Accelerate your career with Harvard ManageMentor. It is important to understand the background of the political systems in both China and the United States in order to compare both, especially the theoretical system of governance they follow, whether a pluralist or oligarchical system. The U.S. continues to vilify China, and China does itself no favors with its poor policy on human rights. The elite theory focuses on the notion that only a select group of people actually run the government, which are considered elite, while the pluralist theory states that political power is rather shared between the influencing parties. Even in Beijing many people wore Mao suits and cycled everywhere; only senior Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials used cars. The legal system of a country plays a key role in terms of its marketing and investment opportunities. In Charting China's Future (pp. Hire a professional with VAST experience! Some of these challenges are brought about by differences in legal, political and economic systems of different countries. By the 1980s she was in the first generation to go back to university, and even took part in the Tiananmen Square demonstration. The commission has succeeded in reducing corruption in large part because it is essentially above the lawsomething unimaginable in a liberal democracy. Many Westerners assume that China is on the same development trajectory that Japan, Britain, Germany, and France embarked on in the immediate aftermath of World War IIthe only difference being that the Chinese started much later than other Asian economies, such as South Korea and Malaysia, after a 40-year Maoist detour. It is important to understand the background of the. The Communist Party of China (CPC) harbors no supremacist beliefs and doesn't plan to export its governing model abroad. Thus many Chinese consumers prefer the short-term gains of the stock market to locking their money away in long-term savings vehicles. According to Hill (2017) "from time to time a nation will adopt a system that will merge collectivism and individualism alongside democracy". In the early 2010s she started moderating her previously outspoken political comments on Weibo as censorship tightened up. The legislative branch is not only responsible for making laws but is also responsible for the hiring of important figures in central agencies such as the FBI, and it even has the authority to declare war. The U.S., on the other hand, is infamous for its self-deluded belief in so-called "American Exceptionalism," to which end it obsessively seeks to force all others to change their ways in order to replicate its own radically. This is the logical extension of China-U.S. competition from the perspective of U.S. economic nationalism. Changes that have been reported but not yet acted on by BGN are noted. In this interview he talks about the accessibility of the Chinese market, Americas demonization of China, what the Chinese dont understand about the U.S., and more. A candid observer of Asian society and business, Shan is the author of Out of the Gobi: My Story of China and America and the newly published Money Games: The Inside Story of How American Dealmakers Saved Koreas Most Iconic Bank. Examination of School Shootings and Student Safety from International and Non-International Armed Conflict, Comparison Between Democracy Vs. Its currency appreciated 6% against the dollar last year. When individuals have the powerto realize their dreams, they will demand a greater say.. The executive branch of the government focuses on enforcing the laws and policies and includes major political figures such as the President and the Cabinet. The United States has a democratic system, but in countries . In the China-U.S. ideological competition during the pandemic, what the U.S. seeks is not all about U.S. leadership in the international community nor U.S. economic benefits but rather coping with its identity crisis. Simmons-Harris Comparative Politics Constitutional Powers Successful Pressure Groups UK and US Constitution Foundations of American Democracy Amendments After the Bill of Rights Articles of Confederation Brutus Papers Checks and Balances Commerce Clause Concurrent Powers Confederation Constitutional Amendment Process Contract with America China, meanwhile, doesn't apply any such double standards. The economic nationalism model that ultimately serves U.S. economic interests. Part of the systems legitimacy in the eyes of the Chinese is, again, rooted in history: China has often had to fight off invaders and, as is rarely acknowledged in the West, fought essentially alone against Japan from 1937 until 1941, when the U.S. entered World War II. According to Nolan (2012) "as for the number of democrat countries, 123 of the 196 countries are exercising democracy as compared to only 69 countries in 1987" (p. 101). The geographic location factor is important since it dictates how well a country can be accessed to do business with and both China and United States have good locations since they are connected to water bodies. Access more than 40 courses trusted by Fortune 500 companies. The Leninist nature of politics is also evidenced by the language used to discuss it. While Bidens policy proposals reflect fading U.S. hegemonistic attitudes, Trump is showing Americans the status quo of U.S. power. Thats why China is the most active private-equity market in Asia. Many in the West accept the version of China that it has presented to the world: The period of reform and opening begun in 1978 by Deng Xiaoping, which stressed the need to avoid the radical and often violent politics of the Cultural Revolution, means that ideology in China no longer matters. This suggests some obvious hypocrisy on the part of the Biden administration and perhaps even a lack of sincerity with respect to the domestic causes that it supports. One reason China can spend so much on infrastructure is that its defense budget, after years of increases, is still only about a quarter that of the United States. Also, the communism in China is affected by the political tradition of ancient Chinese imperial system. Order original essay online with 25% off. This explains why the People's Republic of China (PRC) never attaches any political strings to its economic deals nor makes ultimatums regarding any of its partners. ChatGPT has become a sensation since its public release in November, with its ability to produce plausible responses to text prompts, including requests to write essays. Today the differences are arguably a lot smaller, and there are many areas in which the two can benefit from cooperation. And when Xi announced, in 2017, that the three critical battles for Chinas development would fall in the areas of reducing financial risk, addressing pollution, and alleviating poverty, he also made it clear that the objective of these reforms was to solidify the system rather than to change it. Thus July 2020 polling data from the Ash Center at Harvards Kennedy School of Government revealed 95% satisfaction with the Beijing government among Chinese citizens. Looking into the future, the path for China-U.S. cooperation will become more tortuous owing to the nationalist ideological struggle triggered by the coronavirus. References Borner, S., Brunetti, A., & Weder, B. But much of the technological progress has come from a highly innovative and well-funded military that has invested heavily in Chinas burgeoning new industries. China has also defied predictions that its authoritarianism would inhibit its capacity to innovate. However, the long-term effects cannot be fully accessed at the moment. The logic of national identification is rough and simple under this construct: Because it is China, I oppose it; the WHO endorses China, so I oppose the WHO; CNN gave positive coverage of China, so I oppose CNN. Not completely and not without very high costs. China now has better highways, rail systems, bridges, and airports than the United States does. When the United States formed its constitution, it specifically dictated the unalienable rights of every person. Diversity is naturally occurring, whether it be among ethnicities, religions, governing systems or whatever else. While the U.S. political system is partly inspired by the British example, it differs in many important respects. For example, a 2015 survey found that 81% of them trade at least once a month, even though frequent trading is invariably a way to destroy rather than create long-term fund value. It will take years if not decades for China to catch up in some areas, at great cost. The Peoples Republic of China is still one of the few countries in the world that follow the communist government structure and is led by a one-party system. Even though the laws of the United States provide every individual regardless of creed and color to vote, there have been instances of voter suppression reported, especially in relation to minorities, and this oppression has been systemic and has existed throughout the history of the US. The country will need to continue to reform and privatize its state-owned firmsand shift from investment to private consumptionor it will not be able to sustain its growth. In the years since, China has become an economic titan, a global leader in technology innovation, and a military superpower, all while tightening its authoritarian system of governmentand reinforcing a belief that the liberal narrative does not apply to China. Chinas saving rate will drop significantly as its population ages, and investment will slow. The pluralist theory denounces such centralization of power, especially in the hands of the rich or a small percentage reflecting the population, but it does support the idea of groups that control the government such as lobbying groups which are present in the country such as the NRA (OpenStax, 2020). Delivery in 6+ hours! One reason that many people misread Chinas trajectory may be thatparticularly in the English-language promotional materials the Chinese use overseasthe country tends to portray itself as a variation on a liberal state, and therefore more trustworthy. First, the similarities among both countries institutions would be the hierarchical construction of their judicial system; the separation of three branches of . Provide your email for sample delivery, You agree to receive our emails and consent to our Terms & Conditions. Responding, however, will only escalate a lose-lose war, and the entire international community will suffer as a result. That leaves much room for growth and many opportunities for investors, particularly in businesses that cater to consumers. That Canada has elected communists to office, I suggest is just about as important a disparity as the American gun insanity. In 2020, a year of severe difficulties all over the world, there was no significant increase in Chinese corporate defaults. The CPC runs the country while the other non communist parties play the role of participatory. Difference between United States of America Political System and China Introduction . Until that happens, the world will remain unstable as the U.S. aggressively tries to eliminate political diversity. For the Chinese, the key to those outcomes is respect for an appropriate hierarchy, itself a means of control. The authors suggest that those assumptions are rooted in three essentially false beliefs about modern China: (1) Economics and democracy are two sides of the same coin; (2) authoritarian political systems cant be legitimate; and (3) the Chinese live, work, and invest like Westerners. Beijing expats want the "real China" They prefer Chinese language, history, and culture and avoid Western civilization. A Chinese professor who has lived in both the US and China believes there is a core cultural difference leading to the country's diverging paths. A. These are valid points and deserve to be expanded upon in order to enlighten others further. It often compares itself to brands with which Westerners are familiar. HBR Learnings online leadership training helps you hone your skills with courses like Global Collaboration. During the Cold War in the 20th century, and particularly afterward, the U.S. sought to establish and consolidate its leadership role in the international community in the name of freedom and democracy so much so that U.S. hegemony was also often referred to as hegemonic liberalism.. All the work should be used in accordance with the appropriate policies and applicable laws. Political credibility and economic development. It is unbelievable that the western countries face a serious competition from these nations due to the political stability found in the two countries. China and the global economy. China vs. United States Government Definitions Administrative divisions : This entry generally gives the numbers, designatory terms, and first-order administrative divisions as approved by the US Board on Geographic Names (BGN). China's lead over the U.S. is especially clear in Germany, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and France, where people are at least 10 percentage points more likely to see China as the leading economy. The U.S. also repeatedly provoked China using freedom and democracy as a pretext. China's Transition from Socialism? Seventy years on, many Chinese believe that their political system is now actually more legitimate and effective than the Wests. This is the best approach for one to have and ensures that its partnerships remain everlasting. Economic and macro-political changes happening globally is something that international business management must consider before doing business since it will influence the decisions that they make regarding their business. In this system, the courts depend on the set legal codes by which the juries are only allowed to make their judgment basing on these codes. What the Chinese government does oppose is the system of electoral democracy as . Globalization has numerous benefits among them promoting the economy of a country but at the same time, it is faced with several obstacles. The president controls the army. Pundits tend to be alarmed by a default here and there. However, in recent times China has overtaken the US by at least one measure of total economic strength, which is GDP based on purchasing power parity (PPP). China on the other hand practice totalitarianism and collectivism which is the opposite of democracy. If the U.S. abandons the one-China policy and supports Taiwans independence, conflict will be inevitable, with unimaginable consequences for the world market. For individuals, whove lived through harsh times they could not control, the reaction is to make some key choices in a much more short-term way than Westerners do. Nations without better access to such facilities depend on their agriculture and natural resources to enhance economic growth. The well-being and economic development is another key branch of a political system that affects business operations (Solinger, 2016). The pandemic has profoundly shaken the U.S. sense of superiority in values, culture and systems since the Enlightenment, and by extension the entire West. Even though China has a one-party state, it, however, has eight independent political parties that are controlled by the CCP (CIA, 2020). The . The harsh reality of the pandemic has given rise to political competition with characteristics not seen before, sounding the alarm for future bilateral relations. Trade wars, nationalism, and the pandemic have led many companies to question their supply chain strategyin particular basing manufacturing in China, thousands of miles from their markets. In that period there has been ruins of buildings as well as joy of victories, rapid advance in success as well as pride, tortuous ordeals and lesions from mistakes done . Many Chinese believe that the countrys recent economic achievements have actually come about because of, not despite, Chinas authoritarian form of government. But because human beings tend to believe that other humans make decisions as they do, this may be the most difficult assumption for Westerners to overcome. The name of the game in China is scale. When we first traveled to China, in the early 1990s, it was very different from what we see today. (2016). Both countries have a Judicial, Executive, and Legislative branch. But the technology war also hurts U.S. suppliers. Access more than 40 courses trusted by Fortune 500 companies. If a business is successful, its usually open to taking outside capital so that it can quickly expand nationwide. Its just not liberal reform. However, both states have a very different political landscape, which is what will be discussed in the paper today. Where can it move its production if the target market is China? Additionally, the continued flourishing of various technological advancements has allowed nations to grow by accessing the information from other nations and comparing it with what they have and consequently making changes where necessary. HBR Learnings online leadership training helps you hone your skills with courses like Global Collaboration. In context, the United States should be more pluralistic as it prides itself to be a melting pot, but it can be considered more of an elitist democracy. Then, in the 1990s, she took advantage of the new economic freedoms, becoming a 30-something entrepreneur in one of the new Special Economic Zones. The PRC isn't just pragmatic, but also respectful towards all of its partners. Chinas Good War: How World War II Is Shaping a New Nationalism. Only a sudden surge of such events would herald an economic crisis. In 2019 that market reached $6 trillion, surpassing the U.S. level of $5.5 trillion. The geographic location of a country, its educational, political and legal systems plays a key role in the economic well-being of a country. That history also explains the paradox that the rulers and the ruled in China operate on very different time frames. But its also conspicuously different: The concept of U.S. hegemony goes beyond economics to such fields as politics, the military and society. In terms of political system, China is unique to all other countries in the world since up to date it is still run by a Communist party (Nolan, 2012). Springer. China has been shifting away from an investment-driven growth model to one led by private consumption. The old imperial bureaucracy helps modern Chinese to make the government started on more efficient point to absorb interest than any other countries (King, F. J., The United States and China Fourth Edition, 1979, When Nixon first visited China, in 1972, the differences between the two countries were vast, in political and economic systems and of course in ideology. The real danger is the Taiwan issue. Exploding unemployment exposed the wide wealth gap in U.S. society. Americans focus on speed and efficiency and will hurry to get things done quickly. Our own experiences on the ground in China confirm this. Under the pressure of aggregated economic inequality brought by globalization, and the army of unemployed people already displaced by new technologies, the U.S. government faces severe structural constraints under the present model of state-market and state-society interactions. Chinas rapid economic growth is the result of its embrace of a market economy and private enterprise. Beijing expats speak Mandarin better than Shanghai ones. This, of course, mirrors the role of U.S. defense and intelligence spending in the development of Silicon Valley. A median of 41% across the 14 EU member nations surveyed name China, compared with a median of 39% who say the same about the United States. Are you seeing a significant shift in supply chains out of China? For example, over the past 15 years it has built the longest high-speed rail system in the world. Considering that China adopted the system of the dynamic market much later than other nations, it has done remarkably well to have such a positive impact on its economy. Additionally, the paper will also give examples of economic and macro-political changes and show why market-based systems are being adopted by transition economies. Its GDP dropped 6.8% in the first quarter of 2020, but resumed growth from the second quarter onward. By 2020 she was intent on seeing her seven-year-old grandson and infant granddaughter (a second child had only recently become legal) do well. Additionally, in such a system, services and products are distributed and offered by the individuals working privately and independently with limited regulation from the government. Great challenges lie ahead. After all, each is the others largest trading partner, and China has lent more than $1 trillion to the U.S. government by holding U.S. Treasury bills. In China, however, growth has come in the context of stable communist rule, suggesting that democracy and growth are not inevitably mutually dependent. Nevertheless, these changes do not seem to stand any chance of influencing its foreign policymakers, who remain convinced of their system's superiority relative to all others. There are major differences in the political views of people from different nations.. eligion is another topic that creates differences among cultures.. The one long-term asset class in which increasing numbers of Chinese are investedthat is, residential property, ownership of which grew from 14% of 25-to-69-year-olds in 1988 to 93% by 2008is driven also by the need for security: Unlike all other assets, property ensures a roof over ones head if things go wrong, in a system with limited social welfare and a history of sudden policy changes. Chains out of China ( CPC ) harbors no supremacist beliefs and does plan. Get things done quickly the communism in China confirm this and show why market-based systems being! Innovative and well-funded military that has invested heavily in chinas burgeoning new industries examples! Of three branches of % in the political views of people from different..! That have been reported but not yet acted on by BGN are noted become more owing. The political stability found in the two countries now actually more legitimate and effective than the United States formed constitution. 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