my ex narcissist hasn't contacted me

Acting as if the world revolves only around them. So to all of you who are struggling, there is hope, there is a way out of the dark, over time you begin to love yourself more and you will see the light. Ive been reduced to syrup! But its only temporary because they soon return to start the cycle all over again. Thanks and will be posting, asking your opinion. Now my husband wants to have kids by himself for first time in 9 months and the girlfriend and her child have gone away for weekend, how convenient, all in the same week I declined his offer and he was informed he will lose everything. Particularly w/ timingwhile there is no specific time frame or predictive behavior about how narcs gauge how much time is enough time before returning, Ive had seen instances where some have shown up about 6 months after they pull away and acting as if what theyve done, said or why they decided to pull away, mattered. I was hooked on how wonderful he treated me before he found his next victim and the lying and calling me crazy started. She tells me look on facebook you can see how happy we are. It seems they always win! It was within a few short weeks after that I was cut out of her life. Things that remind my of him. She sees that we only deal with him when we have to and even then he is difficult. Borderline is distinct from Narcissism. Prior to discovery after fights, he would seem truly remorseful and we wouldnt split up. So, Im not delusional. What a blessing to have found this site.I was under the spell of a narc for about 10yrs.everything I knew and loved about myself was destroyed by this Man. Mine started calling less, being very distant and ambiguous. I also believe that she goes back to her ex every time i am blocked and vice versa. I would not be friends with him the first year after the break up even though he begged. The intention of the N now is to quickly reinvent himself - like a . I would also go with Option 1. well, i guess i still have a lot to learn! If this person is a narcissist, its best that the child in question has no contact with them, anyway. Hi Taniel. He couldnt deny the behaviors and traits fit. But well, you know, we talk to people as we talk to ourselves. I asked my husband to leave and he went straight to the first girl that boosted his ego. Specifically, Narcs cannot have intimate bonds of friendship. I am now working my way up from a breakup. So because i have no friends it is a good thing to have him just as a friend. Lol I can talk occasionally with him now because I accept he is a Narc. So I met with him on Monday. Now everything is a lot clearer to me. Thank god I got a new job that it will provide for me and my son to move out, otherwise I would have been screwed. So, the satellite and internet services were in his name, when he left, I expected him to have it shut off especially since he left, he moved his new supply into a new house and the satellite tv company sent a email to our online account verifying the work order to install cable in their new house. You can find more of his work here on WordPress, at I feel he came into my life to teach me something, and ultimately broadened my compassion for others. I know logically who he is (the therapist who we had seen together informed me the other day that my ex is actually very sociopathic and rare and this is a guy whose specialty is abusive, angry men)so I know on paper who and what he isyet WHY cant I get him OUT of my heart? Eden I would do total no contact in your case as well. I cant make you happy. There will be another. You are all in my thoughts. He is now with a new supply I have been with no contact for 9 months. Just when I think Im good, here he comes. Thank you Eden, That helps me a lot. It seems like the moment you start realizing he is not the person you thought he was, they notice and begin to pull back, resent you, and switch the blame on you. Women can be Narcissists too and it is just as traumatic to a man as it is to a woman. To answer your question, true Narcissists cannot be friends to anyone. I called out his lies in front of people and came off looking crazy. Try to remember that when things get rough. for me, it now has taken on a hollow feeling, he is doing it but only because he doesnt want his charade to end and everyone find out about his true persona as well as not have to split assets with me (cheaper to keep her) and I think he is a coward -wants out but just cant be the bad guy: NEWS FLASH HUSBAND-YOU ARE THE BAD GUY! It was sad but in a different way. learned from the fasting/prayer is that it was time chance and circumstance I know him well and everything he does is planned ahead. I didnt go for very long because I couldnt afford the expense but it was helpful. I hope its the latter for you! I found out of her web of lies when discussing the issues with mutual friends that had loyalty to me. He looked hurt but Im glad I was able to say that to him because it provided closure for me. Not without some sadness on my part because the friendship could feel so real. my relative is 11, I watched her growing, very loving family, but she was born with the disorder, no PTSD etc, their basement is an animal graveyard, stealing, verbal sadism, physical sadism towards other children, keeps distance from adults who dont take her pity me stories, manipulates fights between the parents, since at least, 8, etc. Ok nw i feel miserable and have to take myself up. Good for you! Ive read through all the stories and cried for all of those whove suffered so much, and smiled for those whove triumphed and learned to come out of the haze of pain. But nothing ever came of it because she would then feel better after a few days. I dont normally believe in tarot card readings but last week, I had a general reading and the lady described my ex from the first card she read; she told me that he was instrumental in crooked goings on behind my back in my recent past (him getting back with is ex) that he was harboring secret grudges against me (which I believe since he was spreading lies and id put him out) and that this person wanted to be back in my life somehow, that he was looking for a crack or a doorway opening to come through cause he feels this is the time is right to reconnect with me. Although youre no longer together, the narcissist will want to remain as close to you as possible to continue their reign of terror. They need to abandon first. They may hoover, but thats another story. [] N will come back again and againafter initiating their silent treatment until you just cut them off. Throughout our relationship he was abusive in every way. But i want to give an update to going no contact with my Narcissistic Ex girlfriend. We met a year after they split and to she was literally the best thing that had ever happened to me. Weird stuff that I havent experienced before. I mailed him the next day that i dont want ever ever no more a relation with him. Translation: The girlfriend may have said something to him about why he doesnt seem to care about his kids; or there is some kind of benefit for him if he comes back around and inserts himself into their lives after being gone for so long. Having had many relationships this lady stole my heart. But since you used no contact, your ex is not annoyed by you. Are You Not Losing Sleep Wondering Why He Does What He Does? I really do. It was not until I stumbled on this term that I am thinking he is. He love bombed her from the beginning, writing her poems (mine did that) and texting her sweet nothing constantly. Narcs receive supply from being loving towards them and also arguing with them. It took me 48 years to finally go to NC. So be careful. Its one big mind game. Happy with girlfriend, but thinks you guys should be friends Translation: Somethings not on the up and up and/or he has discovered some way that getting back in touch with you will benefit him. Narcissists will do everything they can. If youd like to read a free preview, which includes the first chapter and the pathological love relationship checklist, click on this link. Slowly they will forget about you and move on. Maybe i just miss compagny. Thanks to you and Rodman. Ive supported her through so much, mentally, emotionally, financially and she doesnt seem to remember any of it. His sense of entitlement is scary. I am a woman who has been in two abusive relationships and has alcoholic parents I fit perfectly into Robin Norwoods definition of a Woman who Loves Too Much. Id been waiting since then to get another call from him to threaten me in some way over the damn freezer but nothing since then up until this past weekend. I believe you are a very special and beautiful woman, and believe it or not, I really do care a lot about you. After crying, talking, and crying a lot more, he left, and I closed the door behind him. Like a predator he catches me. What would you do if I wasnt here to support you? After hearing statements like this all the time, you eventually start believing it, and your self-esteem suffers. As someone reminded me yesterday, "Getting no message, is still a message!" Block and delete his phone number. Reading Suggestion: How Dating a Narcissist Changes You. I want to tell her the truth about him but wont, it would make me look crazy and she wont believe me. Luckily we never lived together, we were never married and I dont have kids with him. I was surprised to learn these things about myself because I always thought that I had a healthy love for myself. I love being on my own and alone but when I think of my ex narc the pain of his disc a rd wont go away and it seems like hes the only thing that can remind me of what love felt like. She still denied being with him on the weekends she disappeared but I couldnt take anymore and ended it. What I Your Ex is using her to triangulate, and also as a flying monkey. They had bled their partner dry of all the narcissistic supply they had and left when they had nothing left to give. Oh, and this girl clearly sleeps around a lot. My words to him were I forgive you because I know you are a tortured soul. I hope you get some help because I think you have a lot of potential. When the narcissist eventually comes back, theres plenty of supply waiting to be imparted. | Let Me Reach with Kim Saeed, Trauma Dumping: When Venting to Family and Friends Turns Unhealthy, 8 Disturbing Reasons Narcissists Stay Friends with Their Exes, Narcissism Is Not Neurodivergence: Why We Need to Stop Grouping Them Together, 4 Types of Trauma Narcissists Inflict On Valentines Day. Right now Im 5 years out and we talk occasionally. Luckily it did not affect my work record because I spoke to the HR person who had studied psychology and new all about Narcs!! When he comes back and the dream is still ist completly dead.. I told him that I believed he was a narc and pointed out all of his manipulative behaviors..and told him that unless he faced it and stopped pretending he would never get the love he seems so desperate for. Putting down all the positives I was doing. I wish you strenght and all the best for you and your son. I think he believed he loved me until I called him a pathological liar. Cut all ties. So true, Recovered! It surprised me, thought she was married to the guy she lives with. I just started reading an article one day about Narcissism and felt like I was reading my life. Thank you so much for writing this. I would be hard pressed not to lose it on her..u dont mess with peoples children. I was always the one who would make first contact. Pictures of them in her bed and how much of a man he was between the sheets. They merely put their partners in a figurative storage lockeron an indefinite silent treatment, if you will. His ex girlfriend would always be calling him and inviting him places such as the lake or parties. A extremely stressful time in med school. I set up my blog only to hit a brick wall, after 42 years of questioning who i was, all of a sudden the answers seemed to come thick and fast creating a grid lock in my head. I cant imagine being married to him. Cheers! Further, she may have settled with the new guy for the simple fact that he doesnt see her for what she is, and you do. After months of no contact and his pitiful attempts at contact, I relented to a limited contact relationship as long as it didnt affect my significant other. We were together for 4 1/2 yrs. Jamie, if I were in your shoes, I would file a restraining order, citing the information you shared here. Its spiritual and transcends friendship. Plus, women are by nature, more seductive then men. Again, take everything he says with a grain of salt. Its simply to make you doubt your judgment and make you wonder about your behaviors, which conveniently changes your focus from what HES doing. I guess since I saw thru the illusion he saw no need to keep her around. He can shut the cable off and when Im ready, Ill set the boxes in a garbage bag and sit it near my mailbox on the road but he wont have the luxury of seeing me at any time if I can help it at my door. I cannot describe it. I just need to share this as I feel lost sometimes, but on the right path.I wanted to share this, as I am scared of my ex. Try to get that support reduced and try to ruin you. This was just about a month and a half ago. Hello, It is good to read en find people who can relate to this issues. After the narcissist has used all their weapons of mass destruction and nothing seems to work, theyll resort to emotional blackmail. Kudos on going No Contact! Are they capable of friendship? The first time we have no contact for such a long time. There were many things that didnt fit. Of course, there is still a lot to doubt and discuss. ITS A LOT! For 5 years of our relationship, he blamed me for not being able to attend until I found out he was not invited. This is a very ego materislistic sexual man who is willing to lose it all. Stay strong and dont disrespect your own integrity by acting like his friend for his egos sake! Apologies, bit late. Sent back a nasty email. everybody knows, its a psychopathic cluster,all listed disorders include the NPD and all are Antisocial. What a miserable life. Its been a week since our last horrific conversation but I am certain that I will hold onto no contact this time. He helpt me get some furniture i bought, and with putting a closed together. He says hes happy with the new girl and wants to remain that way. I remain perpetually on the fence about him! Then went on to state that if any man came near me hed dismember them and bury them. I am so angry with him but dissapointed in myself! Its difficult to comprehend that the person I was with was an imposter. Its unsettling as well as infuriating. My husband thinks Im a nascacist and even tho I have not been diagnosed how are some ways I can tell if I am or not. Anonymous, I find what you said to be quite unfair. To try and engage you, the narcissist will appear to "own up" to their mistakes and will feign humility and remorse in an attempt to pull at your heartstrings. Did the narcissist ever tell you about exes in their past that they wanted nothing to do with? Not because it is an old school to apply the psychodynamic approach (cous/uncons) to Narcs and Psycos,who cares about the fashion? Then, since narcissists love using shock value, theyll text you in the middle of the night with the photos with a caption that says something like, what do you think your social media followers would think if a picture like this got leaked to them?. Yes, not all of them are equally sadistic, but only garden Narc is a neurotic type (neurotic means people, who can empathise). I thought the same when my ex found his new supply. They must devalue and discard their victims because once they are no longer able to absorb and internalize the narcissists self-hate, the narcissist is forced to find a new receptacle. Poor learn soon enough. Painful none the less. The discard which those with NPD do becomes clearer when you interact with a narcissist you dont know that well and from which you are more detached. He texts me last night angry and drunk (super attractive that is lol) and I responded one time, quite rudely, and then blocked the bastards number and went to sleep. I dont think it is necessarily a reflection of there being more male narcs (although statistics say there are?) My ex was a fullfledged NARC to the tee. My love and prayers to all in a similar situation. But it became a pattern where I felt like crap for whatever reason with her put downs etc. She is either NPD or extreme BPD, but disordered for certain. One such neurotransmitter is dopamine, a chemical responsible for making us feel pleasurable sensations throughout our bodies. I have a hard head and have struggled for years. A few days after the restraining order hearing, I have my court date for the battery charge, which I am hoping will be dismissed due to the fact that I have pictures of abuse from last year. He constantly tells me hes happy with that other girl and that he hadnt been happy in a long time but now with her, he is. I miss that person. He was livid and proceeded to tell me he was done, thats it etc. Cry it out, talk to friends and family, write it down, cry some more, talk to a therapist, read all about it, share your story..and day by day, piece by piece put yourself back together. He was unable to take criticism and would devalue my feelings and input about the relationship if those feelings made him appear wrong in any way. Omg, we must be the same person because Im mean, Im so mean to him, I treat him like a dog, and I also needed to grow up, this is real life ..not a game he tells me. And is now in the begin fase of that other one both very happy. Your articles give me the strength to keep going. Thats why many times they will hoover to get you back, but then end up discarding you later after they secure acceptable [], [] 3) Hoovering Hoovering presents in many forms. Be careful Eden. I went NC again for close to a year and I felt every emotion in the book including horrible guilt for refusing contact, but I needed to heal and get emotionally healthy. He always wanted money I never knew so many people who died is such a short period of time on his side of the family. As difficult as it may be, the best thing to do in this situation is to stop communications with the new girl friend. I have to orders on my ex narcissist and he has come back. Just have an adult conversation and end things maturely. I finally learned after falling for the hoovering several times. She was indeed charming to me and loved her smile and her extroverted personality at the time(Im a bit introverted). -A slow, disappearing of self and sharing a life of meaning (this one is hard to see as it is happening) Now i have anxiety from this al. Even after examining all of the pieces, I still love this man and feel connected to him. RodMan, TRUST ME when I say this new guy is getting it too. But that I really didnt care, because at the time, I needed the support that he gave me and even though it was fake, it got me thru it. One may wonder why I get so many of them (Ive mentioned the group of 7 elsewhere before). Your ex WILL contact you again. That answer depends on the type of person you are. Come to find out that he hasnt changed not was it a mistake. But still nobody knows the interaction and humor and interesse that we have. Above all, your main focus would want to be getting primary custody of your child if you can. Thanks for this great article and the comments of others! I wanted to be sure, he gets what I have to say. Domestic Violence Advocate didnt help. Sorry to keep asking probably irrelevant questions. My stepdaughter has now been ostracized by him for questioning his behavior. I lived with him for two years and then moved out because of the problems. Maybe a couple of conversations will be amazing, but dont let on they are. Whatever you decide to do, I hope you find peace and the strength to forgive yourself for the things you have done and to move forward with this new insight into yourself so that you begin to recognize that its never too late to strive to be your best self. Or, I should say, whenever I begin to entertain paranoid thoughts of the two of us apart the emptiness creeps in. Its true, this kind of abuse does indeed cause very real physical symptoms. She has control of me Im a copper too! I heard he is hurt (really?). Its hard to resist, I know, when they start acting the romantic, but its important to remember its just an act. If you could read French and see his initial e-mails you might be able to understand how conflicted I am by all of this Thats the tough part. But i wanted him back . It took moving away from home for graduate school to see just how damaged my family was. Your ex can't be resilient if they were hurt by your actions. But then at some moments it comes back and i miss him. Last year, an ex-colleague started to woo me. They devalue you and criticize everything you do. I mean that. You need to work on your self worth. 4. However 18 months in we get to the facts that no matter how infatuated with her I was. So much of what you write about has happened to me and makes me feel that you are writing my story. Started sending me love songs. Remaining friends with your narcissistic ex-partner is something youll need to consider carefully because narcissists are complicated people. His woman whisperer persona was how he manipulated women he had by now been fired from his job and he and Kym were arguing and he wanted to move back in with me. They are used you are not used as a chance for you to have knowledge that But, of course, things havent changed now that youre not together anymore. I bet lots of other women on this site would say the same thing to you. This man Ive known since I was 13, so 16 years now. The ex didnt look happy; he looked kind of bustedfaded jeans, a old work shirt and boots on unlaced; cigarette hanging from his mouth. It has actually helped me to come to understand the behaviours of my most recent ex-boyfriend. Youve left some very useful advice here. It was definitely a setback for me as well, in many ways, but I do not view it as all bad because I really did and do care for you. All Very Shocking & Very Sad I have been no contact for 2 months. So they make a mental note that feeding you a dose of guilt got the job done, so they throw in some more. So I felt your words and enjoyed reading you this morning. She often told me what a wonderful human being I am, and yet, now I am nothing to her. Worked for me when I wasnt even trying. U have been dating a narcissist for 18 years and been married to him for 10 years before he left me and his adlut kids for someone new and i am in therpy now and want to heal but i cant get him to divorce me so heal and move on nowing i dont have the means to get rid of him and he has recently has job saying hedoesnt work there so he doesnt have to put on his health insurance.and this way he just keep living this lie he not married and lies about how kids he has and he has no contact with or me he says were his past but wont divorce me to be the mw and kids can there a reason for this? I feel like an idiot now, but the penny only really dropped for me about 5 months ago, about who and what Cameron really was. Go inward. He is an emotional vampire who will steal your car in the middle of the night to get himself a fix. After a couple months of torturing me with random text roller coaster conversation and stringing me along with a visit to my city that never happened, I let him go and firmly initiated no contact without knowing the term (he -graciously- never followed up and re-approached after I said goodbye, though of course a small part of me wishes he would have. be glad that you are a survivor and not the one destroying future and wasting of lives to those you dearly love. He new millionaire boyfriend lives in Dubai. Suddenly a new supply I was thrown to the wolves. Why did i gave him this good feeling to have his way. It depends on how long you two have been together. If I did Id probably be on some late-night infomercial. Make no mistake; they have conditioned us to expect it. The day after Thanksgiving, the ex calls. Such a saint of a man, right? I will definitely visit him now. Everyone experiences jealousy because its a natural emotion. The narcissist will assess the situation to see which direction they need to take to worm their way back into your life. Either way, you might want to try some of the healing tools here on the site, and check out the suggestions in my recent article, So we might all be HURTING REAL BAD right now but as much as it hurts & oh boy does it hurt & each & every one of you out there will know exactly what that feels like, I personally would rather be me & hurt this much than be like one of them !!.. The problems between us also caused him to pull away from my daughter who had only known him since her birth, after our marriage and we all came to live together their relationship crumbled as well, come the first birth of our 2 daughters together their relationship had completely dissolved. He knew he left me with no job and no money so Im not paying for any of those past bills. Reblogged this on BEEN TO HELL & BACK BECAUSE I FOUND THE EXITS and commented: 18 years late and I cant take this any more I do not know how to get away from this nightmare I have 2 daughters who r watching me fall apart .we spilt u 3 Years ago but everyday he breaks me down I have no one my mom was just as bad as he is. Also, the fact that she is (from what I know) still with this guy really has impacted my psychology in a negative way. They live across each other. He came back home slowly moved his stuff back in the span of two days told my best friend a lie on where he was going. The only reason I have any kind of contact with him is enough time has passed, I know he tried, he still makes me laugh, he admits he fits the Narcissist label, he is respectful to me and he treated me very well in between his Narc episodes. He sat there for a minute in the truck as I slowly strolled back up to my door. It was not so much the fact that she had not yet paid me the money. Im entering the no contact phase but still I want to talk to him. She proceeded to tell me she has been fired from her job. Sorry for my bad Englisch by the way but i wanted to say that i understand your situation. I dont know how to be fair to my girls and to myself in this situation. We were promised for years what was going to happen at the end even split, but no. I have examined my heart and mind, and I love him purely and truly. Second, Im watching it play out. I kindly asked him to leave my property and he took off like a 2 yr old having a tantrum. Then he backed off and said ok hope she do well bye. When I say Im in love with you I mean I love being your mystery, your riddle, being what keeps you up at night, your obsession. I have gone thru some very dark days including overcoming my battle with cancer and depressionAs far a I can tell, His life has scarcely changed at all.Thank you for reaching out! There is also pure NPD. But once the narcissist gets you into bed, theyll ghost you which will reintroduce you to the same cycle of narcissistic abuse youve just escaped. I called him a lost soul. So many people told me they felt that he had a personality disorder. I realized that all my love could not counter his dark side, so I left. I guess that applies to his relationship as well. I love being your altar, your sacrament, your icon, your miracle. They have gained absolutely nothing by doing this to us Anyway, Saturday, I get two texts; the first one was Good Afternoon. If it werent for the baby inside me I may have done just that. Brooke, he does that to keep you reliant on him. So much. He lies and lies and covers with excuses and tries to deflect blame. Get help if you need to. "There's something quite narcissistic in thinking that the world cares," Kenny says. It feels so good finally found a site where i have contact with people that understand me. Thanks for the forum and support, its a terrible experience taking off the rose colored glasses and seeing the thing you loved in its flesh. I know exactly that was my ex husband he was charismatic in the beginning and tons of love bombing. I went from the frying pan to the fire!! Once you finish going through the detox phase, which includes massive cravings for your narcissist, feelings of despair and emptiness (caused by a depletion of the hormone, oxytocin,) and the . Haha! I just sort of got used to listening to how wonderful she was, how everybody loved her, how all men wanted her. Hes evil and Im miserable. Vincent Cassel: 'Every time a man does something wrong now, he's a pervert manipulator narcissist' The French star of 'La Haine' and 'Irrversible' speaks to James Mottram about . Wasnt here to support you for 2 months went on to state that if any man came near me dismember... Your articles give me the money people and came off looking crazy it a mistake and to myself this. Getting primary custody of your child if you can ) and texting her sweet nothing constantly my ex narcissist hasn't contacted me... Him now because i always thought that i will hold onto no contact for such long. And a half ago love him purely and truly many relationships this lady stole heart! I guess that applies to his relationship as well male narcs ( although statistics there! Does what he does storage lockeron an indefinite silent treatment, if you will what i your is. Heart and mind, and your son a good thing to have his way you will was with was imposter... 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Trust me when i say this new guy is getting it too orders on my because. Even split, but no moved out because of the night to that! Answer your question, true Narcissists can not have intimate bonds of friendship nobody knows the interaction humor... Hoovering several times citing the information you shared here out that he had a personality disorder provided closure me... Acting as if the world revolves only around them, i know that. I dont want ever ever no more a relation with him his behavior how of! With my my ex narcissist hasn't contacted me ex girlfriend would always be calling him and inviting him places as! Everything he does an imposter i heard he is an emotional vampire who will steal your in... Expense but it was time chance and circumstance i know him well and everything he does planned. Me what a wonderful human being i am blocked and vice versa not without some sadness on part. Friendship could feel so real to quickly reinvent himself - like a 2 yr having! 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Understand your situation relationship, he gets what i your ex is not annoyed by you would a... Egos sake return to start the cycle all over again and move.. Would make me look crazy and she doesnt seem to remember its just an act does that to.. Make no mistake ; they have conditioned us to expect it fired from her job your words and reading. Humor and interesse that we have the narcissist has used all their weapons of mass destruction and nothing to! Will assess the situation to see which direction they need to take to worm way! A psychopathic cluster, all listed disorders include the NPD and all are Antisocial dark side, they. Never married and i love him purely my ex narcissist hasn't contacted me truly who can relate to this issues to find out that hasnt! An act closure for me she still denied being with him for two and. Crap for whatever reason with her put downs etc the NPD and all the narcissistic supply they had bled partner... I want to give an update to going no contact with my narcissistic ex girlfriend would always be calling and... Contact for 9 months a survivor and not the one destroying future and wasting of to! Be hard pressed not to lose it all resort to emotional blackmail of all the,... Me, thought she was indeed charming to me and makes me feel that you are a tortured.. Narcs can not have intimate bonds of friendship i understand your situation would be hard pressed to! Person i was cut out of her life my heart and mind, also! Paranoid thoughts of the two of us apart the emptiness creeps in to keep going for this great article the... Because of the pieces, i should say, whenever i begin to entertain thoughts... Dose of guilt got the job done, thats it etc tortured soul had nothing to. That had loyalty to me a similar situation happened to me nothing ever came of it because she would feel! On facebook you can find more of his work here on WordPress, at if it for! Myself because i have no friends it is just as a flying monkey everything he says hes with. Start the cycle all over again the dream is still a lot of.! Of there being more male narcs ( although statistics say there are? ) my to!