how to open python idle from command line

You can also open an existing Python file by selecting File Open in the menu bar. There seems to be no reason for this not to be an edit + answer combination to the original question, explaining what's insufficient about the accepted answer. NB: Do not include % while running the command-line . On windows platform, you have 2 choices: In a command line terminal, type c:\\python23\\python Open the python editor IDLE from the menu, and open You'll first be presented with the image on your screen: Figure 1: Our original image displayed on screen.Flask - Calling python function on button OnClick event - PYTHON [ Ext for Developers : https://www. To learn more about it, check out How to Write Beautiful Python Code With PEP 8. The shell will forget about everything from its previous state: In the image above, you first declare a variable, x = 5. press F5. Is there an equivalent of 'which' on the Windows command line? In [2]: x = randn(10000) In [3]: hist(x, 100) it sets everything up for you so interactive plotting works as you would expect it to. To run a Python script interactively, open up your command line and type python. There can be only one open editor window for a given file. In a Terminal window, type python. But I will post there an answer. Thanks for your answer :), Note: In windows you can replace %1 %2 %3 with simply %*. You can also click the checkbox next to Bold to toggle whether or not all text appears in bold. PythonPythonPythonPythonPythonShellIDEPythonPythonPython Extracting extension from filename in Python. To start a new Python file, select File New File from the menu bar. If you dont want to save your changes, then simply press Cancel. Rarely the native os is useful. It will show you the scope of a function, class, loop, or other construct. ","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":""}}],"_links":{"self":""}},"collections":[],"articleAds":{"footerAd":"
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