Thank you so very much for your excellent, useful, and encouraging website! Your blog was exciting to read and very glad I came across it. But I still cant breathe. But be careful and take it as slow as you need. As you are a successful survivor If you recall something else that helped you in tour recovery please let us know. Please advise if you have any suggestions. Polyphenols and other nutrients promote healthy stem cells and their proliferation to promote healing. The pain was gone in minutes. There are multiple clinical trials showing it is effective (even more so than antibiotics in some cases) at preventing bladder infections. It was prescribed by an urologist while I was traveling solo in Brazil. Then, pain on the inside of both ankles and both elbows. We really dont know what to do. I too healed from serious illness, and your article brings to mind a saying my mother had, when there is a will, there is a way!. Its not unique to Cipro, but how the body responds generally to toxic drugs, chemicals, or substances. Your blog post and information about supplements are fantastic. Ive spoken about it before in many different forums (here is one of them), my old blog, and I still have people privately messaging me over 10 years later asking me for advice on how to recover because of my story and people get referred to me. But anyway, the D mannose worked very fast after I gave it to her. Studies show Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin, and Moxifloxacin cause mitochondrial damage in mammalian cells. Or collagen peptides? I developed Achilles tendonitis in both of my tendons, which stopped me from doing exercise for a long time. Ciprofloxacin is used to treat or prevent certain infections caused by bacteria such as pneumonia; gonorrhea (a sexually transmitted disease); typhoid fever (a serious infection that is common in developing countries); infectious diarrhea (infections that cause severe diarrhea); and infections of the skin, bone, joint, abdomen (stomach area), and prostate (male reproductive gland . But I took another 4 drops in my right ear and biggest mistake, immediate intense pain, burning inflamation and throbbing in jaw and throat, stabbing pain in the jaw/ear, hard to swallow. And, oh the mental side effects were right out of a Stephen King novel. However, if you have any doubt, then perhaps you should see one? Just wanted to thankyou for sharing. In this article, I want to share with you which supplements I used to recover from Cipro. Cipro and Levaquin can cause serious damage to your central nervous system, potentially inflicting brain injuries and dysfunctions that affect your mental state. However, I ventured into Ozone IV therapy, Ozone Saunas. I like to learn more about detoxing it out if my body ASAP because its unbearable. i hope it saves me from longterm horrors. 2. Try to control the anxiety if you can, as it can spiral out of control. You might be in distress with no hope, but many people like me do recover and that hope needs to be there to fight through it. So, in my research, I came across studies that indicated diets that are deficient in magnesium may lead to a great risk of damage from taking quinolone antibiotics. Especially since I reacted on first dose, stopped it, pain still present which is why I was referred to an ENT. I can handle the physical. Learn more about how hes helped other patients achieve full recovery like himself through the stories of 11 people floxed by cipro. Have ever tried D mannose before? The acute Plantar Fasciitis in both feet is also gone. I quit the meds after googling my symptoms (immense brain fog, dizziness, and general malaise) six days into a ten day prescription. I have had some other side effects pop up even after the initial side effects had gone away. I do occasionally have a flare from unknown causes. I havent been able to find this supplement for years (I think its been discontinued) but it was formulated well. I recently found something that has been a game changer and may help others: Dark chocolate. If youve had a severe reaction after taking an antibiotic called Cipro, it can be a scary time if youve read some of the horror storieson the internet. Cipro's warning label makes it sound as if tendon rupture is the worst possible scenario. Ive not been able to find many places which sell AOR supplements anymore (they were my preferred supplier), but there are other brands available. Also, many people who have a reaction from Cipro report sensitivities from foods and have a more limited diet. We had a long and sincere chat where I told him in detail how are the side effects specially the neurological ones which in me where like to be in a living hell. Bromelain is found mainly in pineapples. This book is extremely important and is not meant to give a treatment plan for fluoroquinolone toxicity, it is clearly meant to point out the damage of the drugs such as cipro and levaquin and to bring awareness and promote change in how these drugs are prescribed. I believe there have been more published since, but Ive not updated the article yet. My body, mind, feeling, soul. And also l-theanine (400 mg per day). Sometimes the side effect itself can be delayed but once the cascade of effects from the quinolone settle down, your immune system and cells will start to regenerate. I hope this helps someone. Thanks again for your thoughtfulness. No dairy, gluten sugars. After I recovered from Cipro-induced tendonitis, I never developed it again. The quinolones and all the symptoms will likely cause further anxiety (not just the drug induced anxiety), so you need to get that under control if you can and try to remember that you will get passed this and you will recover. Anthocyanins have many health-promoting effects which can aid in recovery. I got a little confused with the article when you said if not taking a multi you recommend certain vitamins. Ill update you on how the Ozone IV Therapy goes after a few sessions. I reported this to Novartis and they had no suggestions for how to reduce pain. Change or add in new supplements to boost mybodys repair mechanisms, increase stress resistance, and protect cells. Congrats in the recovery. On another note, I took levequin in 2008 for a sinus infection, three rounds of it, that threw me into adreanal fatigue and taxed my thyroid (I am now hypo thyroid), I learned that it is in the same family of drugs. Im writing on a different Antibiotic (Azithromycin). Its called Magnesium Oil. My tendons are soft. I learned that helping my body achieve homeostasis would be my goal. No Comments There is no data till date that anything can reverse the toxicity of the drug. Like Id see this commercials and theyd say this drug may cause suicidal thoughts or actions and Im over here like how the f?! However, I will have random pop-ups of tinglings. Every day I am being able to exercise and walk a bit longer. I was one of those rare successful recovery stories that you didnt see too much of back then (there are a lot more now). After that, I started to sleep longer and longer, until I could sleep right through. amzn_assoc_linkid = "b6205bacb1820c8198dafc01f019962e"; Anyone who reads myblog now will know that I switched to a vegan diet in 2012, but at the time of taking ciprofloxacin, I was a vegetarian. He apologized, he told me that was aware about the side effects but he never wanted to harm me. Is there anything you have found that helps with all the awful mental stuff happening to you? In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. I spoke to people who got affected after taking quinolones for many years, and unfortunately many of them never fully recovered. And oh my goodness if I walk too fast or go up the stairs it feels like Im going to pass out! If youre a vegan (or not) I have a review of some good vegan gummy vitamins here you can take a look at. Week three I thought it couldnt get worse. This new warning was issued based on serious side effects caused by Cipro. Developed watery diarrhea and could not eat. It took effort; I did yoga, my stretches, weight-bearing exercises to remodel the soft tissues. Im pretty certain they would have found MS. Im just so let down by modern medicine. I am where you (Julie) were (joints -tendons (knee very bad afraid of blow out), achillies & calfs, elbow, thumb, TMJ, neck & head swelling, popping, tightness, brief sharp pain, spasms & other weird stuff). This is me recently Im not moving as slow as a 90-year old: He was shocked when he saw me in the Video call. I immediately called my doctor who was out sick 3 times and called the ER 3 times with nobody willing to talk to me or offer any advice ( too risky to help people over the phone lol) before a ER nurse told to just call 911 and go to the hospital because I must be having a stroke!! Maybe the Vitamin D3 supplement I am taking along with the cocoa is what triggered my healing process. Week four I realized I was wrong about that. At least in me works very well and instantly. *The following is an individual's story of surviving fluoroquinolone toxicity. But now Im like okay, I get it I mean Im not at a point where I want to kill myself, but this stuff has my head so twisted where it has me feeling like Id be okay with not being alive anymore. In baby steps, Im getting better every day. So dont believe that youre damaged forever. In powder form, it can be used in teas and in food. I am starting to add to my diet the lentils protein, matcha and green tea. Sure hope I feel better soon. My level of energy is getting higher evry day and tomorrow I will start to do walks inside the pool as I havent walk long distances in weeks. The serum elimination half-life of ciprofloxacin with normal kidney function is approximately 4 hours. Really anything to help. However this time the whole left side of my body including the spine was out of balance and the osteopath said I must add stretching to straighten the spine from leaning leftward. I got floxed around the same age as you and it was quite rough for a few months but things did get much better. I had to press him to do something for the pain and inflammation so he prescribed a steroid. I also had this static vision thing going on, too. Curcumin has been found to be protective against neurodegenerative disorders and also significantly improves the symptoms of both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis by blocking the destruction of cartilage. I am eating 60 to 80 grams a day of Swiss Lindt 95% cocoa chocolate with a miraculous effect. Studies have found that omega 3 prevents nerve damage and speeds up nerve regeneration [8]. One of the mistake I made which lengthened my recovery time was not doing any strengthening exercises. After three days I was able to walk normally, I have no pain and my tendons are soft again as always were. Then week two was worse. I felt very relieved after that conversation as I felt I had the moral duty to inform him in detail how harmful can be these antibiotics to protects others from this pain and suffering. I took epsom bath & have started Magnesium 250s will take 2 pills a day starting today. Healing wishes to all.. Hello! I felt him sincere and he told me that he will do his best to help me. By that time I had neuropathy in both arms and legs, extreme muscle weakness everywhere, crazy exhaustion, fatigue, I can barely swallow or breath, Im dizzy and faint feeling all the time, still confused and having memory issues, super bad case of thrush, and of course a rash all over my back and stomach! 80 grs. I know many natural techniques to control normal anxiety (breathing, side eye movement, tapping, etc) but the anxiety caused by the Levaquin was overwhelming to me. Sorry that you feel that way I do understand how severe some people are affected by these antibiotics and I would never recommend them to anyone. The only thing I hope is to not feel much pain and not suffer again neurological side effects. ChildrenDose is based on body weight and must be determined by your doctor. My first concern is to make the pain stop. Dr. Ghalili explains your body as a Jenga, the more damage done by cipro, the more pieces of the Jenga are removed, once the final piece is out to hold the Jenga stable, the Jenga crumbles and this is the classic a bomb went off in my body feeling the majority of cipro toxicity patients endure. Im so sorry you or anyone has had to go thru this nightmare. But I am also open to all the ideas and there is nothing to lose in trying them. While I did sometimes notice old symptoms come back or new ones appear as I added new supplements, these effects were always temporary. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Here are a few links to recovery after antibiotics using Ozone and Hyperbaric. This gradually got better and better but most of the improvement came after 4 months I think. Victimized by Cipro a week ago at 58. Currently suffering gastro issues, tendonitis or tendonopothy.. freaked out. CIPRO Toxicity. I also keep exercising my core, arms through Yoga and Calisthenics. Its not intuitive, so try to watch! This time not only the left side of my body was involved, but also the right side.Resumed the gelatine, the pain resided. But these cells are replaced by stem cells in the body (younger people can recover better). Official answer by Ciprofloxacin should be out of your system around 22 hours after your last dose. Will let you know the end results. Thats all I may share for now and I will keep you posted about how things develop on my end. I cant comprehend why doctors still prescribing this poison. Hi Lou, my husband is suffering from Cipro poisoning and is having really bad anxiety, panic, agitation and very tense muscles including issues with swallowing at night and tremors too. Please see the disclaimer at the bottom of the story. I really do hope your method works, it has to. Im guessing youve had lots of blood work done to check ferritin, kidney functino, liver function, glucose, inflammation, etc? Before I read this I was certain I would end up in a wheel chair or taking my own life. Pain, burning, tingling, numbness, weakness. BIG MISTAKE. I am so glad you were able to recover 100% and feel even better now. I joined the Yahoo Group that was up at the time and a few forums and there have been many awful stories and I too was extremely worried that I would never recover and be normal again. Interesting read. I am supplementing with NAC and now will add bromalin based on learning that helps as well. You can use some of the supplements I mentioned above also, they might help. I am eating 60 to 80 grms of 95% cocoa chocolate per day.. Today I was able to walk to the pool of my condo and spend an hour swimming. Now she is paralyzed from her waste down and cant do anything for herself. Eventually, I was able to build myself back up again so that I could do just as much as before and not have to worry about getting injured. I guess theyve all moved to Facebook groups? I had a regression and a painful fasciitis came back. This is about the only thing that has giving me hope this past month! Hundreds of individuals have benefited from this type of therapy. If tolerated some IV PTC with a very slow escalation stacked with nutrients and GSH (in a sequence). These antibiotics used to be routinely prescribed for bacterial infections such as: In 2016, the US Food and Drug Administration recommended that fluoroquinolones should only be used in patients whose infections have no alternative treatment options or for serious infections. Im not sure if you are familiar with it. Whey proteins amino acids are also very bioavailable and also significantly raise levels of IGF-1 which helps boost collagen synthesis, which can improve and speed up tendon and ligament recovery. Long story short, Ive been taking a number of supplements that have helped, but havent tried detoxing with borax and am grateful for that suggestion. The True Story of Cipro. On August 3 2020 I was prescribed a 10 day course of Levaquin 750 mg. For a UTI. Thanks. This is the magnesium supplement I recommend. Any Recommendations What to do Next ????? Avoid exercise and use of the affected area, and immediately ask your doctor to switch to a non-fluoroquinolone drug. Early signs of Cipro toxicity include low back pain, tendonitis, tendon rupture, arthralgia, pain in extremities, gait disturbance, neuropathies associated with paraesthesia, depression, fatigue, memory impairment, sleep disorders, and impaired hearing, vision, taste, and smell. I had peripheral neuropathy. Thank you I feel really lucky to have come back stronger than before! Privacy Policy | Terms of ServiceContact Us I have thrown on a few others here and there, including Shalijit. Additionally, cipro toxicity causes muscle pain and difficulty concentrating, two other key symptoms of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. I would not recommend doing both! Whey protein powder contains all the essential amino acids that you need to build protein. Many patients who come to Dr. Ghalili and were previously diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome have underlying cellular damage caused by Cipro and Levaquin toxicity. L-Lysine. So toxic. But like all drugs, they can have unwanted and serious side effects, some of which may not become apparent until many thousands of patients have been treated. And its like Im not even sad about it, Im just numb to pretty much everything. That being said, my mother has taken Cipro many times and hasnt had any issues. Sorry to hear about your experience. I did have the ability to take some months off work through the worst of it so that helped a lot. Bromelain, day 2made my life so much better. My Achilles tendon and shoulder ached. In the first few months, I took a full serving and then lowered it to 50% because my diet was already a very healthy plant-based, vegetarian diet. This went on for 4 months straight with intense nightmares almost every night. This drug should be taken off of the market. This week I dug deeply into herbal/natural remedies to detoxify from the fluoride in the medication. On my end everything was going well until yesterday. For some reason I am also starting to crave avocados which I am adding to the smoothies I drink every day. The muscle surrounding the left side of the head above the brow is what cramps into pain. At that point belatedly I read the insert warnings in particular to elderly women (I am 83) and realized it was more than tendonitis. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Cipro toxicity leads to toxic aldehyde formation, peroxynitrite formation, leading to oxidative stress and cell death, thus making these antibiotics toxic to every organ in the body including the brain, musculoskeletal system, heart, kidneys, lungs, nervous system, and connective tissue. Days later I was told to try it again that perhaps the symptoms increased due to water in the ear. and makes a lot of sense. Im glad some of what I shared has been helpful in your recovery. So, what's the big deal? The doctor informed me that ciprofloxacin softens collagen. B12. There was a good amount of evidence that it helps promote healing in sports injuries as well as improve pain and swelling associated with arthritic conditions (something that many floxed people report). If you have any significant tendon, ligament or muscle damage from Cipro, I recommend you take protein supplements. But there are things that do help. Collagen production is also important in healing injuries and in healing wounds, including post-operative wounds. I have done lots of training, particularly running, and kung fu in that time. I am using a low dose of a benzodiazepine called Clonazepam. I could function more normally after about 14 months out from taking Cipro. Back on the same protocol now with severe tendinitis in both achiles. I am not able to walk again. Here are a few supplements, foods, and drinks that I recommend trying out: Green tea EGCG is the main active component in green tea and is able to help protect cells against antibiotic-induced toxicity in animal studies. If I find something else that might help, I will let you know. Who knows what component of the dark chocolate is helping me so much. Some of these symtpoms like neuropathy or autonomic issues are not unique to quinolones in that they can show up months after. I have no idea if its an antioxidant of the Lindt 95% cocoa or if the magnesium of the cocoa is being absorbed better by my body. This is because the combination of NSAIDs/steroids and fluoroquinolones does not always cause a toxic reaction, the toxic reaction of combining fluoroquinolones and NSAIDs/steroids can occur even when the drugs are taken weeks or months apart, doctors and other medical professionals don't acknowledge fluoroquinolone toxicity and so they don't This new warning was issued based on serious side effects were always temporary function is 4. Here are a few months but things did get much better not feel much pain and not again. I felt him sincere and he told me that was aware about the side effects useful, kung! 22 hours after your last dose nerve damage and speeds up nerve regeneration [ 8.! So that helped a lot to detoxify from the fluoride in the call. Need to build protein reduce pain function, glucose, inflammation, etc story of surviving toxicity. 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