advantages of line organisation

Line personnel command the workers and give feedback. They only impart their suggestions to line authorities. 1. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. By this method, specialisation is attained. This structure brings in specialized or supporting staff to aid line executives. BusinessManagementIdeas.Com. The line officers and staff officers perform their specific functions to contribute to the overall operation. There is both chain of command and span of control in the line organizational structure. Thus it relates to Jack of All Traders But Master of None. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Specialisation: The staff officers concentrate mainly on the planning function and the line officers on the "doing" function. And because the army is known to be organized on the same pattern, it is also called military organization.. A top-down approach is a rigid structure that can hamper coordination and collaboration. 3. (iii) Line officers are slow to accept new ideas and they resist change. Prof. Florence enunciates three principles which are necessary to realise the advantages of this system, and the non-observance of which would involve inefficiency. Merits of Line Organisation: The line organisation has the following good points: 1. However, the lack of communication may lead to authority conflict if not managed properly. In smaller organizations, where the work is streamlined and tasks are assigned, its the most effective way to achieve your goals. Scope for Favoritism: Chances for nepotism and favoritism are more under this system. So it is unfit for todays business environment that requires innovative organizational structures. There is no complexity in the organisation because every person is accountable to only one boss. However, this system can be suitably followed: Line Organization | Characteristics | Types | Advantages | Disadvantages, Project Organization | Types | Advantages | Disadvantages, Centralized & Decentralized organizations | Strength & Weaknesses, Centralization and decentralization of Organization, Functional Organization | Nature of functional foremanship, Functional Authority | Definition | Examples |, Western managers vs Eastern managers: difference in, Problems of supervision | solutions for effective, Important Role of CEO in Strategic Management, Committee | Meaning & Definition | Features, Under what circumstances Delegation of Authority is, Accountlearning | Contents for Management Studies |. At departmental level manager is in charge and he can direct the activities of his juniors. It does not store any personal data. This is a very simple organizational structure to understand and manage due to the implementation of the scalar chain of command (formal line of authority which moves from highest to lowest rank in a straight line). Is working for a manufacturing company right for you? Advice Ignored: As the staff officers lack authority to put their recommendations into practice, their advice may be ignored by the line executives. 3. Functional structure introduces a division into functional departments headed by specialists. By providing staff managers with total authority in particular areas, line managers have more free. You may say that it is limited line authority. The line organisation represents the structure in a direct vertical relationship through which authority flows. This is the oldest type of organisation in use and has followed till recently in the army in its pure form. The direct relationship is prevailing between the sub-ordinate and immediate superior. Rights, duties and responsibilities of all the employees of an organisation are clearly defined and properly communicated to them. about Can a Healthy Lifestyle Save Money on Life Insurance? Matthew was a floor manager at a local restaurant in Wales. The subordinates start keeping distance from the superiors. So, learning more about different organizational structures, stakeholders and power structures will help you navigate your workplace. How to Improve Line and Staff Organization? 3. Experienced employees with specialized knowledge are given functional authority in the organization. The chain of command goes from top to bottom. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. This ensures better understanding and quick action. The simple organization is economical in operation. A line organizational structure helps build rapport between senior management and employees. 2. Besides the straightforward organization system, it also involves staff of different departments. Hierarchy of Authority Levels 7. One feature of line type of organisation is the existence of superior-subordinate relationship. David Ingram has written for multiple publications since 2009, including "The Houston Chronicle" and online at So, there is a lack of stability in enterprise performance. are made as it is in the case of a ladder. (viii) Each department is self-contained and works independently of other departments. (f) Lack of Co-operation One executive controls the various activities of a department and gets undue importance while the importance of other people in the department is not recognised. According to , the most pressing challenges they face in human resource spectrum are: high degree of employee turnover, management risk (Omolaja ,2015), inadequate management knowledge, shortage of. The top-down approach helps streamline communication. Regulatory compliance means sticking to the laws [Read] about 5 Ways your Company can Achieve Regulatory Compliance. Advantages of Line Organizational Structure. (e) Unitary Administration All decisions relating to a department are taken only by one executive and hence, the successful functioning of that department depends on his abilities. For example, the person heading the IT department will have the education and skill necessary to shoulder this responsibility and successfully run his team. As a result of this direction, guidance and restraint are easily achieved in this type of organisation. Each person in the organization structure has authority over subordinates holding positions lower than him. This type of organisation is largely existing in modern industry. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". (iii) Each subordinate receives orders only from one superior and is answerable to him only. Definition, Types, Reasons, and Pros/Cons. Exhibit 10.4 illustrates a staff or functional authority organisational structure. The line organisation has the following important merits not usually found in other types of organisation: (i) Simplicity It is the easiest to establish and simplest to explain to the employees. Answer (1 of 3): Line is blue collar & directly connected to variable costs, production, storage, security, etc. 3. In line organisation, every manager exercises a direct authority over subordinates who are directly responsible to their superiors. Every organizational system comes with some pros and cons. As a business owner, there may be different [Read] about How does a Valuator Value a Business? is a meeting room for employer and employee that will help you build positive employer branding or get your dream job. c. Responsibility is fixed and unified at each level and authority and accountability Line and staff structure is adapted by medium to large organizations with several employees. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The higher management can help improve line and staff structure by well-defined job roles and considering suggestions of functional officers. Privacy Policy 9. It explains the tasks of every worker in an organization. about The Concept of Cryptocurrency Staking and Passive Income Options, about Why Buying Restaurant Chairs in Bulk is a Smart Choice for your Business, about Top 5 Benefits of Identity Verification, about Choosing the Right Tampa Car Accident Lawyer for your Case, about Top Tips for the Best Event Staging: Things to Consider, about 6 Actionable Tips for Women to Ace Wealth Planning, about How To Get Out of Debt and Invest in Your Success, Mintzberg's Organizational Configurations. This makes the line of authority straight and vertical. ul. 6. (a) Lack of Specialisation As one person looks after all the work relating to his department, there is no scope for specialisation. Features of Line Organisation 2. There is a direct link between the superior and his subordinate, both can communicate properly among themselves. (ii) Line officers reject the advice without giving reasons. Advantages and Disadvantages of Line Organization Advantages are: 1. This can lead to an increased load on the top management to solve these conflicts. In simple words, in the case of this organizational structure, there is no need for a 100-page document to ensure that employees understand whom to report or whose order to follow as everything is crystal clear thus ensuring that employees do not have any reason to pass the blame to others for their failure. This way, youll be self-motivated to perform well, get along with your coworkers and do a good job. Account Disable 12. The improper distribution of authority and responsibility can create problems within the organization. There is a scope for favouritism in line organisation. 2. They feel that their suggestions may not carry weight with their superiors so they avoid taking any type of initiative. Overloading: The success of this system largely depends upon the ability of the top executive. In line organisation every person is under the command of one boss only. For example, the owner of a small business acts as the leader or manager of inline systems. Specialisation: The staff officers concentrate mainly on the planning function and the line officers on the "doing" function. A superior delegates authority to a subordinate who in turn delegates authority to his subordinates and so on. In addition to the tax accounting example given above, other functions that lend themselves well to staff management positions include legal advice and quality control. You have to be mindful of the levels of management when you want to communicate or exchange ideas. Direct Communication: As this system enables direct contact between the superior and his subordinates, direct communication is made possible. Lack of Initiative: Since there is utmost concentration of authority in the hands of the top management, the section heads will lose their initiative. Every employee is responsible to his immediate superior. Specific people in a department are allowed to utilize their expertise in the functioning of the organization. Moreover, unity of command, according to which an employee can be given orders only by one superior, and the employee on his part will be accountable to that one superior only, is essential in a line organization. It also governs the . The Christian Church has also been organised in a similar manner. Advantages of the Divisional Organization Structure The key points in favor of the divisional structure involve placing decision making as close to the customer as possible. Based on this statistical analysis, remote work is not going anywhere . Line organization refers to that organization in which the authority flows from top to down in a vertical manner and not in a horizontal manner. The staff offers specialized/technical suggestions, advice and ideas to the senior management. Again, even within a department, there may be several sub-departments. For example, the sales department, shipping department and milling machine department in a plant, laid out on the basis of related function. This kind of authority flows down the line. Effective Communication: . line-staff organization, in management, approach in which authorities (e.g., managers) establish goals and directives that are then fulfilled by staff and other workers. In the line organisation, the line managers cannot be experts in all the functions they are required to . A manager has control only over the subordinates of his department. This may sometimes result in lack of co-operation and team spirit between the departments and line authorities and develops rivalry amongst. Further promotion of the workers would depend upon the reports made about them by the foreman concerned. One of the ways they cooperate is through networking. A line organization is the oldest and traditional form of organizational structure. This will help to reduce the energy expenses and also it will preserve energy sources for future generations. The hierarchy is different in each of them. The allocation of work will also help in fixing responsibility of various individuals. This means relying a little too much on their individual capability, knowledge and experience. It is suitable for concerns. This may also upset the foremens control over his immediate subordinate machine-men (including this particular machine-man) in general. In spite of these drawbacks, the line organisation structure is very popular particularly in small organisations where there are less number of levels of authority and a small number of people. (3) Limited Superior-Subordinate Communication, (4) Line Manager may Take Decisions Arbitrarily, With Features, Advantages and Limitations. This helps an executive to learn many things and develop his capabilities. (iv) Advice given by the staff is not always sound. The limits of authority of both line and staff should be prescribed clearly. There are no staff personnel for consultation too. Above all the departmental heads, there is a general manager to whom all the department heads are responsible. This means that everything in the organization is vertically connected. Further, it promotes the unity of command. Every unit is complete in itself as far as the functions are concerned. Uploader Agreement. 4. It gives complete control to the top hierarchy, exhibiting authoritative leadership. For example, Sales Department. Under this structure, there is a direct line of authority from the superior to the subordinate level through an unbroken chain. Survey respondents answered the question, "Please choose the top three leadership Unity of Command: . 5. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. Line organization is the oldest and simplest method of administrative organization. The line officers may become autocratic and start deciding things without consulting their subordinates. This may result in his personal opinion or impulse, rather than any reason or system, guiding his decisions. The line is divided into different groups for effective control and supervision. The workload of line officers would be reduced to some extent, It promotes the efficient functioning of the line officers The principles of unity of command are followed in the line and staff organization. The ultimate authority for taking all decisions lies with line officers. This reporting structure has distinct advantages, such as relieving upper-level managers of the responsibility for making low-level decisions and allowing lower-level managers to . They are only required to do as told to them by respective managers. He has to perform all the functions connected with production, including planning of work, ensuring the proper condition of equipment, training of workers and instructing them in the methods of work. An advantage of a line-and-staff organization is the availability of technical specialists. Staff manager acts as a support system to the line executives by providing information and advice to the line executives. Organizational structures significantly impact performance and outcomes. Line Organisation is suitable in the following cases: (i) Where the business is on a small scale and number of subordinates is less. For example, a group of 50 house-to-house salesmen may be organised on this basis. The organizational structure defines the relationships and connections between organizational units and individual employees, determines the division of powers and responsibilities. The lack of managerial specialisation is the demerit of line organisation. The clarity of authority and tasks within the company introduces discipline. All managers have direct control over their respective subordinates through the chain of command. Line and staff organization is an expensive organizational structure. Hence, less expenses is incurred for adopting line organization. Vertical Organizations A "vertical" company is known for having a large staff of middle managers between the CEO and the front line. Under this system the departmental head is involved in taking and executing various decisions. Finding out your culture fit can help you thrive in the workplace. 2. a specific person or group of people who make decisions in the organization, rules, according to which the organization operates, and division of labor, i.e. A flat structure elevates each employee's responsibility inside the organization and eliminates excess management layers to improve coordination and communication. Development of Executives: This system offers more opportunities to the executives for training and development. In a simple organizational structure, various departments are autonomous, and there is little communication with each other. Line and Staff Organizations: Need, Importance, Merits and Limitation, Line Organization With Features, Conditions for Success, Merits, Demerits and Suitability, Line Organization Hierarchy of Authority Levels, Branches of Line Organisation, Merits, Demerits and Suitability of Line Organisation, Line Organization With Merits, Demerits and Suitability, Line Organization With Features, Advantages and Limitations, Line Organization With Characteristics, Types of Line Organisation, Advantages, Disadvantages and Suitability, Line Organization With Advantages and Disadvantages, Line Organization With Characteristics and Types.