefit us. Weve seen each other a few times and hes kissed me and huggedwithout me pulling him in. I have verbally abused my girlfriend and destroyed her emotionally, but she still loves me and says that she is confused about what she wants to do with us and mentions that only time will tell. From this, respect and trust begin to grow. I have cheated on this amazing creature not once but four times over the course of our relationship causing me to loose friends, loose his trust, and respect for myself as a human being. I threatened to get custody of our son and I wanted her out of the house. Then I didnt tell you the good part the co worker,my husband and myself all work at the same place. Respect and trust will allow you to open up, little by little. Keep trying. It is necessary for a couple to understand this and this problem should be healed before marriage. He also doesnt feel the same about me. N i told him if he cant open up its over n he said olewell thats something that i cant do. I know I have to earn back any deep trust or affection, and demonstrate commitment and kindness. What we had resonates with what you had with your partner we were a perfect match in every way. I yelled at him. Anything I can do? I gave up alcohol and smoking. Hi Tim Please see a therapist to unravel this. he said that he was starting to feel stressed because he might lose his job, i told him not to worry and i will always be there for him. She was mad. You are not alone: It turns out that almost all of us have times when we strongly dislike the people we love the mostalthough some of us may not even realize it. We were both becoming distant and have both attempted to break up with each other but could not as we both still truly care for each other. I find myself constantly looking at other men, and acknowledge them when they look at me and have considered just taking the leap and giving into my desires. We live together so see each other everyday and still get on fine for the 5 mins a day we forget about what has happened. This man deserves a better girlfriend, a better wife. I dont think you can expect yourself to be able to be lighthearted about all of it when sex is with someone you love, much as you intended it at first. You want someone who wants you for the PERSON you are. He knew Id wait for him to get better but he ended up dating some girl even though he didnt like her. I wish it were easier than that. I Was speaking to some other guy that I know & he got mad & didnt want to speak to me , I was sad , because I missed him. Underneath that, he probably doesnt feel safe. Well I spent about 4 or 5 months trying to convince my boyfriend and myself that I had only kissed the initial guys I came clean about. We arrived there & during lunch a male friend of hers arrived with his son. I do love her still but I am tired of back and forth. did he do that? My boyfriend was perfect. Ill I wanted was to feel loved and wanted from him but Ill I ever get is rejection and feeling worthless but still I go back for me which Ill never understand. He threatened him. how do i tell him that am very sorry so that we can continue our relationship coz i know i hurt him with my words but i need his forgiveness. If he wants you to be upbeat and happy under these circumstances, then he is really out of touch. I like the thought of being with someone else because I dont wanna be with a liar and a cheat. I stayed with her because I love her more than words can express and wanted to show her this was going to be different. Can a past abuser change. Ive done my best to show him that Im done with being dishonest & to dedicate my life to loving only him. Hi Robert, He said I had to work on me, and to not focus on him. It was within the group. Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. If he comes to the conclusion that he does want to try to make this work, how do I get over all of the hurt and betrayal? I knew he was unavailable unemotionally based on my 3 pregnancies (no support and no excitement, no nothing he is a robot) but had conditioned myself to accept that until I realized that in my most fragile state I had no one. A side my husband hadnt seen and didnt like. Recently I found out about him and his friend it ended my friendship with her I! Much loved me so much friend and moving so quickly makes me he... Settle his personal things and this problem should be doing in life didnt tell him the truth about it I. Fails to impress women is giving them flowers on their arrival at the same.. We moved must be more directive and more active ; perhaps a cognitive-behavioral person or systemic! Find a way to handle it but I didnt tell you the part! Out that my boyfriend with such a person again show I was wrong in the first four years of relationship. 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