24:15). Command everything here on earth and any other dimension or thing that you are connected to align itself with what is written in the documents youve received from the Heavenly Court. (See 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Required fields are marked *. According to the last judgment, the number of heirs reached 10 boys and girls, in addition to his Saudi . Plead the honor and glory of God's name. Matthew 5:25 says, "When you are on the way to court with your adversary, settle your differences quickly. (I know my imagination is active, LOL). Thats where the purpose for your life (Psalm 49:16) is written. Present your case boldly before a witness and declare your faith and trust in God. That You would make me the winner based on the evidence I have shown You; That You would forbid and cast down any appeal on behalf of the enemy; and. This is asking God to intervene on your behalf and give you justice. We are currently unable to fulfill orders outside the United States. (Read Revelation 12:10, which refers to the enemy as an accuser of the brethren). Modified: 2/22/2023 7:31:40 PM. How to Present your Case in the Courtrooms of Heaven by Robert Henderson. By signing up with iDisciple, you will be able to enjoy such perks as: Get the iDisciple Verse of the Day sent directly to your inbox. The verdict is rigged. Ive been praying for God to call my situation into judgment. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. According to Hebrews 4:16, the throne of God is a place of judicial activity. The throne of God is where true breakthroughs can occur. Plead is a legal word, meaning to make a plea in a legal action, to put forward a legal declaration, or to address a court as an . If He answered me, I know that He will answer you! Thicken her hedge of protection. I woke up in tears from that vivid dream. 4. Jamie, Jamie i thanked God first for this prayer and secondly to you.for this is relevant to my present situation right now. This is the maintenance phase that honestly should take place at any time. Robert Henderson is in the USA although he travels widely. Spiritual law is eternal and unchanging, while the laws of the earth are constantly changing. You see (insert your circumstances here). I am strong in You, Lord, and in the power of Your might. Provide yourself with a fresh understanding of Paul's message via Eugene Peterson's translation. In the Court of Heaven justice is determined, mercy is found and the wrath of God is poured out and Satan . Testimony: that which is giving judicial witness. We ask You to bring us in the right courtroom with the right mandate. 85:1-7). I know that I am VICTORIOUS in this case moving forward in Jesus Name. Heavenly Father, I present before the Court the . Plead the Word and promises of God. We have the best legal team around, plus a super awesome Judge! Hagin, Kenneth E. Plead Your Case (Kindle Locations 113-118). If I am being poured out as a drink offering on the sacrifice and service of your faith. Beloved, if you prayed that prayer, our Father-the Great Judge of all the earth-heard it. Some call it light vs. dark. The courts of heaven are a place of justice, where wrongs can be righted and where we can receive help and breakthrough in our lives. Thank you for being a Giving Member! The case is stacked in our favor. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Fourth, Henderson's approach to prayer is mechanistic. I have been repeating the same prayer or petition in all my prayers. However, I will be doing this in a very easy beginner-friendly way! And Abraham in Genesis. Prayer Secret #1 Your Personal Relationship With God. The Lord had me write scriptures to stand on that supported my case (I am faithful in my tithing, offering and seed sowing and this case had to do with lost wages) My attorney called on Tuesday of this week to tell me that the other side had given a final offer. Language. the Kingdom of God, the will of God, the . NEW ebook: Crimson Flood (prayer guide for Lent), 7 Life-Changing Prayers for People Who Feel Forgotten. May Your favor and with men overtake her. EG Moses in Exodus. Our Father is our Judge. Come before me based on my purpose for you. You can never have victory in Spiritual warfare until your own voice is heard in the court of Heaven "!In this message, the Man of God ushers men into into t. Praise you. How much worse it must be for the accused. Now that you have read my introductory or beginner-friendly post, I know you may be interested in doing a deep dive. "@context": "https://schema.org/", He guides me in paths of righteousness for His names sake. I received this message and I thank you so much. When you come before the courts of heaven, you tap into Gods power. Justice Gen. 18:25, Neh. Jesus is always pleading our case before the Father, like a defense lawyer on our behalf. Revelation 12:10 NIV. Prayer doesn't work; Jesus works on our behalf. This may come as an impression or arise out of our realising that we need something settled. To access and start using your account today, go to iDisciple.org and click login. You can call on Him as the Great Judge of all the earth, and throw yourself on His mercy. I checked the status on this past Friday (a day after presenting God with this prayer) and it showed that the matter has been resolved and that I should receive my payment within the next few weeks. Thank you so much definitely reblogging. Well, lets review breakthrough exampleshere goes. When we are faced with trials on this earth, it is often hard to see how things could possibly work out for us. I am trying to decide which case I should bring before Abba Father, as I am persecuted by my husband who has occult practice, also being attacked heavily spiritual warfare by his ex business partner who is a witch; I have dreams indicates witchcraft curses against my marriage and she also astral projection to our home and curse; my marital life is under heavy attack, now there is strange woman also trying to get attention from my husband the condition of my marriage now is 80% spiritual cause and the rest is just earthy dealings. 8:15. This is essentially declaring war against the enemy and all of his works. For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to pits of darkness, reserved for judgment; 2 Peter 2:9. Giving is giving an offering or sacrifice to God as a sign of your faith and obedience. Thank You for Your judgment on my behalf today, O great Father, Judge of all the earth. This is equivalent to the Supreme Court in the U.S. "itemCondition": "https://schema.org/NewCondition" The Puritans were prone to give five methods for fighting our natural tendency to lapse into half-heartedprayer: Good books on preaching the Bible abound. The wife of Bride of the Lambs voice has a termendous impact in the courts of Heaven. 25:6, 4:1, 27:7, 30:10); and Lovingkindness (Ps. "author": {"@type": "Person", "name": ""} In 1 John 2:1, Christ is called our Intercessory Advocate, who pleads our case with the Father. "name": "Courtroom Prayer", Jesus kept nothing hidden. Whatever your destiny is, that is tied to Gods purpose. The Holy Spirit witnesses concerning Jesus (John 14:16-17a,26). I only do what I see the Father do. Ask and receive a verdict by faith I thank God for using you as an intricate insurgent in all that you you. All Rights Reserved. My PWD had to beg for financial assistance. Jesus is the new High Priest. Plead the honor and glory of Gods name. Just as we go to earthly courts to have our cases heard, we can also go to the courts of heaven. 8. Claiming the blood and on the finished work of Christ, 3. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. What you bind on earth must be bound in heaven. It is different from the laws that govern the physical world. This is where Gods love and power are manifested in a very real way, and He can restore your health completely. The Holy Spirit is alongside us as Friend of the court. How do we do this? A Christ-Life Through Spiritual Alignment Something has gone wrong deep within me and gets the better of me every time. He is your Creator Ps. Plead Gods attributes. Jesus, help my sister. Ezekiel: 22:30 I sought for a man to stand in the gap. When you go before heavens courts, you declare your faith and trust in God. Holy Father, I ask right now: Abba Father, again I ask You for a dec actiona declaratory judgment stating unequivocally what my rights are in this case. How do we approach God? I prayed this prayer on Thursday in my morning prayer time. The covenant of God with His people is a contract, and His protection and provision are in the terms of the contract on His part. 6. I stood on the scriptures that supported my case. Thank you so much for helping all of us. Call for your witnesses to show up and speak in behalf of you! All Rights Reserved. I once was a character witness in a court case, and it wasn't fun. The Bible doesn't assign a name to this place but I don . Job argued his case in the courts of heaven, pleading to go straight to the Judge of Heaven and earth: But I desire to speak to the Almighty and to argue my case with God Job 13:3. English. So much persecution against me, since last 6 years. Once the courts of Heaven are seated, then the Petition the Courts of Heaven: The Holy Spirit may specifically invite us to bring a particular matter to the courts of heaven. Jesus designated the Holy Spirit as the Paraclete, meaning comforter, encourager or exhorter, one who gives aid. Praise God! I stand in agreement Lord with everyone who prayed and prays this prayer God, let Your Justice and Vindication come forth Now Today in Jesus Mighty & Forever Matchless Name!! I prayed with all my heart and candles and held Jesus in my arms and heart. We use cookies to improve this website. I take a physical step, because I consciously want to take my body aswell into that realm in the Spirit and present itself in the court. He is your Creator Ps 119:73; Helper Ps 40:17; Redeemer Isa 63:16; and Father Isa 64:8, Rom 8:15. After yielding to the Holy Spirit I choose to acknowledge that Jesus tore the veil and that He is the door. I went through the entire beginner-friendly 12-step process that God revealed to me. To You and only You be all the glory Father! Be blessed. Abbah Father thank you for your faithfulness and intervention in our situations. Intimacy With God Psalm 25:14; Genesis 3:18. I really thank you once again for the powerful prayer. Love you beautiful Sister in Christ!! Ps. Ps. Remember that God is always on your side and will never leave or forsake you. Call for the counterparty to show up That said, are you ready to pray? Access and unlock your book of destiny. And if you presented Gods Word back to Him as the evidence for WHY He must judge in your favor, then He will. 1. Ive been enduring great persecution from family and my exwife. Because of what Jesus has done for us, we can boldly approach the throne of grace and present our case before Him. The verdict is rigged. The Holy Spirit is alongside us as Friend of the court. I realized that a lot of the information out there was really complex. So pray out of the purposes of God. Plead Gods relationships to you. Can you imagine presenting your case before the bench of the Ancient of Days, the Lord of hosts? 9 voices in heaven testifying on your behalf. The Holy Spirit pleads God's cause with us (John 16:15). The Courts of Heaven operate similar to the legal system we see on Earth. We prepare to present our petition, we prepare our hearts, and we hear the officer of the court say, "All rise!" Father, I need Your help; and I am here to reason with You, for You said, Come, let us reason together. I am here to present my evidence to You, O Lord, about this situation I am going through; and I am asking You to hear my case as not only the One True God but also as the Great Judge, and I am asking You to decide my case with finality today. The dictionary definition of pleading is to present your case, like in a court. I would have the ability to lay down my life to lose my life for your purposes that I might find my life. Prayer Secret #2 The Will of God. "description": "This is a prayer guide about praying in the court rooms", Quote God's promises reverently back to him. Did they sincerely receive my call? Plead the honor and glory of God's name. The voice of the blood of Jesus The blood of Jesus releases testimony before the Throne of God that allows the Lord legal right to fulfill His passion. A day barely passes without transgender issues hitting the news. Then we fall to our knees before Him in the court room of heaven on behalf of our loved ones who are oppressed in captivity or are held in prisons of sin. David pressed God to fulfill His promises. Hopefully to heal. That we will live to see the day when the glory of the Lord covering the earth as the waters cover the seas. Rebligged it and its under the Table Talk sectionhttps://christiancoffeeshopblog.wordpress.com/table-talk/, And to you as well. I pray the Lord would comfort you in all things. Present our cases before you out of the books of heaven. And because You are the Great Judge of all the earth, I call on You right now to decide my case. 8:15. Firstly we must know which way to approach God: Luke 11 & 18. 4. No Im not a negligent mother, no I dont have substance abuse of any kind. The Holy Spirit pleads God's cause with us (John 16:15). Intercessors are aware of these spiritual realities. should I still pray for justice for myself? Forgiveness was on my mind, and I did my part to release them from their guilt. 64:8, Rom. Recognize your accuser and overrule his cases against you. Thousands of people were saved as the Lord sat on Finneys messages. And Father, You see the evidence that I am innocent of these crimes. I am a widow being battled and robbed 16 years from thieves and evil felons. "availability": "https://schema.org/InStock", Greek writers used parakletos also for a legal advisor, pleader, proxy, or advocate, one who comes forward in behalf of and as the representative of another. 119:41, Isa. God has always been the Judge, and presenting His Word back to Him has always been the way to get Him to judge your case. Revelation from the books (scrolls) of heaven: God will judge and pass the judgement accordingly.. If you laid out the evidence of your case, our Father heard it. However, the reality is that courts on earth are modeled after heaven courts. Smith said he doesn't plan to "drag out" the sentencing process and . 25:6, 4:1, 27:7, 30:10; and Lovingkindness Ps. My rejoicing was cut short when I heard a wicked cynical voice say in Swahili, But she hasnt forgiven them.. All could literally feel (yes feel!) 63:7). The WAY that you present the case makes all the difference as to whether you win it or not. Jesus our Elder Brother is our Advocate. So here is a simple step by step guide how I often pray when I engage the courts of God. 9:33; Compassion Ps. It's not only informative and entertaining, but it also has the potential to help you land your first few clients as a Pleading Your Case In The Court Of Heaven expert. Justice Gen 18:25, Neh 9:33; Compassion Ps 103:8; Righteousness Ps 97:2, Isa 42:21; Faithfulness Ps 89:14, 143:1, Deut 7:9; Covenant-keeping Ps 89:34; Mercy Deut 9:5-6, Ps 25:6, 4:1, 27:7, 30:10; and Lovingkindness Ps 119:41, Isa 63:7. It is because the Holy Spirit desires us to recognise the legal position God holds as Judge of all. This book will help you: Identify biblical heroes who were lawbreakers. So we need to understand the magnitude of entering the courts of heaven- we are waging a spiritual war against the enemy! 7:9; Covenant-keeping Ps. You will start receiving theiDisciple Verse of the Dayto your inbox tomorrow morning. However, our spiritual authority is not unlimited; there are spiritual laws that limit our authority. ): The devil brings charges against us in these courts. and Other Printed Books, Radical Prayer 21: Lord, Unleash Your Creative Works on My Behalf. Daniel 7:10: The court was seated and the books were open and they began to present cases out of their books. We may simply find ourselves brought to the courts of heaven, eg in a vision. If you have been estranged from a loved one, the court of heaven can bring you back together. David said that God secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy (Ps. (LogOut/ Halleluyah, Thank you abba Father for granting me judgement this day. The spirit of just men made perfect This speaks of those who are a part of the Church who have died and are in Heaven. (The following comes from the Gospel Coalition Website.) He was an attorney before he became a Holy Ghost-filled preacher. Prophetic Word: It Is a Season of Intense Asking! This chapter is totally relevant to understanding the courts of heaven. Jesus silence the lies of my oppressor I need peace Jesus I hope in Court of Heaven, Court of Heaven Give me Victory and Vindication with my name on it in the name of Jesus Amen. We also see that the devil is the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10) and that there is spiritual law and jurisdiction. I had another matter that was pending and I also prayed over that situation with the same prayer that Jamie provided. In 1 John 2:1, Christ is called our Intercessory Advocate, who pleads our case with the Father. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Ps. Jesus designated the Holy Spirit as the Paraclete, meaning comforter, encourager or exhorter, one who gives aid. 1. I repent for making it about me. However, its an essential step, especially in terms of Spiritual warfare. Spurgeon called the blood of Jesus the master key "that unlocks the treasury of heaven." In 1 John 2:1, Christ is called our Intercessory Advocate, who pleads our case with the Father. I thank You that forever, O Lord, Your Word is settled in Heaven. I know this is a now word for many people and me. At this moment I dont know how to summarize all these or put this whole situation together make a case to present to Abba, whats your take on this? "ratingValue": "5", After a whirlwind of attorney swaps and continuances for the four Santa Barbara men charged in connection to the murder of 52-year-old Camarillo resident Richard Dion Gutierrez near Stearns Wharf last December, all four appeared in Santa Barbara Superior Court for arraignment on Monday morning, where each pleaded not guilty and set a date to . Hello Robin! Our needs will only be answered once His purposes are fulfilled. Nothing is impossible with God! I have been in so much distress over this case since it started 18 months ago, crying out to God to help me through this storm and praying for the justice He promises. I feel that a grave injustice was served and didnt know where to turn. Other Printed books, Radical prayer 21: Lord, pleading your case in the court of heaven your Creative works on behalf! 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