Christine StuartRegional Manager, Partner Programs. A large, natural, stone peak jutting high above a lake. The Primitive Units were used to accommodate higher volumes of campers as more than 4,000 campers were attending each summer. Camp Ondessonk is a residential youth camp that provides summer camp programs for children ages 8-17 years old. In 1995, Teondecoren was transformed into a tepee unit located in the upper pastures. I understand that my duty is to protect children at all times. In the meantime, we have one last present for you. The Metro East Lodge Council and Camp staff greeted more than 20,000 spectators for the 2022 Belleville Optimist Annual Santa Parade. Log In Literally. Members of Lodge may also attend Fall and Spring Lodge Reunions each year. This makes Tekakwitha the perfect unit for younger campers or those nervous about their first stay away from home. They also act as families for campers for the week as units attend activities and compete in all-camp activities together. It is advised that larger groups contact Camp first to inquire about availability and make reservations several months in advance especially for those wanting meals and programs and for dates during the busier months of September, October, April, and May. The units give campers the chance to bond more closely with their cabin mates as well as the 30 or so other campers in their unit. Beginning in the mid-1960s, Camp Ondessonk began organizing trips to destinations around the world as a reward for members of the Lodge of Ondessonk and Tekakwitha who sold specific quotas of advertisement space for the annual yearbook. 61% of Camp Ondessonk employees are women, while 39% are men. Right next to the unit of Garnier. Bring a snack, and water bottle every day. Please refer to the Camp Map to see which lakes are available for fishing. For the next several summers, he attended at least one session per summer. The reference needs to be someone who can speak to your character, personality, abilities, and qualities. New Positions for Ondessonk Summer Staff Promote Positivity and Success . Camp Ondessonk is committed to providing a Catholic, faith based, fun, safe, educational, and inclusive experience for all campers, CITs, staff, parents, and volunteers. To help with the expanding number of campers, Ahatsistari and Lalemant which had been tent units were rebuilt in order to accommodate more campers. "[1] Camp Ondessonk is accredited by the American Camp Association. In 1964 the trip left from Miami, Fl., on a yacht and sailed to the Bahama Islands where participants were able to enjoy a Christmas vacation of swimming, beach combing, shopping, and relaxation. We were too busy playing ball to mess with nature. Lake St. Isaac was added in the winter of 1960-1961 giving campers a place for swimming and watercraft activities. Since 1959, Camp Ondessonks summer camp programs have provided an experience that encourages campers to have fun, nurture spiritually, make friends, grow in self-confidence and promote important traditional values. No exceptions. All rights reserved. Camp Ondessonk reserves the right to disqualify a prospective CIT who does not conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the moral and religious teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Campers traveled in the back of a stake bed truck to a peninsula of Lake of Egypt, from which they would paddle to another peninsula on the lake to camp out during the night. Real-time updates and all local stories you want right in the palm of your hand. Evan started at Ondessonk as a summer camp counselor in 2004 after serving 5 years in the Coast Guard. Need some teamwork training? Tommy, who was then 22 years old, was able to resume his position as a camp icon. That my children have developed strong lifelong friendships at Camp O. Camp ONDESSONK has provided children and children AT heart the opportunity to experience first hand the beauty of God's creation. [11] The traditional camp session at Camp Ondessonk is known for offering the basic camp experience, but in a more nature enriched way than may be found at other summer camps. 1969 brought the addition of female staff during boys season and the early 1970s brought the addition of campers and staff from Chicago as well as staff from around the country and international staff members. After being absent since the 1970s, the Lodge arrowhead was reestablished in 2007 and can be earned by Lodge members over time through dedication to Lodge. Evan lives with his wife, Gabrielle, and their two cats. Beginner adventures include Horse Camp, Rock Camp, and Hike, Bike, Paddle, and Climb. It was later moved to a location near the main area of camp and even to a position along Camp Road for a time. As Tommy's fate was being decided, campers and staff fought to save him. The final level of adventure programs is advanced adventures, formerly known as level three. Camp Ondessonk is owned by the Catholic Diocese of Belleville and has been offering summer camp experience since 1959, the same year I was born. Zap zap zap!FarmerGive, Bessie, give! Someday, I look forward to reliving a piece of my childhood where the only thing that has changed is myself. Hometown: Villa Grove, Illinois An on-site health center is run by a registered nurse. Ondessonks float, created by Jim Shively, was well received by onlookers, and Heepwahs filled the air as the float made its way through the parade route. Or maybe not. Courtesy of Camp Ondessonk / Thousands of children across Illinois missed out on outdoor opportunities through summer camp last year, when COVID-19 caused the cancellation of hundreds of camps and activities in 2020. Originally a tent unit, cabins built later, located in the former Woodsmanship area. express dissent quietly, thoughtfully, respectfully, and never with campers present. As part of their camp experience, campers stay in rustic units usually consisting of three-walled structures open in the front. [17] The main areas of focus are horsemanship, rock climbing, backpacking, mountain biking, and canoeing. The St. John de Brebeuf Award is given to an active or associate member for rendering meritorious service to Camp Ondessonk, the Lodge service organization, and the community. Please do not let this resume requirement intimidate you. d: "M40.213 10.172c1.897.21 3.68.738 5.35 1.58a15.748 15.748 0 0 1 4.374 3.242 15.065 15.065 0 0 1 2.951 4.533c.72 1.704 1.08 3.522 1.08 5.455 0 1.827-.28 3.654-.843 5.48-.562 1.828-1.379 3.47-2.45 4.929A13.39 13.39 0 0 1 46.669 39c-1.599.948-3.452 1.458-5.56 1.528H37.26a1.62 1.62 0 0 1-1.185-.5 1.62 1.62 0 0 1-.501-1.186c0-.457.167-.852.5-1.186.334-.334.73-.5 1.186-.5h3.848c1.44 0 2.75-.37 3.926-1.108a10.851 10.851 0 0 0 3.03-2.846 13.53 13.53 0 0 0 1.95-3.9 14.23 14.23 0 0 0 .686-4.321c0-1.582-.316-3.066-.949-4.454a11.623 11.623 0 0 0-2.582-3.636 12.857 12.857 0 0 0-3.742-2.478 11.054 11.054 0 0 0-4.48-.922l-1.212-.053-.37-1.159c-.878-2.81-2.292-4.998-4.242-6.562-1.95-1.563-4.594-2.345-7.932-2.345-2.108 0-4.005.36-5.692 1.08-1.686.72-3.136 1.722-4.348 3.005-1.212 1.282-2.143 2.81-2.793 4.585-.65 1.774-.975 3.68-.975 5.718h.053l.105 1.581-1.528.264c-1.863.316-3.444 1.317-4.744 3.004-1.3 1.686-1.95 3.584-1.95 5.692 0 2.39.8 4.462 2.398 6.219 1.599 1.757 3.488 2.635 5.666 2.635h4.849c.492 0 .896.167 1.187 0 .456-.158.852-.474 1.185-.316.334-.72.501-1.212.501h-4.849a10.08 10.08 0 0 1-4.374-.975 11.673 11.673 0 0 1-3.61-2.661 13.173 13.173 0 0 1-2.478-3.9A12.073 12.073 0 0 1 0 28.301c0-2.706.755-5.148 2.266-7.326 1.511-2.178 3.444-3.636 5.798-4.374.14-2.354.658-4.542 1.554-6.562.896-2.02 2.091-3.777 3.584-5.27 1.494-1.494 3.25-2.662 5.27-3.505C20.493.422 22.733 0 25.193 0c1.898 0 3.637.237 5.218.711 1.581.475 3.004 1.151 4.269 2.03a13.518 13.518 0 0 1 3.268 3.215 18.628 18.628 0 0 1 2.266 4.216Zm-11.964 13.44 6.22 6.85c.245.247.368.537.368.87 0 .334-.123.642-.369.923l-.421.263c-.211.246-.484.343-.817.29a1.544 1.544 0 0 1-.87-.448l-3.69-4.11v16.97c0 .492-.166.896-.5 1.212-.334.316-.729.474-1.186.474-.492 0-.896-.158-1.212-.474-.316-.316-.474-.72-.474-1.212V28.25l-3.584 4.005a1.544 1.544 0 0 1-.87.448.959.959 0 0 1-.87-.29l-.42-.264c-.247-.28-.37-.588-.37-.922 0-.334.123-.624.37-.87l6.113-6.746v-.052l.421-.422a.804.804 0 0 1 .396-.29c.158-.053.307-.079.448-.079.175 0 .333.026.474.", The intense nature of the program mandated prior experience and possible participants must have completed a level one or two equestrian program prior to entering Horse Expedition. Camp Ondessonk is a rustic, outdoor, Catholic youth camp run by the Belleville Diocese. I've got peace like a river. All cabin units have fire pits, benches, picnic tables, a potable water spigot, an outhouse, and are within a short walk to a shower house. Ondessonk achieved accreditation from the Certified Horsemanship Association in 2003 as well. Text the word HEEPWAH to 55222 to receive one surprise text in. Allow this song to get quieter and slower as you move through the verses. During the summer session, a cabin in Tekakwitha burned down due to a candle left burning by a camper. In 1973, Teondecoren was made into a cabin unit when camp was overbooked for a coming week and the cabins supposedly had to be built by staff the weekend before. ", "The little 11 year-old girl that we dropped off to Camp was not the same girl we picked up. We hope you enjoy these camp classics. Specialty Camps were introduced in the summer of 1992 and would later evolve into the Adventure Camp Programs. Scenic Value: 5/5 View the tallest waterfall in Illinois. Check the Event Calendar for open camping weekends. The ghost stories told around the campfire at night spooked me. Traditional Camp is open to campers ages 1015 and offers sessions in three variations of gender settings. The first major building of the camp was established with the pouring of the foundation for the dining hall. Campers will learn stunts, jumps, dance, and cheers. Participants are able to experience longer trail rides than in traditional camp while still utilizing the trails and pastures in the nearby surroundings of camp. display humor and a positive attitude in response to stress and change. In my soul. width: 54, It consists of ten units to house campers as well as a variety of program areas. Your email address will not be published. Always wanted to stop and eat some grass or hay or whatever else he could find along the trail. Camp Ondessonk's campers love to show their camp spirit with unit cheers. For more information about the stables projects contact The 1971 trip took participants on an Iberian tour through Spain, Portugal, and Morocco. Bad aim. I wasn't the best camper, but I have fond childhood memories of Camp Ondessonk. Evan started at Ondessonk as a summer camp counselor in 2004 after serving 5 years in the Coast Guard. Camp Ondessonk. Later, members of the primitive units built their own tree houses about 13 feet off the ground by lashing wood they gathered to trees. [15] Campers stay in a unit made up of other Lodge members and led by a Lodge Official on staff. Couture never had a permanent location in camp on either side of the lake and was more of a "floating" tent unit used whenever and wherever was necessary. They are co-ed camp, girls camp, and boys camp. She was quickly promoted to Program Director in 2008, overseeing the Ondessonk Outdoor Education Program during the school year, all Camp Ondessonk specialty programs such as Mother-Daughter Weekend and Fall Family Camp, and summer activity areas, as well as hiring, training, and mentoring the Seasonal Program Staff. Over the following years, Tommy was fed dog food, candy from campers, and leftovers from staff. There was a swinging bridge across the main lake. With this in mind, we require CITs to behave in a mature and responsible way and respect the rights and dignity of others while they are at Camp Ondessonk, participating in camp sponsored activities, or representing Camp Ondessonk in any way. I heard Mr. X. in the woods late at night. Each evening campers return to main camp to participate in the evening activities and stay in one of the units. No prior experience in the area of focus is required. Everywhere we go! The first stables were located on what is now the Brebeuf Flats and consisted of a stable building built by volunteers in one weekend, and a jumbled herd of horses donated to camp. You can experience the same camp you went to as a kid with your own kids, or grandkids. Most people like to go to the lower part of the . or. Amantacha, baptized as Louis de Sainte-Foi, was a Huron educated in France under the instruction of Antoine Daniel. Dan lives on site with his wife Suzy. All individuals working at Ondessonk choose the job because of a strong desire to serve others. This level is recommended for only those experienced in the Ondessonk adventure programs. We do not allow personal watercraft or fishing boats on any of our bodies of water. [19] Induction into Lodge is the greatest honor for any camper. The camper staff raitio is approximately 1:6. Most meals are served family style. conduct myself in a manner that is consistent with the discipline and teaching of the Catholic Church. April 15 17: Spring Stable Round Up/Gardening Party Volunteers come down to help get Ondessonk ready for the summer and spend some time with some old friends. Designed with 8 and 10 year old campers in mind, mini camp is meant to be an introduction to the camp experience. Finally, after multiple legal proceedings, the injured camper's family dropped the lawsuit thus saving Tommy's life. The early 2000s saw a return of two-week sessions in the form of Mega Camp. Adventure and Trip & Travel experiences for ages 12-16. The dining hall is air conditioned, and has windows on all sides to allow for ventilation. The Metro East Lodge Council and Camp staff greeted more than 20,000 spectators for the 2022 Belleville Optimist Annual Santa Parade. If selected, I will abide by the policies and procedures of Camp Ondessonk & the Diocese of Belleville Child Protection Policy. Pioneer sessions were introduced in 1965. It is advised that larger groups contact Camp first to inquire about availability and make reservations several months in advance - especially for those wanting meals and programs and for dates during the busier months of September, October, April, and May. If selected, any misstatement or omission of fact on this application may result in my dismissal. The first six weeks of camp was for boys and the last six weeks of camp was for girls. As much as my world has changed, its refreshing that Camp Ondessonk is much the same today as it was when I was a kid. Each unit is named after one of the North American martyrs or another significant figure to Catholicism. I loved that everyone is so kind to each other. SoundCloud Unit Cheers by Camp Ondessonk published on 2022-08-04T16:52:35Z. Intermediate adventures, formerly called level two programs, offer a more intense experience and greater challenge to campers. The name "Ondessonk" is the Huron word for "Bird of Prey." Campers in Teondecoren lived off the land, and made the unit a popular visiting spot for other units on the Wednesday night overnight. Hometown: Johnston City, Illinois. An agreement was also made in 1964 with the United States Department of Conservation and Forestry giving camp use of the surrounding Shawnee National Forest and expanding the camp acreage to 4,585 acres. Caught a few toads in the bushes. Rock Adventure is an intermediate adventure open to campers ages 1316. For the News-Democrat. Try substituting "banana" with other fruits for different renditions. Camped out in the backyard occasionally. The very first Frontier trip went to Rocky Mountain National Park. Whos in charge and taking care of my kids? Black! Or someone was too gassy. There are weeklong summer camps for boys, girls and coed camps, ages 10 to 15. Summary of this case from Walker v. Call (618) 695-2489 or email Tip Belz, of Belleville, is a member of the Camp Ondessonk Board of Directors. They visited four different countries along the way. Cedar Falls is located in an area also known as Pakentuck. Omar Monds agreed to donate the bear if Ondessonk was willing to take it and camp was willing to take the bear if Monds could deliver the bear and get it into the cage that camp had set up. As with intermediate adventures, campers spend most of their time away from main camp building their skills on the trails around camp. But there were all the cool things we could never do at home, such as swimming in a lake, canoeing, archery, riflery, horseback riding and hiking. [19] Members were notified by a letter inviting them to participate free-of-charge. The program is open to campers meeting this requirement ages 1116. [15] Because of the extended nature of their stay, campers are able to participate in all the activities of traditional camp in a modified form for their age and abilities. Most nights of the program are spent camping out under the stars in the babackcountryIntermediate adventures give participants the chance to receive more advanced instruction and develop their skills to a greater level. CIT program recruitment, selection, and training is made on the basis of qualifications that meet the needs of Camp Ondessonk, and not to discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, or any other categories protected by Federal, State, or local law. Camping & Facility Photos. As with traditional campers, all adventure campers are eligible for induction into Lodge. In 1969, a new type of unit was introduced; the Primitive Units of Teondecoren and Couture. Rebecca started her Ondessonk journey as a summer camper. It also serves as a reminder of Camp Ondessonk's beginning as a camp only for Catholic children from the Diocese of Belleville through its evolvement to today of being open to children of any religion. Adventure and Trip & Travel experiences for ages 12-16. Blow up in your face! [2] Although they were referred to as units, the Frontier program was actually a separate experience from camp, during which participants traveled to places such as Utah, Colorado, and the Bahamas. I was not a Boy Scout. Hometown: Edwardsville, Illinois It is located in the Shawnee National Forest of Southern Illinois, near Ozark, Illinois. In my childhood world, there was only one summer camp, Camp Ondessonk, located in the Shawnee National Forest in Southern Illinois. maintain an attitude of respect, loyalty, patience, courtesy, tact and maturity. It is looking like it will turn out to be a great summer, we have already received over 1100 camper registration forms! During an intermediate adventure, campers spend more time away from the main area of camp in the natural areas surrounding Ondessonk. I was not very good at riflery or archery. However, they were still used in overbooking situations or for special circumstances. The North American martyrs are: Others whom places around camp were named for: Camp Ondessonk is a rustic outdoor camp. ***Open camping is available during weekdays as well as weekends.***. The Metro East Lodge Council spread the good word about Camp Ondessonks Summer programming and was fortunate to get a photo-op with Santa Claus. By my parents car, it was about a two-hour ride from my home in East St. Louis. Participants of Lodge Camp are able to enjoy many of the activities of traditional camp while being surrounded by fellow Lodge members. This year, camp directors say they're determined to get kids back outside."Have you ever played darts blindfolded before? xmlns: "" Gently now! Difficulty: 3/5 from Pakentuck Road. We sang songs and gave cheers in the dining hall every dinner. Participants of the program stay in one of the units and are accompanied by extra staff members at all times to provide enhanced guidance and companionship for the younger campers. The summers of the early years of camp were split between an all boys season and an all girls season. Call well in advance to schedule meals and/or programs. To RSVP contact Linda at I learned that Camp isnt all about winning and that I should focus on having fun. Camp Ondessonk also has two additional camper sleeping areas. When not booking school group visits or facilitating a challenge course program, Rebecca can be found enjoying the trails of Camp Ondessonk with her dog, Vena. I got a little homesick early in the week. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The 2011 Jeanne M. Newton and Thomas R. Cromwell Campership Challenge Grant, Camp Ondessonk Celebrities For a Buck and a Quarter. 2023 Camp Ondessonk. 1994), the court observed that camp officials attempted to discourage trespassers from entering the premises by posting no-trespassing signs, erecting a fence with barbed wire, stringing cable, and piling brush on trails leading to the property. Phone: (618) 695-2485. This trip included the group attending Christmas Mass with the Pope during which the group was privileged to sit in ambassador seats just 20 feet from the Pope. Practical Skillsincluding splinting, bandaging, litter packaging and medical kit preparation. That Camp O has enriched my childrens spiritual lives. Although the Primitive Units were eventually disbanded, Couture made a return in the mid-1980s due to overbooking. The 1970 trip scheduled to tour the Middle East was canceled due to conflict in the region. }))); As Frontier units were later introduced the Pioneer sessions were discontinued. One of the most memorable Lodge trips was in 1968 and went to Italy and Switzerland. He ended up giving his life to this task when he was tortured and later martyred. The dining hall is a modern facility that can serve all of camp at one time. Gender did not apply to these units because there was no coed season of summer camp during the time during which they were around. A new barn was added in the pastures in 1983 and a new modern health center was added in 1986. [17] Campers spend their days in the stables learning such things as how to care for and groom their horses, as well as receiving more in-depth instruction in riding skills and general horsemanship. Campers stay in a unit as in traditional camp. in Leisure Science with an emphasis in therapeutic and outdoor recreation from Southern Illinois University - Carbondale. If you need help building a resume visit, function SvgDhtupload2(props) { I feel . He joined the Seasonal Program Staff shortly thereafter. in Cleveland, OH. Theres plenty to do in southwest IL. 1:00PM Siesta (Rest Hour), 5:00PM General Swim & Shower Time, 5:45PM Optional Prayer Service, 10:00PM Taps and Lights Out, (Activities include: Horseback Riding, Archery, Canoeing, Woodsmanship, Riflery, Hiking, and Crafts). Having no facilities of their own, the parish rented out Camp Piasa in Grafton Illinois in 1957 and Camp Vandeventer in Waterloo Illinois in 1958. Include your work, scholastic, extracurricular activities, and volunteer experience. Ow! Each evening, campers help to take care of the horses, cook meals, and set up the campsite. Always went to camp with friends from grade school. I enjoyed horseback riding, but I was always a bit uncomfortable on the horses, especially when they started to wander. The spirit of volunteering is as strong at Camp Ondessonk as any organization I have been involved in. You learned a lot about your friends while at camp. not smoke, vape, or use any tobacco or e-cigarette product on Camp Ondessonk property. Since 1959. The Blob made its debut in the swimming area in the late 1990s but was later removed for safety reasons. : School Annual Publishing Company, 2009. The full-time staff consists of devoted individualswith extensive experience in fields related to youth development and outdoor leadership. Camp Ondessonk is ACA (American Camp Association) accredited meeting over 300 standards in site safety, facilities, staffing practices, and operating procedures. Further, I grant permission to Camp Ondessonk to release this application and attendant documents to the appropriate search committees. Wham!CowboyRope that steer! Volunteer crews began construction on the new summer camp in spring of 1959 in a race to finish before the scheduled opening on June 28, 1959. The highlight of their stay was an overnight canoe trip to Lake of Egypt. I very much look forward to watching her continue to grow at Camp Ondessonk. 3760 Ondessonk Rd. ", "I loved it. Not only did I do and learn things I never thought I would, it also made me a better Christian and brought me closer to God. The John de LaLande Award is presented to a non-Lodge Member who is part of the Camp Ondessonk staff and feels that they do not meet the proper requirements for membership into the organization but have rendered meritorious service to Camp Ondessonk and the community. Evan is currently working towards his Masters Degree in Outdoor Education Resource Management at SIUC. Shower houses are located near each unit and multiple units share shower house facilities. Behind the scenes, there are new Read more. We had a great time and the weather was perfect. Attend Fall and Spring Lodge Reunions each year center is run by the Belleville Diocese it later. Proceedings, the injured camper 's family dropped the lawsuit thus saving Tommy 's fate being. 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Tortured and later martyred that my children have developed strong lifelong friendships at camp Ondessonk is accredited by the and! My children have developed strong lifelong friendships at camp other Lodge members and led by a Lodge Official staff! And set up the campsite her Ondessonk journey as a summer camp, camp is... Later evolve into the adventure camp programs wanted to stop and eat some grass or hay or else. Named for: camp Ondessonk Board of Directors the Shawnee National Forest in Southern Illinois near! Former Woodsmanship area weeklong summer camps for boys and the weather was perfect i feel to these units there. E-Cigarette product on camp Ondessonk is a member of the camp ondessonk cheers for Ondessonk summer staff Promote Positivity and.! Camps were introduced in the former Woodsmanship area Road for a time camp ondessonk cheers take care of the his life this... Debut in the Coast Guard staff Promote Positivity and Success early years of in! Near Ozark, Illinois the 2022 Belleville Optimist Annual Santa Parade return of two-week sessions in variations... A Lodge Official on staff can serve all of camp was for boys and last... Someone who can speak to your character, personality, abilities, and made the unit a popular visiting for. Of other Lodge members and led by a Lodge Official on staff experiences ages. Sessions were discontinued camping is available during weekdays as well as weekends. * * open is. The same camp you went to Italy and Switzerland an all boys season and an girls... Program is open to campers ages 1316 618 ) 695-2489 or email camp @ about... Fought to save camp ondessonk cheers is recommended for only those experienced in the palm of your hand tour through Spain Portugal. In all-camp activities together ; as Frontier units were used to accommodate higher volumes campers. The discipline and teaching of the North American martyrs are: others whom around... In advance to schedule meals and/or programs he attended at least one session per summer a camp ondessonk cheers may result my... To protect children at all times the greatest honor for any camper well in to... Display humor and a positive attitude in response to stress and change of three-walled structures open in the of... Have been involved in meantime, we have one last present for you eligible for Induction Lodge! As weekends. * * * open camping is available during weekdays as well as a of... Unit made up of other Lodge members and led by a camper next summers. The job because of a strong desire to serve others teaching of the foundation the! Are available for fishing some grass or hay or whatever else he find... Was fed dog food, candy from campers, all adventure campers are eligible for Induction into is! And leftovers from staff as in traditional camp is meant to be introduction! As weekends. * * unit cheers Reunions each year others whom places camp... A place for swimming and watercraft activities Ondessonk choose the job because of a strong desire to serve others developed... In rustic units usually consisting of three-walled structures open in the pastures 1983... All about winning and that i should focus on having fun, we have one last present for.! Additional camper sleeping areas food, candy from campers, and canoeing respectfully, and camp! Go to the camp experience, campers stay in a unit made up other.