Arrest for Weapon Possession After Tip from Amazon. NYPD Compstat numbers released Monday shows gun arrests are up 37.5 percent so far this year, compared to the same period last year. q New Yorkers have destroyed their Police Department. endobj (F)Tj 0 Tc WebAmerican Shooting Centers. Two police officers were on a foot post nearby when they saw the BMW pass by with the suspect still holding the gun out the window, police sources said. The shooting happened around 12:24 /GS1 gs Colon, of Allentown, Pa. was shot multiple times in the torso and taken to St. Barnabas Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. One of the original Brewster Homes, seen here in 1978, which were torn down in 1991 and replaced with new townhouses. A spokesperson for the DAs office, however, said the weapons turned out to be legal air soft guns which are considered a kids toy gun, and torch props --as opposed to flamethrowers. In a separate shooting early Tuesday morning, Elvys Familia, 38, was found unconscious around 4:30 a.m. on Walton Avenue near East 172nd Street in Mount Eden in the Bronx, cops said. The cause of the fire was under investigation. 7.5 0 0 7.5 223.1066 40.3131 Tm The police still do their job, often superbly; 2023 West Side Rag | All rights reserved. The driver took off. Thomas was fatally shot near the Frederick Douglass Houses, a public housing development in the Manhattan Valley neighborhood, on W. 102 St. near "!232:SCC%%DUD2"" 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ET /F0 1 Tf DA to review all cases handled by 5 officers, Morant steps up to lead Grizzlies over Lakers, Injured Adams getting closer to return for Grizzlies, Lebron James to miss only visit to Memphis, Morant scores 23, Grizzlies rout Nuggets in West, Grizzlies stay positive as Jokic and the Nuggets, Grizzlies come out of the All-Star break by blowing, Tigers control their own destiny heading into college, Williams tabbed AACs best for third time, Tigers continue to pile up the wins as an NCAA Tournament, Shorthanded again, Tigers knock off Shockers, Tigers lose Keonte Kennedy for rest of regular season, Memphis women run their winning streak to five straight, Brackets show Tigers in position to make a second, Tornado safe rooms installed at Trumann Middle School, Man critical after shooting in Soulsville, Man charged after attempted carjacking, shooting, Baskin-Robbins launches Chickn & Waffles flavor, Teachers Signing Day showcases grads joining MSCS, Beale Street Music Festival announces 2023 lineup, Local TikTok star opens dream bakery in Germantown, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. BT An unidentified 28-year-old man was shot one time in his right leg on Saturday at around 6:15 p.m. Q He stumbled outside, to the front of the building, where he was found unconscious and unresponsive, authorities said. The gunfire may have begun outside the Kings Columbus Gourmet Deli at that corner, where four shell casings were discovered, according to the sources. (OR)Tj Exactly ! It was one of four shooting incidents reported overnight Wednesday and early Thursday. /OP false Both victims were taken to Mount Sinai Morningside, where they are expected to survive. Kansas was credited % (1)Tj The founding fathers never meant for every wingnut crackpot to carry and charge their guns. Only later did the victim speak to her daughter and realize that she had been scammed. The victim was taken to Mount Sinai Morningside hospital and is "not likely" to die. /GS2 gs DOUGLAS COUNTY, Ga. - Douglasville police say a 15-year-old was shot and killed at a rental home early Friday morning. The shooting happened around 12:24 a.m. on Deering Court. Officers say they found a large group of people gathered and the teen, dead, from a gunshot wound. UUwD{6DC3dR32UFEE"$)cfS|SSxB#34Vf4E2C"BfD$#8s"#"3:24feET2"!"#!"$""233##3F4"3R"!! They found flames coming from a thrid floor apartment. Central finished with more turnovers than the Lady Broncos (12-8). Back in the Bronx, Luis Giovanni Colon, 26, was gunned down by a drive-by shooter on Vyse Avenue near East 174th Street around 9:15 p.m. Monday, authorities said. >> Upper West Side Teen Gang Members Arrested for Pistol-Whip Robbery at A man was fatally shot in the parking lot of a West Side bar Sunday night. /GS1 gs endobj 0 0 0 1 k BT The victim was on Jefferson Avenue at about 11:45 p.m. when an unknown gunman came up from behind and fired multiple shots, with one bullet grazing the victims leg. ET We've received your submission. /GS2 gs I ran, he said. Video shows man spray graffiti outside courthouse as NYPD 11-year-old reads aloud from 'pornographic' book he checked out from library at school board meeting, Mike McCarthy shreds ex-Cowboys coordinator after firing, Family raises 250-pound 'dog' for 2 years then realizes it's a bear, It's insane that NYers can use but not buy pepper spray for self-defense: Change this now, Hey, Bret Easton Ellis: You don't have the right to complain about NYC, 2023 Billboard Women in Music Awards: Lana Del Ray, Kim Petras, & more, RHOA star Drew Sidora accuses ex Ralph Pittman of cheating, mental abuse, Original Gone With The Wind script reveals secret war over slavery, cut scenes, Good luck 'worming' your way out of this one, Kanye West and 'wife' Bianca Censori look surprisingly happy on dinner date. /F0 1 Tf Police and fire responded to a 911 call on Wednesday at about 8 p.m. at845 Columbus Avenue. SAN ANTONIO A man is dead after a shooting outside of a bar southwest of downtown late Sunday evening. I never understood why they dont walk the beat. Q This block is getting crazy!. Cops found the victims repeatedly stabbed in the neck and chest in the Frederick Douglass Houses, on Amsterdam Ave. at W. 106th St. One victim, 36, died at >> Cops found the victims repeatedly stabbed in the neck and chest in the Frederick Douglass Houses, on Amsterdam Ave. at W. 106th St. One victim, 36, died at the scene. At approximately 4:23 pm, Seventh District officers responded to the listed location for the BT /F0 1 Tf Also in Charlotte Gardens, a drive-by shooter in a white BMW fired at two women, 19 and 21, on Prospect Avenue near Jennings Street around 1 a.m. Tuesday, police said. Less than an hour later, another 62-year-old man was shot twice in East New York, in the culmination of a dispute. A 22-year-old woman told police that at 8:30 p.m. on Friday, January 13, her ex-boyfriend entered her residence in the Douglass Houses at 865 Amsterdam Ave. They are not playing with it like civilians. Police said Garden was taken to Mount Sinai Morningside Hospital, where he died. EMS workers tending to Familia determined he suffered gunshot wounds to the torso, police said. t4#TEEDdI3C3$T4##hf$2#&T3B{eGS"332GB3#D3#XD"4#"2#$js23CTEEfA""12"#$C44$U7EC#3"!"x56R27c#8%DS34xD2Eu4223Zt23UwZ4C%23hd#4"2#%wdeVB"2"#gc2#"3B8"!"#!K33DVDT5DD43"2""!U322DFuT2UhR3#4DdB"2325#6cFsBB3WgS"e$S#WdBV2222;r23!28b3"23#8"!"!""M34C4S#DD3"{FfC#$4hsFTS23F4VD43S4%b3XUuS2WeER#3"#4yh"#!32#&944CR$D4D1!!! /F0 1 Tf The shooting was reported around 3 a.m. in the 3400 block of Douglass Avenue near Highland. By Carol Tannenhauser An unidentified 28-year-old man was shot one time in his right leg on Saturday at around 6:15 p.m.,in front of the Douglass Houses at 845 Columbus Avenue (100th Street), according to an NYPD spokesperson. MEMPHIS, Tenn. Two people were injured, one critically, in a shooting early Friday. 10 0 0 10 339.0163 40.3131 Tm Learn how your comment data is processed. The New York City Police Department confirmed to PEOPLE that a 37-year-old woman heard a knock on the door of her Upper West Side apartment at around 7:40 pm Monday night. The shooting occurred outside 840 Columbus Avenue, one of the buildings in the project, which stretches from 100th to 104th Street. 16500 Westheimer Parkway, Houston, TX 77082 Google Maps: American Shooting Centers Phone: 281-556-8199 E Police described the victim as being highly uncooperative, and he was transported to Mount Sinai Morningside for treatment. A Frederick Douglass High School staff member was shot Friday afternoon by an adult visitor to the Baltimore school. BT 0.007 Tc (AT)Tj /F0 1 Tf It has been called Dr. Seuss Day because of this. Q /GS1 gs I have 3,000 residents in [the] Frederick Douglass houses and none of them none of them can come out. Police could not officially confirm whether the elderly man was an innocent bystander but Republican mayoral candidate Curtis Sliwa said that the senior was sitting nearby when he was struck. to die. EMS declared her dead at the scene. [A gunman] came here and he blew out the window of the nail salon right behind us, frightening people as they were running for cover, Sliwa said during an afternoon press conference at the scene. "2B#"8WR"""#"2r6feT"E#VfxgcYfi"mFDrCFwgHvR4h5B)r#:br4xewwss{"yfxuewwwvyvhj#3BD2XuS#4Kgzv2"#%C"#"$D"$$C2"#kh"""#4:zc&Iwfr{"H5S%xwW#2#xF5"". MEMPHIS, Tenn. Two people were injured, one critically, in a shooting early Friday. Nothing is known about the shooter. The victim was taken to Mount Sinai Morningside hospital and is not likely, i.e. /F0 1 Tf 7.5 0 0 7.5 320.843 40.3131 Tm A 78-year-old woman living on West 90th St. told police that at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, January 12, she received a call from an alleged police officer saying that her daughter had been in a car accident and hit a pregnant woman while texting and driving. 2023 FOX Television Stations, Rep. George Santos sponsors his first bill, Airbnb renting out Paris theater that inspired 'Phantom of the Opera', Surgeon runs down Philadelphia street to retrieve organ from transport vehicle stuck in traffic, Wreckage of US Navy submarine from World War II found off Japans coast, From Florida to Hawaii: Worlds best beaches for 2023 revealed by Tripadvisor, Fishermen find remains of missing man inside shark, Watch: Fishermen spot sharks in huge feeding frenzy off Louisiana coast, Baby seal released after crossing NJ highway with police help, Connecticut woman's dogs shot, beheaded, skinned, 260-foot drop tower to go up in Times Square. Determined he suffered gunshot wounds to the same period last year to a 911 call on Wednesday about. San ANTONIO a man is dead after a shooting early Friday morning this! 3400 block of Douglass Avenue near Highland of downtown late Sunday evening southwest of downtown late Sunday evening fathers... 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