The aesthetic of the crucifixion meme suggests ultimate power resides with the powerless, the scapegoats and misfits, consigned to die outside our cities for the resentments and power-envy of the masses. The Gotthard Tunnel is about 10 miles (16 kilometers) long, and it goes deep into the mountains. Then it jumps ahead in the performance to show a moment of the monsters entering the scene among the beds. The ceremony reflects an already twisted, post-Christian civilization thats confused philosophically, morally, spiritually, and sexually. The paper highlighted some of the more esoteric elements of the gala such as a winged baby, semi-naked dancers and a man with a birds nest on his head. BREAKING: Top Hunter Biden Associate Eric Schwerin (who ran Rosemont Seneca) Just Flipped! None other than Shiva the God of Destruction. The tunnel stretches 15.4 kilometers (9.6 miles) underneath the Alps near Switzerland's border with Italy. But the piercing of the tunnel. The theatrical production staged on June 1 for the opening of the 57km (35.4 mile) tunnel certainly generated a lot of attention. When I first read about this I didnt know they had fake hangings during the ceremony. Thousands of physicists work on the LHC at the CERN headquarters close to the Swiss-French border and remotely from universities around the world. Scapegoats, human sacrifices, must be offered in the foundations of a new state project to ensure the community maintains its cohesion and power. [15], The main purpose of the Gotthard Base Tunnel is to increase local transport capacity through the Alpine barrier, especially for freight on the RotterdamBaselGenoa corridor, and more specifically to shift freight volumes from trucks to freight trains. Angela Merkel and other heads of state give a standing ovation to a ceremony in which actual miners' deaths are commemorated as necessary sacrifices for the completion of their grand public works project. It was built using a special drilling machine called a tunnel boring machine, or TBM. Now let me ask you, unless youre on a LOT of drugs, who comes up with this CRAP? It was built between 1998 and 2008 and allows physicists to test various . [29] It is the third tunnel built under the Gotthard, after the Gotthard Tunnel and the Gotthard Road Tunnel. The road between Gschenen and Airolo through the summit of the pass, comporting notably the Schllenen ravine and the Tremola, had countless hairpin turns and serpentine curves, dropping 1,000m (3,300ft) in altitude. There are many theories circulating on how this can open up "tiny quantum black holes"., (The second part of the video is found here.). The closest railway stations to the portals are Altdorf and Biasca. Without ventilation, the temperature inside the mountain reaches 46C (115F).[4]. The conspiracy theorists see clues to the pandemic in the performance. Because they are quite literally trying to use it to summon demons. It was a once-daily service from Flelen railway station to Biasca railway station and in reverse. The more our culture steeps in the cross, even when it consciously rejects the Church, the more we feel that each person deserves dignity, no matter how small or weak. [64] From 2019 onwards, the Gotthard axis will be served by the Stadler EC250 (Giruno),[needs update] high-speed train and future flagship of the SBB fleet. CERN said the ritualistic sacrifice to Shiva was a prank by their researchers. Simplon, San Bernardino, Brenner, Mont Cenis), namely in 1830, the first Saint-Gotthard Pass road was established after centuries-long usage of a bridle path. Those things are always weird and artsy but this one was downright creepy! Before the Gotthard Tunnel was built, people and goods had to travel over the mountains using a winding road called the St. Gotthard Pass. The Gotthard Tunnel makes it much easier and safer to travel through the Alps. | SBB Stories", "Experience in Spoil Management on Conclusion of Excavations for the Gottard Base Tunnel", "100,000th train travels through the Gotthard Base Tunnel", "Gotthard rail tunnel boosts north-south traffic by a third", "Lngster Eisenbahntunnel der Welt ist fast zu erfolgreich", AGN Erstfeld Amsteg Constructors Web Site, Publications by and about Gotthard Base Tunnel,, 5.20m (17ft 1in) from top of rail to overhead conductor. If you want to start a conversation about a topic raised in this article or want to report factual errors, email us at There's a statue of Shiva, a Hindu God, also known as the destroyer outside. Many people even believe the collider is responsible for the Mandela Effects that are often reported. The goat is robed in white, dies, and resurrects as a red cloaked woman giving birth to empty-faced dancing dolls. Satanic Switzerland? It reflects a hedonistic, rudderless West that tries to convince itself its moral with posturing about diversity, tolerance, inclusiveness, multiculturalism, and every other ego-stroking, conscience-soothing ism. 1/2, Wake Awake (@WakeAwake1) December 16, 2022. The largest construction project in Swiss history, the 11bn tunnel is also the world's deepest, running more than 1.4 miles below the Swiss Alps. Youre probably familiar with the story about why we need such a thing. If you want to watch the whole thing and prove Im not taking it out of context Ive got the full video for you right here. Swiss media are also not infrequently irritated by foreign habits and customs. [37], On 16 December 2013, the operational test phase started on a 13-kilometre (8.1mi) stretch in the southern section of the west tube between Faido and Bodio. Black Panther Leader Finds Out Ancestors Came to America Tunnels and Jail Cells Under DCNow EXPOSED! To cut construction time in half, four access tunnels were built so that construction could start at four different sites simultaneously: Erstfeld, Amsteg, Sedrun, and Faido. It posed a huge challenge for automobiles. On July 5th,22, 2022 @CERN will be firing up their large hadron collider. Select any of the newsletters below to "Subscribe" with your email address {0}. the COVID planned-demic, take a look: The claim: The 2012 London Olympics opening ceremony predicted the coronavirus crisis. And we're not afraid to sacrifice humans to get more of it. The tunnel complex runs along a 17-mile (27-kilometer) circuit. On Wednesday, June 1st, the long-awaited opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland finally took place. It shows nurses in vintage costumes standing among children in antique-style hospital beds that glow with light. This point corresponds to the main chain of the Alps, and is the main drainage divide between the Rhine and the Po. In our weakness we are made strong. It is the longest and the deepest railroad tunnel in the entire world, and it took 17 years to build. The north and south portals on the same spring day. Refilling water boilers of steam locomotives was no longer necessary. For 2020 saga! This aesthetic, imperfectly embodied in fits and starts by us in art, music, meals, and self-emptying living is like an acid eroding the aesthetic of the state. In 1882, with the inauguration of the Gotthard Railway Tunnel, the travel time between Altdorf and Biasca was reduced dramatically to only hours, though often accompanied with overnight stays in large Fin de sicle-hotels, for example in Biasca. Enraged, the devil attempts to hurl a giant stone at the bridge in revenge. This content was published on Jun 1, 2016 The story goes that for some reason we need to crash really tiny particles into each other at ridiculous speeds because that will tell us something about science. There is a giant sculpture of a sleeping baby in the background. But I am revisiting some of the downright evil and freaky things associated with the 2012 Olympics.and this one goes right to the top of the list! Construction began 17 years ago. The user did not respond to a request for comment from USA TODAY. Similarly to Gruner's idea, the GBT cuts through the Gotthard Massif some 600m (2,000ft) below the older tunnel. Woody Harrelson Bashes Hollywoods COVID Protocols, Thats Not a Free Country, Republicans in Florida County Pass Resolution to BAN COVID-19 Jab. We rate the claim that a segment of the opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics predicted the coronavirus pandemic FALSE, based on our research. On June 1st Switzerland unveiled the world's longest and deepest railroad tunnel with a deeply occultic, satanic ceremony. It is one of the longest tunnels in the world, and it helps people and goods travel between northern and southern Europe. And of course they think it couldnt possibly be anything nefarious or demonic. And lest we think of this as some foreign European aberration, every statist culture echoes this rebellious yearning for our old ways of ordering our societies on collective sacrifices. Yet, many believe thats not the case at all. They fired up the collider back in 2012 and this happened: The strange ceremony was attended by European leaders Angela Merkel, French . The next scene shifted to pagan druid ceremony, with the actors now draped in black subdued clothing and adorning nests, plants and trees on their heads. The recent opening ceremony for the world's longest rail tunnel has had an amusing epilogue: a politician from the Swiss People's Party, spying what she reckoned were Islam-connected. The Swiss put on one of the most bizarre opening ceremonies in history to mark the completion of the world's longest tunnel, the Gotthard Base Tunnel, which runs through the Swiss Alps. Try An "Extreme Altitude Wine" From Patriot Wines. Around two-thirds of the passages were freight trains and the remaining quota were passenger trains, both national and international. The actual opening ceremony will take place about March 28. The internet is all abuzz over what many see as the Satanic opening of the new Gotthard Base Tunnel in the Swiss Alps. A friend recently sent me a video to the Gotthard Tunnel opening ceremony in Switzerland that took place on June 1, 2016. Excluding subway tunnels that lie near the surface. It is 35 miles long, more than 2,000 meters deep in places, and the construction of this unprecedented tunnel cost a grand . (Millions wasted on a demonic . By featuring whirling dervishes, which, according to the encyclopaedia of Islam, signify an approximation of Allah, we are betraying our basic values. It says Vow of Silence and the gesture is a reminder of the Masonic obligation of silence. At the top is a quote by Freemason philosopher Manly P. Hall about reading symbolism. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB CFF FFS). In reality, the ceremony was a celebration of a British institution and its culture. Displaying hospital beds and the Grim Reaper. A friend recently sent me a video to the Gotthard Tunnel opening ceremony in Switzerland that took place on June 1, 2016. It looks like they disabled video embedding for that link so you will have to actually click that link to watch it. Please enter your email address so that the password reset email can be sent to you account. Instead, I see the ceremony as a great opportunity to shed light on the aesthetic of statism. Violence is a sacred rite to be performed by those with a monopoly on power, the state and its corporate cronies, to preserve their order and grandeur. If you love what we do, please consider a $1/month donation to keep us live! It took 17 years to build a record-breaking tunnel through the Swiss Alps, but only one opening ceremony to weird everyone out . Who (other than sicko Elites) is so fascinated by a Goat? The ceremony was originally intended to represent various aspects of Swiss culture, wrote TruNews. [20] A Catholic shrine to Saint Barbara, the patron of miners, stands inside the tunnel as a memorial.[62]. It is 35 miles of railway running deep inside a 7,000-foot mountain. The performance began with a cohort of miners dressed in orange jump suits, marching like zombies toward the tunnels entrance (depicted on a video screen). All rights reserved. A worshiped goat-man? In addition, he has contributed to college textbooks published by Gale-Cengage Learning, has appeared on television, and is a frequent guest on radio. From 1842 onwards, a daily course by the Gotthard Post, a stagecoach drawn by five horses with ten seats, still took about 23 hours from Como to Flelen. The world's largest tunnel, it took 17 years to complete and promises a new era of state managed European and global connectedness. Stand with the victims of sacrificial violence. CERN is famous for its work on particle physics, which is the study of tiny particles that make up all matter in the universe. Going through the Swiss Alps, the tunnel took 17 years to complete and is said to be a symbol of European unification in a context of rising nationalism and closing borders. This was the opening ceremony for a train tunnel in Switzerland, it has nothing to do with CERN . The opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel turned a great feat of engineering into a religious ceremony dedicated to Baphomet while somewhat ridiculing the workers who sacrificed their lives and the masses who will travel through the tunnel. Hit by a boring bar that fell 700m (2,300ft). Outside the tunnel, a large light-grey platform with a huge screen as backdrop was the theater for the freakish ritual. The Swiss, like all tribal cultures that encounter the Christian aesthetic, have lost their appetite for human sacrifice. Maybe youve heard of this, but if not youre going to have your mind blown and be disgusted all at the same time. President Trump Shares HUGE Win For Election Integrity! Literally occult symbols everywhere. The Gotthard Tunnel is also related to CERN, which stands for the European Organization for Nuclear Research. The opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel turned a great feat of engineering into a religious ceremony dedicated to Baphomet while somewhat ridiculing the workers who sacrificed their lives and the masses who will travel through the tunnel. Could Chinas Petroyuan Give Rise to a New World Energy Order? And in the opinion of this reporter, theyre right. For a while, this was wiped completely off the Internet. Like the two other tunnels passing below the Gotthard, the Gotthard Base Tunnel connects two Alpine valleys across the Saint-Gotthard Massif: the Urner Reusstal in the canton of Uri, in which flows the river Reuss, and the Valle Leventina, the largest valley in the canton of Ticino, in which the river Ticino flows. He recently launched a project called A Neighbors Choice, which seeks to introduce Jesus culture of nonviolence to both Christians and the broader public. The ceremony. Among other questions, they are hoping to discover why matter rather than anti-matter dominates the universe and to uncover the nature of dark matter invisible to all scientific instruments so far developed which is known to be more plentiful than conventional matter. But a woman paints a cross on the rock and the devil is unable to move it. Spectacular: The world's longest tunnel officially opened on Wednesday, with the trailblazing rail passage under the Swiss Alps aiming to ease transit through the heart of Europe View gallery. [34] The final breakthrough in the west tube occurred on 23 March 2011 at 12:20. The ritual ceremony marking the opening of the new tunnel took place in Erstfeld Switzerland according to the DailyMail. Not weird at all. An opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland took place in 2016. In Appenzell, for example, singing Uglies wrapped in bristly fir branches have been ringing in the new year for centuries. [note 4]. As the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the world in the spring of 2020, odd memes and conspiracy theories spread along with it, including one related to the 2012 Summer Olympics. These miners were human beings with families, wives, and children. x ad by Ctrl + C to copy Share Optimized Link Hold to copy Embed Link Hold to copy GIF gifs x ad by So did Reuters. Switzerland has inaugurated Gotthard Base Tunnel, staging a massive celebration to honor the longest and deepest railway tunnel in the world. SICK: Bill Gates + 6,000 Child Porno Images? Tunnels and Jail Cells Under DCNow EXPOSED! Then theres the Eierleset in various northwestern towns which is based on a medieval fertility ritual and features, well, characters like this: And finally, for the sake of clarification, some real whirling dervishes: Switzerland is an old hand at direct democracy, while Mexico is forging a new path to give more power to its people., Dr. Doom (@MajorX11878154) June 26, 2020. The Gotthard Tunnel is a tunnel that goes through the Swiss Alps in Europe. It is one of the longest tunnels in the world, and it helps people and goods travel between northern and southern Europe. It's being turned back on July 5 , sooo nobody else is concerned that THE CERN collider will be turning on july 5th and opening up a portal and letting some dark sided shit come through, Syd Divine Tarot OPEN FOR READINGS. Let's not be so superficial that we scapegoat the surface symbols like a flag, ceremony, politicians or rival ideologies. CERN is literally summoning the demon. The logo should give you a clue. Now the world's longest rail tunnel, the Gotthard has a route length of 35.5 miles and. Jun 1, 2016 Januar 2005", "Timbre-poste spcial avec de la pierre du Gothard", "World's Longest Rail Tunnel Opens in Switzerland", "World's longest tunnel prepares for first scheduled services", "Longest Rail Tunnel Clears Major Safety Hurdle", "First Full Day of Service for Gotthard Rail Tunnel", "Bundesbeschluss ber den Bau der schweizerischen Eisenbahn-Alpentransversale (Alpentransit-Beschluss) Chronologie", "How direct democracy has grown over the decades", "Volksinitiative 'zum Schutze des Alpengebietes vor dem Transitverkehr', "Botschaft ber die Volksinitiative "zum Schutze des Alpengebietes vor dem Transitverkehr" vom 12. It's the final stage of the country's multi-year New Railway Link through the Alps project. morning, Available for everyone, funded by readers. Construction began in November 1999 at Amsteg. Since the GBT is in full service, standard freight trains of up to 3,600t (7.910^6lb) are able to pass this natural barrier. Measuring over 57 km and costing over 11 billion Euros, the Gotthard Base Tunnel is world's longest and most expensive . [8][9] With a route length of 57.09km (35.5mi),[4] it is the world's longest railway and deepest traffic tunnel[10][11][12][note 1] and the first flat, low-level route through the Alps. Supposedly it will use more power than the entire USA does in 1 year. AlpTransit Gotthard AG was responsible for construction. I dont know what wed do with you.probably think for ourselves and use our brains or something, but thats just a silly idea! Of course the Goat Head was prominently featured. Eventually, a goat demon, resembling the ancient Baphomet idol, emerges from the tunnel and proceeds to mock a carried lamb, a symbol of Christ. The 3.6 billion franc tunnel, the culmination of Switzerland's efforts to ease the transalpine journey which began with the opening of the Gotthard summit tunnel in 1882, can carry up to 170 . A look at the Gotthard mountain region's past reveals another goat narrative at odds with the ceremony: a thousand year old folk tale. Please click the link in the e-mail to reset your password. Thank you! The desire to step on others in our grasping for glory is universal. The rock is still there and, in 1977, 300,000 Swiss francs were spent to move the 220 ton rock by 127 m in order to make room for the new Gotthard road tunnel. The tunnel opened on 1 June 2016 with full service to begin in December 2016. Its wild but its TRUEand thats what makes it so scary. And the Swiss ceremony puts the goat-man front and center, apparently being paid homage by the other actors, who appear at one point to almost genuflect before him. This both significantly reduces the danger of fatal road crashes involving trucks, and reduces the environmental damage caused by heavy trucks. The Gotthard Tunnel is an important part of Europes transportation system, and it helps people and goods move easily between different parts of the continent. Dr. Somehow. And this is very accurate if you were to summarize what they are trying to accomplish: They're trying to recreate the Big Bang & open a portal to another dimension at CERN with the Large Hadron Collider, largest & most powerfulparticle accelerator. It included 600 dancers, acrobats and dramatic actors and cost CHF8.8 million ($8.9m). We value your opinions, and would love to see you add to the discussion! There are plans for a train service between Zrich and Milan with a journey time of 2:45 hours, down from 3:50 hours. The Gotthard Tunnel is an important transportation route for cars, trains, and trucks. If you have questions. The New World Order is a conspiracy theory that hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. Meanwhile the water which has accumulated in places has to be drawn off and the permanent way built. On 8 November, a train reached the top speed of 275km/h (171mph). Switzerland opened the world's longest train tunnel this month cutting travel time between southern Germany and northern Italy by one hour. The two tunnels are joined approximately every 325m (1,066ft) by connecting galleries. Switzerland World's longest rail tunnel opens with theatrical parade - video The ceremony for the opening of the Gotthard base tunnel in Switzerland on Wednesday includes a blessing,. The Gotthard Base Tunnel under Switzerland's Alps has taken 17 years and cost about $12 billion to construct and removes one of Europe's most stubborn natural barriers to trade and tourism: the. An opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland took place in . What does that star spangled banner wave over, anyway? A window allows visitors to watch the trains running in the tunnel. We master the Earth. Of course, theyd brand us decadent even if we just indulged innocent dancing, music, and drink and didnt cover our women in an eighth-century drape. Unfortunately, the projects opening ceremony also reached great depths of depravity. Anyways, @CERN is opening a multi-dimensional portal on July, 5 and will be using dark matter! After eight years as head of the Cabaret Voltaire he worked as a social media journalist and content curator at the news site, and is now working to see that is read, discussed, shared and gets likes. As for the winged baby, its an androgynous character wearing an ominous-looking mask; its certainly no angel of light. A friend recently sent me a video to the Gotthard Tunnel opening ceremony in Switzerland that took place on June 1, 2016. You have a giant black Death Personified figure walking around a room full of hospital beds! The world's longest and deepest rail tunnel has officially opened in Switzerland, after almost two decades of construction work. [35][36], On 30 August 2013, the tunnel was entirely traversed for the first time from Bodio to Erstfeld in six hours, by diesel train, buses and by foot. Stand with the victims of sacrificial violence. This is out of the question in the post-Christian West, however. a ritualistic sacrifice at the statue. They would later claim it was just a prank. Public institutions joined the celebrations: Swiss Post issued a special stamp commemorating the Gotthard Base Tunnel,[60][61] and Swissmint issued gold and silver coins dedicated to the opening. Included among the guests were French President Francois Hollande, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and the President of Switzerland Johann Schneider-Ammann, reports Their opening ceremony, sanctioned by their government, was full of witchcraft, homosexuality, and occult dedication. As such, European heads of state such as France's Hollande, and Germany's Merkel as . A Neighbor's Choice is also the name of his weekly radio show on state violence and alternative solutions to it. Francesca (@hufflepuffle84) June 1, 2016 @OrkneyLibrary There's now a man yodeling and waving his arms at a milk float. Here's a look at another celebration of the occult elite. It was a very difficult and expensive project, but it was worth it because it helps people and goods travel more easily through the Swiss Alps. Our journalists will take your contribution on board for their coverage and may follow up with you via email. Februar 1992", "Bundesbeschluss ber die Volksinitiative "zum Schutze des Alpengebietes vor dem Transitverkehr" vom 18. North and south portals on the same spring day between 1998 and 2008 and allows physicists test. Downright creepy County Pass Resolution to BAN COVID-19 Jab unfortunately, the Gotthard Base,. Base tunnel in Switzerland that took place foreign habits and customs this I didnt know they had fake hangings the! 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