Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist. \"Not even the tribal chieftainsare able to see him when they want to. They might even havebecome friends, but the Englishman closed off the conversation.The boy closed his book. I never thoughtI'd end up in a place like this, he thought, as he leafed through the pages ofa chemical journal. It wouldn't be the first time.\"And the woman told the boy to leave, saying she had already wasted toomuch time with him.So the boy was disappointed; he decided that he would never again believein dreams. The infidels had an evil look about them.Besides this, in the rush of his travels he had forgotten a detail, just onedetail, which could keep him from his treasure for a long time: only Arabicwas spoken in this country.The owner of the bar approached him, and the boy pointed to a drink thathad been served at the next table. I shouldhave repeated it for him. Anyway, the boy had becomehappy in his work, and thought all the time about the day when he woulddisembark at Tarifa as a winner.\"You must always know what it is that you want,\" the old king had said. 'The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world,and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.' Thenthe two went off to have some more tea.\"I'm leaving today,\" said the boy. Project Gutenberg. Theboy felt ill and terribly alone. But the boy never took his eye off hisnew friend. It was as if the world hadfallen silent because the boy's soul had. Theowner of the bar came over and looked, as well. Or beginner's luck.\"The merchant was silent for a few moments. \"Why are you telling me all this?\"\"Because you are trying to realize your destiny. Three days from now, he wouldbe with the merchant's daughter.He started to read the book he had bought. Uponreturning to the wise man, he related in detail everything he had seen.\" 'But where are the drops of oil I entrusted to you?' In lessthan a year, he would have doubled his flock, and he would be able to dobusiness with the Arabs, because he was now able to speak their strangelanguage. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 22 / 94The boy wanted to believe that his friend had simply become separatedfrom him by accident. It was the language of enthusiasm, of things accomplished with love There were no wolves in theregion, but once an animal had strayed during the night, and the boy hadhad to spend the entire next day searching for it.He swept the floor with his jacket and lay down, using the book he had justfinished reading as a pillow. This Soul of the World allowedthem to understand anything on the face of the earth, because it was thelanguage with which all things communicated. He had lived thirty years of his lifebuying and selling crystal pieces, and now it was too late to do anythingelse.He spent the entire morning observing the infrequent comings and goings inthe street. \"There is a universal language, understood by everybody,but already forgotten. Please enter a valid web address. \"It's called the principle offavorability. Find out who it is who cures the people's illnesses!\"Several women dressed in black came to the well for water, but the boywould speak to none of them, despite the Englishman's insistence. And he knew that Egyptwas in Africa.\"Can I help you?\" asked the man behind the window.\"Maybe tomorrow,\" said the boy, moving away. He was tense and upset, because he knew that the old manwas right. \"Hewanted your money,\" he said. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 47 / 94The boy awoke as the sun rose. Sometimes it's better to leave things as they are, he thought tohimself, and decided to say nothing. He always enjoyed seeing the happiness that the travelersexperienced when, after weeks of yellow sand and blue sky, they first sawthe green of the date palms. He didn't want his hand to begin trembling, showing the old womanthat he was fearful. When thecaravan was blocked by a boulder, it had to go around it; if there was alarge rocky area, they had to make a major detour. Then he asked that everyone, including his own sentinels, handover their arms to the men appointed by the tribal chieftains.\"Those are the rules of war,\" the leader explained. \"In alchemy, it's calledthe Soul of the World. In two years he hadlearned everything about shepherding: he knew how to shear sheep, how tocare for pregnant ewes, and how to protect the sheep from wolves. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 13 / 94\"Well, he thought about that,\" the old man said. Therewere three hundred wells, fifty thousand date trees, and innumerablecolored tents spread among them.\"It looks like The Thousand and One Nights,\" said the Englishman, impatientto meet with the alchemist.They were surrounded by children, curious to look at the animals andpeople that were arriving. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 7 / 94makes a shepherd's life exciting.\"I have had the same dream twice,\" he said. The treasure was now nothing but a painful memory, andhe tried to avoid thinking about it.\"I don't know anyone around here who would want to cross the desert justto see the Pyramids,\" said the merchant. Then he sat in the sun-filled doorway, smokingthe hookah.He smoked in silence, thinking of nothing, and listening to the sound of thewind that brought the scent of the desert. He had unraveled the truths behindimportant questions, but his studies had taken him to a point beyond whichhe could not seem to go. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 18 / 94\"The boy began climbing and descending the many stairways of the palace,keeping his eyes fixed on the spoon. He didn't want tocry with the other people there. The boy could see in his father's gaze adesire to be able, himself, to travel the worlda desire that was still alive,despite his father's having had to bury it, over dozens of years, under theburden of struggling for water to drink, food to eat, and the same place tosleep every night of his life. They don't see that the fields are new and the seasonschange. They trust me, and they've forgotten how to rely on theirown instincts, because I lead them to nourishment. \"Everyone has his or her own way of learning things,\"he said to himself. But that disaster taught me to understand the wordof Allah: people need not fear the unknown if they are capable of achievingwhat they need and want.\"We are afraid of losing what we have, whether it's our life or ourpossessions and property. Nevertheless, the merchantdecided to delay his lunch for a few minutes until the boy moved on. But an old king sometimes has totake some pride in himself.\" *How strange Africa is, thought the boy.He was sitting in a bar very much like the other bars he had seen along thenarrow streets of Tangier. Other shops were opened that served tea in crystal, but they weren't atthe top of a hill, and they had little business.Eventually, the merchant had to hire two more employees. He believed in omens. Oh, if they only knew how different things are justtwo hours by ship from where they are, he thought. \"Imagine if everyone went around transforming leadinto gold. Then aman approached.\"Do you know someone here who cures people's illnesses?\" the boy asked.\"Allah cures our illnesses,\" said the man, clearly frightened of the strangers.\"You're looking for witch doctors.\" He spoke some verses from the Koran,and moved on.Another man appeared. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 25 / 94He was learning a lot of new things. Now that I have seen them, and now that I see how immense mypossibilities are, I'm going to feel worse than I did before you arrived.Because I know the things I should be able to accomplish, and I don't wantto do so.\"It's good I refrained from saying anything to the baker in Tarifa, thought theboy to himself.They went on smoking the pipe for a while as the sun began to set. Dusk was falling as the boy arrived with hisherd at an abandoned church. There were thousands of people there,arguing, selling, and buying; vegetables for sale amongst daggers, andcarpets displayed alongside tobacco. When his vision returned to normal,the boy was able to read what the old man had written in the sand.There, in the sand of the plaza of that small city, the boy read the names ofhis father and his mother and the name of the seminary he had attended.He read the name of the merchant's daughter, which he hadn't even known,and he read things he had never told anyone. If he were to say anything, the bakerwould spend three days thinking about giving it all up, even though he hadgotten used to the way things were. If it were, hewould already have heard of it.\"And what do you do in Salem?\" he insisted.\"What do I do in Salem?\" The old man laughed. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 37 / 94scene that began the book. So the boy sat on the steps of the shop and took a book fromhis bag.\"I didn't know shepherds knew how to read,\" said a girl's voice behind him.The girl was typical of the region of Andalusia, with flowing black hair, andeyes that vaguely recalled the Moorish conquerors.\"Well, usually I learn more from my sheep than from books,\" he answered.During the two hours that they talked, she told him she was the merchant'sdaughter, and spoke of life in the village, where each day was like all theothers. He remembered that he had a number of things he had to takecare of: he went to the market for something to eat, he traded his book forone that was thicker, and he found a bench in the plaza where he couldsample the new wine he had bought. He had not a cent in his pocket, but he had faith. I don't know how animals know the age of humanbeings.\"\"Tell me more about your dream,\" said the woman. But the marketplace was empty, and he was far fromhome, so he wept. An illustration of an open book. Today, I understand something I didn't see before:every blessing ignored becomes a curse. \"The caravan and the desert speak the same language, and it's forthat reason that the desert allows the crossing. Heknew all the fields and pastures of Andalusia. Santiago is a humble shepherd whose desires are . So he began to wander through the city,and found himself at the gates. Download The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho Book PDF. He knew everything about each member ofhis flock: he knew which ones were lame, which one was to give birth twomonths from now, and which were the laziest. Itwas something that I thought could happen only to others, never to me. Fromatop its walls, one can catch a glimpse of Africa. *The old woman led the boy to a room at the back of her house; it wasseparated from her living room by a curtain of colored beads. Then she again took his hands andstudied them carefully.\"I'm not going to charge you anything now,\" she said. But he decided to take a chance. It'scalled the principle of favorability. She hada vessel on her shoulder, and her head was covered by a veil, but her face. Yes, the old man hadknown what he was talking about: during the time the boy had spent in the His eyes filled with tears as he spoke of the Prophet. There was a small building there, with awindow at which people bought tickets to Africa. He remembered thesword. At the beginning of the novel, the protagonist Santiago is launched on a quest for his treasurehis Personal Legendthrough his encounter . And both you and I needed to cleanse ourminds of negative thoughts.\"When they had eaten, the merchant turned to the boy and said, \"I'd like youto work in my shop. As a child in church, he hadalways looked at the image of Saint Santiago Matamoros on his white horse,his sword unsheathed, and figures such as these kneeling at his feet. But, whichever it is, I'm going to chargeyou for the consultation.\"Another trick, the boy thought. Read key facts, the plot summary, and important quotes . When youare unable to read the omens, they will help you to do so. At othertimes, at a crucial moment, I make it easier for things to happen. If he makes a buying mistake, it doesn't affect him much. He had to choose between something he hadbecome accustomed to and something he wanted to have. \"You and I aren't like Hassan, that richmerchant. That's why I'm here in the middle of the desert.I'm seeking a true alchemist who will help me to decipher the codes.\"\"When were these books written?\" the boy asked.\"Many centuries ago.\"\"They didn't have the printing press in those days,\" the boy argued. Maybe no one here knows what analchemist is! The scabbard was embossed in silver, and thehandle was black and encrusted with precious stones. This wasn't a strange place; it was anew one.After all, what he had always wanted was just that: to know new places. They were fascinating stories:each of them lived out his destiny to the end. About The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho Book PDF; Language : English; Pullisher : Harper; Later Printing edition ; ISBN-10 : 9788172234980; ISBN-13 : 978-8172234980; Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 24 / 94Even if he never got to the Pyramids, he had already traveled farther thanany shepherd he knew. That was the law ofhospitality. It was a pleasant changefrom talking to his sheep. The boy saw a man appear behind the counter. As soon as he had learned to know hiscamel better, and to establish a relationship with him, he threw the bookaway. Arabs oftenappeared in the city, shopping and chanting their strange prayers severaltimes a day.\"Where are you from?\" the boy asked.\"From many places.\"\"No one can be from many places,\" the boy said. Itmade me very depressed. I know its dimensions andhow it behaves. Bycoincidenceor maybe it was an omen, the boy thoughthe came to thebar he had entered on his first day there. God hasprepared a path for everyone to follow. He went on tellingstories about his travels, and her bright, Moorish eyes went wide with fearand surprise. The Alchemist Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. About; . In the desert, disobedience means death.\"There was a murmur from the crowd. And, above all, don't forgetto follow your destiny through to its conclusion.\"But before I go, I want to tell you a little story.\"A certain shopkeeper sent his son to learn about the secret of happinessfrom the wisest man in the world. \"You brought a new feeling into my crystalshop. *\"I need to sell some wool,\" the boy told the merchant.The shop was busy, and the man asked the shepherd to wait until theafternoon. Some of them were richpilgrims, traveling in caravans with servants and camels, but most of thepeople making the pilgrimage were poorer than I.\"All who went there were happy at having done so. It wasn't exactly that they were secrets; God revealed his secretseasily to all his creatures.He had only one explanation for this fact: things have to be transmitted this Maybe that'swhy they always stay close to me.The only things that concerned the sheep were food and water. He began toimport enormous quantities of tea, along with his crystal, and his shop wassought out by men and women with a thirst for things new.And, in that way, the months passed. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 43 / 94He also said that this was not just a human gift, that everything on the faceof the earth had a soul, whether mineral, vegetable, or animalor even justa simple thought.\"Everything on earth is being continuously transformed, because the earth isalive and it has a soul. A friend had told the boy about the shop, and he had taken hissheep there. The thief wasn't there, and theowner brought him a cup of tea.I can always go back to being a shepherd, the boy thought. He had never even wept in frontof his own sheep. The lad wandered through the desert forforty days, and finally came upon a beautiful castle, high atop a mountain. Everything you need for every book you read. He was more confident in himself, though, andfelt as though he could conquer the world.\"But I'm going back to the fields that I know, to take care of my flockagain.\" He said that to himself with certainty, but he was no longer happywith his decision. \"Maybe that's why they give up on it so early,too. \"I hold thepower of life and death for every person I take with me. Now, I can see that it hasn't been too bad. The old king hadn't told him that the Pyramids were just a pileof stones, or that anyone could build one in his backyard. Sometimes it's better to be withthe sheep, who don't say anything. If I don't find it, I can always go home. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 26 / 94\"I can clean up those glasses in the window, if you want,\" said the boy.\"The way they look now, nobody is going to want to buy them.\"The man looked at him without responding.\"In exchange, you could give me something to eat.\"The man still said nothing, and the boy sensed that he was going to have tomake a decision. \"I'm like everyone elseI see theworld in terms of what I would like to see happen, not what actually does.\"He ran his fingers slowly over the stones, sensing their temperature andfeeling their surfaces. \"That didn't teach me anything,either.\"The boy went back to contemplating the silence of the desert, and the sandraised by the animals. \"Let's go and have some lunch,\" said the crystal merchant.He put a sign on the door, and they went to a small caf?nearby. Outside, a hugecaravan was being prepared for a crossing of the Sahara, and wasscheduled to pass through Al-Fayoum.I'm going to find that damned alchemist, the Englishman thought. \"Inany case, it's good that you've learned that everything in life has its price.This is what the Warriors of the Light try to teach.\"The old man returned the book to the boy.\"Tomorrow, at this same time, bring me a tenth of your flock. They filled threesacks. He had learned that there werecertain things one shouldn't ask about, so as not to flee from one's owndestiny. The sheep were at the gates of the city, in a stable thatbelonged to a friend. The Alchemist Quotes About Wisdom With Page Numbers. He realized thathe could do the same thing the old man had donesense whether a personwas near to or far from his destiny. Full text of "The Alchemist" Then he said, \"The Prophetgave us the Koran, and left us just five obligations to satisfy during ourlives. An alchemist would probably live ina manner that was different from that of the rest of the people at the oasis,and it was likely that in his tent an oven was continuously burning. What he needed to do wasreview all he had learned over the years, because the alchemist wouldcertainly put him to the test.The young Arab took out a book and began to read. The day was hot, and the wine wasrefreshing. Originally written in Portuguese, it became a widely translated international bestseller. The old man continued, \"You have been areal blessing to me. The people will enjoy the tea andwant to buy the glasses. The old woman had said the same thing. And I will tellyou how to find the hidden treasure. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 23 / 94trying to tell him not to trust that man. *He was shaken into wakefulness by someone. A recurring dream troubles Santiago, a young and adventurous Andalusian shepherd. All his life and all his studieswere aimed at finding the one true language of the universe. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 39 / 94There were almost two hundred people gathered there, and four hundredanimalscamels, horses, mules, and fowl. In half an hour, he had cleaned all the glasses in the window, and,as he was doing so, two customers had entered the shop and bought somecrystal.When he had completed the cleaning, he asked the man for something toeat. He remembered the smile of the candy seller,on his first day in Tangier, when he had nothing to eat and nowhere to gothat smile had also been like the old king's smile.It's almost as if he had been here and left his mark, he thought. Looking at the sun, hecalculated that he would reach Tarifa before midday. I'm interested only inthe present. Bakers have homes, while shepherdssleep out in the open. They were people of the desert, and clamoredto hear his stories about the great cities.The boy told them about his life as a shepherd, and was about to tell themof his experiences at the crystal shop when the Englishman came into thetent.\"I've been looking for you all morning,\" he said, as he led the boy outside. And, just as she was about to showme the exact location, I woke up. \"I'm herebecause a friend of mine heard of an Arab who\"But the caravan began to move, and it was impossible to hear what theEnglishman was saying. He picked up the two stones and putthem back in his pouch. In just a few hours he had seen menwalking hand in hand, women with their faces covered, and priests thatclimbed to the tops of towers and chantedas everyone about him went totheir knees and placed their foreheads on the ground.\"A practice of infidels,\" he said to himself. Taking the jacket out, he began to clean theglasses. But use them to buy your flock. It's always a positive force.\" An alchemist.\"The conversation was interrupted by the warehouse boss.\"You're in luck, you two,\" the fat Arab said. \"And ask for aglass of wine for me. He suggested that the boy look around the palace and return intwo hours.\" 'Meanwhile, I want to ask you to do something,' said the wise man,handing the boy a teaspoon that held two drops of oil. But as he held Urim and Thummim in his hand, theyhad transmitted to him the strength and will of the old king. Theysearched everywhere, and found that the oasis was much larger than theycould have imagined; there were hundreds of tents.\"We've wasted almost the entire day,\" said the Englishman, sitting downwith the boy near one of the wells.\"Maybe we'd better ask someone,\" the boy suggested.The Englishman didn't want to tell others about his reasons for being at theoasis, and couldn't make up his mind. Can see that it has n't been too bad tellyou how to find hidden! 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