The move is performed in several ways, usually from a prone position involving the wrestler trapping one of the opponent's arms. Also known as a stomach vice, just like the original clawhold, the attacker applies a painful nerve hold to the adversary's abdomen, forcing them to submit or pass out. Mexican luchador Mstico innovated a variation in which he performs a tilt-a-whirl on the opponent them slams face first with a single-arm takedown and uses the submission hold called the La Mistica. This variation is used as a submission finisher by Sasha Banks as the Bank Statement, and by Taka Michinoku as the Just Facelock. The figure-four leg-lock is a wrestling submission hold that affects the leg and ankle of your opponent. However, instead of stepping over the opponent to flip them, the applying wrestler flips the opponent over from left-to-right, keeping the opponent in front of them. To create this article, 22 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Evil uses a variation called Darkness Scorpion, where the move is preceded by a stomp into the groin area. A grounded version of a sleeper hold with an added body scissors that is derived from martial arts and more recently mixed martial arts. The double-handed version was a signature submission of The Great Khali, dubbed the Vice Grip. The wrestler then grabs the free ankle and places that ankle between their thighs. The wrestler first takes the opponent's legs then, bends them at the knees, and crosses them, placing one ankle in the other leg's knee-pit before then turning around so that they are facing away from the opponent and places one of their feet into the triangle created by the opponent's crossed legs. This basic backbreaker submission involves the wrestler laying the opponent's back across one knee, then, while placing one hand on the opponent's chin and the other on their knee, the wrestler pushes down to bend the opponent around their knee. A common move out of this transition can be a powerbomb or a suplex. From this point on the wrestler can either grab the opponent's wrist with the free hand and tucks their own head beneath the opponent's armpit and stand upright, locking in the hold, or simply throw the opponent's arm over their own shoulder and grab the opponent's thighs with the free hand. We are led to believe that once this move is applied, the wrestler who is trapped in it is experiencing an incredible amount of pain. Nikki Bella has used both variations as a finisher in WWE. This move is the finisher of Charlie Haas. This counter to the figure-four is often called a "modified Indian deathlock" or sometimes referred to as a "sharpshooter variant". This move is usually executed on a wrestler lying flat on their back. The opponent is draped face-down across the wrestler's shoulders, with the wrestler's arms wrapped around from behind. Though this is an often-used rest hold, it is also sometimes the beginning of a standard bulldog move. However, Joe Rogan criticizes it; emphasizing that it's inviting an Inside Heel Hook counter. The wrestler then pulls backwards with their arms and pushes forward with their leg, causing pressure. 1 Change Note Created by. The move can be executed from a kneeling position or a standing position, depending on the wrestler's preference. The Gory special is a back-to-back backbreaker submission hold. This type of toe hold is performed by holding the foot by the toes with one hand and putting the other hand under the opponent's achilles tendon and grabbing the wrist. In this variation of the triangle choke, the wrestler sits behind a seated opponent. A rope-hung move sees the opponent trapped either over the top rope or between the top and second rope. The wrestler begins the hold by standing over a face-down opponent. This variation of the cloverleaf sees the wrestler, after crossing one of the opponent's legs over the other in a figure four shape, lock the over leg behind their near knee before placing the straight leg under their armpit and turning over. This move has been used by many wrestlers for many years. This variation is also used by Tyler Breeze as the Figure Four Sharpshooter, and by T. J. Perkins, who calls it the Figure Four Deathlock. Similarly to the biceps slicer, a calf crusher can be applied by inserting an arm or leg in the backside of the knee and flexing the opponent's leg to apply pressure to the muscles surrounding the fulcrum. The attacker bends the opponent's arm and reaches through with one of their own. The innovators behind sports-entertainment's best maneuvers", "Eddie Guerrero, Pro Wrestlers Database from the Smackdown Hotel website",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2016, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 26 February 2023, at 11:03. The legs are used to control the movement of the opponent's body while the opponent's foot is twisted by holding the heel with the forearm and using the whole body to generate a twisting motion, hence creating severe medial torque on the ankle. This is often a set-up for a crucifix powerbomb or a spinning crucifix toss. Hell, hes cool with it. It can also be used to immobilize an opponent by pushing them to the ground. This can see the wrestler fall to a seated position or go onto their back, lifting the opponent skyward, which will increase pressure on the opponent but put the wrestler in risk of pinning their own shoulders to the mat. This move is currently being used by NXT UK superstar Noam Dar calling it the "Champagne Superkneebar". Former TNA and WWE wrestler Samoa Joe uses this as his signature submission hold, calling it the Coquina Clutch, and current WWE wrestler Shayna Baszler uses it as her finisher, calling it the Kirifuda Clutch. 4.0 0x. They then roll back so that the opponent is suspended on their knees above them, facing up. The wrestler then pulls back so as to stretch the legs, back, and neck of the opponent while keeping the arm trapped. The hold compresses the legs, flexes the spine, and stretches the abdomen. Please click this line if you do not care and want to view it anyway. Slaughter and Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart, who called it the Anvilizer, as well as Ted DiBiase Sr. and Jr., who called it the Million Dollar Dream. Ken Patera performed a variation he called the Swinging Neckbreaker (not to be confused with the neckbreaker variation), where he would lock the hold on and lift the opponent off the ground, then spin them in the air. The wrestler then extends their remaining arm between their legs and then waits. The wrestler will apply an armscissor with one leg and a headscissors. Also known as a "buffalo sleeper", this choke sees the wrestler kneeling behind a seated opponent before grabbing hold of one of the opponent's arms, bending it backwards overhead, and locking the opponent's wrist into the attacker's armpit. Essentially a reverse crucifix armbar with neck submission. Also known as an inverted sharpshooter combined with a double chickenwing, this hold sets up the same as the sharpshooter, with the opponent supine on the mat with the applying wrestler stepping between the opponent's legs with their right leg and wrapping the opponent's legs at shin level around that leg. WebFigure Four Leg Lock is a throw used by King I in Tekken 2, and by King II from Tekken 3 onwards. Also known as a "Romero special". Often at times, this move can be confused with a side headlock. Professional Wrestler John will show you how to perform a Figure-4 leg lock, step by step. Also known as a cross armbreaker or straight armbar. The wrestler uses his foot to push the opponent's straight leg backwards and over the bent leg's ankle. The final position has the wrestler in a semi-sitting position and facing away from the opponent, with the opponent's back and legs bent back toward their face. The Rock also used this move as his signature submission move by the name Sharpshooter. From here, the wrestler puts the opponent in a crossface, wrenching the neck and shoulder. Another version of a surfboard, which is known as a "seated surfboard stretch" but referred to as a "modified surfboard stretch". The wrestler then pulls back, stretching the opponent's back, neck, and knees. Yuji Nagata first popularized this move named the Nagata Lock III as an evolution of his previous hold, the Nagata Lock II, a crossface submission. The wrestler then pulls back on the arms, causing pressure. This was used by Johnny Saint as the Johnny Saint Special. The wrestler then leans backwards and seizes the opponent around the waist, pulling them forward and upwards so they are lying across the shoulder of the opponent, facing downwards. The wrestler tucks the opponent's head face-up under their armpit and wraps their arm around the head, so that their forearm is pressed against the back of the opponent's neck. This variant has been used by Alberto Del Rio, A.J. The wrestler grabs either of the opponent's arms and pulls it to their back (resulting the arm being bent behind the opponent's back). It was first used by Keiji Mutoh in the early 1990s. The wrestler then forces the opponent to one side, traps one of the opponent's arms with their own arm and drapes their free leg over the neck of the opponent, forcing it downward. The wrestler reaches around the opponent's body with their arms and lifts them up, spinning the opponent in front of the wrestler's body, often to deliver a slam or most commonly a "tilt-a-whirl backbreaker" or a "pendulum backbreaker". Invented by Chris Hero, this variation of the cloverleaf sees the wrestler hook the legs like a cloverleaf, but then weaves their hands through to clasp their other hand and also hooks the ankle sticking out with one leg (left or right) into their kneepit. 0.0 0x. This variation is the most famous version, invented by Buddy Rogers and popularized by Ric Flair, and is also the finisher of choice for several wrestlers like Greg "The Hammer" Valentine, "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes, The Miz, AJ Styles, Jeff Jarrett, Tito Santana, Jack Brisco, Gerald Brisco, and The Silent Warrior. The applying wrestler then squats back, lifting the opponent's torso into the air. In professional wrestling this move is used to set up powerbombs or piledrivers. It is performed by approaching the opponent and putting one hand on the back of the opponent's neck while holding the elbow of the opponent's arm that is holding their own neck. Sometimes the free arm is placed at the top of the opponent's head. A reverse version also exists, with the opponent lying on their back, the wrestler lies on the mat, putting some or all of their weight on the opponent to prevent them from moving. His son, AEW wrestler Hook, also adopted it as his finishing maneuver, rebranding it as Redrum. This is a legitimate controlling or debilitating hold and is commonly used by police officers in the United States to subdue uncooperative persons for arrest. As with a sleeper hold, this move can also be performed from a standing position. The attacking wrestler stands over a face-down opponent, facing the same direction. The wrestler faces their opponent, who is bent over. From here, the wrestler rolls the opponent face first onto the mat, with their legs and arms tied together, sandwiched between the mat. Also called an arm triangle, this choke sees the wrestler wrapping their arm from under the opponent's nearest arm(pit) and across the chest. Chris Jericho uses this move in a high angle version, calling it the Walls of Jericho. The wrestler then places the opponent's far leg in the knee-pit of the near leg, finishing the submission by putting the opponent's ankle on top of their own ankle, rolling both onto their bellies, and pushing back with the wrestler's knees. The wrestler then extends a thumb and thrusts it into the windpipe or carotid artery of the opponent, cutting off their air or blood supply. Also known as "Neck Wrench", the wrestler faces their opponent, who is bent over. This move is most recently used by Roman Reigns in his "Tribal Chief" character. The wrestler then uses their free arm to pull the opponent's arm (the same arm to which the wrestler is applying the half nelson) across the face of the opponent. 4/18/10 6:00 AM. The figure four leg-lock is a submission move used in pro wrestling, made famous by Ric Flair. The wrestler then slips one foot in front of the opponent's head and under their chin, locks their hands behind the opponent's head, and chokes the opponent by pressing their shin or instep against the opponent's trachea. Figure Four: Y+B Front Flip Elbow: X+A or Y+B from Top Turnbuckle Flying Forearm Kip Up: Running+Y+B or Running+X+A Finisher: Sweet Chin Music SGT. By controlling the opponent's body and using the hands to plantar flex the foot either straight or slightly sideways, hence putting considerable torque on the ankle. Essentially a step-over armbar with neck submission. For this variation, the wrestler steps between the opponent's legs with one of their own and crosses the opponent's legs so that their near leg's ankle is in the far leg's knee pit. A maneuver which, when applied correctly against an individual, is purported to cause intense, legitimate pain. WWE wrestler Veer Mahaan uses this move as a finisher calling it the Cervical Clutch. The wrestler pulls down with both arms while pushing up with the knees to bend the opponent's back. In an illegal version of the hold, best described as a hanging figure-four necklock, the wrestler stands on top of the turnbuckle, wraps their legs around the head of the opponent (who has their back turned against the turnbuckle) in the figure-four and falls backwards, choking the opponent. The wrestler stands in front of the opponent while both people are facing the same direction, with some space in between the two. The armbar's innovation was reportedly 200 years ago, but its true origins remain unknown. This hold is a staple of European style wrestling and technical wrestling influenced by European wrestling. This move is also sometimes dubbed the King Crab Lock. Used by Yoshi-Hashi as Butterfly Lock. Chris Masters and Bobby Lashley uses a standing variation called the Master Lock and the Hurt Lock respectively, where they lock the nelson in and swing their opponent back and forth alternating pressure between their shoulders. The wrestler then steps over one of the opponent's arms while holding that arm's wrist, and then rolls or twists their body in mid-air while holding the wrist, forcing the opponent down to their back and ending in a cross armbar. The wrestler will then sandwich the arm between their own leg and the side of the opponent's body. This neck lock sees a wrestler sit above a fallen opponent and wrap their legs around the opponent in the form of the figure-four, with one leg crossing under the opponent's chin and under the wrestler's other leg the wrestler squeezes and chokes the opponent. Also known as an arm-trap triangle choke. One or both of the arms can be pinned. The wrestler finally takes their free arm, hooks the opponent's arm which is in the vise, and holds their opposite leg from the knee. It was used by Ed Lewis and Bruno Sammartino. This armlock sees the wrestler grappling the opponent's wrist with the similar hand (for example, if they use the right arm, they would grab the opponent's right wrist), and with the opponent's wrist still clutched, the wrestler bends the opponent's arm (of the grappled wrist) towards or behind the opponent's head. The wrestler then wraps their legs around the head of the opponent and crosses the opponent's legs, applying pressure on them with their hands. The attacking wrestler tucks their opponent's head underneath their armpit and wraps their arm around the neck so that the forearm is pressed against the chin. 0.245 MB. The wrestler then takes hold of the upper arms or wrists of the opponent and spreads them, holding the opponent in place. 5. Put your left leg over his/her left foot. Used by Terry Funk and Dory Funk Jr., the wrestler using this move stands over the opponent who is lying face up on the mat and grasps a leg of the opponent. If you're playing with your friends, brothers don't apply too much pressure.. Do not let your opponent turn on to their front; this reverses the pressure and becomes like a sharpshooter variant, so it will hurt your back and now it'll be your turn to cry. Also known as a cobra choke or a kata ha jime (a term borrowed from judo), this hold sees the wrestler put the opponent in a half nelson with one arm and grab the opponent's neck with the other, sometimes while adding body scissors. For some flexible wrestlers, a variation of this move can be performed while standing in the performance of a standing split. Samoa Joe, Jazz, Erik Watts and Nikki Bella have also used this move. This variation of the double chickenwing sees the wrestler wrenching the opponent up while still holding them in the double chickenwing. In this toe hold maneuver, a wrestler will grab the opponent's foot and lift their leg off the ground. Just follow the simple steps given below and give your opponent a very good blow with this effective submission attack. The wrestler kneels on the opponent's back with both knees, hooking the head with one arm and the legs with the other. It is usually done from back mount or closed guard. This submission was used as a "finishing" maneuver by a number of wrestlers over the years, including Sgt. The nelson hold in professional wrestling usually takes the form of the full nelson, half nelson, or three-quarter nelson. Also popularly known as a "Texas Cloverleaf", the wrestler stands at the feet of the supine opponent, grabs the opponent's legs, and lifts them up. The full nelson, which is illegal in amateur wrestling, is often used as a submission maneuver by certain wrestlers, such as Chris Masters, as shown in the accompanying picture. Used by Delirious. The move is also referred to as a "European headlock", due to its prominence in European wrestling. The collar-and-elbow tie-up is one of the mainstays of professional wrestling, and many matches are begun with this move. The wrestler sits on the back of an opponent who is lying face down on the mat. The wrestler has one arm free, which can be used for balance. This move can also be applied to a seated opponent. For instance, in his recent Joe Rogan Experience episode with Rick Rubin, he criticized the legendary Figure-Four leg lock pro-wrestling move. The executor then stands next to the ring apron, on the outside of the turnbuckle or ropes and applies the figure four leglock with the ring post between the opponent's legs. The wrestler reaches down to pull the opposing wrestler up slightly, sits on the opponent's back, and places both of the opponent's arms across their thighs, usually locking at least one by placing the arm in the crook of their knee. Daniel Bryan used the move as Bryan Danielson. WebBody triangle or Figure-four body lock is achieved by first crossing the ankles, grasping the heel of one foot and pulling that foot into the opposite knee, this creates the signature 4. The opponent, ostensibly confused, normally takes the offered hand, at which point the wrestler rolls forward and into an armlock. 8 Jeff Hardy's Whisper In The Wind. Several wrestlers in WWE 2K14 will utilize submission holds. This move is illegal due to usage of the ring ropes, and results in a disqualification for the wrestler should they not release the hold before a count of five. The wrestler approaches the opponent and reaches under the opponent's shoulders, then threads their arms up and around the opponent's torso, with their hands meeting in the middle of the opponent's back or neck (essentially an inverted full nelson hold), and tucking the opponents head in their armpit. Often confused with the octopus hold, it was popularized by Perry Saturn as the Rings of Saturn. Innovated by Chief Little Wolf, the wrestler lifts up a leg of a face-up opponent and wraps one of their legs around the other leg before dropping to a kneeling position, thus locking the opponent's leg behind the wrestler's knee. The wrestler then steps over his opponent, turning the opponent over as in a sharpshooter and Boston crab and proceeds to squat and lean back. Moves are listed under general categories whenever possible. The wrestler places one of their legs under the chin of the opponent and pushes up. This move sees the attacker kneel behind a sitting opponent and wrap around one arm under the opponent's chin and lock their hands. Every great professional wrestler needs an equally-as-iconic finishing move and for Ric Flair, that move was the Figure Four Leglock. The wrestler pulls upwards while his leg goes downwards, applying pressure to the shoulders, head and back. 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