list of discworld characters

He (and a number of other animals) gain sapience and the ability to speak as a result of the escaped Holy Wood Dream, and is compelled to travel to Holy Wood to break into the Discworld's newly-established film industry. In Snuff, it is revealed that Harry King has since been given a Knighthood. "Hello, my name is HodgesARRRRRGH"). His one recorded act (The Colour of Magic) was to direct the Assassins' Guild to 'inhume' the tourist Twoflower at the request of the Grand Vizier of the Agatean Empire, contrary to the orders of the Emperor; the attempt failed. He is, however, a skilled swordsman, as he does not resort to flashy swashbuckling, but instead actually attacks his opponent. He lives at 13 Midden Lane, Pseudopolis. List of Discworld locations. His full name is mentioned in Making Money. Eventually this caught the attention of the Bursar, who arranged for Victor to receive a special test consisting of only one question: "What is your name?" He was introduced to the discworld series in the book Making Money. Christine's father told her that a "dear little pixie" would help her career, and she thinks that Agnes might be that pixie. After pursuing an escaping party made up of Brutha, Om, Sergeant Simony, the philosopher Didactylos and his apprentice and nephew Urn and being caught in a storm, Vorbis is found by Brutha and Om washed up on the desert coast and in a catatonic state. A doctor in Ankh-Morpork. His most distinguishing feature, however, is his smilehis unique dentures are made out of troll teeth, which consist of pure diamond and were inspired when Twoflower showed him his own (more typical) set. Because their code demands it, assassins have to tell their victim their name and who sent themVetinari answered "think of me as your future" and "the city" respectively (indicating that Vetinari already planned to become Patrician some day). Son of the Baron of the Chalkland. Victor, however, decided that being a student wizard was greatly preferable to being a wizard, because as a student he could live a relatively safe and comfortable lifestyle while as a wizard he would face the risk of assassinations by students wishing to advance. Examples include the Johnson Exploding Pagoda and a chiming sundial that tends to explode every other day around noon. He started out as a mudlark, and developed his career from there. As he said, "Def'nitely give the ol' Rule One a fillip.". It is also mentioned that he never went to Ankh-Morpork in his lifetime. "[9] Another good example of Tacticus' sense of pragmatism would be his maxim "It is always useful to face an enemy who is prepared to die for his country. Inspired by Red Sonja of Conan fame. Small Gods is always the book I recommend to people as their first foray into the Discworld. It was previously thought they might all be related, but the Discworld Companion explains that this is parallel evolution. When a 9-year-old Tiffany finds him there in The Wee Free Men, a year has passed on the Disc since his disappearance, and so he would have been 13 in the "real" world. Mr Goatberger knows his readership well, and prints his Almanacks on thin paper, as many families use previous editions in their privies. The D'regs are a nomadic and warlike people who inhabit the desert regions of hubward Klatch, in particular the lawless borderlands between Klatch proper and Hersheba. Samuel Vimes considered him a saint as, without Sonky, the housing problems in Ankh-Morpork, as well as its population of idiots and criminals would be even more pressing. Twoflower supplies them with a wedding present of a box of Agatean money, which he believes to be inconsequential but which Rincewind comments, out of earshot of Twoflower, would buy them a small kingdom. Castle falconer at Lancre, Hodgesaargh is not his actual name, but some misunderstanding has been caused due to his birds' habit of attacking him when people speak to him (i.e. He is exceptional at martial arts when he needs to be and is the only known master of "Dj fu", in which the hands move in time as well as space. He chose the latter, earning the grudging respect of Vetinari for staying true to his beliefs about choice. Adora's family is conned out of the Grand Trunk by Reacher Gilt, forcing Adora to be employed at the Golem Trust. Mr Bent resided in Mrs. Cake's Boarding House. These are the various bipedal sentient species and differently-animated races of Discworld. Hrun grabs her wrist and almost breaks it. He also wears a sign saying "For sum muny I wont follo yu hom". [2] Somebody apparently wants him dead, as the price on his head at The Assassins' Guild is $132,000. They will attack anyone, anything and even themselves. In Feet of Clay, he has become Foul Ole Rons Thinking Brain Dog and part of the Canting Crew. Adora Belle Dearheart mentioned that Gilt's long-term plans involved establishing himself as Havelock Vetinari's successor as Patrician. Scion of a family of football hooligans, she breaks generations of convention by falling in love with Trevor Likely, who supports an opposing team. Throughout the first two novels, he is followed by the Luggage, a homicidally vicious travel chest which moves on hundreds of little legs, carrying his belongings. The name Captain Swing has long been associated with civil unrest, being the pseudonym of the (possibly mythical) leader of the Swing Riots. They turned out to be very wrong. His adventures begin in The Colour of Magic, when he decides to visit the city of Ankh-Morpork, where he meets the inept wizard Rincewind whom he hires as a guide. Characters who have appeared in at least two animations, videos, or games have pages. Similarly, the phrase "her face launched a thousand ships" could only be used to describe a beautiful woman if relevant shipyard records were produced or, failing that, evidence that the woman's face resembled a champagne bottle. Swing always carries with him a large set of calipers and a steel ruler, with which he measures the facial characteristics of people he meets in order to determine their personal traits (phrenology). The most notable is perhaps "I wasn't born yesterday" which, as Lu Tze points out, resembles one of the key revelations of Wen the Eternally Surprised, who, in reference to the continually destroyed and renewed nature of the universe, and the constancy of revelation, said "I was not born-yesterday!". Like Ron, he appears as a verse in Where's My Cow?, when Sam adapts the Book's basic structure to fit city life. Actor David Bradley played Cohen in the 2008 The Colour of Magic miniseries. In this novel he seems to have keen political instincts; it is stated that the Rusts have survived by not being romantic. "Mort", short for Mortimer, is the title character in Mort. This in itself is an ontological paradox (which was of course evened out by the history monks). In the same book, he assists Granny Weatherwax in recovering from a vampire attack, though he clearly understood his life was in danger at that point. He is one of the History Monks and spends much of the novel in the background, disguised as a simple sweeper. Initially cautious, she eventually relents and allows Juliet follow her dream. He is known, either personally or by reputation, by practically every soldier in the Borogravian Army, and boasts that he is probably quite well known by the soldiers of the enemy armies too. He appears in the books The Colour of Magic, The Light Fantastic and Interesting Times and in the computer game NetHack as the quest leader for the tourist class. He is usually seen either carrying a tray or pushing a barrow (in [financially] better times). Produced as a two-part miniseries for Sky One adapting the first two Discworld novels, there is much to admire about The Color of Magic. Evil Harry Dread always makes an effort to adhere to the 'rules': he intentionally hires stupid henchmen, invests in helmets that cover the whole face (thus making it easy for a Hero to disguise himself) and places Heroes in overly contrived, easily escapable deathtraps. He does this towards the end of Thief of Time by defeating Lobsang Ludd (then incarnated as the personification of Time) in a fair fight, in front of a crowd of higher monks. The daughter of an engraver (who possibly appeared in Maskerade, working for Goatberger) she became a reporter for the Ankh-Morpork Times, having originally arrived at the print works to complain about the invention of moveable type. Adora wears what she claims are "the pointiest heels in the world" which she uses to deal with unwelcome advances. Roland fought back as far as he could, in the process learning a great deal about surviving sieges and the art of insurgency. Eventually a type of fingerless glove is named for him. His name and character are an obvious echo of Robert E. Howard's Conan the Barbarian and Genghis Khan, and of the common Jewish surname Cohen. He believed that he was destined to become the Cenobiarch and Eighth Prophet of Omnianism, as the Great God Om had told him. Universally known as Doughnut Jimmy, Dr James Folsom is a highly proficient horse doctor who was brought in, under threat of blackmail from Samuel Vimes, to treat Vetinari in Feet of Clay; this rather odd choice being the result of Vimes' knowledge that any human doctor would be contracted to guilds (who all resent Vetinari to varying degrees) and that horse doctors, treating animals worth considerable amounts of money, faced considerable amounts of trouble should their patients die. When Dibbler's business plans fail, he falls back to selling (mostly) 'pies with personality' and 'pig' sausages-inna-bun on the streets of Ankh-Morpork. Having proved himself unworthy as a scarecrow he is chosen by Death to be his apprentice. At the end of the novel Interesting Times he was promoted to the rank of Grand Vizier of the Empire, under Emperor Cohen. Walter is helped by Agnes Nitt into combining both aspects of his personality together so that he can become the director of music. The Duck Man is regarded as the intellectual of the group, and appears to be relatively sane. She possesses the ability to think in headlines, and has gained valuable experience as an editor, allowing her to, e.g., reduce an article's length in half merely by crossing out all the adjectives. It boasts an impressive cast including Sir David Jason as Rincewind, Sean Astin as Twoflower and David Bradley as Cohen, an octogenarian barbarian who has become " a lifetime in my own legend. Esmerelda Margaret Note Spelling of Lancre, Discworld Assassins' Guild Yearbook and Diary 2000. Mrs Marietta Cosmopilite is a dressmaker, who appears in Moving Pictures as Vice President of Costuming and Theda Withel's landlady. Although one of the most popular philosophers of all time, Didactylos never earns the respect of his fellow philosophers, due to the fact that he thinks 'about the wrong things'. Hex is a computer unlike any other the Disc has ever seen, which is not particularly exceptional because previously, all other "computers" on the Disc had consisted of druidic stone circles. He and Laddie blow up the Odium picture-throwing pit during the disrupted premiere of Blown Away to kill a creature from the Dungeon Dimensions and the destroy the portal created by the "click"; being left for dead, he climbs out of the wreckage and reverts to being a normal dog when the Holy Wood Dream ends. Nanny Ogg then tells everyone that the Fool is Tomjon's older half-brother. When he starts to hear about the strange murders being committed by the "Opera Ghost", his first concern is how expensive the murder might prove to be, though he does acknowledge the seriousness of the event as well. Queen Ptraci I of Djelibeybi. A group of misfit cops rise up from decades of helplessness to save their corrupt city from catastrophe. In the TV adaptation of Going Postal, Groat is portrayed by Andrew Sachs. He is first seen as the overly thoughtful son of a farmer in the Octarine Grass Country, near the Ramtops. During these hard times, Lewton took a bribe which ended in him being permanently excluded from the Watch. Lucky Hank | March 19th, 2023. Twoflower is the optimistic but naive tourist. Plinge is an awkward, nervy figure in a beret, whose alter-ego is the Opera Ghost. This favourite Discworld character is depicted in a detailed 30mm scale, high quality metal cast miniature. The Duck Man speculates that Andrews was once a mild-mannered person of a psychic disposition who was mentally overwhelmed by the other souls. To save Brutha, Om kills Vorbis by dropping from an eagle's claws onto his head (a reference to the apocryphal death of the Ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus). He is made an Omnian bishop by Brutha, the Cenobiarch and Eighth Prophet. In Raising Steam, he develops a childlike interest in the newly-emergent railway, wishing to spend more time aboard Iron Girder, the Discworld's first steam locomotive. He is the undisputed head of any legal action in the city and is one of the major members of the civil council. Miss Dearheart can see through most of Lipwig's conman tricks, amazing him; he names her "Spike" out of fondness. When Mort first encountered Ysabell, he was given the impression of "too many chocolates". Ghenghiz Cohen, known as Cohen the Barbarian, is a hero in the classical sense, i.e., a professional thief, brawler, and ravisher of women. Literally; a cart ran over his legs several years ago and he now gets around on a wheelbarrow, usually pushed by the Duck Man. Her unusual middle names are the result of a Lancre tradition that whatever the priest says at the naming ceremony is your name (thus, Lancre once had a king called My-God-He's-Heavy the First, as well as a current farmer named James What the Hell's That Cow Doing in Here Poorchick, usually called 'Moocow'). Terry's books are humorous fantasy and the game retains the comical, fun feel of the books. Distrust is generally encouraged among the D'regs, with Ahmed once telling Vimes that his mother would be greatly offended if he trusted her on the grounds that she would feel she did not bring him up right. Miss Maccalariat is receptionist in Going Postal, her voice is like the worst of schoolteachers and her family have performed her role for generations, sucking lemons until their features were pursed enough. Liessa is interested in Hrun, for as a strong but slow-witted warrior, she could use him to defeat her brothers and then place him as a puppet lord. He was a hero of the Tsortean Wars, which he ended by bribing a cleaner to show him a secret passage into the citadel of Tsort. He survives a direct elvish invasion of the Lancre castle, mainly due to one of his birds attacking the elf. and bully, who goes so far as to leave the city and live in the countryside to avoid contact with these "lesser races". His Greatness the King Teppicymon XXVIII, Lord of the Heavens, Charioteer of the Wagon of the Sun, Steersman of the Barque of the Sun, Guardian of the Secret Knowledge, Lord of the Horizon, Keeper of the Way, the Flail of Mercy, the High-Born One, the Never-Dying King of Djelibeybi (lit. At the end of Thief of Time he shares an unspecified "perfect moment" with Susan Sto Helit (a.k.a. However, given how well the Queen got on with the elder Fool, there is another interpretation. Discworld Standalones Younger Readers The Long Earth Short Stories Dramatisations Books Sir Terry Pratchett was the author of over fifty bestselling books. Lu-Tze also appears in Night Watch, Unseen Academicals, and Raising Steam in a smallbut significantrole. As the Grand Master of the Elucidated Brethren of the Ebon Night, he summoned a dragon intending it to be killed by a king, whom he would then control. In Lords and Ladies Verence and Magrat finally marry. He has no understanding of the Agatean/Ankh-Morpork exchange rate and often overpays, primarily because even the smallest denomination of Agatean coin is made of pure gold, and, thus, often pays for small items and minor services with enough wealth to buy a sizable fraction of the city. Salzella is eventually found out and proves to be just as "infected" with operatic romanticism as everyone else in the building. It has been noted that many Ankh-Morporkians tend to have a certain literal mindedness. Carcer's full name was shown in a preview of Night Watch to be Carcer Dun, but this was never revealed in the completed book. In Going Postal she wears a wedding ring and is assumed to be married, presumably to William de Worde, although she still refers to herself as Miss Cripslock. . Liessa is never seen or mentioned after this. Watson, J., Lydon, S. J. and Harrison, N. A. He is described in the books as resembling a rodent, and wears a long poacher's coat covered in pockets. A rather effeminate aristocrat, he previously worked in the Quartermaster-General's Blanket, Bedding and Horse Fodder Department as an administrator, and had no previous experience of field command, his transfer being the result of Borogravia's ever decreasing supply of combat-ready men. Life seemed to be going well for Lewton. The Carpet People. In Unseen Academicals, he reveals that he cannot understand the fuss that is being made about football, both old and new. Other characters in this series include Adora Belle Dearheart, Lipwig's acerbic, chain-smoking love interest; Gladys, a golem who develops a strange crush on Lipwig; Stanley Howler, an obsessive young man who was raised by peas and becomes the Discworld's first stamp collector; and the very old Junior Postman Groat, who never got promoted to His personalities 'voted' to decide whether to act as street vendors of The Ankh Morpork Times (in The Truth) and Andrews held up five fingers to indicate the outcome of his personalities' decision. Mentioned that he was introduced to the rank of Grand Vizier of the members! As Havelock Vetinari 's successor as Patrician quality metal cast miniature even.. Andrew Sachs the book Making Money books Sir terry Pratchett was list of discworld characters author of over fifty books... Financially ] better times ) families use previous editions in their privies operatic. 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