In any type of personal injury case, the jury is likely to think that the person suing (the "plaintiff") and the person getting sued (the "defendant") are biased because they have a stake in how the case is decided. Most attorneys offer free initial consultations. However, law enforcement officials must file a written report if any of the following has occurred as a result of an accident: An injury. I got a police report, a well known law firm took the case but after about 2 weeks they drop it stating the guy had an alibi, saying he was home with his wife and she agreed. 3+ Car Accident Police Report Sample Examples. How bad will this affect my driving record? I I am trying to write the defendant answer myself but it is tricky. A car accident police report usually contains the following: Details of the car accident, including the people, vehicles and property involved. The tickets and fines might be evidence that the plaintiff uses to prove that she was negligent in causing the accident or failing to have insurance, but your lawyer might have a strategy that would minimize their impact on the case. Method No. The outcome of these types of cases usually turns on: Let's take a closer look at these four factors. The fact that you both agreed not to call police should work in your favor if he tries to sue you. Im sorry youre in this situation. Why the quotation marks? I have two witness which was my niece and nephew. There may be discrepancies between your accounts of what happened. Call Today 704.749.7747. Her stepfather had his very large family come over for his birthday BBQ in July, 2020. You can still sue the woman for negligence (even though you were given a DUI). I dont know if im at the right place or not. I was in an accident. How can my insurance say this when there was no report written and Florida is a no-fault state? NOW GET THIS, the police had him to bring his truck in for inspection. Apparently he also called my insurance and reported it and said he felt I was at fault and swung my car door into his car. If it's safe to do so and you have a camera or a camera phone, take pictures immediately after the car accident. Please help. Most car accident lawyers offer free consultations and work on a contingency fee basis. 1. Im on SSI and most of my monthly money goes to my bills. My 16 year old daughter was in an accident several weeks ago where she backed into a car while leaving a private drive way, One of her friends was having a drive by birthday party and the road in front of her house is a three lane road (one each direction, a turning lane, and no parking capabilities on either side of the road). She really wants it fixed since her car is white and the paint marks are blue. Police report attached.. Someone is suing me for an alleged hit to another car, this supposedly happened in April 2017. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, The Difference Between Fault and No-Fault States, In most states, if you're involved in an accident, you have the option of filing an insurance claim or a, A lawyer can tell you whether you live in a traditional fault or no-fault state. Please fill out the form or call (800) 734-4134 now, SEO Advantage, Inc. SEOLegal Division,Lawyer Marketing The police came and asked if anybody got heart and we both said we were fine. Its probably best if you dont provide her with your insurance information, as another accident could have occurred in the 2 months that passed. The other witnesse statement backs up my claim along with my brother statement. Obviously, you cant exchange information if the other driver does not want your information. If the woman later decides to file an insurance claim or lawsuit against you, youll need to defend yourself. I was ran off the road by a semi truck on my way to work. Website. Check the Police Report. I met with an accident. He told me if I tried to file a claim all he would do is lie and say I hit him. Be sure to explain the situation (that the other driver was smoking weed) to both. Decide whether the accident is the result of a rear-end collision or a left-hand turn. Whether an accident happens in a parking lot, an intersection, or on a highway, many people get in car collisions every day. Along those same lines, your insurance company can request medical records from the provider who treated the other driver for his injuries. even after the cop left I asked her again if they were both ok and she said yes. the driver rear ended me there wasnt a lot of damage everyone was fine and now hes saying he was injured. You can tell yourself that all you want, but unfortunately, that doesnt make it true. I hope i didnt make to many errors.. My husband was able to put it back on for him and tied it with a bungee he had in the car. What should I do ? The other driver has hired a lawyer to go after medical claims. I tried to make a report but I ran into complications the motorcycle is not mine a friend bought it and ask me to drive it home since he didnt know how to ride a motorcycle yet. In many states, an accident can qualify as a hit and run if the driver leaves the scene without exchanging information. And the other drivers insurance was not shared either. In response to todays message which contained threats of being sued because they have received no money for the minor damage, he told them to make a claim to insurance or proceed with making a small claim in court if they wanted to be reimbursed for damages, because he would not be giving them cash without any proper documentation- is this a smart way to proceed with this issue? When I went to pick it up for a quick split second thats when I bumped her car and immediately turned my car off and got out of the car to check to see the damages and still see my the Driver was okay when I knocked on the window and ask if she was okay she looked at me angrily and proceeded to talk on the phone I did have a new job and was only on an hour break it was about over and I stood there for at least 10-15 minutes and then left because I didnt want loose my job so now a year lady today she is suing me at a lump sum of money & my insurance do not cover BODILY LIABILITY so now I have an Attorney and were going to discuss my options I have but I dont want my life to be ruined Im currently in College and have so much potential better myself I dont need this to ruin me , Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Teddy, Meekins & Talbert, P.L.L.C., Attorneys at Law. "No, it was red," the other driver may insist. Typically, in these instances, both drivers remember the accident differently. The speed limit was 45 mile and I was probably going between 40 and 45 when a woman in an SUV didnt stop at the STOP sign and pulled in front of me causing me to rear end her. They seem like a nice older couple, just easily rattled I guess. How can I be sure that he didnt damage the car even more? We did exchange phone numbers . I have sonce then been having night mares as well as aches They got out of their car and I soon followed. & now its been a couple of months and suing me for a lot a lot of money her and the passenger saying they both have medical injuries. No police report was ever filed. He said just give me 50 and that will be fine I had just paid my bills and was broke. report? Also the car wasnt under my name but my dads and hes also being sued what can he do? I was driving down the street an traffic came to a stop. However, it doesnt bar the claim from going forward. If you lose your case, you don't have to pay your lawyer a fee, though you may be on the hook for some costs, like court filing fees. So make sure you clearly and carefully tell the responding officer exactly what happened, perhaps even in writing, so that your version of events is preserved in the police report. The police were on the scene. The police was called at the time of the accident and both my daughter and the plaintiffs filled out a report which the officer kept in his possession. Im in California. My husband and the man exchange info and are done. She is threatening me with hit and run, when the situation is not a hit and run. That was it. Im sorry this happened to you. My lawyer filled out a Sr1, has talked to the company and has sent them letters.. Im having a similar previous address I had an neighbors visitor who constantly would illegally park behind my vehicles.I literally was in reverse after I had let my son off.the van in question was already along the driveway outside the lot.i proceed to let off the brake and see the flash of the kid try to beat my Jeep.he still swiped me and left paint.i repeatedly complained prior to this that they made stickers mandatory and placed a second no parking they have afni trying to collect money .I still have photos and tried to do the kid a solid after the mother started to freak out. 1. Later that day, I called her and she was unavailable. 2. Youre correct that the fact that your daughters vehicle was uninsured at the time of the accident will be a problem. The appropriate action for the man to take is to file an insurance claim or a lawsuit. We just drove into our respective neighborhoods. It was a minor car accident so we didn't file a police report. An accident had occurred that shut down the road miles ahead of him. Good luck! There seem to be a lot of opinions about what happened and how. Very friendly and helpful resources in the middle of downtown ,plenty of.parking around. Just because theres no police report doesnt mean you cant sue someone for damages caused by a car accident. I asked him to contact me if he needed anything. Im here on behalf of my boyfriend, who received a rather interesting message this morning nearly two years after the incident described occurred. But . I suggest you contact an accident attorney in your state to negotiate damages and defend your daughter in court. Regardless, the first step is to call your insurance company. Thank you!! You did the right thing in choosing not to give this woman any money. They cant sue you for parking too close, unless there was no way for them to move their car without causing damage. He told us that this guy hasnt got a leg to stand on. The Police Report. This sounds like a tricky situation. this lady claims I hit her in a parking lot so she runs me down till I stop and get out. If the guy said he was uninjured and did not want to provide the police with any info, oh well. Instead, they work on a contingency basis. If there is any way i could send you the video Thanks! While I was gone she rear ended a few guys in a big SUV. If I had a police report I could at least see what vehicle they are saying that this happened with but it doesnt even have a police report anywhere on the document. After this, I asked to see if there was any way they could give me the name, number, or any form of identification of the at-fault driver, so that I can attempt to contact him myself, and they said they did not have that information, all they knew was that the at-fault driver was referred to as Jerry. This is one reason its always a good idea to contact the police after an accident. He won the case and my appreciation. If the request is made within the 60-day . We contact and let our insurance know about the minor fender bender and we think okay they will give the man money to fix his bumper properly. 3 days later I felt stiffness in my back. Having a neutral witness on your side can make or break your case. Then it becomes a game of he said, she said. The case comes down to credibility of witnesses, documentation of damage and testimony. Your insurance company should also be able to investigate the accident. Police auto accident reports record essential information about an accident. helpppp. Most likely, the insurance company (or the driver) will simply contact you via telephone. We did not file a claim I was visiting my parents and left monday, she kept calling my brother asking for $800.00 my brother said he did not have that kind of money he just got the job and he was not the one who hit her car. My finance kept on insisting and she said she was fine. Photos were taken of my car where the accident had occurred, and I was told that they would be changing the fender, bumper, and headlights. Im not sure of what to do since I never expected any of this to happen. He may have gotten into another accident or did this himself to commit insurance fraud! They think it aint gonna matter anyway. The accident happened in NC. However, you do need to reach out to the owner of the vehicle (you can call the contractor) and the police to work it out with them. This seems fishy and weird doesnt it? Its unclear from your description of the events whether your friend negligently caused the accident, or whether the vehicle behind you negligently caused the accident. Im sorry this happened to you. Best of luck. I would recommend scheduling an initial appointment with an attorney in your area. I got in an car accident. An hour later I was in a minor accident. Sometimes potential clients who get in a car wreck have no police report associated with it. I was involved in a hit-and-run. My granddaughter said she saw them and neither of them had shirts on and the father did not have a helmet on. In an accident involving two vehicles and two drivers, it can easily become one person's word against another's. This is also known as a "he said she said car accident.". Need advice. That is why he (through the insurance company) would sue you. Either way, if you get hurt or suffer vehicle damage in a car accident that you believe is another driver's fault, call the local police or sheriff's department and ask that an officer be sent to the scene. Does she stand any chance of defending herself in this situation considering her negligence to carry valid insurance at the time of the accident? Im sure your attorney is working on reducing the demand amount and seeing if you have insurance coverage. Then it becomes he said-she said situation. My mom thought there was something off about her. 3 hours go by and Im able to get into my car, hes left and I call him. Now weeks later she texts saying she is I pain and did not want this reported to the mvr thats why she told police not needed. But a dozen or so states follow a no-fault insurance system that requires drivers to turn to their own personal injury protection (PIP) coverage, regardless of who was at fault for the accident. I thought this was settled and done with but then I received a text from the other party claiming that they were taking me to court for property damage because my insurance refused to pay for his car: why would he do this if his insurance is deeming me at fault? He then became very unpleasant and threatened me and my passengers. Police werent called but I left my information. The owner of the truck could still file a claim against your insurance or sue you even though he turned down your information. Hi, Andy. I have never been in an accident and wasnt sure of what to do. Because while I was backing up from a parked spot, I saw the car coming but she was at a very good distance for me to be able to pull out taking my time AND FOR HER TO SEE ME PULLING OUT! I would recommend meeting with an attorney in your area to discuss your options. Our family policy doesnt cover me as a driver. Was the person's testimony at trial consistent or inconsistent with that person's past statements, especially statements to the police about how the accident happened? Is this legal? Your best bet is probably to call a California accident lawyer for advice on how to proceed in defending the lawsuit. The insurance company will seek the full amount ($2,600) from you or your insurance company. The day of the accident I had paid to to restart insurance that had lapsed on line. Bottom line, this is not about what ifs . Did your friend happen to get the drivers license plate number? In case its helpful, this article outlines cases when you DONT need a lawyer: When Do You Not Need An Attorney After An Accident? Just grabbong your information, but doubt I will do anything ere her last words.Mind you, no damage was done to her car from my end. I was recently involved in a merging accident that was my fault. She claimed there was on side of her car however, I hit her bumper! File an accident report online. I was involved in a car accident 2 years ago where I hit another car from the rear back. I was in the yellow turning lane, driving to the red light. However, our claim rep is wanting us to file a complaint and have the police report amended. The vast majority of attorneys offer free initial consultations. Accident reports cost $10 each. Two days later the man and his wife came up to our house and said our dog made him wreck because he tried to detour the dog from chasing his son, and actually run over him, and wrecked. Two days later we realized that the school police was looking for us then we decided to turn ourselves in. When the cops arrived the cop asked me what happened and he said he smelled alcohol on me and handcuffed me and took me away. Im very shaken up, along with current mental health issues which made me have an anxiety/panic attack. A little under two years ago my boyfriend who had his permit at the time but is now licensed, was assisting his father who is licensed and insured, back a truck up into a family members driveway. I can understand why this situation would be concerning. Your have the option of filing a damage claim with the opposing driver's insurance provider. Find a lawyer near you. You may still bring a claim for compensation under the same laws that apply in cases with a police report. It was raining very hard. Judges and juries are inclined to believe police reports and neutral witnesses over having to determine the truth from competing claims. However, recently we found out that the other party involved in the accident are suing her for damage costs which we believe to be way too high considering the extent to which their vehicle was damaged (which was very minimal). Contact your local police station and tell them you want to file a public records request for the police report. the driver with the stop sign was making a left turn into my street, and I could not stop in time and our cars collided. my husband thank god was not hurt but he was shaking up pretty badly. The officer expressed that shes an older white woman that was scared and that was why she refused to stop. If she were to do so, you would have an opportunity to show up at court and argue that youve already paid her enough to fix the small dent. Its hard to know exactly what will happen without all of the details. They didnt want to turn it in to insurance. Not sure what to do from here. The driver seemed under some sort of influence at the time of the accident and i believe that is why he did not want to do the report then. Hi, Shon. I really think he was speaking on speaker phone and recording me, which is fine. She was under the influence as well. You can seek more guidance from a Georgia personal injury lawyer. Best of luck! Their insurance company is contacting me for my statement of the accident. after i was able to think a little more clearly me and my wife made our police report, and even reached out to the company of the driver to try and figure everything out with them but all they keep saying is that their driver is claiming its my fault and says that it was okay for them not to make a police report. Most personal injury lawyers will provide an initial consultation at no cost, and then theyll explain your options and what you might be responsible for in this situation. You can use our free online directory to locate an attorney in your area. Good to go. I use my bosses equipment tools and vehicle. my mom and 10 year onld daughtrr were in the car the said they were good . Based on the information you provided, its not clear to me why your insurance company will not cover the accident. Do I contact them or wait for them to contact me? Please comment with some advice or just your personal opinion. Its free, anonymous and confidential. While this letter isnt definitive proof of what happened, it will be taken seriously by the court (should there be a future lawsuit), as it was drafted soon after the accident. do you have any insight for me on what to do next or what are my chances in this matter. Accordingly, you should contact your insurance company and send them the lawsuit. If you prefer to represent yourself, I would attempt to contact the police officer who spoke to you both. I was a passenger in my friends car and we got reared ended by another car on the freeway near an exit. After a very quick conversation, we both got back into our cars, I drove off and noticed she pulled it over. I hit one of the cars in the parking lot by the side and scratched the fender and the door. In other states, your damage award is simply reduced by your percentage of fault. Major scam artist. Find the best ones near you. He went off on me, saying that I have put him in a pickle because he has to write up a report. His car hit the car in front of us but was major damage. What can i expect from this? So he said well Ill get back in touch with you. In those cases, it'll come down to one driver's word against the other's. To win a he said/she said car accident case, you'll need to gather evidence from: The police report. There's an easy way for insurers to resolve this issue when they don't agree. i just started a new job at the time and my paycheck was just a few days away. As for whether you should report the accident to the police, Utah law is pretty simple. Is it possible that this was a lucky break? This was on a Saturday night. Hello, I was in an accident in July 2020. If possible (and necessary), move your vehicle away from oncoming traffic to avoid any additional accidents. He stated everything was okay and is now months later trying to get me to cover the damage. In the end, it will be up to a jury to decide who is the most believable. I paid him for 2 months straight then I stopped. Even for accidents involving only vehicle damage, some states still require drivers to report the accident if the damage is over a certain amount, typically $1,000 or $2,500. It doesnt sound like his insurer should have denied the claim based on what you told me. Nevertheless, you can hire an attorney to investigate fault. It sounds like you may have been involved in a hot and run. This is only necessary in Missouri, as all car accidents in Kansas are considered emergencies and police reports are not allowed to be filed online. there is a witness who saw part of the accident, but I dont thing they actually saw the hood fly off and hit his windshield. What can I do if someone caused the car accident but no police report came out. A French medic named Dr. Mailliez and a firefighter named Xavier Gourmelon at the scene of Princess Diana's crash on August 31, 1997. . I question how is the police aid, who was not there, does not have the training to reconstruct an accident, is able to change my sons statement? If you win your case or reach a settlement, you will pay your lawyer a percentage of the money you receive. If so, she likely signed a release preventing her from suing you. This dude even went the extra mile and said he sustained a bad neck injury from the accident and tried showing X-rays to prove it. The information provided on this site is not legal advice, does not constitute a lawyer referral service, and no attorney-client or confidential relationship is or will be formed by use of the site. Wasnt in the car, nothing. Situation considering her negligence to carry valid insurance at the time of the accident the. The provider who treated the other driver was smoking weed ) to both or break your case reared by... Straight then I stopped traffic came to a jury to decide who is the result of a collision! Your friend happen to get me to cover the accident differently I had paid to to insurance. Exchange information if the woman later decides to file a public records request for the man exchange info and done. Happened in April 2017 also be able to investigate the accident the fact your... In many states, your insurance company can request medical records from the provider who treated the other has... 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