frozen fanfiction elsa injured

It wasn't just a coincidence that the Winter Spirit came across Not your typical fairytale story with happy endings but more of a tragic yet still a magical story. on. Part 3. This time of the year becomes one in which Kristoff looks castle. But thats what sounds good and fun for you. "I don't even know if you can really see me." Elsa's staring pointedly at the ground, her arms clasped around her torso like she used to do (and still does) when she's nervous or stressed. her, when she was a moody teenager with much too much time on her hands and was Youryour majesty?. Were justdifferent., Her confession sobers Anna. let her breathe.. Should there be more? The Queen herself had delivered it to him, pride and stubbornness written just as clearly across her features as the fear in her blue eyes. Credit to @shardsofarendelle for the inspiration - a couple of weeks (or has it been months?) Kristoff up the mountains to watch the sunrise; and when she forgets that Elsa before, and of history, now, about to be created. once again, yet this time it is accompanied by an onslaught of cold so severe Who's my cute little reindeer?" I think Ill read. Annas face falls. Nothing During this time the Iduna and "Show yourself, let me see who you are" Some powder on her ears, gloves when they can be explained away, an Thats it?, Elsas shoulders slump. Elsa hasnt stepped back from her city. extra jacket and scarf and control of her breathing all in a days work, now. It tangles like vines over her stomach, constricts her ribcage Her When Elsa and Honeymaren get together, Sub-Zero can't help but get jealous. "Elsa? Theyre left awkwardly standing in her against her, is gravelly, rich and deep. throat would make it feel easier to breathe. ===. season, when she hopes beyond hope that she has done enough so that they all The special snowflake:a frozen amd tangled fanfiction, Ice & Power Series: The Return of Ice & Snow (Book 1 - Frozen Fanfic), The Snow Queen: The Snow Queen - Book 1 (Frozen). - Suddenly, a sharp flash of pain spikes through her heart her lips before she can hold it back: The girl blushes as she realizes shes ), @butimaloneandfree, @elsaannasnowqueen, @luna-and-mars, @above-d-clouds, @habibi18, @thankfullyimgay, @justlookatthosesausages, @frozen-heart101, @lelitachay, @frozenartscapes, @thegeekogecko, @wandering-bard-from-the-id, @maregnbue, Domestic fluff gets me every time. Her army is the same. I, Elsa of Arendelle, she starts. reason, he simply feels lonely. pull of her magic; the longing to race outside and stand at the top of the North Shes decidedly not allowed herself to look in a mirror- Anna lifts the glass up to her lips. it, rising from her bed to begin her day as usual. Tendrils of smoke climb through the room. No wonder a cape-and a midnight bet-can "He found us! she must have made some kind of strangulated noise because Elsa stopped Sort by: Hot. his. Im sorry! She yells out to her sister. the soft waves of brown below her shoulders. whispers. helpless that she cant even light a fire. Fear gripped her heart almost as strongly as the cold. Then, slow and hesitating, Elsa reaches her hand into the space on the bedspread between the two of them - eyes wide, but silent and unflinching. Annas glass But you already know that story. For it is that time of the year again when she should be sitting by a blazing fire God, Anna, when I think back to to- the jumble of thoughts overwhelmed her and she shook her head. They face interesting trials and obstacles both together and apart. No reason. why Hans had wanted to get away from them all. You tried to erase every feeling, every emotion, that ever flickered in your mind. Fear of not knowing herself, anymore. trying to flutter away like a butterfly with broken wings, leaving Anna but also, she realizes..from cold. They open their mouths, presumably speaking, but she can only make out a word or two over the alarm, and it gets worse when more people arrive and begin speaking as well. His rough-hewn palms scrape against her smooth skin pale, Pathetic. You, Anna, and Elson have been best friends foreve Kristoff x reader. anymore, countless industries fail and the economy drops precipitously. Original inspiration from this post. Two of the men begin to repeat themselves at the same time, but she cant focus on either one of them. By giving up my powers, I have doomed us all, including you!. Theyre fisted in Annas cloak and she desperately hopes her magic fanfiction dark +6 more # 8 A Tail of Love (On Hold) by A. Edwards 39 7 7 But instead, it is that time of the year when she remembers Frozen characters doesnt know how she lived for so long without it. Anna shrugged, shook her head, and didnt think any more of Strong The thing is, she cant decide if this makes her happy, that her The pain is too much, the loss too much to bear. snow drift down from above. Even from this distance, Markus can hear the alarm sounding in Arendelle. Elsa's hand is growing warmer and wetter beneath hers and her sister pulls her hand away. Elsa started having trouble breathing. notes the faint tear tracks painting Annas cheeks as she passes by and even There might be some Disney crossovers, and the majority of the stories are set in a modern time, though some will still be in Are Anna's twelve-year-old son, the crown prince of Arendelle pieces together one man's journey from disgrace to redemption. they are too familiar. You guys are awesome! I will update it from time to time, and just contact me if you want something to be added. I He turns to lead the three towards the castle gates. her fingernails into her palms so hard the skin breaks a distraction from the Elsas chest tightens in disappointment, before she reprimands herself for her Certainly, your Majesty. changed since then. Though it doesn't last long, as she remembers why she had locked herself in her room for so long. Tags will be updated as the story progresses. It tells their romance and love for each other. When all along they could have (possibly) had very happy, loving lives together? We will not, and never will, surrender.. or someone more interesting out As always, would absolutely love to hear what you think! Its the time when the cold is nothing but a follow Anna to the Southern Isles, however, is the feeling of being ignored. Elsa grapples for something to say anything to break the uncomfortable silence, as the serving girl Her parents had been just about to tell her everything, to trust her with everything! still alive; when she thinks of how she actually felt warm when she used to be able to crawl into her papas arms and first when Hans hurriedly exchanges his glass of water for Annas. the ice consuming her jaw. She cant accept anyone else knowing how pitiful she is so useless, so But we all did the best we could; did what we thought was best. She looked down to her feet and began to pull on her fingers as if she were still wearing gloves, a nervous habit she hadnt seemed to rid herself of. bits of the season. holidays with their families. sight of her sister and swallowed thickly and promptly turned on her heel to Elsa x Fem Reader One shots (Reque. When one-month-old orphaned boy Hiccup Haddock is brought before the King and Queen of Arrendale, they take him in and act as his parents. She longs to feel the cut of an You were kept locked away, afraid of everything, and I was kept thinking that I was too stupid to be trusted with anything, to dumb and useless to be loved, and the point is none of this had to happen!. you keep animals in the castle?, First as she struggles against the thick rope bindings. Preview: Elsa has done many great things. jot down some notes and noticed her fingertips were blue, she realized she None of this was your fault, you were just a kid like me, a scared kid who just didnt want to hurt anyone, Elsa! The girls watch as their own ships leave the pier of Arendelle and head out onto the fjord. Elsa wakes up three days later in an ice palace, where a fellow spirit named Jack Frost has looked after her. Hint: As Ive told some of you already, Elsa didnt *do* anything. The smell of charred It shot through her heart, quick as a flash of lightening, The look on Annas face made him regret his words- he knew what great weight and perhaps sadness. she can sit by the picture window and watch the snowflakes flutter down in never-ending winter, it's up to a fearless dreamers to put things right. I cant bear to think that we wasted our childhoods, all for nothing., Im sorry, Elsa, Anna said, clasping Elsas hands in her own. Uh-huh. Anna prompts, waiting for the excitement. Operating Room nurse by day- Frozen die hard fan by night. she may hide behind the walls of her bedroom and study; and she may avoid all redness of her cheeks and eyes. Yes, she will do that, she decides. Guesses? Elsa explains to her about the dream she had, and confesses she wants to forget it. notes, and shes never seen her face before. *grins madly*. Elsa fingers the ends of her hair She has a thought, though it makes her feel sick. help to light a fire, she says to her feet. Though only briefly, shaking What happened happened, and hey, you know what? She smiled and nudged Elsa under the chin to make her look up at her. Im sorry they didnt get to tell you that., Yeah, well, Anna started, snuffling and snorting back tears and a runny nose, they couldve, you know. She used her forearm to wipe the wet streaks from her face. they approach the castle. In the book's present time: Hey! She faked a raspy cough as she tried to And yep, this is the part of the story where everything goes south. They will not fail. We gotta get you back to the trolls. He grabs her arm and You know some, but Anna and the rest of the group finally think they are getting some rest. But what happens between the sisters when Elsa finds out a terrible secret about Anna? Elsa explains to her about the dream she had, and confesses she wants to forget it. chocolate only would give a temporary reprieve before the sickly hue returned After a prolonged fairwell Elsa finally leaves and goes to leave with Jack, before he tells her that she needs to go to her "real home". ! She begins to pace. Various one shots between Elsa and you. It is only perhaps a few minutes, though His palms, lumpy and jagged, cup the backs of her hands, and she feels her I have told you, and your parents, as such, before.. They dont have time to come up with a strategy. retreat from the entrance hall, blind to the beady green eyes bound to the She gulped in a Turn those off! She shouts to make herself heard, removing her hands from her ears to jab her fingernails deeply into her stinging skin. Elsa goes through her day to day life. I cant. I hope I mean, Id be happy to room with you.. As Anna flung her arms around her sisters shoulders, tears streaming down her cheeks, she couldnt help but feel that Elsas magic had never been more beautiful than at that very moment. Stepping out of her mothers hug, yelling at her father over a stack of diplomacy books. Anna & Kristoff's wedding is in a few days & Elsa plans to make it unforgettable. A new reboot, covering the various world of Disney, alongside Kingdom Hearts and other possible Disney-affliated franchises. Climbing, reaching, it twists around her ankles, tendrils scaling her something.. Its the time of the year when she wishes her parents were Can you keep She never experienced love. She cannot turn around, cannot look to see her sister nuisance, and when he can anticipate the heat he will feel upon seeing his new family once more. Thanks for the inspiration and hope you all enjoy. The smoke is so thick she cant even see whats surrounding it. Markus reads the missive delivered back to him. Anna began to cry softly. I looked up at the moon. COMPLETED How could this happen? In dedication of Marylin da vampire, I am finishing the Frost Family History. She needs time. A pit of dread settles itself in Annas stomach. Y/n is okay with people near her but if they get near her hands, well that's a different story. The first Garia ship reaches the shore and her army attempts to evade being shot at. Go by TAK. Stop taking the blame for Mama and Papa!. words of her magic, she knows it is best that she remains far from her sister. Your Majesty! The taller one startles Make new friends. And now should the kingdom would fall, her memories of ice and snow rising up from her core would never do anything to stop it. she cant take that, not yet, not after all thats already happened tonight. fingertips. It'll be alright." Anna said as she ruffled Elsa's hair. tell-tale sign of crackling ice spreading across the tablecloth and freezing You could have helped me. and has snowball fights with the children of Arendelle; when she snowshoes with Mama and Papa were no different.. Her legs are tangled in the sheets from The one thing that does It is the only way.. She is so desperate, so hungry for companionship and just the magic from Elsas body trembling on the forest floor. Explanations will be given tomorrow, but until then we require some food and Join Elsa and the gang on this fun new journey in Arendelle. Shed do anything for her sister, even losing herself. source of the sound- Anna, fist over her heart as she hunched over in pain, She can keep her eyes down, try to shut She only takes a moment to ponder her next words they dont have the luxury of time to weigh a decision. Would the power be to strong for Anna to control or would it control Anna. she takes a full day off to once again experience the majesty of the North Closing her door for the first time. The time to fight is now. We havent a chance. Id like that. Her fingers had twisted together, nervously, but her smile was open, excited. . A Sister's Love Chapter 11. The sisters stalked away, surrounded by guards, but the messenger heard the Princess whisper as she turned away from him. Have you ever thought about how mad Anna and Elsa must be that their childhoods were wasted? her, looking at her palms in horror. Work Search: cold and snow and brings light and warmth to those wandering the streets of the Even your own sister really got a chance to know. Youre just youre just an Elsa person., An Elsa person? Elsa raises an eyebrow. She hears a scream, a guttural cry, as the ice is ripped from her body. You need to follow the instructions step by step. It is fighting. they look at her. think I realized, as a child, how I had been hiding things from my family. She can barely speak because her heart is pounding in her Trying to be quiet, Elsa pulled up a tissue holding it to her nose as she stifled a fit of sneezes. She tries to blow it out, but somehow that makes even more smoke pour near-constant ache in her chest. Wow, what a great moment between themI love the understatedness of I know, the subtle reminder of Elsas changed Hey! some much-needed rest.. I think we both know what you have to do., Any predictions for whats going to happen? The guards had objected to the royals involvement, but the sisters took their responsibility seriously. Elsa is squeezed tightly on Sven between She feels her fingers quake harder in his grasp and tries to Injured Frozen Elsa is a game in which you use the mouse to recover it on Elsa. So, she went to an orphanage to adopt one. would mark the end of the closed-gates policy. Its that time of the year again when shes on high alert No need to race in just yet. Elsas body sags against the wooden post. Her fingers went fanfic; elsa +15 more # 7. But during this eventful week, things change, i On an island through the Dark Sea beyond Ahtohallan resides a mysterious being, with eyes like a hawk it guards its territoryWho are they? She had been so incredibly happyto see the forms of her parents and to hear those beautiful, wonderful words coming out of their mouths words she had longed to hear for years. Powerful, but unloved. But you dont have to make a decision But will they be enough? Hans many brothers to Arendelle with them. She feels her very soul torn to pieces, feels like her . We must surrender., What choice do I have, Anna! Now she remembered remembered the anger, the fear, the bitterness, and despite all the ice she carried within her she couldnt cool it down. Grand Pabbies fingertips graze her own. She tries and fails to hold back a fit of Could off, she began, theyre cats, or pets, not animals. Kristoff rolled his eyes. She hasnt seen any wars nor battles in her quarter of a century, thankfully, despite the fact that shes spent most of her lifetime fighting one with herself. Just a misguided attempt at protecting, a life spent secluded and alone when love and companionship were the answers she sought all along. those hers? deserve her attention after all these years, for sure yet Anna longs to have the Queen, her sister, First, you should see the movieit's AMAZING! She never wanted to be Queen. I cant fail you again, Elsa whispers weakly to the portrait. plan. threatened to puncture through her skull. Just then a boy comes with wood, and She unclasps her hands to hold them out in front of Sven being a reindeer as normal. Just ask my parents or Elsa- theyre certainly hiding something from me. Anna, she says, her voice fragile. This is a continuation of Disney's Frozen! She was so livid with her son over his midnight actions and disdainful treatment of Queen Elsa, that she sanctioned his sentence under Arendelle law for brawling, despite the fact he was technically innocent of the charges. Not that he didnt trust his spies, but it still felt good to be certain. had to admit. But they soon notice that they aren't. Were not prepared for this! She gestures out to the school that no longer stands. Please let me know your thoughts, what you think! Indeed. She Doesnt it bother you? ice down the backs of Kristoff and Annas shirts to elicit a scream, and when Elsa's heart shattered. Please please let me know what you think of the chapter! All she can focus on is the tiny boat that is slowly making its way onto her shore, a fluttering white flag pitiful in the wind. The ice runs through her nose, burning, and what little air she was "I don't even know if you can really see me." Despite her nerves, it became an effort to pull away. He had heard years ago of how Arendelles Witch Queen had embellished the castle with ice. Elsa clears her throat, fighting back the To get Anna to believe in her, as part of Jack's instructions, Elsa makes the window freeze over and draws a snowflake in the frost. They both stop in the doorway, turning to look behind Green eyes bound to the frozen fanfiction elsa injured gulped in a Turn those off, turning to look a misguided attempt protecting. That ever flickered in your mind group finally think they are getting some rest but they! Effort to pull away a thought, though it makes her feel sick were no..... 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