She, too, encountered the Ambien excuse. It came out that he had a child with one lady out of wedlock. Really? Its a very reasonable step for Mr Hybels publishers to at least suspend his books until a more independent investigation has been completed. @ Lydia: Does it lend itself to the overall problem? Emails can be kept confidential with appropriate IT input. But thats over the course of 42 years of ministry! I worked as a psychotherapist with both perpetrators and victims of sexual boundary violations for 20 years. How they must love what they do! That isnt good for anyone. Character is revealed, not when things are going our way but when things are painful. Near the end of this article, Dee posted this question for Willow Creek Church: Is it possible that Bill Hybels encouraged the leadership of women in order to increase his own access to women who admired him within the confines of church business, giving him plausible deniability? I mean, one post here put Hybels name next to Weinstiens. Theres something to these accounts. The logical conclusion of B. Brucker position is that ends justifies the means. Please understand that this is exactly the way it usually happens. Its their normal. Jesus healed that man and told Peter to stow it. I have encountered such men who speak pridefully about how many they have saved. He missed an important element in his effort at damage control: Preach it straight from the beginning. And then maybe they see it happening, confront the guy, he says understood and suddenly you and your husband are out of a job. Jodi may want to keep her resume refreshed. People want to see us deal with our sin openly and humbly. @ Davis and Natasha: is lynne hybels still married to bill. * This person really taught the Hybels was like Joseph who was thrown into a pit and sold into slavery. Glad I found that out. Willow Creek was promoted by Hybels as a model for all of christendom, Look at me, I have the answers. At times it became oppressive for those churches that were told to tear up their foundations and follow The Model. Love That Lasts book., Perhaps someone with computer/tech background can explain how these emails can exist, but not be read, as the news report says . Standing Ovations: Whats the Difference Between Highpoint Church and Willow Creek Community Church, Some Thoughts on Supposedly Feminist Men Who Reportedly Abuse/Harass Women | futuristguy,,,,,,,, That length is reserved for the husband/wife relationship, comforting someone, or greeting someone close whom you havent seen in a long time. Updated | Rev. Bill has been married to Lynn Hybels since 1974. Ambien or the Devil it is always Something/one Elses Fault. Honest to Pete until this very discussion I thought that this was just the way that decent people behave. Christ told a number of parables that indicated that numbers, or quantitative evaluations of performance was much less important than heart attitude. Why? ), hum, hum, hum but tomorrow be 501(c)3 rain, still Ill follow the Son, Spy What shes done more than anything is reveal that Willow Creek had/has a culture and work environment that is not guided or governed by wise, common-sense policies or practices for accountabilityespecially when it came to male-female relationships. Im not sure if Julie is a regular or not (I cant keep up), but a new Twitter account alerted me to that article as well, that is why I asked. I teach fraud for a living, you see, developed my universitys curriculum on it and am at this very moment in negotiation with a publisher to develop a textbook on it. Ive been to Ephesus and it is just a tourist destination. Marquet changed the Leader-Follower traditional naval paradigm to Leader-Allocate Control, resulting in success for all. Kudos to these two publishers. The fact that people post here and not just give up on the church and Christainty gives me great comfort the NT clearly warns of false profits amoung the brethern and clearly teaches we should have qualified leaders. Christian vs. Jew What Hubris that is. So, Am I over thinking it?, one wonders. But please dont discard their testimony for the reasons you gave. Is that honest? The question is this: if Jesus came to visit your church, would he jump for joy and say, Yes! This is centralized and IT probably has a means if necessary of reading the email (though it probably requires fairly high level authorization). It does not promise moonlight, roses and a string quartet. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. There will be a full court press to save Hybels legacy. Did her husband ask her not to say anything for FEAR of losing his job? Not that hugs are linked to drugs; I am just meandering. I am not surprised at all that it will get ugly There are people that are totaly sold out to seeker sensitive approch. Please join me in praying for WCC, the victims, and the leaders. How many times do you think it needs to be posted? You expect typical bad rock star behavior, more likely, because thats the norm. It took a long time for her to get past that. This caliber of leaders dont just stay quiet. If you think about it, that was a planned get out of jail card planted around a few places quite expertly. May God raise up more people like Josiah who tore down the high places and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God until Jesus becomes the only thing worshipped in the church. I read it that Jesus was doing the moderating. So much for their Christian wittiness, huh? A less intimidating way to do that is a diary of sorts. He has two children with his wife, Lynn whom he married in 1974. Those are, in my opinion, less the goals than the tools used to achieve the real goals, which I am guessing are not the spiritual health of the Body of Christ. All the retreats, big brother making sure you attend mid week activities (I know of some megas that were playing around with a card swipe for staff to make sure they were attending services and staying), the need to be cool, your personal assistants doing your clothes shopping, etc, etc. @ jackie: Really? That is a big part of the problem. We still do not know what that really means. In some jurisdictions and situations, it may lead to criminal charges for spoliation of evidence or perhaps even tampering of evidence. Because my -and others- comments are moderated, there can be a lot of instantly-posted discussion between a (approval-needed) comment and when it appears. Yes, it should be mentioned. To teach Nancy a lesson with deflection? At what point will Heather Lawson realize that Willow Creek needs to over? If you think about it, that was a planned get out of jail card planted around a few places quite expertly. Big money, fame, power and influence? Just Disgraceful. All the retreats, big brother making sure you attend mid week activities (I know of some megas that were playing around with a card swipe for staff to make sure they were attending services and staying), the need to be cool, your personal assistants doing your clothes shopping, etc, etc. 4 YEARS went by that John Ortberg learned about this issue Yes, Nancy may have not been sure when she had her experience.. with Bill in the hotel room. Willow Creek has run many many seminars teaching other churches how to impliment the Williow Creek model. there will be a pendulum swing away from megachurches. But, still I try not to broad brush. If the situation at the top remains insular, one doesnt find out what friendly financial terms are struck, and before you know it, the heat dies down and the PayPal accounts go live for those not of retirement age, and the book deals resume for them as well as the retirees. If you have to go along with the silliness (never with evil) make sure you are being paid. . Personally I was more offended by Wailing Wall-Satanic ritual connection. Posted travelpro skywalk vs maxlite. I treated my childhood dog like a doll. Very often, as you point out, in times of crisis, people respond in ways that reveal. And I promise: NO ONE was ever saved, in all history, because of eloquence. . Theres theory, and then practise. JIHAD! Put a frog in a pot,with boiling water and the frog knows to jump out, but if the water is a slow boil, the frog with stay and finally be boiled. Little nobodies dont stand a chance. I do not attend Willow Creek but I have friends who do, and Ive taken friends and family there in the past, hoping their seeker friendly focus might appeal to them. My bad for not being back in touch with you. @ Davis and Natasha: I cant help but see your point here. (Usually seeker Megas go with you are just human and made mistakes and not you are a worm so its to be expected. The creep factor never ceases to amaze me. Why wait until now?? Joss Whedon Is a Hypocrite Preaching Feminist Ideals, according to his ex-wife Kai Cole in her guest post on *The Wrap*. This has been going on for a long time, and he has had much time to process this, and as he said, he has been accountable, at least after he let go of his anger, to the elders. Don calls men who abuse their female intimate partners skilled offenders. I wonder when the above reproach inspectors will engage and be welcome with open arms; they may want to hurry, as its reached the secular media, and theyre not too focused on 1 Peter 4:8. Some more publicly than others. Too many missed opportunities to do the right thing. Or your friends husband. Thanks, Futurist Guy. Bill Hybels touched me, hugged me invited me to his room I left then went to my hotel room and cried.. Eloquence is a gift from God, but it is only the Holy Spirit working through the folly of proclaiming Christ crucified that ever won a single soul. Very sad. I believe that God is convicting WCCs leadership. So what does that say about what he thinks of me that he thinks he can help himself to my woman? Its the whole structure of the godly pastor on stage week after week. You are right, the whole situation smells of cover-up. @ Deborah: Paul was a tentmaker, so they had other jobs. You are so right. My mom would come up to my room and cuddle while we talked when I was little and not so little. Since 1975, when Lynne & Bill Hybels started Willow Creek Community Church, Lynne has been an active volunteer at the church.For the last fifteen years she has engaged in ministry partnerships in under-resourced communities in Latin America and Africa. And why on earth is this even a discussion? In 2018, sexual misconduct allegations had been alleged against Bill Hybels. Or, for instance, a pastor may be forever fishing to see what his parishioners know as to the latest church scandal, etc., without the trusting individuals ever even know this is taking place. You tell your kids That was wrong. Just a followup to my above comment. Really? Ok. Willow Creek has run many many seminars teaching other churches how to impliment the Williow Creek model. How to build a corporation in 5 easy steps. Its YOUR money they use. Many self/proclaimed Christians dont. Finally, we are told to have high standards for our teachers. Nothing substitutes for diligent study and wide reading. Is that one of the reasons Student Centers/University Unions include Mall Food Courts and all the amenities of a high-end cruise ship? So when comparitve newcomer Paul withstood Cephas to his face because he stood to be condemned per Galatians 2:11-14, some may have seen it as slamming one of Gods anointed. Recently she revealed that while she was in her 30s she was repeatedly sexually abused by her boss over an eight year period. And dont forget: Many years back Hybels started up the World Leadership Conferences which in reality means World Domination Conferences. The whole church is in our thoughts and prayers. Often, it is only after literally hundreds of these red flags have piled up and someone else mentions that they have this problem with something pastor said or did, that we finally go, What have I done? I also think if its true, it minimizes his and his wifes ability to legitimately point the finger at others, and the impact of their words, and that is very unfortunate. They have much easier prey in a church setting, as the sheep expect the shepherds to be godly, trustworthy and above such things as looking to get laid. At times I have even wondered if it is not even being used to distract from addressing the root of the problem. 1 kiss Alas, sometimes the reactions of people reveal of whom they are a true disciple. There is a reason that big names get away with so much. I had the same thought about his promotion of women. As we said in Old School D&D about 3rd-level spells, You can do a lot more damage with one Suggestion in the right place than a dozen Fireballs.. While WW can be messy, I think most poster here just want honesty, transparacy, and protection/respect of the weaker ones. Nancy had no idea that he was doing this to other women. Very valuable comment. The question is why? Or the colleague. God is not in the business of secretly brainwashing and subtly mind controlling people. I agree. The church is doing fine. I have already commented on that nonsense that just went up. Same play book. how many people worship Hybels instead of God. In 2014, Leanne Mellado let me know that a good friend of hers had shared a disturbing story. So I hugged him. I know the sun will rise in the morning, that there is a light at the end of every tunnel.Michael Morpurgo. She even volunteered in church (choir, Sunday School) and married an aspiring preacher! Church people who want to do that with her at this point are way off base. And, no, it does not minimize their words concerning what Bill Hybels has done. I get it bothers you. Not atypical. @ dee: A brave woman called each person out, which led to subsequent allegations, Differences Know who you are. This fact is well known to those who are around sexual abuse/misconduct situations. The comments we disallow often have to do with abuse of victims along with some other things. Well, to show you how prophetic I am, I predicted years ago that most mega churches would be car lots or community centers by now. I am going to assume this women does not know how business is conducted these days. Have you any clue how prideful this sounds? Example, why did you agree in front of everyone to stay after everyone they all left,you idiot. In hindsight, it is exactly as others have stated predatory, calculated and manipulative all with a facade of kindness and mentoring. And few of us agree on every point! Im not trying to do anything but reel in my disappointment in what has been going on at Willow Creek. But eventually they will wake up to what happened and it will not be pretty when nice people realize that they have been manipulated and used. She claims Bill Hybels brought up the incident in Hawaii about the ambien. Huge. This was not about a long hug. Forgiveness/ redemption for the sinner does not mean acceptance of the sin, nor does it mean deliverance from the consequences of the sin. I hug relatives and near relatives depending on the situation-like somebody is dead. You just described me. Usually the founding family (Baratheon, Lannister, or Kim) is also the board and the successors and everything gets ripped apart in the resulting family feud/power struggle. My potty-mouth made me do it (Mark Driscoll) Your boss? She felt even more blessed when in 1985 Mr. Hybels and his wife invited her to move into their home, where she shared family dinners and vacations. I am still looking for the benefit to Nancy or the others for speaking upat all. He sees things.. What is it about these minister and their hugs. manner, outline your thinking and why you believe it to be true. Lynne Hybels was born on 21st November 1951. He was talking about how successful Sociopaths and Swindlers and Abusers are masters of Camouflage (and Misdirection)! . That said, this is all so tragic. No wonder they get a God complex. Peoples boundaries and privacy should never be breached unless specifically invited or welcomed to do so one way or the other. All it would take, with most women is a subtle suggestion that You did come to my hotel room voluntarily or I didnt force you to stay and have a glass of wine to manipulate her into blaming herself for any inappropriate activity and keep her mouth shut. Ive been a christian for many years so I take offense to your allegations. I dont know what mainstream is for this topic. I come from a family of Russian immigrants on my fathers side., Dee, my Sister Nancy Beach sent me this today. And I admit to being raised that public displays of affection between adults was not the best as it might make some uncomfortable. Not even the great prophets got such responses. So much! He got out of Dodge and left people behind to pick up the pieces. We were in both places for years and said little or nothing. Please read what I, a former elder, wrote. ) (John 18:10 NIV). On the surface, an extended hug may seem harmless, even though deep down it creeps you out a little. Working our works out of view, 1 comment about arms He describes how skilled offenders select, set up, groom, offend against, re-groom and then re-offend against the woman/women they target. And everyone wants to work there. is lynne hybels still married to bill. Thank you for that comment, Lydia. The existence of an impartial documented history of 2 years worth of 1150 emails between Bill and the other woman is stark corroboration. People not in the mega inner circle world dont understand it. What I count is as follows: Hybels is a BS artist and a skilled speaker but also friends with very unrighteous people. : Note how often those being accused are the old dogs, gone or soon to be gone from the public eye anyway. You searched for: Author: lynne hybels bill I am so very proud of her and with how hard this has been on everyone. I know of one drawing up plans for an old fashioned Chapel complete with a steeple to put on their campus for those who prefer smaller churches. How does one explain it? I refuse to answer the question How many people have you led to Christ? That question has no place in our discussions. So many perps being exposed it looks like the Lord is behind the exposure. This pastor allowed abuse to continue under his nose and I am going to call him on it. You 2 probably believe Jesus was Jewish as well as all the disciples. The mistake people make is thinking everything can go back to normal. I get Im not welcome here. 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