IT SHOWS ME HOW DETACHED HE REALLY WAS FROM HIS SON. The first four episodes of the series will be dedicated to Darlie's story, looking at the events that took place the night her sons were murdered as well as the trial and conviction. THE SO CALLED INTRUDER HAD TO HAVE BEEN DARIN HIMSELF. IN ALL THE YEARS I HAVE BEEN LOOKING INTO THESE TRUE CRIME STORIES I HAVE YET TO SEE ANY STORY WHERE THE PARENT TAKES ABSOLUTE DELIGHT WHEN DESCRIBING IN DETAIL THE FINAL SECONDS OF THEIR CHILDS DEATH. She killed her kids. HE SAID WHEN KAREN CAME IN HE WAS COMING DOWN THE STAIRS, HE STOPPED HER AND ASKED HER WHAT SHE WAS DOING THEN REMOVED HER FROM THE HOME. When I looked again at his chest there were two holes in his chest with blood and muscle piecing (sic) out. Devon was asleep face up in front of TV and Damon was asleep between couch and coffee table by the couch mom was. That is exactly where Waddell said she was standing. In short, there was no reason they should wait. HE WAS BROKE. Darin and Darlie had their first date that same night, and his older girlfriend, a pretty Texas Tech student, became instant history as the two kids became inseparable. She knew Darin was lying when he said he didn't know Damon was injured. He wasnt much interested in food or anything else and had lost so much weight that his red, white and blue leather jacket hung loose about his shoulders. Unfortunately, it didnt yield the result hed hoped for. Jovell testified that "sometimes [Darlie] feels like everybody expected too much of her, and the children were sometimes too much. You cannot repair the marriage because of the distance all these years.". When the home telephone rang back then, Darlie answered with a chirpy Test-Nique Electronics.1 The couple had come a long way from the old Roach Motel days, working late into the night crimping wire into tiny units that could be resold at a profit. One of them is Darlie Lynn Peck Routier, who was convicted and sentenced in 1997 without any witnesses, confessions, or substantial evidence tying her to the murder of two of her sons, 6-year-old Devon and 5-year-old Damon. FOR 23 YEARS DARLIE KEE HAS BEEN DEFENDING DARIN AND THERE IS NO POSSIBLE WAY SHOULD COULDN'T HAVE KNOWN DARIN HAD BEEN LYING. Darin Routier said neither he nor his wife plans to remarry. HOW DO I KNOW THIS? By the time the case got to closing arguments, the jury simply didnt seem to be listening any longer, Four voted on the first ballot to acquit Darlie, but they were quickly won over. FROM THAT TIME ON HE WAS ASSIGNED TO GUARD THE DOOR RIGHT UP UNTIL THE NEXT OFFICER TOOK OVER. In fact Darin himself admitted this in his statement. Told her to dream about me and went upstairs around 1:00am. THERE WAS A SHORT TIME FRAME OF LESS THAN 2 MINUTES FROM THE TIME DAMON WAS STABBED TO THE TIME DARLIE DIALED 911 AND FOUND DARIN ON THOSE STAIRS. This is when her story does not match the evidence. He lit up and just stared and stared, she recalls. [redacted] told me to with Darlie in the ambulance. I AM NOT SURE I UNDERSTAND THIS AT ALL? It was obvious she knew right then Darin was that intruder. IN MY OPINION DARIN STAYED BACK AND OUT OF SIGHT IN HOPES THAT DARLIE AND DAMON WOULD BLEED OUT, BUT WHEN THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN AND DARLIE ACTED QUICKLY DIALING 911 HE KNEW HE HAD NO CHOICE BUT TO MAKE AN APPEARANCE AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THE EVIDENCE PROVES. DARIN CLAIMS HE NEVER RAN OUT TO MEET WADDELL, BUT WE KNOW FOR A FACT THAT WAS AN OUT RIGHT LIE. Darlie also knew for a fact that Darin lied when he said he checked Damon before the police got there and had no pulse. Those were for a pet cemetery burial for Darlies recently deceased 18-year-old cat, Sam. He firmly believes her conviction was a grave injustice that should be corrected. Bloodstained evidence, gained from pictures taken after the killing, revealed that someone cleaned up gallons of blood from the murder scene. IN DARLIE'S OWN STATEMENT SHE SAID SHE SAW THE TABLE ASKEW AND THE FLOWERS WERE TIPPED OVER, SHE HAS NEVER CLAIMED THE FLOWERS OR TABLE EVER HIT THE FLOOR. SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO WAS ALLOWED TO GO INTO THE HOME. But his strength was tempered with gentleness. She was told the jeans had the boys blood on them and they belonged to Darin. The medical choice was an operation to fold them up, forfeiting sensitivity, or to have them augmented. He was killed days before turning seven. Justice for Damon and Devon Routier started this petition to Prosecutors Office and. Darin even knew exactly how that screen had been cut? DARIN SAID TO GREG DAVIS "NO, I WASN'T THERE" GREG DAVIS KNEW RIGHT THEN THIS WAS THE FIRST OPPORTUNITY DARIN HAD TO PLANT OR LOSE THAT SOCK IN THE ALLEY AND HE NEVER SAID A WORD TO THE JURY ABOUT THIS MEETING HE HAD WITH DARIN IN AUGUST. Darlie had planned to vacation in Cancun with a female friend, and Darin had applied for a loan to pay for the vacation. As he sat in the waiting room, police checked him out, took his clothes, gave him hospital garb to wear, photographed him and got the keys to his house. On a video of the party I saw one very, very brief glimpse of her "appearing" to grieve. shaking his head. I woke up quickly and grabbed my glasses on the night stand and ran downstairs as Fast as I could. Darlies 14-year-old sister, also named Dana, had decided on her own to try to cheer things up and remembered how much Devon enjoyed party poppers and aerosol cans of squirting Silly String. The two had their first date that same evening, fell in love, and became inseparable. By the time he wrote his police statement on June 8th he was claiming Darlie was at the foot of the stairs when he came down. She knew he announced Damon dead at least four minutes before police arrived. The stabbings June 6, 1996: Routier brothers Damon, 5, and Devon, 6, are found stabbed to death in the family's Rowlett home. Darlie said at about 9:30am she made Darin take Dana home because she wasn't feeling good, we learned later that was also a lie. To my understanding it was their minimum monthly payment. Darin described in detail everything he did that morning. LET THAT SINK IN FOR A MINUTE. It appears though that all the evidence points to her being the murderer. Her friend said that Darlie had told her that her reasons for attempting suicide were that "sometimes she gets to feel really strange, and she doesn't understand why. So it doesn't change anything.". Kelly also covers the fact she nearly killed the baby that afternoon. 1 most stressful city for U.S. workers, Bun B on bringing Southern rap stars to Houston's Rodeo, Turner: State takeover of Houston ISD could happen next week, 'Call me a Nazi': Former Houston pastor calls for state book ban, How the Houston Zoo moved its flock of flamingos to a new home, Astros show struggles with new MLB pitch clock rules, The only Houston rodeo food guide you'll need, Houston leaders delay vote on Hobby Airport concesssions contract, West Texans share apocalyptic photos of after massive dust storm, Watch: Houston Astros' Luis Garcia debuts new windup, Houston pitmaster goes viral after hilarious on-air interview with reporter. SO NOW I THINK WE CAN SAFELY SAY HERE THAT THERE WAS NO INTRUDER IN THAT HOME. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. HE CLAIMS FOR THE NEXT FOUR MINUTES HE SAT THERE DOING CPR ON DEVON WHILE DAMON WAS LAYING A FEW FEET AWAY, BLEEDING OUT MOANING LOOKING AROUND THE ROOM? DARIN DIDN'T ONLY HAVE JEANS ON, HE WAS ALSO WEARING HIS UNDERPANTS. THIS IS THE FIRST CPR DARIN DID ON DEVON, OR WE ASSUME HE DID ON DEVON. Cindy Routier. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. HE MADE SURE TO POINT OUT AND MAKE IT CLEAR HE KNEW THE NIGHT BEFORE WHERE DEVON WAS WHEN HE WENT TO SLEEP THE NIGHT BEFORE. Why? Border crisis: Whats happening at the US-Mexico border? Period. That Darlie acted alone, that Darin acted alone, and that an intruder did it are all more plausible to me than Darlie and Darin committing the murders together. Since their divorce, Darin hasn't remarried and. IT WAS LIKE HE WAS GETTING OFF ON THE LOOK OF SHOCK ON THE FACES OF PEOPLE HE WAS TELLING HIS STORY TOO. Darin and Darlie Routier were a young couple in their 20s with 3 children, 6-year-old Devon, 5-year-old Damon, and 8-month-old Drake. Brings new meaning to the phrase Sunday Funday. And the scribbles about who would get the boys if something happened to Darin and Darlie? What everyone wanted to know was how he could stand up in the face of everything that had happened and still believe his wife was innocent? Darin knew the exact details of everything that went on in that house. HE DID NOT GET BACK INTO THAT HOUSE BY PUSHING PAST POLICE. IT WAS LIKE HE WAS WRITING A LOVE STORY RATHER THAN A STATEMENT ABOUT THE SLAUGHTER OF HIS TWO CHILDREN. Pretty much, that things were happening, and she felt strange, and she just didn't understand why.". I'm wondering where you got this story. SHE SAT THERE AND TOLD THE WHOLE WORLD OFFICER WADDELL WAS SO OUT OF IT AND NEGLIGENT THAT HE STOOD THERE AND ALLOWED THIS INTRUDER TO RUN RIGHT PAST HIM? IT WAS BOTH INFURIATING AND SICKENING TO KNOW THAT THEY COULD HAVE SOLVED THIS CRIME YEARS AGO. You are using an out of date browser. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE MURDER OF TWO CHILDREN HERE AND DARIN STARTS OUT HIS STATEMENT BY TAKING NONSENSE? The video was linked in a story I was reading. How could Darlie have had enough time to stab the two boys, call 911, cut the screen in her home, run the sock down an alley, and come back and inflict her own wounds? HE TELLS DARLIE AT 2:30:40AM, "THERE IS NOTHING MORE I CAN DO FOR DEVON" THEN WE HEAR DARLIE CLEARLY SCREAM OUT DEVON IS DEAD, OH GOD NO DEVON. As he began to learn more about the evidence his stories began to change. Within seconds of Darlie getting the 911 operator on phone she is heard talking to Darin directing him where to go to the boys. ONE OF THOSE WITNESSES DIED SECONDS AFTER THE MEDICS ARRIVED AND THE OTHER ONE REFUSES TO COME FORWARD WITH THE TRUTH ABOUT DARIN. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. And if she stabbed herself after getting back home, would she really have had time to do that and clean up the knife before calling 91-1? HE WAS SWIMMING IN DUPING DELIGHT WHEN HE WENT INTO DETAIL OF DEVON AND HIS INJURIES. Darin jumped into a pair of jeans, grabbed his glasses and thundered down the long spiral staircase, fearing that one of the boys had crashed through a glass table top. *I know Darlie better than anyone. For, you see, Darin loves Darlie. So Darlie began shopping for a wedding dress to match the moment, doing her favorite thing, shopping for the best on a tight budget, following her philosophy of NPR, Never Pay Retail. She walks towards the hall where Damon is behind her. DARLIE IS HEARD TELLING DARIN TO HURRY 15 SECONDS INTO THE 911 CALL. ON THE 911 CALL I HEARD DARLIE SAYING TO DARIN "DEVON AND DAMON", SHE IS CLEARLY DIRECTING DARIN TO THE BOYS, BUT THIS WAS NOT TRANSCRIBED IN THE 911 CALL. Evidently Darin and his current wife were dating during high school too. Darlie was nervous and depressed and she fought with Darin a lot." BECAUSE DARLIE HAD CLEARLY MOVED THE PHONE AWAY FROM HER MOUTH AND IS CONTINUING TO SPEAK TO DARIN. AGAIN PROVING DARLIE DID NOT SCREAM DEVON DEVON DEVON BEFORE DARIN CAME DOWN. He was killed days before turning seven. ", Darlie's mother, Darlie Kee, had similar sentiments. Remembering George Floyd: A year of protest. Oh my God Devon! Darlie said she got up and began to follow the man to the kitchen when she heard a glass break. There's no evidence the Routiers were having financial problems. No, Dana was planning to get married soon, and Darlie and Darin were going to renew their vows at the same time. This wasn't about Darlie have a loss of memory regarding these details. The plan was to release balloons in memory of both boys on the one's birthday at the cemetery. You cannot repair the marriage because of the distance all these years.". That is when I learned that Waddell had been transferred from Rowlette to another department. He has never thought that shes a murderer. "You have to separate the tragedy from the marriage. She has never been asked about Darin meeting Waddell in the front yard but she if fully aware Darin had lied when he said he never ran out to meet Waddell. Mar 28, 2022 Darin Routier (born N/A) is a famous husband of a woman Darlie Router who was Darin Routier is married to his girlfriend Cindy Black. The baby was brought in for a little while, then, when Darlie was shown pictures of Damon and Devon, she just fell apart, Darin said. So I went upstairs to get her a blanket and pillow and came back downstairs to cover her up. THIS IS MY THEORY BASED ON WHAT THE FACTS AND EVIDENCE PROVED TO ME. Volume 44 - Darlie Routier, Lloyd Harrel. Reality #1. This is something both Detective Patterson and officer Frosch have denied. I didnt divorce Darlie because I felt that she was guilty. WHEN DARIN WROTE THIS POLICE REPORT IT WAS ONLY 2 DAYS AFTER THE MURDERS. On his high school football team, he played both offense and defense, linebacker and fullback, and lettered in three sports. Domino lay sound asleep on a deep pillow. They could have come up with a story together, like saying they both saw an intruder. This month, as her lawyers prepare to head into court. Also everyone insists the silly string video was used too much. And, as we see in the series, Darin Routier, her then-husband and the father of her three children, believes in her innocence as well. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT WHEN DARIN RAN OVER TO KAREN'S HOUSE HE KNEW EVERYTHING WAS UNDER CONTROL AND HELP ARRIVED. Police came in and I told them that my babys were stabbed and she told them that he went out of the garage. DARIN MADE UP SO MANY DIFFERENT EXCUSES AS TO WHY HE NEVER HELPED DAMON, BUT IT WAS LATER PROVEN ALL HIS EXCUSES WERE LIES. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. GREG DAVIS KNEW FOR A FACT DARIN NOT ONLY LIED ABOUT DAMON HAVING NO PULSE BEFORE THE POLICE ARRIVED, BUT HE WAS ALSO SWIMMING IN A POOL OF HIS OWN BLOOD AND WAS GASPING AND MOVING FOUR MINUTES LATER WHEN OFFICER WADDELL ARRIVED. The two had their first date that same evening, fell in love, and became inseparable. DARIN RAN DOWN THE STAIRS, HE CLAIMED HE DIDN'T KNOW DARLIE OR DAMON WERE HURT? However, the main purpose of the series will be to cast doubt on Darlie's conviction, something Darlie's supporters have been doing for years. HE WAS TURNED DOWN FOUR TIMES. We were watching TV in the Roman Room (Living Room SW Corner of House) watching[illegible] movie on HBO (Satellite). I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW HOW IT WAS POSSIBLE FOR EVERY PERSON IN THIS INVESTIGATION TO HAVE NOT PUT TOGETHER THE TIMELINE HERE? Besides a used 86 Jaguar, Darin collected expensive sports memorabilia and Darlie was decked out mighty fine with fur coats, designer dresses, cashmere sweaters and naughty swimwear. She knew the night before she took that jewelry back upstairs. The new series premieres on Tuesday night at 10 p.m. EST on ABC. Darin and the rest of the family continue to believe the real killer is still out there somewhere. DARIN HAS PAINTED HIMSELF THE HERO FOR YEARS AND THAT IS THE REASON WHY I BECAME ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED WITH PROVING DARIN DID EVERYTHING IN HIS POWER TO OBSTRUCT ANY HELP TO HIS FAMILY. Darin had always been quiet and strong, the responsible one of his peers. WE KNOW FOR A FACT THAT IS A LIE JUST BY LISTENING TO THE 911 CALL. I think one of the officers maybe said that in a televised interview, but it was wrong. In his few moments with Darlie, Darin never wavered in his love and even talked about how they would start a new family when they were together again. 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Because if they were working together, they would have had as much time as they wanted to stage a scene, like a struggle. As Darlie screamed, Devon, Devon, Devon! the stunned Darin saw his oldest son on the floor, with huge gashes in his chest, in a spreading pool of blood. She granted interviews and hugged family members, and then the camera caught her laughing and spraying Silly String over the grave of her children. I ASKED OFFICER WADDELL ABOUT THIS AND HE TOLD ME THE ONE THING THAT MADE HIM SUSPICIOUS OF DARIN WAS HOW HE SAT ON THE LAWN WATCHING THE INVESTIGATORS. Her face was red and her nose was running- not faked crying. Seeing that Darlie was somewhat okay, he worked to revive one of their two injured sons, but to no avail. COVID origin Darlie Routier's ex-husband says she's innocent in sons' murders "I loved Darlie. I needed someone to help [illegible] and [illegible] the paramedics when they arrived. /u/CliffTruxton's writeups on the case. That, combined with her escalating marital troubles, mean that the only person present in the house on the night of the murders who Darlie wasn't angry at was Drake. I even think the autopsy photos are online somewhere - so go look. King is described as a 2 year old black male. She said Darin asked to sleep down stairs with her but she told him no he wouldn't get a good nights sleep. Darlie said she told Darin she was tired and told him to go to bed. DARLIE DID NOT SCREAM OUT DEVON'S NAME OVER AND OVER AS HE CLAIMED, SHE SCREAMED OUT FOR DARIN. Theyre in here. She sits right up to see a man at the end of the sofa. HE ALREADY ANNOUNCED DEVON DEAD AND TOLD DARLIE THERE WAS NOTHING MORE HE COULD DO AND NOW HE IS CLAIMING HE NEEDED HELP? Suite 2100 I went downstairs ran out the house and ran across the street to [redacted] and[redacted] door. In fact, everyone there seemed to be having a good time, throwing a party for Devon, up in heaven. THE ONLY PERSON WHO HAD GONE INTO THAT UTILITY ROOM AND GARAGE WAS THE SO CALLED INTRUDER? Both times I was hesitant to go, but when I did it was such a wonderful feeling, one that you cannot describe and both times I felt I was going to be with the Lord." SECONDLY, GREG DAVIS CONFRONTED DARIN IN AUGUST AND MANAGED TO GET HIM TO ADMIT THAT DARLIE WAS NOT AT THE FOOT OF THE STAIRS AS HE ORIGINALLY CLAIMED. HE HAD NO IDEA THE POLICE HAD FOUND THOSE HIDDEN BLOODY JEANS. OR MAYBE DARIN HADN'T GONE TO BED YET AND HE WAS ALREADY DRESSED? HE ASKED DARLIE IF HE COULD SLEEP ON THE SOFA WITH HER THAT NIGHT AND SHE REJECTED HIM. According to Darlie there no financial issues either. Darlie Routier contends that an unidentified intruder killed the boys and stabbed her in their home in Rowlett, a suburb of Dallas. Dallas housewife Darlie Routier has undergone a shocking transformation over her the past 20 decades she's spent on death row for killing her two young sons. He was about 6ft tall and had a wide build. DAVIS KNEW FOR A FACT DARIN WAS LYING THREW HIS TEETH. Enjoy unlimited access to all of our incredible journalism, in print and digital. Once Detective Patterson was on the case Darin was never viewed as a suspect again. RIGHT HERE DARIN IS CLAIMING THAT AS POLICE CAME IN THE DOOR HE RAN UPSTAIRS? HE ALSO CLAIMED THAT HE WAS SO BUSY DOING CPR ON DEVON THAT HE DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO PAY ATTENTION TO ANYTHING ELSE? Nothing like that has happened. He didnt believe it. ON THE 911 CALL DARLIE IS CLEARLY TALKING TO DARIN AND NOT THE OPERATOR WHEN SHE IS SAYING HURRY. The family room contained a huge karoake setup, where Darlie would croon I Will Always Love You in a voice remarkably like that of Whitney Houston. DARIN KEPT GOING BACK AND FORTH ABOUT HIS STORY REGARDING DAMON AND GREG DAVIS CAUGHT HIM LYING ABOUT THOSE DETAILS MANY TIMES. In fact, the whole family does. Her version of what they talked about was much different than what Darin said. After Darlie woke at the hospital Darin was there in her room bragging to her how this was going to be bigger than movies and books. Darin hung on her every word. The birthday party at the grave was something that I'm sure Darlie wishes never would have happened. Then, that fateful June 1996 day transpired and Darin heard his wife scream in the middle of the night. IT IS IMPORTANT WE ALSO REALIZE THE TIMELINE HERE. In the same conversation, Darin says Darlie told him she wanted a marital separation. After taking a few steps she stops and goes back to turn the light on. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. 2nd Impeachment Trial: What this could mean for Trump, Presidential transition of power: Examined, How Donald Trump spent his last days as president, How Joe Biden's inauguration will be different from previous years, Trump challenges the vote and takes legal action, 2020s DNC and RNC are different than any before, Power Trip: Those Who Seek Power and Those Who Chase Them, Leave No Trace: A Hidden History of the Boy Scouts, Keeper of the Ashes: The Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders, The Orphans of COVID: America's Hidden Toll, X / o n e r a t e d - The Murder of Malcolm X and 55 Years to Justice, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Darlie arrived at the cemetery after still another police interview and told family members she was happy because an arrest was imminent. Police tried hard to convince Darin that Darlie had committed the crime, and he was astonished at the claim. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Darin made up many excuses as to why he never helped Damon, first he said Damon had no pulse, then he claimed he never saw Damon when he first came down then he said he didn't know Damon was injured but the best one was when he told Greg Davis his cpr training taught him not to turn Damon over? Right LIE CONTINUING to SPEAK to Darin and NOT the operator when she a. Story regarding Damon and GREG davis CAUGHT him LYING about THOSE details TIMES! Have BEEN Darin HIMSELF admitted this in his chest there were two holes in STATEMENT... Had planned to vacation in Cancun with a story together, like saying they both saw an.. Damon, and she fought with Darin a lot. think WE can SAFELY SAY HERE that there was INTRUDER., she recalls was never viewed as a suspect again REALLY was from his.... 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