NTQzZWIyYTFkM2VhZmVkZjRkODkzZjJhYTU5MGMzMDJjMGQ0OWY3ZjBkODQ4 An analysis by the American Enterprise Institute, a right-leaning think tank, concluded last month that remote instruction was a major driver around the country, with enrollment falling most in districts most likely to have delayed their return to in-person classrooms. Students, families and teachers lining up for Covid tests at Gardena High School in Gardena, Calif., in January. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. That sentiment was echoed by Abby Norman, who taught in schools in Atlanta's Fulton County for a decade, then spent another two years teaching remotely at Georgia Cyber Academy. ZjA5ZmUyODEyNTMyNmIzNDZiNDFiZWZhMjkyMmY5Y2MwMDYzMzEzMDdmMmVm Instead, what America and the church need is a massiveand permanentexodus into the safe sanctuary of homeschooling and high-quality private schools. Here's What You Need to Remember:Obviously, many of these children shifted to home schooling, learning pods, or all those private schools which miraculously found a way to safely stay open last year, even as public schools in places like San Francisco and New York Cityremained shutteredmonth after month. Fewer Minnesota families chose homeschooling this year than last, but private schools in the state saw a nearly 6 percent increase in enrollment, according to MPR. So this year, Brand, like hundreds of thousands of parents around the country, decided to remove her children from the public school system. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. But suburban and rural schools have not been immune. Brands two oldest sons, both rising ninth graders, will head to a Catholic school in a nearby Her comments came during the Family Research Council's annual Pray Vote Stand Summit during a Thursday panel on "Fighting Indoctrination on a National Scale.". "We need to remove the one corrupt entity, state and national teachers unions, and bring the stakeholders back together again, teachers, parents administrators, and do what's right for the children. At the Catholic high school where her daughter landed, the once-modest wait list is 200 names long. When my daughter was asked what pronouns she wanted to be identified by in the firstweek of school, I was like, what is going on this is crazy. Some reported that former colleagues who left to work in other industries, from technology to hospitality, told them they felt more valued and better compensated for working fewer hours. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. "In the fall of 2020, charter schools, which are publicly funded but run separately from districts, saw a 7 percent jump in enrollment, adding about 240,000 students nationwide," according to NPR. She recorded a conversation in class that the teacher - they were supposed to be discussing books - she never got to the literature of the books, she just started sectioning the kids by their physical characteristics.'. But this years decline was tens of thousands of students larger than could be explained by demographic trends, relocations or defections to home-schooling or private schools. 'That's the only thingleft to do, honestly, is just a mass exodus. Because around 50 million children were enrolled in public schools pre-pandemic, this finding implies that about 3.5 million students may leave the system. Teachers aren't the only professionals quitting their jobs in drovespart of a so-called "Great Resignation"for roles with higher pay and less stress, but it has raised concerns that a mass exodus could worsen existing staff shortages in schools and cripple the education system in the U.S. A recent survey by the National Education Association, a union representing almost 3 million educators, revealed 55 percent of educators are considering leaving their profession sooner than they planned. Home-based pandemic pods have evolved into established microschools and co-op arrangements that have worked better for many families than a conventional classroom. Greg Abbott's efforts to prevent school districts from imposing mask requirements. Some districts are already bracing for budget shortfalls. That's not my intention when I point out that I'm stressed out.". This story has been shared 120,792 times. But it just got too hard.. This was too much for King. NjU5ODUxNmZhZDEyZjQ3ODkyMDQzZGM3N2JiY2I1OWJiZGRlYWVjNjQxMWFj Vu, a dermatologist who said her children were gone for good from the public system. "I really think at this point the only thing to do is have a mass exodus from the public school system that's it," King said. At the same time, some families are leaving their local public schools not because they are abandoning the system altogether but because they have moved to other parts of the country that are more affordable. town in the fall. By Khaleda Rahman On 2/17/22 at 2:00 AM EST. Disciplines are the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using . All rights reserved. Student Enrollment by School Sector and a mass exodus of American educators wasn't imminent. I really think at this point, the onlything to do is have a mass exodus from the school system. Its not just families fleeing district schools for other options. NmEyMDVkYTRiYmQxZTcwYzJiNTFkYjY3MGU4MTFmY2FhY2NmZGU1ZGE1YTAw 8 Oct 2021 0. A kid would drop off, a kid would drop off, another kid would drop off. Click here to sign up. Enrollment in the Chicago schools has dropped by about 25,000 in that time frame. Homepage - Mass Exodus Movement Our Mission: INFORM parents about indoctrination our children are facing in public school. NjczZjk4ZjJkZTQ3MmQzOWQ5Njg0MDYzNTBjODk5NTAwMDVhZjQwNGZhZmU3 The number of students being homeschooled jumped 63% that year in the 18 states that shared data at the time of an According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) , there were approximately 10.6 million educators working in public education in January 2020; today there are just 10.0 million, a net loss of around 600,000. Data . New York public schools lost over 30,000. Kelly Kluthe, who has taught in public high schools in Kansas and Missouri, recently took a job at a private Catholic grade school, saying she has lost faith in public education. It doesn'tmake any sense,' King said. "If we're serious about getting every child the support they need to thrive, our elected leaders across the nation need to address this crisis now.". A recent article in Time Magazine noted that at least part of Oaklands enrollment decline is due to families fleeing California during the COVID response. America's Teacher Exodus Leaves Education System in Crisis. WICHITA . They are our children. 'This is happening right before our eyes. Copyright 2023 Mass Exodus Movement. I'm like the only thing left to do is to just peace out. All together, Americas public schools have lost at least 1.2 million students since 2020, according to a recently published national survey. This story has been shared 106,409 times. In order to wake Christian parents up to the dangers of public schools, Exodus Mandate has released a new documentary called "Escaping Common Core: Setting Our Children Free." The film is divided . Perhaps its no wonder that 2021 has thus far been theyear of school choice.. Given total K12 enrollment of about 51 million students, that equates to a drop of 1.5 million children. "One problem that teachers are dealing with is learning loss coupled with overtesting," he said. It has to be us all doing ittogether, so maybe after we can all get togetherand figure out how we do it all at one timeso it really sends the message. lost $215 million ", "We are facing an exodus as more than half of our nation's teachers and other school staff are now indicating they will be leaving education sooner than planned," Pringle said. They are our children. ZmFmMjEyOTVhNmJiZjc5NTgzNzFjZWNjNThkOTViNzhmODM5MWFlZDM0MmU2 Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. packed up And despite the opposition, homeschooling has also seen an increase. I kicked off the LiberatED podcast last month with the story of Jill Perez, a longtime teacher who has created a flourishing microschool community in New Jersey. Mzk4Njc3ZTI0NWE1NjJlMWM1OWZmOTY4Nzg2OGQxYjRhM2U1ZDFhMTExNTQ4 The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. 'Everything about it is anti-biblical, anti-Americanand it's just a flat-out lie. In Michigan, enrollment remains more than 50,000 below. A new teacher, suggests that more than half of public school teachers expect to leave their profession earlier than planned. I kicked off the LiberatED podcast last month with the. Teachers are leaving too. What is the Mass Exodus Movement? NzQzZjIzOGFhNTBjODhkMzFiZDgxMDI3ODE5ZWVmNzQwMDVkOWI3OGFhNTk4 Her comments come after AG Garland's memo earlier this week infuriated Republicans. Becky Pringle, the union's president, described it as "a five-alarm crisis. Altogether, more than 1.2 million students have left the public school system since 2020, according to that analysis. A Florida mom called for a "mass exodus" from the public school system as the "only thing" left to do to fight indoctrination in public schools during a Family Research Council event Thursday. by the American Enterprise Institute and the College Crisis Initiative at Davidson College. That number would have been higher, as much as $375 million in cuts, if Mayor Eric Adams hadnt used COVID-19 relief funding to soften the blow. This article is excerpted from LiberatED, a weekly email newsletter where FEE Senior Education Fellow Kerry McDonald brings you news and analysis on current education and parenting topics. ', 'These people are serious,' she continued. Florida mom calls for 'mass exodus' from public schools, Fighting Indoctrination on a National Scale. Private schools have also seen some gains in enrollment. "But it's not going down," he said. The National Education Association, the nation's largest teachers union, has lost around 47,000 members, or about 1.6 . Then the car broke and a plan to move to Bakersfield fizzled. public schools The " Fighting Indoctrination on a National Scale " event during the annual Pray Vote Stand Summit in Leesburg, Virginia, featured remarks . Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. You cannot have a country that hasbeen moving towards racial reconciliation reallyfrom the beginnings and say that America is intrinsicallyracist - those two things just don't go together. We've been at these school board meetings,we've been voicing our opinions, we're writing articles,emailing teachers, we're doing all that stuff and theydon't care. ". It is infuriating that they think they do have the right to take our tax paying dollars, from our children, and then teach them garbage. ', 'It is infuriating that they think they do have theright to take our tax paying dollars, from our children,and then teach them garbage. In response, she received prolonged applause, and many in the audience rose to their feet at the Leesburg, Virginia, event. Fewer Minnesota families chose homeschooling this year than last, but private schools in the state saw a nearly 6 percent increase in enrollment, according to MPR. In terms of classroom support, this has included mobilizing central office staff to cover classes when substitute teachers are required, running a high profile recruitment campaign to boost our substitute numbers while increasing substitute pay. U.S. Teachers Schools Coronavirus. Has COVID-19 Led to a Mass Exodus of Superintendents? You can send tips on Twitter @DormanInDC or Facebook at SamDormanFoxNews. It doesn'tmake any sense. A Florida mom called for a "mass exodus" from the public school system as the "only thing" left to do to fight indoctrination in public schools during a Family Research Council event Thursday. On Thursday, she said the Biden administration had become so forceful in its fight against conservative families that parents now face the prospect of having the FBI knock on their door while they're making sandwiches for their kids if they disagree with woke school boards. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like By 1980, most of high school aged children entered high school, but the majority did not graduate., By the mid-1990s all 50 states allowed for children to be homeschooled and as a result there was a mass exodus from the public schools of children being home-schooled., During the 1980s the business model was applied to public . 'I really think at this point, the only thing to do is have a mass exodus from the school system. COVID, CRT, sexuality: What's behind the mass student exodus from public schools. The DOE leaderships habit of treating parental demands for excellence as nothing but racism hurts, too. (This was the topic of the second episode of my new LiberatED podcast.). She went on to ask parents - of which there were hundreds in the audience - to meet with her after the event for them to discuss a logistical plan for pulling their kids out of school. "This year was a different beast," she said. A toxic mix of factors, from battles over critical race theory and sexual identity education to the lingering effects of COVID-19 protocols, has driven families from the public school system in droves. MjIzZWYzNjlmNGI0NmYzOWNjYzVjMGFhMzRmZDYwOThhM2Q5MDdlNGQwYjky Market data provided by Factset. King lives in Jacksonville, Florida, with her three children. That's it,' she said Thursday night. This school year has been marked by a flood of reports of dire school staffing shortages, including stories about schools shutting down because there are simply not enough adults in the building to keep kids safe. Enrollment has surged as well in rural resort areas, driven by the relocation of tech workers and others able to work remotely, particularly after the pandemic set in. We are more than an organization, we are a movement. Her speech was met with a standing ovation. Taking Vitamin D each day could cut your chances of getting dementia, study claims. Quisha King received a standing ovation after she called for a "mass exodus" from public schools at the Family Research Council's annual Pray Vote Stand Summit. N2RkZWMxYWM4YjA0MDkzNDM3ZTQ2MDhjNzdiYTIzZDVhYzY3OTFiMTg2NDZm No. These people are serious. No overriding explanation has emerged yet for the widespread drop-off. ZWJjOWRkMDg5NDI3OGEwOWY5MDMwODc4NjVmMTE5MjQ5N2ZkOGNhNWYzMDI3 Corey DeAngelis: Since pre-pandemic levels, there's been a mass exodus from the traditional public school system. Home-based pandemic pods have evolved into established microschools and co-op arrangements that have worked better for many families than a conventional classroom. 'We've been at these school board meetings, we've been voicing our opinions, we're writing articles, emailing teachers, we're doing all that stuff and they don't care.'. That number would have been higher, as much as $375 million in cuts, if Mayor Eric Adams hadn't used COVID-19 relief funding to soften the blow. Brooks says this is largest investment in public schools in history of our state. "Such a mass exodus of teachers. Market data provided by Factset. It's just not true,' King said. It should also call into question the necessity of the extraordinary funding increases that the Biden administration has proposed for traditional district schools, at the same time the administration isseeking to restrict aidto private schools and thatCongressional Democrats are attacking charter schools. He recognized the similarities in burnout and bureaucracy that plague both healthcare and education, and wants to help talented practitioners remain in the fields they love. In 2019. A staggering 4 out of 10 principals surveyed expect to leave the profession in the next three years, and . Funded publicly and operated independently, many charter schools are able to Obviously, many of these children shifted to home schooling, learning pods, or all those private schools which miraculously found a way to safely stay open last year, even as public schools in places like San Francisco and New York Cityremained shutteredmonth after month. And they don't care. If they had the means, parents made decisions, Carvalho said. ', 'This is that moment,' she added. Understanding that they are not kidding, this is notgoing away, the enemy has no chill and is advancingforward as fast - we can see it - we're at home trying tomake peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for your kidsand the FBI could be knocking at your door because yousaid the wrong thing at a school board meeting. Earlier this summer, the National Center for Education Statisticspublished K-12 enrollment datafor the 202021 school year, which showed a drop of 3 percent compared with 201920. from their budget heading into the upcoming academic year due to enrollment losses. But she had been stretched thin, she said, even before the pandemic when she worked as a music teacher for Dearborn Public Schools. New York City's public schools lost $215 million from their budget heading into the upcoming academic year due to enrollment losses. 'As an African American child, Asian child how do you feelabout this, etc.'. Im Jewish and Im sending my kids to Catholic school, because the values at a Catholic school more closely mirror our own family values, whereas the public schools are totally devoid of values, Brand told the Washington Examiner. 'That is, that's all I got,' King said. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. This has been a seismic hit to public education, said Marguerite Roza, director of the Edunomics Lab at Georgetown University. That is, that's all I got. The kids just werent doing anything at all, said Dr. lost A Florida mom named Quisha King made comments urging a "mass exodus" from public schools, and now the video has gone viral after the Virginia crowd gave her a standing ovation. By Stephen Sawchuk May 06, 2021 5 min read. This is the revelation, period. Habits have been broken. during that time. WARNING SOME CONTENT IS NOT SUTABLE FOR CHILDREN. The comments below have not been moderated. Others put the losses even higher. Sharyl Attkisson: Is that in 2021 or? The memo, which the Justice Department promoted publicly, told local law enforcement and the FBI to start looking into incidents of parents threatening teachers. "Tell me you have an administration problem without telling me.". Truth about Covid care home testing row: Timeline lays bare what was said, by who and when. (This was the topic of the, Its not just families who are abandoning district schools for other options. "We have always felt undervalued, underpaid, underappreciated, all of the things," she said. It was the final straw for King, who says now the only solution is to 'pull kids out' of schools. Thats surely not just the pandemic: The DOE-engineered revamping of middle school admissions in the district, tossing out the screens that allowed some schools to be more challenging, has forced many families to rethink the public schools entirely, as did the scrapping of Gifted & Talented programs. M2ZhYjhkNjEwYmQzMjc5M2UzMmM3YTY1OTFkOWQ1ZDQ5ZWJjMmRiNmEzZTky I couldn't do it anymore.". Notably, PS 118 Maurice Sendak in Park Slope has seen its student roster lose 120 kids since the start of the pandemic. A report from . Stock photo. In other cases, parents have shifted to homeschooling. "They told me they were glad I was happy now," she told Newsweek, She said it was the heavy workload that prompted her to leave teaching, as the number of students in her virtual classroom doubled during the pandemic. N2MxZGQ5ODk0NWQxNzFkZDFlYjZmZDE2ZDBiZGNhNmVlYjBmNmI4Yzk0NGRj Catholic schools, like other private schools, were more likely to remain open while district schools were closed and have experienced their first enrollment hike in two decades. Both religious and secular private school education saw gains between 2020 and 2022. YzQ2MmQxZTkyMzkyYTY0MzRlZWFhNDgwZWRhNGM1OTZhNjU4ZjIxZDg1Yzlk ", A spokesperson for Fairfax County Public Schools told Newsweek that teacher retention rates "have held steady and we have not seen a significant attrition rate. Policymakers are straining to avoid further losses. Sadly, thats likely to send even more families fleeing. YzM5Mjc4ZDRiZDc5OGZlZWIxMWM1YWY0MzA0ZTkzYWUyNjRlNGM5MDAwYjc0 It was a response to a request by the National School Board Association to President Biden for his protection from parents who disagree with CRT and mask mandates in schools. ", A spokesperson for the Mesquite Independent School District disputed that narrative as "completely inaccurate," but told Newsweek: "The circumstances of Ms. Jimenez' separation from the district involve a personnel matter; therefore, Mesquite ISD is prohibited by privacy law from discussing those details.". Quisha King made the remarks on Thursday night at thePray Vote Stand Summit, an event by the Family Research Council in Leesburg, Virginia. Mom Blasts Critical Race Theory And Gets Cheered For Calling For 'Mass Exodus' From Public Schools By John Hanson October 8, 2021 at 9:44am Quisha King is a Florida mother who does not want critical race theory and other far-left ideas taught to her children in public schools. She previously worked as a regional coordinator for the Republican National Committee (RNC) and describes herself as a communications and marketing expert. dropped out All rights reserved. She works with the group Moms for Liberty, which is one of many battling CRT and other ideas across the nation. Yzk3N2MyYjBlZjM2OGI3MTg2Y2IxZmQwYTIxZTExNzU2ODhiMGU4MjM3OGQz voted Group of elementary school classmates wearing protective face masks in the classroom while desks are socially distanced due to new COVID-19 regulations. Homeschooling rates doubled in that year alone and remain high today. Jaime Parish and her three children have been living at a motel in Brea, Calif. Dr. Ann Vu and her husband, Steven Chang, permanently removed two of their children from public school in Laguna Beach, Calif. A Florida mother has called for a 'mass exodus' from the increasingly liberal public school system, saying it is parents' only choice to avoid their kids being indoctrinated with CRT .. The enrollment drops could cause problems for districts that reverberate beyond the emptier classrooms. These situations are nothing new, but since the pandemic, theyve gotten a lot more frequent and a lot worse.. Officials in, voted last month to close several public schools in that city due to falling enrollment. M2U2YTNmYWQ0ZjIxZGMxZjEzNzA4ZjRlNjQ2MTk2NzRmYzkxMmVjMTBiMDE3 ODhiZWQ1OWFhZTQ0MWNiMjBhZWQ5MTNlMWM5MmRhMGVlZTZkNDdlZjQ5YmUy MGE4YzBkNGVmYzE1YjhjYzUxOGQ2MGUyZDhhMTQxZmQwY2UzYjE5ZmZmZjlj Still, this increase in union participation isn't across the board. Some of these teachers are leaving education altogether, but others are searching for, or creating, learning environments that are freer, more flexible, more imaginative, and more responsive to family needs and preferences. The Los Angeles Unified School District Families are fleeing public schools across America because those schools, especially union-dominated ones, have failed children so horribly in the face of the pandemic. Daughter of Attorney General who ordered DOJ to probe angry 'Be afraid of your government': Senator Rand Paul lays into King Charles hosts von der Leyen at Windsor Castle, Police: Urgent search for Constance Marten's missing baby, Shocking video shows machete fight in broad daylight, Gabor Mat: No Jewish state without oppressing local population, Putin spy plane before being 'destroyed by pro-Ukraine Belarus group', Amplified jet stream could lead to 'disruptive snow in places', Pupils take to TikTok as they stage protest at Shenfield High School, Putin orders intelligence service to find 'scum' who oppose him, Moment supermarket cashier is attacked at work in New York, Police search allotment sheds for Constance Marten's missing baby, Huge urgent police search for missing baby of Constance Marten, Dashcam captures moment two cars collide on a roundabout. This is the revelation, period. "Whenever I express my frustrations about getting less work to do, I have the same amount of work to do but now I have to attend a few workshops to help make me better. Josh, a family physician in Wichita, created a similar platform for doctors several years ago thats been hugely successful in helping physicians leave managed care practices to launch their own direct primary care practices. Biden's intelligence agencies bow to Beijing and claim the JK Rowling showing outstanding moral courage as she stands up to vile woke mob, Thieves are swiping left and right to steal all around NYC, Black Democrat DA tells the truth on crime, but progressives won't listen, 11-year-old reads aloud from 'pornographic' book he checked out from library at school board meeting, Influencer refuses to switch business class seats so family can sit together, Hoda Kotb's lengthy 'Today' show absence finally explained, King Charles evicting Harry, Meghan from Frogmore Cottage, giving to Andrew. public school enrollment fell below six million, enrollment had been declining overall in California, postponed the addition of Covid-19 inoculations, contemplating the shutdown or merger of nearly a dozen schools. This is happening right beforeour eyes. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Biden is not a king if he wants to pay student loans, he needs Congress, Far too many NYC high schools are utter frauds, Rich Dems want to deny poor kids charter school education opportunities, NYC DOE opens 24/7 emergency operations center for school safety threats, has seen its student roster lose 120 kids, captured the sentiments of his mainly minority constituents. People she knows who have left the profession for corporate jobs have no regrets, she said. And charter school enrollment has spiked more than 7%. You know. Ithink that will really send the message, when they can't take the money for our child beingin their school. NjhkNTgyYTg1Yzg5ZDFiMzhjYzg2ZWY2NTQ1MGU2NWVkMDZhNDFjODQzODhl We tried, said Ms. Parish, 38, who was camped under a bridge near Disneyland at one point. Critical Race Theory, one of the tenets, isthat America is intrinsically racist, there'snothing you can do to fix it. Apparently white people are the only ones who cancommit the sin of racism. M2JmYTNiNDcxZTVjZTNhZDI0OTk3NzdlYTIwY2NiYzc4ODU0MmFkNmEzNjEy OWZlZGMyMzI0OGNjNzBiNGU4Njc2M2M4ZTZmOWQzN2I2Njk5ODg1NzRhZDhi ADVERTISEMENT Libby Emmons Brooklyn NY Oct 8, 2021 3 minute read ADVERTISEMENT Kerry McDonald is a Senior Education Fellow at FEE and host of the weekly LiberatED podcast. "I'll quit tomorrow if I get another job," the teacher, who asked not to be named, told Newsweek. You have to close schools and lay off people. Few states illustrate the challenge as clearly as California, which educates roughly one in eight of the nations public schoolchildren. Given the unprecedented nature of this shift, public officials would do well to take this phenomenon very, very seriously. ", He added: "Facing a choice between their profession and their health, many teachers are simply choosing their health.". By February, a local nonprofit that helped them find housing could find no record of school enrollment for her sons, 17 and 6, or her daughter, 15. in students signing up for Catholic education. She describing that policy at Horn High School in Mesquite, Texaswhich saw vending machines turned off and students escorted to the cafeteria for lunchas "school-to-prison pipeline bulls***. When teachers leave and job openings are left unfulfilled, those who remain are often forced to take on additional duties, said David Walrod, a special education teacher with the Fairfax County Public Schools in Virginia and the president-elect of the Fairfax County Federation of Teachers. Oaklands school system is contemplating the shutdown or merger of nearly a dozen schools over the next two years, an exercise that has unleashed protests, vandalism, a one-day teacher strike and a recent school board resignation. 28 Feb 2023 17:04:06 Kindergarten enrollment at the high-performing elementary school has plunged more than 50 percent over the last two years, going from 76 in 2019 to just 37 last year. ZWJkMDc5ZGIzZTM2YzI0ZThhODRiZmM5OTA5ZWEzMDU1MTYzNzljYWJlNmE2 Sign up now to get the Washington Examiners breaking news and timely commentary delivered right to your inbox. Powerful Commons committee could look at case for banning stoves in towns and Love Island hit by hundreds of Ofcom complaints from furious viewers over 'toxic femininity' row and Movie As easy as buying a loaf of bread: Undercover footage reveals how laughing gas is being sold from local Could Northern Ireland become the UK's Silicon Valley? A wholesale mass exodus from traditional public schools has not occurred. People have a habit of saying one thing and then doing another. The analysis by The New York Times in conjunction with Stanford University shows that in those 33 states, 10,000 local public schools lost at least 20 percent of their kindergartners. ", Walrod said the past two years have been the hardest he has worked in his 13 years as a teacher. The only thing left to do is to just peace out. YjFlOSJ9 I mean, we have all of us we've been at these school board meetings, we've been voicing our opinions, we're writing articles, we're emailing teachers we're doing all that stuff. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, Everything about it is anti-biblical, anti-Americanand it's just a flat-out lie. I point out that I 'm like the only thing left to do, honestly, is just mass... Kids out ' of schools is 200 names long Timeline lays bare what was said, by who when... 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