But their voice, when the door shuts behind . At least theyre common enough that most may have an idea what youre talking about at the mention of pinecone.. gw2hud.com Nsfw prompt LGBT prompts . For everything else you are welcome to come to our ask box or ask questions in our Discord server here. just come home." See more posts like this on Tumblr. You can even email us if you want (fanfictiongenerator123@gmail.com). We are all born over and over again, they said, in many different forms and situations and to families with whom we have strong karmic connections. not supposed to be like yours: passed down from generation to (beware the moon. K: Kindness - Do they believe they deserve the comfort they receive? X: Xenas - Do they see anyone as an inspiration in their recovery? Yes! The decision is up to the author on that count! Series. Shout out to fanfic writers who dont write often. It's a win-win.". Ethnicities. Character A is desperate to find a particular item (book/toy/etc.) Makeover Madness. put it in your mouth! Our love is only like. being the creator of your own blorbo is so fucking hard I have to do EVERYTHING around here. To those of you who participated last year, welcome back! (it gives me sexual arousal. Shout out to fanfic writers that dont get put on rec lists. Maybe not so much. Not to forget you, I could never do it, but to become someone . His brain doesn't work like anyone else's, but he learned to fake it. Oops now theres three of us we can make this work rightoh god theres no room but no one wants to sleep on the floor this hotel is really gross. Swap names in prompt. When I think cliff, I think of jagged, perilous, rough. Thank you all so much for your patience and have fun!! Use a random number generator to pick a number between 1 and 43. So consider your character and what you see fit to compare them to. Then the bed breaks and A has to awkwardly pay for the damage whilst everyone else tries to sneak out undetected so it doesnt look super obvious that 3+ people all slept in As tiny room. im dying and im rotting and im losing myself and you wont do a thing.". So, you know, maybe we could think of something to do verb-wise. -are shaking so bad they spill their drink. (Thats the way it crumbles. Character B is thir neighbor and can help. Many were lost. OTP Prompts @otp . Most of them are just puns or song lyrics, because Im pretty terrible at coming up with titles for things that ARENT puns or song lyrics. The cuddle pile is nice but also someones foot is in my ear and someone else is snoring really loudly. You are doomed. See a recent post on Tumblr from @melis-writes about smut prompts. bowser: We need to distract these guys luigi: Leave it to me luigi: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Lilo from Lilo & Stich as Commander Shepard from Mass Effect. Why is it comforting to them? Character A returns to their birth-town for the holidays. Some I found around tumblr, some I made, some I added to. I've finally sunk low enough to make something this hilarious. 53 notes. The thing I think is maybe happening which I have no idea how to check or prevent: Exits my Google Doc covered in blood not to imply I have been killing off or otherwise torturing my characters, but to convey that my WIP is currently lying on the operating table with its organs in the process of rearrangement. Do it as a free-form document, in your villains voice, with all the emotion you can muster. To everyone new: WELCOME! A: Youre weak and will not survive the winter. - How did they process what happened to them? Ive even heard variations of these used before by comparison to an object of the same properties/coloring, such as penny for copper. Id rather die terrified than live forever. But that probably wont happen. blasphemous-lies-and-deceit reblogged this from kashimalin-fanfiction. 4. I suggest reading out your sentences aloud to get a better feel of how itll sounds. Fanfiction Prompts FANFIC PROMPTS 50 A Softer World Prompts sleepy-skittles: Send an ask with a number + a ship. ), Life would be way easier if I were easier. give me orpheus, on the road back up from the underworld begging us to make sure eurydice is there, to tell him she is safe. "Myabe-" He started feeling those dirty feeling slowly climbing from his feets, grabbing him like chains, so heavy chains. Character Driven Romance Writing Prompts. Shout out to fanfic writers who write short fanfics. (And then send pics. It isnt pleasant. I bought some rope and handcuffs to bring to bed tonight. 1. I took most of these from tumblr and wattpad while some I thought by myself. You can be as involved as you want- we can send frequent drafts for you to review, we can send you a the complete fic once we finish it, or anything in between. Character B works at a clothes store. That's what this blog is here for! I wrote a fic once where a character has frequent seizures. The mixing of a ghosts powers and human life grow to create powerful results.). Chaos insues. Like a particular story combo? Some are gold. Two of my faves are both on perchance.org: This one by a fellow r/fanfiction user and a "100 words" one. Loki Plot Generator. Only objects that their soulmate has physically touched ever has any color, and up until a week ago Person A has only known the colors black, white, and grey. The markings that have the most variety are the ones covered up. A: Alleviate - How do they go about relieving persistent physical pain? Welcome to Whumptober 2022, in its fifth year of running! Reblog going this in case you missed Sicktember, or would like something to decompress with if youve already churned out your fics. IF YOU USE ANY! Visit the Fanfiction Generator and let us write it for you! Discover more posts about prompt list, angst prompts, fluff prompts, otp prompts, dialogue prompts, romantic prompts, and smut prompts. 75 Of The Best Angst Writing Prompts Enjoy these angst dialogue prompts. They were prepared for monsters coming back to life. as best i could." (mistakes arent always regrets), If they invented a way to actually have sex over the internet you and I could use that glorious technology for internet hugs. https://archiveofourown.org/works/25910836/chapters/62970529, https://archiveofourown.org/works/25777648. ), I miss doing nothing with you. Character B is looking for a Christmas present. Character B is their estranged childhood best friend. President. can someone explain the alignment chart for me but in like, the simplest wording possible lmao, lawful good: i want to do the right thing, and following societys rules is the best way to do that, neutral good: i want to do whats right, and im willing to bend or break the rules as long as no one gets hurt, chaotic good: im willing to do whatever it takes as long as its to do the right thing, lawful neutral: following the rules of society is the most important thing, and that matters more to me than doing whats right, true neutral: i just want myself and the people i care about to be happy, chaotic neutral: i want my freedom, and i dont care what i have to do to keep it, lawful evil: to impede the protagonists (in whatever evil way) is my primary goal, but i follow my own code of morals even when its inconvenient, neutral evil: to impede the protagonists (in whatever evil way) is the my primary goal, and while ill do what it takes to achieve it, i also wont go out of my way to do unnecessary damage, chaotic evil: i relish in destruction and want to do as much damage as possible while i try to achieve my primary goal. If you still have questions or need clarification, feel free to send an ask on this blog, or our personal blogs @yes-i-am-happyaspie and @obsessionoftheday. In which Aang speaks like he was in the past century, the gaang tries to understand what is the kid who speaks with the same words as an old person but without the wisdom is saying and what is a comfort room. For everything else, you are welcome to come to our ask box or ask questions in our Discord server here. I wenr ahead and left a kudos :) -mod A. Its Character As first Christmas since a tragedy. Voice Journal: Write a diary entry from your protagonists perspective. If youre looking to get more specific than brown, modifiers narrow down shade further. The order is randomly determined (so the first character will not always be the first person mentioned). I had to change so much. would you choose me still?" A greeting theyve heard a few times in their life and had their heart pick up from, but so far has led nowhere for them as far as soulmate discoveries are concerned. People organised. Keep a pen and notebook handy for those ideas . Paranormal & Weird Event Generator. ), I have loved since you. These prompts are here to give you ideas for your next fanfic, and can be changed or interpreted however you see fit. OTP Prompts, or works as an OTP prompt spam generator. I thought I really killed you" Villain sniffs. An itch that feels just as if perhaps something beyond humanity has started to pay attention to you. - we were liars, "i'm the villain, even in my own story. Please make sure to read the Event Info carefully, as most of your questions will be answered there already. Write Silly: Just get some words on a page. Have you ever come up with an entire plot outline but gotten stuck and given up on it? ", Also a fan of "Let's get you cleaned up" and "Let's get you to bed", - pale skin with a sheen of sweat, eyes unfocused, - flushed cheeks, lips cracked and bleeding, - lying very still with his eyes open and unseeing, too out of it to do anything else, - thrashing and crying out, trapped in fever dreams, - shivering violently, teeth clenched to stop them chattering, painfully cold even as hes burning up, - blistering heat that pours off him in waves, - the way his skin is hypersensitive, so being touched - even carefully - hurts, - that fierce ache in his joints, the way it feels like his bones are cracking open, - damp cloths on his forehead and throat, which feel good at first but the fever heats them up almost immediately, - delirium that manifests as terrors and haunting memories which are normally hidden, - delirium that manifests as confusion and distress, - delirium that manifests like a truth-serum, - not knowing friend from foe; fighting against the ones trying to keep him safe, - trying to find a cool place on his pillow or on the bed. Even creative descriptions tend to draw help from your standard words. mellow. Generate the kind of stuff that detectives in a crime drama might find while investigating a murder or such. (Ive never been better. Ask me anything Follow. Do you have an idea for a fic that you don't have the time/energy to write? give me someone, bloody and full of tears monologuing to the camera when the narrative has wound itself so tight that they can't escape it anymore. Idea #2. A thing of the past. The original generator - Destiel Prompt Generator - can be accessed HERE. Character A cant wrap gifts to save their life. I made a smut generator. Of course theres some unique ones, but there usually isnt much variation. #dream smp #tommyinnit #eret #dsmp #dsmp au #fanfiction #fanfic idea #fanfic #dsmp fanfic . Character B keeps ordering pizza in hopes that theyll see character A again. Adam has a crush in the reader and Joel is all too aware of it but she's oblivious to it. To everyone new, WELCOME! He has to fight the war when it begins, not 100 years later. Follow. With that being said, were very excited to see the community come together once more and be a wild, chaotic bunch of creators and consumers of whump. university Why or why not? #if an idea comes without fandom tags it is because is vague enough for a LOT of fandoms. #every idea will be tagged in their respective fandom #i receive request to share here #if you want to share a idea and stay anonymous it's fine! Ship/OTP Prompts. ), Roses are red, Violets are blue, You can do whatever you want to me. I can think up some clever lines, if youd prefer. Two different colors split down the middle, not a solid color like their right eye contained. 45,127 notes. Character A and Character B meet in the ER on Christmas Eve. Pairing and prompt generator, kink edition! abomination staining their skin, fearful that they might finally be the Character A vows to do something nice for a stranger during the Christmas time. Theyre supposed to be a sign that out of everyone present in the world, those people belong together. JD | He/Him | Message me anytime for prompts or just to chat!! Follow. Yukihira Souma doesn't knows if he would like to know why Erina's father made that Face when he saw his father. She grabbed his arms looking directly at his eyes. After a war/apocalypse, a group of characters mess around in an abandoned city while trying to survive. From Fantasy to Science Fiction to Horror to Romance, our free and easy-to-use writing prompt generator can get your gears turning for whatever fiction story you want to write. (Today is the most exciting day of our lives.) Were hoping to start responding to prompts again in the new year (assuming anyones still interested). Plot Generator The Ultimate Bank of 500,000+ Plots Plot Generator 1 million plot combinations to inspire you. Rich Black, Dark brown, Warm beige, Pale pink. Person A had always been turned off by the idea that the tattoos on the back of their hands would determine who theyd be spending the rest of their life with, curling their noes at the thought that the universe would know better than them what they desired in a romantic relationship - who would be Best for them. [Text Version of the Prompts Below the Cut]. Now, if the public stop calling him hero, everything would be amazing, A: My life was very, uh Easy, especially compared to everyon's here, don't worry about me, What B thinks:*Easy? Edit Fanfiction Trope & Prompt Generator is a generator found on Perchance. And the potential for hurtful words thought about you, but mostly the migraines.". I'm just gonna stash and store any and all story prompts here. Pictured above: Umber, Sepia, Ochre, Russet, Terra-cotta, Gold, Tawny, Taupe, Khaki, Fawn. (My heart is layers of scar. "Maybe I want to die a little!". Disabilities. Not every character or scene warrants a creative description, either. Please use the #comfortember tag when you post so all the fics will be in one place! Imagine your OT3 or OT4 celebrate a mix of holidays during winter. He shout as response. The only words I know are lost inside your body. Person A had been born with a blank wrist, no soulmark to be found there despite it being a rarity in their world. Character A works as a Santas helper. (the way a human loves another human), Our love is like. One day, you meet your soulmate. A Mass Effect au where humanitys introduction to the galaxy wasnt a war, but a rescue- specifically one of human children lost in space. How comprehensive you decide to get is up to you. I also made a few longer prompts, in case youve got some gnarly writers block: (God, why do I always get my best ideas so late at night?). Lets run away together! EASY? Have that answer for yourself. You downstairs motherfuckers. (Every day I hope to see a moving truck pull in. Look up first person accounts. Just roll with it. davidbowielovesyou liked this ), I hate it when you leave but I love to look at your butt while you walk away. OTP Prompt Generator is a free online tool for writers to craft unique scenes for stories. "Wait, before you go," A hurries towards the door, "take my scarf, it's chilly outside.". Character A has to help their friend/love interest move. Character As ex will be at the Christmas Party A is attending. However, if you want a challenge, try to complete one creative work a day! - crooked kingdom, "i remember everything." My goal is to have prompts that can inspire writers for all fandoms without forcing them to wade through prompts they cannot use. With regard to submissions: no longer accepting fandom specific prompts and won't post them if I do receive them. They didn't want to think about how the one time anyone gained a peek under his suit they saw a . (anyway, happy anniversary! Feel free to use or take inspiration from them as you see fit! And I think its because of the details. Her face was like the fire-gold glow of dawn, lifting my gaze, drawing me in., She had a sandycomplexion, smooth and tawny., Pictured above: Calla lilies, Western Coneflower, Hazel Fay, Hibiscus, Freesia, Rose, He entered the cottage in a huff, cheeks a blushing brown like the flowers Nana planted right under my window. Because the person in charge is lazy, both boy and girl group generators may include prompts specifically for the opposite sex. Whether from my prompt list or otherwise, I cant wait to see what you snzfuckers come up with this fall. We are so excited about this event and hope to have lots of participation! These are more rarely used words that actually mean their color. Using a combination of color descriptions from standard to creative is probably a better method than straight creative. I hear sand and picture grainy, yet smooth. back to my blog dashboard suggest an au. They were not prepared for people to rise too. This years AO3 Collection can be found here. The wiki page for seizures tells you the technicalities of it all, the terminology. But they settle down. <3. "youre just watching me. The more crimes they commit, the darker their blood becomes. (please do. ), You arent really a good person, but god damn, you make bad look awesome. O: Overworked - Who or what tells them to stop working and take care of themselves? Now comes the time for the closing argument. Complex colors work well alone, though often pair well with a basic color in regards to narrowing down shade/tone. Halloween Party in which lots of sweet kissesensue + character A getting sick off the atmosphere, Ranting about annoying things that they both disagree with which leads to kissing and so on, Embarrassing parents forcing them to be friends which blossoms into more, A breaks a promise B had set and gives A the silent treatment leading A to at some point get down on his/her/their knees and begging for forgiveness, Walking in on significant other dancing to a cheesy love song. 1) You send us an idea. Hero looks down. His skin grew tight as electricity wound itself around his bones. Plan some unimportant history. A story about a valiant prince and his knight who go to rescue a princess and end up becoming really close and falling in love along the way. give me orpheus turning when the audience stays silent. Again Im new so if you have any constructive criticism feel free to tell me! Person A has two tattoos (one on each arm or one right beneath the other on the same arm). I looked at blogs and articles written by people who have had seizures regularly for as long as they can remember. Just imagine your OTP/ship left alone in a pizza shop. Basically very dangerous people might have red on their left and pale green on their right (it goes white-green-yellow-orange-red-black) (it would look like a makeup . Posts. You didnt let me finish. It can be as specific as you like- feel free to include everything from plotpoints and outlines to writing styles to length to rating to the number of times you want a character to saysupercalifragilisticexpialidocious in a casual conversation. But I also read the frantic posts from people who were newly diagnosed or had only had one and were worried about another. Hazel Fay she called them, was it?, Pictured above: Cattails, Seashell, Driftwood, Pinecone, Acorn, Amber, Auburn hair swept past pointed ears, set around a face like an acorn both in shape and shade., Pictured above: Mahogany, Walnut, Chestnut, Golden Oak, Ash, The old warlocks skin was a deep shade of mahogany, his stare serious and firm as it held mine., Pictured above: Platinum, Copper, Brass, Gold, Bronze, The dress of fine white silks popped against the deep bronze of her skin., Pictured above: Onyx, Obsidian, Sard, Topaz, Carnelian, Smoky Quartz, Rutile, Pyrite, Citrine, Gypsum, His skin reminded her of the topaz ring her father wore at his finger, a gleaming stone of brown, mellow facades.. By using this generator, you are stating that you are 18 years of age or older, and accept responsibility for whatever content is seen or produced through this generator. all credits go to rosenkow as this is all their idea and design. Pinned Post. ), To thine own self be wicked sexy. Your fics are just as much a labor of love. But tell me your heart doesnt race for a hurricane or a burning building. OTP Prompt 23. (right and wrong are just guidelines to hotter sex), i dont know what the fuck true love even is but i do want to hang out with you for basically the rest of my life. G: Ghosts - How has their past shaped the kind of comfort they respond to best? "If I had known that was going to be the last time I spoke to you, I would have never let our talk end.". The person has now properly credited this post so I have deleted the other ones. Heroes pass right by me and I get less paperwork. Soulmate AU a where you have a locket with a picture of your soulmate in it. These ones are kinda odd. 173 notes. A accidentally breaks a mirror and B pesters them about them not being safe and insisting on being their body guard for like seven years which just leads to B confessing their love, A and B get stuck on a train which is haunted, Playing Cards Against Humanity which leads to A getting really flustered and B just laughing his/her/their arse off and A just getting worse so B has to comfort him/her/them, Texting each other during date because so into each other that they can barely speak, A spouting a huge amount of pick up lines to friends, B getting jealous and confronting A which kind just calls for them making out and skipping/being late for class, A saying sweet things to B in French/German/whatever language, and B google translating them and awe-ing at how cute A is //or something//, A is with someone and that someone happens to be friends with B and welp A ends up falling for be and is having a hard time getting the confidence to break up with that certain someone so A asks B for help //I dunno//, As little sibling forces A and B to have a tea party with them deeming A the princess and B the knight in shining armor, Taking the next step and adopting/having a kid, Ghost A and Ghost B falling for each other and talking about their past lives and how they died + trying to learn how to kiss, A being different and treated like a monster while B gets up the courage to stand up for A which kind of leads to fumbled kisses and slight touches that make their faces burn up //lol//, Staring up at the stars at a bonfire holding hands and listening to friends sitting around them rambling drunk off their heads, Being in band that rival each other but secretly dating. 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To find a particular item ( book/toy/etc. ) be way easier if I do receive them is to.