Richard Lyon was born on April 22, 1957 to a middle class family of five children in Connecticut. But insofar as stupid people get a vote, need representing, and should themselves represent their own stupid stratum or community of US citizens, its still unclear why they shouldnt serve on juries. An account of the poisoning murder of Nancy Dillard Lyon, daughter of a powerful Texas real-estate tycoon, and the conviction of her husband for the crime provide a chilling look at a sensational case involving adultery, incest, drugs, and greed. It would be the kiss of death for anyone in TX to take this case that is what some have told me. Not a waste of time. We may be all sinners but not all of us commits murder. Time to leave the Land of Denial and move to the Land of Reality. This scenario was found less likely than that she was poisoned which is reasonable and with which I agree. I remember the Danziger case, too so incredibly sad. No longer her brothers or her colleagues as he tried to imply when he testified in his own defense? Worse criminals dont serve that much sometimes. Even if irrefutable evidence comes to light after he/she is acquitted, that person can never be charged again! The part about conspiring to cheat while college kids is intriguing. If so, you would leave them alone. Then the police found a shocking note which Nancy wrote accusing her older brother Bill of sexually abusing her as a child. Just one of the many things that should be changed in the legal system, in my opinion. Richard deserves to be paroled and returned to CT to his family, or what is left of it. A receipt found by the police showed that she purchased Arsenic a few months earlier. You need to quit polluting the atmosphere not just the memory of the real victims Nancy and her family. Lets hope someone brings that up at the 2021 parole hearing. And lets not forget that, among even more evidence (like Richard previously emptying their bank accounts, and not knowing Nancy changed the beneficiary on her life insurance), theres the long vacation he took with his mistress less than 5 weeks after Nancy died. Thankfully He Was Convicted & Placed In A Cage Where The Monster He Is, Can Live & Face What He Did For The Rest Of His Life! Thanks. In fact, theres a LOT of evidence without even approaching the motive. All requests were flippantly dismissed and Charles Couch now sets beyond the reach of American justice complements of Joe Rotunda, Texas Securities Enforcement Division, the Texas State Securities Board and the SEC., When you consider that the Texas Securities Enforcement Division with 6 regional offices and 100 staffers but can only eek out 13.5 civil and criminal enforcement actions per year, in the Worlds epicenter of oil and gas fraud, it becomes quite clear that there is either mass corruption or/and or mass incompetence permeating the Texas State Securities Board. I But there are facts to this case that just add up to Richard Lyon being guilty. Its a pretty common pattern. I understand their concern. Her husband, Richard, a well-known architect, had been poisoning her for years, most notably with arsenic, which killed her on January 14, 1991. Note: It may well serve anyone positively to refuse to eat or drink anything offered or prepared by a soon-to-be-ex. What a shame that Nancy didnt tell police her suspicions that Richard was poisoning her. Your email address will not be published. On a January night in 1991, she has severe sickness which showed symptoms that included vomiting and severe stomach pains. She passed away in 2009. They came from different worlds. A nurse who was taking care of Lyon said to her husband who was a homicide detective that she looked like she had been poisoned. This is such a tragic case for all involved. The inheriting of considerable wealth (presumably) has been a perfectly sufficient motive for numerous others murderers and while its no proof in itself, what makes it unlikely in his case in the absence of stronger contenders AND with other suspicious circumstances AND with a wife he evidently cared little for given his affair? Everyone had access to the Lyon home immediately after Nancy was admitted to the hospital. Adam/Eve: names merely used to illustrate the above principle, not the biblical story, to be taken somehow literally. That Richard should rot in jail when he dies, should rot in hell. Coincidentally, the condo is owned by a real estate developer who is connected to Trammel Crow. Friends: Many thanks. She passed away in 2009. He was part of a bipartisan effort to give alcoholic and drug-addicted offenders treatment instead of incarceration.). In 1991 Nancy Dillard Lyon, daughter of a powerful Dallas real estate tycoon, was murdered, poisoned with arsenic. Nancy Dillard Lyon was a very successful real estate development project manager from a wealthy family. RIP. Nancy was so cute and innocent I wish she was my wife. You dont accidentally fill capsules with poison (and the empty capsules were in his apartment), and you dont accidentally take a severe poison over a long period of time. I came here tonight to see if anyone knows about the 2021 parole.. Even if they ADMIT to the murder, write a book about how he got away with it, or show police where the damn body is! As far as Im concerned, this is the best possible outcome to a very tragic story. Lyons sentence began on December 19, 1991 less than a year after Nancy Dillard Lyon died. Of course, Im sure they wish their mother was alive too. The above very briefly explains something of why the US has this principle though it cant justify it, which is a different question! The justice system in the USA is broken. Im sure we all wish them well and are sorry for their loss. Not sure about that. Chemical Engineering Co., where Richard claimed the arsenic came from, said that the receipts it issued to customers looked nothing like the one Richard presented; it was fabricated evidence. Agreed. The person who did this (which I believe is Richard) sure didnt think twice about what was good for them. But Allison and Anna are adults now. We have a press release coming soon dealing involving my dealing with the legendary Texas Rangers on the subject of corruption v incompetence at the TSSB.. He tried many times and with different poison. In 1991 Nancy Dillard Lyon, daughter of a powerful Dallas real estate tycoon, was murdered, poisoned with arsenic. And who are you may I ask? . Who told you he was innocent? Richard first sprang into action by sprinkling a powdered poison into a soda he bought for Nancy at the movies. Really?! No, we cant. And whats with this Adam and Eve nonsense?! As a mother of a son, this case and others are examples of how the rich can control the justice system. No one ever made mistakes on dosages?! No, its a forged document, that Richard found, that would have helped to clear Richard . Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Man has to answer to man what comes later is based on personal belief. A detective noted that upon being informed that Nancy had passed away from poisoning, Richard Lyon didnt ask any questions. Lyon will never be paroled as long as he refuses to take responsibility for the death of Nancy Dillard. Or put it in her own beverage and then drink it. And their current story of accidental death is beyond ridiculous. His next parole date is in 2026. Men murder their wives all the time. 3) Richards handwriting was identified by a forensic expert in Nancys diary accusing her brother of sexually abusing her. So, perhaps the hospital was negligent, though of course it leaves us with question of the poisoners identity If the above is correct, Nancys family would seem justified in litigating. Coercion much? Feel free to point out any specific thing you believe isnt fact. who killed her if you believe that. There can be SOME doubt , which is by definition unreasonable in compromising the reasonableness of the finding. There is still the chance Genene Jones will be released if she is not convicted of another childs murder. Richard and Nancy had two daughters. Sent him some dip on MKJ day when he was put in solitary one time. It isnt absurd about the arsenic poisoning. Thats a ridiculous statement. Richard left her on at least one occasion but returned and put on the loving husband act, all the while intending to escape from the marriage. In my opinion (this is an opinion), Richard is guilty, based on the facts that I am aware of from the trial transcripts and the evidence presented. I would have cooked, cleaned, take care of my life. Inconclusive. 2) While married, Richard had an ongoing affair. That murderer is due to get out soon. Fortunately, the state of Texas and Nancys family werent so easily fooled. The list of its authors can be seen in its historicaland/or the page Edithistory:Nancy Lyon. But members of the jury brought their healthy sense of skepticism with them for the two-week trial. Do not listen to others who have ulterior motives or derogatory speech. That never happened. There was no proof that Richard had any arsenic, Nancy had no arsenic in her stomach, there was no arsenic found in any of the food or in the house, the pill bottles did not contain poison nor Richards fingerprints, and they were found over six months after Richard left the condo (which the police had access to) and the condo was owned by a friend of Tramwell Crowe. There WERE owl feathers and her own hair found in her hands; what POSSIBLE explanation is there for that, other than an owl attack? Battaglia had never harmed or threatened the girls. . But did the evidence support this conviction? I wonder if theyve given up the fight or if its just an oversight? Richard was admitted on his own merits whereas Nancy was declined admission and then her father had to intervene. But it must be the hospital who Nancy said gave her a nightcap that made her deathly ill, or gave her strange tasting pop at the movies with a strange powder floating on top? In 1991 Nancy Dillard Lyon, daughter of a powerful Dallasreal estate tycoon, was murdered, poisoned with arsenic. His next chance will come in 2021, when hes 64. Richard made that up in the diary remember???? Ironically, I received an anonymous email asking me to check out Stephanie Bates, the women who found the pills, and I have. Nancy Dillard Lyon, daughter of a Dallas real estate tycoon, reached the heartrending conclusion that her marriage to husband Richard, whom she met when they were both grad students at Harvard, was over. One could wonder about the so called experts evidence in view of the high profile and influence of the victims family in the city. And you know this how? In 1991 Nancy Dillard Lyon, daughter of a powerful Dallas real estate tycoon, was murdered, poisoned with arsenic. If I were a dr, a patient saw me claiming to be poisoned by another, and she showed signs of toxicity, Id want to be on the safe side and contact police. Its not like any sane person would go knocking on their door (other than possible reporters, that is). Doubt they believe he is innocent since they took their moms surname Dillard. And so Richard was arrested, tried, and convictedand sentenced to life in prison. Says he was a model prisoner. Again, the truth will come out. Anyone who says outright that someone is innocent, who wasnt with that person every second (basically, a conjoined twin), is a fool. A Husband Tries to Mess with TexasWriters Block, (Forensic Files). Nancy's brother became convinced her adulterous husband, Richard, was responsible. Ants implicated. Forensic Filesportrayed Nancy as a sweet and generous soul, an assessment corroborated by Golden, a newspaper reporter who lived in the other half of the duplex owned by the Lyons. The old boss didnt have opportunity, and I seriously doubt the brother did either (and the hospital certainly didnt, based on the current BS FRL is spouting). I noticed that The Friends of Richard Lyons does that. Marcus: Thanks. He deserves to die alone in his cell. Seems like nothing much has changed in Dallas since November 1963. Sa. This was unclear from your post. TX is an embarrassment when it comes to justice for its citizens. Search obituaries CALL NOW Alexandria (318) 442-3363 Pineville (318) 640-1678 Jena (318) 992-4158 Marksville (318) 253-5979 Toggle navigation But hopefully he sees the pain he put Nancys daughters her whole family & friends through!! Either way, youre wasting your life on something that wont change. Ha, ha, ha. Geeze what a family!! Correction: I noticed that FRL was responding to a different comment (not mine), when calling it fiction, but otherwise, my comment stands as is. More significant is that (or if) five false conviction charities/services have examined his case and refused it particularly if they have stated that its because they think the outcome correct. You have a relationship with him, dont you? Its bizarre, and if anyone ever suspected me of murder, it may look bad (they had nothing to do with me). It was determined that Richard wrote the notes about her brother. It could have been slow suicide but it would be odd, then, to be complaining for weeks before death of headaches and nausea, never mind that it would be a serious clue that one needed to up the dose, as well as being a severely unpleasant way for a person to take their life. Nancy would get sick/notice a bad taste/powder in drinks supplied to her by Richard. He became eligible for parole 15 years later in 2006. Does an atheist (I am not) have the right to condemn acts of brutality as much as the ardent believer as the repentance and forgiveness are complex issues and do not mitigate crimes. One begins as just reaching out to a convict, and then when one begins to review the case, it become questionable. Understandable, that the daughters wish to be left alone, but people are curious, including me. If the hospital did, I believe they are legally required to notify the police: they cannot avoid this if they may be the origin of the poisoning. My comments will be based upon trial evidence. Nothing to eat there but I eyed the corn seeds and I nibbled a bag of the dried dessicated (arsenic-treated) kernals. Excellent! Interesting. He will never say he is guilty because he is not. Richard Lyon suffered from addictions to alcohol and sex. I feel sorry that Nancy was not treated properly. Julie: I certainly dont think US juries are more likely wrongfully to convict than others juries: that would be hard to evidence and I wouldnt presume to speculate, except to use the countries own stats for wrongful conviction. FRL: It was the poltergeist, then; a stranger; or Nancy herself? And so Richard was arrested, tried, and convictedand sentenced to life in prison. I worry about Lyon getting out. You are a fool. Actually, Samadhi was pretty disparaging of my post something you dont, equally, object to, plainly because Im not arguing in your favour (though the argument I offer, whether comprehended or not, is certainly not controversial, being widely accepted in discussion of evidence, theory of knowledge etc). Ladies, if you think your husband is trying to kill you (or husbands who think their wives are trying to kill them), make sure you tell your spouse that you changed your life insurance and/or will . Perhaps others can cite examples. All of us are sinners and fall short of the glory of our Heavenly Father and his dear son Jesus Christ. Her condition deteriorated overtime and her organs started to fail. Sweet set-up. And no one committs suicide over the time days, months And if you just want attention from your husband (because you love your daughters), youd probably calculate the dose, not to be an overdose The wolves behind the sheeps.. Something looking obvious doesnt make it true! Nancy had told doctors about the mystery wine; maybe it was from Bagwell and contained arsenic. A grim-looking Richard showed up on Goldens doorstep in January 1991 to ask if she and her husband would look after his daughters while he took Nancy to the emergency room. No matter how much he lies about it, the truth is clear as day. Cathy: Thank you: shall read tonight (am in UK so some difference in time!). She died before they had a chance, on January 14, 1991, at the age of 37. Charles Couch, the owner of Couch Oil and Gas, located in Dallas, Texas who has had multiple documented criminal fraud and money laundering complaints filed against him, has apparently, left the country for Ghana Africa, despite multiple warnings by those keenly observing Couchs divestment of investor owned assets, movement of large sums of money and the creation of an alleged fraud involving gold mining in Ghana. I realize that some people think youre innocent unless you leave a full video diary detailing your actions. If there is a guilty party here, it is the hospital. They both took the last name of Dillard and Anna got married in 2015 at the arboretum, which has an exhibit in her mothers honor. Nancy Cooke Dillard Lyon Birth 6 Aug 1953. Lyon has applied to the Innocence Project of Texas and New York, the Thurgood Marshall School of Law Innocence Project, and the House of Renewed Hope. Nancy Cooke Dillard Lyon (6th August 1953 14 January 1991) was an American woman who was poisoned with Arsenic and killed by her husband Richard Lyon. Thank you. Cause thats not what he told me. And the anonymous threatening letter on behalf of her former coworker was a big nothing. Sharee Miller did get a long vacation from her life sentence though (July 29, 2009 to Aug. 2, 2012. Then, theres the empty capsules found at Richards, and especially the bogus so-called-receipt, that Nancy supposedly signed, for a number of poisons, that Richard found. Sociopaths are pathological liars and will lie to the bitter end unless there is something in it for them to be truthful. I bet someone puts money in his commissary account and writes letters to anyone and everyone to plead his case. Find a Patsy. . Who cares if he/she is innocent? Some days one would rather take ones chances with the poisoner. After being treated as Royalty by Texas Securities top enforcement dog, Joe Rotunda and the lose way in which the law suit was handled by the SEC, the only thing that might come as a surprise is that Joe (Rotunda) and Jay (Oman, Deputy Director of Enforcement) did not give Couch a ride to the airport., One of our clients, I understand, made repeated request to both agencies to seize or freeze Couchs assets, to stop the selloff of investors assets and take measures to prevent his leaving the country. Is intriguing next chance will come in 2021, when hes 64 brother became convinced adulterous... Than possible reporters, that the Friends of Richard lyons does that to CT to his family, or is... Later is based on personal belief UK so some difference in time!.. Solitary one time into action by sprinkling a powdered poison into a soda he bought for Nancy the... 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