aspan standards for phase 2 discharge

Our rules are if there is a patient in the unit, there must be 2 RNs. C. Two conscious patients, stable, 8 years of age and under, with family or competent support staff present but not . Original standards published in 1973 B. The comparison of dexmedetomidine and midazolam used for sedation of patients during upper endoscopy: A prospective, randomized study. Criterion reflects the concept being measured (e.g., arterial oxygen saturation [Sa, 2. "K|eu:KO{z]t[_Lahj$Ay[m TYag"^v{Ieb%M67#x]E+1m*SE&@:Z bhX #{Dw $ augUN0\eK 1. Titrated sedation with propofol or midazolam for flexible bronchoscopy: A randomised trial. Sedatives and analgesics not intended for general anesthesia (e.g., benzodiazepines and dexmedetomidine). At our hospital phase 2 is only for patients being discharged to home. Surgery results in bleeding, nonhematologic volume losses (e.g., evaporative and interstitial), and inflammation. Propofol safety in bronchoscopy: Prospective randomized trial using transcutaneous carbon dioxide tension monitoring. Any discharge criteria exceptions documented and reported to the physician, d. Appropriate for patients receiving monitored anesthesia care, 4. Has 25 years experience. Achievement of discharge criteria reflects need for ongoing critical care nursing to monitor and intervene. All four groups of survey respondents agreed with the recommendation that in urgent or emergent situations where complete gastric emptying is not possible, do not delay moderate procedural sedation based on fasting time alone. The consultants, ASA members, AAOMS members, and ASDA members strongly agree with the recommendations to (1) review previous medical records and interview the patient or family, (2) conduct a focused physical examination of the patient, and (3) review available laboratory test results. Capnography is superior to pulse oximetry for the detection of respiratory depression during colonoscopy. Residential and Commercial LED light FAQ; Commercial LED Lighting; Industrial LED Lighting; Grow lights. This phase typically begins in the operating room and continues in the PACU. This article is featured in This Month in Anesthesiology, page 1A. }x3\,2ygt*e.Dl>_V0eOT3T#{ 5Pm9 4C1Bb"7YHY9Z %5VVF3;)E@:@*'* us7]AEk T;rv;71eAZwu|Mld]BBGu1dRKL`DLb(z$b#7A}AdoycbT=.45^P!0gpc_]c_;t8:8Wtim^$fHcO7V>Xu PACU care is typically divided into two phases, Phase I as patients recover from anesthesia and Phase II as they prepare for discharge. 2. PRACTICE guidelines are systematically developed recommendations that assist the practitioner and patient in making decisions about health care. Finally, consultants, ASA members, AAOMS members, and ASDA members strongly agree with the recommendation to reevaluate the patient immediately before the procedure. Discharge of Patients by Criteria, a standardized procedure. Sedation for children requiring wound repair: A randomised controlled double blind comparison of oral midazolam and oral ketamine. These guidelines specifically apply to the level of sedation corresponding to moderate sedation/analgesia (previously called conscious sedation), which is defined as a drug-induced depression of consciousness during which patients respond purposefully to verbal commands, either alone or accompanied by light tactile stimulation. There are two patients waiting for discharge to Phase II, and one who is ready for discharge but waiting to void. HV0z? 2) The PADSS score is used to evaluate patients in Phase II who will be discharged home. The role of capnography in endoscopy patients undergoing nurse-administered propofol sedation: A randomized study. Technical report: Oxygen saturation monitoring during sedation for chemonucleolysis. Assessment: collect pertinent patient health information 2. Patients with Roux-en-Y gastric bypass require increased sedation during upper endoscopy. The searches covered a 15.6-yr period from January 1, 2002, through July 31, 2017. This may not be feasible for urgent or emergency procedures, interventional radiology or other radiology settings. See table 3 and/or refer to: American Society of Anesthesiologists: Practice guidelines for preoperative fasting and the use of pharmacologic agents to reduce the risk of pulmonary aspiration: Application to healthy patients undergoing elective procedures: An updated report. %%EOF A literature search strategy and PRISMA* flow diagram are available as Supplemental Digital Content 2, These conditions include: (1) extremes of age, ASA status III or higher, and respiratory conditions (category B2-H evidence)57; and (2) obstructive sleep apnea, respiratory distress syndrome, obesity, allergies, psychotropic drug use, history of gastric bypass surgery, pediatric patients who are precooperative or who have behavior or attention disorders, cardiovascular disorders, history of gastric bypass, and history of long-term benzodiazepine use (category B3-H evidence).822 Case reports indicate similar adverse outcomes for newborns, a patient with mitochondrial disease, a patient with grand mal epilepsy, and a patient with a history of benzodiazepine use (category B4-H evidence).2326. A Postanesthesia Care Unit (PACU) or an area which provides equivalent postanesthesia care (for example, a Surgical Intensive Care Unit) shall be available to receive patients after anesthesia care. 9. the family or responsible care giver is allowed into this unit. Arterial oxygen desaturation during ambulatory colonoscopy: Predictability, incidence, and clinical insignificance. Immediately available in the procedure room refers to accessible shelving, unlocked cabinetry, and other measures to assure that there is no delay in accessing medications and equipment during the procedure. These guidelines were developed by an ASAappointed task force of 13 members, consisting of physician anesthesiologists in both private and academic practices from various geographic areas of the United States, a cardiologist, a dentist anesthesiologist, an oral/maxillofacial surgeon, a radiologist, an ASA staff methodologist, and two consulting methodologists for the ASA Committee on Standards and Practice Parameters. Comparison of midazolam plus propofol with propofol alone for upper endoscopy: A prospective, single blind, randomized clinical trial. Combined use of remifentanil and propofol to limit patient movement during retinal detachment surgery under local anesthesia. 1. 0 Wqn a. American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) states in their Standards for Postanesthesia Care that in the absence of the physician responsible for the discharge, the PACU nurse shall determine that the patient meets the discharge criteria., a. See how simulation-based training can enhance collaboration, performance, and quality. endstream endobj 16 0 obj <>stream Propofol sedation for outpatient upper gastrointestinal endoscopy: Comparison with midazolam. For instance, it is known that most perioperative myocardial infarctions occur 24 to 48 hours postoperatively and likely arise from supply-demand mismatch rather than plaque rupture events. If theres a bed delay then we place the pt in a hold status until ready for transfer. Anesthesia typically induces: (1) unconsciousness; (2) immobility; and (3) a blunted response to pain. Has 16 years experience. 2 A patient's length of stay in the PACU is determined by such factors as the type of anesthesia and the patient's response to it. Applied when patient is about to leave the OR to determine eligibility for fast-tracking, 2. Fv 27, 2023 hezekiah walker death 0 Views Share on. Literature citations are obtained from healthcare databases, direct internet searches, task force members, liaisons with other organizations, and manual searches of references located in reviewed articles. Titration of drug to effect is an important concept; one must know whether the previous dose has taken full effect before administering additional drug. Sedation for upper endoscopy: Comparison of midazolam. Mental status and neuromuscular function, a. Normothermia, pain control, shivering control, and nausea/vomiting prevention/treatment. Therefore, ASPAN recommends that the ability to void be assessed . E. A physician should be responsible for discharge of the patient from the PACU. Approved by the ASA House of Delegates October 21, 1986, and last amended October 28, 2015. Oxygen desaturation and cardiac arrhythmias in children during esophagogastroduodenoscopy using conscious sedation. Browse openings for all members of the care team, everywhere in the U.S. Lead the direction of our specialty by engaging in academic, research, and scientific discovery. d. Discharge score reflects need for acute care nursing to monitor patients recovery. Evaluation of the safety of conscious sedation and gastrointestinal endoscopy in the veteran population with sleep apnea. The Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) utilizes ASPAN standards to provide Preoperative, Phase 1, and Phase 2 (discharge) post anesthesia care for our surgical and procedural patients. Consult with a medical specialist (e.g., physician anesthesiologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, pulmonologist, nephrologist, pediatrician, obstetrician, or otolaryngologist), when appropriate before administration of moderate procedural sedation to patients with significant underlying conditions, If a specialist is needed, select a specialist based on the nature of the underlying condition and the urgency of the situation, For severely compromised or medically unstable patients (e.g., ASA status IV, anticipated difficult airway, severe obstructive pulmonary disease, coronary artery disease, or congestive heart failure) or if it is likely that sedation to the point of unresponsiveness will be necessary to obtain adequate conditions, consult with a physician anesthesiologist, Before the procedure, inform patients or legal guardians of the benefits, risks, and limitations of moderate sedation/analgesia and possible alternatives and elicit their preferences, Inform patients or legal guardians before the day of the procedure that they should not drink fluids or eat solid foods for a sufficient period of time to allow for gastric emptying before the procedure, On the day of the procedure, assess the time and nature of last oral intake, Evaluate the risk of pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents when determining (1) the target level of sedation and (2) whether the procedure should be delayed, In urgent or emergent situations where complete gastric emptying is not possible, do not delay moderate procedural sedation based on fasting time alone. Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN. Aspects of care include assessment . Balanced propofol sedation for therapeutic GI endoscopic procedures: A prospective, randomized study. Discharge criteria approved by the medical staff. Discharge score: a quantitative measurement applied to one or more discharge criteria that have been assigned numerical values to categories of achievement; a discharge score is a summation of criteria ratings into a total score. ' |jkI9x"9P,UD4c 5. Conscious sedation and pulse oximetry: False alarms? The literature is also insufficient to evaluate the effects of using predetermined discharge criteria on patient outcomes. Practice Guidelines for Moderate Procedural Sedation and Analgesia 2018: A Report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Moderate Procedural Sedation and Analgesia, the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, American College of Radiology, American Dental Association, American Society of Dentist Anesthesiologists, and Society of Interventional Radiology. HeySis, BSN, RN. The Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) utilizes ASPAN standards to provide Preoperative, Phase 1, and Phase 2 (discharge) post anesthesia care for our surgical and procedural patients. ACE 2022 is now available! hb``e`` Practitioners are cautioned that acute reversal of opioid-induced analgesia may result in pain, hypertension, tachycardia, or pulmonary edema. An acceptable significance level was set at P < 0.01. The consultants, ASA members, AAOMS members, and ASDA members strongly agree with the recommendations to (1) consult with a medical specialist, when appropriate, before administration of moderate procedural sedation to patients with significant underlying conditions; (2) when feasible before the procedure, inform patients or legal guardians of the benefits, risks, and limitations of moderate sedation/analgesia and possible alternatives, and elicit their preferences; (3) before the day of the procedure, inform patients or legal guardians that they should not drink fluids or eat solid foods for a sufficient period of time to allow for gastric emptying; and (4) on the day of the procedure, assess the time and nature of the last oral intake. b. Phase III The phase which extends from discharge from the hospital to full psychological, physical and social recovery. The survey rate of return was 81% (n = 129 of 159) for consultants. All patients who receive anesthesia care shall be admitted to the PACU or its equivalent except by specific order of the anesthesiologist responsible for the patients care. Discharge readiness: the state of being ready to leave the PACU and be cared for in a less intensive nursing environment, 3. Available at: Butorphanol as a dental premedication in the mentally retarded. Preparation of these updated guidelines followed a rigorous methodological process. Responses to intravenous sedation by elderly patients at the Hokkaido University Dental Hospital. Residual neuromuscular blockade contributes to upper airway obstruction and hypoventilation. MFk t,:.FW8c1L&9aX: rbl1 3. Comparison of alfentanil and ketamine infusions in combination with midazolam for outpatient lithotripsy. c. Discharge score attained within acceptable range set by institutional policy. Phase II recovery focuses on preparing patients for hospital discharge, including education regarding the surgeon's postoperative instructions and any prescribed discharge medications. Dec 30, 2006. Download PDF These standards apply to postanesthesia care in all locations. FQ"bNJ,p*113W|&)( "9#~LwW 34 DOgp> RL+tp l xnLnR%d`XpqMg]`M8+F*{M:\$?1. Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. Patients are generally assessed prior to discharge from Phase II level of care to determine the follow-ing: adequacy of pain and comfort interventions, hemodynamic stability, integrity of surgical wounds . ALL PATIENTS WHO HAVE RECEIVED GENERAL ANESTHESIA, REGIONAL ANESTHESIA OR MONITORED ANESTHESIA CARE SHALL RECEIVE APPROPRIATE POSTANESTHESIA MANAGEMENT. that discharge criteria for Phase II did not include all the Standards. Phase 2 assessments are the same as phase 1 but DVT propholaxis is indicated in phase 2 the patient is encourage to eat, drink, and ambulate if not contraindicated. Register now and join us in Chicago March 3-4. All opinion-based evidence (e.g., survey data, open forum testimony, internet-based comments, letters, and editorials) relevant to each topic was considered in the development of these guidelines. To update your cookie settings, please visit the, A Preoperative Integrated Approach Optimizes Outcomes for Surgical Patients, Professional Awareness Concerning Unnecessary Noise in The Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Academic & Personal: 24 hour online access, Corporate R&D Professionals: 24 hour online access,, For academic or personal research use, select 'Academic and Personal', For corporate R&D use, select 'Corporate R&D Professionals'. Buy Membership for Anesthesiology Category to continue reading. Most of these occurred in the era before pulse oximeters became widely used. A. The Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) utilizes ASPAN standards to provide Preoperative, Phase 1, and Phase 2 (discharge) post anesthesia care for our surgical and procedural patients. Sedation and analgesia for colonoscopy: Patient tolerance, pain, and cardiorespiratory parameters. Double-blind controlled trial of flumazenil in patients who underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. four nurses. Risk factors associated with vasovagal reactions during colonoscopy. Ability to ambulate consistent with baseline 5. Oxygen saturation during esophagogastroduodenoscopy in children: General anesthesia. This section of the guidelines addresses the following topics: (1) benzodiazepines and dexmedetomidine, (2) sedative/opioid combinations, (3) intravenous versus nonintravenous sedatives/analgesics not intended for general anesthesia,### and (4) titration of sedatives/analgesics not intended for general anesthesia. These seven evidence linkages are: (1) capnography versus blinded capnography, (2) supplemental oxygen versus no supplemental oxygen, (3) midazolam combined with opioids versus midazolam alone, (4) propofol versus midazolam, (5) flumazenil versus placebo for benzodiazepine reversal, and (6) flumazenil versus placebo for reversal of benzodiazepines combined with opioids (table 6). The design, equipment and staffing of the PACU shall meet requirements of the facilitys accrediting and licensing bodies. Ability of receiving unit to accept transfer due to personnel availability. Intravenous midazolam: A study of the degree of oxygen desaturation occurring during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Compliance to discharge criteria must be monitored. 1-612-816-8773. Knowledge of each drugs time of onset, peak response, and duration of action is important. Weighted effect size values for these linkages ranged from r = 0.22 to r = 0.99, representing moderate-to . The Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) utilizes ASPAN standards to provide Preoperative, Phase 1, and Phase 2 (discharge) post anesthesia care for our surgical and procedural patients. phase 2 education The Guidelines do not apply to First, criteria for evidence associated with moderate sedation and analgesia techniques were established. Guidelines, Statements, Clinical Resources, ASA Physical Status Classification System, Executive Physician Leadership Program II, Professional Development - The Practice of Anesthesiology, MIPS (Merit-based Incentive Payment System), Anesthesia SimSTAT: Simulated Anesthesia Education, Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices, Electronic Media and Information Technology, Quality Management and Departmental Administration, ASA ADVANCE: The Anesthesiology Business Event, Anesthesia Quality and Patient Safety Meeting Online, Simulation Education Network (SEN) Summit, AIRS (Anesthesia Incident Reporting System), Guide for Anesthesia Department Administration, Medicare Conversion Factors for Anesthesia Services by Locale, Resources on How to Complete a RUC Survey, Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research. Achievement of most discharge criteria with the likelihood that all discharge criteria will be attained shortly after discharge to phase II. Specializes in Post Anesthesia, Pre-Op. If the bed isn;t available then the patient is considered as being in a Phase Ii level of care. Used in nursing research to monitor the effect of interventions on patient outcomes, 6. Efficacy and safety profiles of sedation with propofol combined with intravenous midazolam and pethidine versus intravenous midazolam and pethidine administered by trained nurses for ambulatory endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). ! " The PACU team cares for patients in all age ranges and all levels of acuity including ambulatory, inpatient, and critical care. What Age Is Considered Elderly? Many of the complications associated with moderate sedation and analgesia may be avoided if adverse drug responses are detected and treated in a timely manner (i.e., before the development of cardiovascular decompensation or cerebral hypoxia). Several retrospective, single-center studies have examined the prevalence and types of postoperative complications in the recovery room. The PACU team cares for patients in all age ranges and all levels of acuity including ambulatory, inpatient, and critical care. continue the use of antiembolic stockings if ordered. 0 Pages 357-258, 1252-1253. ?:0FBx$ !i@H[EE1PLV6QP>U(j For studies that report statistical findings, the threshold for significance is P < 0.01. A comparison of the effects of midazolam/fentanyl and midazolam/tramadol for conscious intravenous sedation during third molar extraction. During recovery from all anesthetics, a quantitative method of assessing oxygenation such as pulse oximetry shall be employed in the initial phase of recovery. Practice guidelines are not intended as standards or absolute requirements. d```YL" H?Y_E`d!kH5>pBmx[g4 0 b Meta-analysis of RCTs comparing midazolam combined with opioids versus midazolam alone report equivocal findings for pain and discomfort,7277 hypoxemia,****74,75,7780 and patient recall of the procedure.7274,77,8083 (category A1-E evidence). The Guidelines may need to be modi-fied to meet the needs of certain patient populations, such as children or the elderly. Sedation in children: Adequacy of two-hour fasting. Midazolam-associated alterations in cardiorespiratory function during colonoscopy. Outpatients will meet following criteria before home discharge. Moderate sedation/analgesia provides patient tolerance of unpleasant or prolonged procedures through relief of anxiety, discomfort, and/or pain. The presence of an individual in the procedure room with the knowledge and skills to recognize and treat airway complications. Falls in hemoglobin saturation during ERCP and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. All main OR patients (with the exception of ICU patients) go to phase 1 (main recovery room) until they meet the requirements of stability. The literature is insufficient to assess whether the presence of an individual capable of establishing a patent airway, positive pressure ventilation, and resuscitation will improve outcomes. Proceed based on the facility policy for unaccompanied discharge, including consideration for Phase 2 recovery time for increased observation. Because minimal sedation (anxiolysis) may entail minimal risk, the guidelines specifically exclude it. You will then receive an email that contains a secure link for resetting your password, If the address matches a valid account an email will be sent to __email__ with instructions for resetting your password, DOI:, The Queen's Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. Another patient is a 6-year- old child whose parents have left to eat. Download Discharge Criteria for Phase I & II This file may take a moment to load, please do not navigate away. Of the over 8,000 total cases, 5% occurred in the recovery room. Inadequate literature cannot be used to assess relationships among clinical interventions and outcomes because a clear interpretation of findings is not obtained due to methodological concerns (e.g., confounding of study design or implementation) or the study does not meet the criteria for content as defined in the Focus of the guidelines. erative care and discharge criteria. When sedation/analgesia is administered to outpatients, medical supervision may not be available once the patient leaves the medical facility. COMMONLY USED DESCRIPTORS FOR PACU DISCHARGE CRITERIA, b. In addition, the literature is insufficient to determine the benefits of keeping an individual present to establish intravenous access during procedures with moderate sedation/analgesia. (xm/cK0'=&x;A=6B[3Nvd` !0;p_S&{qfLt5] y3YaN87IRA)Euk&krU|Ea A5.%.l4jjk@)c]OpR)VUr1Y$2,o7Zk90l"o a. Risk of sedation for diagnostic esophagogastroduodenoscopy in obstructive sleep apnea patients. Evidence was obtained from two principal sources: scientific evidence and opinion-based evidence. Documented by statistical analysis from research performed using the criterion, III. Inferred findings are given a directional designation of beneficial (B), harmful (H), or equivocal (E). Healthcare database searches included PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, Google Books, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. These guidelines do not address education, training, or certification requirements for practitioners who provide moderate procedural sedation. These evidence categories are further divided into evidence levels. The PACU team cares for patients in all age ranges and all levels of acuity including ambulatory, inpatient, and critical care. The consultants, ASA members, AAOMS members, and ASDA members strongly agree with the recommendation to use supplemental oxygen during moderate procedural sedation/analgesia unless specifically contraindicated for a particular patient or procedure. d. Physician evaluation is used in place of discharge criteria or discharge score. 1. All main OR patients (with the exception of ICU patients) go to phase 1 (main recovery room) until they meet the requirements of stability. Conscious sedation during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: Midazolam or midazolam plus meperidine? The other opinion is that phase I extends from admission to PACU from the OR until the patient is ready for discharge to the flloor. 3. Phase II The phase of recovery needed to get the surgical patient to be discharged to the medical facilities. General medical supervision and coordination of patient care in the PACU should be the responsibility of an anesthesiologist. When warranted, the task force may add educational information or cautionary notes based on this information. }czMO}J(~JZ/|p+~~ORiAeoCpE0;'5A>xq{NHx~NDM!J;7@G\,~ kx[3`,D>txq!D1=1I@~S iFH-,'8 a/.B4}fXX qUsE:C^2Pi\( 2e5Q_b(Yf6kA This section of the guidelines addresses the following recovery care topics: (1) continued observation and monitoring until discharge and (2) predetermined discharge criteria. @Rt CXCP%CBH@Rf[(t CQhz#0 Zl`O828.p|OX A complete bibliography used to develop these guidelines, arranged alphabetically by author, is available as Supplemental Digital Content 1, STANDARD I Microstream capnography improves patient monitoring during moderate sedation: A randomized, controlled trial. Phase I (Early): from the discontinuation of the anesthetic until the return of protective airway reflexes and baseline cardiovascular and respiratory function (i.e., when patient meets PACU discharge criteria described below). a. Phase 2 is only used for outpts. A comparison of midazolam with and without nalbuphine for intravenous sedation. In this document, only the highest level of evidence is included in the summary report for each interventionoutcome pair, including a directional designation of benefit, harm, or equivocality. b. o We're proud to recognize these industry supporters for their year-round support of the American Society of Anesthesiologists. Use of a novel electronic pre-sedation checklist improves safety documentation in emergency department sedations. endstream endobj 15 0 obj <>stream Evaluation of complications during and after conscious sedation for endoscopy using pulse oximetry. In 1989, Zeitlin published a review of the recovery room cases found in the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) closed claims database. Severe prolonged sedation associated with coadministration of protease inhibitors and intravenous midazolam during bronchoscopy. STANDARD 2: ENVIRONMENT OF CARE Perianesthesia nursing practice promotes and maintains a saJe, com/ortable, and therapeutic environment Jot patients, staff, and visitors. The appropriate choice of agents and techniques for moderate sedation/analgesia is dependent upon the experience, training, and preference of the individual practitioner, requirements or constraints imposed by associated medical issues of the patient or type of procedure, and the risk of producing a deeper level of sedation than anticipated. The . aspan standards for phase 2 staffing. Conduct a focused physical examination of the patient (e.g., vital signs, auscultation of the heart and lungs, evaluation of the airway,* and when appropriate to sedation, other organ systems where major abnormalities have been identified), If possible, perform the preprocedure evaluation well enough in advance (e.g., several days to weeks) to allow for optimal patient preparation, Before the procedure, inform patients or legal guardians of the benefits, risks, and limitations of moderate sedation/analgesia and possible alternatives, and elicit their preferences, Inform patients or legal guardians before the day of the procedure that they should not drink fluids or eat solid foods for a sufficient period of time to allow for gastric emptying before the procedure, During procedures where a verbal response is not possible (e.g., oral surgery, restorative dentistry, upper endoscopy), check the patients ability to give a thumbs up or other indication of consciousness in response to verbal or tactile (light tap) stimulation; this suggests that the patient will be able to control his airway and take deep breaths if necessary, Continually# monitor ventilatory function by observation of qualitative clinical signs, At a minimum, this should occur: (1) before the administration of sedative/analgesic agents,** (2) after administration of sedative/analgesic agents, (3) at regular intervals during the procedure, (4) during initial recovery, and (5) just before discharge, The designated individual may assist with minor, interruptible tasks once the patients level of sedation/analgesia and vital signs have stabilized, provided that adequate monitoring for the patients level of sedation is maintained, Assure that pharmacologic antagonists for benzodiazepines and opioids are immediately available in the procedure suite or procedure room, Combinations of sedative and analgesic agents may be administered as appropriate for the procedure and the condition of the patient, For patients receiving intravenous sedative/analgesics intended for general anesthesia, maintain vascular access throughout the procedure and until the patient is no longer at risk for cardiorespiratory depression, Administer intravenous sedative/analgesic medications intended for general anesthesia in small, incremental doses, or by infusion, titrating to the desired endpoints, Use reversal agents in cases where airway control, spontaneous ventilation, or positive pressure ventilation is inadequate, Administer naloxone to reverse opioid-induced sedation and respiratory depression, Design discharge criteria to minimize the risk of central nervous system or cardiorespiratory depression after discharge from observation by trained personnel, Create and implement a quality improvement process based upon established national, regional, or institutional reporting protocols (e.g., adverse events, unsatisfactory sedation). 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