SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on January 30, 2018: Everton - You're right she makes these things up in her head and tries to pass them as fact or the result of her supposed "research." It's difficult to accept the possibility of Darlie having planned this ahead of time. Darlie Kee was there with her, why would she lie about it having taken place? For 25 years theyve been free to make whatever claim they want to; to distort the evidence any way they want to. Detective David Frosch testified that he overheard Darlie whisper "I'm so sorry" in each individual casket. Wow, you should write crime books. In doing this they neglect to provide all of the data or information about their position that might countermand what they've written. Dallas attorney J. Stephen Cooper requested the naming of a new federal defense attorney because one of Routiers counsel, Lauren E. Schmidt, accepted another job. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on July 06, 2018: fedematias95, the link definitely works I tried it on my computer at work. That evening Sgt. Darlie supporters will try to make you think she fought for her life with what doctors described as a "superficial laceration.". All she had going was the fact that she was a semi pretty white woman with a big chest and everybody knows those women never kill. Darlie consistently told investigators that she could not remember the intruders face. I don't think nightmare is kezzy. When interviewed, she knows exactly how and when to cry and turn on the heart tugging emotions and people eat this up. Only he made one mistake - he killed the kids first instead of killing Darlie first. Cherry picking is where the author selectively pulls tidbits of information about a subject that affirms their position or the point they're trying to get across. A significant event has now occurred in this very intensive investigation, At approximately 10:20p.m. Numerous items from the crime scene were submitted. Darlie and her family of course maintain her innocence, but what family says their loved one convicted of crime is guilty? It's been much too long I have anguished over this case, vacillating my beliefs from one side to the other to something else altogether! The test results were returned to Judge Lewis in June of 2015. So according to Darlie, an intruder breaks in the house and stab's the sleeping boys with such great force that several of the stab wounds went almost all the way through Devon's chest. If anyone is guilty as sin it's Darlie. Darlie told Detective Frosh that prior to police arrival, she carried towels to Damon and to Devon to help stop the bleeding. The knife used to stab the boys was also a knife from the Routier kitchen knife holder. This makes the perfect fill-in for all the holes and gaps in their theories of Darlie's innocence such as why she couldn't remember specific details as to what happened and how she could have slept through all the carnage. 73 (44%) of the sentences are unintelligible and marked so on the transcript. But, that's not for us to decide. With Darlie Kee denying the polygraph took place, and attorney Doug Parks' not saying she passed the examination, (If she had he would have shouted it from the rooftops) the reader can make their own conclusion as to whether she passed it or not. 47 6 042-532028 , 042-532027 Is she a vain narcissist yes I think so. Blood found on the sink back splash turned out to be a combination of both Damon and Devon's blood. They claimed that could have been the reason for her sleeping downstairs for three nights prior to the murders. The deep, multiple wounds on the boys, however, showed the attack on them was quick and deliberate and was definitely personal. You'd expect a woman would recognize her husband of 10 years wouldn't you??? Like Darin Routier, probably one of the dumbest people in Texas based on his actions and willful ignorance, could possibly pull off the "perfect" crime. He told her a neighbor had to help calm him down just to pick him up and take him out of there. I cannot comment on the details of this investigation other than to say we believe that the white male suspect described by Darlie Routier as the man that attacked her and murdered her children never existed. wow he should have made some marks on the floor too unless he was kept upstairs behind closed doors.9)what mother would not to be around her infant son? Judge Mark Tolle, who presided at her trial issued a gag order barring the defense, the prosecution, potential witnesses, and Darlie's immediate family from discussing the case with the media. The stems were unbroken giving the investigators the impression that they had just been laid there, not knocked over during a struggle. Greg Davis and Toby Shook, The Defense. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on March 27, 2018: Noted, thanks for your comment and grammatical observations. In Darlie's written statement to police, 2 days after the murders, she never mentions anything about Damon saying "Mommy, mommy, mommy," she states the she woke up to Damon pushing on her shoulder and crying. Darin and Darlie could have easily concocted a story to tell the police and rapidly staged the scene before she dialed 911. And these things you bring up are relatively minuscule in comparison to the blood and DNA evidence, the splatter on her nightshirt, the blood drops around the two boys on the carpet, her being caught in lies on the witness stand, her ever changing multiple accounts of what occurred on the night of the murders. Please stop spreading myths about this case! Darlie Routier, 48, has been on death row in Texas for more than 20 years Her sons Damon, five, and Devon, six, were stabbed to death on June 6, 1996 She was found guilty of Damon's murder but. The cut screen alone is the most ridiculous thing I read. Those darling, precious boys:( Peace, Paula. It will show up under a black light even if attempts are made to clean the blood up. They found Darlie with wounds on her neck, arms, and shoulder, but her sons Devon, 6, and Damon, 5 were already dying due to their stab injuries. The only way Darlie Routier is leaving death row is in a body bag and on that day a bunch of us are going to be there to represent the victims, two butchered little boys and were going to chew gum and spray silly string roughly around 6:25ish PM on that day. After formal murder charges had been made and prior to Darlie's trial, her original court appointed attorneys, Doug Parks and Wayne Huff, obtained a sealed motion for a private polygraph examination of Darlie shortly before jury selection began. The website goes on to say that she was in surgery for "2 hours." Let me know your thoughts. They would work tirelessly to make sure she paid the price. I also think there may have been a bit of a language barrier problem there. The mother, Darlie, clutched a wet bloody towel to her neck and was standing near him on the phone. At the conclusion of the polygraph, and being under the auspices of attorney/client privilege and work product ethics, Parks would only say the examination was "inconclusive," but he didn't say she passed it either. I'm not saying some things aren't strange but my mom didn't remember anything at all from the hospital when she was told my brother had died and I am an extremely emotional person and I couldn't cry I was in shock I kept telling the preacher I didn't know why I couldn't cry and I felt like I wasn't even walking on the ground. The supporters conclude that some sort of deal was made between Darin and Darlie's mother, Darlie Kee, with defense attorney Doug Mulder who in turn promised not to go after Darin. Along with the physical evidence, her changing stories and proven lies played a significant role in their guilty verdict. Upon the jury retiring for deliberation on February 1, 1997, 8 of the 12 jurors were immediately prepared to vote guilty, while the other 4 jurors weren't quite convinced. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on November 19, 2019: Its quite presumptuous of you to assume you know things about me and how I handled the research of my article considering weve never met or spoken before and you dont know the first thing about me. Did you even READ this article before you wrote your comment? He told the media in a press conference that he was going to make it his "Mission in life" to find the killer(s) of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. In recent years some of the Darlie supporters have in fact convinced themselves that Darin Routier murdered his sons. Paramedic Kolbye: Im absolutely sure about that. LUBBOCK The husband of death row inmate Darlie Routier said Friday that he and his wife are divorcing to move on from the "limbo" they've been in since her arrest and conviction . This will be explained in more detail in the conclusion to this blog. I could see an argument, a discussion, and a quick plan between the two of them to get stories consistent before the 911 call was made. well you did and then some more. Supposedly, three days after the boy's funeral, when the crime scene at the house had been cleared, Darlie needed to get some clothes and a few personal items from the house. Her third appeal has moved to the federal level with the U.S. District Court in San Antonio, which is her last option. Yeah ok, she got so high off of something that she made incriminating statements about her children being murdered right in front of her, AND the aftereffects are still reverberating in her mind that she STILL clings to the statement that she made WHILE she was supposedly "drugged"!!! James Cron found it odd that other than a blood smudge on the door leading to the utility room and two blood smudges on the side of the washing machine, there was nothing else past that point to indicate that an intruder had exited through the garage as Darlie had claimed; not one drop of blood anywhere. It was found closed and in place when police investigators inspected it. So well written. Does anyone think she would of been found not guilty if she hadnt of testified? Doug Mulder: All right. This video was published in November 1, 2014. I'm in the Darlie's guilty camp. Darlie Routier's current appeals attorney, Stephen Cooper. At the sentencing phase of the trial Darlie Routier was sentenced to death by lethal injection. Darlie's lead defense attorney, Doug Mulder, has even stated that they did receive the entire video, and for reasons unknown decided not to present it to the jury or object to the memorial service segment not being shown to the jury by the prosecution. of a wrongful conviction hi Amy hi Megan. More than two decades later, the Rowlett woman remains in prison one of only. A few years later an investigator representing another innocence project group by the name of Bill Clutter looked into the case, and then again, in 2003, David Camm and the University of Indiana looked at the case; Barry Scheck (of the OJ Simpson defense Team) showed no interest nor did the Innocence Texas group. Darlie Lynn Peck Routier (born January 4, 1970) is an American woman from Rowlett, Texas, who was convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of her five-year-old son Damon in 1996. Obviously deliberately placed where it would be quickly found, Close up of sock showing Damon and Devin's blood on it. Darlie support sites as well as some authors that believe in her innocence are notorious for engaging in a journalistic tactic known as "cherry picking." In Texas alone in the past 25 years, a total of 64 children have been murdered by their mothers. The only other kind of evidence is direct evidence which means there was an eyewitness to the crime. The prosecution even commented later that Darlie was their best witness. And she told me she thought shed messed up the fingerprints. Therefore, Darlies execution date has not yet been set, and she, maintaining her innocence, is incarcerated at the Mountain View Unit in Gatesville, Texas. One of them is that of Darlie Lynn Routier, who has spent the last 24 years on death row after being convicted of the 1996 murder of one of her sons while being accused of killing the other. Currently "out". And, how many minutes did you say that this child could have lived if all four of them had been produced at the same time? The gate in the back yard had hinge problems. It did at the conclusion of the trial and still does today. *The most commonly abused date rape drugs, or "club drugs," are Rohypnol, also called "roofies"; gamma hydroxybutyric acid, also called "liquid ecstasy"; ketamine, also called "Special K," and tablet form ecstasy, also called "Molly," which is often crushed and mixed into a drink. then she saw the man leaving the living room. However, I am grateful for such a detailed account with actual information from the trial transcripts and investigator's reports. Stephen Cooper's intent was to prove through DNA test results that an outside intruder was in fact in the house, committed the heinous murders of Darlie and Darin Routier's two sons, and attacked Darlie before fleeing the scene. My neck. So much of your article was extremely difficult and heart-wrenching for me to read. I put a towel on my baby's back. All this proves is that thorough investigative police work took place. Anita Hasch from Port Elizabeth on March 08, 2018: Hi SClemmons, First time I heard about this case, I was just commenting in general. Lol. minecraft bedrock pixelmon server ip and port; pilar jenny queen nose; november horoscope 2022 libra; robert ito spouse; reno air race crash photos graphic Especially a pretty young mother who on the outside gave the appearance of being an attentive mom who wanted nothing but the best for her children. Within three minutes of the 911 call, Rowlett Police Officer David Waddell, was the first to arrive at the Routier home. This video clip became infamous and was played at her trial. Prosecutor: How long would it take for bruising like this to occur to the arm after receiving this blunt force trauma? She said the only bruise she observed was around the cut on the top of Darlie's arm. No cuts were found under either one of her arms. What are your thoughts on these theories SClemmons? (Believed to be where she cut her throat). Doug Mulder (recently deceased) and Richard Mosty. Darlie will turn on the charm and the tears and use her "I'm the true victim here" little girl voice, convincing nearly each person that met with her that there was no way she could have murdered her sons. Menu On November 14, the court announced jury selection was complete and it would consist of seven women and five men. After Officer Matt Walling arrived on the scene (Waddell's backup) the two officers searched the house. The distance to where the sock was located from the Routier house is 75 yards, that's 450 feet round trip and can be completed walking a fast pace (Not running) in 5 minutes or less. Happy New Year. With that said, she maintains her innocence to this day. It's been estimated that Darlie Routier's cost to the taxpayers in Texas to-date, including her trial and prosecution is close to 30.5 million. Darlie Routier's mother, Darlie Kee, was visiting Darlie in jail the day of the examination. She had obviously lied to Detective Patterson. I find it laughable that people watch Dateline or some other t.v. The problem with all of this is the fact that the physical evidence at the crime scene just does not support the presence of an intruder. Most if not all of the Darlie support sites are good at using the cherry picking tactic when extracting testimonial quotes from the Darlie Routier case court transcripts. There was a lot of information they felt the public didn't get to hear and evidence that could prove an innocent woman is sitting on death row for a crime she did not commit. She first mentioned this in court while testifying and being questioned by her attorney, Doug Mulder. She didn't definitively say it was or wasn't self inflicted despite Defense attorney Doug Mulder's attempts at getting her to rule out self-infliction on the witness stand. She absolutely knows what she did, yet can be interviewed numerous times and yet seem convincingly wronged. NOT Darin. I probably covered up the fingerprints. Most members of this second group get the most hateful when challenged to provide a credible source to backup a statement they've made that they're trying to pass as fact. June 4th 2018 has a nice ring to it. There were no stab marks, punctures, slashes or cast off blood of any kind discovered on the couch where Darlie claimed the knife attack took place. She's lost her direct appeal to the state and she lost her writ appeal to the state. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on August 28, 2018: I can't help you make that decision, that's entirely up to you. TB3 was a mixture of Devon and Darlie's blood, and TB2 was a mixture of Damon and Darlie's blood. Which is highly suggestive of assisted or self infliction when she got back home from the hospital prior to the police photos. Dr Santos testified that under any other circumstances he probably would have discharged her later that morning. WAS DARIN ROUTIER MORE INVOLVED THAN WE KNOW? I researched the evidence pretty thoroughly regarding the utility room. Attorney's for convicted killer Darlie Routier are having old evidence tested again in an effort to try and prove Routier is innocent. She was her own worst enemy on the witness stand under cross examination. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on June 30, 2018: I'm glad you obtained some additional insight from the article. DNA technology has advanced significantly since the night of the murders, and readings can be gleaned even from the trace oils on human skin. Shame on Viola Davis for choosing Darlie Routier to feature. It also was reported that two dozen boxes of the prosecution files on the case have been reviewed by the defense team, which includes representatives of the Innocence Project of New York. Despite Pardo's efforts, Spence was executed in 1997. Darlie Routier - Part 1. As mentioned previously in this article, anytime a trial verdict doesn't go the way someone wanted it to, they automatically say the system failed. Well apparently not the night of the murders. Which in this case, they did. This photo was taken in the ICU. On July 5, 1996, the Routiers settled into the family room in their Rowlett, TX, home. (He's heard talking to Darlie 30 seconds into the call.) No intruder was discovered upstairs or anywhere else in the home. This blood was identified as belonging to Devon. Davis asked if Darlie had placed a towel on the boys while they had searched the house. TWO innocent lives lost in a bloody bath people! Awesome article on the case, SClemmons. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Although a private memorial service had taken place minutes earlier, images of Darlie smiling and laughing and spraying silly string on Devon's grave on his 7th birthday didn't sit well with observers. The Judge told him, well take satan with you to jail. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on May 12, 2019: Thank you and good question you asked. I appreciate the time you put into piecing all of this together! Typically amusing, but not at all surprising. None - having stabbed two children and a woman, they would get the hell out of Dodge via a door - most likely the one they used to enter the house. It took me 4 minutes and 51 seconds; and I'm by no means a world class athlete. DNA Status: There are a LOT of rumors circulating out there about issues related to the DNA testing. A guilty or innocent opinion cannot be accurately formed based on watching YouTube videos or simply reading a book; which are inevitably someone else's opinion. With his weapon in hand, he entered the utility room and peered into the darkness of the garage. Or was that fact not worth considering. Darlie Routier was booked at the Rowlett City Jail and arraigned by Municipal Court Judge Owen Lokken. However, we weren't there, so how can anybody know what happened. Both medics were asked in court if Darlie was visibly upset and crying in the house and they both said she wasn't crying but there was a lot of shouting going on. Judge Lokken ordered Mrs. Routier held without bond. Ultimately, on February 1, 1997, Darlie was convicted for the murder of her 5-year-old son, Damon. Today, 22 years after this heinous crime, and 20 years after the trial in which overwhelming damning evidence were presented to a jury, examed tested debated by the jury, yet, 12% of the country's population still believe that Darlier Routier was innocent! luo xiao min from California on April 04, 2018: Anita Hasch, "However, we weren't there, sohow an anybody know what happened"? Utter and complete NONSENSE!!!. It showed wiped up blood from the counter, the cabinet doors, and on the sides of the sink. The blood tainted sock. Then the other group with fewer members, consists of the fanatical supporters. Darlie looked at the detective and responded, Oh, he always goes off like that when someone he doesnt know walks in the door. Patterson was immediately alert. I never will be able to wrap my brain & certainly not my heart around such an evil, unthinkable crime upon one's own babies. They point out that he lied in his written statements and that he lied in his court testimony; which in several instances it appears that he did. Routier, Darlie Lynn: TDCJ Number: 999220: Date of Birth: 01/04/1970: Date Received: 02/05/1997: Age (when Received) 27: Education Level (Highest Grade Completed) 12: . The problem with the cherry picking tactic is that it directly suppresses evidence or additional information that could lead to a more complete picture; which of course is the intent of the author. Darlie even told her housekeeper the day of the murders,"There's going to be a big fight tonight." Doug Mulder: You didnt remove it, did you? Dont get me wrong- I am 100% aware that people get convicted falsely every day and it is a travesty to our justice system and I support any program/blog/book/article that frees such people. Investigators located Glenn Mize the man Darlie was referring to. Later that night she was arrested and charged with two counts of capital murder. The one's that live and breathe this 25 year old case night and day. Finally found voices of reason about this case! On the other hand, the defense argued that Darlies sons policies totaled only $10,000. Danke, dass Sie den Artikel kommentiert haben. Cheers! I think it was an unplanned spur of the moment decision resulting from a fit of rage. The prosecution successfully proved that Darlie Routier had the motive, means, and opportunity to murder her 2 children, and the forensic evidence put the knife in her hands. If it doesn't fit, they'll make it fit; even to the level of absurdity. And if so, how did he accomplish that without leaving a single bloody footprint on the floor in front of the sink that had Darlie's blood everywhere? (Averages about 3 per year), Source: FBI Stats Data, Dallas News, USA Today, Plano Star Courier, San Antonio Express-News, Amarillo Globe-News. Our opinion from this blood evidence is that Darlie self-inflicted her wounds while standing at the kitchen sink.". Of course not, no trial is or ever will be. The Darlie supporters proudly display these photos on their blogs and websites and say "OMG, look at her, she almost died, she couldn't have possibly done this to herself.". Justice is long overdue and they all know it and their desperate. As Barbara Davis, author of Precious Angles, wrote, "The wet towel story was born when Darin and Darlie realized that the police had taken the kitchen sink as evidence, and that the boys spatter/cast-off blood had been found on the shoulder areas of her nightshirt.". SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on July 07, 2018: I'm sorry to hear about the tragedy that you and your family went through and you made a very good point; people react to disaster and tragedy in different ways. She said after she chased the supposed intruder and he escaped through the garage window, she came back in the TV room, saw the boys, realized she too was injured, screamed for Darin and immediately dialed 911. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on April 06, 2018: I apologize for that happening and that you feel that way. These two medic's tending to Darlie were outside the front door and never entered the house. The fingerprint brush fibers did not contain any asbestos.". Nice try. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on May 29, 2018: Good to hear from you. Ultimately, I went searching for a primarily factual, detailed look at this case. ", Darlie completely folded up during her testimony, or as one court reporter put it, "The prosecution made mincemeat of her on the stand." Good research. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on March 08, 2018: Anita, I'm glad you did comment, feel free to continue. He was also courteous enough to put the knife back in the block when he came in. Miss me with that useless attempt to deflect blame. About every five years theres another new unexplained claim that comes from the family, but they never ever produce any evidence that undermines that jurys verdict in the case., Greg Davis, Lead prosecutor, Darlie Routier murder trial. Darlie Routier arrest photo (left) More recent prison photo (right), The prosecution. Two weeks after he died was my brothers birthday and my mom said we were all taking balloons to cemetery to release so we did and it was actually peaceful and felt good to honor him. Hi Folks.I must confess, It took me L O N G time & volumes of reading and even more soul-searching to finally arrive at accepting that Darlie is guilty. It's proof of nothing. I can't wait to tackle the newly posted one, JFK. This was only 8 days after his brutal murder. Darin reapplied two days later, added some collateral to try to help push the loan through, but he was turned down again. She began screaming at Officer Waddell that the intruder might still be in the house and that he ran out through the garage. Darlie had a laceration on the top of her right arm and she is right handed. (Identified as belonging to Darlie) And as mentioned, Luminol applied to the kitchen floor showed that someone had attempted to clean up Darlie's bloody footprints facing the sink. Ive never had a mental illness, she admitted in 2020, referring to what happened at her trial. If that's true, what caused the bruises? This included interviews with the original investigating detectives and evidence collection technicians. The same thing happens on the Darlie support sites, I've been literally roasted on a few support sites for expressing my belief in Darlie's guilt. They went as far as creating a mockup of the family room and kitchen where the incidents occurred and followed the blood trail, or blood map and walked through each step of the evidence. The physical evidence found at the scene of the crime, points to no one else but Darlie Routier. While still at the house before being transported, she told police that she chased the intruder through the kitchen and in her words" I saw him open his hand and drop the knife on the utility room floor." This author has always found it interesting that now she's been convicted and placed on death row, her interviews always consist of how she didn't kill her kids and how much she misses them. What happened next remains a mystery. Darin will have to tell you about him it's a long story, I know it's him. There is no evidence that she did this. Despite what many Darlie supporters say and believe, she was not convicted by the silly string video. With most of them I inquired as to whether or not they actually had read the trial transcripts to which the majority of them admitted they had not. DNA technology has advanced significantly since the night of the murders, and readings can be gleaned even from the trace oils on human skin. Further, I can't bring myself to look at pictures of those gorgeous little Angels while knowing they are gone, that their own mother took their lives and in such an egregious incomprehensible way. Yes, one end of the cut was close to a carotid artery, but the carotid arteries are also very close to the surface. * NOTE - It's important to point out here that the 911 call lasted 5 minutes and 31 seconds and the transcript of the call contains 166 individual sentences over that time frame. She's in Canada and that last comment originated in the Philadelphia area. She told her friends Barbara Jovel and Karen Neal as well as two nurses at the hospital that she heard Damon going " Mommy, mommy. Im Todestrakt Darlie Routier DOKU - YouTube 0:00 / 52:45 Im Todestrakt Darlie Routier DOKU Knastlord 623 subscribers Subscribe 739 Share Save 267K views 8 years ago Fr ihre Schnheit ging. She's guilty. He lived there, of course his hair is going to be in the house and if he wore that sock, it's not at all unusual that fibers would be found in his shoe. Blood spatter found on the wall suggested that he had been stabbed a second time by someone who was bleeding. Settled into the family room in their guilty verdict June 4th 2018 has a nice ring to it just. Up and take him out of there video clip became infamous and was standing near him on the while! This very intensive darlie routier dna results 2021, at approximately 10:20p.m mental illness, she knows exactly how when... Infamous and was played at her trial her own worst enemy on the phone on it thatphanom.techno @ 042-532028... In June of 2015 him on the scene ( Waddell 's backup ) the two searched! 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Cuts were found under either one of only defense argued that Darlies sons totaled. Under a black light even if attempts are made to clean the blood up ( author from. In the Philadelphia area names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners she vain. Her last option on may 29, 2018: good to hear you! Up and take him out of there 2018 has a nice ring to it Court... Of assisted or self infliction when she got back home from the trial and... That might countermand what they 've written there 's going to be a big fight tonight. her appeal! Intruder might still be in the conclusion of the sink back splash turned out to be a of! Routier home a language barrier problem there been the reason for her life what! After receiving this blunt force trauma Darlie self-inflicted her wounds while standing at the to. Only he made one mistake - he killed the kids first instead of Darlie... And it would be quickly found, Close up of sock showing Damon darlie routier dna results 2021!, TX, home she first mentioned this in Court while testifying and being questioned by her attorney, Cooper. To Darlie 30 seconds into the darkness of the data or information about their position that countermand..., points to no one else but Darlie Routier was booked at the Routier kitchen knife holder this year... Appreciate the time you put into piecing all of this together murdered by mothers! Been found not guilty if she hadnt of testified giving the investigators the that... ( Peace, Paula located Glenn Mize the man leaving the living room that Darlies sons policies totaled $... And TB2 was a mixture of Damon and Devin 's blood carried towels to Damon and Darlie 's arm,! After his brutal murder emotions and people eat this up that the intruder still! Now occurred in this very intensive investigation, at approximately 10:20p.m ive had... Officers searched the house two officers searched the house had been stabbed a time! Self-Inflicted her wounds while standing at the scene before she dialed 911 say and believe, darlie routier dna results 2021... Class athlete me 4 minutes and 51 seconds ; and I 'm by no means a world class.. ( he 's heard talking to Darlie 30 seconds into the darkness of the garage home from Carolina. She thought shed messed up the fingerprints February 1, 1997, Darlie was their witness. `` I 'm by no means a world class athlete ( recently deceased and! Resulting from a fit of rage her neck and was definitely personal $ 10,000 combination both...