My skin feels like it is tingling and itchy sometimes. The closing will still happen but they will have to reduce the price of the house and have it gutted and fixed. He has constant nose bleeds and has now lost so much weight going from 225 to 135 in less than 7 months, i know hes eating because i make him healthy meals. Curiously, it addresses mold, asbestos and lead in a way that makes it seem like these dangers are the mainly the tenants responsibility. What do I do now? When he asked her lawyer and her about the black mold they denied any as they have with each tenant there after. MoldBlogger has several articles regarding anti-fungal diets and other remedies. Go to the Clerk of the Court and tell them you want to place your rent in Escrow. The owners insurance adjuster said get out of the house and finally after taking a mold test my doctor told me that every mold was in my body. Could this be why I am having so much problems with my lungs. If so, they may cover water damage and mold claims. I had no choice but to pay or face being thrown out on the street because I am a TAW. I lived with fans throughout the two summers I lived there. I furious!!! It was so bad I was forced to move without giving notice. So we proceeded to accept another offer and give them notice. The landlords send someone to the above apartment somewhere to fix something, but the only think i got for his ceiling was a can of Kilz. We have never intended to make you unhappy, uncomfortable or to provide an unsafe living environment (BULLSHIT!!!!). I dont know if its water or Freon from the A.c. any who the walls are moldy. I am renting an apartment where I signed a one year lease. right now they are only held by 2 dowels? They claim I did not want them to come fix it. A friend had to tell me that I was moving from the house. I took samples of what came down for the kitchen wall and the living room ceiling-for not having any leaking problems for where these 2 areas were there was a lot of mold on there=[ J said he could smell it. Ill talk to you soon I encourage anyone else feeling the lack of energy, health, and confidence to stay strong and take the second to make a call Turns out There are people ( other than my mom lol ) who believe I and others suffering through this are not paranoid or attention hungry and together is the only way to get our voices heard.. ( 801 ) 634-8261 or [emailprotected]. I dont think they believed me on the dark mold and a week later i cleaned the filter and washed of the mold on the front parts. Defendant owners and landlords, likewise, typically prefer the finality of settlements and the lack of negative media publicity that would result from a verdict. In early 2016, Dr. Ordog pled guilty to health care fraud. I have been fighting a landlord sense November of 2014 to take care of mold issues. I have been living in a top-floor apartment unit for 3 years. I did my own and it returned with high levels of stachybotrus and asperilligus molds. I work in a federal facility, one of the plumbers removed some drywall in my office and there was black mold behind it, quite a bit, he admitted several weeks later he knew it was there, and they then removed us. Hes raised my rent for no apparent reason and when I withheld it he sent a notice of eviction to pay by a constable. After more than a decade and a half of legal battles over which personal injuries can be attributed to mold exposure, the parties liable for those injuries, and the extent to which mold is a health risk, controversies remain. The board of commissioners never signed off on the approval of the project and so drainage was never put in for the building, creating moisture and furthermore mold. I feel much better after being away from my apartment, even for a few hours. Seems to be a new mold word, Wow. I need compensation for all those months I stayed there in the heat and cold, with leakage and mold. In 2011 we noticed mold growing on the ceiling of our daughters bedroom, there was a leaky jacuzzi tub over top of our place. The roof leaked. This sounds like a clear case of negligence on the part of the buildings owner/manager. Me and my family also experience headaches, sneezing and coughing for no reason. And by the way, THERE WAS NO BATHROOM WINDOW, which was the only reason I decided on the smaller apartment. I will leave the website FYI. Stachybotrys chartarum often begins colonizing in specific areas, like alongside improperly sealed windows and ceilings. or sheet rock and exposed the shower pipes/hoses and I noticed a black spot but had no idea at the time what it was because I have never seen mold or anything like it before. Questions. So much water on the floor we had to use blankets to absorb the water to keep from getting our shoes wet. This includes heat and running water. Kept calling Ins. I am seeing a very good mold doctor, and want to get this story out, and lawsuits working on, I have photo proof of the mold, and once exposure got out there would be thousands of contractors coming forward. The management company refused to remediate the toxic mold, attempted to cover-up its existence, and sought to evict the tenants because the y complained to neighbors about . in got my samples back and results came back postive that is was the toxic mold and i was informed u need to vacat premises so i nhad to send my kids to grandparents because for past several months we have had several health problems my kids in and out of hospital missing school on tons of meds mental issues skin problems behavioral problems and many more all which are the result of being exposed to toxic mold and the landlord dont want to do the proper fixes or contact the right people so i did i contacted lawyers the news and doctors upon doctors i now am in the middle of a major law suit and advise anyone who is going through what i am contact the right people take pictures document everything from whom ever u spoke or speak to to things that r done time and date everything have it signed cover your butt on every corner make sure you log everything including phone calls.good luck to everyone going throu what i am i hope it all works out. They need to compensate me for what I went through as well. Recently they evicted the last tenants and sold the house to a long distance buyer. Inspector submitted his report and finding and recommendations to Ins. IgE will determine whether an individual has an allergy to, for example, mold, cats, dogs, horses, dust, etc. I get strange rashes all the time i have had a pain in my abdominal area for a couple years that wont go away and doctors cant figure out what it is. power of a group. If I move out and let them fix it improperly and then rent it to someone else who is unaware of the water damage I would feel responsible if anyone gets sick! Settlement: $7.2 million Only thing keeping me going right now is that I only have 4 months left on this lease. Mold in the path of water and living on the edges of the ice freezer when the ice is becoming frozen, to the pre dropping area is water that is ice coated in mold.. Oh, I dont bring ice from the ice machine anymore, but rather a newer machine below if and only if i have to and or from the convenience story or fast food soda machine.. but now i wonder about all ice machines. Im 46 years old and reside in Georgia. The landladys answer is to spray with bleach and call it good. we now have no bathroom floors and half a kitchen. Once again, they were at fault and i live in GA. Contact us at 714-660-4313. We also went a week without heat right before this all started happening. I have lived in my home for 18 months. A few years ago the 1st management company just painted over it. 4 to 5 weeks later the results came in and I was positive for Rhizopus mold, Aspergillus niger and some other mold but I cant remember the name of it. After searching the web I found many of the same complaints. Before purchasing, I inquired when I could have an inspection done. The mold came back. hi and my four year old daughter live in low income housing i resently had our apartment tested for mold and 84 percent aspergillus penicillum was found in my daughters roma and 43 percent in the kitchen me and my baby have been suffering in this apartment since we moved here in 09 my apartment mnager, is well aware of the problem but is going on every day as if its good for our health do i have legal grounds to file a suit. All were transplant patients. Im not sure what kind. We ran dehumidifiers, per landlords request, because she said there was a slight mold problem that could be cleared up after 6 weeks of running the machines. Ive made the landlord aware and he has seen the problem. Since my illness I still have severe sinusitis attacks, I now suffer allergies (which I never had until the mold), my memory is still very bad, my right side shakes uncontrollably at times (my left side does too but it happens to my right side more), I have severe muscle aches, severe anxiety. VERY VERY IMPORTANT!!!! This system is very old and depends on water to heat and cool the rooms. I myself have been through a similar situation where I informed the landlord via a signed letter of the presence of mold, the health implications, and the states laws regarding mold in rentals. After many calls to our landlord to fix the leak, nothing was done. My front door does leak when it rains. Ive been told by the doc and fire chief to move ASAP. They have been renting a house for a little over a year. I hated living there because of the mold and the leakage in the ceiling in the bathroom bedroom area. This is ruining my life! She stayed with a friend who has a timeshare there. Can we recoop our costs? My son and I have experienced severe headache and nausea . FacebookDanny C Hamrick. Filing a lawsuit does have some potential advantages for tenants. Depending on the extent of your mold-related illness and/or property losses, and your jurisdiction's dollar amount limits on claims, you may be able to resolve the issue in small claims court. Some are as follows: My oldest son has bad asthma and it has become worse since moving into the apartment. After going from doctor to doctor and being told it was in my head as lymph nodes were growing the size of lemons in my neck, armpits and groin, losing my hair, and multiple other symptoms I was becoming very frustrated. Was there before I moved in but the holes in the wall in between the oven and wall need to be filled in and all fixed up someday. If the landlord refuses to comply, you may be able to leave your lease early. Is this a law suit? We have tried more mold personal injury claims to verdict than any other law firm. When your landlord either delays or refuses to fix the mold problem, the health of you and your family are at risk and you can sue. I cannot even find out who the owner of the building is as there are about 20 ownersAny advice out there. I sent a letter to him today with pictures showing the problem. About half is fallen on us already. I would contact a lawyer also after the health inspector comes and writes up your landlord. Black mold is a type of fungus called Stachybotrys chartarum. Thank you in advance for any verbiage or ammunition you can give us as to fight with. Recently I have been having water damage in my home. This whole situation stemmed from a water heater that exploded and soaked her carpet 6 months ago. I have spoken with the neighbors and they told me that the woman that lived there before us was hospitalized due to mold inhalation. Finally, keep the place as dry as possible. In not trying to get rich, Im trying to get my medical bills taken care of and receive proper medical treatment which can be costly. My basement was finished improperly with paneling and plastic behind it. A few weeks ago, I cleaned out a closet to find mold. My mother had issues with her hip that are gone now, and in rehab she caught pneumonia, then heart issues and to another hospital and another rehab and then out to the affordable monthly hotel and she started to get better. My sons asthma came back after a few years of not having anything and we are having some mold related symptoms as well. When we went to court i brought pictures to show the judge and he said he couldnt look at them because we werent there for that. I have been living in my rented apartment for 4 months now and about two weeks after i moved in the window and wall in my bedroom began leaking due to the roof above leaking, I now have mold all over the wall and it is covering from ceiling to floor, I have contacted my property management agency on a regular basis for 3 months and absolutley nothing has been done. Thank you Kathy pirello. And other symptoms are seizure, coma, and psychiatric issues amd can cause permanent damage. Need a good lawyer, I won already against Board of Directors in HRTO, human rights ontario, Your comment is awaiting moderation. A few months later it happen again, was told the same thing and the insurance company repaired the damage. You can submit photos, videos, and documents as evidence. there was a little mold in the garage and we put in the lease that the landlord would have it fixed within 3 months. I rented a home for a year and became very sick flu like symptoms chronic ear infections it only got worse 2 trip to the Er ect. We have cleaned the surface mold with bleach and it keeps coming back. Please advise me what can be done legally. He didnt speak proper English (slang) and didnt even have a working phone number that accepted incoming calls. I need HELPPLEASE!!! it would also help you if you know your neighbors they hae to have the same problems as you. I am a Here is a link to the memo with the addendum:, 7. It is alleged that the insurance companies filed a declaratory relief action challenging coverage scheduled for trial in January. In May, the family of one of the deceased patients settled a wrongful death lawsuit against UPMC for $1.35 million. Family room, I thought it would be safe so I had some nice furniture and didnt put plastic under it. Shame on any landlord that ignores their responsibility to ensure the health & safety of their tenants. The next incident was just simply getting up off my bed to leave for work. If he would have actually fixed things (hardly ever did), and ON TIME, like he should have done, most likely none of this should even be happening. She literally told me she thought she had cancer the night before we put it together. 3 days after here return home she has lost her voice and her throat is very sore. Open windows (I know you already are) as much as possible (weather permitting). The commissioners presented a letter dating back to June 29, 2011 from Suites & Associates Architects addressed to Steed Robinson of the Georgia Department of Community Affairs Department, saying that parts of the base of the building would require a sump pump and could be a long term moisture problem.. I told the complex about it and they sent a maintenance man out who said it was mildew, he then RECAUKED the shower and said it was fine. The HOA hired private contractors to clean out condo below us that was full of black mold. I could not eat, the only thing that did not upset my stomach was ice cream. 5 Things to Look As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. When we rented moth balls were everywhere. I was having a hard time breathing, was disoriented, had a strong metallic taste in my mouth. I have heard that several residents reported they had complained about mold growing in their apartments but the management refused to do anything. And saying youll do something about it, youll do something about and then nothing happens isnt helping. I too have been exposed to Mold in Georgia and I am seeking a doctor for treatment most do not know how. Dr. asked about his living conditions and we told him we believe that there has been mold in the house for years. my 70 yr old mother just returned from a trip to Florida. Those issues continued while plaintiff remained a tenant at the apartment. Legally reviewed by Chris Meyers, Esq. I mean do we need to sell too???? Do I have a case here? Thanks Tina. our home insurance cant help us as the seller told him he did all the work. If it's a rental, the landlord may be held liable if it's determined they knew or should have known about the problem. Migrains, bronchitis, many, different effects happen to us when we are effected by mold. We asked in Feburary for the mold to be tested because we got suspicious. Manager sent his maintenance workers not certified nor licensed to treat mold/mildew sprayed some chemical on a spot in the ceiling near patio and applied AFTERSHOCK on the baseboards thru the apartment after I told them not to, it was done without my knowledge the manager said I had to leave out. Go to a doctor if possible and get tested for toxic mold I didnt kno I was even sick for almost two years and by the time I had symptoms and then its too late. They did not properly tarp or vent my roof. Ive been living in HUD apartment for over a year now, Ive complained to the apartments numerous of times about the mold. He had it in his brain and it is a silent killer. To quote one pro in the industry If a mold expert would team up with a journalist to expose the dangerous cost-cutting game the nationals and banks are playing in relation to mold, then maybe wed see some progress. children, which are my two sons have been complaining about breathing problems at night and I believe it could be due to the mold. Ice Mold. it could be severe ezcema. OR Ask a question to our mold experts! Make sure everyone knows about this. The wood above our ceilings is rotted and black in the crawl space where it has been leaking. Patio door/front door would get saturated with water ODOR increased, immediately notified manager of complex he would have the company that cleans the carpets for the complex come to extract the water and shampoo that carpet. My mother shares a wall with a small (cant call it an alleyway cause its not big enuf) area that runs between the houses and her bedroom window with a window AC unit are on that same wall. What are my options here? Im sorry second to the last sentence ( It doesnt have to be toxic mold). I understand our mattress is no good now as well. Another ended up with a skin rash after helping me deliver my baby in my home. ~James, I need some one who can help me and my family please igot mold in my kids room I find out during spring time that mold was in my son room I move in dec2012 we didnt know mold was in this house landlord lie to me she painting over the mold once spring came my wife start sme lling sewer and went it rains the walls get wet no vent in bathroom and my son room I told landlord severaltimes my son got very sick doctor say his test came back pos of mold in blood I need a lawyer please help me my phone 7088784053 my wife 4063 my elbert garner my veronica icant afford to moved but my kids health come first this hurt right now I seal the room with plastic for now. but, today we had a rain and our entire house was flooded. Havent been able to get ahold of the supervisor. I love my apt. keep your mouth closed until youknow what your dealing with. I work for a state agency. I dont know if I should tell the complex about it again, just to have them cover it up or what I should do please help me. Settlements also sidestep the considerable legal costs involved in such cases, such as medical experts and lab testing. As such, Californian landlords are required, by law, to provide tenants with a written disclosure when the landlord is aware of present mold in the rental home. Yes it is much easier in the short run to stay in denial and hope it all goes away, but that is not going to happen. The house is over 100 years old. Severe headaches, daily By FindLaw Staff | Also, the houses foundation and wood features are cracked and easily break. The landlords insurance company had mold specialists out also and they refuse to show me or my family the results. My daughter, a teacher, was move into a mobile classroom for this coming school year, we noticed a distant smell and found mold on her things that had been in the room for only a few weeks. Im 24 years old and moved here approx two years ago When my mother, stepfather, and I relocated here for his work, we were put in an extended stay motel called Studio 6. During this time renovations were being done on the property so we were moved from one building into another when our building was being done.. Ive only cleaned it once-not to be unclean-but to stop from ruining it anymore-and NO I DIDNT use any cleaners, just water-cant get the dirt to go down the drain if the bath mat is there-thats where most of the paint is gone, underneath ir. There was a big gap in the side of the window sill for my windows behind my bed that got filled in. Our bedroom ceiling fell down once again due to water damage. Im your tenant, you need to tell me when, and if things are going to take a while to get fixed and WHY. My maintenance man recently came to check for leaks in my bathroom. DONT LET ANYONE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE IN THIS AREA. The Federico's attorney argued afterwards that these verdicts were inconsistent and he plans to seek post-verdict relief. We are trying to find another place to live ASAP, but my daughter,husband & I are very sick. I saw some legal counsel who looked at the situation and told me that I have the right to intern refuse the rent and give it to a contractor or myself is qualified to perform the necessary repairs in order to make the structure livable. So he ordered the manager to clean baseboards then he would re-inspect. 3 of us worked in a mold and mildew office 2 of us developed new adult onset asthma. How Mold Lawsuit Settlements Work For homeowners and renters, settlements avoid the uncertainty of a jury verdict, especially considering the complexity of proving fault. I moved into a condemned house and am being harassed so BAD- while homeless, terminally ill, unemployed (worked from home) in heat advisories, tornadoes PLEASE locate me- CONTACT ME!!!! All you have to do is determine whether you have a genuine case, write a demand letter to your landlord, prepare evidence, and present your case in a small claims court. To live ASAP, but my daughter, husband & I are very sick sealed and. At the apartment my bathroom easily break and by the doc and fire chief to move ASAP very! The Federico 's attorney argued afterwards that these verdicts were inconsistent and plans! Photos, videos, and documents as evidence that ignores their responsibility to ensure health. Same thing and the leakage in the ceiling in the side of the deceased patients settled a death... Contact a lawyer also after the health & safety of their tenants sealed windows and ceilings the sill. Also experience headaches, sneezing and coughing for no reason he ordered the manager clean! Water or Freon from the A.c. any who the walls are moldy I cleaned out a closet to mold!, they may cover water damage and mold soaked her carpet 6 months ago the. 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