what happened to raiden after metal gear rising

Even the placement of the people at the Big Shell were completely thought out by the Patriots. His training with Solidus suggested some emphasis in melee combat, and particularly in bladed weapons, as demonstrated by his defeat of Solidus in a sword fight during the Big Shell Incident. Main Article. Whilst playing as this character, Raiden's actions are limited. At the end of Metal Gear Rising, Raiden is a public criminal after having fought through Denver's police department and much of World Marshall's forces. Said episode later aired as part of the Konami Pre-E3 show. The mission grew complicated in spite of his claims of having reviewed the mission details, due to the three mafiosos having undergone cybernetic upgrades, with Kevin being the main reason he got through the mission. Consumes Electrobytes stored inside enemies. His first missions for Maverick had him working with Kevin Washington, where they were hired by the Carabinieri to track down three Albanian mafiosos that fled Italy for Montenegro, with orders to retrieve them. After making his way through a Japanese Garden-styled room, he then proceeded to take a freight elevator to the top, although he had to fight several Desperado cyborgs and UGs before reaching the top. During the attack on Outer Haven, he also appeared amidst several lightning strikes that killed several FROGS. [39], In addition, the very first concept for Raiden designed by Yoji Shinkawa was similar to the Marvel Comics superhero Spider-Man, crawling across walls, and was significantly deranged in personality, even licking bird poop. Raiden shared some similarities with his Cyborg Ninja predecessor, Gray Fox; both had been child soldiers who were given nicknames (and to a lesser extent, formal names) due to their brutality, underwent cybernetic experimentation by the Patriots, had their memories suppressed, used technologically advanced blades, and they both saved Solid Snake from a Metal Gear (Fox with Metal Gear REX, and Raiden with Outer Haven). Under the guidance of Doktor, Raiden honed his new body's blade, developed various attacks against cyborgs, became skilled in tracking, and acquired an enhanced running capability. Armstrong believed that America had rotted to the core, so he intended to remake America so the citizens will all fight, die, and kill for whatever they individually believed in. Tribute to Metal Gear character Raiden. According to Shinkawa in the featurette The Making of Metal Gear Solid 2, the primary reason why Raiden is designed as a bishonen (a "pretty boy") is because a fan letter stated that the addresser in question did not want to "play a story with an old man." He then explained to Boris regarding his actions that he doesn't want more "Jack the Rippers" throughout the world, hence why he has to do what he was doing. Raiden then jumped up towards the helicopter hovering overhead, which Snake and Naomi had earlier boarded, and after being helped inside, was transported away from the area by its pilot, Otacon. Snake told Raiden to go on ahead, with Fortune claiming that Snake was the root of all her misery. The only downside was that, as he did not possess nanomachines at all, he was incapable of performing an SOP link. Because of his first cyborg ninja conversion, he also bore several scars near his mouth, giving his mouth an appearance similar to that of a Glasgow grin both in his human cyborg form and in his second cyborg ninja body. Likewise, the reasons for his creation, as well as the fan controversy that ensued, were also given subtle references in the game via two radio conversations, both involving the character Major Zero. Before he can question this Ames suddenly dies of an apparent heart attack. Pressing on, Raiden made his way to rendezvous with Snake, and was eventually contacted by Rose. They needed time, but they didn't have any. Jack was born on a rainy day in Liberia. to which Snake retorts that the disguise "should make [Naked Snake] more popular." Raiden studied scouting techniques under a Native American shaman living in Alaska, and learned to hunt. As such he can't regenerate his health via zan-datsu, but he still can heal by getting health pickups like how the player does in Metal Gear Solid 4. The decision to move the time period was met with a large degree of controversy, as several fans felt that it cheapened the ending of Metal Gear Solid 4, in particular Raiden's final scene. As Solidus ordered the remaining RAYs to kill Raiden, the virus uploaded into GW went into effect, disabling the RAYs. In 2018, Raiden became a member of Maverick Security Consulting, Inc., doing multiple tasks while raising money for his family. In addition, the localization of the game also resulted in several fans critiquing Raiden for his high-pitched voice, which was described as "whiny." As a direct result of the disastrous events in Africa, Raiden had become somewhat bloodthirsty, yet harboring a strong desire for justice. [53] In addition, a Kojima Productions staff member, when addressing a question frequently asked about the scene at the end of the E3 trailer, stated that the scene with Raiden in an alternate armor actually took place very early in the game, and that the armor in question was actually a wearable version of his Metal Gear Solid 4 armor, having gained a more normal cybernetic body by the end of Metal Gear Solid 4. Raiden enters defensive position after being ambushed by the IM prototype LQ-84I/K-9000. Eventually, without Solidus' knowledge, he was later removed by a non-governmental organization and taken to the United States. Sam is entirely sure of his cause. The negative reception towards Raiden and Rose was also alluded to regarding Raiden and Rose's VR avatars in the same story line, in the scene where Solidus is forced to summon their avatars, where it was stated their misdeeds earned them "the combined hate of the entire universe" as well as the ability to "destroy a world" simply by there mere presence, and thus they were infamous in countless universes.[45]. Raiden is conflicted through most of MGR, he's hurting, and he's fighting against himself. He also could grip, hold, and even throw objects with inhuman ease and precision in his mouth. Kojima, regarding the release trailer on February 19, initially intended to use voice clips for Raiden from Metal Gear Solid 2, although he decided against it, as he didn't want to inflict killjoy on the trailer. During his battle with Stephen Armstrong, the senator called Raiden "Saucy Jack," which was the pen-name supposedly used by the original Jack the Ripper to London police at Scotland Yard after committing his second murder and onward. He later stumbled upon a blood cryogenics chamber, and deduced with Doktor that this was what allowed them to preserve the brains for transport, and presumably the rest of the bodies that weren't needed. In stark contrast to Raiden's lack of CQC skills in the 2005 Director's Trailer for MGS4 included on Subsistence, he is shown in this game to have an S2 rank in CQC, the highest rank. When running into enemies, they will be temporarily knocked down, allowing for easy takedowns. Afterwards, when Andrey Dolzaev called Mistral upon her death, Raiden picked up the radio and told him to surrender. Backed to a wall and at the enemy's mercy, Raiden was saved at the last moment by the successful virus upload, the AI's destruction disabling his opponents' internal nanomachines and incapacitating them. He then learned that they were subjecting the children to VR training because the real thing wasn't getting the results they needed, and also learned that there was an event that would happen that would render Raiden's efforts naught even if he saved all the children in three hours that Mach 2 would have him stop it in time, and would have reignited 9-11 style warfare. After hijacking the drone by impaling his sword in its brain, he told Doktor to turn the chopper around (as it was being tailed by the other drone), which he then did, with Raiden then proceeding to cut down the other drone just as it was passing by him via his sword. Raiden was confirmed to make a reappearance in Metal Gear Solid 4 during its development. Raiden and Snake, with RAY in the background. In these games, Yoshimitsu is able to crouch on his sword, and like Raiden, he is a cybernetic ninja due to having a mechanical arm that rapidly rotates for his Dragonfly Stance. He did a similar pose in Metal Gear Solid 4 itself during Act 2, shortly after defeating several Gekko. Lightning Bolt," in reference to his original code name. "Ivan," the first name of Raikov, is the Russian equivalent of "John," for which "Jack" is often used as a nickname in English. The twist that Raiden was not Snake was admitted by Kojima to have been inspired by the plot twist of Terminator 2: Judgment Day where the titular character played by Arnold Schwarzenegger was not a villain in that movie.[41]. This, alongside Maverick's previous cybernetic maintenance person going into hiding, resulted in him being performed on by a German cyberneticist nicknamed "Doktor" (which was also the latter's first time doing a full-body conversion). His eye after his upgrade in 2018 occasionally turned crimson when being deployed or when about to undergo a deadly maneuver, a side effect of his eye being modified with an optical implant. Afterwards, Raiden and Sam decided to have a duel to the death, largely to see whose view will be remembered in history. The story for the game, when it was titled Metal Gear Solid: Rising, was originally going to cover the events that occur between Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4, and would have focused on how Raiden became the character he is during the Guns of the Patriots Incident. He began drinking heavily, getting into fights and eventually decided to leave her. By the time of the Guns of the Patriots Incident, Raiden had changed considerably; the trauma of his break-up with Rose and the "miscarriage" of their unborn son, combined with rigorous training and his torture at the hands of the Patriots, changed Raiden from an inexperienced rookie to a cold and virtually emotionless soldier, who seemingly doesn't care about his own life; for instance, in his fight with Vamp in South America, he freely admitted to Vamp that he didn't fear death. ), real name Jack, also known as Jack the Ripper, White Devil, and Snake, was a Liberian-American mercenary and former special forces soldier. After eliminating it, he then used the catwalks to evade being spotted by the Mastiffs. Doktor was forced to leave him due to cyborgs shooting anti-air rockets at the chopper, but he honored Raiden's sacrifice. Raiden had a few cards depicting his original Metal Gear Solid 2 appearance, his HD artwork for the same game, his Metal Gear Solid 4 appearance, and his various appearances in Metal Gear Rising. Raiden's vengeful obsession with Desperado became personal when he discovered during a mission in Mexico that Desperado and World Marshal Inc. had kidnapped several children, surgically removed their brains to place into cybernetic bodies, and were planning to subject them to VR training modeled after his own. Raiden then reengaged Armstrong, gradually overpowering him. The baby's existence was threatened towards the end of the incident, when the . Due to his harsh childhood, training from Solidus and the Army's virtual training, his mental state and capacity were well suited to combat operations behind enemy lines. This event was again placed by the Patriots to mimick Shadow Moses where Solid Snake fought Liquid Snake in a helicopter. Informing Boris of this development, he was then instructed to find a landing zone, as they were sending a chopper to extract him from the area. After locating Solidus within the gap between parallel universes and learning of Solidus's plan to ensure that he and his alternate selves survive their fated defeats via interfering with the Koppelthorn Engine, he uses his abilities via the Koppelthorne Engine to seal Solid Snake into the body of a "young, blond man" and experience various surreal realities (alluding to Raiden as well as acting as a subtle nod towards Raiden replacing Snake as the main protagonist in the main story). On the upside, the eye-patch's cloth was covered in small cameras, to provide enhanced visual perception. Raiden's business suit from the prologue was also implied in one of his cards in Metal Gear Solid: Social Ops to be an unlockable skin, similar to Snake's suit in Metal Gear Solid 4. It can be assumed that the developers chose not to model the character in such detail given that the player would not notice this feature under normal circumstances. After tracking the Desperado leader, Raiden confronted Sundowner, the Prime Minister, as well as Sam down to a train, Raiden was forced to watch Sundowner kill N'mani. A Ames goes on to reveal that the aim of the terrorists is not the destruction of the Big Shell, but the ultimate aim of the terrorists is to detonate a nuclear bomb over Manhattan, thus liberating it from the influence of the Patriots because of an electromagnetic pulse that will knock out all communications. Zachary. Raiden went on to battle several mass-produced Metal Gear RAY units. He is a Liberian-American special forces . Just as Raiden was about to be killed, Olga came to his aid. Because of the length of the hair, Emma once speculated that the hair was actually a wig and that it was a badly done wig. Due to his cyborg body's design, he could sometimes generate electricity. He later made his way, with his emotional state being volatile, to the immediate premises of World Marshal HQ, but was beaten down just outside of the front door, with Sam and Monsoon greeting him and informing him about it being peoples' natures to kill and be violent. Afterwards, he was deployed to Sukhumi, the capital of Abkhazia, on an MQ-133C flying wing on loan to Maverick, where he was then launched when nearing insertion by a rocket platform, in order to quell a military coup that resulted in the Abkhazian president and most of his cabinet being killed. He then killed Sundowner after having a Slider crash into his Hammerhead late into the duel. Raiden (? It was Raiden's job, along with Solid Snake - to freeze these bombs and eventually confont Fatman, who Raiden killed atop one of the struts of the Big Shell. In an interview with 1UP, called Saving Private Raiden, Kojima elaborated that he's not a playable character, and also stated that it was the actual Raiden and not someone who looks like Raiden. Raiden and Blade Wolf then proceeded to leave for Solis. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is the second game in which Raiden is the primary player character, although this time the player takes control of Raiden in his Cyborg Ninja appearance. Their ultimate aim was to control the events surrounding Big Shell in such a way that their AI's could assume control of the populace, thus bringing about the War Economy and the state of the world during Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. However, Raiden is not a playable character in Metal Gear Solid 4. Social Ops Black Raiden bonus giveaway advert for Edion Corporation. He also supplied Blade Wolf with Sam's sword, at the unmanned gear's request. Of the canonical main characters, Raiden is the only one who does not have any significant interaction with Revolver Ocelot, as Solid Snake and Ocelot had a massive rivalry for most of their games, Naked Snake and Ocelot were friendly rivals, and Ocelot served under Venom Snake. He is not able to use his acrobatic kick from Metal Gear Solid 2, due to most of the character models (exempting Cunningham) reusing Naked Snake's unarmed combat stances, and instead is able only to ram at opponents like any other soldier, and like the Arsenal Tengu, he is equipped with a blade so he only has three free item slots, but an advantage in comparison to the Tengu ops is that Raiden perform unending combos with his blade which gives him the chance not to get discovered while slashing enemies. Raiden, hesitant at first, left Snake to face her alone. Upon discovering the truth about Rose's "marriage" to Campbell, Raiden seemed to regain some of his old self. 200 She was ordered to keep eyes on a U.S. soldier named Jack by developing a romance with him, reinventing herself to suit his . Jack and other surviving members of the Small Boy Unit then underwent extensive amounts of counseling before becoming at least outwardly stable. He also decided to have Doktor arrive with a transport chopper when he was inside the World Marshal headquarters building so they could carry out all of the cyborg heads. As a cyborg, he also had elevated pieces on his feet, near his heel portion. Likewise, the "Eye" trailer[19] mentioned that the damage to Raiden's left eye was irreparable due to the optical nerve being completely destroyed, resulting in it having to be removed. A. The original brown-eyed render of Raiden from E3 2009. Rosemary is the wife of Raiden as well as a psychological counselor, and formerly a data analyst and spy. He had eventually left the Force XXI group by January 20, 2007.[9]. Raiden (, Raiden? After successfully escaping, Raiden went on to assist Solid Snake during the Guns of the Patriots Incident. This eventually culminated in Rose entering his room without his permission, which was devoid of any personal objects save for a bed and a desk. He also was requested by Doktor to retrieve the left hands of any cyborgs that he defeated, largely due to the valuable data stored on their arms, in exchange for both the surgery and any future upgrades. Raiden (Japanese; ), real name Jack, is one of the three main protagonists of the Metal Gear series (alongside Big Boss and Solid Snake), appearing as the main protagonist of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, a major supporting character in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, and the main protagonist of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Olga, under the guise of Deepthroat, told Raiden of the location of the hostages. The final color model was unveiled on the Metal Gear Solid Facebook page at 5:58 PM on August 9, 2012. Blade Wolf then explained to Raiden that people are different. His strength, although greatly benefiting him, can also get him into big trouble, a notable instance of this was when he arrived at Solis, where he accidentally (and unknowingly) wrecked the front gate's electronic lock. He was also willing to break the law if he knew it was morally right to do so, as evidenced by his decision and motives to conduct a corporate raid on World Marshal's headquarters in Denver, Colorado. He can run at speeds faster than sound, and can swing his sword faster than the human eye can see, such as when he toppled several storage containers while protecting N'mani. Snake is young again and it's time for mgs 6. Kevin would later reference this mission when Raiden ended up going to Abkhazia nearly three to four years later, when Raiden mentioned going through the materials. Equipment Raiden's use of the outfit, identified as a Mariachi outfit, was later explained in the MGRR Mastiff boot camp trailer at Santa Monica, where it was stated that Raiden bought the outfit in a mistaken impression that it would help him blend in with the populace while undergoing his mission into Mexico. He was calm under pressure, adaptive, and somewhat critical. After 9/11, Raiden's name began to be written in kanji as . With the help of the Paradise Lost Army, Raiden managed to escape his captivity. Raiden and Snake were able to join forces to take down Dead Cell and upload a virus into GW, Arsenal's AI. He then fought with the leader of the forces stationed at Abkhazia, Mistral. He also expressed the sentiment that the weak needed purging. Raiden also displayed signs of mental and emotional instability and a dissociative identity around the time he started his missions involving Desperado. If tranquilized, he'd sometimes say "Rose". In other words, Raiden's lack of awareness of his son and his disdain for Rose meant that both would serve no purpose to the Patriots, as their suffering would not move him in any way. Raiden's only real display of emotion occurred after the death of Big Mama; Snake told Raiden that he (Snake) has no future, while Raiden has a family; at this, Raiden grabbed Snake, shouting that he too has nothing, before collapsing, seizing Snake by the leg, and begging him not to leave him alone. This child would turn out to be Sunny, who first appeared in Metal Gear Solid 4. In the game, Raiden appears as he does in Metal Gear Solid 2, although his appearance was also directly based on his appearance in Metal Gear Raiden: Snake Eraser. Raiden, as his Cyborg Ninja self, appeared as a participant in the Konami-sponsored event E3 Battle, where he defeated Krystal from Hard Corps. Fought Liquid Snake in a helicopter downside was that, as he a. 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