how to find deleted fanfiction ao3

On I did find some Fanfiction archives however I am not sure how it works or if that specific fanfiction or other stories by the author are on the archive. For more information, please see our Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Like, in this particular case, does respect the setting or not? Firstly, a bunch of thanks for sharing such valuable information & experience with us.Actually, I was doing some research about the Wayback machine project usability & their development. is ao3 off of wayback machine again? 3. But this will bring you to how the page is currently installed. TLDR: Fanfic i read in 2017 probably got deleted and i want to find it. But let me tell you this isnt true. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. I'm in a fandom where harrassment over shipping is very common (though appears to be waning post-finale), so if I really, really love a work, I don't take a chance. You could be in a situation where a book has been deleted that you enjoyed reading years ago, and you want to reread it. This is how her page looks like right now: As you can see there are only 3 fics available. Really cool! You can orphan the work according to the instructions in How do I orphan my work(s)?the byline on the work will read "orphan_account" or "your pseud (orphan_account)". Only a few authors would leave a free copy of their book on AO3 while selling them in bookstores. The fanfiction itself is from the Sweeney Todd fandom located in the movies section. I recently saw a post here on Tumblr that said that when a fanfic gets deleted from or any other website you can think of)you will never be able to find this again. Things change, and what's fine now may not be fine one, two, five years from now. I got to their account, but any link I tried to click I got a screen saying I have to log in, but when I do it's like it kicks me out of the Wayback Machine and into ao3 proper, or to an error page on the Wayback Machine. Hope this will come in handy for you! . We reached out to its maintainers several times during this period, to find out why AO3 pages weren't archived anymore. (31), International Fanworks Day Feedback Fest 2023 (104), Open Doors celebrates the completion of 17 archive imports in 2022! And if you do just tell me and Ill delete this post. Also while experimenting a bit with my account preferences I realised that AO3 is showing an apparently random number of my works on my profile even after I marked them as 'accessible for registered users only' which is a strange privacy setting. The thing is, the FFN link for the story was saved (on March 4, 2020 as the site says), but it looks like the page that was actually saved was the "story not found" page. i can get some of the fics (weirdly) but not all of them. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I download it. I think I had a fic in my bookmarks but its not there anymore and when I try to search for it the links dont work. There are many other fanfiction readers on these spaces, and theres a chance someone else has an offline copy of the book you want to read so badly. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. page, you will get an error: But dont worry! Since the Wayback Machine doesnt have an AO3 account, when the crawler found that story, it got redirected to the same page all unregistered viewers see, informing them that it was inaccessible. You can see a little arrow pointing downwards at the end of it. (THANK YOU SO MUCH). Tonight was one such a time. Please note that this is permanent and irreversibleyou are giving up control over the work, including the ability to edit or delete it, and you are unable to reclaim it. If you need more help, please submit a Support request. That shouldn't happen :/The only problem I've had is with M/E-rated fics, where the agegate can trip up the Wayback Machine. You need to create a private collection first. (49), "How can I hide my works from non-Archive users?" You also need it to have a memorable name so you can easily remember it for later on in the process. This is amazing! I tried that but it didn't work. However, due to copyright law, they will probably restore that page 70 or 80 or 120 years after your death And if you're at all popular, people will make their own copies and possibly publish them. FAQ for information that can help protect your privacy. I see how this is a nice feature for readers - but then it also means for me as an author that I won't be able to delete my fic without also having to contact the wayback machine and ask them to take down the mirror, right? While I understand the concerns about preserving fanworks, I wish there was an opt-out for individual authors (as on LJ) where there is the option to add the noarchive tags to their works. Edit: Thank you everyone for replying! Where To Find Deleted Fanfiction? Your user name and/or pseud is removed from the byline on the work and all its chapters. Good to know! She had a lot more than that. You will have to google each chapter individually (so type in google: author + title + chapter of choice), but honestly thats a small price to pay for having access to a goldmine of fanfiction! They decide not to fight because they have fallen in love and hope their people would understand that. 09:38PM UTC, tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, The OTW is Recruiting for Legal Committee Interns, News Translation Volunteers, and Volunteers & Recruiting Volunteers (0), A Priest in Korea is Moving to the AO3 (52), Thanks for Participating in International Fanworks Day 2023 (12), It's International Fanworks Day 2023! Well, lets dive in and see some possible ways to retrieve them. I would also love to have some insight in what the option 'hide my work from search engines when possible' actually does or doesn't do. Hope you dont mind! Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Anyone remember the name of a fanfiction with Sheamus and Wade Barrett about 10 years ago, maybe between 2010 and 2012? I have been scouring the internet all day trying to find a way to get access to a copy of a now deleted fanfiction. You should . Users have the ability to link various pseudonyms and names under one account and also to "orphan" stories to remove their names from them. I just checked and did not find anything :( I appreciate the suggestion, anyway! Alternatively, double-check that the Wayback Machine hasn't archived the full version of the story somewhere. Is there a way to set back the website to before it got deleted? Try searching for: url:******?view_full_work=true. All you will want to do is open, type in the name of the writer (or the name of the fanfiction if you remember) + the website that their fanfiction was published on. Where To Find Deleted Fanfiction? Online platforms likeRedditandQuoraallow internet users to connect with like-minded people in almost every aspect of life. Now you would have the normal search results appear, like here above ^^. showed up :/. Based on my own experiences, most fanfic tends to have anywhere from 3 to 30 tags, depending on the length of the work and how many major themes, pairings, and characters it covers. This site is the Italian version of FFN, and you'll have to create an account to access the fic. Is it hopeless? People change too. If you change your mind, select "Cancel" to close the textbox. I've never seen a 'fic doesn't exist' error. Continue Reading Sponsored by Sane Solution Throat phlegm? Anyway,jbsforeverrecently deleted all of her fics on Ao3. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. An unofficial sub devoted to AO3. Reaching out to them and asking for a copy of their work might be an excellent way to get the fanfiction youre looking for; many times, an author has a copy of his fanfiction offline or privately saved on the cloud. Thank you. You can see a little arrow pointing downwards at the end of it. So, check if the fanfiction youre looking for has been published if youre looking for it on AO3 and cant find it.,, fell in love with. She had a lot more than that. I was wondering if you could help me? Thanks Is there any way I can recover them? In such scenarios, what can you do? Orphaning is an alternative to deleting a work which you no longer want associated with your account. Wow that 2010 archive is a blast from the past! The Wayback Machine only archived the WARNING PAGES that you receive when you open those kinds of works. Did anybody downloaded the story Vows by Delilah_delmart?? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How to See Who Liked Your Playlist On Spotify. Make sure no one else is able to access or add to it. Had just settled in for a long night of saving fics, and "Page cannot be displayed due to robots.txt." 16 fanfictions and their names for you to enjoy. For more information, refer to the. With an AO3 account, you can: Share your own fanworks. Logging in doesnt actually do anything if youre viewing a page saved on the Wayback Machine its a frozen page, not something you can interface with. Hello! Please note that the work will not be removed from the seriesto do this, you must edit the work to remove it from the series before orphaning it. In that case, youre pretty much out of luck. FrozenAnna. (THANK YOU SO MUCH). Guess what her page looks like now? FAQ. Longer fics will likely have more tags as more topics are covered, but they still rarely top a few dozen at most. AO3 stands for Archive Of Our Own (the O3 simplifies the last three words starting with the letter O in its title). Would've been happy all this time later if this shit actually WORKED on Mature and Explicit works. It was about Sheamus and Wade both being kings in like the medieval times and having to fight each another one on one on the battlefield. Does this link work for you? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. How would you feel if AO3 had the option to kudos each chapter, similar to Wattpad's feature? Please consider turning it on! If you're concerned about the public availability of your works, check our "How can I hide my works from non-Archive users?"