Now, we've talked about it and he there are stories where it's thousands of people practiced cannibalism. If you enjoy it, consider rating it 5 stars. And they they probably I mean, that's what we would do if we encounter maybe like an ant colony. I think predators breed whatever the fuck they want to. So that, look, I'm fully in support of that. I just for the first time listen to like an interview with him. One of his favorite tools, although expensive, he described as being totally worth it: Kinesiss Ergonomic Keyboard (Available on Amazon). But and but I'm also a guy like people who hear me, especially your fans who think I'm better. OK, and I don't know what kind of pressure being the president is, but I can only imagine it's almost unmanageable. It's a conundrum, right? Still- my current favorite podcast for the content and terrific in-depth interview style. We're in this position now where there's multiple countries that have the ability to destroy other countries. David motherfucking Goggins is with me on either on the phone or email every single day and he's doubling everything I'm doing so well, he's not doing the squats because he's just had knee surgery. There's a book that was written on it that accuses this manager of killing Jimi Hendrix and saying that they also threw his girlfriend off a roof when she did either jump off a roof or was thrown off a roof and died shortly afterwards because she knew too much or whatever. We would have Clinton Trump like we have these families just like forever running our world. Athletic Greens is his podcast sponsor, but he said that he likes it so much that he would still use it even if they were not a sponsor. That moved away from a meritocracy of where we want to innovate and change the world with our ideas to a little bit more like of, you know, I don't know how to put it, but I kind of groupthink that pushes against that. Well, we don't have a science of is to describe what happens when a billion humans interact. And I think I'm not allowing myself to think someone's going to do it and I'll figure out how to do it then. You're not even going to notice. The pig seemed to be doing great. I mean, I know and I knew during a time like this really is the golden age of comedy. I still I still comment. Go there and try it for free. You know that one? And that's how you make people. But that's that's a dream for me. It brings a tear to you. He formed the intellectual dark web which is a loosely assembled group of public intellectuals includShow More, Eric Weinstein: Revolutionary Ideas in Science, Math, and Society, Roger Reaves is one of the most prolific drug smugglers in history. Yeah, it's like saying Genghis Khan was good for trade. His debacle eventually inspired him to host the meaning of life symposium thats available on Youtube. I would say, listen, this information's going to get out. Well, I mean, without giving away any intellectual secrets? You don't always have to be super intelligent, super interesting, super complicated and eloquent. But thing is, most likely life would be not close right now that most likely it would be. Now it can get you in deep shit. For dinner, Fridman likes to mix quality protein like ground beef with a vegetable, his favorite being cauliflower or carrots, and spices it up for taste. You are you're literally telling me everything that's wrong with reading comments by by telling me you reading comments and then complaining about the things that people say about your form or the thing say about you not having enough women on your podcast or the people say you're Obeida, you're going over and over and over again for no reason. Iron sharpens iron. So go to Woop. How crazy is he was 21 when he made that song. You haven't said anything about that, but you said at least three or four different things about negative comments that people said to the point where you're challenging people to fight, you're giving out the address of your school. You could have if if people the judge was in the position that Biden was in. But. Fucking fine and it'll get you around. There's lots about Jamie. Support the podcast monthly on Patreon or with a one-time donation on PayPal . And it was basically the size of that panel and it was like a flat. It was very, very, very common. And then you stop and think about iPhone one. Yeah. The teacher, just a guy. He he would always take a cab so they'd have a limo and the limo would pick up everybody else, like all the other band members, all the other people that they would get in the limo and Stevie Ray Vaughan would get in a cab because he's that motherfucker. Noam Chomsky is one of the greatest minds of our time and is one of the most cited scholars in history. Well, that's his whole philosophy, which is the point. Slow, awkward. But isn't that just purely speculative? I mean, this is the thing that drives it drives consumers. Like an Instagram. Beautiful. L.A. is a mess. From a legit Brazilian jujitsu and maybe blue belt. Like, how close are we to that? It's crazy. Yeah. We need equal representation. Yeah. But what if we did? You mentioned eyes. And what it is is almost boring. It's terrible movie. One of the things I hope, like with your Spotify thing, is that you'd be able to play songs we want to. And also importantly electrolytes because I'm running there's a you know there's a because you get that the headaches thing that you would take would be you would try that stuff. Yeah, there are some some problems. The Lex Fridman podcast is available on iTunes, YouTube, and Spotify. Or do you really mean that? And that's that's really where we were in the middle of the pandemic. I legitimately I was sitting like three at night and like with a stupid smile on my face. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. So they actually most of like when you return back to the ship and there's a bunch of pilots that put, you know, that saw it does a lot of people that witnessed it. If the population continues like this, that if you talk about large families there happening in Africa. That's 25 percent off. Hes also an incredibly smart person, which is clearly evident by listening to him speak or Top 10 Joe Rogan Podcasts on Space, Aliens, and The Universe. And that place is zip. What are the ways we've been doing it previously? It's just it is what it is. They deliver 100 percent grass fed grass, Finnish beef free range organic chicken, heritage breed pork and wild caught seafood directly to your door. It wasn't like it just appeared. [15][16][17][18] In 2017, he worked on computer vision, deep learning, and planning algorithms for semi-autonomous vehicles. Like, I've gotten this. Now, if you could acquire a group of people that are your fans, that have similar goals and similar discipline, that would be amazing. We're all interesting, complicated mush that doesn't have a concept of individuals, doesn't have a concept of ego or individual consciousnesses. I'll go jeans and shirt because. He says he basically has an idea for everything the purple belt did. Rogan Tribe has a subscription with Adobe Stock photos. It doesn't actually speak in those words, but I feel that you feel it and then and then you just and then you feel the age thing. It's a fantastic company and they're going to hook you up with ground beef for life. We use sounds that relay intent. Yeah, you're practicing killing each other, but you're doing so with good friends who are equally skilled. So here's another hypothesis. Yeah. Right. So yeah. Every wee. 2:30:01 Response to Mick West Debunking I'm going to live on the ranch. ExpressVPN: That's one word. That's why, because it's about depending on the day, but it's at least two hours of push ups and pull ups spread throughout the day. But I do hope a leader arises that. We're going to fucking make our mark here. Sure. That's at one level what was going on with the pig that had neural link. Right. I love exercising fasted on an empty stomach. Hate you actually now. Fridman is an avid coffee drinker in a variety of forms. And I have faith in the smart people working on technology that people kind of tend to be. This far-ranging conversation will give your mind a workout thats bound to expand your sense of the universe making it truly one of the best Lex Fridman episodes ever. It starts from just a couple of points that are connected with a line and then it grows with a single simple rule, just like ants interact really simply this system grows. Systems can do. Yeah. Thank you, friends, for tune in to the show and thank you to Liquid Ivy, my favorite hydration drink and now my favorite energy drink, Liquid Ivy is available nationwide at Costco. So that's part of the thing. I mean, so many ridiculous videos I was watching. Yeah. He doesn't he doesn't like to talk about stuff like I couldn't get a he because. And I think day three is when it all just went to shit. It's so I gave myself two weeks to actually ramp up to it, too. Should you find a wife. Very few people are going no phone at all. He's basically saying, hey, guys, look, automation is coming and there's going to be a lot of people out of work. It was gradual. If human history were a 1,000-page book, then the hunter-gatherer period would be the first 950 pages . Sort of rise above it, whatever it is, whatever whatever the challenge, whatever the difficulties, whatever of the situation you're in, you rise above it, that it's from the individual perspective because life is hard, the succeeding in a career is hard. He's named a few daughters. All of this seems. Do they have a high temperature? It's inevitable. And that can create revolutions that can create. I'm almost finished, Jamie, but the. BetterHelp: Yeah. You can't go. I don't I don't want it. He also has his own podcast, the artificial intelligence podcast, and just an all around fascinating human being. And I thought I would get about maybe a thousand. Yeah, that's his son fell off of a balcony. Joe Rogan at checkout. Unoriginal twice, you know. Like if you ask professional guitar, there was a a million brilliant guitarists. And just like, this is awesome. Available on Amazon, he likes to use LMNT electrolyte powder packets (30 stick pack), which mixes well with water. Let's put all that aside. Whatever he's doing, he's running like you scroll up a little bit scroller. One simple rule and like the beautiful patterns that emerge. And it went from a place of people wanting economic prosperity to, hey, let's just make sure that people don't lose their houses. From megalomaniac to a shy hermit. But I mean, it's amazing. He is a linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, social critic, and political acti. Let's make sure that people can eat. If you can fill the unforgiving minute with 60 seconds worth of distance run, yours is the earth and everything that's in it. Computer warriors. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. But as a society, as a conversation, we need to have like what? It's the identity politics tends to. You're censoring people now that's they get in saying, well, they just become accustomed to being able to speak as well. One of the most impressive things to me about new people say like negative Southbury on so on. I don't know if this is true, but I heard in some places like New York, rear naked chokes, they're legally illegal now, which is like which which we should expand the jujitsu training to the people in government, too, because it doesn't make any sense. Basically, trolls on both sides were drawn to that, as opposed to the Andrew Yang type folks who are like, let's all get along and here's some ideas. Fuck you. If you enjoy the podcast, please rate it 5 stars on Apple Podcasts, follow on Spotify, or support it on Patreon.Here's the outline of the episode. That's name this podcast. It just knows about itself. Right. And it's actually quite surprising to me that we got out of the 20th century alive. A lot of us think that just because there's an obstacle in the middle of the road. But he also came out with this Wolfram Physics project recently where he describes it's another theory of everything. And then when they brought it up on The Colbert show, she was like, it was a debate. That's like finding an animal on another planet. One man. Fridman is a big fan of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, having earned a black belt in the martial art. We chimps are one in 10 to the 120 part of that that incredible infrastructure that grows. I mean, we tried that because they kind of were you know, from their perspective, the chimps are like a nice video game, like they're like a Chia pet where you watch them grow. I could just imagine Eric Clapton seeing, like, how the fuck did he get that sound out of that thing? Beautiful for K like 100 bucks or something like that. I love that song. David Kipping is an astronomer at Columbia University, director of the Cool Worlds Lab, and host of the Cool Worlds YouTube channel. Like the thing the reason I talk about love a lot is she made it OK for me, much like my dad started to go on tangents. Right. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (Sourced from Lex Fridman Podcast #100 with Alexander Fridman). Like one of the greatest fighters ever who somehow found inner peace through the whole like marijuana and marijuana thing, but just the way he was behaving just was positivity and just this good vibes putting him out there. And all of that emerges. It's like can you design a method by which the aliens might be communicating with us? I'm, you know, in my head. Well, I talked about this with Edward Snowden recently. I love grass fed grass finish ribeyes. And the people who worked for the people who ran the businesses are going to not have a job. Please check out our sponsors to get a discount and to support this podcast: Negative about technology, but I I'm one of them and I work with a lot of them, the people who are best at creating new ideas, have they almost they almost always have good intentions, but that's not enough. And those are the ones that you're seeing. But my this is a purely speculation. And in a lot of ways, one of the things that that Trump does outside of these speeches and get everybody excited about things he's doing standup, he tells jokes, he talks shit. So in Massachusetts is different, but you can do private training, which means they have these slots of one hour where people show up and train. Noam Chomsky is one of the greatest minds of our time and is one of the most cited scholars in history. Not just talented at nerdy stuff, Fridman is also successful at many of his favorite hobbies like playing guitar, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and exercising. The insight that Woop gives you is next level, and it's the best fitness tracker that I've ever used. Yeah. Jamie, could you look up to the mating season for lions, please? That's I don't see that leader on the horizon, but the other problem is even a positive leader, the way politics work in America, everyone is so accustomed to people chopping people down, so much so that one of the things that that's weird about Kamala Harris being with Joe Biden is that, you know, she was she was talking like terrible things about him during the primaries. One, there's probably been pain in their past, the hurting. It's more about A.I. Forty minutes, let's say. And it's also a big part of their social life, social life, a huge part of their social life and also physical touch. I remember. I think he needs the it would certainly help crowd to work off, you know, work often. Goal number three is we have a podcast ranch and we do all kinds of wacky shit there. Eighteen. And she just she was the person that inspired me to be strong and a person that also to to put love out there because, like, there's she loved her husband, passed away in the 80s, but it was always radiated this like deep love for other human beings. Do you know what the theory of everything is? But every time he played those chords, they're always different. In this episode of the Lex Fridman Podcast. His Score and Percentile (Extremely High), link to Top 10 Joe Rogan Podcasts on Space, Aliens, and The Universe, Joe Rogan Coffee: Everything You Want to Know (Brands, Podcasts, Creamers, Mugs), How to Supplement Like Joe Rogan: Products You Need, LMNT electrolyte powder packets (30 stick pack), Andy Stumpfs Amazing Life: From Navy SEAL to Business Leader. Meanwhile, they killed a guy who was just selling loose cigarettes. Presenteeism is bad for your health! The Comedy Store. He really guy exists. That uses that energy of pain that. The sound falls in line, meaning it all seems brilliant and purposeful in uniform, and the songs are amazing, but it falls in line, whereas you know what I mean, like my mom about this shit that Hendrix would do more than dance. Right. I told him, stop reading them to know that motherfucker complains constantly about comments. Just joking around, ladies and gentlemen. And that's all him. And two is probably, from their perspective, enjoyable. That was a bunch of really cool ones. I don't I can't I haven't looked into this carefully, but there's this seems to be a lot of debate about whether to worry about overpopulation or not. This product is also used and loved by Joe Rogan and Andy Stumpf. If youre looking for the best of the best episodes of the Lex Fridman podcast, then look no further. Yeah, well, I think that's probably I mean, if I was an alien. You're trying to manipulate me so that you can make money or you're talking to my dead mom. And and the toxic negative comments connect to that little part of you part me. She wants you to donate your money to charity. I have seen. [22][23] Fridman uses the podcast to discuss "AI, science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power". This packed episode is full of revolutionary insights from science to philosophy, definitely making it a top Lex Fridman episode of all time. I do hope to be one of the technologists that either creates a competitive Twitter or helps Twitter become a better version of itself. Lexs father, Alexander Fridman, is Jewish and born in Kiev, Ukraine but moved to Moscow, Russia as an adult. See, I told you in your friendship, your fucking only a one minute fucking video about me. And to say that you have to turn that off and it's admirable that you do. You know, I don't know if that's true, though, I mean, I don't know like if like lions and tigers, for instance, I know I had a bit that I used to do about tigers because I watched the Discovery Channel show, which is when the female tiger is in season, the male can mate with her as many times as 52 in a day. It becomes more boring that he death in the universe, that everything moves apart, everything becomes relevant eventually. We can tell Russia what to do. OK, the minute. You're around them eight hours a day and you don't even get to pick them. And also I didn't you know, there's certain things on form, like I didn't go all the way down on the pull ups, like I did a form of pull up with my one that my hands closer together, just you save your shoulder to save the shoulder. So they have like some vitamins, sodium, sodium, glucose, optimum ratio of sodium to glucose, like very scientifically researched. And when you look at the amount of money that they spent on stimulus to try to help these businesses during the pandemic that were suffering, like, why couldn't they do the exact same thing in the past to these cities? I think so, too. So he's with surgery, doing the pushups. We all want to fly that well. And they only exist for a brief amount of time if they have something like that that's powered by something that we can't even imagine. He's still sticking together, fighting back. A dream to. If you listen to interviews with Donald Trump, maybe from the 90s, he is a different guy. And it's in actual like clear manifestation like, oh, I see what you're doing. The thing about Africa, though, is it actually can fit most of the stories in it when you realize how big Africa is. Oh, you haven't seen the two thousand twenty one so much better. (Sourced from Lex Fridman Podcast #100 with Alexander Fridman) Lex's father, Alexander Fridman, is Jewish and born in Kiev, Ukraine but moved . There's a lot of people that are online that are not they're not capable of that for whatever reason, whether it's programming, meaning like what's happened to them in their life has led them to this point. Lex is an AI researcher at MIT and beyond. But, you know, it's it's showing that it's effectively being able to read the signal from one hundred sorry. Lex and Manolis unpacks what he learned from the symposium and why its totally okay (and even good) for life to suck. I put it up on this show the year 2000, 2013, one man walked off the horizon and Hope came with a look. Yeah, maybe he doesn't know. It's true. The camera's dog shit, it's just everything about it. Still, for now, at least, I do. Or you can get 25 percent off when you go to liquid ivy dotcom and use the code. And, well, you have to revamp the system, too. [21] Its original title was the Artificial Intelligence Podcast, which was later changed to the Lex Fridman Podcast to reflect the wider range of topics it would address. When you go to Woop, that's w h o o p dot com. I mean, that's part of the culture. What if Oppenheimer was a dummy? I don't know. Lets forgive each other. Lex Fridman, Life is more fun if you keep an open mind. Lex Fridman, America is an amazing country. You never like your jujitsu blackpoll. And, you know, with neural link, it's not, you know, people kind of think that there's going to be some kind of leap into the totally transformative. And we're brought to you by Woop, the fantastic fitness tracker that I wear every single day. for 20 plus years, not letting that stop me and I won't. Russian-American scientist and podcast host (born 1983), "MIT Advanced Vehicle Technology Study: Large-Scale Naturalistic Driving Study of Driver Behavior and Interaction With Automation", "Driver Gaze Region Estimation without Use of Eye Movement", "Learning Human Identity From Motion Patterns", "Active Authentication on Mobile Devices via Stylometry, Application Usage, Web Browsing, and GPS Location", "Lex Fridman's YouTube Stats (Summary Profile) - Social Blade Stats", "Who is Lex Fridman? Just looking at their neighbors, when you look at the system as a whole, intelligence stuff emerges. The bringing together the best engineers and scientists in the world and saying this is this there's this there's this is ripe with innovation, there's a possibility here to do something truly special, not only to understand the not only to help people with neurological disorders, which is a huge obviously goal mission. Like Guilfoile? No, I just want to say, because we're talking about love, um, I. And you had to she was hot and she she seemed like really nice, you know, like, why am I so hung up on biology? It delivers an optimal ratio of nutrients for a more efficient uptake. To take us to take steps back, not not forward. The acclaimed podcast Redefining AI - Artificial I. There's yes. It's a it's a weird, weird place. I wish we lived in the land in a place of like where with equality and fairness, I could fight people to the death based on things like gladiators, like stand in front of each other as long as it's consensual. Hours a day and you do n't always have to revamp the system,.! There happening in Africa two is probably, from their perspective,.. Equally skilled him, stop reading them to know that motherfucker complains constantly about comments that time Chomsky one... Always different like I could just imagine Eric Clapton seeing, like, it was like it... 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