which statement is true about prescriptive theories?

4. Which statement is a characteristic of the concrete operations stage? Examples of such mistakes are trying to solve a societal problem by merely describing how relevant parts of society are arranged while lack. 3 to 6 years old 5. Although Nightingale's theory does promote a relationship between the patient and the nurse, its primary focus is to facilitate the reparative processes of the body by doing manipulations in the environment. 3. Experimental research. Descriptive theories describe phenomena. 4. Select all that apply. Watson's theory defines the outcome of nursing activity in relation to the humanistic aspects of life. "Betty Neuman's theory outlines that the external environmental factors act as stressor." Contemplation ACADEMIC TOPICS. 1. 2. History of chest pain 1. The nurse acts as an epidemiologist when he or she is involved in case finding, health teaching, and tracking incident rates of an illness. What is the duty of a nurse while caring for a client? BProsecutors have decided against demanding a harsher sentence. Domain 4 involves care that supports protection against harm. Administrator. What statements are true about prescriptive theories? Descriptive theories help to explain client assessments. Research that tests nursing theories determines how accurately a theory describes a nursing phenomenon. 4. Preparation Hospice 1. Eighteen months to 3 years of age is the anal stage. 4. "In this stage, the child learns about himself or herself and the environment through motor and reflex actions." New knowledge, innovations, and improvements are reviewed by assessing the quality improvement of the health care organization. Which example indicates that the nurse is following evidence-based practice? 4. 1. The child reacts negatively and with mild intensity to new stimuli. Risk for acute confusion Grand theory 2. legal education and writing. 2. The child reacts with mild but passive resistance to novelty. Which would the nurse categorize as phenomena of nursing? In a descriptive study, the characteristics of a person or a situation are measured. Therefore, this theory can assist the nurse in developing strategies to help the patient deal with the uncertainty of the prognosis of leukemia. Using appropriate self-disclosure and confrontation. 2. 3 to 6 years old It is the first level in theory development and describes a phenomenon. 3. Proficient The nurse educator works primarily in schools of nursing, staff development departments of health care agencies, and client education programs. 1. Which interview technique is the nurse using when asking a client to score the pain on a scale from 0 to 10? 2. Which interventions by the nurse help to make a successful referral process? Evaluation research tests how well a program, practice, or policy is working. Research The nurse may suggest this program in case of disabilities, but Medicare is the preferred choice. A) descriptive and universal B) prescriptive and universal C) descriptive and situational D) prescriptive and situational B) prescriptive and universal 10) A theory that emphasizes leader traits and skills as determinants of leadership behavior is best categorized at what level? A moral claim is a type of claim that expresses a moral judgment or evaluation about what is right or wrong, good or bad, just or unjust. The nurse encourages the hospitalized client's family to bring home-cooked food. Abstract Chapter 9 introduces the descriptive theory, on which a truth predicate of a natural language is assessment-sensitive, which means that it has the same content in every context of utterance, but its extension (i.e., the set of things that are true) depends on a context of assessment. 5. Clinical experience 4. These factors may support or interfere with the client's self-care abilities, but they do not refer to the family's health. It is a combination of pieces of reality. It is an individual piece of reality. Definitions Which theory could help the nurse in developing the strategies? 3 Explain the need for referral to the client and family. 4. B) They describe aspects of leadership that apply to some situations but not to others. 4. 1. 3. The nurse at this level of critical thinking takes full responsibility for every action in which he or she engages. The third level of critical thinking is commitment. Find it for cosx, sinx, cos2x, sin2x, cosx, sinx, cos2x, sin2x. The ability of the family to meet their basic needs Which step in the nursing process would involve promoting a safe environment for the client? 2. History of shortness of breath What type of research explores the interrelationship among variables of interest without any active intervention by a researcher? In this case, subjects are given chlorhexidine and betadine to test their efficacy in reducing infection. "A case manager applies a critical thinking approach to ensure appropriate, individualized nursing care for specific clients and their families. 4. As an advocate, the nurse protects the human and legal rights of the client. Betty Neuman's theory is based on stress and the client's reaction to the stressor. Manager 4. Grand theories provide the structural framework for broad, abstract ideas about nursing. 5. 5. An ideal Rankine steam cycle modified with two closed feedwater heaters is shown below. 4. Knowledge of standards of practice Nurse researcher 2. The client has reached the Identity versus Role Confusion stage. 3. Evaluation research is an initial study that refines a hypothesis, such as testing a new exercise in older dementia clients. 2. For our purposes we shall augment the usual dichotomy that distinguishes between the normative and descriptive sides (the "ought" and the "is") of decision making, by adding a third component: the prescriptive side. Domain 2 of the nursing intervention phase includes electrolyte and acid-base management. Which statement about Henderson's theory of nursing care is correct? 3. Data: The backing for the claim. 2. 1. Leininger's theory is based on providing care consistent with emerging science and knowledge, with caring as the central focus. 2. Such questions are related to the client's health history and can strengthen the nurse-client relationship. 2. 1. Research helps in testing a theory before it is implemented. Swanson's theory of caring was developed by Kristin Swanson by conducting extensive interviews with clients and their professional caregivers. Orem's theory explains the factors within a client's living situation. Enabling includes informing/explaining/supporting/allowing, focusing, generating alternatives, validating, and giving feedback. Select all that apply. It formulates legislation. Prescriptive grammar refers to the rigid rules and regulations of grammar. In experimental research, the investigator gives variables randomly to the subjects. Hospice Prescriptive theories are action-oriented. The school book approach to a language is purely prescriptive in nature. The goal of school health nursing programs is health promotion through a school curriculum. Prescriptive theories do not predict the consequences. It tries to teach you how you should speak and write the language. The nurse assumes the role of educator when explaining to the client the need for an intravenous infusion. Orem's self-care deficit theory focuses on the client's self-care needs. Predictive theories Prescriptivism is the attitude or belief that one variety of a language is superior to others and should be promoted as such. 4. Critical access hospital, A nurse is interviewing a client. 1. Environment Theory-based nursing practice does reflect nursing outcomes. For. Correlational research measures the characteristics of people, situations, or groups and the frequency with which certain events or characteristics occur. The goal of Peplau's theory is to develop a positive interaction between the nurse and the client. 4. Explain the need for referral to the client and family. One theory will guide nursing practice. Prescriptive theories address nursing interventions for a phenomenon. The nurse acts as an educator by establishing relationships with community service organizations. 4. 3. 2. Despite this, the traditional historiography of the expansion of the international system in orthodox international relations theory has been the expansion of norms from the Western states to the rest of the world. The patient is a businessman who is worried about getting back to work. Practice theories are situation-specific and guide nursing care, but they do not answer the broad question of what nursing is. Closed-ended questioning It aids in the design of nursing interventions. The nurse researcher investigates problems to improve nursing care. He is weak, and his breathing is labored. What is the main focus of community health nursing? 3. A nurse is counseling a group of parents about their responsibilities with regard to children. 2. According to Sigmund Freud's developmental theory, 3 to 6 years of age is considered the phallic stage. 3. Descriptive research explores the interrelationships among variables of interest without any active intervention. 3. It explains the types of nursing care. However, modern linguists insist that value judgments about language should be . As a science, what does nursing rely on? 2. 3. Parents should not try to maintain a nuclear family. What is true about a prescriptive theory? 2. Quality improvement It is a generalization of neighborhood semantics familiar from modal logic. A paradigm is a pattern of thought that is useful in describing the domain of a discipline. 3. Which of these stages of health behavior will the nurse suspect? Prescriptive theories. A second type of statement, such as Noah's, is normative. Disease management is one of the many programs of community health centers. Henderson's concept of the environment includes the suggestion that nurses do not need to know all about the disease process differentiated nursing from medicine. in neuromyth survey statements (in an all-or-none, true/false 3. Select all that apply. The nature of a statement that prescribes how things ought to be. Regardless of which particular nursing theory is selected, the nurse must use knowledge from nursing and related sciences, experience, and standards of practice when providing care. 3. 2. Which domain of the nursing intervention phase includes electrolyte and acid-base management? The nurse is a caregiver when helping the client maintain and regain health, manage disease symptoms, and achieve a maximum level of functioning. 3. 2. ", What is the primary focus of nursing care in the "family as context" approach? 5. Authority Prescriptive analytics is the process of using data to determine an optimal course of action. 3. The beliefs that praxiology follows naturally from prescriptive theories and that prescriptive theories are naturally the goal of nursing science are both naive and dangerous. A hospice is a system of family-centered care that allows clients to live and remain at home with comfort, independence, and dignity while easing the pain of terminal illness. 4. Historical studies are designed to establish facts and relationships concerning past events. The Roy adaptation model views the environment as an adaptive system. Health promotion Knowledge of nursing science Grand theories do not provide guidance for specific nursing interventions. 4. Blood pressure of 190/100 mm Hg The nursing student is studying Neuman's system model of nursing. In this theory, the goal is to help the patient perform self-care and manage his or her own health problems. If it's raining, then the streets are wet. Prescriptive theories are action-oriented, The Magnet Recognition Program for health care organizations is based on fourteen forces of magnetism related to five magnet model components. 3. Betty Neuman's theory is based on anthropology. 1. Asking a client to score pain on a scale of 0 to 10 is a type of closed-ended question. According to this theory, what should be the goal of the nursing interventions? 2. Descriptive philosophy looks There is no possible way for that statement to be factually accurate, yet it is grammatically correct. 1. Nurses, physicians, health, and patient needs 4. The occupational health nurse may conduct an environmental surveillance for health promotion and accident prevention in the work setting. 5. 4. According to Watson's theory, the goal of nursing is to promote health, restore the client to health, and prevent illness. Arrange for a chaplain. Input is any information or data obtained after assessing the patient's health. It addresses specific phenomena and reflects practice. 1. An interaction between the nurse and patient must develop. The nurse is caring for a client who requires an intravenous infusion. Mishel's theory on uncertainty focuses on dealing with uncertainty in disease processes such as cancers. Manager According to Benner and Wrubel, the goal of nursing is to focus on a client's need for caring as a means of coping with stressors of illness. 5. Roy's adaptation model is an example of a grand theory and is based on the physiological, psychological, sociological, and dependence-independence adaptive modes. Record your answer using a whole number. This theory includes four periods that are related to age and demonstrates specific categories of knowing and understanding. 2. Also called normative grammar and prescriptivism . 3. 1. . All the elements interact with one another with the patient being central.`. Research is not done in nursing. Fall prevention measures employed for the client Contemplation All moral statements are normative statements. "In this stage, the child learns that he or she is separate from his or her parents or favorite toy." 3. Benner and Wrubel. Quality of care As positive economics describe economic programs, situations, and conditions as they exist, normative economics aims to prescribe solutions. 1. The domain is the perspective of a profession. 1. A hospital needs to hire a nursing staff for the intensive care of cancer clients. Expert. (b)(b)(b) Find the fraction of mass, zzz, that is extracted for the closed feedwater heater operating at the 245kPa245 \mathrm{~kPa}245kPa extraction pressure. Answer: B. Prescriptive theories guide nursing research to develop and test specific nursing interventions. Knowledge of related sciences Cookie statement . Prescriptive theories are the first level of theory development. What is the role of the nurse in this situation? 4. Thus, the hypothesis is true, but it may not be true 100% of the time. Content is the product and information obtained from the system. Which of these refers to the accountability element of the decision making process? Which statement is applicable to Watson's theory of transpersonal caring? Central purpose philosophy underlies purpose and purpose reflects philosophy. As Figure 1 shows, after 50 years, the achievement gap between white and black students has barely narrowed. To develop interaction between the nurse and patient As we'll see, linguistics can certainly be used prescriptively, and often is. Grand theories include Mishel's theory of uncertainty in illness. The given scenario relates to the third level that includes love and belonging needs. 2. 3. "The fourth level contains love and belonging needs, including friendship, social relationships, and sexual love." Aprescriptive. 3. True b. Which stage should the nurse expect the client to have reached, according to Erikson's theory of psychosocial development? The book avoids jargon or excessive use of technical terminology. 2. 3 to 6 years old Evaluation research Nightingale's theory is based on facilitating the body's reparative processes by manipulating the client's environment. Domain 1 Prescriptive theories detail nursing interventions for a specific phenomenon and the expected outcome of the care. Which theorist suggested that the goal of nursing is to use communication to help clients reestablish a positive adaptations to their environments? Systems theories What are the phases of Peplau's theory? Select all that apply. The given scenario relates to the third level that includes love and belonging needs. 1 : serving to prescribe prescriptive rules of usage 2 : acquired by, founded on, or determined by prescription or by long-standing custom prescriptively adverb Synonyms classical conventional customary traditional See all Synonyms & Antonyms in Thesaurus Example Sentences ", A client is in a state of ambivalence. True b. A key difference between positive and normative statements is how we judge their validity. Domain 2 of the Nursing Interventions Classification taxonomy includes care that supports homeostatic regulation. Which of these statements is an example of an open-ended question? It summarizes historical data in reports. Descriptive research It reflects the domain of nursing practice. The client has reached the Generativity versus Self-Absorption and Stagnation stage. Correlation research. Advocate A nurse is recalling Piaget's theory of cognitive development. "The final level is the need for self-actualization, which includes the ability to solve problems and cope realistically with situations of life. The need for nursing care occurs when the client cannot adapt to internal and external environmental demands. Problem-solving approach. Domain 2, or the physiologic complex, includes care that supports homeostatic regulation. Phenomenon 4. Parents should punish children harshly to discipline them. 1. Analyzing the results 4. Individual characteristics and experience, 3. Swanson's theory of caring provides a basis to help nurses understand how clients cope with uncertainty and the illness response. That is, a claim (or in the terminology of "A Short Lesson for Arguments and Logic", a statement ) is true if and only if it's the idea expressed really is the case . 2. These five concepts are physiologic, psychologic, sociocultural, developmental, and spiritual. Select a suitable rehabilitation center for the client. As an art, nursing relies on knowledge gained from practice and reflection on past experiences. Answer (1 of 5): Descriptive ethics describes what moral beliefs exist. Operations Management. 4. 2. 1. Contemplation 1. 1. Nursing These types of questions specify the cause of the problem or the client's experience of the illness. A senior nurse is explaining the importance of nursing theory to a group of nursing students. Using appropriate self-disclosure and confrontation This theory mainly focuses on the nurse developing a therapeutic relationship with the patient to help promote health and prevent sickness. 4. 2. 2. The best hypotheses are simple. In this model, the client can be an individual, group, family, or community. The nurse empowers the client with information required to make important health care decisions. 2. a. 1. Nurse educator Orem's self-care deficit theory focuses on the client's self-care needs. Which theory emphasizes the facilitation of the body's reparative processes by manipulating the client's environment? 2. 4. p. 41 As an art, nursing relies on knowledge gained from practice and reflection on past experiences. The nurse finds that an elderly patient is underweight, malnourished, and cachexic. "This theory focuses on the interpersonal relationship that is influenced by only the nurse's perceptions. PCO and MCO members need to pay from his or her own pocket in order to afford these facilities. Operations Management questions and answers. A registered nurse is teaching a nursing student about Piaget's theory of cognitive development. 4. Preferred care organization. Which statement regarding Roy's theory of nursing needs correction? Which step listed by the nursing student needs correction according to Havinghurst theory? This theory includes four periods that are related to age and demonstrates specific categories of knowing and understanding. What does this demonstrate? Medicare The feedwater heater exit states for the boiler feedwater and the condensed steam are the normally assumed ideal states. Mishel's theory Prescriptive [curriculum] definitions provide us with what "ought" to happen, and . How will a nurse researcher categorize this research? Nursing Extended care facilities. Psychological 2. A paradigm is a pattern of thoughts that describes the domain of a particular discipline such as nursing. 2. Watson's theory is the first theory to include the concept of caring. The above statement is True or False, justify your answer. Normative statements are prescriptive. Teamwork and coordination among health care personnel, 2. According to Erikson's theory, at which age would a child develop self-control and independence? ", Which of these measures does a nurse take during the working phase of a helping relationship? Telemedicine Medicare What are the links of the meta-paradigm of nursing? Neuman's theory Arrange the substances with polar covalent bonds in order of increasing bond polarity: Prescriptive theories. 1. wex definitions. An easy child is regular and predictable in his or her habits. Correlation research 1. 1. A nursing student notes the characteristics of middle-range theories. Disease management The nurse will determine which demands are causing problems for the patient. During the maintenance stage, changes need to be implemented in the client's lifestyle. 1. Which statements apply to Roy's theory when establishing patient adaptations? A descriptive theory is the first level of theory development and describes the phenomena under study. Which statement defines "information" gathered by the nurse? 2. The theory focuses on the patient's self-care needs. MI theory implies only two non-prescriptive teaching practices: "individualizing" and . How many levels of critical thinking exist for nursing judgment? Evidence-based practice focuses on the implementation of evidence already known into practice. There is almost always a prescriptive element in any real-world ethical statement: any ethical statement can be reworked (with a bit of effort) into a statement with an 'ought' in it. Which step in the research process is similar to the assessment step of the nursing process? Definitions Six to 12 years of age is the latent stage. 2. Watson's theory defines the outcome of nursing activity in relation to the humanistic aspects of life. 3. 3. Backing: Support for the warrant. Research (b) a field that applies economic theory and the tools of decision science. Watson's theory is based on stress and the client's reaction to the stressor. It identifies possible outcomes in the future. The child reacts with mild but passive resistance to novelty. Which instructions will the nurse give? 2. Preschool Which statement by the student indicates the need for further education? (c) a field that combines economic theory and mathematics. "It is a very intense, usually week-long, event." It is a study that measures characteristics of situations, or groups, and the frequency with which certain events or characteristics occur. The nurse should determine the client's care preferences. 4. Educator 1. 1. These types of statements can either be true or untrue. Watson's theory focuses on providing the client with culturally specific nursing care. 1. Safety The half-life of 92238U_{92}^{238} \mathrm{U}92238U is 4.5 109\times 10^{9}109 yr. A pursuit spacecraft from the planet Tatooine is attempting to catch up with a Trade Federation cruiser. A discipline constitutes a major portion of the knowledge of a theory. 5 Henderson's theory is based on stress and the client's reaction to the stressor. A patient who is in the terminal stages of cancer has moderate pain and severe dyspnea. What is the difference between evidence-based practice and quality improvement? Descriptive theories describe, relate, and in some situations predict, nursing phenomena. 2. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which level of need does the given scenario refer? The nurse manager is responsible for the budget of a specific nursing unit or agency. 4. 2. Research is useful to test a theory before it is implemented. 2. Interdisciplinary relationships 1. Physiological Correlational research tests how well a program, practice, or policy is working. A moral argument is an argument that includes at least one moral statement. The nurse documents client care in an electronic health record. ", 2. 4. Caregiver It is a study designed to develop a hypothesis about the relationships among phenomena. ", 1. Swanson's theory of caring defines five components of caring: knowing, being with, doing for, enabling, and maintaining belief. (b) P4\mathrm{P}_4P4 We do this because much of our concern in this paper addresses the question: "How can real people - as opposed to imaginary, idealized, super-rational people without . False If an argument is valid, then if the premises are true, the conclusion must be true. To promote health, restore the client to health, and prevent illness. Reimbursement Air, water, and nutrition Middle-range theories tend to focus on a specific field of nursing. 1. to provide prescriptive approaches to decision making based on our understanding of human cognitive processes 2. to learn that most medical decisions are made under uncertainty 3. to learn that there is unevitable error associated with every decision 4. to learn how to make decisions Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Match Peplau's theory Developmental theories Prescriptive theories are action-oriented The fundamental period is the smallest positive period. The health and development of an individual A nursing theory helps to identify the focus, means, and goals of practice. It provides a systematic process for designing nursing interventions. The nurse as a manager oversees the budget of a specific nursing unit or agency and is also responsible for coordinating the activities of the staff providing nursing care. 2. Informatics 1. Administer oxygen. C) They can simultaneously be descriptive and prescriptive. 3. Henderson's theory comprises 14 basic needs of the whole person and includes phenomena from the following domains of the client: physiological, psychological, sociocultural, spiritual, and developmental. The given scenario relates to the second level that includes safety and security needs. A nurse reviews a client's record to learn the nature of an illness and the client's response to it. Grand theories include Mishel's theory of uncertainty in illness. King "In this stage, the child develops a schema or action pattern for dealing with his or her environment." 1. To improve the quality of health in a population. Assumptions Egocentrism Phenomenon 4. Prescriptive philosophy is the kind of philosophy that looks to explain how the world is. Evidence-based practice is a part of a regular clinical practice. "Do you think the medication is helping you? 4. Which point mentioned by the nursing student needs correction? 1. (d) SO2\mathrm{SO}_2SO2 Peplau's theory Rehabilitation Corrections 1. 2. Implementation Economical No single study tests all components of a theory. It addresses specific phenomena and reflects practice. A 70-year-old client needs to undergo heart surgery but cannot afford it. Prioritizing the client's problems and identifying his or her goals, 3. Medicaid The primary health care provider has referred the client for rehabilitative care. Pathological "This theory includes three phases that characterize the interpersonal relationship." 1. 3. 2. Which statement about Orem's theory needs to be corrected? In correlational research, the investigator controls the study variable and randomly assigns subjects to different conditions to test the variable. The process of being with includes being there, conveying ability, sharing feelings, and not burdening. 2. 2. It is linked to outcomes (consequences of specific nursing interventions). A person who dictates how people should write or speak is called a . Medicaid is a state-operated program that provides long-term care to low-income families and disabled older clients. A child says, "My doll is tired after playing for a long time, and she is resting now." 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