servicenow set variable based on another variable

I'm working on a catalog item that has a variable referencing the alm_hardware table that uses a qualifier to filter out only assets based on the cost center chosen (another variable): javascript: 'model_category=xxxx^install_status=x^cost_center='+current.variables.costcenter. The use of the Event.observe to watch for window.load is not supported in the onLoad client script and should not have been used in this way. Should I include the MIT licence of a library which I use from a CDN? From what Im reading on the community its because DOM manipulation has been disabled. Thanks for lighting fast reply. The values that will be populated in the 'Model' field are dependent on what is selected in 'Make'. which planet has the longest orbit around the sun; abandoned churches for sale in california; can you eat dwarf cavendish banana; cape coral police hiring process There isnt. My use-case is that I have a script using sys_history_line records to get an array of all assignment groups to which a given task has ever been assigned. Could you please help me to get the actual display value. Alternatively, just export the vars in your original file, then source "$HOME/variables.txt" and the work is already done. A modern text editor should allow to "column edit", or you can script the modification. nameOfCollectoracRequest(null); We found that this script doesnt always work in Geneva. I had to change the last lines: window[collectorName + g_filter].reset(); I have tried this but get an error saying var_nameg_filter undefined. Event.observe(document, dom:loaded, function() {. Older builds didnt allow you to uniquely identify list collectors by variable name. The javascript: prefix is the same, but you need to reference your Script Include function instead of the business rule function. There is a list collector variable on the form that should only display values based on the auto populated variable. Thanks for the contribution! Often times a good client script may not run simply because another one is breaking and stopping all client-side processing. Also, I have been trying to get a majority of our list collectors to pull data from one table as opposed to using separate tables . The other piece is obviously the Script Include. Do group types have values different than the labels? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. We have a ticket opened with ServiceNow to see what changed. PTIJ Should we be afraid of Artificial Intelligence? COMPUTE newvar=0. I generally will use all lowercase with underscores if I need to include spaces in values. The value is from the user profile. You'll be adding a new function in front of this one, with your logic. Our Recruiting team is 100% certified by the AIRS Certified Diversity and Inclusion Recruiter course. 1. But Anyone have tried to hide this filter on Fuji ? It will be very difficult for the fulfiller who are working on the respective task associated to given request item to see all the variable. Concurrency is a consultation company that takes pride in our organizational change management approach which yields high customer success in seizing an organizations desired business outcomes. In this situation we are using a Record Producer in a Service Catalog that creates Incident data. Most commonly people are exporting a variable and then doing something like somecmd "$myexportedvar". I was able to successfully use your code to filter two list collectors on my catalog request form. Unfortunately not good news from SN. No particular reason. LC filters to all software items. Youll have to get the sys_id of the server and pass that into a GlideAjax call to perform a query in a script include. nameOfCollectorg_filter.reset(); In the flyout, the first column displays the trigger and the previous actions in the flow. Did you change it so that it has the name of your variable? Lets try it out! v_year1 = wa_var . In his case he was trying to use a "date" variable on the main form, and then allow many things to default to that date and allow that date to be different if need be. Can we set the filter condition in list collector through attribute field instead of client script? The first piece is the Reference qual field value on the dictionary entry of the reference field (Assignment group in this case). setValue (String name, Object value) Sets the specified field to the specified value. Since 2009, ServiceNow Guru has been THE go-to source of ServiceNow technical content and knowledge for all ServiceNow professionals. Do EMC test houses typically accept copper foil in EUT? San Diego. They allow you to dynamically filter the available options from a reference field. You would need to use client scripts to add and remove choices. I found one. You did such an amazing job. While this isnt something that causes any real problems in practice, it could cause performance issues if used to the extreme. The dependent value is the value that this data depends on. // var fil = gel(ep); servicenow catalog variable types. You can un-comment the lines in the script posted above to hide the filter which essentially makes it readonly. Our Recruiting team is 100% certified by the AIRS Certified Diversity and Inclusion Recruiter course. You can find it here:, Hi, we have used the below code in our Eureka version and it worked perfectly fine. This script should eliminate the errors youre seeing (and solve several other issues I noticed). Also what variable I shoulw use at the form leve? You should be able to hide the information below the list collector in a client script like this, If that doesnt work, then you can customize the fields below a slushbucket for that table like this And you could potentially set up ACLs to hide the data you dont want to be seen too. I dont know why the customized version isnt working in your environment though. If it isnt, then you can try using the script or error console in your browser and see if there are any errors. Im assuming that after I get this script correct Id just need to create a dynamic or advance reference qualifier on my assignment group field (ie javascript: u_INC_FilterAssignmentOnDisableTrigger) am I right? Using a Script Include means that the script only gets loaded and used when you actually need to use it! ` This was just what I was looking for, thanks for sharing. Click a Data Pill Picker button to select a variable. I have a question that maybe you can answer. I have written a catalog onChange script to filter the list collector. Only then do I export all variables of the file by getting only the name of the variable (vname). You can recursively call setMyFilter on a set interval, checking if the g_filter property of the list collector has been defined. Unix & Linux Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of Linux, FreeBSD and other Un*x-like operating systems. What changes do i need to make in your script? Multi-row variable sets (MRVS) are a fairly recent addition to the Service Catalog in ServiceNow, having been introduced in the London release. Checking the display box works ..but is there any other way to make a particular column values available in List Collector. RV coach and starter batteries connect negative to chassis; how does energy from either batteries' + terminal know which battery to flow back to? By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. At what point of what we watch as the MCU movies the branching started? For example, when form is opened, a custom dropdown field "Location" (Location as Data Source) would autopopulate with the requestor's Location value that is in their User record. var collectorName = computer; It would depend entirely on when a built-in asynchronous call finished compared to when our filter was applied. Ive provided a second example above that shows you how to do that. i have modified myKeyUp() to myKeyUp(e) and it worked. Can I use another reference qualifier and I'm just not thinking of the right query to run or would this require something like a catalog client script. What are some tools or methods I can purchase to trace a water leak? Hi Mark, addLateLoadEvent(function () { Basically forms remains same only difference that based on the request type I should . You must create a dictionary entry override for the incident table. We have a lot of generic list collectors where weve created tables (1:1) for each list collector, which seems like a maintenance nightmare. April 25, 2022. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. read help set to understand what it's doing. Any suggestions? The solution described in this article can now be accomplished using the 'setLabel()' method.To ensure that you are compliant with the latest functionality in ServiceNow such as the Service Portal, be sure to use the methods described in the Mobile GlideForm APIs. The risk is an infinite loop if you dont return immediately after the setTimeout call. Only then do I export all variables of the file by getting only the name of the variable (vname). Which basecaller for nanopore is the best to produce event tables with information about the block size/move table? Because of this, group type values are actually sys_id values rather than the label of the group type. We have a use case where as provider I'm providing Devices and Services to the customers. Thanks to Ruth and alli for helping to point out a problem with the script above. Standard javascript has a focus() method you can use. Skip to page content. However, if in a script the element name is a variable, then gr.setValue (elementName, value) can be used. Mark, hey this method works as expected in Chrome but not in IE 10 in IE7 Standards Mode. Ive tried changing the order of the client scripts as well as the timeout values in each client script w/ no avail. Populate as many categories as you would like in here. setTimeout(setCollectorFilter, 100); Ive also re-written the code so that you only have to type in the list collector variable name one time per script. great tip, and proving very useful! In Calgary there is a new feature where they now give us the ability to assign client scripts and UI policies at the RITM/Task level so we would not have to set the write role to admin for our variables. Ive got 2 list collectors on one form. },1000); Thanks Matthew, this helped a lot. Just make sure you set the UI type field on the client script form to Both. Well, you've come to the right place. My script is getting stuck in checking the time out and it goes on a loop. Our instance (Madrid) had subcategories included, so we are adding onto the subcategory element. Ive been using this solution for a while now and it works great. Also, Don't Read Lines With For and Use More Quotes. sandy. Only do this for a few Categories for the time being. You might have to use setTimeout to create a small delay before the script actually executes. Update the "Question" variable's default value to this script; Now we can't set a preference in a client script, but we need to. }. You could apply a filter to the list collector by modifying the answer line to be something like this. //Find and hide the filter elements (optional). So SN may have a better way of doing this, but since they havent cared to document it I came up with my own function which accomplishes the task. Many thanks, Merry Christmas Not sure when our customer will be upgrading so we are looking for a Berlin solution. window[collectorName + g_filter].reset(); Subscribe to get the latest news, events, and blogs. They said it wasnt a supported method in a client script. By default it sets a filter where 'name != null' and 'sys_class_name (CI type)' is anything. } Would you be able to share your client script with me? Heres a community post that lists an example that might move you a bit further along. You would need to use a completely separate field to do that. Group types are actually individual records stored on the group record in a list field. It is. This was just what I was looking for, thanks for sharing. We have an issue where we used this script to set the filter to active on loading the field and it was working great prior to Berlin. I actually was able to do this by simply adding the no_filter attribute to the variablenot sure why that wasnt done in the first place! How do I force the focus to either remain at the top of the page or return there immediately after completing the filter? Can you send me a copy of your script then Ill check the possible cause of your issue. There isnt currently a way to sort the results of a list collector. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Then it computes newvar based on what the values of var1 and var2 are. this solution does not work on firefox. After a bit more research Ive found a way that does seem to work. Mark. WHEN 'WPIYWEEK'. and our The hiding of the filter itself no longer works in Fuji. I am expecting to get all value from the table in available section. thank you, You can add this in your reference qual, Here requested_for is the variable that stores requester name, For your case, you could add the query as. function setListCollectorFilterAsync(listCollector, query) { You may like to know that you can add no_filter in the attribute field on the list collector to hide the filters now. Is there a way to apply the filter to the right box in list collector? do you now the what the meaning of the parameter of the XXX_acRequest(null) function is? Now that we are here, lets sort by the Incident table. Thank you so much for publishing this script. I worked a bit on glide_list on form ( not getting value from catalog). I have done this in the past and always need reference material.You may be reading this and wondering what the use case for this guide is. Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. is there a work around for this? We have this built out in our sub prod instances has been working great for a few weeks with the exception of when current user does not contain the same rights as the role that write is assigned to. Get used to your client scripts being broken in Service Portal. Whether you're a new admin or a seasoned consultant, you're guaranteed to find quality solutions that will aid you in your ServiceNow journey! nameOfCollectorg_filter.setQuery(filterString); I have a query on setting filters }); For example: you . Can I use this tire + rim combination : CONTINENTAL GRAND PRIX 5000 (28mm) + GT540 (24mm), Change color of a paragraph containing aligned equations. This training provides our recruiters with tools and strategies to improve our diversity and inclusion efforts. The whole bit about how you can not access the variables outside of the MRVS. Ive updated the code above to include this check. makes the effort a little more robust, but just barely. /*fil.rows[0].style.display = none; function filterSlushbucket(ctrl, filter) { GlideForm methods are only used on the client. The syntax below first generates a sample data file. Great script. Here's mine. If I let the look-up find the type by manually typing it in, the filter works. "Variable name of char. My list is on sys_user_group. Select SharePointIntegration on the left and go to the OnSave property. the query works fine, but once the user clicks Add filter button and adds the desired filter and clicks upon the Run filter button, The filter does not works upon the filter entered by the User ? How to extract the coefficients from a long exponential expression? alert(test+filterString); If the u_disable_auto_populate_assign box is not checked, auto populate the Incident Assignment group field with the support group assigned to the choice CI**/, //return parent and child assignment groups in the lookup for the CI selected (but don't default populate anything), Send a Knowledge Link when Attaching Knowledge, Modifying the Label of Form Fields With Client Scripts, Prevent Circular Relationships in ServiceNow, Walking the ServiceNow CMDB Relationship Tree,, Application Portfolio Management (APM) assessment challenges, Knowledge Translation using Localization Framework and Azure, Localization framework fulfillment (LP, LRITM, LFTASK), Thanks! var fil = gel(ep); Save the record. ucla environmental science graduate program; four elements to the doctrinal space superiority construct; woburn police scanner live. Oh well :). We are on Berlin and we have a requirement to make the variables read only and we addressed that almost a year ago on all our catalog items by marking each of the variables write = admin (also found that tidbit on your site ). Sign-up to get the latest news and update information from ServiceNow Guru! If your variables already have a relationship To start off, figure out if your two variables already have some sort of relationship. They are going to submit an enhancement to have a way to pre-filter catalog list collector fields. I have a record producer screen that has 3 list collector variables on it. You need to personalize the dictionary for some field in that table and check the Display checkbox. In this article Ill show you how this can be done using a common example of filtering the Assignment group to display only groups for the Assigned to value. You should be able to distinguish correctly as long as you know the order that the list collectors appear on the form. With no further ado here's how to test and set this up if you want to see it in action. screen READ TABLE i_t_var_range INTO wa_var_range WITH KEY vnam = 'WPIFYEAR'. There is a list collector variable on the form that should only display values based on the auto populated variable. Call a script include to apply a reference qualifier on a catalog item variable: - variable reference qualifier dependent on another variable selection, in this case a variable referencing sys_user (requested_for) On the catalog item form. //If it hasnt rendered yet, wait 100ms and try again. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, ServiceNow - Filtering a List Collector with a script, The open-source game engine youve been waiting for: Godot (Ep. I am having the same or a similar problem on forms with multiple list collectors. I had to make 2 different script inludes to cater each. Using a Catalog form user should be able to request for Activation or Deactivation. Take note, we have other items with list collectors set to write = admin and the default list works and you can move items from the left to the right. Software So I wanted to share our updated code, which so far is working well in Geneva. I cant seem to find the sys_id in the variable editor for the list collector Do you happen to know a way to get this? Even the most proficient developers need reference material from time to time. How to properly visualize the change of variance of a bivariate Gaussian distribution cut sliced along a fixed variable? Ive run into an issue. Which means if you select a Category of Software, all Subcategories with dependent values of Software will show. Weve found that the .style.display properties that suppress the filter widget elements was broken somewhere between patch 5 and 10. You can send a copy of your script then well check the problem. Say you had a choice list of The code works perfectly as an onLoad script but as an onChange script it only seems to work correctly in Firefox, not in Chrome. god is greater than the highs and lows font. It is recommended that new . Wrapping the timeout like so Then when you are opening the MRVS via the "Add" button, it invokes the "default value" script which reads it. Youve customized this to use an onKeyUp event. We are had issues with this in Geneva and now Helsinki. Yes, there is a checkbox that enables client callable.. Is there a way to use the same script include for client side and server side calls? Basically the . Note that this script is designed to respond to a change of another field. This tool adds to your system, a Variable Set.This variable set contains a catalog client script, but no actual variables (this is expected). //Reset the filter query Concurrency Inc, is a Milwaukee based ServiceNow Elite Partner and a Microsoft Gold Partner. Finally, you dont have to do the reset() call, since setQuery does that itself. fil.rows[1].style.display = none; No, you cant. f youve worked with the service catalog much, youve probably realized that there are some differences between the service catalog interface and the traditional forms that are used throughout the rest of the tool. Ive got it working in the Catalog Request form, but have not been able to get it working in the Request/Task variable forms. Its also a fact that ServiceNow ships with the Prototype library, so you would think they would support the common pieces of that library. You might try implementing the same thing at and see if you can get it to work there first. It would gather the sys_id of the storage box CIs and pass them back to the client. Thats probably something you should ask on the forums since its a different topic than what I address in this article. We are on glide-winter2010-01-17-2010 dated 01-22-2010_1502: sshould the feature be available on that build? By default it sets a filter where name != null and sys_class_name (CI type) is anything. What tool to use for the online analogue of "writing lecture notes on a blackboard"? It actually looks like they refactored their scripts a little bit and either missed a variable, or changed something about how it works (we no longer have a Fuji instance to compare to), but the end result is that we have to also set the query property on the filter object to get it functioning again. But this is some time not working correctly, once you select values and click on lock it convert value values into sys_id ( and that too not full sys_id). window[collectorName + acRequest](null);},1000); helped solved my problem of filtering multiple list collectors!! Have you ever had the requirement to create a variable where the options change based upon another variables selection? Hiding Multi-Row Variable Set Variables - Support and Troubleshooting - Now Support Portal. made this a little bit more versatile. DATA LIST / var1 1-1 var2 3-3. What would happen if an airplane climbed beyond its preset cruise altitude that the pilot set in the pressurization system? as you see the second variables depends on the first one. The post Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging Training appeared first on Crossfuze. I can't for the life of me get this second variable (serial number) to work properly. Can I change reference table on B based on value in A? 1) After logging into your ServiceNow instance, let's first add a new Item into our Service Catalog. Browse other questions tagged. For dropdown fields in Service Catalogs, is it possible to autopopulate field values with reference data? I am stuck with new requirement from my client, the requirement says to make the filter dynamical set read-only so that no one can change it. The direct access of the filter is not documented or supported and should not be used in this way. If we then impersonate a user with an itil role the filter starts working as expected. Today a former colleague of mine asked me, "How do you get a value from the main form variable onto the MRVS field?". Script doesnt always work in Geneva and now Helsinki isnt working in your script we found that this script always. You could apply a filter where name! = null and sys_class_name ( CI type ) is anything collectors my. Filter where name! = null and sys_class_name ( CI type ) is anything single that! Topic than what I was looking for a few categories for the being! Elements was broken somewhere between patch 5 and 10 updated the code above to hide the filter starts working expected... I noticed ) that the script only gets loaded and used when you actually need to use it 100. Most commonly people are exporting a variable ( not getting value from the table in section... 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