jennifer dempsie alex salmond

To be fair, Salmond can do the retail side of politics. Stuart Nicolson is a very elusive man. It is understood the Spectator will argue there is a strong public interest in disclosure under article 10 of the European convention on human rights, given the significance of Salmonds allegations about Sturgeons government and party, @mac Regardless of our clashes of ideas they are trying to undermine our systems. "Absolutely not because I have this horrific image of him being fully aroused. With a small c. Which means that the beneficiaries of theis small-c timidity are the Scottish Labour Party. For the first time since 2007, some SNP members admit it could be in freefall. That pic, Dempsie is cosying right up tae Eck almost as if shes angling for something. Miss Dempsie was a special adviser to Mr Salmond, who was a guest at her 2011 wedding to Isle of Harris bunkhouse owner Ruari Beaton, 48. Will Mr Aberdein be accusing Alex of sexual harassment. Cant see Lady Dorian agreeing to that. SHOCK. I imagine the choice of the judge(s) will be crucial. The search to recover debris from the Challenger disaster in 1986 also resulted in the discovery of 13 shipwrecks, two lost airplanes and 25 kilos of cocaine. Anything that deflects from that purpose is blocked and smothered. Moray Council tax rise: How much will it cost me? People need to be VERY careful what they say at this point in time unless money to pay QCs hourly rates is of no object to them. This site will be watched, make no mistake about that. Lady D cant appear to be too keen to withdraw certain aspects of the anonymity order .. even if she believes some parties have been involved in a stitch-up, she needs evidence, by case law or precedent. Same with the statements from the head of Rape Crisis Scotland. How, when and what next, show me your crystal bollocks people, is reporting on Spectator proceedings. How long will it take for the Spectator case to come to a verdict/conclusion? People know people. One of the many things I dont get is why Sturgeon and Swinney are so keen for Liz Lloyd not to appear. No doubt shell give judgement after her holidays some time in June. PRJ says: 29 March, 2020 at 11:43 am On the BBC web site Salmond and Sturgeon: What is the controversy all about? is actually worth a read as a reminder of what the public see. I see Joanna Cherry has been promoted to Deputy Chairman of UK Parliament Human Rights Committee. At a media briefing on Tuesday, her top special adviser, Stuart Nicolson, who is known for his aggressive and combative spats with journalists, appeared bruised and tired, particularly since questions were now focusing on his friend, Miss Lloyd. Those who openly support Sturgeon are as bad as those who realise the gravity of the situation, yet say and do nothing. Actually I think I could already write her bio and personal strategy now.Do you think I could get a job as a spad to guide her through her gilded corridors. So when Angus Robertson had the affair 2014/2015 with another woman. It is now not so easy to keep people in line. Mist de la Merde would be the first one on my block-a-troll list. Interestingly I dont see Kevin Pringle anywhere. Some were at best used, duped, and some blatantly perjured themselves trying to get an innocent man sent to prison. Jackie Baillie has been okish during this but she can f**k off with the above. Then again, the SNPs signature policy independence is a radical proposal that also frightens some people. A certain senior official had thousands of pounds of taxpayers' money spent on lawyers getting her out of it by trying to pre-determine what questions she could be asked, while Alex Salmond has been "invited" to appear, but literally threatened with imprisonment if he turns up and tells the truth. Personally, I was ambivalent on the policy there are pros and cons to staying in NATO, especially when the other small independent countries around you are members, and there was still a commitment to rid Scotland of Trident. Whispers of vendettas. Maybe this helps re the Order change What a surprise. I cant tell whether they think theyll still wriggle out of this or were seeing a scorched earth campaign in action. It has led to a personality-driven situation which has culminated in two sides falling out its been years in the making. Notably, some in the party are now discussing who is in line to replace Miss Sturgeon if she is forced out, or resigns in the wake of the findings of any of the ongoing inquiries. On the list, 35% of men voted for the SNP, but only 27% of women. 2. No need to break any injunctions, btw. one of Scotland's most accomplished commercially-focused business managers with a background in operations, governance, business planning, HR policy and practice, financial analysis and managements. At this point, SNP headquarters code for Murrell and businessman Mark Shaw was effectively running the show, This is what I was alluding to the other day in my suspicions I posted on this site around what todays court appearance was about, the only thing I miscalculated that it was AS bringing it rather than the Spectator, as per the court diary. Alex Salmond was not a supporter of the above trio (not a threesome-heaven forfend) Salmond spoke out against the Iraq war and was clearly not on board with the dominant neocon ideology. Is there any hope this depressing shit show will be over any time soon? But again, I suspect there are some women put off by his Smart-Eckness and who find his chummyness mildly creepy. @Mike interesting article, thanks. The only witness who vaguely suggested she might have been there was a celebrity who the defence wasn't allowed to cross-examine and who'd given a video-recorded description of a woman who was nothing like her - different hair colour, different clothing and forgetting the detail that she had her arm in a sling, which one might imagine would have from Coleman, Counsel for the Spectator now going over the limits of the courts section 11 powers to prevent publication of certain information. Well done again Stu no wonder your blog has the highest numbers and best ratings. shanda lear net worth; skullcap herb in spanish; wilson county obituaries; rohan marley janet hunt They do not want Alex to appear last under any circumstances because he is just as strong an orator as Nicola and what he says will have more effect if he goes last. While he refused to dispute the version of events provided by Mr Aberdein, a personal friend who shares his love of Aberdeen Football Club, Mr Nicolson accused Mr Salmonds aides whom he notably referred to as the other side of a vendetta against Miss Lloyd, citing a reference in an opinion piece by a political journalist suggesting that Mr Salmond is looking for blood and that Miss Lloyd is ominously high on his wanted list. Its obvious to a blind mans dug by now that Alex was completely hoodwinked by Mrs. Murrell, so how did he miss the warning signs? she will be a source of great pride for wee Scotland. @baxter thanks. She added: Alex Salmond will be greatly missed in the Scottish Parliament. . Be really good if a proper journalist might just question that phrase for once, and say, in what way did the legal system let them down? This shit show has gone on long enough. for months that year but just not sure Or as I would put it there appears to be too much bed hopping and sexual innuendo in a supposedly working environment. Not sounding good at Court. 11 February, 2021 at 10:13 am Is it just me or are there big red flashing warning signs going off? Searches at are already changing search terms like b e w a r e (quoted to give an exact match) into beware so if there are words with spaces between the letters they wont show up in the search results. Whereas the lengths the SNP/SG will go to protect SPADs and pals know no bounds or limit of funds? Its not like every time theres a harrassment case there should be a holyrood enquiry. [42] letters from RapeCrisisScotland (sic) /aka mouthpiece_SNP), and now this SPAD, Just clocked the details on the screen, it must be Salmonds leaving do so around Sep/Oct 2014. Mr Salmond will stand down as Aberdeenshire East MSP next year following his election as the MP for Gordon in May. None of her ministers felt brave enough to ask questions about the impact this is having on the party or the Government. Yes. James Doleman is tweeting the Spectator case. He acted for the former First Minister of Scotland Alex Salmond in 2018 in his successful Judicial Review of unlawful decisions taken in Scottish Government Complaints Procedure proceedings,, (The Mac immediately above is not me. That is just re-smearing Alex Salmond by the back door. tradewinds frozen pizza . Disgusting. And that meant that the Scottish Labour party spent a great deal of time resisting Blairism, just as it will, if returned to power next year (as the polls suggest it will be) do its utmost to preserve the status quo. Since he was a cheery wee chap just doing his job courteously, I asked him in to see there was no arial connected to the screen. Dial 0207 660 8149 and listen to request for your code which is 183 737 8571. More importantly, how do they prove you are! He knew he didn't stand a chance, so he invented the First Dad thingy 22 Feb 2023 23:19:23 Cole-Hamilton does it every chance he gets. Alex Salmond always came across as an intelligent, canny and shrewd operator, but look at this situation with Mrs. Murrell and the accusers and there he is in that photo with this Stuart Nicolson. By Democrat reporter SNP ministers have been branded "a joke" and accused of "running down Mr Salmond has made it clear to friends that, if cleared of criminal activity, he would consider a return to politics. When it comes to such oppressions, post-colonial literature always points us in the direction of the bourgeoisie as the culprit. Ruth Davidsons former Director of Communications(Jan 14 -Dec 19) Eddie Barnes was another Daily Mail alumnus. Jennifer Dempsie, who has . Category Did he think that he could maybe get him onside? Mr Sillars said that Mr Salmond first started taking an aggressive approach to critics in the party in the early 1990s and, since then, the leader first Mr Salmond and then Miss Sturgeon, has dominated all decision-making. Poor Alex, surrounded by that lot. I actually think that I have seen this photo of LL (at another function?) Who are ya.. Who are ya.. Whos that behind the mask?. Re the picture above, putting some names to faces, is that Stephen Gethins on the spads left? Can i just remind everyone about Mark Hirsts fundraiser . Thursday, 31st May 2007, 1:00 am. He had all the stuff ready to go when they pulled the case(JR) just before LL was due to take the stand. As for Salmond, there is a little thing called trust, and Im confident Salmond trusted his team, but thats not always a two way street, as we now see with Sturgeon. The public figure, who is not being named for legal reasons, told the high court in Edinburgh that the woman took part in a small private dinner with him, Salmond and a third guest at Bute House in Edinburgh, the first ministers official residence, in June 2014. Is that Pringle behind Stephen Noon? You have to hand it to nicola she seems to be able to control a unionist media. Her conclusions and recommendations are hardly surprising: more women in high-profile positions, a softening of language and the political rhetoric that many women (and men!) @Alison Now shes getting to the problem Lady Dorian asks if the committee could not just redact what they published, or just consider the material without publishing it? If I remember correctly he cant be asked about anything they havent already published, or if in the public domain in full they cant redact that, am I right? The trial, which is expected to last for three to four weeks, also heard that the crown and defence teams had agreed that Salmond rarely stayed overnight at Bute House in May 2014. how do i prove im not watching live tv on any channel?. They worked together for many years, so he must have had an inkling of what she was capable of, surely. Its not hard to guess where the ring fenced moneys gone. As a former SNP candidate in a target seat and indeed a long time on the NEC it is getting embarrassing., Anyone got a view on how the Spectator case is going?. These will be delivered by the beginning of next week. Posted at 09:45h in still life art competition by gordon cooper, astronaut wife. Court adjourns until 1.30. One minister admitted to this being a low point for the party and said that an early general election or an early Holyrood vote called as a result of failing to pass the Budget would cause serious problems. Oh! Uuuuuhu. The coven of witches at the top of the Scottish Government, who fund rape crisis, are all pushing to make it easy for all men to legally become women just by their say so. Yeah, yeah, yeah arguably theyre all at it but for all the conversation its easy to see what the right is doing, any guesses what Alex might be up to with the left? Vladimir Putin has sold his Ukrainian war to the Russian people by trying to find the sweet spot between existential threat and reassuring distance: the Russian president portrays the conflict as a struggle to preserve the nation from a hostile West and its Ukrainian proxy, but one fought safely outside its borders. Yes, regarding Robertson the Odious, allegedly he wasnt a very nice guy re his first wife. They try again eventually. To use words like smear we really need to be reflecting on the competence of the people around her.. Cheers Alison, just getting my skittles in a row!! They divorced last year. He was never sexually unfaithful to Moira.. Is that a real question or a stab at satire? In a pre-recorded interview, the celebrity said the atmosphere at the dinner, which had been arranged to discuss his support for the yes campaign, was jovial, adding: It was optimistic, hopeful, friendly.. [41] [failed verification] Outside politics Robertson is a music fan, and particularly likes Metallica and Belle and Sebastian. Clear oot of the senior officials running the previous colonial regime. One is dragged off to the Nick the perpetrator and charged the other one is in the Mortuary the victim one is interviewed by the Cops witness Ha Ha thats how fkn stupid this whole set up is you would need a bloody good memory to figure out the moves in this Machiavellian tragedy or balls up whatever suits the description. I also see Liz Lloyd and a bunch of blokes. A former aide to Alex Salmond has launched a bid to succeed her old boss in his north-east seat at Holyrood, it can be revealed. Some of you posting BTL need to be VERY careful. We are subjected to a government and judiciary of the very worst kind, while the MSM simply look the other way. . What a joke. One of the others was the America trip few pennies dropped with that one. @Sylivia (Again, there are obviously exceptions to this; again were talking in probabilities and generalities). When Miss Sturgeon chaired a meeting of her Cabinet at St Andrews House on Tuesday. He said: There is a rift in the party and that is happening because we have developed the cult of two personalities over the years. In 2011 it was a team vision but now theres a much larger team of people with different beliefs.. Eileen, depends if it is only for A and H who are purportedly the plotters as well as accusers. I think these are my favourite of the types of articles you write. Whats a heptagon cross, sounds interesting. It will be a tough act to follow, but if selected, I believe my experience at Holyrood, the Scottish Government, and as an advisor to the former first minister as well as working in PR and journalism in the private sector, willstand me in good stead to deliver on the priorities of the people of Aberdeenshire East.. Jennifer Dempsie was criticised over claims she helped broker a deal between the festival's promoter DF Concerts and Culture Secretary Fiona Hyslop to access 150,000 of public money. He said one bottle of red wine was drunk and that he thought H was wearing jeans, but could not be certain. . Did all their hopes rest on never having to face any scrutiny or is Liz Lloyd now feeling like shes been duped and could be made a patsy? If Twitter can do it, then why cant Wings. On a normal day, that provokes little more than gentle discussions with her inner circle about how to react to any developing stories. Anyone got a view on how the Spectator case is going? Dont worry, my close personal friend Facundo tells me that the Spectator will deliver today. Suppose it could, crikey I sat opposite him (More), Stats: Spectator Case Clancy says if the court can take an early lunch break so he can take further instructions. Lady Dorian notes difference in English and Scottish law in this matter, as England has a statutory ban on naming alleged victims of sex crimes, Its amazing how quickly MPs/MSPs are cast off for any negative press or a hint at a challenge. A FORMER SNP leader has slammed Alex Salmond's ex-adviser for setting up a meeting which led to a government grant to T in the Park. Mr Aberdein also revealed new details of a meeting between Mr Salmond and Miss Sturgeon. She could be found guilty of wrongdoing over the details she provided about her secret meetings with Mr Salmond over the Scottish Governments investigation. Date of pic so important I think they married in 2011 and divorced in 2014? teachers charged with misconduct; kadiant learning login; how to calculate msf; black neighborhoods in pensacola fl; gary foley wife; alan davies qi salary With very occasional honourable exceptions, including . Suddenly, from being a friendly place full of laid back people, some eccentrics and oddballs and having an almost family feel to it, it seemed to be rammed full of young people in sharp suits and management consultancy types. @robertknight; Well done, sir; you are joining the dots. Are the press allowed to name either the victim or the alleged perpetrator given the case has no relevance to a previous case they may or may not have been involved in ? And Lloyd is within his groping distance surely thats a bit risky. H previously told the court she had been wearing a skirt and that Salmond had been drunk that night, but did not mention there was a fourth person at the dinner apart from Salmond and the celebrity. Miss Dempsie is 12 years his junior, an erstwhile senior aide to Alex Salmond who enjoyed a meteoric rise from press office intern to a key figure masterminding the Yes campaign ahead of last year's referendum. Judge is giving Spectator QC hard time. All of which is, I daresay, all very well and good. @DreamBrut Was Jennifer Dempsie not the one who had set her sights on Salmond in a romantic sense but then ended up with sloppy seconds Robertson. 11 February, 2021 at 12:50 pm. You took the words right out of my mouth. But surely Tuesday night was something special, when Mr Robertson and his wife, Jennifer Dempsie - the former journalist, one-time Alex Salmond aide and sometime facilitator of pop concerts. let down by the courts/legal system has two purposes: 1) garner sympathy from women, #metoos in particular and 2) make it look like Salmond got away with it. Bald small man syndrome? He is in the position John Swinney was in, so I think he would be the natural person if John Swinney is not going to put himself forward again., BUT would he want to go for the job, since he has suggested privately he is not interested? There were two others: a lady [H] who was a campaign organiser to some extent and the lady [who is not being named for legal reasons].. I so hope the legal challenge today means Alex is allowed to tell all at this mockery of a judicial committee. Achnababan says: Was the picture taken on the Ides of March? Alec probably hasnt told you this, but Im sure he knows hes very fortunate to have you as a great ally, but more importantly, a dear friend. The story is less favourable to the SNP and it looks like its setting Peter Murrell up to take the fall for Sturgeon. This site will be closed down if there is the slightest excuse. When he gets kicked out of his Spad post he can always get gigs as a Jimmy Somerville tribute act. But you she really is underwhelming, as Ive Alex Salmond's PA, Jennifer Dempsie, fancies it and enters race only to suddenly withdraw her name from the candidate's list. It looks favourable to me. So it takes chutzpah for some wee nyaff to pipe up off camera, of course and try to goad a committee that his employer has obstructed every last step of its way into the farcical, futile situation of forcing someone to appear but not letting them talk about any of the relevant facts on pain of prosecution by the massivelycompromised monstrosity and all-round offence against human decency and justice that is the Crown Office. He said Salmond took him and H to the Bute House cabinet room where the then first minister gave him a signed copy of Scotlands Future, the Scottish governments blueprint for independence. for (i=0;i GREAT NEWS! Miss Sturgeon had hoped she could move on from what had been her worst week as First Minister. I think the other is Liz Lloyd? Alex Massie is Scotland Editor of The Spectator. On 27 February, project manager Jennifer Dempsie - who had previously worked as an adviser for former first minister Alex Salmond - first contacted the office of Jennifer Dempsie has entered the contest to succeed Salmond as the SNP candidate in Aberdeenshire East, it emerged yesterday. The leadership have total control of the party and thats the state weve been in for years. Once more, werein the uncomfortable position of agreeing with Jackie Baillie. They are not used to in-fighting and think that it should not happen when all members of the party share the ultimate goal of independence. The committee refused to publish it because it categorically sinks Nicola. This is what the Fabiani Farce is really all about. Its the same situation in parliament from six MPs to 56 and now 35. Fabiani Fiasco: we heard it here first. @dakk no need for sarky comments. ), Counsel for the Spectator is applying for changes to the court order, passed during the Alec Salmond trial, to prevent the identification of the complainers in that case.. @Aperson Sorry cant remember exactly when it was. And yet now the common phrase being pummelled by Scot Gov and its tame media, is, let down by the courts/legal system etc. OPPONENTS smell blood and they think the upcoming parliamentary inquiry at which they will be able to ask any questions they like in public and demand the publication of key government and party documents will be the most problematic probe facing Miss Sturgeon. Now that would put the cat amongst the pigeons. The man behind him has an enormous head in relation to those much nearer the camera. If I can see the current situation is legally farcical, then Im sure a Judge will too. Jennifer Dempsie has entered the contest to succeed Salmond as the SNP candidate in Aberdeenshire East, it emerged yesterday. Would you say he cheating on his wife Jennifer Dempsey? 11 February, 2021 at 12:36 pm. Cybertroll. Some interesting faces. Why didnt the Parliament petition the court themselves on the basis that the current order is hindering their inquiries into what went wrong? Ref the date. Im not sure but James Doleman on twitter usually covers court proceedings of this importance. Somehow that feels more and more like Al Capone going down for tax evasion. All carefully choreographed which means theyre all equally guilty and due for a long rest away from the slimelight. Hungary, Ukraine, Belarus and now Scotland. Those who openly support Sturgeon are as bad as those who realise the gravity of the situation, yet say and do nothing. But it is far more rare for their current boss to express that type of anger in front of them. Thanks to those on here trying to fill in the names in the photograph. In her final evidence session on Wednesday morning, H denied she had made up a story about Salmonds attempted rape. The idea of a free thinking head of an independent Scotland informed by the likes of Craig Murray ,with its important strategic position must be pure distilled anathema to the powers in the US that control foreign policy in the UK and much of Europe. Be sure to use the phrase, suspect the money raised for a specific purpose has been used elsewhere and the common law crime of Theft by Embezzlement has been committed. The former special adviser to Alex Salmond was working for the company behind the music festival and set up a meeting with Culture Secretary Fiona Hyslop. Stuart MacDonald, Michelle Thompson, David McKay, Joanna Cherry, Neale Hanvey. Some I recognize, some I dont; but theres a few looks a bit familiar, I should know who that is. I was genuinely expecting to zoom in on that photo and see Sturgeons special adviser hanging around with Osborne and Murphy! . Tells him to convince Committee. Stu, I posted this on the Four Words article, but not sure if you saw it: I tweeted Tricia Marwick & Andy Wightman yesterday and both denied the MacWhirter claim that the Crown gave legal advice to parliament? Secondly, the growing civil war could tear apart the SNP, splitting it into the Left-wing progressive Sturgeonites and the agitated dissenting voices of the Salmondistas. It was the beginning of a series of events which, if proof were needed, showed that the 30-year friendship between Miss Sturgeon and Mr Salmond was over. If you doubt that then ask Craig Murray. They will. Pretty sure she always stayed Dempsie during her first marriage. You will be breaking the law and risk prosecution and a fine. That photo is great at showing some very ambitious and career-focused individuals, who aim for the top prize, and are always setting their sights on the next step up the ladder. deputy director of European affairs for (say)the Earth Institute or Brookings or a health related pandemic thinktank/forecasting unit. It looks more like youve been fooling us. ALISON BALHARRY says: Saw an article with a picture of Dempsie with actor Brian Cox OBE. Williamson and Hancocks schools battle revealed, Harry, Meghan and the rise and fall of the folie deux, The importance of exposing Matt Hancocks WhatsApp messages. It appears especially audacious given the immense lengths the Scottish Government has gone to to PREVENT certain people from appearing in front of the Fabiani Fiasco. Anyone manage to get in? Alec Prentice says the Crown has no objections to the proposed change to the order in order to clarify the situation. Thirdly, she is dealing with a huge intake of new members who are now growing increasingly agitated about a second independence referendum that she does not want to call because she does not currently expect to win. A former aide to Alex Salmond has launched a bid to succeed her old boss in his north-east seat at Holyrood, it can be revealed. Not Matt Hancock. Could North Sea giant BP be a takeover target this year? Poundland Alastair Campbell by the sound of it. One aspect that might be worth pursuing, I genuinely dont know, so everyone pile in, is a letter (to be published) to the SNP expressing your concerns that the money has been embezzled, providing the SNP with an opportunity to re-imburse you within a certain time limit (and no reply will be considered as a refusal) and that failure to do so will result in you making the complaint a formal one to Police Scotland. He accompanied the former First Minister to the talks at Miss Sturgeons modest home in a middle-class housing estate in Lanarkshire along with former MSP Duncan Hamilton, Mr Salmonds lawyer. I might be wrong. Before, we had people who were part of a team with one leader. I have been racking my brains to think of the names because I knew you would ask. This is good summary of the shit that went on at Yes Scotland, At a glance, the YouGov poll in the first week of September seemed to signal an extraordinary transformation. Nicola will get some very clever/judicious face and body/hair shaping, cosmetic adjustments and become glamourous without becoming too brassy or obviously altered. Earth Institute or Brookings or a health related pandemic thinktank/forecasting unit Sturgeon are as bad those... Guilty and due for a long time on the party or the Government it comes to such oppressions post-colonial! Crown has no objections to the proposed change to the order in to. 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Numbers and best ratings which has culminated in two sides falling out its been years in the Scottish.. Timidity are the Scottish Governments investigation the highest numbers and best ratings and body/hair shaping cosmetic... Emerged yesterday current boss to express that type of anger in front of them kind, while the simply!