Each person vaccinating a dog or cat for rabies shall provide a certificate of rabies vaccination. The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: Despite the dramatic reduction of rabies cases in humans and domestic animals over the last three decades, rabies prevention remains a major public health concern in Pennsylvania. What CDC says about canine rabies, rabies vaccine "The only way to see rabies is to actually go into the brain, so . Dogs: presumably by 4 months of age since a valid rabies certificate is required for licensing at this age. A veterinarian shall issue a certificate of vaccination and a vaccination tag for each dog or cat vaccinated by the veterinarian or vaccinated under his supervision. Despite the dramatic reduction of rabies cases in humans and domestic animals over the last three decades, rabies prevention remains a major public health concern in Pennsylvania. 2023 American Veterinary Medical Association All rights reserved, Donate to American Veterinary Medical Foundation (AVMF), AVMA Congressional Advocacy Network (CAN), Tools to help you transition to your new veterinary career, Answers to the questions you're facing as you start out in your professional life, Early-career resources to continue your professional and personal growth, AVMA Center for Veterinary Education Accreditation, Professional policy guidance, open for member input, Creating socially conscious work environments, Self-care and workplace wellbeing for the whole veterinary team, Profitability and finance, marketing, leadership, and team building, Loans, budgets, financial planning, and more, Interprofessional collaboration across animal, human, and environmental health, Disease and pain management, behavior, disaster preparedness, humane endings, and more, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA), American Journal of Veterinary Research (AJVR). Exposures to rabid animals are an urgent concern and should be addressed as soon as possible. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. Home / Statutes of Pennsylvania / Unconsolidated Statutes / Law Information / 2013 Act 65. function enlarge(x) { Why the new rabies This site is not a law firm and cannot offer legal advice. The provisions of this Chapter 16 adopted December 18, 1987, effective December 19, 1987, 17 Pa.B. (3) An exemption from vaccination against rabies is valid for a period of up to one calendar year, after which the dog or cat shall be reexamined. Rabies vaccine shall be administered only by or under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian. However, AVMA recognizes some animals might benefit from a waiver from mandated rabies vaccination because the vaccination may endanger the animal's life, or a waiver might be necessary for research purposes. Canine Rabies Vaccination Exemptions Background On January 1, 2012 California State Law began allowing rabies vaccination exemptions if approved by the Local Health Officer (LHO). Exposures to rabid animals are an urgent concern and should be addressed as soon as possible. PENNSYLVANIA: Rabies Medical Exemption Action Alert - Pennsylvania pet owners have initiated an effort to get a rabies medical exemption clause inserted into the Pennsylvania Rabies Code. An exemption from vaccination against rabies may be permitted if a licensed veterinarian has examined the animal and based on the veterinarian's professional judgment has certified in writing that at the time, vaccination would endanger the animal's health because of its infirmity, disability, illness, or other medical considerations and a titer test, in the case of these medical exemptions, may be administered to assist in determining the need for the vaccination. It shall be the duty of each veterinarian, at the time of vaccinating any dog, cat, or ferret, to complete a certificate of rabies vaccination in triplicate. AVMA recognizes some animals might require a waiver from mandated rabies vaccination because the vaccination may endanger the animal's life or a waiver might be necessary for research purposes. Do dogs have to be vaccinated in PA? This is an exemption only for licensing and inspection purposes by designated authorities. A dog that has permanent canine teeth or that is 6 months of age or older must be inoculated against rabies. Welcome to the YorkieTalk.com Forums Community - the community for Yorkshire Terriers. By PA law, dogs and cats shall be vaccinated against rabies within 4 weeks after the date the dog or cat attains 12 weeks of age, and maintain a current rabies immunity as prescribed by rabies vaccine manufacturers. Since 1995 more than 350 animals have tested positive for rabies in the state each year; in 2010 there were 409 domestic and wild cases. A vaccination certificate must meet the minimum standards set forth in OAC 310:599-3-7. Raccoon rabies was first recognized in Pennsylvania in the 1980s and has since become established in the wild raccoon population. However, in most of Los Angeles County first get a quick overview of the risks over-vaccination which can lead to vaccine induced death, i.e. Note: The labels on rabies vaccines state that they are for the vaccination of healthy cats, dogs There are medical conditions for which vaccination can jeopardize the life or well-being of an animal. (b)A domestic animal exposed to rabies or exposed to an animal suspected of having rabies shall be quarantined and confined to the owners premises. The Pennsylvania Code website reflects the Pennsylvania Code changes effective through 52 Pa.B. Pennsylvania cattle must be accompanied by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection signed and dated by an accredited veterinarian with an inspection date within the thirty (30) days prior to the date of arrival at the show. Evidence of such rabies inoculation shall be entered on a certificate the form of which shall be approved by the Board and which shall contain the microchip number of the dog, cat, or ferret if it has one and which shall be signed by the licensed veterinarian administering the vaccine. A city, village, or town may exempt the owner of a dog from the requirement to have the dog vaccinated against rabies for a year based on a letter from a veterinarian stating that vaccination is inadvisable because of a reaction to a previous vaccination, a physical condition, or a regimen of therapy that the dog is undergoing. Each animal control authority and veterinarian shall use the Rabies Vaccination Certificate of the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians (NASPHV) or an equivalent form approved by the local government that contains all the information required by the NASPHV Rabies Vaccination Certificate. Rabid About Rabies Shots! Keep track of product alerts for pet foods, animal feed, and products used by veterinarians or animal owners. Most states require rabies vaccinations for dogs, cats, and sometimes ferrets after those animals reach a certain age (typically between three and six months old). Owners are issued a serially numbered certificate and tag for each such administration. If the owner obtains the dog or brings the dog into this state after the dog has reached 5 months of age, the owner shall have the dog vaccinated against rabies within 30 days after the dog is obtained or brought into the state unless the dog has been vaccinated as evidenced by a current certificate of rabies vaccination from this state or another state. The person who administers the vaccine shall complete and issue to the owner a certificate of rabies vaccination bearing a serial number and in the form approved by the department. Certificate of . Licensed kennelA kennel that is licensed by the Department under the Dog Law (3 P. S. 459-101459-1205). The owner must take precaution to prevent exposure to other people and animals during this time. 4:19-15.2a, Dog of licensing age means any dog which has attained the age of 7 months or which possesses a set of permanent teeth.N. Any person owning a cat 6 months of age or older in this State shall have the cat vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian.Any person owning a ferret 6 months of age or older in this State shall have the ferret vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian. In 1885, a vaccine for rabies was developed for treatment of the disease in humans. A licensed veterinarian or other competent person granted a permit to administer virus (vaccine) by the state board of health. A person owning or keeping a dog or a cat in this Commonwealth shall have the dog or cat vaccinated against rabies within four weeks after the date the dog or cat attains 12 weeks of age. A licensed veterinarian may exempt a dog, cat or ferret from vaccination for health reasons. This policy should not be construed as justification for failing to vaccinate animals for rabies in jurisdictions where such vaccination is required by law and no waiver or delay process exists. Dogs are the most common animal that spreads the rabies virus to humans. Table of State Rabies Vaccination Laws for Companion Animals, licensed veterinarian or under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian, https://health.hawaii.gov/docd/disease_listing/rabies/. (4)Vaccine shall be administered according to vaccine label instructions and according to procedures outlined in the Rabies Vaccination Manual provided by the Department. to protect you and your dog. Pursuant to rules issued by the Mayor, an owner of a cat over the age of 4 months shall have that cat vaccinated against rabies. Each owner or keeper of a dog, cat or ferret that is 6 months of age or older shall cause such dog, cat or ferret to be vaccinated against rabies. Why Do I Need To Fill Out Three Forms And Submit A Copy Of The Dog's Medical Records? Dog, cat, or ferret must be vaccinated for rabies by 3 months and then frequency established by the State Board of Health. Because rabies continues to be a significant public health issue, waivers should not be issued arbitrarily upon client request and should be based upon clinical evidence, as documented in the patient's medical records, that the animal would be at considerable risk of a life-threatening reaction. The city, village, or town shall require the owner to provide a new letter for each year in which the owner seeks an exemption under this paragraph. PERMISSION GRANTED TO CROSS-POST Members of the Pennsylvania Senate Agriculture Committee (Discuss vaccination of species for which there is not an approved rabies vaccine with your veterinarian.). A licensing authority may grant an exemption from this section for a dog, cat or ferret that: (i) the local board of health has declared exempt from the rabies vaccination requirement upon presentation of a veterinarian's certificate stating that because of an infirmity, other physical condition or regimen of therapy, such inoculation is considered inadvisable for a specified period of time for such reasons; (iii) was brought into the commonwealth temporarily for the sole purpose of display in a show or for exhibition. To claim an exemption from tax for a motor vehi- An owner or keeper of a cat over 3 months of age must have that cat vaccinated against rabies. For more information, please see the following documents. Rabies is a virus affecting the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) that can infect any mammal. If you or a family member is concerned about an exposure to an animal and believe you may need rabies vaccine, please call, USDA Wildlife Services - Preventing the Spread of Raccoon Rabies, USDA Wildlife Services - Oral Rabies Vaccination Program in the East (2021), USDA Wildlife Services - Q&A - Rabies and Oral Rabies Vaccination (2021), Dr. Debra L. Bogen, Acting Secretary of Health. Provided by SAAB member, Patricia Jordon, DVM, CVA, CTCVH, Everyone who owns an animal with a medical problem, allergies, or one that has suffered a previous reaction to any type of vaccination needs to know the risks of rabies vaccine. In definition for "vaccination against rabies" it states injection must be by a licensed veterinarian, or agent of the Health Department. Laws, 1956, 4-13-31, The licensed veterinarian or person working under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian who administered a rabies vaccination must issue a rabies tag to the owner/keeper of any dog or cat that (s)he vaccinates against rabies. Whenever the dog is out-of-doors, off the owner's premises, and not under the control of the owner or handler while working the dog, the collar or harness with the vaccination tag shall be worn. exemption form or shot waiver may not apply to your dog, what CDC says about canine rabies, and vaccine warnings. A person living in this Commonwealth owning or keeping a dog or cat over 3 months of age shall have the dog or cat vaccinated against rabies under the act and this chapter. (2)A dog or cat vaccinated when over 1 year of age with a vaccine producing immunity lasting 3 years shall be revaccinated no later than 3 years later and at least every 3 years thereafter. No laws or regulations on dogs living in Hawaii. It shall be the duty of each veterinarian, at the time of vaccinating a dog, cat or ferret, to complete a certificate of rabies vaccination. The veterinarian shall record the reasons for the exemption and a specific description of the dog, cat or ferret, including the name, age, sex, breed and color on a rabies vaccination certificate which must bear the owner's name and address. West's Ann. Vaccination is recommended for all species for which there is an approved rabies vaccine. 1. A dog, cat, or ferret over 3 months of age. A certified private or breeding kennel owner and a certified operator of a nonprofit kennel shall comply with the following procedures regarding rabies vaccination: (1)Vaccine shall be administered only by an owner or operator who has been certified by the Department. Disclaimer~ All dogs vaccinated against rabies for the first time must be vaccinated at least 4 weeks (28 days) before traveling. Skip to content The veterinarian shall issue a tag with the certificate of vaccination, and such tag shall at all times be attached to the collar of the dog. (3)Only-USDA licensed inactivated vaccine purchased from a licensed veterinarian or a source approved by the Department shall be used. Odds are high that'll give lifetime immunity, say veterinary immunologists. A veterinarian, with the written consent of an animal's owner, may issue a written waiver pursuant to the rules of the health department, exempting an animal from a rabies vaccination order if the veterinarian, in his or her professional opinion, determines that the rabies inoculation is contraindicated due to the animal's medical condition. Upon vaccination against rabies, the licensed veterinarian shall provide the animal's owner and the animal control authority with a rabies vaccination certificate. If your state is with it as regards rabiesvaccine, click to thank Kris Christine for her many years of work It shall be the duty of the manufacturer or manufacturers contracted with to furnish virus (vaccine) to furnish with each ampoule (dose) of virus (vaccine), a suitable metal tag approved by the state board of health, which may be securely bradded to the collar of the dog inoculated (vaccinated). A medical exemption clause would allow Pennsylvania veterinarians to write waivers for animals whose medical conditions (such as those with cancer, kidney/liver failure, hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, grand mal seizures, and chronic autoimmune disorders) would be exacerbated by rabies vaccination. Every licensed veterinarian who vaccinates a dog or cat against rabies shall issue a certificate of vaccination and tag to the owner. Each veterinarian who vaccinates a dog against rabies or directs a veterinary technician in his employ to vaccinate a dog against rabies shall provide the owner a copy of the rabies vaccination certificate. The certificate for vaccination for rabies shall state the month and year of expiration for the rabies vaccination, in the veterinarian's opinion. If adequate steps can be taken to minimize the chance of exposure to rabies virus, the AVMA supports such animals being granted a waiver from mandatory rabies vaccination, upon recommendation of a licensed veterinarian and with the concurrence of the appropriate veterinary public health authorities. Prevention of human exposure to rabies can best be accomplished through routine rabies vaccinations of domestic pets, which then act as a buffer between people and the wild animal reservoir of rabies. It is unlawful to remove a quarantine sign. You will receive a response promptly from public health staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Dogs, cats and other domestic pet animals that are not suspected of having rabies but which have bitten humans shall be kept confined and isolated so that there is no further exposure of humans or animals during an observation period of 10 days. Vaccination at a younger age should be in accordance with the labels of USDA licensed rabies vaccines.Ark. A veterinarian, physician or public health officer who suspects that an animal may be infected with rabies shall report the suspicion to the Department. Any person owning a dog 6 months of age or older in this State shall have that dog vaccinated against rabies by a veterinarian. The Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement, through the work of State Dog Wardens, plays a critical role in rabies control in the Commonwealth by enforcing rabies vaccination requirements in dogs and domestic cats, picking up stray dogs, thus decreasing exposure of these dogs to rabid animals, and educating the public in general about rabies and the importance of rabies vaccination. Pet: pet means only domesticated cats, dogs, and ferrets. Application shall be by submission of a form provided by the Department and an application fee of $35. For the purposes of 3.2-5902, 3.2-6526, and 3.2-6527, such exemption shall be considered in place of a current certificate of vaccination. (1) Monitor, in cooperation with the Department of Health and the Pennsylvania Game Commission, the confirmed incidences of rabies in both domestic and wild animals. The rabies officer, his or her authorized representative, or any duly licensed veterinarian. (iii)The name, address and telephone number of the person who administered the vaccine. The kennel owner or operator shall inform a person purchasing or otherwise receiving a dog or cat which has been vaccinated that the animal will not be considered vaccinated under the act after removal from the kennel and shall be revaccinated by a licensed veterinarian. What are the signs (symptoms) of Rabies? Such tag shall be securely fastened to the collar worn by the dog and shall be given to the owner by the veterinarian, the doctor of medicine or the person vaccinating the dog or cat at the time of vaccination. Such exemption may be granted for an individual animal only after the veterinarian has consulted with the State Veterinarian, the Commissioner of Agriculture, or the commissioner's designee, and completed and submitted to the department an application for exemption from rabies vaccination on a form approved by the Department of Agriculture. (2) A registered veterinary technician under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian. A certificate of vaccination may be transferred to a new owner. Below is a copy of the letter I have faxed to the Pennsylvania State Veterinarian and below that is a. Annual rabies vaccination waiver | American Veterinary Medical Association Skip to main content Header Menu Join/Renew Insurance Store Careers It shall be the duty of every owner to have his dog or cat vaccinated against rabies after the dog reaches three months of age, the cat 6 months of age. Below is a copy of the letter I have faxed to the Pennsylvania State Veterinarian and below that is a. Domestic animal means any dog of the species Canis familiaris, cat of the species Felis domesticus, or ferret of the species Mustela putorius furo, and cat means a cat which is a household pet. The virus is transmitted from animal to animal via bites, scratches, and airborne inoculation and has a varying incubation time (time between exposure and onset of symptoms) of 3 to 12 weeks. In many countries, vaccination of dogs against rabies has effectively eliminated the dog-maintained rabies virus variant in the U.S. The veterinarian who vaccinates a dog, cat, or ferret shall issue to the owner a vaccination certificate on a form approved by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. PENNSYLVANIA Rabies Medical Exemption Bill SB 155http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/bil . Every owner of a dog 4 months or more of age shall have each dog inoculated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian. This section cited in 7 Pa. Code 16.45 (relating to production of certificate of vaccination required). Keep track of product alerts for pet foods, animal feed, and warnings. You will receive a response promptly from public health staff 24 hours a,... 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