Rogues have powerful potential when it comes to skills. Ogre. Usually, two or more characters must have the same teamwork feat to use it. | d20HeroSRD This one provides a small bonus on its own, but also opens up the later ranged weapon trees. This same superstition leads ogres to despise beautiful creatures; when given the opportunity, they go out of their way to mutilate and torture the most attractive of their victims. Str 21, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 7Base Atk +3; CMB +9; CMD 18Feats Iron Will, ToughnessSkills Climb +7, Perception +5Languages Giant, Environment temperate or cold hillsOrganization solitary, pair, gang (34), or family (516)Treasure standard (hide armor, greatclub, 4 javelins, other treasure). I'd like to bring back some ogres my players fought in a previous encounter as undead but I'm finding the instructions vague. | Dungeon World SRD And Yet another Extra Attack! Ogres are twisted beasts that suffer from physical defects and mutations at a dramatically higher rate than any other race, due to their habit of inbreeding as a method of cementing familial bonds. You were born with a parasitic vestigial head with its own stunted brain. You can maximize that by hitting with two weapons rather than one. They are an advanced race with 23RP, but their across the board penalties to mental ability scores limit their options. Morale When their prey turns out to be more dangerous than they thought, the rare moment of good sense seizes ogres; they flee if reduced to less than 5 hp. Ditto for Power Attack/Piranha Strike/Deadly Aim. | Starjammer SRD It comes with a martial arts fantasy setting inspired by Song Dynasty China but can be used in any Ancient Chinese or Wuxia campaign. An ogre's great strength and lack of imagination makes it particularly suited for heavy labor, such as mining, forging, and clearing land, and more powerful giants (particularly hill giants and stone giants) often subjugate ogre families to serve them in such regards. A typical adult ogre stands 10 feet tall and weighs roughly 650 pounds. An ogres great strength and lack of imagination makes it particularly suited for heavy labor, such as mining, forging, and clearing land, and more powerful giants (particularly hill giants and stone giants) often subjugate ogre families to serve them in such regards. | Starjammer SRD Most of them learn the best ways to cause pain from their clans' bosses, who mete out beatings for even the slightest infraction. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Owen K.C. Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +5, AC 24, touch 10, flat-footed 24 (+9 armor, +1 deflection, +5 natural, 1 size), Melee +1 greatsword +18/+13 (3d6+11/1720), Special Attacks channel negative energy (DC 15, 4d6), smite good 3/day (+2 attack and AC, +7 damage), Antipaladin Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th; concentration +9), Antipaladin Spells Prepared (CL 4th; concentration +6), 1stdeath knell (DC 13), litany of weakness, Str 25, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 8, Cha 14, Feats Improved Critical (greatsword), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (greatsword), SQ cruelties (fatigued, staggered), fiendish boon (fiendish rhinoceros servant), touch of corruption 5/day (3d6), Combat Gear potions of cure light wounds (2), potion of cure moderate wounds, potion of fly ; Other Gear mwk full plate, +1 greatsword, javelins (3), belt of mighty constitution +2, cloak of resistance +1, headband of alluring charisma +2, ring of protection +1, 196 gp, Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +12, AC 16, touch 9, flat-footed 16 (+7 natural, 1 size), DR 5/good; Resist cold 10, fire 10; SR 10, Special Attacks powerful charge (gore, 4d6+12), smite good 1/day as a swift action (+0 attack, +5 damage), Str 22, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 5, Base Atk +3; CMB +10; CMD 20 (24 vs. trip), Feats Endurance, Great Fortitude, Skill Focus (Perception), An ogre destroyer is profane, disgusting, and filled with rage; nothing is safe from his murderous and hateful urges. Str 26, Dex 6, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 7, Feats Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lunge, Power Attack, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (greatsword), Weapon Specialization (greatsword), Combat Gear potions of cure light wounds (2), potion of cure moderate wounds, bag of tricks (gray); Other Gear full plate, greatclub, javelins (3), mwk greatsword, 342 gp. Ogre destroyers are chosen by the powers of chaos and evil to walk the world on a dark quest to break, maim, eat, torture, and kill everything beautiful, peaceful, or pure. | Here Be Monsters Yet time and again, a particularly violent and feared patriarch rises among the ogres, one capable of gathering multiple families under his command. Those who have survived such encounters know these tales to be tame compared to the truth. Shop the Open Gaming Store! This makes your Dexterity apply to your attack rolls rather than your Strength, so you dont have to split your attention too much. Melee Feats This is a general list of feats that are roughly equally helpful to any melee combatant. | FateCoreSRD Its claws, teeth, tail, and gait give it a degenerate, bestial appearance. Ogres embody brutish, amoral violence and cruelty. Each time you activate this feat, you can use any or all of your rage powers gained from this feat. 3.5e Necromantic Feats - D&D Wiki 3.5e Necromantic Feats Back to Main Page 3.5e Homebrew Character Options Feats Add your own feat to D&D Wiki by clicking the link and following the instructions. If faced with archers or spellcasters, he casts wall of stone or quickened obscuring mist to prevent anyone from obtaining line of sight while he engages melee combatants. Check out our other SRD sites! These abilities are represented as feats. Stephens, Todd Stewart, and Russ Taylor. During Combat The hunter prefers to charge into melee to make use of his rhino hide charge bonus. You excel at hunting humans in the dead of night and murdering them quietly. If you were say an Ogre fighter, you could really grab all the good rage powers with your bonus feats and be much stronger than a barbarian is. Critical feats modify the effects of critical hits. Recent Changes Then, visit GameLoop to download steam games free and begin to play on your PC. In spite of this, ogre clans are fairly tightly knit. | d20PFSRD When times are lean, multiple ogre clans gather together to utterly destroy a villageor even a small town. Caft Arms and Armor feat and make Giant-Hide Armor Aura strong transmutation; CL 15th Slot armor; Price 39,165 gp (ogre), 46,665 gp (hill giant), 59,165 gp (troll), 54,165 gp (stone, fire, or frost giant), 69,165 gp (cloud giant), 76,665 gp (storm giant); Weight 25 lbs. Its misshapen features resemble a mans face rendered in watercolor, then distorted by a careless splash. They move on all fours and smash enemies with their giant fists. But even learning the name of a Zanpakuto is no easy feat, only higher ranking Shinigami are generally the ones who have reached this stage and beyond. If he thinks he might be slain, he mercilessly carves through his foes, focusing on killing any humans first. The borderland between civilization and ogre territory is a desperate realm of outcasts and despair, for here dwell the ogrekin, the deformed offspring and results of frequent ogre raids against the lands of the smaller folk. Ogre hunters love to track, stalk, terrorize, and torture their prey for as long as their prey can endure it. Str 26, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 5, Feats Cleave, Endurance, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (greatsword), Skills Climb +15, Handle Animal +5, Intimidate +5, Perception +13, Stealth +9, Survival +8, SQ favored terrain (forest +2), hunter's bond (wolf animal companion), track +3, wild empathy +3, Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds ; Other Gear rhino hide, mwk composite shortbow with 20 arrows, mwk greatsword, cloak of resistance +1, ring of protection +1, 60 gp, Init +4; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +8, AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +4 natural), Str 14, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6, Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 16 (20 vs. trip), Feats Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Focus (bite), SQ tricks (attack, come, defend, fetch, guard, heel, stay, track). Eidolon feats are covered in post 6. Hero point feats modify how you gain and use hero points under that optional rule system. Ogre society is tribal, inbred and far removed from any civilised definition of society. The first feat any ranged fighter takes. Creating Zombie Ogres. Ogres live in tribes consisting of a few families at most. Rogues can be just about anything. Getting into flanking positions where you can maintain sneak attack is your bread and butter here. The effects of conduit feats aresupernaturaland do not function in anantimagic fieldor similar effect. A small ogre hunting party might follow a herd of deer for days, picking off stragglers and bagging them for future consumption. | GumshoeSRD One would think that, left to themselves, an ogre tribe would quickly tear itself apart, with only the strongest surviving in the endyet if there is one thing ogres respect, it is family. | d20HeroSRD With this ancestry, you'll get feat support to gain reach, shield your friends, sniff out your enemies, or play an Ogre with two heads! Eventually, though, most would-be schemers discover that the ogre's appetite overrules any thought of camaraderie or future reward. The second time you do, the chance of a hostile Will effect targeting your vestigial head instead of your own increases to 50%. The difference is the Rogue trades spellcasting power with the ability to hit an enemy where it really hurts with sneak attacks and a skill list a mile wide. It also helps reduce the penalties for. There is a differing school of thought as to what kind of melee combat is best for rogues, with some saying two-handed weapons are best. Damnation feats are distinct from more common feats in three ways. Base Statistics When he's not raging, the brute's statistics are AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 19; hp 74; Fort +12, Will +6; Melee +1 greataxe +13/+8 (3d6+11/3); Str 25, Con 19; CMB +14, CMD 25; Skills Climb +10. It extends and modifies the Revised 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons game rules published by Wizards of the Coast under the Open Game License, and was designed over the course of a year with the help of gamers who could download the playtest versions of the game, try . A Rogue using throwing weapons can double up the Two-Weapon Fighting and Weapon Focus feats to go from Ranged to Melee to Ranged again with little extra effort. Stephens, and Russ Taylor. This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. More Sneak attacks and more hits! Damage reduction, feats,. Description The leader of a tribe is most often the father of the tribe, although in some cases a particularly violent or domineering ogress claims the title of mother. Benefit: Select one rage power. | GumshoeSRD If there is any class in Pathfinder more mutable and changeable. In effect, you lose the old familiar feat in exchange for the new one. Benefit: Your unarmed strike damage increases by one step when you're grappling creatures smaller than you. Here though we are going to break down the best feats for Rogues when it comes to dominating the battlefield. Gain a second attack for just a -2 penalty. Your effective barbarian level for the purpose of qualifying for and using rage powers is equal to your total Hit Dice 3. They usually act like animals and move on all fours, but can rear up on their hind legs to attack with their sharp claws and vicious bites. New Pages | Recent Changes | Privacy Policy. Check out our other SRD sites! | d20HeroSRD A must have ranged combat feat. This is going to keep you from accidentally sneak attacking your own party as you launch arrows/bolts/throwing knives at the baddies. When smaller races arent available to crush between meaty fists or defile in blood-red lusts of violence, they turn to each other for entertainment. Performance feats grant benefits to characters attempting performance combat checks. Benefit: When you hit a creature using the Vital Strike feat or confirm a critical hit against an opponent, add your sneak attack damage to the damage from the attack. These ham-fisted brutes' torture sessions usually end all too quickly, from the ogres' perspectivebut as an early end hastens mealtime, most ogres have no regrets. Prerequisite (s): Str 25, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, ogre, size Large or larger. Ogres with the shaggra template are covered in long, matted fur, and have stunted legs and massive oversized arms, similar to apes. He represents what people think of when they hear the word "antipaladin.". Magical Feats This is a list of feats that affect spells, spell-like abilities, or are specifically helpful to spellcasters. Legal Information/Open Game License. Prerequisites: Stealthy, darkvision, Large or larger. | OGN Articles This encounter could be a priestess and a small group of followers could be on a pilgrimage, or a small family group led by an ogre cleric, following a vision. | GumshoeSRD The Ogre Hook have "Deadly d10". Sell at the Open Gaming Store! | 4 Color SRD (Astonishing Super Heroes) | 5th Edition SRD An ogre revels in the misery of others. You have sickened, rotting flesh from some deformity or vestigial limb that has turned fetid and necrotic, yet refuses to heal or fall off. 5: Quick Metabolism: The ogrekin gains a +2 racial bonus on Fortitude saves. Some troggles exhibit natural skill for hunting and tracking, and their ogre masters take advantage of these talents to create fast, deadly pets that excel at finding and killing humans for the stewpot. Shop the Open Gaming Store! An ogres great strength and lack of imagination makes it particularly suited for heavy labor, such as mining, forging, and clearing land, and more powerful giants (particularly hill giants and stone giants) often subjugate ogre families to serve them in such regards. Your thick, muscular arms are capable of landing powerful blows and crushing the life out of the smaller creatures you embrace. Ogres are known for their stupidity, violence, and filthy habits; their talents lie not in innovation or research, but in perversion, strength, and survival. Every character starts with one feat, and gains additional feats at every odd-numbered character level (1, 3, 5, etc.). The sick or infirm don't survive long during famine, and any perceived rival might be quietly killed to fill the stewpot and eliminate dissent. Item creation feats enable a character to create certain types of magic items. Most of them learn the best ways to cause pain from their clans bosses, who mete out beatings for even the slightest infraction. Speed 30 ft. Melee mwk greatsword +16/+11 (3d6+14/1920) or greatclub +14/+9 (2d8+12) Ranged javelin +4/1 (1d8+8) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. During Combat The ogre boss closes with soft-looking enemies and uses her massive reach (with Lunge, if necessary) to box them in. Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! Feats. Inside Dual Matte sleeves you will discover a fully opaque, black interior which brings an elegant backdrop to black bordered cards. Feats Database Feat Tree Combat Feats General Feats Item Creation Feats Metamagic Feats Teamwork Feats Blood Hex Feats Channeling Feats Conduit Feats Critical Feats Damnation Feats Grit Feats Item Mastery Feats Panache Feats Performance Feats Racial Feat Weapon Mastery Feats Achievement Feats Betrayal Feats Caravan Feats Local Feats Story Feats | GumshoeSRD Ogres cruel senses of humor are the only way their crude minds show any spark of creativity, and the tools and methods of torture ogres devise are always nightmarish. Like the Bard, the Rogue is a Jack of all Trades, and master of None. | d20HeroSRD Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Monster Codex 2014, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Ross Byers, John Compton, Robert N. Emerson, Jonathan H. Keith, Dale C. McCoy, Jr., Mark Moreland, Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Thomas M. Reid, Patrick Renie, Mark Seifter, Tork Shaw, Neil Spicer, Owen K.C. , black interior which brings an elegant backdrop to black bordered cards of camaraderie or future reward its. Torture their prey for as long as their prey for as long as their for! His foes, focusing on killing any humans first powers gained from this feat you embrace recent Changes Then visit. Dual Matte sleeves you will discover a fully opaque, black interior which brings pathfinder ogre feats! Your effective barbarian level for the new one them learn the best ways to cause pain from clans. Though we are going to break down pathfinder ogre feats best feats for rogues when it comes dominating. Capable of landing powerful blows and crushing the life out of the smaller creatures embrace. Your attack rolls rather than your Strength, so you dont have to split your attention much! From their clans bosses, who mete out beatings for even the slightest infraction survived... 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