How do we have a Tila ran on our loan? Im taking money from my 401k just to go ahead and pay them off and in six months I will definitely be looking to refinance my home. I have never heard of a company that does not have their reps answer their phone with their company name as well as their name so you know which company you have reached and to whom you are speaking with and that is horrible unacceptable lack of customer service to say the least. This means they communicate with you and collect payments, answer questions, keep track of your interest, and more. The federal government was aware of the conspirers activities and sought penalties against them. The Supreme Court weighed in on a class action lawsuit filed 10 years ago against Quicken Loans, now Rocket Mortgage, regarding its appraisal practices during the financial crisis, in favor of the . You have rights under the law, and we will stop the harassment once and for all. You can submit a complaint about bad customer service too. Today they specialize in mortgage servicing in the US. This is the worst mortgage servicing company ever. However, the company is allegedly charging between $7.50 and $12.50 to consumers for these payments. SLS is primarily a mortgage loan servicer. Balance is still too high after being with them almost 12 yrs!! The class action lawsuit is being brought on behalf of the following class of . Add me to the email list They also knew he would take my daughter away a d of his status and fang connections as well as political connections and with the court. They have fought me every time I completed their loan modification application. Guess what they don't have enough documents to do that either. FairShake complaints about SLS have to do with late payment fees, false advertising, and misleading marketing. My email is I traced that Officer to Texas. I filed a federal lawsuit against them. Please include your name and loan number on all requests. You can also send customer service questions via email by logging in to your account, selecting contact us and following the prompts. I am fighting to have the sale rescinded. Our loan was with US Mortgage. From that day to Dec. 30 I called multiple times only to receive an aoutmated voice message saying my loan was still in transition and that dec. Payment wouldn't be late. . Submit a complaint and get your issue resolved. Additionally, consumers who have been charged excessive pay-to-pay fees for paying their mortgage over the phone or online may be eligible to hire an attorney if these fees were hidden fees and not disclosed in their mortgage agreement. Docket Number: 17-cv-06668 ., Please add me to the email list of the class action suit against SLS. The company was founded in 2002. Went into forbearance 4/1/2020, With all payments starting in 2018 being current, never late. I have not received the loan payoff information or how much it sold for. I believe this company has committed some illegal crimes on this account and I the account holder is suffering from it while they still have no supporting documents with any kind of detail showing me how is the balance over 10,000. Every dirty rotten trick in the book they have tried. I contacted SLS again on Oct.23rd and spoke to a woman who told me she sees exactly whats wrong with my accountShe said they have been adding ALL my payments to my escrow account, and no matter how much extra I pay, it will NEVER show that were not in arears! I never wanted to be switched but my loan with WellsFargo was sold to them I don't know what to do I really don't know what to do I feel like I've been screwed over not because of my own doing because Bank of America and SLS dropped the ball not me! Share your photos and videos with others to prove the truth of your words. He came into my life via so-called friends and they are his partners in locating people vulnerable to loosing their homes or investment property. as Ex. Their mailing address is: Specialized Loan Servicing LLC P.O. Within a year or so it turned my loan over to SLS also just as a "collector". in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, charging that defendants broke the agreement and reneged on their promises to modify struggling mortgages. 1692 et seq ., and the Illinois Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Practices Act ("ICFA"), 815 ILCS . On May 11 2020, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) issued a consent order against Specialized Loan Servicing, LLC (SLS), a mortgage-loan servicer in Colorado. I would like to be part of the lawsuit. 04/12/21 538.38 Also had 1076.00 in suspense account at this time. If you are interested in helping me in this case please contact me:). The class action lawsuit against mortgage lenders is a step towards this future goal. Thank you so much ! The best way to speak to an actual person is to call the customer care center at 1-800-315-4757, Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. MT. Regarding: SLS. Please email me on how to join the Class action. He claims that this fee was excessive, and is illegal under Texas financial codes. If you think you have been harmed by SLS you can make a compensation claim., I too have had issues with this loan company. They just wants to force fraud foreclosure without any real reason, I been trying to get help past 6 month with my loan nothing but run around the scam. By submitting your comment and contact information, you agree to receive marketing emails from Top Class Actions regarding this and/or similar lawsuits or settlements, and/or to be contacted by an attorney or law firm to discuss the details of your potential case at no charge to you if you qualify. Filing Deadline: July 1, 2019. This means they communicate with you and collect payments, answer questions, keep track of your interest, and more. 12/23/20 784.27 Larry Nolen. Please add me to the sls class action lawsuit. Can I make a class action lawsuit against SLS? This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. If you are a resident of Maine: SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING LLC OPERATING HOURS ARE 6:00 A.M. UNTIL 6:00 P.M. MOUNTAIN TIME MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. 10/23/20 1617.22 . But the original holder and problem is, ie. Apple Watch Screen Defect Class Action Lawsuit. I have been trying to obtain a loan modification with SLS for several years. I have a address and try to cross refrence it to get contact info. This statement does not apply if SLS is servicing your residential mortgage loan. I had ins on the property . Which no longer exist. During 04/20-4/21 period of time. I tried to call the so-called "Customer Service " number which is not being answered at all notvoice mail says the system is down. Well, that was the beginning of the end. They mis applied paymentsbut it in a "holding pattern"-didn't apply against mortgage, alter interest rates, accounting lied and says its taken care of, but interest never credited back appropriately, charges wrong interest, charged late fees even though paid due to "holding patterns" they generated! I told them they already know that I am eligible because they did the review the first time. I declined and sent a letter of appeal a week prior to their due date. You must understand that your mortgage is a loan granted by a mortgage company. Class Members who want to be excluded from the terms of this settlement or object to it have until March 2, 2019 to do so. I message Toby Wells through linked-in as that is the only way to get a message to him and I tracked him down on my own. My only concern is that we do not call Connecticut, Corrupticut, for no reason. The plaintiff alleges he received a collection letter from the defendant in July 2018 that stated, in part: Other complaints have to do with significant difficulties getting a hold of customer service, getting refunds that are deserved, unexpected charges, and problems with. We are currently 2 months ahead on mortgage payments and the our credit report is reflecting that we requested a FOREBERANCE ON OUR MORTGAGE. However, according to Barack and other consumers, this may be exactly what Specialized Loan Servicing is doing. They have caused us thousand of dollars. Please email the information on the class action lawsuit. As of February 29, 2020, SLS serviced a portfolio of mortgage loans worth about $112.69 billion. However, SLS is a loan servicer, which means they will still follow up with you and communicate with you about payments and how much money you owe on your mortgage. Please add me to the list for the class action suit. Exactly how you make a claim against SLS depends on many factors including your contract with SLS. This is very disturbing to say the least. They refuse to give me the contact number. status of any class action settlement claim. Please send me the class action lawsuit info. Each time we would receive a letter that was dated for weeks before we received it leaving us only 1-2 days to pay it and it always would contain bogus charges. CLASS ALLEGATIONS 51. This will surely increase the credibility of your complaint. More bothersome is that every copy of my loan has been falsified with effort to remove Countrywide's name and replace with one of theirs. Lucky for me i saved all communication since 2013 including emails, fax receipts confirming the information was sent, and I had the foresight to print all the internal communications from the website. Should I fight this crooks with a foreclosure lawyer? They have had the worst customer service I have ever dealt with and I call and leave messages and no one ever calls me back. Specialized Loan Servicing [SLS] - how the sls scam works, Specialized Loan Servicing [SLS] - class action suit, Specialized Loan Servicing [SLS] - mis-handling of loan & violation of loan practices, Specialized Loan Servicing [SLS] - deliberate tactics to ensure foreclosure, Specialized Loan Servicing [SLS] - sls lies and refuses to respond to complaints, Specialized Loan Servicing [SLS] - Escrow mismanagement, Specialized Loan Servicing [SLS] - Mortgage, Specialized Loan Servicing [SLS] - Insurance check for damage to my home from hurricane, Specialized Loan Servicing [SLS] - not very customer focused, Specialized Loan Servicing [SLS] - transfer, Specialized Loan Servicing [SLS] reviews & complaints. Hello, I received an Email confirming my Email, but other then that I am not sure what to do here. In 2012, JPMorgan Chase decided to file a foreclosure lawsuit against Bill and Doreen on behalf of LaSalle Bank, N.A. account was moved to a new servicer SLS without notice SLS. None of these banks have honored my Countrywide agreement but the Feds couldn't have left the homeowners in a more difficult situation by settling with Countrywide and leaving those of us in these loans to fend for ourselves. My home is scheduled to go to auction sometime in Nov. 2020. He told me things were busy, he's working late, I'm lucky I caught himthen he tells me my payment is the full amount of the loan prior to modification. I was able to get my PMI off. We too received payment notices that were not correct and then due to several tragic events in our family got a couple months behind. We are currently 2 months ahead on mortgage payments and the our credit report is reflecting that we requested a FOREBERANCE ON OUR MORTGAGE. They join together under one large lawsuit rather than file individually. I get fees after fees after fees, 12$ to make phone payments, they never report when I make on time payments only report late payments, they dont have a direct contact, always have to explain over and over! Needless to say I was not aware of any of this. We were with BOA and then somehow ended up with SLS after we paid down another 20, 000 towards the equity of our home. which I was not notified, nor did I authorize this. Had a credit score of 800 before my payment was increased from 200.00 dollars a month to 1000.00. WASHINGTON, D.C. to the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, the Federal Reserve, or a regulatory agency for SLS. I have all factual supporting documents to support all details in this letter. What kind of complaints do people have about SLS? In specialized loan servicing lawsuit . The social worker Colleen Duffie and him as Michael Weatherall resided in a home behind my mom and may have came in with or without someones aid to harm us or stage events of abuse like his associates did at my condo. (always Customer Service Reps with 0 details to give). St. Paul, MN 5510 If a lawyer decides that you have legal grounds for a lawsuit or case, they might be willing to represent you. 12/11/20 1000.00 He stalked me when I left a complaint with the DRE in Sacramento and had me arrested thereafter. I have never ever in my entire life have I been so done and fed up with a company or a personl ihell I'm going through a divorce so that's saying a lot! SLS stands for Specialized Loan Servicing, an LLC. Recently the courts claimed that one of the defendants in my case, Bank of America, was not a debt collector. They join together under one large lawsuit rather than file individually. Attorneys! You can also contact the customer care center at 1 803-4757. I also fined chapter 13 and they got paid by the court still say I am delinquent I asked my bankruptcy Attirney to get it fixed they wont respond SLS known and popular for being such. Read our Newswire Disclaimer. Then when we got a call, it was SLS and wow they were extremely rude. So each time I went to the doctor I would not get help. This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback. No mortgage solicitation activity or loan applications for properties located in the State of New York can be facilitated through this site or by calling 1-800-315-4757. According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, some companies may be misleading consumers about pay-to-pay fees, either by misrepresenting the purpose of the fee, or by pressuring consumers to pay additional fees to post their payments the same day, even when that is not necessary. They attempt to hold me to an illegal interest rate while they do nothing, support nothing valid regarding my loan. My ex and his associates steered me into the properties I bought as we as the mortgage lender and surrounded me in my condo and mothers neighborhood as well as work with his associates and gang members. Citibank and its store card unit have also been accused of charging pay-to-pay fees for consumers who made phone payments. This I don't mind so I don't even have to worry about paying property taxes when it's due however, they increased the mortgage payments to three times that amount! I would like to be a part of a class action suit against SLS, Iam a young home owner and this company has made owning a home beyond stressfull and has threatened foreclosure on my home when I have yet to miss Payments. March 21, 2022. I would love to know how to begin or become part of a class action suit against this company. This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback. We do know that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau settled with SLS in 2022 to repay consumers for violations of RESPA and Regulation X as well as corresponding penalties. The company is a publicly traded company and invests / or operates a variety of financial companies. Dear Deb, The securities filing says that Wells Fargo discovered a "calculation error" in its automated software for calculating whether a borrower should be offered more favorable loan terms in lieu of foreclosure. We . Countrywide, Bank of America, SLS, NYBank of Melon are all involved in scamming homeowners out of their monthly mortgage payments and their loans are falsified. Even worse. I need to some help so I have searched and found a Lawyer that I think handled a class action lawsuit with them in 2016 Atty Lorenzo 202.973.0900 I am going to contact and see what can . According to Citibank customers, the bank may be calling these charges processing charges, and assessing them for payments that are posted the same day. WF Sold my loan during a refi after telling me the loan would not be sold. I'm in a Countrywide loan transferred years ago to Bank of America who transferred it to SLS who transferred it to NYBM. Specialized Loan Servicing LLC, Case No. It has happened 3 times. It is causing harm to my health, quality of life, relationship with spouse and a family separation, anxiety, depression, missed work and many hours days months wasted that could be spent with my family. We explained to them that we sent it to US Mortgage and that they needed to contact them. Not applying mortgage payment / my money disappears. I sent a form, voided check and did everything what I was told .Now they are saying different stuff and still not sending me statements. Beyond upset and surprised about all of this. Hi, my name is Galina. On dec 30th I finally spoke to my loan manger Billy. A payoff letter explains how much money you have left on your mortgage, what interest or fees have been charged, and how much you have paid off. They tried to foreclose on me 4 times . The letter stated I need to come up with over $3000 or they were foreclosing on my home within 30 days. This comment was posted by a verified customer. 04/21/21 704.25 If any one knows of any help in my state please email me. You can reach Ocwen at (800) 337-6695 or 04/26/21 1250.00, I have received a statement with the balance being over 10,000 and a letter to foreclose. This was another sham., Please add me to the list:, I's like to join the Class action suit. Thank you. They have no documentation of this being true and correct and is in process of foreclosure and and a remaining. My loan originally with Countrywide who was declared bankrupt by the Federal Government back in 2006 or a little later. and They have damaged and stolen 14 vehicles, 37 computers, 34 plus cellphones, and 30 plus drivers licensebasically holding me hostage. for informational purposes only. SLS is headquartered in Colorado. This is the 3rd time I'm writing the same thing so something isn't working with your equipment. Document received 4/20/2021. I really lost my mind at that point and filed a complaint with the Federal Commission for consumer bureau. There are situations where a direct lender gives a loan but does not want to service it and manage it. We have had our loan passed around like garbage and treated no better. The article on them appeared in the Htfd Courant in 2018 perhaps no later than May 2018. I didn't find out until 5/17 about all of the Countrywide problems and requested documentation from both of these companies since my Countrywide loan specified conditions they failed to meet--lower my interest and produce Assignment from Countrywide. SLS has provided false information to the credit agencies. What is Specialized Loan Servicing? Original review: June 29, 2022. No materials from this website may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way. I didn't get anything from Wells Fargo to what balance were transferred over to SLS and now, I don't even know how much I own on my house. Different rep each call= many inaccurate numbers and details with no supporting documentation to prove how the balance is true and correct on this account. The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customers satisfaction. Before a lawyer takes on a. they will consider things like whether SLS violated their obligations in any way that caused you harm, how much money is involved, and what evidence you have against the company. I have filed 2 formal complaints one in process. Please email me if there is a class action lawsuit, Please E-mail me if there is a class action lawsuit. SLS is primarily a mortgage loan servicer. They say they do not have the paperwork requested and sold my parents estate on may 2, 2017 to the next door neighbor. By Emily Flitter. Class Action: An action where an individual represents a group in a court claim. In October of 2017, the court in the Pennsylvania action entered a Judgment in Mortgage Foreclosure in favor of Nationstar and against Plaintiff. What can I do? We are the reason they have a job, and they are taking from the very people that keep food on their table. Consumers who have been pressured or misled into making mortgage payments with pay-to-pay fees may be eligible to hire an attorney to review their case and determine whether they qualify to file a lawsuit. This was an endless circle so we asked for the pay off amount to bring the loan current. All right reserved.FairShake Inc.2323 BroadwayOakland, CA, 94612Tel: (510) 937-3247. I keep detailed records of everything and they finally did the 1098 for 2020 and I had paid $1550 in interest. Debt collector one large lawsuit rather than file individually we have a,! In process of foreclosure and and a remaining received the loan would not sold. During a refi after telling me the loan payoff information or how much it sold.! Claimed that one of the defendants in my case, Bank of America who transferred it to NYBM sold loan! After telling me the loan would not get help how do we have a address and try cross. To support all details in this case please contact me: ) same thing so is. 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