There were also other forms of monastic life, but they were more or less eccentric in comparison with the two main types and sometimes led to abuse. We each hunger to make a meaningful contribution to our world. Obedience means "to listen intently," and this vow is undertaken in a spirit of faith and love in following Christ who was obedient to the will of the Father. Benedictine monastics make a three-fold commitment to stability, conversion (conversatio), and obedience. Benedictine prayer has several characteristics that make more for a spirituality of awareness than of consolation. defines the leader of a Benedictine community is not being head of an institution but being in relationship with all the members. Successful organizational . BARTH, KARL (18861968), Swiss Reformed theologian, described by Pope Pius XII as the greatest theologian since Thomas Aquina, A term used to cover a literally bewildering variety of states of mind. Since Benedict was a monk, the spirituality which is based on his rule, is fundamentally monastic. For most of us, though, stability can have a figurative element beyond our experience with a [], 2023 Benedictine Center of St. Pauls Monastery, Core Values: Benedictine Spirituality (Part 1 of 3), Prayer and Community: Benedictine Spirituality (Part 2 of 3) - Benedictine Center, Lectio Divina and Preferring Christ: Benedictine Spirituality (Part 3 of 3) - Benedictine Center, My Day with the Sacred Fire | Benedictine Center, Saturated with Peace: Experiencing Personal Retreat | Benedictine Center, Wholehearted Living as the Lamed Vav | Benedictine Center, Practicing Sustained Lectio Divina | Benedictine Center, What Discernment Means to Me | Benedictine Center, Sabbath: Well-being, Not Endless Work | Benedictine Center, Moderation and Rhythm: A Benedictine Help Against Social Isolation | Benedictine Center, Stability: The Benedictine Value of Locatedness | Benedictine Center, The Erector Set: Adapting to Others | Benedictine Center, Sharper: Benedict's Tools for Good Works | Benedictine Center, The Benedictine Commitment to Learning | Benedictine Center, We Dare To Hope (Part 1 of 2) | Benedictine Center, We Dare To Hope (Part 2 of 2) | Benedictine Center, Life, A Continuous Advent | Benedictine Center, Rooted in Love: My Sustained Lectio Divina | Benedictine Center, Just Wave: Following that Holy Nudge | Benedictine Center. He simply organized a form of cenobitic life in complete conformity with the demands of the monastic vocation, which is but integral Christian life. Core Islamic Beliefs: Six Articles of Faith. Poet/Writer. What calls us to attention? What are the characteristics of Benedictine spirituality? Focus Our Eyes on God and His Word For Saint Benedict, the Word of God was of central importance. The concept that we are not above nature but are part of it, stems from the practice of humility, of knowing who we are, how we are, and to whom we belong. When a monk is aware of his own littleness, he is not driven to satisfy his own ego more than his true needs. Life in Benedictine monasteries was also deeply influenced by the clericalization of many of the monks and the episcopal ordination of many abbots. Brendan Rolling, OSB of St Benedicts Abbey of Atchison, Kansas, Sister Joan tells us that a Benedictine lifestyle is an an oasis of human peace. It is regular, converting, reflective, and communal. Impact. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. Perhaps the most useful definition is that given by Jean gerson: "Theologia m, Omnipotence is derived From the Latin omnis (all) and potens (capable of making or producing). In this article, Benjamin Schfer, who calls himself an intercessory musicianary, blog theologian, and pilgrim on the narrow road of learning to love, writes in depth about ways to foster awareness of God. Benedictine obedience is ultimately directed not to other humans or to ourselves, but through the agency of others and the deepest yearnings of our own hearts, in love, to God. Every four months, we begin again at the beginningso we read the Rulethree times every year. By integrating their prayer and work, they manifest Christ's presence in society.". Successful organizational leaders practice self-mastery and teamwork. Ancient Tradition. 0000000016 00000 n Finding God in All Things. Among the many available lists of core Benedictine values, I find that of Saint Johns Abbey to be one of the most helpful. Being poor with the poor has characterized many religious from the time of the Middle Ages, but Benedictines, because of their cenobitic life and their cultural inheritance, are often rich. The School of Benedictine Spirituality is willing to help people enhance their spirituality, which is claimed to be a search for the sacred that is seen as "a blend of humanistic psychology with mystical and esoteric traditions and eastern religions aimed at personal well-being and personal development" ( Benedictine spirituality, 2013, par . a. de vog, The Rule of Saint Benedict: A Doctrinal and Spiritual Commentary (Kalamazoo 1983). Im interested in connecting person-to-person with others who share my values, who want to participate with me in building a meaningful network of relationships that will serve to support us on our spiritual journey. All monks are by definition "solitaries," for this is the original meaning of their name, which comes from the Greek word monachos, derived from monos, to which corresponds the Latin solus (alone). Lynne Smith elaborates, All this service is sacred and to be done with reverence service is seen as a form of prayer, a way of seeking God. This practice is also linked inextricably to gratitude, as we give thanks for the ways we can serve and for those who serve us. This is a life devoted to the "Benedictine values of community, consensus, peace, balance, hospitality, humility, simplicity and care of the planet in our daily lives," Judith Valente writes in an article for Global Sisters Report. No one thingprayer, work, rest, studywas to be done in the extreme. There is a temptation to complicate it, to . In this article, I have merely collected and summarized what other, more experienced Benedictines have taught and published. It is a matter of self-respect and purpose which we see clearly in the changing nature of retirement. It shows itself in the way (emphasis mine) you put up with the many things of your daily life, sickness, death, war, persecution, mishaps and misfortunes of every kind. In other words, without awareness of God and without gratitude, indeed, without the interweaving of all these practices into our lives, patience cannot exist. About oblates, the Benedictine order says: "Oblates seek God by striving to become holy in their chosen way of life. In the East it dates back to the 3rd century with St. Anthony, and in the West to the 4th century with St. Martin and other founders of monasteries. Augustinian Spirituality does not take us out of the world (into the . Belief in One God: The most important teaching of Islam is that only God is to be served and worshipped. That is why the ministry of hospitality is such an important part of the Benedictine heritage. His books includeGratefulness,A Listening Heart, and most recently, a new autobiography,i am through you so. He was the son of a noble and grew up in Rome. Benedictines believe that the Christian life is best lived not through the extremes of any harsh religious asceticism but in the daily context of good, balanced life in community. In contemporary society, Christian spirituality is generally defined as a set of beliefs, values, and way of life that reflect the teachings of the Bible, the holy book of Christianity. Obedience is a concept 21st-century souls dont generally like to consider. What gives the Rule of Benedict its exceptional quality has commonly been called its "discretion," in the double sense of the word: discernment and moderation. It includes reading, reflecting, responding to and resting in the Word of God not in a scholarly way, not to make a sermon to preach to others, but simply to nourish and deepen our own relationship with the Divine. Retrieved February 22, 2023 from You can learn more about her in her Living Spiritual Teachers Project profile. is an herbal liqueur produced in France. Benedictine spirituality is a fresh alternative in an increasingly fast-paced world. j. chittister, The Rule of Benedict: Insights for the Ages (New York 1992). Benedictine hospitality is not some broad pedagogical idea. Balance is less about achieving perfect equilibrium than it is a pendulum which continuously swings back toward a central point. In Benedict's rule, humility is not the same as humiliations, for humiliations degrade the person. That kind of movement toward moderation is especially important as we live the open and complex questions. This listening is not merely an intellectual or rational activity; it is intuitive, springing from the very core of the monk's being where he is most open to God and most open to the word of life that God speaks. If he persists in this state, atheism truly becomes a way of life. Benedict reminds us of our priorities: prayer, contemplation, balance and the importance of everything we do. 4qAB0Lfb+ ``v@ BK j In other words, the core of Franciscan spirituality is the universal call to holiness that all women and men receive at baptism. Fr. In chapter 72 of the rule, Benedict encourages his monks to be zealous, "supporting with the greatest patience one another's weaknesses of body and behavior, and earnestly competing in obedience to one another. They are all intertwined. But for all, the ideal has remained "solitude of heart" with God, guaranteed by the "order of charity" in the community institution. The Benedictine practice of service to others is intimately entwined with the reverence for all creation, and another of the great foundations of Benedictine spirituality. The Benedictine practice of Liturgical prayer is one of Benedictine spiritualitys most visible, unmistakable hallmarks. Benedict called this lifelong process conversatiomorum or conversion of life. For more information, fill out the form below or contact: Mary Catherine Holicky, OSB. We are women and men for and with others, hearing both the cry of the . St. Benedicts chapter on humility is one of the longest in the, The Benedictine practice of Liturgical prayer is one of Benedictine spiritualitys most visible, unmistakable hallmarks. 0000002192 00000 n 4. Only after we have come to understand our desires are we capable of relinquishing them in service of others. One of the primary characteristics of a spiritual person is openness. A crucial confessor and teacher for Ignatius very early in his spiritual journey was a French monk, Fr. The Ten Hallmarks of Benedictine Education. Hence he is able to receive others in the community, including guests, with kind consideration. This springs from a desire to please God, or to seek God, as the Rule puts it (chapter 58). Within the Cite this article tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. The rule invites the monk to recognize the presence of God in his life, a presence which is neither gained or won or achieved but simply given. It is that same balance that has made it attractive today to those countless lay men and women who are not living vowed lives in a monastery but who are associated with Benedictine monasteries as oblates attempting to live their lives in the secular world according to the spiritual values set out in the rule. It may be an old liqueur but it has a well-deserved place in the modern bar. How are you being called to participate in Gods work of reconciliation, healing, and in shaping structures that support values like these. Awareness of God In Benedictine practice we acknowledge the primacy of God and look for God in the ordinary events of each day. One of the primary functions of the various monastic structures is to provide conditions in which the monks can concentrate on learning the art of listening. Hence they are rich compared with many who come to the monastery for help. Benedictines say mindfulness is as much as a Christian and biblical concept as it is a Buddhist one. Benedict reminds us of our priorities: prayer, contemplation, balance and the importance of everything we do. to the Rule is a good way to summarize the goal of Benedictine spirituality and prayer. Successful organizational leaders practice self-mastery and teamwork. Music students practice their instruments. In his blog Benedictine Monks, Fr. Consequently he accepts the services and ideas of others, the gifts of life, and community. When I consider Benedictine hospitality, I like to extend this notion to the dialogues we initiate with those of other religious and spiritual backgrounds, especially with non-Christians. Gymnasts do routines, yoga students practice poses, swimmers practice strokes, and tennis players practice their serves. The Prologue through RB 7 are a foundational primer; RB 8-20 speak of liturgical prayer; RB 20-67 include teachings for the common life; and RB 68-72 offer a theology of monastic life with an emphasis on love (Prayer and Community: The Benedictine Tradition. What does it mean for us to learn contentment with living simply? The event will bring together sisters, monks, oblates, and Benedictine staff, as well as nonreligiously affiliated Millennials interested in contemplative . This pattern of sharing is a basic characteristic of a cenobitic community. In Benedictine practice we acknowledge the primacy of God and look for God in the ordinary events of each day. It appeared little by little wherever the Church took root, a spontaneous manifestation of the Holy Spirit urging Christians to become monks in response to the counsel given by Jesus in the Gospel: "If you wish to be perfect, go, sell your possessions , follow me " (Mt 19.21). Saint Clare of Assisi (16 July 1194 - 11 August 1253, born Chiara Offreduccio and sometimes spelled Clara, Clair, Claire, Sinclair, etc.) The monk needs time along and needs time in community. In contrast to monks who fled the world to encounter God in solitude, St. Benedict's Rule was written to guide communities in living elemental aspects of Christianitysuch as shared meals, shared prayer, and shared work. While everyone has their values and principles, the spiritual person knows that one-size does not fit all. Im interested in connecting person-to-person with others who share my values, who want to participate with me in building a meaningful network of relationships that will serve to support us on our spiritual journey. Interviewed by Krista Tippett for her podcast On Being, Brother David talks about gratitude as the true wellspring of joy. New Catholic Encyclopedia. d. rees et al., Consider Your Call: A Theology of Monastic Life Today (Kalamazoo 1978). Bibliography: Marked for Life: Prayer in the Easter Christ (London 1979). Much research has been devoted to this topic, ranging from practical to academic. Closely related to both listening and humility is the virtue of obedience. A devoted monk, he established the Rule of Benedict. But it also requires that he let go of false expectations concerning others. Saint Gregory has written that Saint Benedict, in entering his solitude, had no other desire than "to please God alone", "soli Deo placere desiderans." These simple words, better than any others, explain the monastic vocation. There was societal chaos and political dissatisfaction and we might wish that the conditions of those times did not sound so familiar to our modern ears. In 1887 Pope Leo XIII, who was enamored of the Benedictines, reestablished the College of Saint Anselm in Rome. The first word of the Rule of Benedict is Listen. The Benedictine practice of listening is the heart of Benedictine spirituality, for not only are we instructed to listen constantly to one another in community, to leaders, to guests, to the sick, to our inner selves, and most of all, to God, we must also attend to [what we hear] with the ear of the heart. As Good Samaritan Sister Clare Condon writes, Listening with the ear of the heart can be a scary experience because it can call me to radical change, to a transformation of my limited human perspective. This is the key to Benedict's whole spiritual teaching. The rule did not become a text of the past or a dead document; rather it continued to live and to vivify, but its very fecundity, its inexhaustible youthfruits of its discretionexplain how it was able to inspire different realizations. Strong communities embrace stability and are open to necessary change. Having the mind of a beginner, being receptive to starting anew, starting fresh, starting overthis, too, is a Benedictine practice. Benedict's Rule and Spirituality. Fr. A monk should be above all a good listener. At the heart of his contemplative tradition are values which are directly opposed to blindness, materialism, and greed. Some of the key characteristics of Benedictine spirituality include: Liturgy of the Hours; Lectio Divina (prayerful reading of Scripture) Eucharist; Benedictine Spirituality includes the willingness to: Seek God; Use the Gospel and the Rule of Benedict as a guide; Listen to one another . Benedictine Spirituality - also known as Monastic Spirituality. It is a comprehensive rule of life for the whole church and all her members. In no way am I qualified to be a teacher of the Benedictine way of life. Thus prayer and community, to borrow again from Stewart, are at the heart of the Benedictine school of spirituality. He is called to witness in a materialistic world to the dependence of all men and women on God, and to their need and destiny for a happiness that lies beyond material fulfillment. Ignacio Gonzalez, OSB writes that the Benedictine practice of Conversatio requires that we never stop asking hard questions about our personal growth. Gymnasts practice routines, yoga students practice poses, swimmers practice strokes, and tennis players practice their serves. Or, am I living a lie, allowing myself to be conformed to every whim and temptation of my fallen nature? To complete our personal transformation, we never stop changing. The Benedictine practice of mindfulness, like all the Benedictine practices, is lifelong. ." The root of the word obedience means "to hear" and is about making a commitment to listen for God's voice in the world and respond when you hear the call. Benedict shows us the value of ordering our day around communal prayer (i.e. This article on the Contemplative outreach website explains the history of lectio divina, and offers instruction in how to do it. In the 7th and 8th centuries it was often combined with other rules, especially that of St. Columban (d. 615). Benedictines read a portion of the Rule of Benedict every day. Thus when St. Benedict appeared, monasticism was already solidly implanted in Egypt, Syria, Palestinethe whole East and in Ireland, Gaul, Italy, Spain, and Africa in the West. Orbis, 20-21). Ive drawn this list of 22 (+ 1 = 23) Benedictine practices (arranged alphabetically) from Stepping into the Oblate way of life, published by St. Benedicts Monastery in 2017, when Laureen Virnig OSB served as Director of Oblates. Benedictine spirituality is a way of life that helps a person to seek God and his will daily. New Catholic Encyclopedia. What makes spiritual direction distinctive is its trailer You will likely recognize the timeless quality of the values which has caused them to endure for centuries and continue speaking to the many layers of our human experience (personal, familial, communal and societal). This means that the monk must be very quiet and still within himself, but also very alert and attentive if the word of God is to resonate properly within his innermost depths so that he is enlightened and nourished by it. Poverty of spirit, simplicity, sharing and giving, self-denial prompted by love, freedom of heart, gratitude, care for persons, and sound judgment with regard to created things should proceed from exposure to God in prayer. Monastic Spirituality. We prefer concepts like freedom and independence. The Rule of Benedict has resonated through more than 1400 years and today is followed around the world by thousands of monastics and oblates (people associated with monasteries who live and work outside the monastery). The third Benedictine value is conversatio morum, which translates to "conversion of life." This value involves a commitment to personal and spiritual growth, and it involves constantly seeking to improve oneself and to live in a way that is consistent with one's values and beliefs. "Benedictine Spirituality What is Benedictine Spirituality? Eunice Antony, OSB. We go forth into the world as contemplatives in action, discerning God's desire for our lives here, now, and acting on God's invitation. "No one is to pursue what he judges better for himself, but instead, what he judges better for someone else." - Rule of St. Benedict 72:7 A Raven is Collaborative Collaborative Ravens create a spirit of teamwork. Are you a thoughtful reader (and maybe even a writer) who seeks a peaceful, just, spiritual approach to life? The Benedictine practice of Moderation in All Things is another that is trending today, under the word balance., Obedience is a concept 21st-century souls dont generally like to consider. Prayer is essential to a Benedictine lifestyle. 1) They know that not one-size-fits-all. The Benedictine practice of service to others is intimately entwined with the reverence for all creation, and another of the great foundations of Benedictine spirituality. We are all accountable as steward of creation, they tell us. The Rule of St. Benedict has often been referred to as a compendium of the Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ. It strives to answer questions about the meaning of life, how people are connected to each other, truths about the universe, and other mysteries of human existence. Benedictine spirituality is simple and down to earth. Contact. ), member of any of the confederated congregations of monks, lay brothers, and nuns who follow the rule of life of St. Benedict (c. 480-c. 547) and who are spiritual descendants of the traditional monastics of the early medieval centuries in Italy and Gaul. endstream endobj 10 0 obj <> endobj 11 0 obj <> endobj 12 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 13 0 obj <> endobj 14 0 obj <> endobj 15 0 obj <> endobj 16 0 obj <> endobj 17 0 obj <> endobj 18 0 obj <>stream It is not one of the distinguishing characteristics of early monastic life. Hence, conversion to Christ and response to his love through the power of the Holy Spirit are the goals of obedience. It is such a personal thing that it can be considered part of one's identity. Mauritius Wilde O.S.B explains that obedience means to listen. In a. Being in right relationship is wholly other than being in the right relationship. It isnt about finding the right person for me; its about being the right person to others in the way I show respect to them, in the way I accept their humanityeven their weaknesses and irritating personality traits. The Benedictines, officially the Order of Saint Benedict (Latin: Ordo Sancti Benedicti, abbreviated as OSB), are a monastic religious order of the Catholic Church following the Rule of Saint Benedict.They are also sometimes called the Black Monks, in reference to the colour of their religious habits.They were founded by Benedict of Nursia, a 6th-century monk who laid the foundations of . Humility fosters stronger, healthier connections within communities by breaking down the artificial barriers between individuals. She reminds that in the Rule of Benedict, in the economy of monastic life, prayer is work and work is prayer. While [t]ime set aside for prayer can be a great blessing, we can turn all of our daily tasks into prayer when we bring to them the awareness of ourselves in relationship with our ever-present God. 1. On a personal level the rule calls the monk to live a life marked by frugality, simplicity, and gratitude for the many gifts of God. [contact-form][contact-field label=Name type=name required=1 /][contact-field label=Email type=email required=1 /][contact-field label=Website type=url /][contact-field label=Comment type=textarea required=1 /][/contact-form], Downloaded from the web site of the Bodleian library: [1]. It is one among many schools that speak to contemporary hearts, yet it is particularly unique in its lasting impact on Western Christianity. Therefore in Benedictine spirituality, mutual obedience is a habit to be shown by all to one another. In The Rule of Benedict for Beginners, Wil Derkse reveals how elements from Benedictine spirituality and the Benedictine lifestyle may be . Music students do their instruments. The principles of evolution just enumerated enable us to understand why within one and the same Benedictine spiritual tradition there could appear and subsist different tendencies. It is rooted in faith, and like Christ's own simplicity of life must be an outward expression of trustful dependence on God. In a podcast at from the Missionary Benedictines of Christ the King Priory, Fr. Reading the transcript or listening to the podcast is worthwhile. As you read, pay attention to the one or two which resonate most for you today. . Here are some of the characteristics of Benedictine spirituality: Grounded in Listening For Benedict, the spiritual life was about listening to Godthrough prayer, Scriptures, the depths of our own experience, through listening to others in our community and the wider church. Humility is also a dominant theme in Benedictine spirituality; in fact it is closely related to contemplation., "Benedictine Spirituality Her muscular Christianity is grounded in the spiritual practices of the Rule of Saint Benedict, such as silence, hospitality, humility, and peace. He realizes that attachment to oneself and one's talents or goods brings anxiety, a bondage that ties the human spirit down to the earth and allows no enlargement of either one's horizons or one's heart. 1978 ) all accountable as steward of creation, they manifest Christ & # x27 ; s in. Tell us done in the Easter Christ ( London 1979 ) the monks and the episcopal ordination of abbots! Will bring together sisters, monks, oblates, and in shaping structures support. Humiliations, for humiliations degrade the person to that style, we begin at. All a good way to summarize the goal of Benedictine spirituality and importance... 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