Most likely, a person calls someone a Jezebel if they use the powers of seduction to woo a married man or a man of God away from the path of righteousness. It is important to ask God for forgiveness and to make a commitment to change your behavior. Stick with your choice no matter the consequence. The strategy is to gain control by minimizing the value of another person. A Jezebel spirit is so manipulative and controlling, that it will even affect the way a person dresses, the way they wear their makeup, and style their hair. Different spirits require different dealings. This means that you turn away from the things you have been doing that have given this spirit a foothold in your life. If you can recognize any of the characteristics of the Jezebel spirit in your life you can begin by humbling yourself and pray to God for forgiveness. A Jezebel spirit can turn someones good intentions into accusations. We receive no funding from the institutional Church and rely entirely on your generosity to sustain this website with trustworthy, accessible content. 4. Everyone has the freedom to make decisions, to make mistakes, to think for himself, to communicate, to like or dislike and to express his taste and creativity. The Jezebel spirit must be confronted and exposed in order to end the manipulation and rule. It is her way of gaining control and keeping people in line. To accept responsibility would violate the core of insecurity and pride from which it operates. He was bold in his actions and did not back down from his task. In JESUS NAME, I bind every negative, unscriptural word spoken against my life. 3. If you are under the influence of the Jezebel spirit, it is time to break free and start living in submission to the authority of God. It Is So Painful to Care: How Do I Conquer Apathy? Trust that God will provide you with the words, tools, and Scripture to handle the situation. It will often try to take credit for things it did not do. Many people talk habitually, but a Jezebel uses talking as a form of control. Ahab tried to call Elijah a troubler. I ask you to forgive me for my tolerance of the Jezebel spirit and for being sympathetic to its ways. He is told to go and destroy the house of Ahab, which includes Jezebel, the wicked queen who has been ruling over the people with an iron fist. Ahab, king of Israel, married Jezebel and led the nation into Baal worship ( 1 Kings 16:31 ). If there is ever a situation where information is important, he will push to be the first to know it. Has it not been told my lord what I did when Jezebel killed the prophets of the Lord, how I hid a hundred men of the Lords prophets by fifties in a cave and fed them with bread and water? The spirit of discernment is something that we all need in order to overcome Jezebel. One of the most important things to remember about grace is that it is a, Another reason why grace is so important is that it. A Jezebel wields power over you by knowing something you dont know in a situation. WebRev 2:20: Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because you allowed that woman Jezebel. Let the dead bury the dead. No one has input in a Jezebels life. As long as you are in agreement with him, all is fine. She was ruthless in her pursuit of what she wanted and would stop at nothing to get it. Not many other evil spirits use sexual prowess to turn others away from Christ. Although many of us have heard about the person of Jezebel, we may not be as familiar with something known as a Jezebel spirit. For instance, when a man named Naboth refuses to give the land of his ancestors over to the king, a vineyard (1 Kings 21), Jezebel writes letters in her husbands name to get Naboth killed, so she and her husband could acquire the vineyard. Someone under the influence of a Jezebel spirit fears the opinions of that person. In the ChurchYou see the Jezebel Spirit and the Religious Spirit are operating through those who profess to be saved. Sending hugs. Trust that God will provide you with the words, tools, and Scripture to handle the situation. This spirit of false teaching and deception leads people astray from the truth. Click below to log in. Nullification of any and every covenant ever made with her The implication is always, Youve got a problem; I dont.. This means that you turn away from the things you have been doing that have given this spirit a foothold in your life. When someone calls another person a Jezebel, they mean a few things by this. Finally, the spirit is unrepentant of its actions. However, realize that you are not meant to live in bondage. She was the daughter of Ethbaal, king of Tyre/Sidon and priest of the cult of Baal, a cruel, sensuous and revolting false god whose worship involved sexual degradation and lewdness. ). Jezebel herself worshiped Baal and led the people of Israel into idolatry and sacrifice. This is a way to maintain control and domination. Jezebel was a woman of the flesh and all forms of carnality, but Elijah was a man of the Spirit. When King Ahab could not get Naboth vineyard, Jezebel rose to authority and control. But it's important to remember the truth is that the world has dramatically improved in the last 100 years. He knew that he needed to act quickly and decisively if he was going to succeed. He can save every lost soul and bring back every prodigal son into his home. It is ultimately self-seeking. Trust in His strength and pursue your purpose with boldness. Attempts to make you look like youre the Jezebel. Jezebel will try to lure you into sexual sin. The spirit of Jezebel wants anothers placetheir inheritance. But most likely this wickedness comes in the form of adultery or sexual sin. Over and over if you have to. They are afraid of the consequences and what will happen when Jezebel finds out. As women of God we must pray to be set free from all internal Jezebel traits and external Jezebel influences. Jezebel is the spirit of the sensual and the spirit of control.Jezebel was an actual person. The Bible; the Word of God, is clear, but those, who are influenced by the spirit of Jezebel are seduced and bewitched by her evil power and are not willing to repent. Required fields are marked *. By interfering with the exclusive worship of the Hebrew God, Yahweh, by disregarding the rights of the common people, and by defying the great prophets Elijah and Elisha, she provoked the internecine strife that enfeebled Israel for decades. We could dive into every individual Scripture that discusses who she was and what she did, but for the sake of article length, well highlight a select few. One is not free to disagree with a controller. Jezebel, as a daughter of this perverse kingdom, was raised in an atmosphere where sex was a path to power and influence (sounding familiar yet? WebJezebel is a territorial (principality) spirit that does not inhabit a body. With that said, lets explain a few action steps on how to defeat a Jezebel spirit once weve discerned that someone has one. How she brought about the death of Naboth in order to confiscate a vineyard which he had refused to sell to Achab is related in III Kings, xxi. Why? To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that A Jezebel loves to be in control of information. The Jezebel spirit will go to great lengths to control the people in its life. Magnify and exalt Jesus in every way in your worship. A Jezebel spirit appears to fall into the category of influence, but there could be exceptions. Consistently she persecuted and slew the prophets (III Kings, xviii, 4), but to prevent their complete extermination Abdias, governor of the kings house, caused a hundred of them to hide themselves in caves where they were secretly sustained. He can turn on the charm and make you believe blue is red. Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal, king of the Sidonians. Remember 1 Samuel 16:7 which states But the Lord said to Samuel, Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. When a controller is confronted, he commonly spiritualizes the situation, explaining it off on God. If youve read 1st or 2nd Kings, then youre familiar with the Phoenician princess who later married King Ahab. Spiritual Warfare + Ministry Why are things so hard now? This spirit is very dangerous and can profoundly impact individuals and entire churches. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Clairvoyance may be defined as the power to perceive things that are out of the range of human senses. God was faithful and continues to be faithful and merciful. The two of them were responsible for promoting the worship of false gods and creating a culture that was completely anti-God, where evil was celebrated and righteousness was abhorred. If you feel like someone at work is constantly trying to control or manipulate you, I encourage you to pray for discernment. Controlling, narcissistic people will make you forget who you truly are. Thank Jesus for being in charge and for fighting the battle for youeven before you see the victory manifest. Naturally, not everyone who gives gifts is guilty of control, but gift giving is a tactic used by those who have a need to control. How Is Harry Potter a Literary Christ Figure? Deliverance Prayer From The Spirit of Jezebel & Manipulation Heavenly Father, thank You for the authority to battle against the controlling powers of witchcraft, that attack me. It is important to ask God for forgiveness and to make a commitment to change your behavior. Dear visitors: This website from Catholic Answers, with all its many resources, is the worlds largest source of explanations for Catholic beliefs and practices. It's as though the world is coming to an end. Jezebel, the wicked queen, and wife to the evil King Ahab had a reputation for murder, iniquity, and sexual promiscuity. WebJezebel is a territorial (principality) spirit that does not inhabit a body. A Certain Man I believe blog posts like this one are super important as they offer much-needed information! Who was Jezebel? Download our FREE 35-day devotional to learn to hear Gods voice and communicate it clearly. The spirit of discernment is something that we all need in order to overcome Jezebel. Jezebel is a woman a spirit in women. It is ultimately self-seeking. While a strong trait of Jezebel is to never take responsibility for his wrong actions or behavior, he also is quick to take credit for benefits for which he contributed no effort. It does not discriminate. WebAfter the slaying of the 450 priests of Baal by Elias on Mount Carmel ( 1 Kings 18:40 ), Jezabel sought the life of the prophet, and he fled to the kingdom of Juda ( 1 Kings 19:1-3 ). I break the power of confusion, torment, fear, control and manipulation. In the same way Queen Jezebel coerced others to do her bidding, the spirit will try to do the same through subtlety and sneaking. In JESUS NAME, I bind every negative, unscriptural word spoken against my life. The name rings a bell, doesnt it? However, it is important to note that God can give people completely different strategies on how to address and break free from this spirit. It is a spirit of lawlessness. This includes, but is not limited to, controlling what people think, what they do, and how they feel. The fact that Jezebel can look you in the eye and lie just shows how strong and adamant this rebellious and recalcitrant spirit is. The Jezebel spirit is known for using witchcraft to control its victims. Jezebel is a spirit, but it finds access through uncrucified flesh. WebJezebel. This is a spiritual battle. The Jezebel spirit is a serious threat to anyone who wants to live a life of purpose and destiny. She also brought false charges against Naboth who was stoned, and thereafter Ahab took possession of the property. It is impossible to converse with a Jezebel in logic. There are many ways to break free from the Jezebel spirit. I will start by analyzing Jezebel and her influence on people. Third, identify the difference between a demonic influence and a demonic possession. This means that you turn away from the things you have been doing that have given this spirit a foothold in your life. A fully independent, lay-run, 501(c)(3) ministry that receives no funding from the institutional Church, we rely entirely on the generosity of everyday people like you to keep this website going with trustworthy, fresh, and relevant content. In the ChurchYou see the Jezebel Spirit and the Religious Spirit are operating through those who profess to be saved. This means that you declare that you are no longer under the influence of this spirit. This evil queen of Israel murdered Gods prophets and reinstituted the worship of foreign idols such as Baals in Israel. It wants to control everything and everyone around it. They will be able to help you identify the signs of the Jezebel spirit and give you practical advice on how to deal with it. He had just come off a major victory against the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. She was a woman who did not take kindly to anyone who threatened her position or power. How she brought about the death of Naboth in order to confiscate a vineyard which he had refused to sell to Achab is related in 1 Kings 21. There is no doubt that it functions just as proficiently through men. Baptism - What Does it Mean and Why Is it Important? Open my eyes and cause Your light to expose any darkness, and help me to walk in humility and truth. Jezebels story is found in 1 and 2 Kings. When you're under the influence of a spirit of Jezebel, you feel alone and think you're the only one left. 3. And second, we must be willing to confront the Jezebel spirit when it shows up in our midst. God bless you! Jezebels story is found in 1 and 2 Kings. Christians who have called evil spirits out of someone, myself included, need to give the glory to God. Hope Bolingeris an acquisitions editor at End Game Press, and the author 21+ books. We also need to exercise extreme discernment. WebThe Jezebel spirit is clever in its agenda. The spirit of Jezebel is alive and well in the workplace. When he came to Beershebain Judah, he left his servant there,while he himself went a days journey into the wilderness. Take my life;I am no better than my ancestors.. This puts the person out of the leaders grace and forces him to either come around to the leaders way of thinking or be indefinitely ignored. Communion - 10 Important Things to Remember, Armor of God - What Is it and How to Use It, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Depression makes you susceptibleto being overwhelmed by the spirit of Jezebel. He came to a broom bush,sat down under it and prayed that he might die. Have they said you couldnt prophesy even though you can prophesy? God is passionate about us fulfilling our purpose! First, as mentioned in this article, ask God for the best next course of action. If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him. And the people did not answer him a word. Learn how your comment data is processed. Excerpt from Confronting Jezebel: Discerning and Defeating the Spirit of Control by Steve Sampson (pages 62-68), Email us Facebook Page Facebook Group YouTube Donations. The Bible; the Word of God, is clear, but those, who are influenced by the spirit of Jezebel are seduced and bewitched by her evil power and are not willing to repent. This spirit is known for being obsessed with power and trying to climb the corporate ladder at all costs. It is essential to be aware of the ways in which this spirit operates so that you can identify it when it tries to come into your life. If you are interested in learning more, consider joining the Breakthrough Community! The truth is, the Jezebel spirit can manifest in anyone male or female, young or old. By sowing these seeds, he hopes to eventually reap a harvest of destruction, improving his position of power. When we are able to discern truth from lies, we are less likely to be controlled or manipulated by this evil spirit. The Jezebel spirit thinks highly of itself and loves to be the center of attention. The Jezebel spirit can destroy your reputation and ruin your relationships if you are not careful. Instead, she connived with others to get it done for her. She is a powerful force and can be quite intimidating. A Jezebel dwells in the local church but doesnt like authority unless he is in the position of authority. The Jezebel spirit is very controlling. Its diabolical in how it secretly tries to rip apart relationships and churches from the inside out. Jezebel directs earthly (first heaven) demons to bring damage and destruction to Gods people. It feels very spiritual. You need to write down your true identity and put it on your mirror so every morning when you go to the bathroom youre reminded of who you are. The Jezebel spirit is not just one spirit like Satan is. You can overcome anything if you put your mind to it! Sealing Off Prayer Before Deliverance (#2), Deliverance Prayers From Serpent Spirits PDF, Prayer: Return All Witchcraft To The Sender PDF, Prayer To Control Thought Life or Tormenting Thoughts PDF, Prayer for Healing from Auto Immune Disorders PDF. From speaking in tongues to tithing & baptism, we want to provide easy to read and understand articles that answer your questions about Christian living. Their influence will distract you from the things you love, the things that make you uniquely you, and the gifts and talents that God has placed inside you to be shared with the world for His glory. A Jezebel spirit is a demonic spirit that inhabits a person and causes them to be driven by sexual appetites. Those who control are in worship of their own wills and their own ways. 3. Not everyone agrees on the exact hierarchy of evil spirits, but just as there are arguably angelic ranks, Hell appears to steal the heavenly model. 10 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE JEZEBEL SPIRIT - Intercessors for America News Prayer Action Watch Resources Community Espaol Login Sign Up Donate Get IFA Updates Thanks for Praying! The only permanent solution is if the person, who had once been inhabited, repents and asks for deliverance. Over and over if you have to. The Jezebel Spirit can be seen fueling the immorality of our nation. Since a Jezebel is never wrong, if you contradict or confront one, get ready to become his worst enemy. She was the daughter of Ethbaal I, King of the Sidonians, who was also grand pontiff of the goddess Astarte (the Ishtar of the Assyrians) worshipped by that people. God is passionate about us fulfilling our purpose! ). Repent for any ways that you have yielded yourself to be used by the spirit of Jezebel. Check out her books at hopebolinger.comfor clean books in most genres, great for adults and kids. Demons can tempt believers, but they cannot inhabit them. Trust that God will provide you with the words, tools, and Scripture to handle the situation. The Jezebel Spirit can be seen fueling the immorality of our nation. A Jezebel will often imply disapproval to those under his or her control. This post is all about the signs of a Jezebel spirit, Myths and misconceptions about the Jezebel spirit, 10 Signs of a Jezebel spirit and how it operates (characteristics), Signs of a Jezebel spirit in the workplace, 15 Tips on how to overcome the spirit of Jezebel. The Lord will help us if we ask Him! Needless to say, I come to you in humility, knowing that I understand how difficult it is to be around someone who operates under this spirit. In the eyes of a Jezebel, having information you dont have is a powerful weapon of control. Copyright 2022 Mike Signorelli Ministries. One pastor wrote a six-page letter to his elders about a situation in the church. This is how Ive personally experienced this spirit operate in the workplace: One way that the spirit of Jezebel operates in the workplace is through lies and deception. Jezebel appears in the Hebrew Bible as evil incarnate, a nonbeliever who has become a catchword for female cunning. It is important to ask God for forgiveness and to make a commitment to change your behavior. One, get ready to become his worst enemy Judah, he hopes to eventually reap a harvest of,... No funding from the Jezebel spirit is unrepentant of its actions live a life of purpose and destiny and... Turn others away from the things you have been doing that have this. In JESUS NAME, I encourage you to forgive me for my tolerance of the consequences and will! While he himself went a days journey into the wilderness own wills and their own wills their... Manipulate you, I encourage you to forgive me for my tolerance of the Jezebel is! 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