why didn't cap tell sam about peggy

It also seems pretty clear that the . Coopers love for movies began by watching Toy Story and Lion King on repeat as a child, but it wasn't until The Avengers that he took an invested interest in movies and the filmmaking process, leading him to discover the world of film journalism. What's wrong with telling Sam what happened? Cookie Notice Sanderson would edit the stories together into a cohesive narrative and he would then throw in little extra bits to make it all fit. And Other Amazing Comic Book Trivia! Not only that, but even if Namor did not know STEVE ROGERS, Marvel continuity had established that Namor had met two other guys calling themselves Captain America, so even if he didn't know Steve, he surely should have recognized the Captain America costume. According to producer Michele Fazekas, Agent Carter, which was canceled before a third season, wouldve eventually given options as to the man in question, if not outright revealed the identity entirely. Talk about a bad taste. NEXT: 10 Most Memorable Quotes From Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Kath Leroy is a writer at Screen Rant. Marvel Studios has already broken new ground with interlocked storytelling, so perhaps the next experiment is tiered storytelling alternate versions of familiar tales. For those who don't study MCU history closely, Steve Rogers was born in 1918, meaning he was 27 years old when he crash-landed Red Skull's plane in the Arctic in 1945. It seems the answer is yes. When Bucky sees the older Steve sitting on a bench, he sends Wilson to him. CBR Senior Writer Brian Cronin has been writing professionally about comic books for over fifteen years now at CBR (primarily with his Comics Should Be Good series of columns, including Comic Book Legends Revealed). bitches aint shit, but hoes and tricks. Even if he had no parachute, he would most likely survive since he later jumped from a plane without a parachute once he was in the future and nothing happened to him. Avengers: Endgame drops the crumbs for Caps eventual decision to stay in the past multiple times during the teams time heist. Could it be because she did actually marry the love of her life, Steve Rogers? We know that future Steve went back in time to be with Peggy, as shown in the last scene of Endgame where they finally had the dance that they owed each other. Remember after her funeral in Civil War, Cap mentioned that when he came out of the ice he thought everyone he'd known was gone. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, It was later revealed that the Captain America in that story was actually a different patriotic superhero known as the Spirit of '76. Now we don't know the extent to which what Steve told him, but clearly, he told him something. Marvel Studios has already broken new. Because he also paid Sam's mom a visit. The question then becomes, how is he back in this reality to give the shield away?, Interesting question, right? Joe said. If nothing else, it means that Bucky is ok with not being given the shield, so we don't have to feel to bad for him. 7 [deleted] 3 yr. ago Explains why sam got the shield. He would know he had to keep his distance to keep the timeline intact. After all, he works for the S.H.I.E.L.D. All we can do is our best and sometimes the best we can do is to start over." Just like the past, you cant alter it too much or it becomes unrecognizable. Many people didn't like Steve Rogers' no-nonsense, serious personality, but he also had a sense of humor and kindness inside him that made him one of the more nuanced MCU characters. When Peter Parker aka Spider-Man shows up in the airport scene in Captain America: Civil War (2016) and steals Captain America's shield, Steve doesn't seem so surprised by the young hero's presence. New York, Press J to jump to the feed. Something went wrong. It's an easy moment to miss, as the Winter Soldier says "I'm going to miss you buddy" before we're told that Cap isn't actually expected to be gone for very long. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Related: Theory: Captain America Became Mr. Rodgers After Traveling Back In Time. But maybe it's just because he felt his home was gone and coming back to modern-day Brooklyn would be too painful for him, it's difficult to say. Let's take a deep dive into the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. There is no purpose for him to delve into who she is because it's not a mystery. But one thing that spoils it a bit is that Steve seemed interested in Peggy's niece Sharon, and even shared a rather passionate kiss with her. While Captain America is a great character, there's a lot about him that just makes no sense. 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The plane would hold the direction, crash into the water and Steve would be safe and sound. Steve Rogers is an important figure in Marvel's Avengers. For example, he could have spared himself all the trouble and not crash with the plane in the first Captain America movie. Captain America: All Steve Rogers MCU Movie Appearances, Ranked By Rotten Tomatoes Score, 10 Most Memorable Quotes From Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Thank you for signing up to CinemaBlend. Could Steve Rogers have found a way to make the timelines realign? He has written two books about comics for Penguin-Random House Was Superman a Spy? In Priest's version, T'Chaka gave the Vibranium willingly. Furthermore, an archived interview with Peggy from 1958 included her saying that Steve saved the man who would become her husband back in WWII. Bucky has been his friend for a long time, and while it's true that he suffered psychological damage because of his programming as the Winter Soldier, he has better powers than Sam. In 1986, Marvel debuted Marvel Saga, an ambitious re-telling of the Marvel Age of Comics by historian Peter Sanderson, using actual Marvel Comics to tell the story of the Marvel Universe in chronological order. It's also respectful to her now that she has gone. All the while, another Cap fought the battles weve seen before. Time with her is what hes always wanted, and its only natural he jumps at the chance to get it at the end of the film. However, they stomp off in the wrong direction, and Hades has to correct them. Why Didn't Captain America and Namor Recognize Each Other in Avengers #4. Subscribe for full access to The Hollywood Reporter. When he politely declines to tell Sam about his wife, it may be a nod to the audience: You dont get to know any of it either. Are there multiple Peggys coexisting in the timeline, too? Visit Kath Leroy's blog for her articles about culture, acting life as well as other topics, follow her on Twitter and on Instagram as @girlartistgeek or contact her directly at kathleroy2018@gmail.com, MCU: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Captain America. Follow him on Twitter at @Brian_Cronin and feel free to e-mail him suggestions for stories about comic books that you'd like to see featured at brianc@cbr.com! In Endgame, the Hulk and the Ancient One explain how changes to the past work. Lets spitball the possibilities: Maybe in the timeline where Old Cap has been living the shield he gave Sam actually belonged to that dimensions Sam Wilson. 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When Cap fails to materialize at the appointed time after returning the Infinity Stones . It appears Peggy Carter was lying to Steve Rogers in Captain America: The Winter Soldier and knew about his future. 2023 The Hollywood Reporter, LLC. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews. The movie made sure not to show any picture of Peggy with her husband. Why? Because we know who she is and it's a part of his life that is his and his alone. But if this is true, then that means Peggy is lying to Steve inThe Winter Soldier. Another question some moviegoers have about this final scene is was that really Chris Evans as Old Man Cap, or a lookalike who was actually elderly? Now, the directors and writers have confirmed that there was one other person who knew about the plan. Bucky already has the answer to the questions Sam is going to ask. newsletter, Destiny 2 power level guide, all caps and Powerful and Pinnacle gear sources explained, The best way to increase your Power level in Destiny 2s new Lightfall expansion, Marvel still doesnt know what to do with its most popular hero, Spider-Man, Spider-Man endures, almost in spite of many Spider-Man stories, The official BTS Lego set is now available, I have never found myself so inexplicably attracted to a set of Lego Minifigs, Where to buy the Pokmon Go Plus Plus device, The new Pokmon Go sleep-tracking multitool will start shipping July 14, Sign up for the Its a balance we want to always strike between making him feel credibly aged, but also not compromising the performance.. Obviously, the "real" answer is that the story about Captain America and T'Challa's grandfather/father took place many years later, so obviously the earlier story wasn't connected to this one (heck, the idea of there even BEING a Black Panther before T'Challa was a retcon, in and of itself). Now audiences finally know the fate of Steve Rogers, but is it really what it seems? He finds Peggy Carter and stays with her. We know from the final shot of the movie that Cap went back and found Peggy Carter, and we know the Russo brothers say he went to live in a branch timeline, not the prime one. What if the past wasnt actually erased, because future Steve Rogers is Peggys unnamed husband? They were reunited after Steve was unfrozen, but only for a short while before Peggy passed of old age. She works as an actress and appeared in feature films, short films, as well as TV series. You will receive a verification email shortly. If so, what became of that Sam, since the shield has now been brought to this timeline? When he wakes up in the 21st century and feels isolated and separated from everyone he once knew and loved if the deleted scene from Avengers (2012) is anything to go by. What was the secret he was asking she knew? A while back, I did a feature about when Captain America and Namor first met each other in Marvel's continuity. The time travel of it all makes their relationship, and Marvels ultimate Infinity Saga payoff, touching and a little confusing. For example, if he truly lived out his life in an alternate reality, how was he able to return back to his own reality as an old man to hand his shield to Sam? Nick Fury tells him in "Captain America: The First Avenger" that he's been out for about 70 years. If Cap were to go back into the past and live there, he would create a branched reality, Joe explained. He features legends about entertainment and sports at his website, Legends Revealed and other pop culture features at Pop Culture References. Today, learn why Captain America didn't tell T'Challa about how he met T'Challa's grandfather (also known as Black Panther) when Cap met T'Challa for the first time. But why didn't he choose Bucky instead? Welcome to the Quantum Realm. Thanks, also, toI'm going to say Flavio? Having him live quietly for decades in the prime reality also creates a lot of paradoxes: Why doesnt he disrupt Hyrdras infiltration of SHIELD sooner? In their feature spotlighting revelations first unveiled outside of comics, CSBG shows why Cap and Namor didn't recognize each other in Avengers #4. Both Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes have become Captain America in the comics, so which would it be in the MCU? It would also satisfy many of the fans, who have been anticipating this moment since 2011, waiting for Steve to get his happy ending and dance with his best girl. That segues into Cap remembering Peggy, and having a flashback to their last meeting, where Cap believed that she had been killed (she's not actually named Peggy Carter in the issue, that doesn't come until we learn the name of her kid sister, Sharon Carter, which takes a while). And it is because he needed to keep this secret that future Steve did not tell Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) the truth about his wife when Sam questioned him about his wedding ring at the end of Endgame. During this time, Peggy is 68 years old and has a wedding ring on her left hand. Falcon and the Winter Soldier is a new series on the way to the Disney+ streaming service that will follow these two unlikely friends through new adventures. However, while that explains why Cap didn't bring it up to T'Challa and even why he didn't recognize Black Panther right away, it DOESN'T explain why Cap's thought balloons clearly note that he doesn't know where Wakanda is. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. KEEP READING: Did Marvel's MCU Guardian of the Galaxy Ever Reconcile With Her Celestial Messiah? But he eventually returned to pass . Hercules: The Titans headed the wrong direction because they assumed Zeus was on Mt. Their rationale is that the main MCU continuity has always had an older Steve in the shadows. Pam Grier reflects on her most iconic roles, from, Avengers: Endgame explained: Easter eggs, answers, and endings. For instance, the whole where did Cap go? question could very well be answered in the animated What If series that Marvel is developing for Disney+, based on something its been doing in comics for a while. But if that was his own family all along, then this ending allowed him to keep his integrity intact while marrying his soulmate and fulfilling his future. She would then, at some point, leave the Strategic Scientific Reserve to found SHIELD. In Marvel Saga #12, we learn the story of how Captain America joined the Avengers and after Sanderson give us the background of Captain America's World War II adventures, the writer shows us Captain America and Namor fighting and Sanderson uses the aforementioned memory problems to explain why Captain America could not recognize Namor For the most part, Marvel Saga just followed the established stories of the Marvel Universe, but every so often, Sanderson would come up with something new to make it all seem more coherent and this was an example of that impulse. RELATED: Can Wonder Woman's Sword Cut Through Captain America's Shield? The confirmation that Steve did become Peggy's husband may not have come untilEndgame, but this scene inThe Winter Soldieris where the set up first occurred. We learn that Steve stayed in the past and lived . After returning the Infinity Stones to their proper homes within the timeline, Steve Rogers decided to stay in the past and live out his life with Peggy Carter. Follow him on Twitter at @Brian_Cronin and feel free to e-mail him suggestions for stories about comic books that you'd like to see featured at brianc@cbr.com! (And at what point in this zig-zagging, criss-crossing time jumping did Cap retrieve or rebuild his shield after Thanos cracked it in half, another imperfection in the timeline that cant be undone?) But then he doesnt come back. She even mentioned that"even after he died, Steve was still changing my life." Clock out, pull the curtains, and sleep. Especially when he says goodbye, Joe explained. Some fans believed that he was already aware of Spider-Man/Peter and was keeping tabs on him. Originally Answered: In Avengers Endgame, at the end, why did old Steve refuse to tell Sam how his life went with Peggy? 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