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Alec Wildenstein was married twice, where Liouba Stoupakova was his second wife. 'A lion had to be killed at a neighbors ranch,' Alec recalled in Vanity Fair. When police raided the building four years ago, they found 30 valuable works of art hidden in the vaults. //default prefix is 'artnet_newsletter_' $email.focus(); data: JSON.stringify( $form.serializeFormJSON() ), }, Ol Jogi Ranch. script.src = ""; The first rumblings of trouble began shortly before Daniels death, when Alec, who ran the lucrative New York business, fell out with Jocelyne, an exotic, Swiss-born socialite with whom he had two children. Officially, the case opening in May is about allegations of tax fraud, but to a breathless public it is the story of the vengeance of the Wildenstein wives. Longtime observers of the domineering and controlling Daniel say that Guy and his late brother Alec learned everything they knew about creatively moving assets around the world from the old man himself. According to The New York Post, she listed her Citibank account balance as $0 in the filing. } else { + '