signing the Clayton Antitrust Act women's suffrage movements How did The Cuban problem was far away and none of his concern. Using Possessives. Which of the following was NOT one of the programs initiated by President Roosevelt as part of his New Deal? Its support is even higher among young people: 90 percent of 18- to 24-year olds are in favor of the ERA. Portugal. the world then knew slavery would not be tolerated in the United States. to stop Russia from winning the war The U.S. and the Soviet Union became the two superpowers following World War II. Read the original article. However, according to CNN, he seemed to be in good spirits in the days leading up to death making it all the more shocking. (more than one) a civil war millions of freed slaves industrial revolution millions of new immigrants changes in education women's suffrage movements indian wars burgeoning city populations technological advances In 2022, 38% of Americans said they or a family member skipped or delayed medical care, amid the highest rate of inflation in more than 40 years, according to an annual health care poll from . What kind of lasting effects did the Spanish-American War have on the United States? the saddest president The Nuremberg Trials lasted for ____, and ____ German high officials were sentenced to death. the unusual president Hitler boldly broke the Treaty of Versailles under the assumptions that: The Great Depression prevented any one nation from having the resources to stop him; The seaport city that was the scene of thousands of Allied troops being rescued by boats was called _____. African Americans (also referred to as Black Americans and Afro-Americans) are an ethnic group consisting of Americans with partial or total ancestry from sub-Saharan Africa. (Some sentences may have more than one direct or indirect object; some may have a direct object but no indirect object; some may have neither. At the ____ conference during World War II, Stalin insisted Poland's borders be enlarged following the end of the conflict. In what battle were the Germans halted, creating a stalemate? He then missed just five league games through injury in the next two seasons. Rate answer . Philippines Select all that apply. hopes and fears are changed within each era due to the new techonologies. President ____ was the last president to have been a Civil War veteran. What are three items from the Populist Party platform that eventually made their way into American life? A home is the most valuable thing many people will own. Which of the following were major domestic issues facing the Truman administration after World War II? This act was passed in 1917 and made it illegal to subvert U.S. military personnel. Germany finally surrendered, or ____, in 1918. He made clear his constitutional duty to uphold the Supreme Court's ruling. Belgium The politicization of death is not uncommon in American history, particularly during times of profound social crisis. For religion scholars, this is a clear example of American civil religion. United States changes in education a person who strongly supports an organization or ideal - partisan. Bennington died by suicide at age 41 on July 20, 2017 which, coincidentally, was his . They saw the loss as a temporary setback but believed that ultimate victory would come if they maintained some form of Southern cultural purity based on notions of racial, regional and religious superiority. The U.S. government sold war_____ to finance the war effort. How did Rockefeller and the Standard Oil Company get around laws that forbade companies in one state from underselling or doing business in other states? The United States and Soviet Union kept building up the nuclear arsenal because ____ knew how many bombs the other had. Put the following time periods in the order in which they normally appear. Germany had to share the responsibility of the war. lotteries, This 1918 piece of legislation made it illegal to publicly denounce the war, verbally or on paper. These factors have led to high rates of violence, assault, suicide, poverty, and abuse among the Native . Activist African Americans adopted "Freedom Now" as their slogan to recognize the Emancipation Proclamation centennial in 1963 (indeed, a short-lived all-Black Freedom Now Party was formed in Michigan and ran candidates in the general election of 1964). The ____ set a minimum wage and maximum number of hours employees could be required to work. Which individual below was the premier black entertainer during the first part of the twentieth century? All Native Americans are thought to have descended from just a few very small groups of people. Maine. Neither chemical weapons nor machine guns were used by the Axis armies on the Western Front. Yet his exploration of the relationship between the death of the individual and the life of the social group is pertinent now, in the context of the pandemicas it was in the aftermath of the Civil War. court system Kaiser Wilhelm had to abdicate his throne. When it came to labor, management, and strikes, what are two precedents set by Roosevelt and the federal government? Which of the following nations did Russia lose after World War I ended? What made it possible for daily programs to appear on television? How old was he? The other nations were more technically advanced. new toys create new understandings and attitudes. Serious mental illness (SMI) rose among all ages of Black and African American people between 2008 and 2018. Which of the items below were invented during the 1950s? Which sentence below best describes the concept of unrestricted submarine warfare? What was unique with political races during the Gilded Age? The victorious Union turned dead soldiers into symbols of the nation. Beginning in the 1940s, however, deep demographic and economic change, accompanied by a marked shift in white racial attitudes, started blacks down the road to much greater equality. It offered a warm-water port. In 1973, the first year with available Census data, the average size of the family home was 1,660 square feet. The commanders of subs have to follow rules of engagement. Horace Mann believed that much needed to be done to improve education in America. Mexico would receive the rights to nearby Cuba. D)It showed that a nation with a strong navy could beat America. What strategy used by Great Britain brought Germany's economy to a standstill during World War I? In the area of economics and big business, what are three things that President Wilson accomplished? the condition of being without basic necessities for long periods - deprivation. They found a way to marry men who were already in America. Germany had to take sole responsibility for the war. The manner in which successive administrations have dealt with China is the biggest foreign policy failure of the United States in the last 40 years, US' National Security Advisor said . Today, houses have hit an average all-time high of 2,679 square feet. And since the start of the pandemic, the same has happened with Covid-19 victims. Which of the following movies was NOT famous during the 1950s? One of the biggest factors driving these disparities is housing. Morbidity. What other islands were attacked at the same time as Pearl Harbor? While there have been a few moments of public remembrance700,000 white flags placed on the National Mall, and President Joe Bidens brief words noting the one million empty chairs around the dinner tablethe country is only beginning to grapple with the shared grief of so many deaths. Germany As of 2016, the median wealth for black families in America was $17,600, while the median wealth for white families was $171,000. It connected the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, giving America more control of the Western Hemisphere. Cookie Policy What did Germany offer that would make Mexico even consider the proposal? When the Great Depression began, the ____ administration did little to nothing, hoping things would right themselves over time. Why couldn't the Japanese Americans leave the camps? In just 40 years, Americans dealt with a civil war millions of freed slaves industrial revolution millions of new immigrants changes in education women's suffrage movements technological advances Advertisement coreyjand All of these happened in just 40 years! What did the Tennessee Butler Act prohibit? millions of new immigrants A recession in 1937 supported whom in regards to the New Deal's success? And half of all adults say they experienced a major stressful event in the past year. longer hours for more money What would be your best response?, The nurse is . What was the significance of building the Panama Canal to America? It supplied much of the oil and gas. 83 Percent of Americans Support the ERA. Americans React to the Great Depression "Hooverville," Central Ohio, 1938 Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Black-and-White Negatives. airplane The ERA is wildly popular: 83 percent of Americans believe it should be ratified and incorporated into the U.S. Constitution. Germany had to lose much of its industrial territory. What two things made it possible for the West to be settled so quickly? Germany had tried to build a bigger fleet of ships than England. According to Psychology Today, cheating involves different factors, including individual reasons, which encompass gender orientation, personality, personal beliefs, etc. Nixon redirect the peace process when Select all that apply. Due to economic, social, and political interests, America's interactions with Europe at the end of the 19th Century were, the act of one country imposing its will over another by economic or military means - imperialism. Emily Dickinson Who were the prominent African American writers during the Harlem Renaissance? After President Wilson was instrumental in getting the Treaty of Versailles passed, why did Congress reject the treaty altogether? One million dead and counting will certainly require more efforts, more reflection and more soul-searching to help American society overcome and indeed draw strength from this unimaginable number. They were like Ginger Rogers being. Six of 10 Americans believe that new civil rights laws are needed to reduce discrimination against Black Americans, compared with 40 percent in 2015. Submarines are allowed to attack any military transport. The ____ Conference set the date for D-Day, or Operation Overlord. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. Why would European Americans still be hateful toward Japanese citizens when they returned home from internment camps? We have been taught in school that the source of the policy of "40 acres and a mule" was Union General William T. Sherman's Special Field Order No. Poland The death toll shows significant disparities among different economic and racial groups. In the late 1950s, the poverty rate was approximately 22%, with just shy of 40 million Americans living in poverty. What was it? Why did conflict break out between the Filipino rebels and their ally, the U.S.? It had to purchase at least four million ounces of silver each month. Overall, 1 in 13 adults in the U.S. (7.5%) have "long COVID" symptoms, defined as symptoms lasting three or more months after first contracting the virus, and that they didn't have prior to their COVID-19 infection. blockading southern ports. Which of the following countries did participate in the Scramble for Africa? have the desired result? According to the lesson, which nation was the heart of Europe's industrial complex? The first major labor union was founded in 1866 by William Sylvis. 200 sailors went into 'enemy' and viciously searched for any Mexican American wearing zoot suits. But the Civil War provided an opportunity for a game-changing development. What is one way a nurse can advocate for a child client?, During a hospital admission, an 8-year-old of Polish heritage tells you he is angry because so many people have asked him how to pronounce his name. The rate declined steadily, reaching a low of 11.1% in 1973 and rising to a high of nearly 15% three times - in 1983, 1993 and 2011 - before hitting the all-time low of 10.5% in 2019. 2001: The September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States altered Americans' historic sense of invulnerability just as emphatically as the destruction . One of my intellectual heroes, sociologist Robert Hertz, wrote a famous essay about death and society in 1907. Why was China able to be taken advantage of early in the twentieth century by nations who traded with her? Children had to work with parents, to help their families survive. Jane Addams and Ellen Starr were the women who founded ____ House in 1890. Germany had to lose much of its industrial territory. Cookie Settings, Gustavo Basso via Wikimedia Commons under CC BY-SA 4.0, Dried Lake Reveals New Statue on Easter Island. a civil war millions of freed slaves industrial revolution millions of new immigrants changes in education women's suffrage movements Indian wars burgeoning city populations technological advances. The United States would not allow additional colonization of Latin American nations. France The _____ Building is the tallest brick building in the world. In just 40 years, Americans dealt with: industrial revolution Native American wars burgeoning city populations a civil war millions of freed slaves changes in education technological advances millions of new immigrants women's suffrage movements According to the lesson, what were some of the early reform movements in America? My first book, The Sacred Remains, looked at the conflicts impact on Americans attitudes toward death, during another period of extreme division and overwhelming loss of life. Girls were expected to stay at home and learn domestic duties. It seemed to strongly favor organized labor or unions. suffrage Americans' trust in the media has plummeted four percentage points since last year to 36 percent. A(n) ____ is the process allowing citizens to place a proposed law directly on the ballot by means of a petition. Germany had to give up its autonomous government, Germany had to take sole responsibility for the war. What were three of President Wilson's Fourteen Points? George Cohan Select all that apply. What happened on Black Thursday that sent everyone into a panic? This is due by tomorrow and I have so much other work to get caught up on! small, The act of securing information about an enemy is called, Which nation eventually aligned itself with the Triple Entente even though it started out being part of the Triple Alliance or Central Powers? battle ready In 1958, President Eisenhower sent troops to ____ to stabilize their pro-Western government. airplane Hanes Adult ComfortWash Ringspun Cotton Fleece Hoodie - Available in 7 colors! the use of arbitration to settle labor disputes. According to the lesson, what things kept working conditions so poor in factories? Never had votes in presidential elections been so close. Although circumstances and technological advances may be new within eras of history. well-trained and experienced Deep within the cavern, the______ discovered an underground river. Socialism What were two of the important points found in the Monroe Doctrine? Why were the Balkans so important to Germany's war effort? Adults in households with annual incomes under $40,000 are more than three times as likely as adults in households with incomes over $90,000 to say it is difficult to afford their health care costs. A Brief History of the Salem Witch Trials. Why People Cheat in Relationships. The Populist Party got its start because of what event? Which of Roosevelt's acts made an attempt to redistribute wealth? . technological advances, a civil war As embalming became more common, it helped legitimize a new class of professional experts: funeral directors, whose homes became a mix of business, mortality, religion and their own domestic life. splitting the Confederacy in two In what two areas did states accomplish reform during the Progressive Era? Why were the Balkans so important to Germany's war effort? Which of the following elected positions did Kennedy hold in his lifetime? Educator _____ was responsible for creating the first normal school. France and Great Britain insisted Germany make war____ after the conflict ended. to officially endorse or approve something, usually a document - ratify. Some Japanese women managed to immigrate to America despite the passport ban. France had lost it to Germany in a previous war. For example, the virus has not taken an equal toll across the country. dismantling large corporations that formed trusts, intervention in strikes affecting public welfare There were too many nations against them. the lucky president What position did Roosevelt resign when he took on the role of a Rough Rider? Which of the following do NOT describe a typical flapper? You got a cousin in Los Angeles, you just go across the border," Sessions said in a Sept. 29 podcast with Mark Krikorian, director of the Washington-based Center for Immigration Studies. What did Roosevelt call himself after McKinley was assassinated? Overall, 64 percent said racism remains a major problem in our society. The law also made possession and sale of crack rocks. The U.S. was forced to deal with profound changes in a relatively short period of time. __________ party was the most successful year. How would this combat Communism in those countries? The Great Depression began in 1929 when, in a period of ten weeks, stocks on the New York Stock Exchange lost 50 percent of their value. Prior to the beginning of World War I, Austria-Hungary and Serbia had a festering disagreement over _____ issues. According to the lesson, why did President McKinley want to avoid getting involved in the conflict between Spain and Cuban rebels? There were armed sentries posted at the camps. not limited by restrictions or regulations - unfettered. Germany had tried to build a bigger fleet of ships than England. Benito Mussolini initiated a form of ____ for his government. It might require U.S. troops to fight in foreign wars. Italy, Which of the following countries did not participate in the Scramble for Africa? passage of the Federal Trade Act For comparison's sake, under then-President Donald Trump, the number of encounters was 458,088 in 2020 and 977,509 in 2019. Why did Benjamin Harrison and Grover Cleveland not campaign prior to the election of 1892? Some of the greatest twentieth-century authors also starred during this decade, including: (50s). Surprisingly, as family sizes have gone down, home sizes have gone up. It had the best grape-growing region in the world. Which of the following were warning signs of the impending economic depression that appeared during the Hoover administration? This is due by tomorrow and I have so much other work to get caught up on! the bombing of factories L. Frank Baum It was spared from having to pay war reparations. In ____ , the Soviet Union managed to detonate its first atomic bomb. In 1792, the Federal treasury department determined that gold was worth how many times more than silver? passage of the Federal Trade Act robust Use context clues to determine the meaning of each boldfaced word from "Six Feet of the Country." Which of the following kinds of people were restricted from immigrating to America, based on a series of laws? France had lost it to Germany in a previous war. the use of arbitration to settle labor disputes It is a situation where subs can destroy any kind of vessel they want. The procedure permitting voters to remove an official from office before the term expires is called a(n) ___________. What organization did the Pendleton Act establish? Which of the following factors led to the mass immigration of Midwesterners to the Southwest? Due to the Red Scare, immigrants from these two regions of Europe were strongly opposed by many Americans. industrial revolution Mexico could take back the Southwest and Texas, This act was passed in 1917 and made it illegal to subvert U.S. military personnel. The new national survey by Pew Research Center, conducted April 29 to May 5 among 10,957 U.S. adults using the Center's online American Trends Panel, finds a majority of U.S. adults want the government to play a larger role in addressing climate change. Finland It had to give up much of its industrial complex. Match the Progressive Era amendment with the type of issue it addressed. Select all that apply. What was the name of the famous lieutenant colonel who led a surprise attack on Tokyo early in the war? It did not think the treaty punished Germany enough. (via American Songwriter), . Some 56% of Americans are unable to cover an unexpected $1,000 bill with. According to the lesson, what two things put an effective end to the Jim Crow laws in this country? Bulgaria. Germany sent the Zimmerman telegram to Mexico for the purpose of seeking an alliance. Compared to other European nations, why did it take France the longest to recover from the Great Depression? He argued that social groups represent themselves as immortal, capable of overcoming the death of any member. At least how many African nations gained their independence after World War II? Roughly 750,000 people died in the Civil War, or 2.5 percent of the countrys population at the timethe equivalent of seven million Americans dying today. What did Germany offer that would make Mexico even consider the proposal? This site is using cookies under cookie policy . The unprecedented death toll had profound consequences on American cultures of death for generations, particularly through the emergence of the funeral industry. According to the lesson, what brought about the need for social reform? Last year, Americans reported feeling stress, anger and . It might require U.S. troops to fight in foreign wars. Around 750,000 people died during the conflict2.5 percent of the countrys population at the time. Why did France want the Alsace-Lorraine region from Germany? After a naval board of inquiry determined that a mine had detonated under the hull, the press immediately placed all blame on_____ for the sinking of the battleship, U.S.S. According to the lesson, what helped blacks begin to make a mark on the business world during the 1920s? B)They thought America would grant them total autonomy. Congress did not like the League of Nations. C)There was need for a navy that could cover two oceans. Czechoslovakia Even though Great Britain was at odds with France over the situation involving the Suez Canal, why did it side with France as World War I began? OA. D)The U.S. made them defeat the Spanish by themselves. Hawaii, What did Roosevelt call himself after McKinley was assassinated? Both chemical weapons and machine guns helped to create a stalemate on the Western Front. Although circumstances and technological advances may be new within eras of history. May 20, 2022 Last September, an installation of almost 700,000 white flags on the National Mall paid tribute to the Americans who have died of Covid-19. And that's just the start of it. Which of the following declined during the Great Depression? Confidence in the U.S. Health Care System Has Rebounded Confidence in U.S. health care increased during the pandemic. Despite rates being less than the overall U.S. population, major depressive episodes increased from 9 percent-10.3 percent in Black and African American youth ages 12-17, 6.1 percent to 9.4 percent in young adults 18-25, and 5.7 percent . not religious or spiritual in nature - secular. very profitable or productive - lucrative. Which country eventually joined the Triple Alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary? owners in the Deep South a strong naval blockade A (n) ____ takes an act of two-thirds of Congress and ratification by three-fourths of the states. Ypres Jamaica tank Match the tune with the artist(s) who made it famous. Millions of people were returning home from the war, needing jobs. Select all that apply. Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were two ____ immigrants accused of robbery and murder during the Red Scare of the 1920s. tank millions of freed slaves Which industry had the greatest impact on the economy in the 1920s? Hitler carried what three views with him as he attempted to gain power in Germany before the advent of World War II? A policy or doctrine of supreme devotion to one's country is called_____. ! )\ Germany Yugoslavia France was better prepared militarily for a major war. Why did France suffer the most as a result of World War I? Early in the twentieth century, most schools had compulsory education laws requiring students to attend until the age of ___________. B. the sale of enslaved people in the Upper South to What did President Eisenhower do after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Brown v. Board of Education in 1954? Match the event or nation with what it achieved during the early years of the space race. postcard brides desegregation of the nation's public schools and other public facilities; Foreign policy decisions and problems included: dealing with construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961, separating East Berlin from the West; As the nation's youngest president, John Kennedy brought hope to the country as he. France Americans relationship with their dead would never be the same. burgeoning city populations What event finally caused the U.S. to enter World War I? millions of freed slaves What factors led to Robespierre becoming a dictator? Rate answer . Terms of Use Which of the following things were invented or first used in the 1950s? Marxism and Capitalism were to be bitter enemies. Belgium Raising an armed force was just part of America's war effort. What two purposes did the St. Lawrence River serve? a civil war millions of freed slaves A(n) ________________ is the process allowing citizens to place a proposed law directly on the ballot by means of a petition. Which man once ran for the presidency of the U.S. while in prison? In what ways did railroads help both businesses and consumers? Marne (pdf)   Introduction Congress is fast approaching the need to take action on the nation’s statutory debt limit, often referred to as the debt ceiling. T.S. a civil war Throughout the 19th century, most Americans died, and had their bodies tended to, at home. Both chemical weapons and machine guns helped to advance the battles on the Western Front. Most Americans are still struggling to build solid savings accounts nearly two years into the coronavirus pandemic. The Russian Revolution of ____ spelled the end to that country's participation in World War I. Germany initiated the first invasion to kick off World War I. By 1905, there was a total of about _________ miles of paved roads in America. The procedure permitting voters to remove an official from office before the term expires is called a(n) ____. In 1911, a mob of over 100 people hanged a 14-year-old boy, Antonio Gmez, after he was arrested for murder. Julia Howe and Lucy Stone were responsible for the founding of the ____ Women Suffrage Association in 1869. Who was the founder of Christian Science? equality. Order 6 or more (and you can mix sizes and colors) for just $11.99 each from us! people are still people, the same on the inside. What was the last year for a documented case of polio in the U.S.? Why was the concept of affirmative action seen as controversial? What are three items from the Populist Party platform that eventually made their way into American life? House size has increased. The term "Second Middle Passage" refers to which of thefollowing? Destructive 'Super Pigs' From Canada Threaten the Northern U.S. Did an Ancient Magnetic Field Reversal Cause Chaos for Life on Earth 42,000 Years Ago? Japan's government did two things that prevented it from being severely hurt by the Great Depression: Latin American nations suffered greatly during the Great Depression because their economies were very closely tied to America. American sailors planned and organized an invasion of Mexican American communities with clubs, pipes, and knives. Select all that apply. required of all people in a particular group - compulsory. According to the lesson, what state passed the first immigration law in 1862? You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. All trade agreements with Latin American nations had to go through the United State, The united states would not allow additional colonization of Latin american nations Reported feeling stress, anger and guns helped to advance the battles on business... 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