Would she accept? Will Sesshomaru let them? Sesshomaru just ignored him like always and kept heading towards his destination on trying to . sorry about mistakes! But as the only god and rightful sov Kagome and InuYasha had come together again after Kagome was able to go through the well, one last time. But as foe and guilt threaten to consume her, she finds herself turning to him again and again, seeking more than just sexual gratification. The pain had gone away and kagome could only feel pleasure. Lightning. Kagome got mad at the fact that sesshomaru was degrading other people and said. They began walking through the huge house. War has broken out between the Demon Lords of Feudal Japan, the Lord of the West enlists Kagome to fight on the front lines as his spiritual weapon. Suikotsu `This room reeks of the maid from the kitchens scentdoes she come to this room even when this sesshomaru has forbade it?' Jakotsu Don't know this is just for funzies~ Hope Ya'll like it. Sesshomaru and Kagome Love Stories with Lemon Scenes; Bookmark Notes: sesshomaru kagome lemons smut inutashio sesshomaru father dragon lord. Sesshomaru was not far behind. When Inuyasha lets Kiky join the pack without Kagome's consent, she and Shippo leave the pack. What if Inuyasha still love Kikyo? If you Haven't read my First book, you have to go back and read that (Kagome I love you) cute book. Sesshomaru had kept it locked up for so long, why is it coming back to the surface no Kagome runs away after Inuyasha chose Kikyo. oh. 67.1K 2.4K 23. Kagome was about to reach her peak when he stopped. mated with the monster- sesshomaru love story. +17 more. He rolled over on to his back and his eye twitched. Sesshomaru thought the same thing but then got confused `Is kagome in fact a virgin?'. Rating: MA - Universe: Alternate - Status: Incomplete - Category: Oneshot Collections . That is until she crossed paths with Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru hasnt seen her in years, and what happens when he sees that she is a grown women. You must watch in order to see it. Do you want me to stop? sesshomaru said now worried. Would he love? P.S. One day, in their birthday, they were fall down your village was wiped out by a army of demons sent from a man named Naraku as you PROMISED to kill him..you met a little girl named Rin and a powerful demon named Se I do not own or claim to own any of these characters!! But then he remembered what kagome had said, `your anger is gonna get the best of you one day'. Attracted to her fresh scent of power, she is taken in Touga as his own for a short time. What is with him? Kagome was wearing her black pajama tank top with her black pajama sleep pants the pajamas had suns, moons, and stars on the pants and a single ceresent moon in the center of the tank top right above the belly button area. She pulled it from around her and let it fall in front of her breasts on to the floor. That gave sesshomaru an excuse to look down her shirt that had the top button undone. That is until she crossed paths with Sesshomaru. He liked kagomes cut clean and rolled off her. Sorry for what? kagome asked quickly. Branches whipped out and snagged at her tangled hair and clothes. What will happen to her? Kagome is actually from the feudal era and was born into a very powerful line of Miko's and Monk's and she even knew Inuyasha's and Sesshomaru's father. But neither does Kagome. He turned around and saw the servant who was staring in complete disbelief. I have yet to `experience pleasures love for the umm body.'. so sessh, how come no one is allowed on the east side of the house?, dear kagome, why would anyone even want to be there. Kagome becomes heartbroken when Inuyasha runs off to Kikyo. It was of sesshomaru. After accidentally falling into it, she finds herself in a completely different world. A chance meeting between the creator of XTale, and a magically bound human female. What will happen? Will her group stay by her or abandon her? They say he was the greatest, most powerful demon to ever live. You must be still in order to feel it. Fate dictated that he had to relinquish her to death. Please consider turning it on! But how does someone go home when they don't know where home is? ^.^', The White Rose (sesshomaru x kagome) one shot, ::Dreamers:: A kagome and sesshomaru love story, Sesshomaru and Kagome: Short Fan Fiction Story, Memories of Betrayal (An Inuyasha fan fiction). He was about to kiss her more but just stared at the sight before him. Read and find out how Naraku falls and Kagome returns to who we used to know. Sesshomaru grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her on top him. Kagome wakes up to find herself a dog demon. I do not own in Kagome leaves after Kikyo joined the group. he now only had on his underwear that exposed his huge manhood even more. [ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]. Inuyasha A journey of discovery to find her purpose in the Feudal Era. In a last ditch effort to thwart his enemies before he is once and for all destroyed, Naraku makes a wish that changes their lives irrevocably, in ways no one could predict.A SessKag space travel AU. Sort by: Hot. 50 Years ago my friend Inuyasha was pinned to a tree by a sacred sealing arrow. Kagome has an unexpected chance meeting with the demon lord of the west, Inuyasha's half-brother, Sesshomaru. Naraku had sent his latest incarnation to the festival. A SesshoumaruXKagome Fanfiction derived from the Inuyasha anime series. As they grow closer, their hearts begin to ache for one another. Kagome started to get tears in her eyes and dove her lips into sesshomarus. Sesshomaru just stared at her thinking `*sigh* this painting can be described as many things intimidating, daunting, alarming, chilling, along with many other emotions caused from fear but I suppose it is also c-*sigh* cute.'. No need to get hostile! (^.^). inuyasha breaks kagomes heart and decides to leave the group and meets up with sesshomaru and well cant tell you read and find out more.. Sesshomaru really Really REALLY hates Kagome, but his mother has other plans for the two :P SesshxKag fluff promised so stay tuned :) Rated T just for safety. Kagome eyeballed sesshomaru and warned, All of your anger is going to get the best of you one day., Sesshomaru replied, I doubt it. `including her virginity' which is gonna be history.' Sesshomaru usually had a way with words but had no clue what to say. Sesshomaru felt the lump in his pelvis release and release out into kagome. I was just wandering how such a dense thought entered your mind. Dealing with a pregnant woman was never fun, but dealing with a pregnant yokai was borderline impossible. Ever though you had quite an adventure with Yugi and t "oh my what are cute little things like all of you doing in the cold, don't worry little ones I'll take care of all of you" Story Title: Kagome's New Change. How much is she willing to pay to escape the trap Sesshomaru unknowingly laid out for her? Living in the present have been Mai's way through life. Sesshomaru sat up and looked at the door way. A twist on a classic tale. Kagome opened a random door and saw a bed that looked brand new as if no one ever even sat on it but it was covered with dust. So with a plan made in case it was needed comes into play its up to Kagome and Shippo to make their new lifes work. This is the story about you a white haired half wolf demon who just landed in another one's territory will you mate or will you kill C=. As Naraku grows closer to completing the sacred jewel, Okami's chances of getting her revenge becomes slimmer and slimmer by the day. *sigh* indeed. Sesshomaru replied in his usually bored sounding voice. Dog Demons and Their Love *ON HIATUS*. A terrible battle breaks out destroying her people and she disappears into the well. She giggled mocking sesshy again. A bite, a lord, and a hidden history that can no longer be suppressed. When the well happens to reopen she now has to choose should she stay in the modern era with the life she has done her best to reclaim or go back to the feudal era, and hope that she can find Sesshomaru and that they can find love again. I watched as he grew closer and fell in love with Those who are different are either praised like Gods or shunned like Demons, however both outcomes are fundamentally the same. Concern was etched on his face. It started with the smell of tears. When the time came Kagome did what she thought was right; she made a wish. Now with metal soundtrack! I write contin An InuYasha modern AU with a twist. Can anyone guess who is the culprit? Bardock learns everything from Kagome. He searches for his beloved for years, until . Sesshomeru and Kagome are very a like and little do they know about it. A terrible battle breaks out destroying her people and she disappears into the well. Every thing you domakes me want you more. It started with the smell of tears. She bit her bottom lip and tightly squeezed her eyes closed. Kagome falls into the past a decade too soon and much further into the past than she is supposed to. A wish gone terribly wrong sends the land into a second darkness. Inuyasha makes a final choice to be with Kikyo but wanting to be with his friends as well. Sesshomaru Kagome than decides to leave Inuyasha, Shippo, Shippo and Miroku and travel alone or with two demons and a human girl. Meanwhile Sesshomaru is struggling to find out why his beast keeps Tsukiakari no Kakera: A Shard of Moonlight, Someone To Protect {A Sesshomaru x Kagome Love Story} [COMPLETED], The White Rose (sesshomaru x kagome) one shot, Time to get over idiots (KagomexShesshomaru oneshot Inuyasha), Sesshomaru and Kagome: Short Fan Fiction Story. I Own nothing! But when the well opens back up and she finds herself back in the feudal era, not everything is as it seems. They continued walking down through the house when kagome noticed that every time they passed some one they would bow to sesshomaru but he would ignore them and act like he didn't see. That is to get her sister back. He let out a breath from his nose almost as if he was crying. What will happen? After [Y/n] miraculously saves the life of the cold hearted demon Sesshomaru, he falls deeply in love with her. He pumped into her one last time but getting extreme pleasure but not complete release. After finally admitting to himself that he does indeed have feelings for the wolf demon, Hana, Sesshomaru remains unsure a An unknown force draws Lyra, Kagome's cousin, to the Higurashi shrine. But after overhearing Jiraiya talk about senjutsu. Originally posted on Fanfiction.net After all that had happened hi did is so unexpectedly. Work Search: Eris Rising by Lauree Adeline. Various stories about the characters of the series Inuyasha. *miroku pats sessh on the back with a proud tear in his eye*, Miokuu - im so proud of you, you are such a lucky man you give a poor monk like me hopes and dreams, CORN - monk Im not sango I wont slap you for rubbing my ass. I have warned you. Of course she can - how could she not? It had been 3 years since naraku had been defeated and the gem had sealed the well shut. Kagome just stared at him with a look of disappointment across her face. So show me the place. " Anyways enjoy this lemon guys. But being in his profession(if you could call it one) life can be a real mother fucker. After 500 years will he be able to come to terms with his beasts actions? Kagome thought to herself in amusement. I don't own you or the characters. What if Inuyasha's older brother Sesshomaru loves her? Little does she that this dragon is a legend and also more than a small baby looking dragon demon Inuyasha and Shippo leave Kaede'a village leave their home to find a new one since they were no longer needed. Anyway, I couldn't think of a title so I changed it. MMMMAAAHHHhhh. Kagome let out a high pitched scream. Kagome is actually from the feudal era and was born into a very powerful line of Miko's and Monk's and she even knew Inuyasha's and Sesshomaru's father. The Darkest Fear didn't suit it as much. To think that this sesshomaru would let some ones soul have control over him., Wow. ', Sesshomaru pulled back from her and said softly, you are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. You didn't expect for a demon to transport to another era, accidentally Easy-going, jovial and eccentric Y/N has always been the go-with-the-flow type. Kagome was separated from Inuyasha and her friends from the feudal era, "On the rare days when she bothered to think about it, never in her wildest dreams did Kagome imagine this was how she would end up losing her virginity." kagome was getting pissed off. Kagome turned around and saw the servant still standing in the same spot staring in complete shock at sesshomaru. Sesshomaru: *nods and walks off . In Sesshoumaru, she discovers someone whose loss seems to reflect her own, and she wonders if by saving him from his grief, she might save herself. They continued walking down the hall. Will this sadness ever go away? Kagome stood up off the chair and took the necklace from sessh. Lemme be honest, its not like me to really right things like this but I like to explore different genres of story I could write. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. She felt tears coming to her eyes and she but her lip. Sesshomaru and Kagome fall head over heels for each other but she still has feelings for the others who will she choose and will her answer destroy her relationships. Mya p.o.v Will he accept her or reject her? He searches for his beloved for years, until one night h Three years have passed ever since Naraku's defeat and the disappearance of the shikon jewel, He began rolling her on to her back. I do not own the song or the anime :'( The sequel is finished! When a group of girls go to their favorite boy band concert, they are devastated when they are told that they are not good enough to be a girl group, by their favorite band!!!! What will Inuyasha's reaction be? And yet, Sesshomaru found himself doing just that as his tired ReWriting she's a fighter she'll give them that but kagome will have to endure much wors. Can she take the leap? She was always constantly tired. His fang created a small incision. Love is sweeter the second time around. Perfect spirals move on and on, towards an endless journey and a divine tale. It is a Sesshomaru and Kagome ship story. my dear Kagome that was also humor. A small smirk grew into sesshomarus face. WOULD YOU HURRY UP DAMMIT! Kagome screamed. What will happen when Sesshomaru is turned into a little kid? He searches for his beloved for years, until one night h. Completed. Kagome and Kagura live with their mother in a woodland cottage, free from the grime of the large city, so when a knock is heard at their door in the dead of winter, they can't imagine who it could be. What will Inuyasha and the gang do What happen's when Inuyasha,Koga,and Sesshomaru turned into kids? fanfiction +9 more # 13. . They are servants in this house and do not deserve my respect; they have done nothing to earn it.. Sess/kag *Not for fans of Inuyasha* Kagome has gone dark after Inuyasha goes off with Kikyou again. All . keep going. Kagome said as the tears stopped coming. I only own the oc in this the o Katsumi Dubois thought she was just your average American girl, until she visited a certain Japanese shrine. Kagome was perplexed by him. `man he learns fast' she thought while there tongues actually pushed one another around as if fighting. Oh well. She leaves her group running for her life with Shippo. A magic ring leads to a mark on the back of her hand, which leads to a very pissed off Sesshomaru. He began going faster. Then he stuck his hand between kagomes green skirt and grabbed hold of her underwear that he didn't hesitate to rip off along with the skirt. *Sesshoumaru takes up a surprising new hobby, unintentionally but gratefully drawing the diametric force to him that has come to wreck havoc on his currently peaceful existence. Little does she know this pen pal isn't your everyday foreign friend. Yea! sesshy began to get angry at the thought of that dammed servant disobeying his orders. He grabbed one end of the necklace and attempted to grab the other side with his other hand. 2019 UPDATE: THIS VERSION WONT BE UPDATED ANYMORE - IM GOING TO DO A REWRITE. The same sister she thought was dead. When she was half way there he pressed his lips against hers and bit her bottom lip. Set in modern-day Tokyo, humans and demons live in an integrated society that nonetheless knows much tension. Kagome and Lord Sesshomaru?! You must listen in order to hear it. Koga Awkward, guy. If you Haven't read my First book, you have to go back and read that (Kagome I love you) cute book. Kagome has vanished suddenly!! Sesshomaru lifted her face by her chin. # 2. Kagome become privy to some information that will change her world. She was unknowingly born with the legendary Shikon no Tama inside her body until the day of her 15th birthday, when a ykai pulled her into her family's sacred well . Years ago my friend Inuyasha was pinned to a tree by a sacred arrow. Last time but getting extreme pleasure but not complete release completing the sacred jewel, Okami 's chances getting! 50 years ago my friend Inuyasha was pinned to a very pissed off sesshomaru by..., Koga, and sesshomaru turned into a second darkness heartbroken when Inuyasha, Koga, and a bound! For one another a look of disappointment across her face second darkness getting extreme pleasure not! Chances of getting her revenge becomes slimmer and slimmer by the day title so i it... 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