Samson and Nair are not the only Keralites in IPL. The house has a quadrangle in the center. Yh and don't forget the notion that EVERY parent was the class toppper , random person wearing a sunglass or shorts or something, I am personally better than the others, enna oru ith. racists, any malayalee that marries non malayalee is attacked, spat upon, their family threatened. [105] The historian Elamkulam Kunjan Pillai attributes the birth of Kalaripayattu to an extended period of warfare between the Cheras and the Cholas in the 11th century CE. Devil's own people - Malayaleesdescribes them in one line. If you had got an iota of it you would have proved it and silenced your critics. Generally Indians from other parts of the country think that malayalis are sissys or timid characters who could be steamrolled or bulldozed into submission at the first hint of a fight. How can someone be convincing to a tefloan coated pimp in a blog and who is convincing you .You are a vermon of the same kind.You want logic what am i writing you fucker a algorithm for showing how malyalees behave .Maybe you can convert into a logical algorithm ''how to prove that behaving dirty is right ''by the malyali scum bag .I am naratting experinces to you of your dirty kind after seein what truth othes have written about dirty fuckers like you .In 12 years when i have seen your kind live in denial of there dirty actions out here there is no question of me attempting to convince a dirty malayli.My inputs from my experience are for every non malyali who visits this site to find out abt malyalees is that not to trust or marry a malyalee female .Any caste female is good kannadiga , tamil , gujarati , punjabi , sindhi , marathi all are fine but stay away from the disease called malyalee .More trichur stories to come dont worry you arshole , people dont want malyalees around the for no reason .People dont ban malyalees from there countries for no reason . It is mainly conducted during the season of the harvest festival Onam in Autumn. However, the consent of the eldest female member of the family was taken before implementing the decisions. Performing arts in Kerala is not limited to a single religion of the Malayali society. Its on a whole another level here. It is passed from generations to use the body for personal benefit .One should hunt such females down and kill them thats what i feel .Every community girl is great Marathi , gujarati , sindhi tamil punjabi but not malyalee prostitutes !! Every community is a product of millions of years of evolution. [18] The state of Kerala was created in 1956 through the States Reorganisation Act. Oh, you are a mallu? When I look at the disgusting shitty looking smelly kannadiga and tamil monkeys I feel like vomiting. 1 talking about this. And last but not the least, you know Malabar is only a part of Kerala and you are wrong to call keralites as Malabaries, this shows your ignorance of the Geo-political facts. The question stemmed out of my own experiences dealing with my fellow lads in a different land, and your comment about the Gulf colonization is a direct claim against this. Q. The 12 Keralites are worth nearly $20 billion (Dh73.46bn), and form 26 per cent of the Top 50 list of Richest Indians with an estimated wealth of nearly $60bn (Dh220.38bn), reflecting the southern. [107], This article is about the ethnic group. only place outside indonesia where i saw Gay sex was practiced openly. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. another observation from It was a revelation for me to know that we Indians ourselves are such a divided lot. Vallam Kali, is the race of country-made boats. Besides, the Malayalee citizens in Malaysia are estimated to be 229,800 in the year 2020 whereas the population of the Malayalee expatriates is approximately 2,000. The same old banal stuff that this is typical malayali behavior. Oh boy! Ettukettu (eight halls with two central courtyards) or Pathinarukettu (sixteen halls with four central courtyards) are the more elaborate forms of the same architecture. WE ARE PEACEFULL WE HATE WAR, SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE BEFORE YOU STUPID DUMB PEOLPLE ON THIS SITE CAUSE WORLD WAR THREE ONLY THIS TIME IT NOT THE WORLD IT ONLY RACIST, TWISTED CAST SYTEMS OF INDIA ITS SELF. Remember that if you are pointing a finger at someone three fingers are pointing at you. As I told you before human behaviour is a wonderful mechanism that has been programmed to function in a particular way with clockwork precision and accuracy. But supposing your version of the story is true there is still a larger issue involved. It is fast coming. There ego depends on how much they derogate their wives and insult their families and relatives.these guys have personality issues maybe bcoz their parents marriage also was filled with fights.and they have grown seeing their parents fight.Ppl marry even 10 yr old guys and alter horoscope to get married to wealthy families and some ppl love and marry the ones who they think r perfect for them to only awaken to the worst nightmare of their lives. So dear Friend, we do not apologise for our success, whether you like us or not, we are full of sympathies for you because your fishermen, labourers, artisans do not dare to come out of their villages, because they are illiterates, our men are not, they dare to come out and challenge themselves, become successful. Dude, the soft porn industry does not exist in Kerala alone. now this guy has been picking up his tail and making fights with his wife only to say to her that he wants to marry he same caste female and remove his guilt complex..i guess the wife should dump him and go with her kid rather than bear his atrocities and blackmailing and torture.a person lives in shit and thinks shit and the people who come to his house will obviously bear the shit anyway which he is giving out. they and their filthy accent and rotten attitude towards everyone else. [50] The prose literature, criticism, and Malayalam journalism, began following the latter half of 18th century CE. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Especially kannadigas are gutter insects, low life blood sucking parasites. Why don't you start your own community blog or is it that none knows your faceless nameless community. This is another level altogether. They originate from the south of the current Indian state of Kerala. Malayalis all don't have this one, uniform culture when it comes to inter personal relationships.People from some regions of Kerala are a lot more trustworthy and helpful than others. It has to carry its own cross. Today they control the gold, prostitution, drugs and alcohol trade in kerala, racists, syrian christian men have sex with different women of different ethnic groups then they go and marry their own.18. Film music of Kerala in particular is the most popular form of music in the state.[97]. Malyalees get out of mangaloreyou guys are making it a slumit was so cosmopolitan beforesee whats happening nowyou want to get your blooody communist ideology in Mangalore.Bastards get out of Mangalore Malyalees better sit and shit in kerala dont try your cheap tricks in mangalore..Dakshina kannadai once worked for a Malyalee companythey are so fucking racists because we are non-malyalees and they want to be treated wellbastards..i will kick you out of Karnataka. In fact my advice to tamil and kannadiga females is not to marry the ugly black monkeys of your community. It actually means that subconciously or conciously you were not able to understand the root mechanism at work. Malayalees have been mostly nice to me so far. Third highest crime rate in India20. Maharajah Chithira Thirunal is the only King of Travancore not to have conducted Hiranyagarbham or Tulaapurushadaanam as he considered these as an extremely costly ceremonies. [86] The setting of the building in the open garden plot was again necessitated by the requirement of wind for giving comfort in the humid climate. Malayalees. I will take my own case. When indians celebrate their victories in cricket matches i always take that with a pinch of salt. Not that this is bad, but at times we need to go out there and help. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Latest Trending. I knew then she was going to sack me. But she was not his daughter. THERE IS A SAYING WHICH IS UNIVERSALLY ACCEPTED " NEVER TRUST A MALAYALEE " MALAYALEE = SOB'S = BASTARDS = PARASITES = ASSHOLE HUNT ALL MULLUS AND KILL THEM HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA, I hate Malayalees . I came from indonesai andstayed at sasthemengalam in thiruvanapuram,kerala. I think if you are knowledgeable and can articulate your thoughts fluently in polite language then we can discuss this whole issue threadbare. I feel the same. So they prefer to emigrate out. What was the need for him to marry a malayali girl when there were so many sati savitiris in his community. This is an artistic adaptation of the martial art of Kerala, Kalaripayattu. Mohiniyattam is a very sensual and graceful dance form that is performed both solo and in a group by women. some people need an enemy in their lifeto keep them going. I feel it's true to some extent. All his works are written between 1829 and 1870. Why should we Tamils bear the brunt of it", "Malayalees are cut throats, They will slit our throats and drink our blood. If you are so sure that there are a lot of indians who hate malayalees then your job will be easier. The Skanda Purana mentions the ecclesiastical office of the Thachudaya Kaimal who is referred to as Manikkam Keralar (The Ruby King of Kerala), synonymous with the deity of the Koodalmanikyam temple. think of the mentality of the person who will come to a mallu site to swear at them..with the excuse of warning others. Malayalis seem to form a clique wherever they go. mayalee public are outright black mailing people ,they literally thrust there own decisions on you and force you to do what they want .i was literally forced into agreeing to marrige dates by my malyalee inlaws .my wife resorted to black mail to get house by abusing my family members and shouting torture ,in order to extract more money from me and my parents .i am amazed howcan some female shout torture and yet say give me this thing give me that thing .Real dirty people these malyalee chaps are .One should not marry or associate with them .Best left to there own community . Report. Of all the places you found a malayali blog.You filthy hideous looking bastard do you seriously think that your pathetic abuses can touch our raw nerves. And looking back at the comments made by some malayali haters it sure must have been disappointing to them when they found that malayalis are willing and more than capable of matching wits for wits. I was at home in library it is where I spent most of my schools days away for bullies. Maybe you can that for mallus who have been born and brought inside kerala and again that is only when they are interacting with other mallus. Christians, majority of the Muslims, and some Hindu castes such as the Namboothiris and some Ezhavas follow makkathayam, a patrilineal system. !i have been married to a malyaleeand i know how 3rd rate these people are .Using black mail tactics to take out money and not to do any work is there characteristics . Such bastards should be thrown in the sea.they cant think beyond there stupid community and there language .they are scum bags who when they go to a clean pond instead of becoming clean start the process of makin the pond dirty .dirty people with dirty minds thats what malyalees are sitting and sniping bad abt other communities thinkin that they are dropped from sky when they are nothing but rotten shit people whom no one wants to be around with .i have to stay with such a malayali day in and day out for my kid .and see my child become a dirty malyali one of those dirty devils. High suicide rate, where people take things too extreme "love of family and expectations" vs "personal desires", well, many countries are family oriented, but not this extreme. When I came to tamil nadu, i saw that tamilians hated malyalis the most. We mallus don't expect others to come to our help. [95] The significance of music in the culture of Kerala can be established just by the fact that in Malayalam language, musical poetry was developed long before prose. See all. Agreed we are cut throat and cunning, but so is everybody in the madhouse called India. Criminal mentality, in front smile in back lust and spread rumours4. Yet you must also allow for the fact that there are rare human beings who can indeed rise above their nature and all that it entails. Wars are fought, but at least both sides are given the chance to fight. Let that demented fellow post some video or a link to a video where he says this openly to the face of a malayalee. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Music formed a major part of early Malayalam literature, which is believed to have started developing by 9th century CE. Jai Hind. Malaylis will not touch the people of your community with even a 100 feet long bargepole. These people are third rate bastards, filthy gutter insects. San Diego Malayalees, is a charity organization for promoting cultural, ethnic and artistic traditions and values of the South Indian State of. You revealed your true persona when you said that you were not smart enough to handle the wiles of your wife. You have the intelligence of a pre schooler and the emotional maturity that would put even a pre teen to shame.No wonder your wife must have been fed up of handling an overgrown kid. Marathi and kannadiga females are third class dirty filthy whores who can be gotten for dirt cheap rates. 190 talking about this. My parents were humiliated in front of all relatives . Highest rate of sexual abuse, child abuse.12. spices like black pepper, cardamom and clove are used profusely. (shows the sexual perversion of their ancestors)17. he has thrown away his educated wife more than 3 times out of the house and once when she was pregnant and made life hell for her. And by the way let me ask you one question. Ok it doesnt matter by what name I call you because a pig will always be a pig by whatever name you call it. only friends these malyalee rascals have are other malyalee from there stupid samajams where the fuckers however educated they are only bitch abt others.and malyalee females other then other malyalee friends will have only have males as freinds coz when u allow people to squeeze your tits you will have a line of fuckers stand outside your home and you call them friends .all are nothing but prostitutes. Sarpam Thullal is usually performed in the courtyard of houses having snake shrines. Seems that your hatred for malayalis has acquired pathological dimensions. Love is two way.2. [42] The earliest known literary works in Malayalam are Ramacharitam and Thirunizhalmala, two epic poems written in Old Malayalam. G- Gold. It is very sad to see mallus giving a timid response to the arrogant kannadigas and tamilians and to the racist north indians. From my personal expereince i will say never ever marry a malyalee female , sleep with her take her around coz all of this type but dont marry them and spoil your and your family and kids lives . They drive each other to depression, drinking and suicide rates by "sharp and cutting words".Blackmailing sentences, sounds, mockery11. The only backstabbers are backstabbers cause that's their personality. 491-493. harvnb error: no target: CITEREFMcKibben2006 (, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFLindberg2004 (, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFGovernment_of_Kerala2002b (, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFGovernment_of_Kerala2004r (, Phillip B. Zarrilli, When the Body Becomes All Eyes, Last edited on 27 February 2023, at 16:48, "Detailed Languages Spoken at Home and Ability to Speak English for the Population 5 Years and Over: 2009-2013", "The People of Australia: Statistics from the 2011 Census", "In the Australia, 18% of people spoke a language other than English at home in 2011", "India-born Malayalam-speaking community in Australia: Some interesting trends", "Census Profile, 2016 Census - Canada [Country] and Canada [Country]", "Singapore Malayalee Association 100th Anniversary", "Welcome to - Indian Malayalees in Japan- Japan malayalees, Malayali, Keralite, Tokyo", "Vest 31.12. A Malayali Mom, a stereotype-infused mindset about North Indians, an intense bargaining session, and a submissive green eyed genie; this is what we call a mixed bag of aw moments, hearty laughs and. Then it becomes a clique and then they talk trash about the country's citizens and other things. Obsession to Gold and White dress- Generally, White clothes are worn during mourning or funeral, but in Kerala the thing is totally different. Zachariah, K. C. & Rajan, S. Irudaya (2011), Chandra Mallampalli, Christians and Public Life in Colonial South India, 18631937: Contending with Marginality, RoutledgeCurzon, 2004, p. 30. Temples were built to honour these deities. She said the are letting me go because I was not confident which a lie was because I never felt more confident in my life. Self righteous behaviour. I genuinely cringe when seeing comments like " ", Poking their noses into other people's lives (leading to "naattukaarenthu vicharikkum"), This is exactly the reason why I killed my ammavan ,good riddance, I think that's an Indian thing, right? [21] As per the 1991 census data, 28.85% of all Malayalam speakers in India spoke a second language and 19.64% of the total knew three or more languages. [28][29] Al-Biruni (9731048CE) is the first known writer to call this country Malabar. Love is two way.2. Won't such kind of posts create anti national feelings in the minds of the new generation of malayalees. By expressing to the world how you became a victim makes you less manly hahaha then what makes you manly sitting and oggling at females like starved bastards in kerala or drinking and running away to dubai or having your female sleep around with every guy to get contracts and more money .If guys are less manly then who is manly the average Malyali male whose wife is sleeping with half the town .Some people are scared cowards with there own old parents or kids whom females like u and ur like keep as hostage to get your demands met or threaten there old parents with consequences .So guys like me are not manly to go and kill a female like u immediately .hence one spells it out on such blogs .and my community is indian Ms or Mr arshole coz i dont speak my own communitys mothertongue only coverse in english and hindi and marathi all my state and national languages unlike u malyalis i dont go abt using my own regional language in front of others .But fucker malyalis like u ,like in my house will want inter community marriges but want to thrust your stupid malyali language and culture on other people and there kids .thats your hypocricy got it thats ur dirty attitute .Its not my community guys who should not be married or married to .its people like you and ur malyali kind who cant integrate in other communities who should not marry cross community.My abuses are my frustration to a group of malyalis and there characteristics that i hav ebeen facing since 11 years right from the day of marrige .i am not ashamed to abuse coz thats the only thing i can do abuse on the net .Unlike dirty bastards like you filth on this earth who abuse elders of other community in person .who said people dont get conned never have you or your family person been pickpocted or swindled does that make your family member a moron or just less smart then the conman .thats how it is here gettin conned by a whore doesnnt bring down my level it just makes me less smarter then the whore at there work .Thats why here i am laying my expereinces and informing others that characteristics mentioned abt do exist and i will inform every instance in upcoming days .So arsholes like you should know what u and ur community members are like and why they are hated by all the north indians and south indians like . Even after being u/thatFag , that's incredibly an achievement. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. An average malayali cannot but be a malayali and that is the case with every community. An example of a Nalukettu structure is Mattancherry Palace.[87]. Third highest crime rate in India20. Look at this poor guy he came to this site with all the standard stock abuses that are hurled at malayalis like malayali women being sluts, men being pimps and drunkards blah blah etc. [58][59][60][61][62] Later, writers like O. V. Vijayan, Kamaladas, M. Mukundan, Arundhati Roy, and Vaikom Muhammed Basheer, have gained international recognition. Disagree with a malayalee, then see what happens = emotional drama5. Another one is that Malayalis shit about people behind their back and smiling in front of them. These digusting scoundrels are known to haggle with customers to sell their slutty females. Sopanam is traditionally sung by men of the Maarar and Pothuval community, who are Ambalavasi (semi-Brahmin) castes engaged to do it as their hereditary profession. In fact having a sharp tongue is considered to be a manly quality by many mallus. I couldn't help but notice the tone of sarcasm in you when you said that it is the nature of malayalees to fight with a smile on their lips. everyone in a poor country like India is greedy. Kerala is musically known for Sopanam. This nation gave me immense pain. They found that malayalis are more than willing and capable to match them in their mind games. Hindus should have thrown them into the sea the moment they landed on the beaches of kerala in 300 AD. You come to this blog with all the pretense of a messiah or a prophet or as a self appointed messenger of god who wants to share his revealed wisdom with everyone. Instead to the utter disappointment and dismay of malayali haters they find malayalis standing tall and erect, cool, composed and unruffled. This boat race is one of the most popular Vallam Kali in Kerala. The Malayali people (Malayalam pronunciation:[mlji]; also spelt Malayalee and sometimes known by the demonym Keralite) are an Indo-Aryan ethnolinguistic group originating from the present-day state of Kerala in India, occupying its southwestern Malabar coast. I was a misfit everywhere and that is why I am not a nationalist. [75][76] Though the script originated and developed in Kerala, today it is predominantly used in Malaysia and Singapore by the migrant Muslim community.[77][78]. But I must add that I find myself instinctively banking on keeping some distance with the people I meet from home residing here. I- Inside the train that lady was punjabi, jelous devious old hag.Therefore, when you sick, disgusting, low life people write all the crap you have just written your REALLY TALKING ABOUT YOUR SELVES. Don't get me wrong but we are not used to taking the comments of hyenas and snakes seriously. According to A. R. Raja Raja Varma, Malayalam was the name of the place, before it became the name of the language spoken by the people.[23]. It seems using abusive language is part of your community's culture. Pig. such an open society, not even in america. mjo2000. The Chau Dance of Bengal The state is divided into thousands and thousands of castes SWAMI VIVKENANDA called kerala lunatic asylum of castes. You didn't mean that when you said that we are disturbed by your comments did you? So Mr. Vulgarmouth or should I call you Mr. Foulmouth. The southern style, which stresses the importance of hand-to-hand combat, is slightly different than Kalari in the north. 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