Severo Snape, um professor solteiro do ensino mdio, certa vez surpreendido por um pedido incomum de Lcio Malfoy, um ex-amigo com o qual ele tinha rompido e que descobrira que estava para morrer. Sirius asks with a crazy grin.-------------------------------------------------------------------Hey guys! He looks at me and laughs. I hiss, though I already know the answer. His voice is calm, but his blue eyes show determination and this fire that could burn the Forbidden Forest in seconds. As much as my mum is generally cool with this. He then reluctantly embarks on a cross-country road trip with his unlikely new friend, Fred Weasley, in search of redemption from the only woman he ever loved; Lily Evans. Each of them has their good traits and bad, but . My blood runs cold with each of Voldemort's words. The rest of the remaining Death Eaters shoot up into the air in black smoke and fly away.I scan the crowd. - Back to the Roots (in Hogwarts), "i stuff my mouth full of cherries. Uma traduo de The Mapmakers by Dizzy_Bird sobre as aventuras dos Marotos em Hogwarts. Healing: A Lily and James fanfiction. A slow-burn, Marauders Era tale with a healthy dose of Regulus Black and Antonin Dolohov. James let out a triumphant cry, fists in the air, before flopping down upon a dusty old couch, putting his arms behind his head and crossing his feet over the edge. Harry had always known he differed from everyone in some form (his relatives never let him forget it) because changing other people's hair colour and teleporting to the school rooftop wasn't in line with the dynamic of ordinary people. This is the story of four young boys who were destined to be together forever. Lily and Harry are taken away to a safe spot. You're always late getting out of Divination! Jily seems to be going well now, but there will be drama. The book was cursed and overflowing with evil magic. "So, ready to tango?" After a trip with a professor that clearly hates him, he finds out that he can see and use Ancient Magic. The liberals against the wolves, the vandalist group that had taken over every little part of the world marking it as their territory.Regulus Black is one of the leaders of the Wolves. ''Cuide de meu filho'', pediu Lucius. This is the alternate universe. Frank says, dragging his hand across his face. Really helps me live out my sexual fantasies.. Without the power to stop Voldemort, Severus Snape had to do anything and everything to keep Lily safe. Why did Snape reject her? I gasp. "James, no James!" Lily screamed holding baby Harry in her arms as she heard her husband drop to the floor dead. He knew it because he awoke in a room that was not the Shrieking Shack. Rose Evans, the wild flower in the family. The series is ongoing and further ahead and can be found at Or: James is the bartender at Petunias wedding. "My family. . Healing: A Lily and James fanfic. Dumbledor is a horrid person and uses Compulsions, and other things to get his way. I can't let him go. I point my wand at Voldemort. The brothers were separated after James and Lily's death did not know that the others existed. As we all can agree that we need some proper representation for our girls!This is a story about growing up, loss, love and war, but mostly about sisterhood. "Sirius smiles at her and gives her a hug. Dumbledore says. Things don't go exactly as planned and many are left stumbling and questioning. ""My apologies, old habits die hard." But not all tales end the same for in the many parallel worlds that exist in the universe there are far better endings, and equally as many worse ones. She was raised as a weapon for the light. I ask slowly. If James showed remorse for his actions and apologized then I could slightly understand Lily's change of heart, but that never happened. Sister of Molly, Fabian, and Gideon Prewett. "He's Sirius Black. Severus Snape's life has been hell and he has made his way up the winding staircase to the astronomy tower quite a few times to contemplate if he wanted to take his chances in the next life. Before there ever was a boy that ever lived in a cupboard on Four Privet Drive, there was a similar boy in a far worse home that lived on Spinner's End. James is pretty upset and vows to let her go so he's determinedly not picking up on any clues she drops so Lily has to get over her pride and figure out a way to ask him! Join Severus Snape in a bunch of salacious behavior with some of your favorite pairings! And what happened at the 1980 Winter Olympics for the globally famous rock band to never perform together again? James Potter/Severus Snape (922) James Potter/Lily Evans Potter (189) Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (162) Sirius Black/Severus Snape (146) Remus Lupin/Severus Snape (107) 386K 10K 20. . Will she have a good life? I'll make sure your family is safe. Chapter Eight. Will James and Lily survive?Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. Will the light win with Hermione Prewett? A story that involves a second chance at life, but not the one that most are used to. Severus Snape is married to Frank Longbottom, only, nobody knows yet. I am exclusively into bridesmaids. "What do we do with him? There's a flash of red light as a Death Eater falls to the ground."James!" He waves his wand. Years later for a school project Harry contacts his birth family which soon reveals his married godfather and his husband to be his mates, a secret affair, truth about the past, and a sexual awakening for an almost 40 year old man with three kids. Together, they've decided to adopt one another and form their own House after graduation. "You brought Lily here too! Lily Evans has hated James Potter ever since their first year at Hogwarts. A development that Voldemort fully intends to take advantage of while entering the world of politics in his bid to become the next Minister of Magic. As the hot days of summer were coming to a close, the colors of autumn filled the grounds of Hogwarts. All she wanted to do was get away. James mutters as he shoots another spell at a Death Eater. "We should get back to the manor," Charlus admits. What's the deal?" They greeted each other with a kiss on the lips. Hermione Granger never thought she'd be the kind of girl to run away on the night before her wedding. She is much more akin to a fallen angel no, a fallen saint. James has one year to prove himself to his prankster idolsand could use some help. "Yes, sir." . A sequel to The Prettiest Star- The prank told from Severus' point of view. Lily and Severus were close friends as children. Title: Honey, I can't find the Baby "A boy, not even out of school, who can withstand the Cruciatus Curse without crying out." James Potter Chapter 1: Lose One, Gain One "That filthy MUDBLOOD!" The voice of my ex-friend rang through my head. And she has to own it especially since a certain twinkling eye headmaster can't help poking his crooked nose where it doesn't belong. He would later know about its advantages and his destiny with the Boy Who Lived. He really values education- I mean, come on, he always waits until the end of the year to kill Harry. James promises.Dumbledore walks away and Frank and Alice walk over. The following is a collection of writing challenges for the Always Snape site, run by Heatherlly. Harry along with Draco travelled back in time to save the people who she thought as family. A Finished Severus Snape x Reader Fanfiction. It's not safe. In . Dumbledore says with a smile on his face.Frank turns and smiles at us, but raises a fist at James. But if it was adventure she wanted, it was adventure she was going to get. Everyone knows and loves them,bars and parties crave for their music. There will be many trials and tribulations for them to go through as they learn together what their family way may be. he says. xreader; insert; severussnapexreader +13 more # 17. ""You don't know that! When the news spreads he starts getting letters from his secret admirers. The Black family was always known for their infamous madness, but with love thrown into the mix it was a madness to be reckoned with. Author name KindaFeelsLikeDying-. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. James Potter is young, handsome, the proud owner of a coffee shop, and tragically - according to his mother - single. He was rich, handsome, certainly talented enough, and most importantly a Potter. I stay close to James as curses fly past us. Just when she's feeling lonely, she starts making new friends. And what's going on in the Gryffindor dorms at the same time? Now he was going to die, there is basilisk venom coursing through his veins. No one imagined that James would actually say something like that. Particularly not muggle complications. There's a crackle of laughter around us from the Death Eaters, who are still fighting. Site: [][140173525441392: . "I'd say that I'd join, but my mother told me to never tell a lie." I will do my best to include my favorite ships in this work though :) )Note: This is a work in progress! It gets bogged down, it lasts, it continues. On his face, there's a twisted smile. There are gasps around us. Snape's Redemption Isn't Entirely Admirable On the night before he's about to marry the girl of his dreams, however, he finds himself thrust into the middle of a plot to ruin him and he loses everything as he is wrongly thrown into prison to rot. Frank has moved off to the side in a desperate duel with yet another Death Eater. "I'm fine, I'm just worried for my family. "You're still dead, Potter. Sorry, Lily, but he's dead!" He raises his wand and a green light flashes towards Dumbledore, but it instead hits another spell. Queen of Darkness-Part 1 ( Black Sisters-Bellamort). Some would call it a tragedy, others would call it a necessary sacrifice. "Nineteen muggles, three Aurors, I think Alice's awful aunt- sorry love." (Inspired by ATYD, much of the content will be rewritten as Lily is not a central character in Remus' story. His life is difficult but he is not fully alone he has his beloved godfather, Sirius Black, and Remus who help him throughout his life. ""Don't call her that," James snaps.Voldemort raises his wand and says, "crucio. 2006-2023 Fanpop, Inc., All Rights Reserved. She was born with the sight to change the future. Finding herself on the brink of motherhood and in the middle of a messy divorce from James, Lily is more than grateful when Severus steps in and holds her together while her world falls apart. Regulus, suffocated to find and save his brother, embarks on a life outside the four walls that separate him from the outside air.There she meets James Potter, the only man who knows where his brother is. Blossom || Draco Malfoy 2 pages 4 months ago Nicole I should never have come. Severina spends the next years of her life raising her son and discovering her own family secrets. "Frank, Alice, you're welcome to come for the rest of Christmas. Harry Potter finds out that he's going to a magical school. James saves his life. But, death had another plan for her. I'm the Backup?! The war is in full swing. All, junto a Lily Evans y un renuente James Potter, intentan alterar para bien el curso de la historia; cambiando la dinmica de su tringulo amoroso en el proceso. Thrust into a world where she has to shoulder the responsibilities of leading a war she doesn't want to, she discovers who she is. Sirius and Remus- paired forcefully by James' infatuation for Lily and Lily reluctantly entertaining James on the pretense that Remus joins- have been casually sleeping together. Through this she learns secrets Dumbledore never intended for her to know and she vows to be anything but what they expect of her. Isadore Potter or Isadore Black-Lestrange wants revenge on those who killed her Uncle James who she thought was her father till her seventeenth birthday and who separated her from her parents and sent his papa Sirius to Azkaban. About a reality where Severus and Lily's friendship might still have a chance. In fact, the Ancient Magic forms a weird system that encompasses his whole life. Snape was breathing heavily, as if he'd just been running. After Lily's death, Snape firmly makes up his mind that he won't support Voldemort and that he wants to help take him down. The Lone Lupine wailed to the moon as The Black Grim wailed to magic, for they have lost their everything. No, I definitely meant Vermin, Chapter Six: Apologizing, Peevsie and Professor Sluggy, Chapter Nine: A Deadly Game and Snape's Teddy Bear, Chapter Ten: Wronski Feint and Dungeon Duels, Chapter Thirteen: Confronted and the First Date, Chapter Fifteen: The Place Where I'd Rather not Patrol, Chapter Sixteen: Tension is in the Winter Air, Chapter Seventeen: War World Marauders and I Hex the Head Boy, Chapter Nineteen: Siriusly Bad Magical Creatures. We need to talk." "Oh, Lily, surely you can't be breaking up with me already!" "James!" This is my first fic I ever wrote since nobody asked for this crossover (sort of) and English is not my native language, so any constructive criticism are welcomed. "James walks to the bed and sits down. "Young love," Voldemort laughs. She felt the threat as she felt a familiar tugging at her navel. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I ask. I cry.Voldemort moves his wand and blocks the spell, but gives enough time for James to grab his wand and stand up. I tilt my head up to see Alice standing in the doorway. Suddenly, I realize that I'm about to die. He would attend Hogwarts, play for the Gryffindor quidditch team, and be by far the most popular boy in his year. (I do not own any of jk rowling's characters nor do I support her bigoted views.). Black." )Spotify playlist:, fic inspired by likeafunerall s fanart, I think weve all seen them at this point <3 (the ice skating black brothers and James, basketball Remus). Frank adds hastily.Alice rolls her eyes at him. The Marauders era told through the perspective of Remus Lupin, 1971-1998. "Okay, James, what is it this time?" sighed Remus. BEING RE-WRITTEN Blossom || Draco Malfoy Just an idea that turned into a full fledged story. He's a Black." Snily centric, Severitus canon rewrite with a female Harry.Please do not remix or translate without permission. It could even be a good thing, if the government was just neglectful and not outright irresponsible. Remus couldnt argue, as their first meeting had involved what could have been breaking and entering he still wasnt sure. James wraps his hand around mine. Please consider turning it on! He finally decides that he is going to do it. Lulled to sleep by the security of his arms.____________________________________________________The door flies open and slams against the wall. She was able to exclaim "What the hell!" I haven't seen Remus, Alice, and Sirius since the beginning of the fighting. Sirius says. A Member of Townsquare Entertainment News. All she wanted to do was get away. They gave their lives to a world that never knew them, or their struggles, their hopes and their dreams. "Frank hisses a breath out through his teeth. No support for JKR's transphobic views. Sirius in Love?/ I Take the Fall, Chapter Forty-One: The Tale of the Three Brothers, Chapter Forty-Three: The Order of The Phoenix, Chapter Forty-Four: Hair Dye White Wedding A Drunk Magician, Chapter Forty-Five: The Truth About Sirius Black and A Betrayer's Thoughts. I cry, using the knockback jinx. Aww, Voldemort really cares about Harry's education! I declare defiantly. In which James is on the ice hockey team and Regulus is a figure skater and they do not seem to get along. How one choice could change the course of wizarding history. She looks excited and a tiny bit embarrassed."Sorry!" Chapter Twenty: Meeting the Evans Family/ Oh Crap, She's Engaged! How did they rise to fame when they were once nothing in Los Angeles, California. A chance encounter in the pits of Azkaban gives Severus hope for escape and furnishes him with everything he could need to enact revenge against all who have wronged him. Behind closed curtains Petunia was miserable. James, he knew my name and my family!" "How did he know my name?" Harry's father, James, saved Snape by preventing him from entering the Shack. Co-written and edited by Pandoracake_711 :). Ignoring the warnings of their good family friend, Severus Snape, Harry sets out to find what he believes is the ideal husband for his new friend, Hermione Granger, but nothing goes to plan and Harry has a few harsh lessons to learn about others as well as himself. But to find out that he was a Dominant shocked him to his core. When Albus Dumbledore dumps a five-year-old child in an alleyway on the other side of the ocean, he has no idea that he has given her the best chance at life she could have. He wraps his arm around my waist. Charlus adds gravely.I bite my lip. The day Draco realized he was a Submissive was the most unfortunate for him. The soft heart slashed opened as it betrayed, tucked safely, waiting to heal under the billowing robes. Born to Muggle parents, Lily Evans attended Hogwarts at the brink of the first Wizarding War, and upon graduation chose to fight the forces of the Dark Lord. Severina had nothing left when she was ready to throw herself away and join the dark side, but an old 'friend' of hers reaches out to her for aid interfering with these plans, and opening a door to another life. Severus Snape, my best friend for the last five years, called me the unforgivable word while he was hanging upside down by the ankle because of James Potter. Todo pareca indicar que de alguna manera viaj de vuelta al pasado justo despus de morir. Or will Darkness once again claim the land? She didn't expect to find magical creatures, secret organizations and least of all, friendship with the marauders. No one is safe anymore. There have been several times in the past couple of months, since I started dating James, that I've wanted to scream and yell at him, but never more than at this moment. I can see more Aurors than I thought were here, but somehow I don't feel comforted by that."Stupefy!" Going back to 1976 where the Marauder's are in their 6th year and James noticing his two of his friends acting weird and Peter disappearing James view changes one night when he followed Sirius to the dungeons after he receives a secrets note; Follow James as he makes the biggest decision of his life . PS I don't own j.k Rowling's characters this is fan fic only thing I own will be to create some characters for Rabastan lover ,Reg lover and Rodolphus lover and add other characters and none of these may be true on the potter wiki i will change their age for Lucius he would have already graduate along with Narcissa in 1976 so I made them one year older than James Remus and Sirius. Are you hitting on the bridesmaids? Lily asks him, leaning her elbows against the countertop and propping her chin up. The last time the world saw the light.A global pandemic has affected the entire world preventing any human being from being able to breathe outside air; causing hives, suffocation and death.2010. The Howling Nights is the first book of The Last Enemy series, which follows the lives of the heroes and villains of the First Wizarding War from 1975-1981. 2001. On his sixteenth birthday, Harry receives some unexpected gifts, a strange mark on his shoulder and a letter from Gringotts. "You can't go to the door, they'll wonder what's been happening here," he winked. "Not a problem, Mr. She lied, and the next day Severus came home to continue his whispered lessons on magic and his attempts to avoid catching his fathers wrath.In this world, Eileen Snape told the truth to the muggle man standing on her doorstep asking if her home was safe.No, it isnt. She took a breath, I will not be leaving, but you may keep Severus away if you wish., (Severus Snape is kind of adopted by the Evans). Sirius asks as he surveys the attacked street. It made me wonder if Lily actually didn't care about Severus and was just waiting for a chance to drop him. But I don't own them. The letter changed her life, but she doesn't know if it's for the better or for the worst. The duel continues with flashes of light and hissed curses. ", Lily storms out after an argument with Petunia and doesn't notice as she leaves town. Who else is here with you?" "Just fine, Lilykins. The dark side had won! It's not something that Lily . Julia finds out that her friends are not her friends and her parents are not her parents. Snape Meets Lily In the Afterlife Severus Snape had just died. "You are powerful too, much like your precious mudblood love. Chapter Four. Who would have thought that his wish would be heard and, as soon as he opened his eyes once more, he would be back in his childhood self? "And so shall you." Or is it? Work Search: Frank declares. But only a few know the truth behind their disband. He has a love if helping people and takes it upon himself to begin playing cupid with some if the inhabitants of Godric's Hollow. I see Frank Longbottom running towards us. "Lily, everything is wrong around us, but we're good. After all, given Lily's family line, elves would always obey her, over the families they bound themselves to. Harry's summer is better than ever before, and he returns to Hogwarts for his fifth year with more power, changing relationships, an army at his back, and another DADA teacher that seems to have it out for him. What if the Potters had survived that night because of it?This is a story about this alternative reality. They will always expect something from her, never realising that she is only a child. Severus Snape hits what has to be rock bottom; he's a Death Eater even though he doesn't really agree with Voldemort, the Lily he loved and who seemed to love him never forgave him for that word, he never got over what Potter did to him, his friend Narcissa isn't talking to him because of the fall out of the mess he ended up in with her husband, Part 22 of Falling Starrs Language: English Words: 620 Chapters: 1/1 Kudos: 2 Hits: 13 Lily shut the door in his face. Who else was she supposed to talk about? All rights to the Harry Potter world and characters belong solely to J. K. Rowling. But Lily could have just as easily made another choice, and despite some of Snape's more obvious negative qualities she certainly did have strong feelings for him as well. Their lives were snatched away from them too soon. Lots of wolfstar. "I lean against his chest. Lily and James go into a back garden at a wedding reception. Hermione finds herself in the 70s with four new best friends. El da que Severus casi muere por un hombre lobo, fue el da que cambi todo, descubre que James Potter a madurado, algo casi imposible y que Lily Evans, su mejor amiga no parece tan enojada con l. Few have escaped Voldemort alive. He is a twenty two year old man. Once in a magic area, he discovered that he can see an odd aura around things. He knew it would happen, he was sure his time was coming, just like the manipulative old goat's plan. "You've been beaten by a mudblood, who's not even out of Hogwarts yet. "I turn to look into red eyes. His mask has fallen off, revealing a face of cold harshness. -Cross posted to Wattpad under the same title. ""I can vouch for Mr. Healing: A Lily and James fanfiction. said the girl. Chapter Thirty-Two: Wait!? You're the only person she really mentioned, but I guess that makes sense, since you're my father. "I love you. I pull James down and we start running for our lives. But outside the castle walls, a dark wizard is rising. I know I didn't update for a while. You brought my girlfriend into the middle of a warzone! "Frankie! When James and Lily enter Hogwarts at Harry's third year everyone is blown away of the similarities between them and Harry's parents. Healing: A Lily and James fanfiction. They will always expect something from her, never realising that she is only a child. This is the story of the boys that never truly lived. If you translate this fic and need any help with understanding anything please feel free to message me on any (or all) of my profiles. after volume 6. I look up at him. She was the perfect housewife and mother to her son Dudley. On her finger is a beautiful ring."When? What unexpected people and events are waiting for him in this new world? We are all connected, and with help from the Trickster, we shall create strength that surpass the limitations of the world imposes. Go follow #kinkuary on Tumblr for more fun! Remus gets his dream of going to schoolas long as he solemnly swears not to make friends. You can find me on Twitter also! If not, it can simply be skipped. ""Come on, you know that I'm brilliant.""Right." "I do not go by that name anymore. James is just Harry's daycare teacher. Thou art held captive, a prisoner bounded by the wicked, greater or lesser, who twisted thy fate against thy will. "Lily! James and I shoot back as many curses as we can. But as tensions bubble over, sides will be chosen, friendships destroyed, families parted, and paths forever altered. Seriously no matter how many times I tried to keep him straight he didn't want to listen to me. James finally gives up on Lily in their seventh year. he says to Voldemort.Voldemort sneers. Chapter Nine. Will she be able to keep her cool? His family is from the high positions of the wolves, but his brother disappeared as part of the liberals. Obviously Lily ultimately chose James Potter over Severus Snape, and Lily and James got married and had their only child, Harry Potter. More importantly, can they find out what's wrong with Remus before its too late? "He's finally figured out how to get rid of it. "That's better. There was nothing at all to stop him from finding the perfect witch to court the way all of his ancestors had. Suddenly, there's several loud pops and the street is filled with more Aurors.Voldemort sneers and disappears. "No, Sirius, we did not. ( Or so she calls it )-Tormenting them is more like it. It was a small pack, of course, just the five of them, but together they were something wild. I don't think it would go over well on Christmas! What follows is the story of the Marauders retold and loosely inspired by the Dead Poets Society storyline with Mr Keating as their charms professor. "Frank proposed!!" I reach for the table next to the bed. Child of Azkaban by Mystic heart soul. After the Triwizard Tournament, Hazel Potter goes through an early inheritance brought on by now being considered an adult through the tournament. "She wrote me that letter to tell me about you. I will ignore your blood status, Lily Evans, if you join me. )Oh and Harry is an Omega. However, I do claim creative fanfiction rights. She holds out her hand. Why would he kill his own daughter? Severus Snape returns to London after years and reconnects with Lily and James. say, this is the taste of love, and i will choke on it.". He looks a lot like the Lestrange brothers. After thinking about Lily and how she would meet her son soon, he saw a train. He didnt consider how one girl could make him question the traditions hed known his entire life. , Voldemort really cares about Harry 's education raising her son soon, always! 'Re good, old habits die hard. I support her bigoted views. ) us, somehow... The wall and slams against the countertop and propping her chin up their seventh.. 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