Which of the following investments is the most illiquid? $250,001 - $1,000,000 2% C 5 % Their yields are interpreted as real interest rates. Bid is also the same thing as Redemption Price. D The customer does not get any extra discount by going directly to the wholesaler. A The assessment . C ETNs have market riskD. To impose the maximum sales charge, under FINRA rules, mutual funds must offer investors all of the following EXCEPT: A. BreakpointsB. However, fixed income security prices fall more than stock prices. Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding money market funds? ETFs have credit riskC. It appears that the representative has violated the insider trading rules because he divulged the mutual fund's "red flag" threshold to the hedge fund customer But in aggregate, the investment value would not have changed. D Technical analysis. (Exchange traded funds based on indexes by industry sector, country, or market capitalization, are known as "I-Shares," as in "Index Shares. A. only offers its shares at stated intervalsB. limited partnershipsD. B mutual funds Both Treasury bonds and Treasury notes are Issued with maturities ranging from 10 to 30 years. The ex-date is set by the Board of Directors of the Fund Money market funds usually do not impose sales charges. 9% of the amount invested. ____________ -weighted. C (The maximum sales charge on a mutual fund is 8.5% under FINRA rules. If a fund distributes a dividend to shareholders, the Fund shares are reduced by the value of the distribution. She is retired with no dependents, living on a fixed pension of $35,000 per year. Explain. A only redeems its shares at stated intervalsC. A ________ of _________ is a time deposit with a bank where the bank pays interest and principal to the depositor only at maturity. to change the separate account's investment objective I Interest rate risk no-load fundC. This is the case of comparing apples to apples and not apples to oranges. If a 5-year mutual fund Total Return is being compared to the return of the Standard and Poors 500 Index, it must be for the EXACT same time period to be a valid comparison. Which statements are true of the S&P 500? A call with a 15 strike, when the market is $10.75, is 4 . A repurchase agreement (repo) is a short-term form of borrowing that involves selling a security with an agreement to repurchase it at a higher price at a later date. Specify a transaction price, Potential losses are unlimited Quotes found in the ADF are primarily bids and offers from: Which of the following describes a position trade? Note that the maximum is a percentage of all dollars invested; it is not a percentage of Net Asset Value. In past years, FINRA has taken enforcement action against sophisticated institutional hedge fund investors that have engaged in illegal mutual fund trading practices at the expense of the existing mutual fund shareholders. The lower the ratio, the lower the funds expenses, leaving more net investment income for shareholders. Nonconforming; prime IV Investment in collectibles is permitted Determine (a) the amount of the adjusting entry for uncollectible accounts; (b) the adjusted balances of Accounts Receivable, Allowance for Doubtful Accounts, and Bad Debt Expense; and (c) the net realizable value of accounts receivable. Also note that FINRA specifically looks for market timing customers that attempt to avoid detection by flying under the radar by using multiple account numbers or trading in amounts just beneath the audit thresholds. III and IV only II Distributions to mutual fund shareholders are tax deferred The expense ratio is found by taking Total Expenses / Total Net Assets. $12,000 x .90 = $10,800. It is based on the composition of the Standard and Poors 500 Index. So why would an investor buy into such a fund? This is a tricky question. C. II and III Management companies are subclassified as either: A. open-end or closed-endB. If a fund distributes a capital gain to shareholders, which statements are TRUE? He doesnt have time to redo the analysis. IV If the mutual fund makes dividend distributions to shareholders, the Net Asset Value per share is unaffected How much does the customer have to deposit to complete the LOI? The FHLB ______ money by ______ securities and ______ this money to savings and loans institutions to in turn be lent out to individuals borrowing for mortgage loans. II and III only Mutual funds financial statements are sent to shareholders: A. monthlyB. Acme is the sponsor for a variety of funds within the Acme family. The ACME family has an exchange feature at NAV. C net rental income To impose the maximum sales charge, mutual funds must offer investors which of the following benefits? The ex-date for a mutual fund is set by the Board of Directors. The customer decides to exchange his Government Bond Fund shares for Growth Fund shares within the same family. Initial payments are made at an interest rate that is above the prevailing prime rate but stepped down to the Treasury rate over time B. To meet the customer's investment objective of tax advantaged income, the BEST recommendation is for the customer to: The "death benefit" associated with a variable annuity contract: n income fund would likely invest in all of the following securities EXCEPT: Assets - Liabilities for a mutual fund equals: Many years ago, a customer opened a Coverdell ESA for his son, who is now age 16, and a savings account for his daughter, who is now age 18. A. is obligated to buy the stock at the current market Their common stock can be bought or sold freely on stock exchanges. Correct Answer B. I and IV Use Health Fashions' cash receipts journal from the Working Papers and the accounts receivable and general ledgers from the Working Papers. negotiated sales charge fund. On this date, the Funds shares are reduced by the value of the distribution. I and IVD. A 200% leveraged ETF can be expected to move 2 times as fast as the reference index, either up or down. Though such market timing is not technically illegal, FINRA has taken the view that this activity can hurt existing fund shareholders because it can dilute the value of the existing shares. dividends at POP and capital gains at NAVD. I Acceptance of the plan requires a majority vote of the outstanding shares; the Board of Directors; and the disinterested members of the BoardII Discontinuance of the plan requires majority vote of the outstanding shares or the disinterested members of the BoardIII Mailings to prospective purchasers of the fund are an acceptable 12b-1 chargeIV Expense ratios for funds that have adopted 12b-1 plans can be expected to be higher than for similar funds without 12b-1 fees. Which of the following are the correct about inflation-indexed treasury bonds? Investment Companies (Ch 7): Overview (Sec 1): Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, Douglas A. Lind, Samuel A. Wathen, William G. Marchal, The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography, AP Edition, Rhetoric Catechism Questions feature (wk1-6). So why would an investor buy into such a fund? III If the mutual fund makes dividend distributions to shareholders, the Net Asset Value per share will decrease dividends at Net Asset Value and capital gains at the Net Asset Value. Active asset managementC. Using the redemption price of $20 per share x .95 = $19 per share received by the investor after the sales charge is deducted. A. I To qualify under Subchapter M, at least 75% of Net Investment Income must be distributed to shareholdersII To qualify under Subchapter M, at least 90% of Net Investment Income must be distributed to shareholdersIII To qualify under Subchapter M, at least 75% of the assets must be in real estateIV To qualify under Subchapter M, at least 90% of assets must be in real estate, A. I and IIIB. $745 is deductible Which statement is TRUE regarding money market funds? I Investment risk is carried by the issuer of the annuity D 0 0 Similar questions $11.85 Any purchaser would pay the prevailing market price (which can be below, at, or above Net Asset Value) and would have to pay a commission to have the trade executed. D. I, II, III, Which statements are TRUE regarding variable annuities sold via a contractual plan during the accumulation phase? The ex-date is set by FINRA securities in the portfolio have made dividend distributionsC. due to required industry firewalls, registered representatives are prohibited from talking to the administrative personnel of mutual fund companies. $951B. for dissolution of the trust, "SPIDERS" are: Bond. It is based on 500 firms. You comply with the customer's request and the administrative personnel inform you that the limit is $1,000,000. Adap $7.45 7.50 -.01 A. 0 IV REITs are similar to closed end investment company shares The investor will receive: A contingent deferred sales charge is imposed if an investor redeems a mutual fund before holding the fund for a stated time period. Thus, the ratio measures the funds efficiency. This guy is rich and is looking for a rich mans investment. $12.02 Which of the following are true of short futures positions? On the $15,000 purchase, the customer will pay a sales charge of: B. I and IV onlyD. The investor can choose to buy the same fund either as a Class A, B, C, or D share. D A. Compare the unit sales to the units produced and keep a running total. It appears that the hedge fund is engaging in the prohibited practice of late trading of mutual fund shares C. It appears that the representative has violated the insider trading rules because he divulged the mutual fund's "red flag" threshold to the hedge fund customer this is a reasonable request because of the large dollar investment to be made and that you will contact the administrative personnel at the Jeffersonian fund familyC. The 18-year old daughter is entering college and does not have enough money in the savings account to pay for tuition. Thus, this type of fund is a publicly traded fund. C The ex-date for a mutual fund is set by the Board of Directors. They have relatively low credit risk. Mutual fund (open-end management company) shares are newly issued by the fund to any purchaser. II and III. The members of the board of directors are elected at the annual meeting. So, only the 1% of the income retained will be taxed. A customer redeems a mutual fund. A. I Roth IRAs allow a greater contribution than Traditional IRAs II Roth IRA contributions are not tax deductible III Distributions from a Roth IRA are not taxable if the investment is held for at least 5 years Custodian lines of latitude. The customer will pay what price per share? $10,450C. ETFs trade on all of the following markets EXCEPT: Exchange Traded Funds, as the name says, trade on stock exchanges. A registered representative primarily services institutional hedge fund customers that direct a large volume of trades to that brokerage firm. C. The ex-date is 2 business days prior to the record date III and IVD. Corporations may exclude 70% of dividends received from domestic corporations from taxable income. Nothing, since the account value is over $50,000B. If market interest rates rise, this is exactly what should happen. B Putting your money in a savings account is best if you'll need to withdraw the money in the near future. They have relatively low credit risk. legal fees. A Inverse (Short) S&P 500 Index ETFC. I Money market funds are typically sold without a sales chargeII Money market funds typically do not impose management feesIII Fund dividends are not taxable if reinvested in additional sharesIV Typical maturities of securities held in the portfolio are 30 days or less. Because closed-end funds trade like stocks, the funds pricing is reflective of investors sentiment towards the fund. CLOSED END BOND FUNDSFund Net Asset Value Stock Close NAV Change, Acco $8.32 8.13 -.08 Acme $9.90 10.25 +.10Adap $7.45 7.50 -.01. List the additional provisions that should be included so the interest amounts can be computed. True false question. Which of the following statements about money market mutual funds is true? A customer redeems 1,000 shares of ABC Fund on Wednesday, June 14th. If a customer buys fund shares directly from a fund wholesaler instead of from a broker-dealer in the fund selling group, the customer still must pay the Public Offering Price as stated in the prospectus. contingent deferred sales charge fundD. C The judge who ________ that case has an office downtown. I and III onlyD. capital gains distributionD. When the proportion of the index a stock represents is determined by its proportion of the total market capitalization of all stocks in the index, the index is said to be ________ ___________weighted. This type of ETF is long 20+ year Treasuries in the hopes that prices will rise, and because it is a 2X leveraged ETF, it has margined the bond positions so that as interest rates fall, the price should rise at 2 times the normal rate of increase of a similar maturity unleveraged bond portfolio. A A mutual fund has a net asset value per share of $9.45. C For this client, the best recommendation would be a: A. hedge fundB. Multiple select question. So the bottom line on interval funds is that they are higher risk, higher fee, illiquid investments that attempt to achieve higher returns. The last price for Acme Fund is $10.25, so 100 shares will cost $1,025 plus a commission. II The REIT issues shares of beneficial interest representing an undivided interest in a pool of real estate investments C I, II, III, IV, Which of the following statements are TRUE about the Net Asset Value per share for a mutual fund? Mortgage Bonds D The Ask price on ALPO Fund is $10.39 per share or $1,039 for 100 shares. Other this difference, the trust is run in a similar fashion to a corporation. C B) Pension funds invest a portion of their assets in the money market to have sufficient liquidity to meet their obligations. 7 % I and IVC. Net Asset Value per share for a mutual fund can be expected to decrease if the: A. securities in the portfolio have appreciated in valueB. Net Investment Income / Distributions to ShareholdersB. closed end management company the customer must pay the Public Offering Price as described in the prospectusC. D C All of the following statements are true about Health Savings Accounts EXCEPT: A. HSAs are only appropriate for those individuals covered by high-deductible health insurance plans, Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding mutual funds and variable annuities that are in the accumulation phase? As the fund has earnings, and Total Assets increase, the shareholder receives more shares worth $1.00 each. (The ex-date for a mutual fund is set by the board of directors. reduces cost basis Require payment of premium SPDR III and IV onlyC. II The representative must believe that the customer would benefit from the product's features IV Variable annuities are considered to be securities regulated by the Investment Company Act of 1940 Thus, a closed-end fund share is purchased at the prevailing market price plus a commission (or a mark-up if it is an OTC principal transaction). Incorrect Answer C. II and III I Money market funds are typically sold without a sales charge It offers its shares continuously like an open-end fund. variable annuity contract B. I and IV dividends at POP and capital gains at POP. III A fund can achieve high performance for a few years by taking greater risk and then have a period of poor performance I Investors have no Federal tax liability on the interest income received from a municipal bond fundII Investors have no Federal tax liability on the interest income received from a corporate bond fundIII The investment company has no Federal tax liability on the undistributed income that it retains from a municipal bond fundIV The investment company has no Federal tax liability on the undistributed income that it retains from a corporate bond fund. III Fund dividends are not taxable if reinvested in additional shares Income and growth may correspond to ownership of a fraction of a foreign share redeemableC. It is based on the free float. Which statement is TRUE regarding this situation? B $10 plus a mark-upD. Typically, the largest expense associated with running a mutual fund is (are) the: A. management feeB. I the price of the stock remains fixed 7% of the amount investedC. These are taxed at ordinary income tax rates of up to 37%. The receipt of these monies into the Fund increases NAV per share, exactly offsetting the reduction of the share price on ex date by the exchange where the company that paid the dividend trades. The four most relevant types of money are commodity money, fiat money, fiduciary money ( cheques, banknotes ), and commercial bank money. Correct B. will decrease II, III, IVD. In addition, as a negotiable security, any general decline in stock prices will result in a price decline of the ETN (market risk). A. ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) have an NAV that is based on the value of the physical underlying securities. What is the permitted maximum contribution to this spousal IRA for the year 2018? B Every year that the fund distributes dividends and capital gains, both must be included on that years income tax return - whether or not the investor reinvests the monies in additional fund shares or whether the investor takes the monies as cash. For example, a 200% leveraged inverse ETF can be expected to move 2 times as fast as the reference index, but in the opposite direction. D B The Net Asset Value per share is constant at $10C. Bid On that date, the price of the shares is reduced for any distributions. The PW is negative and A. non-negotiableB. I The customer must be informed, in general terms, of the material features of the product It pays a fixed stream of income without a contractual obligation to make the payments. B. The maximum offering price per share is: The maximum sales charge on a mutual fund is 8.5% under FINRA rules. III and IVD. D. Market capitalization, B. ), Which statement is TRUE regarding the ex date for a mutual fund? A balanced fund is one that: A. invests in securities found in one industry or geographic area B. allocates investment among common stocks, preferred stocks, and bonds of companies in various industries C. sells futures on market indices and uses short sales to limit risks of long positions D. invests solely in the common stocks of companies that D. II and IV, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are: At the end of the current year, Accounts Receivable has a balance of $3,460,000, Allowance for Doubtful Accounts has a debit balance of$12,500, and sales for the year total $46,300,000. Which statements are true of money market instruments? Then the shares are listed on an exchange and trade like any other stock. II and III only. The sales charge is reduced by 1% for every full year that the fund is held. I The fund has made dividend distributions to shareholdersII The securities in the portfolio have depreciated in valueIII The securities in the portfolio have paid dividends, A. I and II onlyB. Which of the following statement (s) is (are) TRUE regarding family limited partnerships? Nitty and Gritty are considering the formation of a partnership to operate a crafts and hobbies store. A These agreements usually specify an income and loss-sharing ratio. The registered representative advises the customer to invest $8,000 on ABCD fund; $8,000 in DEFF fund; and $8,000 in XYZZ fund; to give the customer complete diversification and reduce risk. Dollar cost averaging requires that an investor make periodic payments (say monthly) of a fixed dollar amount (say $100 per month) to buy a given security. Buying a security into inventory directly from a customer with a mark-down. When the proportion of the index a stock represents is proportional to the stock's share price, the index is said to be The best answer is C. An ETN is an Exchange Traded Note. $5,500 for the wife; $0 for the husband fund of hedge fundsC. Guardian, Which statements are TRUE when comparing an index mutual fund to an index exchange traded fund? IV A varying number of units is purchased with each payment. I Property rentalsII Interest from mortgagesIII Capital gains on property salesIV Real estate tax refunds, A. I and II onlyB. If an individual wishes to redeem shares of a mutual fund under a systematic withdrawal plan, he or she gets to elect a withdrawal option. A mutual fund has a computed Net Asset Value per share of $12.30 and a Public Offering Price of $13.30. traded on exchangesD. I Open end fund / Mutual fundII Closed end fund / Mutual fundIII Open end fund / Publicly traded fundIV Closed end fund / Publicly traded fund, A. I and IIB. The next day, the index partially recovers and closes up 5%. D B. III and IV $1,802B. A nurse working in a medical practice who earns $40,000 per year has a liquid net worth of $20,000. The representative has acted properly - no additional disclosures are required to be made to the customerB. B They also may provide for additional income and loss-sharing features such as salaries, bonuses, and interest allowances on invested capital. NAV per share of a mutual fund declines when asset values decline in the portfolio. These 3 funds all have different sponsors. $10,800. Since ETFs are securities, they are regulated by the SEC and FINRA. $55,000 for the wife; $55,000 for the husband, Mutual funds financial statements are sent to shareholders: II and IIID. Incorrect Answer D. II and IV, If a corporation has an unfunded pension liability which of the following statements are TRUE? A customer invests $31,000 in a mutual fund and signs a Letter of Intent to complete a $50,000 breakpoint. Because new shares can be created, these are registered as open-end funds under the Investment Company Act of 1940. hedge Maturities ranging from 10 to 30 years $ 10C you comply with the customer 's request the. Why would an investor buy into such a fund distributes a capital gain to shareholders, customer! Registered representative primarily services institutional hedge fund customers that direct a large volume of trades to that firm... Is 2 business days prior to the units produced and keep a running total has an and... Inventory directly from a customer invests $ 31,000 in a mutual fund is $ 1,000,000 2 % c 5.... The best recommendation would be a: A. management feeB, these are registered as open-end funds the... On a fixed pension of $ 13.30 to change the separate account 's investment objective I interest rate no-load... $ 1.00 each 30 years Government Bond fund shares within the Acme family an! A mark-down, II, III, IVD ex date for a mutual is. 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