why might recent events have led to many african american working for ranchers

(She starred in both.) The railroad companies themselves employed thousands of workers. Why would it be important for railroads to use strong management techniques? Disintegration of family structures in the African-American community has been a persistent problem for far too long. What industry's decline would hurt the southern economy the most? The Southern Pacific Railroad contributed to the growth of cities including San Francisco and Los Angeles. US Representative Shirley Chisholm of Brooklyn announces her entry for Democratic nomination for the presidency, at the Concord Baptist Church in Brooklyn, New York on January 25, 1972. In Regarding the Pain of Others, Susan Sontag says of war, We do not and cannot imagine what it was like, how dreadful or terrifying it was, how normal it becomes. How might Sadiq be regarded as a response to Sontags statement? And on March 13, 26-year-old EMT Breonna Taylorwas shot eight times and killed after police broke down the door to her apartment while executing a nighttime warrant. C) In the 1850s, many free African Americans from the north became ranchers. The following year, the 14th Amendment broadened the definition of citizenship, granting "equal protection of the Constitution to people who had been enslaved. Calls for reform led Congress to pass the Dawes Act in 1887. His invention of air brakes made railroad travel safer and faster. Why might recent events have led to many African Americans working for ranchers? Not done fighting, Faubus closed all of Little Rocks high schools in the fall of 1958 rather than permit integration. B) After the end of slavery, African Americans could move and find new work. D.the give me liberty or death speech Building rail lines created thousands of jobs. Most were denied the right to vote. Why would the loss of farms make it especially difficult for the Southern economy to recover? The Tuskegee Airmen saw combat against German and Italian troops, flew more than 3,000 missions, and served as a great source of pride for many Black Americans. A? The hashtag #BlackLivesMatter first appeared on Twitter on July 13, 2013, and spread widely as high-profile cases involving the deaths of Black civilians provoked renewed outrage. Floyds killing came on the heels of two other high-profile cases in 2020. In July 1948, President Harry S. Truman finally integrated the U.S. Armed Forces under an executive order mandating that there shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed services without regard to race, color, religion or national origin., READ MORE: Why Harry Truman Ended Segregation in the US Military in 1948. The American Federation of Labor differed from the Knights of Labor in that it. Free at last! (1 point) A) During the Civil War, many African Americans went west to work on railroads. In the wake of the Bakke verdict, affirmative action continued to be a controversial and divisive issue, with a growing opposition movement claiming that the so-called racial playing field was now equal and that African Americans no longer needed special consideration to overcome their disadvantages. Because African Americans made up some 70 percent of the bus companys riders at the time, and the great majority of Montgomerys Black citizens supported the bus boycott, its impact was immediate. B.joyful C.Emancipation Proclamation READ MORE:Mildred and Richard: The Love Story that Changed America. What role did both men and women among Plains Indians share? What negative impact did gold and silver mining have in the West? By an 81 majority, the Court upheld a Louisiana law that required the segregation of passengers on railroad cars. 1 is B. The accused killer, a white man named James Earl Ray, was captured and tried immediately; he entered a guilty plea and was sentenced to 99 years in prison; no testimony was heard. At the end of World War II, African Americans were poised to make far-reaching demands to end racism. How did George Westinghouse contribute to railroad transportation? African American history began with slavery, as white European settlers first brought Africans to the continent to serve as enslaved workers. Some also cite environmental issues, tax and budget matters, or political processes like voting rights and gerrymandering. . Only the election of the antislavery Republican Abraham Lincoln as president in 1860 remained before the southern states would begin severing ties with the Union, sparking the bloodiest conflict in American history. In 1962, however, a crisis erupted when the state-funded University of Mississippi (known as Ole Miss) admitted a Black man, James Meredith. Ranchers employed cowhands to tend their cattle and drive herds to market. Which of the following can best be inferred from looking at this map? How is the poem an analogy? rising demand for buffalo robes in the 1840s. After a few weeks, employers met union demands for better pay and shorter hours. the defeat of American Indian peoples by United States troops, Some American Indian people on the Great Plains lived in buildings like those shown here because. The children involved in the landmark civil rights lawsuit Brown v. Board of Education, which challenged the legality of American public school segregation: Vicki Henderson, Donald Henderson, Linda Brown, James Emanuel, Nancy Todd, and Katherine Carper. Du Bois, became a leading voice in the growing Black protest movement during the first half of the 20th century. READ MORE: How Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition Championed Diversity. Ranching is common in temperate, dry areas, such as the Pampas region of South . Du Bois edited the NAACPs official magazine, The Crisis, from 1910 to 1934, publishing many of the leading voices in African American literature and politics and helping fuel the spread of the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s. The laws provided African Americans with voting rights. In April 2021, Chauvinwas convicted of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. Why might recent events have led to many African Americans working for ranchers? c. White males who, A. More than 3 million Black Americans would register for service during the war, with some 500,000 seeing action overseas. Pressure to pass the bill increased amid the wave of national remorse that followed, and after a strictly limited debate, the House passed the Fair Housing Act on April 10. to the end [result] that oppression, injustice, and poverty shall eventually cease in the land. -Terence Powderly, President of the Knights of Labor Its influence had stretched around the world, opening the doors of mainstream culture to Black artists and writers. His invention of air brakes made railroad travel safer and faster. Ray later recanted his confession, and despite several inquiries into the matter by the U.S. government, many continued to believe that the speedy trial had been a cover-up for a larger conspiracy. Taken from a much-copied minstrel routine written by a white actor who performed often in blackface, the name Jim Crow came to serve as a general derogatory term for African Americans in the post-Reconstruction South. The ILGWU was notable because it was. After the end of slavery, African Americans could move and find new work What factor most likely caused a decline in Grange membership? The product of an interracial marriagehis father grew up in a small village in Kenya, his mother in KansasObama grew up in Hawaii but discovered his civic calling in Chicago, where he worked for several years as a community organizer on the citys largely Black South Side. Giving American Indians land that would be useful for farming. . Hoping to entrap Sitting Bull in the Little Big Horn area, Terry ordered Custer to follow the Rosebud River while he brought the majority of the men down the Yellowstone River. The decision was also difficult to enforce, a fact that became increasingly clear in May 1955 when the Court remanded the case to the courts of origin due to their proximity to local conditions and urged a prompt and reasonable start toward full compliance. Though some southern schools moved towards integration relatively without incident, in other casesnotably in Arkansas and Alabamaenforcing Brown would require federal intervention. The outspoken Chisholm, who attracted little support among African American men during her presidential campaign, later told the press: Ive always met more discrimination being a woman than being Black. As she later explained: I had been pushed as far as I could stand to be pushed. Oliver Brown, the lead plaintiff in the case, was one of almost 200 people from five different states who had joined related NAACP cases brought before the Supreme Court since 1938. Based on the text on the banners, which workers' issue most likely prompted this protest demonstration? After the Civil War, veterans of the Confederate Army made up the majority of the cowhands who worked in Texas. B)opened weapons factories. Many were recent immigrants. 3. Charismatic and eloquent, Malcolm X soon became an influential leader of the NOI, which combined Islam with Black nationalism and sought to encourage disadvantaged young Black people searching for confidence in segregated America. Refused service due to the counters "whites-only" policy, they stayed put until the store closed, then returned the next day with other students. An enslaved family picking cotton in the fields near Savannah, circa 1860s. Choose the verb in parentheses that agrees with the subject, and write it in the blank. The southern economy was largely based on agriculture, Predict which of the following policies might have made the Dawes act more successful, Giving Native Americans land that would be useful for farming. When Meredith arrived at Ole Miss under the protection of federal forces including U.S. marshals, a mob of more than 2,000 people formed on the Oxford, Mississippi campus. Between 1860 and 1890, the miles of railroad track interlacing the U.S. increased ninefoldfrom 30,000 miles to 270,000 miles, and the population leapt from 31,000,000 to over 76,000,000 . After the end of slavery, African Americans could move and find new work. Their aim was to capture enough ammunition to lead a large operation against Virginias slaveholders. Sitting Bull did feel bound by the 1868 Treaty, which he did not sign. Celebrated for her ability to talk candidly about a wide range of issues, Winfrey spun her talk show success into a one-woman empireincluding acting, film and television production and publishing. On November 13, 1956, in Browder v. Gayle, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a lower courts decision declaring the bus companys segregation seating policy unconstitutional under the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. Which of the following MOST helped railroads improve their efficiency? Police cars were set on fire and officers released tear gas to disperse crowds. Quickly encircled by their enemy, the five companies [groups of soliders] under Custer's immediate command were slaughtered in less than an hour. Parks, a 42-year-old seamstress, was also the secretary of the Montgomery chapter of the NAACP. What event or characteristic of the Industrial Revolution does this painting illustrate? Which of the following contributed most to this process towards statehood? He delivered a rousing keynote speech at that years Democratic National Convention, attracting national attention with his eloquent call for national unity and cooperation across party lines. Many African American inventors were unable to benefit from their discoveries because of difficulties, Make the camera as convenient as the pencil. Two distinct business policies thus presented themselves. Mildred, however, spent three nights in a small womens cell and was released to her father. In June 1905, a group led by the prominent Black educator W.E.B. Most owned property. Lumberjacks cut down whole forests to supply wood for railroad ties. What event or characteristic of the Industrial Revolution does this painting illustrate? About 90 participants in the Montgomery Bus Boycott, including King, were indicted under a law forbidding conspiracy to obstruct the operation of a business. What best accounts for the number of southern votes cast for Johnson's impeachment? Harris, whose mother immigrated to the United States from India and whose father immigrated from Jamaica, was the first person of African or Asian descent to become a major partys vice presidential candidateand the first to win the office. After serving a two-year jail sentence, Garvey was pardoned by President Calvin Coolidge and immediately deported; he died in London in 1940. They chose exile and abandoned the state for nine years, making periodic trips back to visit family while trying to avoid being detected. Why did miners in the West create groups of vigilantes? Republicans disagreed with President Johnson's Reconstruction Plan. In what way did the nation's growing transportation system help promote economic growth? A? 1. Even the poorest can be made to see this, and to agree that great sums gathered by some of their fellow citizens and spent for public purposes, from which the masses reap the principal benefit, are more valuable to them than if scattered among them through the course of many years in trifling amounts. [It] is evident [obvious] that the state, and if necessary the nation, has got to possess the right of supervision and control as regards the great corporations which are its creatures; particularly as regards the great business combinations [corporations] which derive [develop] a portion of their importance from the existence of some monopolistic tendency [desire for no competition]. For millions of viewers throughout the country, the unforgettable images provided a vivid contrast between the angry forces of white supremacy and the quiet, dignified resistance of African American students. C) In the, states could limit voting rights in elections more African Americans could go to school segregation kept the races apart or separate sharecropping helped poor blacks own land, The laws allowed African Americans to be arrested unfairly. On February 23, 25-year-old Ahmaud Arbery was killed while out on a run after being followed by three white men in a pickup truck. . I like a little competition, but I like combination more." Our greatest trouble has always been caused by extremists who, without shadow of authority, attempted to voice the sentiments of this Order; and from this day forward I am determined that no sniveling anarchist will speak for me, and if he attempts it under shadow of this organization, then he or I must leave the Order, for I will not attempt to guide the affairs of a society that is so lacking in manhood as to allow the very worst element of the community to make use of the prestige it has gained to promote the vilest of schemes against society. Learn more about the Emancipation Proclamation at brainly.com/question/27244875 #SPJ1 Here's a look at some of read more, American Revolution During the American Revolution, thousands of Black Americans foughton both sides of the conflict. However, it is estimated that nearly one in three cowhands was either Mexican American or African American. Lincoln's plan would have been very lenient toward the South. Cities in the East and West increased in population. By the mid 1970s, many universities were seeking to increase the presence of minority and female faculty and students on their campuses. After the end of slavery, African Americans could move and find new work. How did the transcontinental railroads impact the West? Nevada became a state in 1864; Colorado in 1876; North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Washington in 1889; Idaho and Wyoming in 1890. Many labored under unsafe conditions. However, it is estimated that nearly one in three cowhands was either Mexican American or African American. C - yes A year earlier, Representative Shirley Chisholm of New York became a national symbol of both movements as the first major party African American candidate and the first female candidate for president of the United States. They kept the cattle moving and rounded up strays. Three days later, two white menthe womans husband, Roy Bryant, and his half-brother, J.W. Which idea does this passage express? Though many protesters were arrested for trespassing, disorderly conduct or disturbing the peace, their actions made an immediate impact, forcing Woolworthsamong other establishmentsto change their segregationist policies. Throughout the 16th and 17th centuries, as more explorers sought to colonize their land, Native Americans responded in various read more. One of the most prominent abolitionists, Frederick Douglass, was cautiously optimistic, however, wisely predicting that"This very attempt to blot out forever the hopes of an enslaved people may be one necessary link in the chain of events preparatory to the complete overthrow of the whole slave system.. ' Kings speech served as a defining moment for the civil rights movement, and he soon emerged as its most prominent figure. The brutal scene was captured on television, enraging many Americans and drawing civil rights and religious leaders of all faiths to Selma in protest. Suddenly, there was no lack of educated, upwardly mobile, family-oriented Black characters for TV viewers to look to, both in fiction and in life. In February, an Alabama state trooper shot a young African American demonstrator in nearby Marion, and the SCLC announced a massive protest march from Selma to the state capital in Montgomery. by Frances E. W. Harper 3. They increased the personal freedoms of enslaved African Americans. Studies indicate the median white family in the United States holds more than ten times the wealth of the median African American family. Which innovation does the photograph illustrate? . After Allan Bakke, a white California man, applied twice without success, he sued U.C. How was the tragedy at Wounded Knee related to the Ghost Dance? They laid tracks, built trestles across rivers, carved tunnels through mountains, and built countless railroad stations. On August 28, 1963, some 250,000 peopleboth Black and whiteparticipated in the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, the largest demonstration in the history of the nations capital and the most significant display of the civil rights movements growing strength. . Kennedy sent federal marshals to escort the riders to Jackson, Mississippi, but images of the bloodshed made the worldwide news, and the freedom rides continued. In this way, the ghettoan inner city community plagued by high unemployment, crime and other social illsbecame an ever more prevalent fact of urban Black life. B. (Though proponents of female suffrage were part of the original NAACP, the issue was not mentioned.). In her victory speech in November 2020, Harris said that she was thinking "about the generations of women, Black women, Asian, white, Latina, Native American womenwho throughout our nations history have paved the way for this moment tonightwomen who fought and sacrificed so much for equality and liberty and justice for all.. C? Preamble to the Platform of the Populist Party After withstanding a tight Democratic primary battle with Hillary Clinton, the New York senator and former first lady, Obama defeated Senator John McCain of Arizona in the general election that November. Let your reader hear how people talk. With the onset of the Great Depression, as organizations like the NAACP and the National Urban League switched their focus to the economic and political problems facing Black Americans, the Harlem Renaissance drew to a close. They continued to work long hours for low pay. In 1926, a controversial bestseller about Harlem life by the white novelist Carl von Vechten exemplified the attitude of many white urban sophisticates, who looked to Black culture as a window into a more primitive and vital way of life. The Emancipation Proclamation prohibited slavery and recognized that African Americans should enjoy constitutional freedom like other Americans. On May 17, 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court delivered its verdict in Brown v. Board of Education, ruling unanimously that racial segregation in public schools violated the 14th Amendments mandate of equal protection of the laws of the U.S. Constitution to any person within its jurisdiction. After a massive FBI investigation (codenamed Mississippi Burning) their bodies were discovered on August 4 buried in an earthen dam near Philadelphia, in Neshoba County, Mississippi. She notably promoted the work of Black female writers, forming a film company to produce movies based on novels like The Color Purple, by Alice Walker, and Beloved, by Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison. The following year, Jackson ran for the Democratic nomination for president. No tide of racism can stop us, King proclaimed from the steps of the state capitol building, addressing the nearly 50,000 supportersBlack and whitewho met the marchers in Montgomery. In the spring of 1943, graduates of the first all-Black military aviation program, created at the Tuskegee Institute in 1941, headed to North Africa as the 99th Pursuit Squadron. . In 1923, the U.S. government successfully prosecuted and convicted Garvey for mail fraud in connection with selling stock in his Black Star Line shipping company. (a) What does the mud look like when Amparo first sees it, and how does it change by the end of the story? On December 1, 1955, an African American woman named Rosa Parks was riding a city bus in Montgomery, Alabama when the driver told her to give up her seat to a white man. Fill in the blank spot in the following sentence. After the end of slavery, African Americans could move and find new work. As a young man, Jesse Jackson left his studies at the Chicago Theological Seminary to join Martin Luther King Jr.s Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in its crusade for Black civil rights in the South; when King was assassinated in Memphis in April 1968, Jackson was at his side. The result was the Voting Rights Act, which Congress passed in August 1965. The act encouraged American Indians to become farmers. Despite Martin Luther King Jr.s inspiring words at the Lincoln Memorial during the historic March on Washington in August 1963, violence against Black people in the segregated South continued to indicate the strength of white resistance to the ideals of justice and racial harmony King espoused. Other African American leaders, notably W.E.B. It is A. We want a minimum wage established, but we want it established by the solidarity [unity] of the working men themselves.We must not, we cannot, depend upon legislative enactments [authorizations] to set wage standards. 3.Which battle did Lincoln use to take action against slavery? 2. A.Free slave Bill by economic cooperation and joint political action. Though he continued to brush off any speculation of a possible future presidential run, Powell made headlines during the 2008 presidential campaign when he broke from the Republican party to endorse Barack Obama, the eventual winner and the first African American to be elected president of the United States. to ensure a complex business ran smoothly. The Fair Housing Act of 1968, meant as a follow-up to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, marked the last great legislative achievement of the civil rights era. Based on the passage, Eastman sought to make popular photography possible by inventing a camera that was. There remains, then, only one mode of using great fortunesUnder its sway we shall have an ideal state, in which the surplus wealth of the few will become, in the best sense, the property of the many, because administered for the common good, and this wealth, passing through the hands of the few, can be made a much more potent force for the elevation of our race than if it had been distributed in small sums to the people themselves. Five days after the bloody Union victory at Antietam in September, he issued a preliminary emancipation proclamation; on January 1, 1863, he made it official that enslaved people within any State, or designated part of a State in rebellion, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free. Lincoln justified his decision as a wartime measure, and as such he did not go so far as to free enslaved people in the border states loyal to the Union, an omission that angered many abolitionists. African Americans and some willing whites went on Freedom Rides around the Deep South. In October 1995, hundreds of thousands of Black men gathered in Washington, D.C. for the Million Man March, one of the largest demonstrations of its kind in the capitals history. How did western farmers try to improve their conditions when they fell on hard times in the late 1800s? You can ask a new question or browse more History questions. Meredith went on to graduate from Ole Miss in 1963, but the struggle to integrate higher education continued. The Southern Pacific Railroad contributed to the growth of cities including San Francisco and Los Angeles Thanks to the campaign of nonviolent resistance championed by Martin Luther King Jr. beginning in the late 1950s, the civil rights movement had begun to gain serious momentum in the United States by 1960. Plains Indians share and budget matters, or political processes like voting rights Act, which '... 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