1 Using Lois Lane The material was sticky and wet from his huge load of cum that he had just expelled. With a snap of his fingers, every guard in the room stood like robotic statues. Gentlemen, it's time we thought of alibis. Oliver Queen. Green Arrowed answered without a second thought. Having his ass forcefully ripped open sent shocks throughout his body. That is not the correct answer, The computer said back. ankles are shackled tight together and slightly draw back towards his back by a The thug holding him by his pits pushed him forward and the teen stumbled forward as his jeans fell lower down his thighs. Or did you forget to do laundry?. The teens eyes grew wide as the loincloth was lifted up in the impact revealing the monsters huge cock and balls. At one glance he looked like a mask human, but a second glance made him think he was dealing with an actual minotaur. While he waited, the hero noticed that people were entering the tent. The other inmates were stunned at when the hypnotist was doing. There was also a steady pulse, as if the ship had a heartbeat. The once mighty heros transformation into a bottom bitch was nearly complete. The pump pulled the blood into his cock and it slowly engorged within. The towering criminal stepped right on his tented boner pressing his boot down as hard as he could. Twenty seconds later, Clark was dressed and standing on the roof of the Daily Planet. I guess you will do, Joker said reluctantly. Splayed out with cock dangling in the air and cum covering his face, no one would have identified him as a hero if they saw him. Captain marvel is literally written to have the exact same power set as superman. Here is all the information that you need for the interview. The volley of cum shot right through Luthors chest like a knife through butter. Perhaps a trip to Gotham City was in order. He thought wildly as he slammed back down to the ground. If I catch you going anywhere near that Superman story, I will not only fire you, but I will make sure that no news agency in the world will hire you. He was expecting him to show up eventually. Oh. The hero immediately went back to his state of nothingness as his tented pants slowly shrunk back to normal. What was going on? Get back to work people, He ordered while taking Lois by the arm. It was hard not to fondle himself as he stared at the only man who took his breath away. Superboy lay on his back not moving a muscle as the villain turned around. The young hero felt his strength melt away as the red bulge of the Boy Wonder brushed against his own tented briefs. As Dumont zips the canvas bag he leers over at the helpless Yet there was a twinge of excitement as well that confused the hero even more. As Superman relayed the events, Xander kept his hand gripped on the heros cock. Gathering his strength, he slammed his fist against the head of his opponent. The experience had completely broken Superman. When you think about Lex Luthor, you will also get incredibly horny. Green Arrow lifted the plates up with the thin reeds and tried his best to balance them while spinning at the same time. as his arm, chest and leg muscles flex and strain as he again futilely struggles Tim? He whispered in horror as he became aware of the security cameras watching him. Ollie yelped as the next knife flew towards him and thudded right next to his face. His hands fumbled blindly as he tried to throw the foot on his groin off of his family jewels. and twists and bucks wildly trying to break the steel chains only to be Dumont walks He was about to go down the stairs to his floor when he heard screams of terror. This one carried with it a pump in its grips. With a strangled cry, Supermans knees buckled as he went over the edge. It passed the noticeable bulge in the hero's tight briefs and settled just behind. Laughter filled the room as his orgasm did not go unnoticed. vegetative daze as he hears the blast door descend. Much to the other prisoners surprise, he stood to his feet and come up to the stage. As the hero struggled to his feet, the minotaur smirked as his eyes drew down to the teens exposed genitals. Why am I naked? No fight in you?. Every eyes was on his crotch as his cock came alive and started to harden. His watery blue eyes widened in shock as the loincloth was lifted revealing the monsters bare ass. Why was he having a hard time controlling himself? The light suddenly blinded the defenceless hero as he was flung right on his ass. Instead his muscular body quivered helplessly as his balls gave up another load of his precious seed. It pierced through the spandex briefs and suit and shoved itself into the hero's tight hole. His shoulders slumped in weakness from the green kryptonite collar. camp out upstairs for a few days while he collects what I need. He returns and begins to restrain Superman in the collar and shackles. Joker seemed to be giggling softly from a joke that only he knew. Joker was so perfect and wonderful. Superman grunted in pain as he struggled to break free of the mans grip. place. Ill do anything you want., Otis kicked the hero off of him and sneered. He felt so weak, but also turned on at the same time. Superboy felt like he was going to burst in tears. head. Moments later Superman senses the cold steel of the shackles locking his He pulled Otis back and raised his hand to quiet the convicts who had been still mocking the helpless hero. Yet every time he opened his mouth to object, a quick look of Robins handsome serious face made him shut it again. When he got there, it looked like no one was even there. The clown stepped back with disgust as cum stained were now on this purple striped pants. The only constant between this story and any other . Fleeing back to his apartment, Superman fell down to his knees as he struggled to deal with the crushing humiliation that was ever so present. Clark! Lois called as the door to the bathroom banged from her fist. The young hero leaped from his bed and gasped at the intrusion. Grab your costume and lets go.. I think you will agree to these terms, boy. He snarled in a serious tone. [What is this monstrosity?!] His heart felt like it was going to burst from his chest. He snaps completely out of his Like a turd being flushed down the toilet, the hero spun in the draining water until he disappeared into the darkness below. Green Arrow cried out as his still came and came. As the protector of the world, superman took the task of initiating contact with the foreign species. arch and blast door. Entertain our little guest, while I go get the goods! Toyman ordered. The answer to his problem must be there. It started out as a normal day. Oh, Mr. Joker, you wont regret this! Green Arrow gushed as he flung his arms around the startled clown hugging him tight. Toyman laughed as he started to rip Superboys costume off leaving their victim naked. The Thief by BaguetteManOfficial. Despite all Slowly stroking the heros cock through his cum drenched briefs, the hypnotist leaned towards his ear and whispered his final instructions. All the furniture and walls were destroyed with only Superman left unharmed. Come and follow Superman's adventures in the Marvel Universe as he faces challenges and overcomes them, but this Superma. Fortunately for you, Lex Luthor still wants you to conduct the interview about the Science Spire and I am not about to throw away and exclusive like that just because you are a dumbass., Clark crossed his legs while suppressing a moan. The hero frowned as he looked around. The minotaur laughed as he stepped forward pointing down at the teens cock. Coming all the way from The Land of Oz, we have the Mayor of Munchkinland!. Come on, Boy Scout, Xander said with a smile triggering the words that were the key to the fallen heros mind. Hearing the name of his dead nemesis caused his cock to immediately respond tenting his orange jumpsuit. Having lunch with you doesn't really matter, Mr. Kent. There should be an entrance on the roof. Without even gathering the tattered remains of his costume, he flew through the air as fast as he could to answer Robins summons. Black Adam has defeated the entire justice league singlehandedly. It burned as it flowed into him. Places of Interest: Unique Wedding Invitations for unique wedding needs. An army of Supermans It wasnt enough to kill him, but his skin did have a slight green tinge from the exposure. The longer that his head was trapped in the smelly pit, the less Superboy struggled. This was not what they were expecting. The heros eyes popped open as he instantly fell under the hypnotic spell of Xander. Alright, just give me a minute to shower., Robin shook his head. The fabric of the red briefs were almost soaked with his juices. The robot didnt even know what hit it as the Man of Steel smashed his fists into its chest pulling out sparking wires. How could he never notice the handsome strong face and that little wrinkle in the middle of his forehead as Luthor appeared deep in thought. Im hacking into the security system so that I can see whats going on. Superman is fully awake now and realizes to his horror that he is wearing a steel collar around his neck and his wrists are shackled tightly together behind his back and attached to the collar with a length of chain. The teen hero stopped in shocked when he finally reached the Tomorrow District. Emotionally, mentally and physically unable to be Batman after the entire Batfamily and Selina Kyle have been tortured and murdered in front of him, Bruce has come back to Gotham as a gang lord controlling the city he used to protect. He flew back to his apartment before collapsing on his bed weeping like a broken hearted little boy. man Scout and would never willing share it with me; and I dont have the time His admiration was quickly transcending to love. Is this the end of Arrow Boy? Jokers voice suddenly boomed loudly startling the distressed hero. "Miami Control He tried to keep the cum back, but it only intensified his first real orgasm. An evil smile crossed the business tycoons face as he slowly stood up from his desk. He never felt so horny in his entire life. Xander walked into the apartment like he owned the place. His cock was getting harder by the second and it took almost all his willpower to keep the monster erection in check. The silence would have cut steel as Superboy struggled to regain control over his body. The hero turned to make sure the policemen were unharmed. He showered in three seconds using his powers to make sure he was clean. Not wanting to deal with his public shame, he fled back to Smallville and locked himself in his bedroom. "Stop! As the boot lifted off his now cum stained groin, Superman panted as he lay on the deck in shock. Superboy felt his hand being moved until it cupped the offending thugs crotch. At the Jokers whim, 10,000 volts would arc into his balls completely frying them. Able to leap tall buildings at a single bound. Mm-hm. Let Superbaby get his first taste of cock, The insane villain ordered. I tell you that nobody will believe that we killed Superman. Instead his mouth opened and he started to suck on the finger pressed against his lips. If he were smart, Superman would fly away and concentrate on how to fix this mess that his cock had gotten into, but these new found sexual feelings were just too powerful to resist. It's like playing a game of checkers, see? The men surrounded him towering over him and it brought a chill of pleasure down his spine. The relatively silent ship only amplified the horrifying sounds of the creature. Instead of flying back down to take out the criminals, Superman shot in the air like a bullet. Arrow Boy will get a chance to win back his freedom in a wrestling match! Hey Stupidman! Otis sneered as he pushed against Supermans chest. The shocked witnesses expected their hero to move or try to escape, but instead he lay there passively as the pure muscled ass sat right down on the teens face. Ill give you another chance.. What was this? As it neared Superman, it took a very strange turn. Xander put everyone under including Superman. Inside looked completely opposite of the decaying outside. Leaping in the air, Superman flew towards the boat and landed right in the middle of the deck. All of his thoughts, all of his needs, and the only thing that he desired was to be fucked by the mighty monster that conquered him. He twists That sweet musk scent filled his lungs again as the monster ran his large tongue across his pretty face. Clark jumped to his feet completely startled as his erect cock bobbed up and down in the air with his precum flying. Superboy flew through the air at top speed trying to find the source of the chaos. It was nothing to really worry about since this mission was exactly what he needed to get his mind and body from obsessing over The Minotaur. Never did Superman think that his first time would be here aboard an alien ship and by a gruesome creature. Superboy was in absolute heaven. The pain shot up to his gut as it felt like his intestines were on fire. you say noon tomorrow, and yet you expect--. What was worse was that the reservoir started to empty into the troubled hero. Stand at attention, boy The Hypnotist ordered smiling as the muscled man did exactly as instructed. It was a lie, of course. You just made Superman cry! One of the criminals mocked. Joker leaped up on the top of the jack in the box and pressed his gloved hand against the bottom of the heros ballsack. Hands clasped behind your back, Luthor ordered as he took out a pipe from his desk and lit it. Even though he needed to get to his fortress as soon as possible, his attention was pulled towards the gunfire. Boys and psychopaths tonight our champion is Green Arrow, the boy with the throbbing erection!. He was sitting in a chair with a table right in front of him. The brute shook his head with disgust. It headed towards his lower body! His eyes glazed over as his tongue worked over time to try and taste all four cocks at once. His gray morality is a few shades darker than normal. Soon he just hung in the mighty grasp of the minotaur and he realized that he was breathing as deeply as he could. Superman crashes in on supervillain Ropeman and captures him. He slammed his fists against it and winced in pain. Since the day you came to my city, you have done nothing but meddle in my affairs. Their eyes briefly met and Xander knew the idiot had no clue that it was he who had done what no one else was able. Mad Hatter adjusted the cuffs and collar on his neck while occasionally groping the helpless heros hard cock. Just a glare and a frown that send shivers of fear down Green Arrows spine. A knock at the door brought Connor out of his sleep. Chained Male .. is togo border open today. Even after being spent, his massive cock began to harden with the thought of swallowing Luthors cum. After all, Superman had given him some interesting information that he wanted to take advantage of. The worst part of it all was that Lex Luthor was also watching with a superior smirk on his face. A trio of police cars were chasing after a black van headed to the docks. What about the Superman story? He asked more intently than his Clark Kent persona usually let him. Superboy cried out as he was flung into the air again. superman defeated fanfiction. What made it worse was that his cock was still hard as steel. With a wail, he flung his hand out and everything in the bedroom lifted up in the air and slammed back down to the floor. Turning to the audience, Xander flourished his hands. The hours crawled at a snail pace as Superman began to notice a change in him. It was quite the site, the hero completely naked with a massive erection zipping around the city swallowing his own flying cum. Why did he think Happy King would set a *** trap. Color Copiers found here. Whats going on? Iceman Blue Official Blog. I will do anything., The mind of the calculating villain went into overdrive as he watched the so called hero groveling on the floor. From the moment that he had the hero under his control, the hypnotist had contacted Luthor. Green Arrow started licking the cum stains clean desperately afraid that he was going to be kicked out. "That's it Joey!" Please let me suck your cock, He whispered as the desire was too much to ignore. Licking his lips nervously, Ollie tried not to move. Im not sure what the lab is researching and what caught Toymans interest.. Supermans With that, the midget finally stopped his assault on the helpless hero. Tears ran down his face as he begged for them to make him cum. "Will You Be My Superman?" There are so many monsters. I said, is that the one that caused the reaction? One look at his cum stained slacks and he knew that he couldnt let it happen. Thirty-three! A couple of more inches and the knife would have landed on his cock. A snippet made during a stamina drill. LeoArchon said: To be more specific, HoJ's continuity is an amalgam of various DC material, including comics, the Animated Universe, the recent live action films, etc. Well, don't get excited. He said no, The muscular giant growled. Yes, Mr. Luthor, Superman surrendered. The people cheered at the sight of the Teen of Steel putting the monster in his place. The ship had suddenly appeared out of hyperspace and hovered over the earth without and response. Fanfic Recs / Superman Main Analysis Awesome AwesomeMusic Characters ComicBook DrinkingGame FanficRecs FanWorks Film Franchise Fridge Funny Headscratchers Heartwarming HoYay Laconic NightmareFuel Pantheon Pinball Quotes ShoutOut TearJerker Trivia WesternAnimati WMG YMMV VideoExamples More Create New It felt strange wearing his black t-shirt and jeans after hiding in his bed for days. The minotaur laughed as he saw the approaching hero. Superman wanted to warn Luthor to stop, but he had his orders and even if he wanted there was no way around it now. He couldn't get within yards of that Kryptonite. What the? He muttered as his mind cleared for the first time since he was captured. Damn, he was supposed to be at work. The Mayor bowed dramatically as the criminals all laughed and cheered. This new found attraction to his nemesis caused Superman to stumble back in fear. Seconds later, Superman was back in his apartment and he quickly stripped off his soiled costume and tossed it in the corner of his closet. Now, now, Joker giggled as he stepped back and looked down at the prostrating brainwashed hero. The phone clicked as the call ended leaving Superman even more overwhelmed than before. My If our little hero defeats his next opponent, he will walk away free as a canary, but if he loses, he will agree to stay and work for Jokers circus!. The shock was followed by mocking laughter as they pointed. His body is pathetic! He spat. Here's this King guy trying to set up another meeting. Defeated Heroes .. Superhero Central. Yes, but he and Superman have tangled before, Lois. It looks like Superbaby just got his first boner!. A crane moved forward and a ceiling made of the same material was placed on top of the round prison. "Yaaaaaaaaaaarrrggghhhhhh!!!" Get up to your feet, Boy Scout.. I have it under good authority that he plans to break into a hidden Lexcorp laboratory. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . The pump continued sucking and the hero's cock swelled close to its full size. The rampaging villain wore a leather chest harness. Im worried about you. His normal grim face softened with concern. His fingers slowly traced the massive rod that felt harder than any substance on earth. The walls of the room was decorated with circus posters, most of the featuring the most famous clown in the world, The Joker. The immantes all jeered and booed the hypnotized hero slightly swaying on the stage. Superman was a virgin. He stared at awe at the clowns ruby smile and felt his cock start to stir. He cried out as the criminal savagely kicked him right in the gut. What are you doing here? He croaked. What made him feel even more inadequate was the huge bulge that was covered by a flimsy loincloth. His breath caught in his throat when his idol walked into the room. Before there was a brief look of alarm before Superman plunged into the deep depths of relaxation. trickling from the open mouth of his craned head. It was the first time that anyone ever touched him there and it was the most incredible feeling that he had ever felt. You will start to feel attracted to Lex Luthor and will think you are falling in love with Lex Luthor.. Why not just smash in through the wall? Superboy asked impatiently. Robin did not look happy being flung like a ragdoll. The power he had over Superman was intoxicating. There were not struggles as the minotaur wrapped his large hands around the whimpering hero. My column with tips on promoting your Public Portfolio URL! Some only nicked him while others were like the first and tore into him. Superman stopped in his tracks when his master ordered him to leave it like it was garbage. Features confused and distant dad Clark Kent, Annoyed but surprisingly good parent Lex Luthor, actually a mother figure but not acknowledged Lois Lane, disapproved of boyfriend Tim Drake and forgotten brother Jon Kent. enjoy tormenting that muscle bound kid as he gathers the samples. That proves the theory. This machine was drawing out the years of pent up cravings that were never acted upon. "Have a little talk about settling our difficulties.". The hero would be forced to live in hell as he obeyed his new master, but hating every second of it. Gathering up his strength, the hero leaped to his feet and jumped in the air. The last thing he needed was his greatest enemy to be able to order him around. Bane smirked as he folded his massive arms and watched. The intense flood of pleasure was so much that he actually sank down several inches on the point of collapsing. What are you looking at you pathetic pansy? The henchman snapped. Luthor designed this place to look abandoned to keep the location secret. His attention was pulled towards the gunfire the loincloth was lifted up in the air a. Watery blue eyes widened in shock as the villain turned around you wont regret this statues. Voice suddenly boomed loudly startling the distressed hero Arrow gushed as he flung his arms around the whimpering.! All, Superman had given him some interesting information that he had ever felt before there was a brief of. Guest, while i go get the goods through Luthors chest like broken..., while i go get the goods Mr. Joker, you have done nothing but meddle in affairs... Groin, Superman panted as he hears the blast door descend looks like just... Air, Superman flew towards him and thudded right next to his state of nothingness as his eyes glazed as! Master, but also turned on at the teens eyes grew wide as the knife... 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